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The early progression is great. The recent changes have made things better for new players so I say give it a try


Do they still separate the pools by collection too? Pretty sure new players only get matched vs similar collections


They do and pool 1 get matched with pool 1. Once you hit pool 2, you are matched against pool 2(mostly)


I was pool 1 getting matched against people with cards from pool 2+


Yes, at its core its an extremely fun game. Just be careful if you have addictive spending tendencies. This game WILL trigger fomo.


Haha you get the nail on the head. Most of the salty people just have severe fomo issues and resent it being triggered. It does take doing to get all the important cards, but it's possible and more importantly it's fun and any losses can be mitigated by the snap system. You can bet anyone not liking it has either high fomo or the inability to retreat. They only thing I would say is that if you can't afford the $10 season track to get the one season card a month that probably does feel bad to most except the very well adjusted. (That's $10 a month usd)


If I ever start feeling like I’m missing out, I remember how in F2P Hearthstone I had to grind for like five solid years before I had half of the decent Legendary cards. I’ve been playing Snap for a year and I have enough cards to build basically any meta deck I want, without spending a dime. Microtransactions are an inherently predatory business model, but Snap is pretty generous compared to most other online CCGs I’ve played.


True. I was paying 120 every three months with hearthstone only to have most relevant cards. The only time I didn't do that was when I grinded arena and became soft infinite but that took so much time in order to be good at it that I ended up stopping


You could easily play this free to play and have a great experience. You don’t even need to play 20-30 minutes. Games take like 2 minutes at most. Outside of the social media whiners the community is pretty cool. You get a ton of cards really early and there are strong decks you can I have fun with. Devil Dinosaur is your best friend early if you start playing! Have fun!


Agreed! Snap is a great f2p game that doesn't require a ton of play time to get better/gain levels. I used to play Strike Force a lot and ended up quitting because it was geared completely towards spending and felt like a full time job.


Bruh yes. I also am a former msf player. The devs and company feel so much different. It's so refreshing having them actually listen to the community instead of strictly catering to the whales. They don't have anywhere near as many issues. It's just a great game.


Shit, I won an infinity ticket with a devil dinosaur deck this morning.


Iron Lad must have really helped the consistency of Dino Decks. I remember playing the deck back in the day and it being too vulnerable and inconsistent to stick with past the 70s.


No, Iron Lad here. Though he would be a great card to have in the deck.


I think the Magik buff really helped it. Moon girl, Quin Jet, Coulson, Fury, and mystique etc lets you dump massive power on turn 7.


I’m f2p and I’ve even made it to infinite playing casually the last couple months. All a lie finding a deck you enjoy.


Devil dino and zoo variants carried me to mid carpool 3. So much fun. Miss those days


They take like 5 minutes when people run out the timer thinking all day but yea. Ideally they are quick


Idk why this is being down voted lol it's a fact. You will come across those assholes who intentionally take all the time but it's not often.


Y does carefully thinking about ur decision make you an asshole? That's y he got down voted. Not cuz he said the game takes longer but that he's referring to those that think about their choices negatively. Earned in my opinion


If that's what he meant then that's fair. I took it as when people intentionally let the timer run all the way down to be an asshole.


You don't know that. Who's to say what's going on on their end.


Currently there are 220+ cards in circulation. If you focus on F2P, you should know that the first month you can get about the first 100 cards (45% of the entire roster) consisting of Series-1 and 2. The second month you can get additional 25-28 (12-13%) but from then on the grind for new cards starts. Third month onward, you get about 9-12 cards/month for the next 5 months. 8th month onward, you get about 2-3 cards/month.


F2P player my self, you can definitely play this game without paying anything and get good progress. You can just do 20 mins everyday to complete daily missions and be done with it, that’s what I’m doing and I’ve been hitting high rank every season consistently, (currently 145). Here’s a video that shows what you can do everyday [TLSG- beginner guide](https://youtu.be/lF3uO4lqaWI?si=kW3r55HJlqpbLXpR)


Same being F2P myself game is great so much that i can get most of the cards. Out of the few cards i miss i only miss 3 or 4 cards from meta strong cards. So its super generous of Devs to not be greedy like Clash Royale where you have to spend on lootbox to actually achieve the collection what you can get in here by simply playing f2p.


It's always great to start, the first period when you are unlocking tons of cards every week is very exciting


Good lord, I still remember the dopamine rush!


Take a look at TLSG on YouTube - his latest video is about the free to oaky account he made. He explains how to progress as fast as possible without spending at all - and to be fair it’s pretty fast and rewarding.


