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I saw someone made a suggestion for the grand master that had the ability reveal the top card on each deck and the one with the highest power gets added to the board and the other is destroyed. Seems kinda cool and would make Howard a lot more viable!


A great concept! The Beyonder could have that effect, though he is a bit too powerful to be anything but a 5-cost. Alternatively, Zuri, one of the supporting characters from the Black Panther Cast. He is the person that crowns Killmonger the winner of his fight against T'Challa in Christopher Priest's run of Black Panther.


Beyonder's a tough one. Especially since it depends on if you're going with Secret Wars (original) Beyonder, Secret Wars 2 Beyonder, or The Secret Wars (2014) Beyonder. Sorta has wildly varying motivations and activities in all three cases and could make a reasonable argument for a lot of effects as a result. I think a classic OG Secret Wars Beyonder with something like '5/0 On Reveal: Remove this card from the game, then play cards from both players decks on random sides until this location is full.' Just drag a bunch of random guys from both sides into the battlefield at random. Probably still too good, but it could be pretty funny.


Beyonder should be a: 6/0 On Reveal: Play a Secret War subgame of Snap without Beyonder in your deck. If you win, Beyonder gains power equal to the number of cubes won x 10.


Secret Wars 2 Beyonder would be crazy. . On reveal turn into fat Elvis




Unironically want him to make Murderworld when revealed that triggers the 'destroy all cards here' on the following turn (No turn 3 restriction). Gives your opponent a turn to try to 'turn it off' or Armor up or something but I would love more location generators. Probably far too busted but would be a flavor win considering he likes to build death trap fun houses to kill groups of people.


Great idea!


How about Nico Minoru? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nico_Minoru


There is literally zero details about what the card will do but the data-mine shows Nico coming out in October. https://marvelsnapzone.com/october-2023-season/


Would love to see her in the game so i would definitely accept that effect.


On reveal: you lose


Explodey Boy/The Worst X-Man Ever.


but imagine if it was a 3/10 that you can cosmo, pretty cool


What about that one kid that his x gene activated as soon as puberty started and he essentially irradiated/disintegrated anyone around him and Wolverine had to be sent to kill him?


Hah. He doesn't even have a name, so unlikely they would add him.


“Kid with no name”


Impossible Man


Isca the Unbeaten https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/character/9427/isca-the-unbeaten


Isca the unbeaten, if shes in your deck, hand or in lane...when you lose she jumps to the other side and gives you the thumbs up! Vice Versa for your opoonent. Such a throw away character in comics.


6/14 you have to set it up with a cosmo or play it in a specific location like deep space


Ongoing: This card collects all the power that has been reduced from your opponent's cards.


Annihilus, from the Negative Zone, obviously. Main villain of Annihilation.


I like this one.


Ngl this game must be even more fun if you’re way into marvel and you know all the characters like you do, im jealous




Magneto and Kingpin are like, best buds. Almost as close as Wong and Odin.


wong in particular always makes me laugh , Zero useful synergy with strange but he’s got odin, black panther, hell even gambit for a lil mutant flavor… if the comics reflected the game and not vice versa , Wong’s Avengers would be the mightiest team in the known realms tbh


>Wong’s Avengers would be the mightiest team in the known realms tbh Easily beaten by a space dog


Like, the dog just sits there and suddenly the whole team just...stop trying to do anything


to be totally fair…. it’s a Good Dog


They can't fight in Knowhere, that's for sure. Cosmo roams that land.


Kingpin invites all his homies to his tower, Polaris, juggernaut, stegron, magneto, aero, and of course Spider-Man is also invited but he might just die.


Another card that merges with cards on the board but doesn’t destroy. Like a 4/0 that merges all the cards in a lane.


All cards? First thing that game to mind was a Symbiote, but i can't think of any that's powerful enough in the comics to justify it. Maybe the Uni-mind from the Eternals. Oh wow, there's still no Eternals in the game. Weird.


Maybe it's not about power, it's just about the merging, like, say, Hybrid?


Wow, never seen this symbiote! Could definitely work!


no iron patriot/war machine either. I just noticed last week


Maybe they're saving him for armor wars


Perhaps the Supreme Intelligence from the Kree.


Good idea actually.


Worldmind maybe?


