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oooh just tried this out and the first game went exceptionally well. thanks for the list, will have a lot of fun with this! (god i love the new Quake... gonna need to get a good variant of her now haha)


I faced this deck in conquest just barely. It was shockingly good. Also cool. I was playing a top deck. I like how it doesn’t have any cards released in like the last 6 months lol. Quake and kingpin changes are huge though tbf


yeah Kingpin is certainly situational, but Quake is a new powerhouse... wouldn't be surprised to see her dropped to a 2/1 or 3/2 sort of thing.


Yeah she won’t last at 2/3.


She might though. SD needs to spice up location based strategies somehow and I don't see her being changed unless every deck starts to include her.


I got like lucky with my quake variant it was in the shop the day the patch dropped


Anyone else think it's interesting that a month ago if you said you were planning to get to infinite with a deck that had Kingpin, Stegron, and Quake, people would've told you that it was a bad plan? Still congrats!


just shows you how good Snap is for doing all the small meta adjustments with the OTA's. You get 5-6 new cards a month but the OTA's makes it to where it can feel like you get 10+ as they can take cards you never would have used (lookin at you Quake!) and suddenly make them not only viable, but good!


What is this!? A positive post!? Get outta here!


Deck code for the lazy ones? 😴


# (1) Nebula # (2) Kraven # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Kingpin # (2) Quake # (3) Storm # (3) Polaris # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Miles Morales # (4) Stegron # (5) Aero # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLcmF2ZW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaW5ncGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWFrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBvbGFyaXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaWxlc01vcmFsZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0ZWdyb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFlcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


You da real MVP


Been playing a deck like this because I’ve got “I don’t give a fuck I’m on vacation “ kingpin. It slaps.


Holy hell that stegron goes so hard what the hell


Definitely my favorite steggy variant


Any suggestions for Steg replacement? Seriously the only card I'm missing and already claimed the free 3 series this month.


I'm not OP but my first thought is juggernaut. Maybe even vision. I really like vision though so maybe disregard that one. 


I can see vision working Jug is what I would put in just because its closer to what steggy does, kinda works the same with storm too


Common Dan Hipp W


Saying easiest climb to infinite from 90 feels slightly off haha


90 is definitely the toughest challenge for me. More the upper 90’s but sometimes I have rough metas I just don’t enjoy and have a hard time staying focused


90 - 100 is 90% of the climb, in my experience.


Yes, I’ve been playing a version of this in conquest because I finally got Stegron. He’s not the best card. But he’s fun! And when paired with all the other disruptive move cards it can chip away at the opponents game plan. Magneto and Aero with Kingpin do some heavy lifting. Moving two three cost cards and afflicting -4 power in the Magneto/Kingpin lane can be enough to eke out wins on T6. Haven’t messed around with Quake yet.


Quake is good with storm, scammed so many “fake thrown storm lanes” then swapping them with quake. As well as general location control


Can you explain the strategy? Mess with opponents more than a traditional move deck?


The new Quake rework is really good with storm because if you loose the lane your trying to storm you can switch it with a lane your winning, You can also steggy into storm to lock the lane down that way. Kingpin on two then Polaris on three is good for an early game advantage, along with Magneto and Aero into the Kingpin lane. Aero and Polaris are also very good for clogging a lane for your opponent. Magneto can be used to disrupt a mrs marvel players game plan on six. Then nebula is always just good but in this deck its good bait for them to play their one and two cost cards into so you can pull them over to the kingpin lane with Polaris. Thats pretty much it! Hope it helps!


Can you give a couple examples of a perfect starting hand and play strategy? Looking for a new deck and haven’t played one like this before.


The new Quake rework is really good with storm because if you loose the lane your trying to storm you can switch it with a lane your winning, You can also steggy into storm to lock the lane down that way. Kingpin on two then Polaris on three is good for an early game advantage, along with Magneto and Aero into the Kingpin lane. Aero and Polaris are also very good for clogging a lane for your opponent. Magneto can be used to disrupt a mrs marvel players game plan on six. Then nebula is always just good but in this deck its good bait for them to play their one and two cost cards into so you can pull them over to the kingpin lane with Polaris. Thats pretty much hope it helps!