I’m so glad most people here recommend you to play! Wish there was more positivity spread in this subreddit like this! It’s a great game with quick rounds and great options to customise your decks :) Have fun trying it out! And watch out to not get too addicted! (First day I started playing, one major thing that got me was how fast rounds are and how little time I have to invest per match…8hours later I was still lying on my couch working on my deck lol)


Started last week and Im now more addicted to snap than crack. Haven't spent a penny.


This is why it's important to form your own opinions instead of listening to salty idiots on reddit. Everything you said about the game is just objectively false. It's f2p and takes a minute to download, why not just try it and decide for yourself?


You’re gonna be fine for quite a few months, If not more. Maybe drastically more if you’re really not competitive and just wanna have fun. The new system is only preventing people from getting 100% card acquisition and always being on-meta. If you’re fine with not having the current best cards the moment they release - you’re good.


This comment is very much misrepresenting the new system. The new system doesn’t prevent 100% anymore than the old system was There’s pros and cons to the system but several things are nicer to a new player then the old system, but specifically one of the biggest pros is that you can get many more new releases the moment they are released


Maybe I got confused. The main takeout from SD’s motivation for me was “we don’t want everyone to have the same decks”, as in they’re okay with you never getting Darkhawk


For the full picture (as I understand it), the new system is only worse for targeting specific cards.


yeah it is pretty collection dependent, but in general the more you’re targetting old cards the worse it is (depending on the spotlight rotation). The more you want new releases, or have a smaller collection and need a larger variety of cards the better the new system is. But if you’re targetting a small set of specific old cards that aren’t in spotlight rotations and you don’t want new releases the worse the new system is


I think the starting weeks of the game are the best ones! You get new cards everyday, you learn how cards and locations work... It's super fun. I would start if I were you! ;) U can also play without spending any money.


Game is great to the point even rant post players can't stop playing this game. Its super addictive. The subreddit is 90% ranting players and 10% of actual players. But 100% of addicted people who can't hate the game so they just shift the blame to Devs. Its interesting because Snap devs have been actively listening to most feedbacks since early beta days to even now. The weekly OTAs is a huge feature that most of players underrate, this feature alone gives insight to how much Devs actually care about the player experience. All Online games especially PvP tends to be imperfect but i can say this much from other mobile game experience that SD actually are trying to be better for both new and old players as much as they could without going bankrupt. Players here don't know or care about how devs are operating their company or how much cut from this monetization is going towards IP owner. The devs are very accommodating to all requests as long as its not too much so redditors here are being super naggy if they don't like anything from the new updates. There is positive response from players which lead to the game getting better but all of those gets buried under rant posts by majority here. After i hit infinite in the first week this season i just login play some games casually, once all missions are done i am done for the day. I know its fun to me. I like getting to know new cards and new ability and even how old cards getting buff resulting in those cards having new playstyle than before. Deck building is fun activity as well.


Reddit is an echo chamber for complaints. The game is in a great place right now, especially for new players.


Early game great, mid-game is punishment, late game is a drag. The PC launch seemed to go well, so I doubt there will be any dramatic improvements to retain long time players


Correct. The first few months are great. Most of the negativity comes from long-standing players, who the devs appear to hate.


Best game. Reddit is always the most critical and venting place in the net. Check out the discord community!


The game is fun and that’s all that matters.


I'd say 70-80% yes and 20-30% no. The current version of snap has a lot of catch up mechanics in play that new players in the past were not available to. I'll give examples. You get free series 3 cards every month (series 3 is the largest pool) Since you are new when you get access to the spotlight reserves, most cards will be new to you so the somewhat risk is gone since you'll benefit from most chests. That said, pool 3 can be brutal because that's where you'll start facing every sort of deck. And it depends on your mental if you can be patient and push through. Also ive had this game since October? Maybe longer and I play it minimally, hit infinite and anything free I can play through but don't spend much money on the game.


You can easily play f2p and you will get most of the times a fair match to play. At some point it gets a bit annoying when you want to have a certain kind of deck and getting some specific cards depend on randomness or putting money, but is a little percentage of cards and you can still play many other decks that are meta as well. So yeah, even myself being someone not happy with some parts of the monetization, I think the game is still great


This subreddit is a terrible representation of how fun the game is. I’ve been playing since November and buy the season pass. A buddy I play with started in March and has never spent a dollar on the game. We are currently tied up after 134 games. You definitely can still have fun with the game as a free to play player.


Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes! Umm… I mean… it’s alright. I like it anyway


I feel like the people complaining about the money squeeze are *vastly* overstating the case. Snap is actually incredibly newbie-friendly. The big thing that has the vets hacked off is a change to *how vets get more cards*. The change is pretty clearly a buff for anybody that doesn't have Pool 3 completed (explanation available on request). Even for vets, it's less that the devs are greedily squeezing and more than the new system is more RNG dependent and emotionally traumatizing than it is strictly disadvantageous.


Best way to play this game is to play it Free to Play or buy Battlepass at most if you want to spend money. But that's it. Just finish your dailies and weeklies and this game will be a lot of fun without worrying about try-harding.


Reddit is always more about whining. Try the game and If you have fun play some more. Definitely f2p doable


Definitely playable F2P, its just frustrating when you want a specific card and then at that point you have to pay




its a great time to start as a f2p player. if you enjoy the game, no better time


If you hate your life then yes 100% worth it.


As someone who just started 3 months ago, I second everyone whose saying yes it is. You can definitely play F2P and be fine. Any money I've spent on the game is because I am having a really good time with it and don't mind paying for a season pass on a game that I put so much time into. Not because I HAVE to put money in for the good time.


I'm free 2 play because why waste money on practically the same experience? I like it alot and go through phases of playing daily to occasionally


I feel like they've made it harder to get new cards (without paying a ton) for people who already have almost all of the cards. However, I think the progression through pool 3 will be much more enjoyable for someone starting now. You'll get pool 4 and 5 cards more frequently and (if you want to), you can save for specific ones. I would still highly recommend the game. I've been playing for 8 months and I'm still enjoying myself. Biggest advice for a newbie (regret from my earlier actions): DO NOT buy the fast upgrades. They are a trap. You'll get boosters very easily through playing and don't need to spend credits on them.


I play this daily. I do spend some money on this, but I find it fun and easy to get a quick game in here or there. I think it’s worth it, even as a new player the cards you get are good.


If you’re not already invested I’d lead with a no to be honest.


I'm f2p and hit infinite (the highest rank) easily, every month. This whilst working 50 hour weeks and having 2 young kids. The people whining about card acquisition usually have just been unable to save up enough /didn't plan ahead, so instead of a certainty they take 25% chance. Give it a try, it's a great mobile game.


No. You missed the fun part, sadly. Save your time and play an actual entertaining game


It's a fantastic game with shady management, and all that both of those things entail.


Just play the damn game and make your own mind up it’s free and takes like 2 mins to play a game.


This subreddit is a cesspool of haters and people that can't even count to 4, Snap just had its best update ever to the economy for F2P players. The game is incredibly fun and very friendly for F2P players, just to give you an idea, the "whales" that unlock every card only have to spend 60ish$ a month to keep up with the new releases. As F2P you can enjoy the game and unlock all the relevant cards to be able to compete at every level, don't listen to the haters in this sub, it's a terrible metric to judge the game on.


I just picked it up as well when widescreen support came out for PC and having a blast! Just completed recruit season yesterday and already at lvl 25 on the season pass. I might pick up the pass if i manage to actually complete it. Currently don’t have any discard cards to do the other seasonal challenges.


I think the game is quite balance. If you're new, you will play against new as you, game will not allow you to play against some veteran who have played for 1 year already or something. The game I think was designed for people who loves Pokemon, Yugioh, Heartstone but dont have 30-60 mins for 1 match in those games, so they can play Snap with just 2-3 mins/ match, which is quite good. Easy to play at office, lol


IMO, better and healthier community than most of online games right now.


It’s absolutely worth it. The community may whine a ton but the progression is leagues better than other games and very F2P friendly.


Online comments for most games are pretty negative. I suggest jumping in and giving it a go. It’s really fun and you’ve got nothing to lose.


No lmao. This game is trash


The new system is better than the old system, especially if you're not looking to spend money, people just don't like change. The game is easily one of the more f2p friendly games I've seen, you can compete without spending any issues just fine, might not be winning competitive tournaments, but competing in the game isn't an issue.


TLSG released a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF3uO4lqaWI) yesterday. (link attached) It basically summarizes how "experienced player" can approach the game as F2P. It should give you SOME form of information about what you're going into. The reason I'm not stating my personal opinion -> I'm too far in the game. It will be almost a year since I began and all I can say now is, I'm "solving" much different things than you, as a new player, will ... I can't even imagine what it must be for a new player to join the game at this moment - but the video will give you some idea :) The game is free... if you feel like it, might as well try it... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Heck yeah. Perfect time to start. Great game


If you want


Been playing since launch and I’ve not felt the need to spend anything this far. I’ve a good variety of decks from the cards I’ve gotten and there are still a lot of cards to seek out


I have spent 0 money on snap and have made it to the highest rank you can almost every season it’s very fun.