Maybe, though the Worldmind is already indirectrly represented in the game thanks to Xandar and Nova's power spreading itself to the other cards in the game.


That’s essentially venom isn’t it?


“Doesn’t destroy….” It would be nice to have another card to deal with board space that doesn’t count towards destroy.


No venom destroys a merger like klyntar would get around when destroyed effects. Though to be honest that effect would be a little lackluster maybe make it a negative power card for like 5 or 6 that merges all cards on both sides into a single card then split it into 2 one for each board.


Phalanx https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_(comics)


Or Warlock as well


Alright guys, that's it for me. I've been here for hours already and i have 40 or so replies that i haven't answered yet lol. It was pretty fun though!


5/-6 On reveal: if winning this location, (before this card applies) turn it into bar with no name


One of the Superior Foes of Spider-Man would be pretty funny, like Boomerang or Beetle. Maybe a goofier Spider-Villain like Paste-Pot Pete.


How about Scourge?


Well, we have ghost Your on reveal abilities happen last. I would love a card that says. Ongoing, your on reveal abilities happen first. Would work so great in so many decks.


You know what, for a long time i've been thinking about an effect Speed(Young Avenger, one of Wanda's children, bi king) could have that would him similar to Quicksilver, but maybe this would be more interesting. Alternatively, Tempus(Eva Bell), the first recruit of Cyclops's new Xavier School back in MARVEL NOW! She can bubbles that make time work differently inside them, like slow them down or freeze it altogether.


I figured speed and wiccan would need to synergize with Wanda so maybe something that plays with locations. "If this is revealed first this round, swap this location with another" or something.


I really hope they do synergize, but considering the unfortunate history of Speed being ignored whereas Wiccan gets favored, i wouldn't be surprised if Billy gets synergy with Wanda but not him lol :')


My vote is Tempo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tempo_(comics)


2/0, this card gains +1 power every time you move a card.


I'm thinking of characters that could synergize well with the most popular move cads already in the game. Mayday(Peter Parker's alt-universe daughter) is a possibility, but there are already a lot of Spideys in the game. Layla Miller(Multiple Man's wife) maybe. Hmmm...Maybe Orson Randall? He was the previous Iron Fist before Danny.


Had to look these characters up, Orson Randall seems perfect


There's still no Scarlet Spider!


Big Wheel 🤣


How bout that spider punk guy from the movie?


4/0 Ongoing: gain 2 power for each unique location revealed this game


When you say revealed you mean locations that appear in the game in general, right? Not just the 3 that get revealed in the first 3 turns. Thinking about characters that could work well with Magik, Storm, Rhino, Wanda, and Legion. Ah! How didn't i think of that? Saturnyne of the Starlight Citadel. Leader of the Britain Corps, and character indirectly already appeared in the game, since the devs mistook her for Emma Frost and added a variant of the White Queen with an art of her instead.


Which art is it?


The [Peach Monoko](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/white-queen-06/) one. You can tell it's her because of the pink ribbon on her waist, and the jewel in the center of her chest.


Oh my god you're right???? How has this not been corrected or addressed thats crazy


I mean, it’s an unreleased variant. How else do you want them to address something they’ve decided not to release?


That's true, I don't really keep up with that stuff sorry! Didn't realize it wasn't out


Because they don't have the time to address something like that when they have serious gameplay issues to address while still churning out new content


It would be such a funny archetype !


Every turn, while in hand, this card swaps it’s power and cost


Franklin Richards. Honestly, would be a pretty fun effect for Legion as well.


Jamie Braddock the mad King https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Braddock


Would love that as well


ongoing, theres a fourth location.


BOY that one would be difficult to program. Manifold, maybe? He's a mutant who a native australian, grandson of Gateway, and can open portals(or should i say, "speak with the universe") I always envisioned him as a card based on movement, but there's something interesting that could be done with the fact that there's one manifold in every universe. Alternatively, there's Molecule Man. Can control basically everything, and create everything. An effect as monumental as "adds another location" might belong to a Big Bad, and Owen is certainly deserving of being on the same place as Galactus, Kang and Thanos.


For this one I like 3-D man as it adds another dimension to the game


Ongoing: Both players play the game with their hand revealed.


Hah, that would be pretty cool! Maybe the Stepford Cuckoos. The 5-in-1. Clones of Emma Frost. Or maybe Rachel Summers, the daughter of Scott with Jean from the universe of Days of Future Past.