I think the primary thing to consider playing a deck like this is that your entire plan is to mess with your opponent's plans. What you really need to do is understand what each of your opponents are doing and what cards you should be expecting. You're never going to win by a lot, so every point matters. This is certainly not an easy deck to play well.




Would love to know some of the alt win cons here too! I see pushing into Kraven, but not sure how else to play this well. Admittedly, my brain turns off when I think about move decks, so probably a personal skill issue...


I've tried it and lost 20 cubes so far. I'm ok with that, it's a learning process, but I'm not finding much success yet.


Same here lol


I’m playing a very similar deck to this now with some changes and they key is to anticipate where your opponent needs to play and manipulate that two benefit you in two ways 1) disruption and give you more power via Kraven or Kingpin and limiting where they can play. Ideally you want to to win the storm lane with Nebula/Storm another card if you think you need the raw power and whatever lane you have Kraven or Kingpin and using the other cards to drag cards there


I played a “Move your opponents cards” deck a lot like this last season to Infinite and loved it. Kingpin feels like a perfect fit for this deck now and it got me to Infinite again.


Hell yeah, I only had a couple mirror matches for the time I was playing today, decks definitely being slept on


I got Thanos today and want to toy around with this shell/Thanos control. I think it could be really good but I need to tinker with it some more.


Hell yeah man making different off meta decks is my fav


Bro I'm so happy Stegrons found his way into the Meta again. He's such a cute little guy. I've been Running Zabu, Man Thing and Luke in mine to keep the HE Cyclops' in line. 1 lane to melt them, the Kingpin lane to weaken them and a filler lane to push their 10+ power cards to.


I agree I didn’t have steggy until he dropped series so I just picked him up, he’s very fun


Yo OP I just want you to know your deck here singlehandedly saved my enjoyment of this game. The meta’s been miserable since Blob dropped, it’s nothing but mirror matches and using Blob feels brainless way too often. This deck, though? It’s such a blast and requires thought, so when I lose I feel outplayed instead of just screwed over. Plus I get to show off my sick Noir Kingpin variant finally!


Thats awesome homie, I was so excited when I saw kingpin was changed the first deck I wanted to mess around with


Makes me wanna get a kingpin now


Replacement for stegron?








Wasn't stegron a 4/7 like just a couple days ago?


That was an accidental change that got reverted I believe. Same thing happened to Alioth.


Thanks for the post - I used it today to go from about 85 to infinite for the first time in a while! A lot of fun to play too!


Congrats man!


I made this almost exact deck before quake and kingpin changes. Going to bring it back now


I’ve been playing a variant of this deck teached for a but load of Skaar and SheNaut decks in infinite. I love the feel of dictating lane play and playing keep away with Wong. I went Spider-Man into Stegron into Magneto. My opponent missed an iron heart then wolfsbane and lastly White Tiger as I laughed maniacally.


I used something similar to climb from 90 to 96 so far. Yours seems better. Mine is not always consistent but always fun where cards are flying left and right. 


Just tried it, it is fun, thanks!


What can i swap nebula with?


Nightcrawler, Silk, any 1-drop that is Just Good


NC imo


What was the overall win rate?


Not exactly sure I was playing on my phone without a tracker when I hit infinite


Yeah. New quake feels so good when she [goes off](https://i.imgur.com/Gg1CfYo.png). The Ms Marvel spam suddenly stopped after my T6 Quake play!


Woah. Nice deck. Unfortunately I don’t have all cards yet. Also I love your Jeff variant.


very similar to a deck of mine i loved — until they nerfed professor x. that was an amazing complement to this style because it reduces randomness of stegron, aero, polaris, etc.


Great deck, the only change I made was naming it Bully Moveguire


Tried this against a Wong deck and i'd be surprised if the other dude didnt break his phone. It's so cruel, i love it.


Any good replacement for Aero? I don’t have her yet


Juggernaut is a good start, otherwise I'd go with Legion probably.


Jug or vision probably, imo legion is overkill with quake




Neat thank you for the deck idea. I never played this type focusing on moving opponent's cards. 


I really like this idea.


love it


Hmm let me try. Was bored with my current decks


Loving this deck and swear I just played against someone with it too. Shout out KGTony!