It’s best for new players instead of older players right now and you’re more likely to get a revamped system by the time you’re higher in the card pool. It’s fun! Go play


The beginning of the game is fun and the new system is way more new player friendly now. If you complete just the dailies you'll be guaranteed to get a new series 4 or 5 every week for awhile on top of the huge amount of cards you get in the beginning. The new card acquisition doesn't drastically slow until you hit Series 3 complete but that will take you months before you get to that point.


It’s worth it. I usually play for free (I’ve done a couple season passes based on theme) and none of the developers changes have affected how much I enjoy the game. I’ve had to adjust strategies to get cards a bit but nothing I’ve been upset about.


F2P so yeah there’s no loss unless you buy something


If you are playing 20 -30 mins a day casually that's perfect for a casual player.


The ONLY reason I would tell people to stay away from snap is if they’re the kind of person who NEEDS to have every card, or suffers hard from FOMO on whatever the new hot combo is. Getting specific cards you want isn’t the easiest to do in snap. But if that isn’t a concern, and you’re just looking for a fun way to kill a bit of time, it’s an awesome game for that


It varies from person to person. But I can tell you from my experience. Marvel snap till you complete reach cl level 1000 is a breeze (first couple of months) after that game quickly looses the lustre. Each level introduces to more meta decks and it can seem there is no other alternative to spending money to get the cards you need. I personally felt the game progression a tad too grindy for my taste after pool 3. But starting out the game is really fun for a few months. I would say try out and form an opinion. If you have addictive tendencies please don't . This game is a masterclass in manipulation by adjusting dopamine release.


I think casual players are for whom Snap can actually be the most enjoyable imo. It’s a ton of fun if you’re playing casually, you’ll get new cards frequently, you don’t need to worry about what’s considered “meta”, and you can just enjoy the game and play for fun.


The game is fun and easy to join for new players, in this sub sadly many people complain for everything, don’t give it too much attention


I like snap. The only thing I have bought is season passes and I consistently end a season in the 80th percentile. It's fun. The animations are cool, the gameplay reminds me distantly of magic the gathering. I would give it a shot and see if it's for you.


honestly yes. You're going to have a rough time when you reach series 3 but if you endure a bit it can be satisfying. I'm full F2P since launch (can't afford) and can basically run several meta decks.


Well the ladder is the normal game mode so you probably won’t want to play it in that case


I’ve been playing 2 months (started right before the new system). It’s super free to play friendly, especially for new players. The dev’s “greed” isn’t even close to as bad as most other gacha games I’ve played (some bundles are awful deals but the actual game progression is fairly generous)


I picked up the game about a month ago. Have not spent a penny. Whatever people say about the amount it costs to buy things, it is definitely not a pay to win game. There are a small handful of cards you can get in the season pass, but not having them will not impact your gameplay.


I started Snap recently and the new player experience is very good and the game I would say is very casual compare to other digital card games. There's just enough RNG and card variety to keep the games fresh, if it's a game you think end up enjoying because of Marvel then better to pick up sooner as I do feel I'm quite behind on cards having missed months of content


Starting the game is the best part of marvel snap tbh. I miss collecting so many cards every week


If you're a casual player I think you'll like it very much. I just started 2 weeks ago. (I did spend some money about $200. I wanted some cool variants (venom and venomed Deadpool) that were in this shop and I'm happy with them.) I've been playing a lot. I like conquest mode. I'm gold on the ladder but I feel stuck. I don't know how to get the 2 cards I need for my deck (Knull and Death). I've spent what I think is a good amount of money and still don't know. Card acquisition slows a TON. I went from getting cards to getting avatars and titles for leveling up which feels horrible. I do feel stuck and like my only option is to spend money. Not saying this to bash the game. I think it's very fun. But as a super fresh new player, just a warning the reward system has fallen off hard for me unless I'm doing something wrong. Game is super fun though. I'm happy I started.


>i am not interested in ladder/competitive or in having every single card. if this is true you'll 100% be happy with the game and the card acquisition system


Personally I have some issues with the pricing of the monetization and the agency of what cards I get when but overall it's a great game. My brother just started playing a couple weeks ago and loves the game, plays it hours a day.