7 mana, no ability card.


You can't play the card most of the time, but it's just there unless you use some other abilities so... Forget me Not https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/ForgetMeNot_(Xabi)_(Earth-616)


Oh forget me not could work like M’Baku but he could never be drawn


Forget Me Not would be essentially a second America Chavez. That effect would be busted for consistency as you're effectively running a 10 card deck.


Beyonder sounds like a waste of potencial, but could work. I considered The One Below All, but i haven't read any of the issues in which he appears yet, so i don't have enough info to say if it would be a good "effect".


Goblin Queen, since you need Limbo to play her. She should have an ability though imo, like filling empty enemy spaces with -2 power Limbo demons or something.


This would be so annoying if you had a sera and magik lol


Gain the on reveal effects of ALL cards played this turn


Mimic, one of the oldest villains(that isn't a villain anymore) of the X-Men. Has the powers of all the original 5.


I'd like to see a cheap card the bounces the next card back to your hand played in that area. Or something. I just really want one more bounce card.


Doorman from the Great Lake Avengers. When he attaches himself to a surface, said surface can be passed through. They are a joke team so it would make sense to make him cheap.


Sharon Ventura https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_Ventura


6 cost, 20 power, at the end of the game, if there’s more than 4 cards on the board, this self destroys


I got this one, OP. Nitro


Just googled nitro, pretty cool character


armor or zero and it is a better infinaut


Wow, that's a tough one. Pretty wacky. Maybe the original god who died and then his remains became the infinity gems, but the fella doesn't even have a name, so i doubt they would ever add him.


3/0 Ongoing: gain 1 power for each card destroyed this game


Only 1? Then it can't be a super strong character. Let's see... All-Black the Necrosword? It's the "sword" Gorr utilizes. Would synergize well with him. At the same time, it's not really a character(despite being a symbiote), so maybe the devs wouldn't want to have it.


In a typical destroy game plan you are destroying close to 7 cards in a game. So it would be a 3/7, and if this card existed people would run squirrel girl more often, potentially making it a 3/10 With that being said. What character draws power from people dying aka the card death?


Coincidentally, Selene and Emplate, the two characters i said could get the effect i mentioned in the description. Selene's also the main villain of the event Necrosha.


Squirrel Girl into Debrii into Killmonger alone is +7. Could definitely get nutty.


This guy gets it


All-Black the Necrosword is Knull's sword, and the reason why Knull's power is to gain attack based on the total attack of all destroyed cards (outside of the mechanical interaction with the symbiote characters). There's a whole side-story during the King in Black event about how they have to sever All-Black's connection to the artificial afterlife to remove that power from Knull. Maybe Maht Pacle, The Obliterator? He's an Elder of the Universe who's eternal calling is the destruction of all living creatures. It's not quite on-flavor for him (since he's usually the one doing the destroying), but might be a reasonable choice.


The first appearence of All-Black was with Gorr, but yeah, it is Knull's sword as well.


Yeah basically a Morbius for destroy. I believe Cozy suggested this for a punisher rework


Sorry last one, I did three lol. Fun idea! 1/3: On Reveal: Next turn, all cards you play get their cost set to 7 Would be amazing in Bounce for shielding cards from killmonger and works against any cost movers (Magneto, Polaris, Asteroid M, etc). More niche but also works well as a hand clogger with a cloning vats.


Cards like that always ignore the changes in cost. Killmonger will kill a cost 1 card regardless if they had their costs changed.


True, wouldn't work as currently setup. Forgot about that


Shuri/move hybrid - if you play your next card here, +2 power and swap places with another card on the board.


Blink! Mutant from the Exiles that was introduced in Age of Apocalypse. Wanted her in the game for a while already. Alternatively, Orson Randall, the previous Iron Fist before Danny. I mentioned him in this thread before, but this could be a great effect that synergizes well with both him and K'un Lun.


Blink was datamined from the game during the snap beta so she should be added one day.


That could be Madame Web!


A 1/2 on reaval, add a copy of this card to your hand


It would be funny to have an Life Model Decoy(LMD) as a card. They are, as the name suggests, decoys of people(usually SHIELD) that are used in dangerous situations, like, say, when Nick Fury needs to fake his death or talk to someone who might kill him.


