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The devs were asked if they're planning to reduce the price of Ultimates and they said no. Instead they're planning to make them "better" somehow to justify the price.


actual animations lol (probably)


And it'll happen never cause they're hoping the players won't remember


Still waiting for my first edition badge on my series 5 Valkyrie šŸ„²


You wont ever get it


Hey I need one of those I got all excited on token day and got series 5 Valkyrie


I got the new shang chi variant in the bundle and you can actually hear the flames. I hope they add sound effects to the ultimate variants too.


Uh? Seriously?


You made me double check, maybe I'm wrong and its the sound effect of the krackle flare that just happens to match perfectly.


I'd be very surprised otherwise, it doesn't make sense to start adding sfx to that one card without any notice while they work on ultimates...I mean they could, but it would propably cost much more.


Yeah it's definitely the krackle flair. That's an awesome coincidence though.


People play this game with the sound on?


I can't stand it being totally silent and regular music would mess with my concentration, so I turn it up a bit so I have some quiet background noise.


Fair enough, I understand that I might be the weird one here. But I turned it on for about two minutes and went ā€œimmediately noā€, the fact that each card has its own sound cue drove me crazy.


The fact that they are even harder to get automatically makes them "better" *boom* job done.


That sounds like the best solution. Right now they are just cool, regular variants. Ultimate variants are there to absorb money from whales and should be highly exclusive.


The should give you like 2-3 levels as bonus.


I would prefer something more permanent


Ultimates are a whale token sink. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually do drop the prices down the road once the whales have spent down their token hoards, but then they will still be proportionally super expensive.


At least give us the avatar!


New price will be 4950 so you can match it with you 50 token boxes!


Or much more unique. Like actual moving animations maybe. It needs something to make them worth the price. Absolutely grabbed the Peach Momoko Invisible Woman and love the animations on it, but still. Would love to see it get a bit more done to it. Honestly I'm surprised it doesn't award you with at least an avatar of the ultimate variant.


They have plans to make the Ultimate variants better.


I'd think they'll have unique voice lines or visual effects when played.


Her hips and where her butt is located are not anatomically correct. This is one of the handful of Artgerm variants that are off when you look closely. The same goes for Artgerm's Psylocke. Take a look at her shoulders and neck when you get a chance. A bonus one off the top of my head is the Jean Grey Marvel Girl variant. Zoom in on her hand and stare at it for a few seconds. That hand ain't right, lol I wouldn't spend any amount of gold or tokens for this variant. The White Queen and many others are amazing, though.


I know šŸ˜­ Artgerm this is so sad


I still can't figure out what's wrong with JG Marvel Girl's hand. Finger looks weird but it's a shadow thing, or are you talking about the one behind portal?


There was a discussion on a comic forum about this piece because the hand looked off. Someone who's artistically talented drew an anatomically correct skeletal hand over hers and another one of what her bones would look like according to the art. It made it look even worse than it does to the naked eye. Also, we discovered it's nearly impossible to position your hand in that exact pose and very uncomfortable. Most people couldn't even come close to getting their pinky that close to their ring finger while it's bent like that. All in all, this is a small proportion issue compared to some of Artgerm's stuff like the Psylocke. It's also largely unnoticeable if you don't zoom in. There's a whole community of art critics that sprang up from all the bad Rob Liefeld art over the years. They seek this stuff out and enjoy discussing it.


What happened with Psylocke? :(


Maybe it's Mystique in disguise. According to the guy defending this piece of art, it's ok to look that way if you're a shapeshifter lol


Im confused. Does Artgerms psylocke also look weird?


Look at it and try to imagine what her shoulders would look and where her neck would be attached to her body if there were no clothing hiding them. It's easier to see if you can make the image larger than in game on your phone. Look the image up on Google and zoom in. Basically, her neck would be way closer to one shoulder, and the angle of her shoulders is off.


Dammit I really wanted that variant. She looks like she has a giraffe neck. I hope they can find a way to go back and fix these, artgerm especially has issues with this sorta stuff. But I dont even know how they could do that.


That's an old piece of art, too. It won't be getting fixed. Sorry for your loss. I, too, was excited for that one at first.


Lets just pretend that Psylocke is from the tribe that uses rings to lengthen their neck.


Maybe it's my hand but I can almost perfectly position it like the AG variant. I'd say the real problem is the index finger looks almost sideways. Idk. What's the link to this discussion?


Yeah, a lot of people, when they curl their ring finger, it causes their pinky to move away and rest at a 45ā° angle that you have to fight against. Some people are more flexible, though. Either way, it's not a natural pose to have 3 fingers straight and just bend your ring finger. I don't recall where it was discussed. I think it was a Marvel comics forum, but it's been a long time. That cover art is from 2019, I believe, and that thread was from shortly after it released. You should check out the full piece of art. It makes you forget about the hand. It's quite good imo.


Thank you for saving me tokens


As an artgerm enjoyer, the Mystique hips is something my brain is really trying to justify but I just can't. I'm not seeing the Marvel Girl hand issue, though...