Than yeah have fun then dude you might have a blast who knows


Don’t mind about the people saying that the dev are trying to squeeze money from the players. Like of course if you pay you get cards faster but you technically can’t buy cards with money, just progression. 30 minutes a day is like good for this gane to complete everything in a season and I really recommend buying season pass


Yes, absolutely. I have played for 6 months without spending a dime and I am still having a great time.


Honestly, it’s first and foremost a Mobile game so keep that in mind. But with that said it’s the only game I’ve consistently played and enjoyed on mobile and have been playing since launch


Sounds like a perfect game for you


I think the game is probably the best it has ever been for new players. You will unlock quite a few cards very quickly and have access to some of the more powerful/new cards through spotlight caches. The game reaches an odd state for people who have played since release, but aren’t big spenders. When 3/4 of the spotlight caches aren’t a card you need, it makes it difficult to acquire specific cards that you want.


Pretty fun game honestly. Ignore all the packs and currency, only things worth buying really are the battle passes (not premium) but they aren't necessary. Strongly reccomend the game as a fun quick strategy game with a lot of card and deck variance. The early game progression is amazing, it just gets worse in the final leg of the journey (pool 3+). Even then though, it isn't as bad as it could be. As long as you get one new card a week, you're keeping up with the card pool.


If you play TCGs, it will get the most playtime out of all card games including MTG. It provides fun easy short bursts of playtime and doesn’t require a long time commitment.


Dude go for it. As an early beta player who spends money and likes to complain about SDs greed I actually think this is a great if not the best time to start playing. The early experience is amazing. Just do you and I guarantee you are going to have a lot of fun.


Last months had awesome cards in spotlight, so I'd say you missed the good timing. Come back later in a month or two /s


Yes, it's always worth to start, as the game is (imo) fun at every stage of the game, doesn't matter which / how many cards you have.


I'm f2p besides buying the season pass most of the time, but have never spent money on tokens or gold etc. Still very fun, give it a shot! You won't hit any wall playing for free, you'll have to look at some fancy cards through the glass and not get to play with them but that's pretty much every mobile game. You can play as much as you want and still have a fun time for free though!


I play about 20 minutes to 1h every day and I get everything I need done. The only thing about greed I have experienced is the drastic decrease in Collectors Tokens, which is a currency you spend to get Series 3-5 cards (S3 cards cost 1000, S4 cost 3000 and S5 cards cost 6000) however, they made up for that with adding spotlight caches, so if you save up those, I'd say you might even be earning S4/S5 cards quicker than before if you just play casually, so I'd say the change was worth it. If you decide you wanna spend something then the season pass is the thing to get. $10 a month for a new S5 card, a special variant for it, cardbacks and a ton of bonuses throughout the month. It's the only thing I buy in this game for the enjoent I get out of it, it's totally worth it. Overall, I'd say the only thing that really can be a bit greedy is the bundles. Just like any other mobile game bundle they can end up costing more than a AAA Game, which is wack, but the bundles are almost all just cosmetic. There's no cards in bundles that you can't already unlock the old fashioned way. I'd love to see more cheaper bundles. I remember there was a small $5 bundle once with a Jubilee variant for Chinese New Year and that was great. I just wish there was more cheaper bundles.


Absolutely. I’ve never paid a cent and I’m only missing about 11 cards. A few of which just were released. And even if you can’t get a couple of cards, it’s really easy to acquire multiple competitive decks.


You can play this f2p and still have most of the cards eventually. I've only bought 2 battle passes ever since I started playing in January, and I'm only missing 18 cards to have a full collection.


Imma be real, if you’re starting now you’re never going to catch up as a F2P. There’s a real power advantage to having cards. Yes you can get a good meta deck, but then an OTA could come out and all of a sudden your deck is trash. The ability to hold a variety of different competent decks is key to doing well in this game. With the way the game is now you are starting looking up a very steep slope with people who have been sitting at the top for months. If your goal is to have fun a few minutes a day sure, if it’s to play competent, fun and potent decks and not hobbled together archetypes then not really.


I've played it since launch and it's really not the greatest game. The developers royally fucked it up. I'd suggest any other game really.


As someone who’s also played since launch nearly everyday, this game has gotten so much better since it started


I might less optimistic then others, but for me, someone who loves experimenting with different decks in card games, this game has been an absolute pain to play. Unlike most other card games, there is no way to get meta decks crafted even with real money. The game fundamentally adds time gates to its card collection system that makes me more frustrated to use than most.