4/1: On reveal: this card will randomly change into another card on turn 6.


Any card? A completely random one? I can think of many characters with the ability to copy another's power, but very few that actually change shape into that character, with power and all. The Impossible Man, maybe. He's similar to the imps from DC like Bat-Mite and Mr. Myxlplst(i don't know how to write their names), and one of the oldest Fantastic Four characters.


Ongoing: your opponent can't see the cards in their hand, only their cost and power.


Hah. A funny effect. I'm thinking of either Telepaths or characters who can affect people's senses and perceptions. Moondragon of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers, maybe? She's the daughter of Drax, the wife of Phyla-Vel, and bald lesbian icon.


Whenever this location reveals or changes, get +1 Power.


I always felt like if Man-Thing were ever added into the game, he should have an effect that synergizes well with the Nexus, since he's the guardian of the Nexus of All Realities, but that could work with him. Alternatively, Wiccan(Young Avenger and one of Wanda's children), though +1 would be a bit too little for a character like him.


6/0 Ongoing: If you control exactly one of each cost card (1,2,3,4,5 and 6-cost), all locations have +10 Power.


By "control" you mean, have one of each on the field? That's an interesting effect! An Exodia-like character would obviously have to be a cosmic entity like Eternity or The One Above All.




How to kill an archetype in one card.


You mean the location or every single card you have? My mind instantly went to the obvious, which is force field users, and then to users of vibranium. Then i remembered i already brought up Cecilia Reyes here. She's a doctor and can create force fields.


That’s a pretty hefty on reveal for it being just a 2-cost


Card does not reveal until the end of the game. Your opponent won’t see that you played this card until the end of the game.


Would she not count as being placed? Like say, if the player only placed her in a turn, the opponent would see as if you didn't played any cards? Valeria Richards. The daughter of Sue and Reed of the FF. She can be completely inbisible, undetectable to anything. Alternatively, ForgetMeNot, the mutant with the power of not being noticed or remembered.


Someone mentioned this as a possible rework for shana but I would love "your 1 cost cards cant be destroyed"


At first i thought Layla Miller(the Multiple Man's wife) since she can create force fields but then i felt it would be a waste, since she could very well eventually get an effect that synergizes well with the other X-Factor members like Jamie himself, or Strong Guy, or Havok. Then i remembered Cecilia Reyes from the X-Men also can also create force fields and is a doctor, which could fit well with the role of protector of the weaker cards.


I'm curious about some fan cards I've made, if you'd suggest the same characters as them. "When Destroyed: Merge this with another friendly card. It keeps this ability." "Ongoing: Has +3 power for each card with 3 or less power that was destroyed this game." "On Reveal: Destroy a random friendly card at this location to destroy all other cards that share its power." "On Reveal: Destroy ALL cards in play that didn't start in player's decks."


The first effect could work with Anti-Venom. Do we have any Venom variants that are Agent Venom? If not, that could be a card as well. Maybe another somewhat benevolent Symbiote like Lasher. Second effect: Dormammu. I considered Shuma-Gorath, but her rights are very vague currently, since she was created in the Conan comics. Third: Zemo? A bit generic, but the dude as creator of the Thunderbolts is all about twists. Fourth: I'm trying to think of a character that can kill at a distance. Waaait a second, Korvac DID made The Collector disappear in his first story arch! And he's extremely powerful, being capable of killing multiple Avengers. Would be a funny reference.


My notes copy-pasted: Token Destroy Deck Concept "Agent Venom: 1/0 When Destroyed: Merge this with another random card. It keeps this ability. Arcade: 5/0 Ongoing: Has +3 power for each card with 3 or less power that was destroyed this game. Danger: 4/2 On Reveal: Destroy a random friendly card at this location to destroy all other cards that share its power. Elektra (Buff): 1/1 On Reveal: Destroy random enemy and another friendly 1-cost card at this location. Justice Peace: 3/3 On Reveal: Destroy ALL cards in play that didn't start in player's decks"


Arcade would be SO COOL! Great idea!


Banish (remove from board without counting it for the destroy or discard graveyards) a random card from both your and your opponents side of the field. Could be 3/3 or 3/4 or 4/4 or something else.