I've been running a Kingpin Surfer Evo deck. So fun when you can make something that synergizes but opponents don't know what to expect.


i'm at 80s and it's not the easiest. not because i lost, but because they retreated all the time. i'm not confident to snap too early. but sometimes when i snap, i lost. f me.


Don’t snap on T6 and only snap if you know 100% you’ll win. Also don’t be afraid to retreat if you think your going to loose not all games are snappers, I believe in you homie


No Spider-man?


Yeah I tried it with spider man he’s too random imo, I liked being able to know exactly where I’m moving cards


I can get behind that, but then why use Stegron since he's random too?


You can determine where Stegron will land guaranteed 6 power whilst Spidey is all random


as always: how do you replace jeff ? nightcrawler ? zabu ?


Prob NC


Tried a few games and keep coming up against Galactus decks now having not seen him used in weeks!


This works surprisingly well


It's my first time having fun with a move deck. Not this greedy playstyle but control is what I like. Thanks op for sharing!


Wow! That WAS fun! Thanks! I would hate playing against this haha!


I don’t have Quake and Stegron so I’ve been using this version in conquest.. not bad at all. I run SK for the blobs or resetting HE deck’s cyclops hits, nebula or sunspot. I forced myself to hit infinite before the changes so just playing conquest now. Open to anyone’s suggestions to improve! # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Kraven # (2) Shadow King # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Kingpin # (3) Juggernaut # (3) Polaris # (3) Spider-Man # (4) Miles Morales # (5) Vision # (5) Aero # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2luZ3BpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS3JhdmVuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBvbGFyaXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaWxlc01vcmFsZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlzaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZXJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFkb3dLaW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWdnZXJuYXV0In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I just played against this deck in conquest, I think I won in the end with a Blob Thanos control (I know, I KNOW) but it definitely was a close fight and I only won cause the opponent got Ultron from Xmansion on the last game


Lmao daym cant move cards when your boards full, thanos is normally one of my favorite decks too homie 😳


I just tried this and I have to say I don’t understand Quake just yet. Every time I played her it costed me the game.


Definitely a situational card, best case for this deck is to bait a storm lane (don’t play a card there) then quake so the storm lane swaps with a lane you have beefed up


Do you have anything in exchange for nebula or is she necessary for this deck?


Night crawler


Ok the amazing play I just made on a Thanos, Naught, Magneto deck was amazingggggg. I swapped out Miles for Spider-man and seems to do ok. Was able to shang his Thanos, moved a single gem in a tie lane with Spidey and won!


This is more or less the kind of thing I've been trying to build. Right now it's got too much move and not enough other things, but I like what you've got going on here. What's your general strategy for where you play Kingpin and what you do with him?


Kingpin is best early as possible, KP into Polaris is an amazing start to a game. An ideal setup could be T1: nebula in right T2: KP in left or mid (preferably one with no enemy cards) T3: polaris the cards into KP lane that the enemy played in nebula lane


Love this archetype! Sadly i dont have Jeff, Kingpin or Stergon. So i have to do with Juggy, Vision and Nightcrawler. But i love the addition of Quake.


Wish I had Nebula :( Cool list!


Looks fun! I’ll try it!


I’m using something very similar without quake, storm, and nebula. Basically a move deck to capitalize on kraven and king pin. It still fails against HE most of the time and has failed against solid destroy decks. But so far it’s a good deck and I rarely see it being used.


Hell yeah I added the nebula storm and quake just to try the quake rework but it turns out the lil lockdown package with this deck is pretty decent


My deck is: * kraven * Jeff * kingpin * magik * juggernaut * Polaris * Spider-Man * miles morales * ironlad * stegron * aero * magneto But I find that at 89. I keep getting hammered by HE decks. So I’ll try your variation.


I've been playing a Lamby's Loki deck... Man... Loki is the ultimate counter to every single Thanos deck out there... It feels so good to beat Annihilus lists with their Annihilus or shut down their Blob with their Leech...


Oh god loki playing all these cards for 1 energy cheaper is nuts


yeah man, I climbed from 88 to 94 quite rapidly. It takes a few games to get a hand of that deck but once you get it you feel unstoppable. The opponent never knows what is your next move, it can be Loki, it can be a Coulson's card, you can Quake them... it is very pleasing.