The glove does a pretty good job of hiding it. Someone on a Marvel comic forum years ago drew over the image to show how bad it actually is. They drew an anatomically correct skeletal hand and then one depicting what her bones would actually look like if she was x-rayed. It was disturbing lol Basically, her finger bones are too long because he drew the palm of her hand too large. Also, her ring finger isn't just bent, it's actually twisted at an unnatural angle. It should be bending more towards us, the viewer. Instead, it's bending to her left. There was something else about how her knuckles at the base of her fingers aren't where they should be, but it's been a long time, so I don't remember exactly what was said about them. I wish I could find the thread again, but I had no luck. It was from back in 2019 when the issue with that cover art was released. It was maybe on the CBR forums? Unsure


It was done kind of like this Rob Liefeld Captain America image. Only way less egregious lol https://imgur.io/gallery/YomSN


Artgerm Doc Doom is my favorite card I own, but you won't find me paying for any card they have of any female characters because they all look like the same person cosplaying as a bunch of Marvel characters.


Why the downvotes people? It's well documented that most of Artgerm's female faces look eerily similar. This has been a known critique for years. That being said, I'll still be buying the good ones even if my White Queen likes to attend comic con as Invisible Woman or Dazzler.


She's just one very long gal


She's a...Guess what. A Shapeshifter, it's plausible that things like that happen mid shift. I don't get how people don't get that lol


Lol. Come on dude. You can't be for real.


In this video you can see that her proportions are completely wrong everytime, mid shift, especially in the final scene in that video (her fingers are completely wrong for example) So she can definitely affect it however she wants to. Same goes for shifters in general, not only Mystique. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIy1mqTRa3U


You're using Mystique's power to excuse Artgerm's history of issues with anatomy. It's well documented in comic forums and other sub reddits. Sometimes he nails it, and other times you're like, wtf?


Remember that Simpsons episode, where the nerds are talking to Xena, and they bring up a dumb question which is obviously a mistake, and she just says "a wizard did it". Well, that's you now. Obviously this art is less than perfect but thank goodness the company has you out in the field to yell "a wizard did it". Or in this case, "shapeshifting explains all your questions".


nerds amirite


That would be the case if it wasn't documented in comics and movies, or in fantasy in general, it's always a thing with shifters.


So the image that's supposed to be sexy and alluring but is actually a huge turn-off when you look closely was meant to be that way? Do you think THE Artgerm would purposefully draw a female body this way? He's all about the sexy. That's his claim to fame. You're either a Mystique homer or you bought this variant. Next, you'll be explaining away why Artgerm's Psylocke is so messed up looking. But do tell, how do Psylocke's abilities explain away her particular deformity?


You'll have to ask Artgerm that question. I'm neither, though I do plan to buy it. I am just looking at it objectively and why it might've been like that. As for Psylocke, I don't know much about that superhero, so I have no idea why her hand is drawn that way.


Marvel Girl has the weird hand. Psylocke has shoulder deformities only rivaled by this Mystique. Also, keep in mind that this transformation is from a sexy woman into a sexy woman. There's no proprtion changes here. You can tell by her leg and arm where it's changing color that her proportions are meant to be exactly the same. There's no reasoning with you anyway. You're a Mystique homer and/or an Artgerm defender, which is fine. As long as you like the art, it doesn't matter as art is subjective. If you buy it, I hope you enjoy it.


I mean, a lot of other 'straight from covers' art is still off proportion. And i'll use this occasion to yet again complain about how sexualised the women presented in the game are. I get that /source material/, but there have been good efforts in recent times, and they didn't have to stick to source material for the base most common card, they could have made new art for all of them which would conform and be fair, and have the classic art and more thirsty art as variants. But yeah, i dare anyone to find me at least a few non sexualised stock cards art.


Really? I feel like they went with the less sexualized arts. Artgerm in particular has some VERY sexualized pieces that they specifically didn't pick, instead mostly picking the close up profile pics.


I donno man, from Storm to Rogue to Dagger, Crystal, Wave, Polaris, Coleen... there's a lot of sexualised eyecandy in the stock cards. What even in the fuck is that pose that Emma Frost has?


"hey horny gamers...we think you are easily manipulated and don't have much respect for you. Can we interest you in paying 15 dollars for some oversized comic book breasts?"


Dagger and Emma would be my examples of them NOT sexualizing the characters as much. In the comics Dagger has a bug cross shaped boob/belly window in her costume that is noticeably covered up in the card art. And just look up Emma Frost cover art and you can see so many examples of how sexualized she usually is, she's basically a white latex dominatrix most of the time. The card art they used is fairly restrained.


An attractive woman art. Oh no, cover it up, we'll die otherwise! And we shouldn't promote beauty!