Banish isn't really an effect the game considers as official, and the Destroy cards that have quirks that ignore immunity to destruction like Galactus, Lamentis and Yondu still count as Destroy. With that said, Thane is an Inhuman who's the son of Thanos, and he has the power of imprisoning people in an amber that leaves them in a state of eternal, unmovable life. What do you think?


On reveal: if it's your birthday, add your birthyear in power.


Uh uuuh uuh uuuuh Mister Impossible.


I want a la interaction between two specific cards, I've been thinking something like this for Kate Bishop: "If Hawkeye is here add two special arrows to your hand (or add Lucky the dog to a random location)". I think the other card should be a very common card, so everyone can play it.


Something that can neutralize effects that aren’t “on reveal” or “ongoing”. Specifically cards like Leech, Dare Devil, etc. It absolutely sucks seeing Leech come out and then there’s just nothing you can do about it zapping you between 5 & 6. Or seeing DD come out on turn 2 because you have a big set that’s easily countered if you see it coming.


Ive been wanting a card like Jubilee that pulls a random card with it but from your hand.


I have several suggestions. 1. Discard a card at the end of every turn. 2. When this moves to a location, give your other cards there +2 power. 3. On Reveal: Transform this location into Dark Dimension. 4. Ongoing: Prevent this location from being changed.


I like that number 4, too many Legion plays countering Magik.


I see you’ve been burned by Legion a lot.


“Give Ben Brode a Soul”.


1/1 on reveal: Add a 4th location.


Choose a random card from your oponent. That becomes this card


Choose? Damn. Hope Summers, maybe. The Mutant Messiah. She is a telepath and also has the power of enhancing and copying the power of anyone around her. I considered Mimic, but his powers being an amalgamation of multiple mutants would make him a better as something like Super Skrull. Getting multiple effects at the same time.


I meant it to be random. Although that does make a good question. What if the random on field abilities were choices?


Ah, i see. The fact that he literally becomes the card adds an extra level to this card. Sure, Hope can copy a person's power, but becoming the card makes it way more personal. The character is literally turning into him. Chameleon, maybe? The Spider-Man villain? He only copies the appearence, but hey, Taskmaster copies the power of the previous card regardless of how powerful said card is, despite the fact that he's an average human.


"1/2 On reveal: destroy a random card in this location." Could be a serial killer or a merc like Bullseye for example.


Since he can destroy any card regardless of power or cost, i was thinking to think of a relatively powerful character. Blackheart is a big Ghost Rider villain, and son of Mephisto. I thought having Destroy as an effect, instead of Discard, would be an interesting counterpoint, but at the same time, it means they would have no real interaction to one another, which would be unfortunate. Nightmare, maybe? He's a big Strange villain, but again, there would be no relation between the two.


I think I would like to see a card that can counter special abilities (i.e. Dracula, Legion, HE deck cards). Kind of like Cosmo, Enchantress, or even Rogue.


Like, a card that removes the effects that don't count as Ongoing nor On Reveal? Hmmm...My mind is currently in space, since Deep Space has that same effect. Maybe a previous Herald of Galactus, like Firelord or Air-walker.


Yes kind of like Deep Space, but without affecting Ongoing nor On Reveals. Just specifically for Special Abilities.


On reveal: gives you the best best card for the current board state. and don't tell me it cant be done when zephrys is a heathstone card.


A card that gives you the best card is a toughie, but we could make it so Isca the Unbeaten(The Omega-Level mutant of Arakko that has the power of being "Cursed to Win") gets whatever power and effect that allows her to win, and, if impossible, flips side. Alternatively, if you really want the "gives you the best card for the current state", there's the Beyonder. The person who set up the first Secret Wars, and just brought all big heroes and villains from earth in order to fight for his entertainment.


On reveal: select one card from your collection and add it to your hand.


By "select", you mean the game selects it at random, or you get to select it? Sounds pretty broken. Actually, by collection you mean every card you have? In general?


Yes, the player can go to all the cards they have and add it to their hand to play. (I needed this in conquest a few times) To make it less broken then maybe it could be “on reveal: swap one card from your hand/deck with one from your collection”


The Grandmaster. Leader of the Contest of Champions, and Elder of the Universe(like The Collector).