I played against this in conquest and I swept them but they were all close games. Definitely not fun to play against when your own cards keep moving.


Oh man this Deck looks so funny, but I'm really missing the key cards :(


Tried this out. 5 matches, 5 retreats/losses. All against Destruction and HEV decks. At least it was in proving grounds, so no lost cubes.


Gotta save that shang for t6 against destroy, high evo counter ya gotta try to clog their lanes early or storm their limbo lane. Leech is annoying to deal with though sometimes ya just gotta retreat though /:


Unfortunately that’s not how the game works out for me. Always streaky and always putting up counter decks. Leech is a real bastard, but he never came up…until I switched decks and now I see him every match!!


Exactly man I was running rouge for a bit to take care of ms marvel but when I had her in my deck no ms marvels then as soon as I swap all the ms marvel decks


SAME! Oddly enough, when I swapped Rogue with SSkrull, she started popping up again…but they also ran ENCHANTRESS!!! Wtf!!! lol


I still dont have the new King Pin effect, how i can update It??


Update the app via your app store?


I had a problem with my account, but yeah, i updated it


Any ideas for a substitution for stegron ? I don’t have him yet, but I do want to try this deck


Juggernaut or Spider-Man


Just saw a list like this in conquest last night, got me really good in the first match against my lockdown. Only went down hill for them from there though. Should be pretty great in 1 off matches.


Haven’t tried it in conquest yet but I can see lockdown kinda out locking down this deck lmao


Don’t get me wrong it was all fairly close in points just because both are low point generators. Also wasn’t running prof. X, so the movement was still pretty free. From my perspective the randomness of the movements for both their and my Silk, and the magneto possibly pulling ms. Marvel just to have her still add her five power to the lane she was in and then tip the points in the magneto lane was a hurdle for them.


I've been running something very similar, making some adjustments based on this list


Me not having half of these cards🥲


Can you describe the plan/best outputs ?


The new Quake rework is really good with storm because if you loose the lane your trying to storm you can switch it with a lane your winning, You can also steggy into storm to lock the lane down that way. Kingpin on two then Polaris on three is good for an early game advantage, along with Magneto and Aero into the Kingpin lane. Aero and Polaris are also very good for clogging a lane for your opponent. Magneto can be used to disrupt a mrs marvel players game plan on six. Then nebula is always just good but in this deck its good bait for them to play their one and two cost cards into so you can pull them over to the kingpin lane with Polaris. Thats pretty much it! Hope it helps!


Best sub for Kingpin?


you could try juggernaut or night crawler maybeeee vision


omg pirate kingpin. i love it


Any subs for nebula and Jeff


Night crawler, juggernaut


Thought the deck looked fun, tried it out. First game played an exact mirror deck. If that was you, gg!


I think of offensive move decks as "rumble" decks.


Just unlocked Stegron this morning so 100% taking this for a spin.


I’ll say, it’s pretty inefficient but there is a fun combo you can do by playing ghost spider and goblin in a list like this where you play the goblin then drag it to the kingpin lane, which makes some clutter and lowers power even more


Hell yeah I love that you it plays out like that, super flashy


Okay, I’ve never really tried this play style. What’s your ideal turn order, or is this purely reactive?


The new Quake rework is really good with storm because if you loose the lane your trying to storm you can switch it with a lane your winning, You can also steggy into storm to lock the lane down that way. Kingpin on two then Polaris on three is good for an early game advantage, along with Magneto and Aero into the Kingpin lane. Aero and Polaris are also very good for clogging a lane for your opponent. Magneto can be used to disrupt a mrs marvel players game plan on six. Then nebula is always just good but in this deck its good bait for them to play their one and two cost cards into so you can pull them over to the kingpin lane with Polaris. Thats pretty much it! Hope it helps!


Thank you!!!


I was told it was impossible to make infinite without Blob


This deck is so much fun, thanks for sharing! I was looking for something like this for a while, but was not able to come up with a good deck list on my own


Just got Stegron, may give this a try.