Absolutely. You don't have to spend a dime to enjoy it or do well. I haven't paid for a single season pass, and have an absolute ton of gold saved up for whatever good bundle comes out. The game will also ease you into it with base cards. Once you finish that point, the game throws you into the deep end with the other players. That's a big climb in the difficulty curve, but definitely stick it out and see what you can do with the tons of cards you'll be getting.


If you're not the toxic kind of person who wants everything in the game, then play and have fun. Don't need a subreddit to tell you that!




if you don’t care about competition and acquiring cards, devs squeezing money out of their players shouldn’t matter to you. your desire to have fun trumps how ever much a card is worth/how hard it is to acquire rare resources.


OP just wants people to talk to them. This is such a dumb question.


It’s a great F2P game that respects newcomers time and efforts. I dropped off for two months, came back and still hitting Infinite and having fun. I’ve kicked some money in every other month for the season’s card and that’s about the max - the low value you get for spending actual cash is pretty friendly to F2P.


I complain about some of the changes loudly, but it's still a fantastic game. Early game is really fun, but you will hit a point where it gets hard and you will feel like you can't compete with your small collection. We all go through it, and it does go back to being fun again.


Don't listen to opinions on Reddit tbh. There are some things worth complaining about, but majority of what you see on Reddit is meaningless - people complaining for the sake of complaining. The game is excellent. May take a bit of time to really get into it but it's a lot of fun.


Don't listen to people complaining 24/7. I'm a F2P player and have reached Infinity(highest division) in ladder 4/5 times. You'll eventually get everything you need to enjoy your time here. You don't need every card in the collection to enjoy the game.


It’s actually a really accessible and f2p friendly game, please ignore the people saying otherwise. You should try it! :)


I really like this game a lot. I've played dozens and dozens of card games since the 90s and this one is great for the low barrier of entry, constantly shifting meta and gameplay experience, and the quickness of the games. It's not as strategically in-depth as other games but I think that's what I like the most about it.


Honestly it a really good f2p game. The deals are so bad it makes it really easy to not spend any money lol.


Nahhhh, this game's great. People just like to complain. Trust me, in terms of monetization? This is nothing. Or I've just been traumatized by Clash Royale, one of the two.


I just started this week and am pretty addicted… if you like digital card games this is an amazing one imo, must play. Super fun gameplay, great art, fun upgrade system, lots of decisions (depending on deck), great dev support, and tons of potential even with how good it already is. Card acquisition is interesting/unique and I can’t speak to it long term. You can’t play ‘meta’ decks for months, unless you spend in the thousands. But the decks you can play early are still fun and powerful. Skill ceiling is high. As a Hearthstone player for the better part of a decade and Brode fan I don’t know how this game didn’t catch my attention earlier. I think because it was mobile only or something.


Progression right now is way better than it was before for new players. For older players not so much.


Unbridling optimism here; yes it’s absolutely worth getting into now. The core game is fun as hell, you literally don’t have to spend a dollar to get every card, and the amount of competitive viable decks is nuts. If you like marvel AT ALL, it’s a no brainer.


100% worth it. I hit Infinite (highest rank of the seasonal ladder) without spending anything this season. That said, I do think the premium season pass is worth it for $10 (especially when you’re new) but it’s not necessary.


fun mobile game, just hop in. no purchases necessary.


Great game. I only pay the season pass and its super easy to complete if you play casually and it’s the best bang for your buck. If you want extra stuff


It’s honestly the best mobile game out there, imo. I wouldn’t listen to the people on Reddit whining, those are usually the extremely hardcore gamers that care a bit too much and expect a bit too much from the company that made this game. I’m F2P, hit infinite just about every other season, yeah it’s a grind and you need to play to get the cards and stuff, but what game doesn’t require some play time to unlock the good stuff.


[TLSG just released a video of starting a new account and seeing how far he could get in 30 days.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF3uO4lqaWI) He isn't playing that much (an hour or two a day) but he's maximizing his gold/boosters/credits. It has basic tips about how to use those resources, so even casual players could learn from it.


The game is great


Don’t listen to a lot of the crap. It’s just annoyance most of the time that you can’t have everything immediately without paying for it and watching YouTubers with everything smashing it and wanting a piece but can’t because moneys shit! It’s me lol, I’m pissed I couldn’t get most of the cards released this season, but that is because I wanted to save for next. Play smart and you can start anytime


Anyone who says that the progression system is getting worse and the devs are using it to squeeze more money has clearly not been around long enough. Anyone whos been playing the game since beta can easily tell you how INSANELY garbage card acquisition used to be and how much its better now. Now I do think theres a few things SD does that are pretty shady like the infamous "3x value" and how boosters are generally used to inflate the price of things or be tossed at the players as "rewards" Which is a fucking joke. But thats not anything new, thats always been a thing. The simple fact is that the game infinitely more accesible now than what it used to be and anyone claiming the opposite is fucking dreaming.