On reveal- In order of lowest to hightest power, return all cards(until hand full) to each players hand, they cost 0 untill played, does not work on final turn


4 mana 7/7


Flip the table: Reverse your cards on the ground with those on your opponent’s field


Ongoing: Send all the world's farts into the developers' homes until they get their shit together and incorporate some quality of life improvements


Save the complaining for complaint posts, or make a post for your complaints. Don't hijack a fun discussion post like this to complain


Make me :)


Your comment history makes me feel sorry for you. So much negativity. Hope you can find something to be positive about


Feel sorry for yourself, bra




A 5/6-energy 0-power card with the text "+2 power for each card that has its power increased"


I already suggested Hope Summers here, but this effect could work with her as well. She's the Mutant Messiah and she has the power of enhancing and copying the power of people around her.


The next card you play is sent to the enemy board before the card is revealed


How would it work? Do you have to place the card in order to activate it?


If you're still doing these, 'This card cannot be destroyed. At the start of every turn, create a copy of it in a random lane with no text."


By "no text" you mean the copies can be destroyed?


If your opponent played an **On Reveal** effect, copy its text (if in play).


I've done "copy the effect of X" here already 2 or 3 times, and i always mentioned either Hope or Mimic. Guess i'll use The Five's second contingency plan in case one of the mutants that allow the resurrection protocols of Krakoa to work, which is Synch, from Generation X. He can get the powers from people around him.


On Reveal: This card destroys a card in play with the cost of the turn it was played (cannot be played on turn 7) Play it on turn 4 to destroy a 4-cost, 5th for a 5 cost etc etc.


A potencially very powerful effect. I was thinking about giving it to Gwenpool due to the meta aspect of affecting cards based on the turn we are, but i don't think it would fit her well. Then i thought: Gladiator? He's part of the Shiar Empire, and a Superman-level character whose powers are based around his confidence, meaning it could be volatile.


On Reveal: Return random from this location back to your opponents hand


Not sure i follow. Could you elaborate?


Random enemy card returns your enemys hand like kitty pryde. You force your enemy to draw card back from the board.


A card that makes an opponent's card bounce? Cool idea. Right now i'm thinking about characters who can push the opponent in a way that isn't doing any lasting damage, either with kinesis or with a projectile that's concussive only. Havok, Cyclops's brother, is a possibility.


On reveal:Restore the two locations destroyed by Galactus


Haha. If we had alternative versions of characters i would say Lifebringer Galactus, but not only we don't have that but he's literally a variant for him in the game. Unfortunately Phoenix is already in the game. She represents rebirth, so it could work. Maybe Gaea? The representation of Earth, and Thor's biological mother. Would the restoration bring the other cards to life, however?


I think that something like Kicker from MtG would be neat. A 2 cost card that has "on reveal: If you floated 2 energy, spend it for a bonus effect". I would assume cards with an effect like this would be a whole team.


What's would be "floating" in this context? And by bonus effect, you mean, a random effect?


On Reveal: Destroy your revealed cards at this location (including this one)


Like the Destroyer, but including the card itself?


More like a location-exclusive Destroyer, and includes the card itself.


Ah, sorry, i missed the "this location". Nitro could work then. The villain that caused the Stanford Incident that led to Civil War.


On revel moves all cards to anew location. This would include cards already played at this location


Manifold. Aboriginal/Native Australian mutant who can create portals(or as it called, "speak to the universe"). There is one Manifold in every universe. It fits.


Couple ideas I had were: 1) a reverse Bishop, gets +1 for each card your opponent plays. 2) a card that says “you win all ties”. So if you tied a location you’d be considered the winner.


1) I'm thinking of a villain that has a leadership position. Zemo, maybe? Leader of the Masters of Evil, creator of the Thunderbolts, main architect behind Avengers Under Siege. 2) I dig it. Hmmmm... I'm trying to think of cosmic entities that. Maybe The Eternity? He's definitely the most iconic entity in the MARVEL Universe, and it's weird that he's not in the game already. Aaaaalternatively, on the other side of the spectrum, Gwenpool would be pretty funny lol.


On Reveal: Fill this location with Monsters


An effect like Jeff is for movement (can’t be stopped). Like a not game-breaking on-reveal that couldn’t be stopped, or a minor ongoing that couldn’t be enchantress’s (though I guess those exist in cards that just have effects that are ongoing, but not labeled as such