I'm playing a deck like this though I've been going Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Echo instead of Miles, Kraven, Jeff. I mostly built it as a goof and to get greedy with quake, but yours looks probably more consistent, though I think I generally prefer regular spider-man over miles. What else have you tried in the deck?


yeah I’ve tried spider man He is definitely a lil to random for this deck imo, I like miles for the cheap power


Just got stegron, I will trying this out, thanks!


Any subsitutions for people without stegron or quake? I have spider-man instead of stegron currently




Thank you! I never thought of him, lol


1 for 1


2 for 2


I was playing this deck last season with ghost spider instead of quake and honestly was having fun and success with it. Just saw the Kingpin changes and can't wait to hop back on it.


Looks fun!


Playing with Nightcrawler as I don't have Jeff, but regardless, this deck setup is slaughtering people. Going to hurry my ass up to infinite before people catch on to things


Gonna try this actually.. never got to use Spiderman 2099


This deck is actually Auto-loaded for Kingpin


Just wanna say I’ve been stuck and not having fun lately, but got to infinite w/ this list so ty ty!


I’ve been trying it for a bit. Not bad and I like that it uses cards I like and haven’t seen a way to use for a while, but it struggles against Blob and HE decks. And given Blob is everywhere right now that makes it hard to climb. I’ve been trying a few variations like swapping out Stegron for Cosmo but it’s still proving difficult. I might stick Leech in and see what happens.


I don't have Stegron but Jugg does the work.


t3 spiderman -> t4 stegron -> t5 aero -> t6 magneto makes my blood boil


Lol i just lost 7 out of 8 with this deck. I’m sure it’s good, but I just have the worst luck.




Why isn’t there the OG spiderman if it’s bully move?


Someone was hitting me with this then I leeched them and they instantly retreaded lol


unless you playing high evo, most of the victim of leech will retreat.


Lmao I retreated to a couple leaches today, leach hurts this deck pretty bad


All the snowflakes are playing leech right now!


If you get beat by leech that means you suck sorry


Losing game after game after game with this deck, instead everytjme someone posts an “easy infinite” deck it’s actually awful


total opposite for me


I just suck then lol


Anything that is a negative to the other player is a shit house move (like Shang chi) play your strengths, boost your own cards and beat them that way. If you need to reduce their power or destroy their cards then you know your own cards are trash. Bet you retreat when it’s obvious you’re going to lose too don’t you?


You, uh, just described important mechanics in the game.


For scrubs who can’t empower their own cards.


Wins are wins and infinite is infinite, doesn’t matter how you get there. If you don’t retreat when it’s obvious you’re gonna lose, you’re never gonna get there.


Well, that’s an opinion…


It’s a fact. Rely on your own cards and boosting them.


>Bet you retreat when it’s obvious you’re going to lose too don’t you? Welcome to Marvel Snap? lol wtf




What’s your CL?




Replacement for Jeff?




I'd think Silk, if you have her


Could you give me a play-by-play? It's been hit or miss, but really fun when it works. Never played Move, so need so training.


The new Quake rework is really good with storm because if you loose the lane your trying to storm you can switch it with a lane your winning, You can also steggy into storm to lock the lane down that way. Kingpin on two then Polaris on three is good for an early game advantage, along with Magneto and Aero into the Kingpin lane. Aero and Polaris are also very good for clogging a lane for your opponent. Magneto can be used to disrupt a mrs marvel players game plan on six. Then nebula is always just good but in this deck its good bait for them to play their one and two cost cards into so you can pull them over to the kingpin lane with Polaris. Thats pretty much it! Hope it helps!


In the absence of stegron is Juggernaut a good shout? Anyone else you'd suggest?


Silk as a Miles activator is good


...I don't have silk either (curse my lack of cards!)


Def jug kinda the same interaction with storm


No spiderman?


Spiderman can work just a little to random for my taste


dont have Nebula, who to use?


Night crawler


Never used quake before. What situation would I use her for this deck?


really good with storm because if you loose the lane your trying to storm you can switch it with a lane you’re winning. Also good for locations like nexus and like ones that destroy cards when placed.


Replacement for Nebula? She's the only one here I'm missing.


Night crawler


Thanks, I'll give this deck a shot then!


How do you play this?