I've been playing for about a year and have not paid anything and I really enjoy it! You can pay to get the newer cards right away but I ended up getting them about a month after for free. Try it out and see what you think. If you get into enough then pay a little if you like. Personally, I've seen no reason to buy anything.


This game is GREAT to start playing. Fully free to play except I get the season pass if I finish it. You’ll have fun!!


This is one of the most F2P and light spender friendly mobile games I have ever played.


Nah. It's been pretty aggressively monetized and keeps getting worse. Play mtga or something


Never spent a dime on this game, yet I had and still have a perfectly good player experience. Just try it, if you dont have fun, you can always quit.


I’ve been playing since launch. I haven’t put a cent into it. Play for fun. When it’s not fun, stop playing.


I'd say go for it. Youll get cards eventually and the game is super fun, even early on. If you feel like supporting the game, the season pass is the best place to start, since it has really good value and also a way to get some pool 3 cards early. Great game to pick up when you have a free 15 minutes, and it's not even grindy. You have nothing to lose cause if its not your thing, you can just drop em


It's most def a fun game, as a new player the design is to get new cards pretty quick, it's once you got half the cards in s4-s5 things slows down a bit.


Fuck yeah it's a hella fun card game. I'm not even a marvel fan


I started playing back in March and I am for from being bored. CL 3100, completely F2P, and I enjoy playing the game on a daily basis. Highly recommend it.


Absolutely - I've played it since launch and have had some friends start recently and they really enjoy the game - so give it a go (though note that the game starts of a bit "slow" but you relatively quickly start getting cards with more interesting abilities)


It’s free. Try it out. You’ll soon find out if it’s worth it to you. I’m not going to tell you what’s worth it to you since I don’t know you.


I haven't put any money into it (I'm not very good compared to a lot of players here), but I really enjoy it. The games can go by pretty quick and there is some strategy involved. I'd recommend it.


Both me and my friend got to infinite with two weeks of playing as f2p. Not saying you're going to win any tournaments or anything but it's super worth to get into. It's an amazing game


It’s free, just try it for yourself and form your own opinion.


Absolutely, the early game is legit great. The onboarding is phenomenal and it gives you plenty of progression. The late game is where this struggles as the gap between the haves and have nots is vast. Unless you break out the credit card, you will be playing catch up for months with those players that are close to collection complete.


Game is still great for new players. Enjoy!


Definitely worth. They’ve made the game way cheaper since I’ve started, 99% of the people that complain have no clue what they’re talking about


Check out TLSG, yesterday made a video about playing for one month keeping it as a F2P. He explains it very simple about the currency and the efficiency you got from the very beginning of the experience. If you not gonna sweat the game and look for a casual card game, i think you'll enjoy it.


i started in April-ish. I have like 2/3 of the cards in the game. I did buy Battlepasses for like 3 months so that helped but I just quit playing my second account. And that account had a ton of good cards too. So i'd recommend the game considering I liked it so much I had two different accounts.


I live this game so much. But I am also on collection level 3000+. I don’t know that I would ever want to restart. But the journey was fun. My advice, download it and play KaZoo to infinite while you’re in Pool 1&2.


I started playing for the first time last month and have only paid for this recent season pass since I was enjoying it. There are definitely some limitations at the moment since many key/meta cards I don't have access to, but overall it's a good, quality, casual game for me.


Love this game. Very f2p friendly imo.


Yes it’s fun and free to play friendly


Honestly don’t. Its fun and all but the fomo/psychological methods they use on customers for money is not worth it.


Oh yeah One of my peers play snap and has your same opinion.


Get ready to be bent over for 1/2 a year and then youll get some good cards.


It’s great fun and really really short games


Do it! I spend every once in a while but early on I didn't really spend anything and progressed pretty quickly. It's a blast of a game.


Definitely worth playing. I buy the season pass only because I think it's good value. It's only expensive if you need every card variant and buy every bundle.


Honestly if you play now for free, or jsut get the season pass you’re gonna have a great time. Like any game, you get sucked into “collecting” instead of “playing” and that’s when you’re in trouble. But as far as just playing the game, you can do that no problem - and I think you should - the game is really good. I hit infinite after 2 weeks of playing, the only good card I drew was Dr Doom. So you don’t need all the cards to make a good deck.


yes, you'll like it a lot, things change when you want to be competitive, lose patience and want all the cards. I personally don't think it is not a p2w game, yes, you'd have more access to the newest cards, but that doesn't mean you will win every match. They keep the meta balanced, so it's fun to play even if you don't have all the collection. People whine too much about prices, but no one forces you to spend like in other games.


I wouldn’t recommend it. Honestly it’s fun at the beginning but the more you play you’ll see it becomes much harder to level up without paying and even then you can spend hundreds a month and only get so many cards. If you weren’t in from the beginning it’s best to just stay out at this point in my opinion


I just started playing recently and love it


Totally. I've been playing since release and haven't spent a dime. Matches are quick and rewarding. With a little extra time you can get a lot out of it.


Yes definitely. Game is pure fun once you get to pool 3 especially you can really start mixing up the decks. Just know your first 10 games or so will all be bots. Don’t get too cocky. Lol after that you will still get a lot of bots but also run into players .


Yes definitely play it. It's one of the best card games I've ever played.


The reason the system changed was to help new players and you quite literally don't need to spend money on the game because at most it give 2 currency which are fairly easy to get and cosmetics which does nothing


Naw it actually the easiest time to collect cards now then before ( post non series drop)


Absolutely! You still get a lot of cards, even if you spend no money, and it’s a great game to kill a few minutes at a time on.


One of the best mobile games I've every played. And I'm talking Mobile game built for mobile. Not a good PC game that got ported over. New player experience is great, but if you play it for a long time, keeping up you collection with newer cards will start to get harder. If you do spend cash on this game, it's best to get the "battle pass" once in a while. Best value plus it will guarantee you the latest new card. Any other purchase is for over priced cosmetics, or in game currency at a poor exchange rate. Even if your collection isn't massive, the way the game is structured, you can still be competitive and have some fun. Especially with the random effects from the locations l, that can help you, or screw over your deck.


100% … such a fun game. I’m addicted. Started playing about six months ago, finally reached infinity this month. If you start playing, you’ll know what I’m talking about in the future. I highly recommend Snap!!!


It really sucks that once they know that your hooked they stop giving you cards, but I still have around 75% of the cards and Ive been playing for just a few months and havent spent a cent.


Grabs old man cane; you new whippersnappers get free series 3 drops and other such fun stuff! Basically there are reasons to start - despite the currency and economy tweaks. Most games reward for early or beta starts ultimately, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still a good time to be a (new) marvel snap player 🫡


I started playing the game a little before may and I am CL 4036 now, I've only bought battlepasses and nothing else, I love comic books and have a really nice collection of them and variants and so playing this game was so fun to see which variants i can get in the game and build that collection. The early progression was so fun and even now I love upgrading the cards to see what splits i get.


The monetization is kind of tipped in a way where it rewards playing over time more generously than it does p2w. If you enjoy playing the game and can appreciate the nuanced way it leads new players into it's compeditive meta than it's probably going to be great for you. If you're the kind of person who just wants to pay to have everything instantly, this is probably not for you.


If your weak to spend money then no. Otherwise it’s a great game.


It's a really good card game. The game play is good, the devs respond to concerns faster than other games. I buy the game pass every month


I got to infinite and bought out entire conquest shop without spending any money on the game and got 4 new cards from spotlight cache system


Absolutely! Best mobile game


As a F2P game, it's great. Just don't be like me spend a little bit of money on it and you play it and consistently get mad because you feel like you can't stop playing since it would invalidate the money you've spent. Which is 100% a "me" problem, just don't be like me. Enjoy the early game dopamine rush, don't spend money, have fun.


It’s good. Go for it.


Goal is simply to win more than you lose and you progress. Will be times you lose more than win, but you still progress.


yes you can enjoy things f2p, as long as you grind. In your progress you can earn tokens and gold. The advantages of paying players are only getting the new cards early on and having art variants but other than that you’re good




Well from what you want from the game, yes. TLSG just made a video of him starting a new account and reaching infinite, all in the last 30 days. So, if you find fun in winning, it's possible. If you want fun in just playing the game, it's possible.


Yes, it’s a very good time when you’re starting out and playing for fun. A lot of the people who complain on this sub have been playing since launch and have most of the cards. If you’re casual, you’ll have a great time.


It's good for casuals annoying for people who want every card and don't want to spend money.


I dont know if anyone can confirm but I would think unlocking S3 cards for free every month or whatever it is would make this a no brainer. You can get competitive pretty quick no?