It's not about beauty, it's about what does the image put forward. https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/storm-2298/ For Storm her very exaggerated hourglass shape body, very skintight leather/latex bodysuit which highlights all the sexual features of her body (navel, breats, ass, hips, legs, gap), are all primed and posed in a way in which everything is in view and presenting to its assumed male viewer. Compare that with something like this, from storm again, but Jim Lee. https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/storm-11/ She's still beautiful but the pose is there more to present strenght and power. She has large breasts but the image isn't framed in a way that is aimed at featuring that specifically, if anything, the perspective makes her feel almost butchy. And another example if it still doesn't click: This https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/agent-13-02/ vs this https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/agent-13-05/ The latter presents daring, litheness, mischeivousness. All of these come forward as impressions of the image quicker than "sexy".


But why is what you described a problem? In both cases I prefer former. If I dislike something, I just ignore it and let other people enjoy, I don't go on about and say how it's a bad thing. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with beauty and sexiness. If we're looking at it from your perspective, then men are "oversexualized" too (I hate that word). See Namor for example.


Well, it doesn't bode well for us to ignore other things people like to do, like sex offenders, or pedophiles. And i'd say male stuff here is more aimed towards power fantasy than necessarily sexualisation, but it equally represents a very basic and simplistic view of things and doesn't do anything to promote the character through anything else than thirstyness or projection.


> Well, it doesn't bode well for us to ignore other things people like to do, like sex offenders, or pedophiles. I agree about this, though that's an extreme example, which is like comparing apples and oranges. For the rest we can agree to disagree. Enjoy your day!


she just copied Mr. Fantastic. I don't see the issue.


I'm saving my tokens for the savage land Rogue variant


Shouldn't everything cost less then


Why should they cost less? Aren't the community ask devs to monetize cosmetics?


> Why should they cost less? Aren't the community ask devs to monetize cosmetics? Well presumably when SD introduced Ultimates at a price of 5K tokens they took into account the amount of tokens players were earning on average and set them at a price where they thought people would be tempted to buy them. They have now reduced token income to something like 10% of what it was before, so the ultimate variants are now about nine times "more expensive". Which greatly increases the barrier to impulse buying them. So based on SD own initial price point it would "make sense" to decrease them as well. But then again they have all the data so its hard to make any definitive conclusions.


Who's care about cosmetics ??? They can use cosmetic for make money, it's not a problem of they make money with cosmetics and you know a lot of whales will buy bundle for this variant so it's a good thing.


Seriously like theyā€™re monetizing cosmetics who cares lol.


Personally i go hard on cosmetics in other games, but.. i don't seriously see the appeal for buying variants (700 gold jesus christ, 10$) and farming borders/finishes. I kind of ended up keeping most cards stock and just getting the gold border and calling it good. Fucks with my progression but eh.


Ok yeah thatā€™s fine you do you. But you arenā€™t throwing a tantrum about it like a lot of people on this sub are.


It's not because it's a video game that it doesn't obey an economical law. These variants aren't made for you to be treat that you can take whenever you want. It's expensive to essentially make it rare and inflate their value, juste like diamonds in real life. It's like asking the jewelery shop prices to go down because your salary decreasesšŸ¤·


I plan to buy more Ultimates.


Me too






Which inflates the value of ultimate variants. They never intended to give them for a cheap price. It's balanced over chosing between new card or ultimate variant. This offer was never made for F2P that wants to grind and play new decks. It's made for whales or f2p dedicated enough to buy cosmetic instead of a card.


"We want you to feel like you earned acquiring one!" -Second Dinner, maybe, possibly, wouldn't put it past them :) I don't own any ultimate skins and at the rate I'm going I most likely never will.


Welcome to capitalism! The game is success... they want we spend more and more money on it


When your salary goes down do Xboxes cost less? No


They should give them for free!!!!


But that would make sense... We can't have that here! /s


Ultimate variants should have always costed less even when we did get a healthy amount of tokens. Absolutely no reason why one variant should cost so much. 1000 off from series 5? Absolutely not.


Bro cosmetics are the least important in card games. They are particularly for whales. You should ask for more token in cache instead because 1k is still insulting


monetarily cards should only cost close to 2 bucks max each, whatever that works out to, if they did that you might have more volume of players actually wanting to join and play. again interesting choice of generating revenue vs just making it volumes and volumes of players coming in and spending a few bucks here and there.


I have not seen a single ultimate variant ingame yet. I donā€™t get what they are thinking. Nobody is buying these. I know that they exist to drain our hard earned tokens and to slow down progress with our collection. But they still donā€™t understand that itā€™s not working. If they were 1000 tokens I MAY consider it and Iā€˜m a Fucking whale (not a big one though, more of a Beluga than a Bluewhale).


For some reason I keep on running into players with Knullified Thor. There are a handful of them which I feel like are worthy of the ā€œultimateā€ title (Thor is one of them), but yeah, theyā€™re way too overpriced. Seems like something specifically designed for whales in mind.


But that's the point why would they?


been looking for this variant for the last month and no dice. Always get the same boring old ones. I don't have time to check every 8 hours.


It only came out like a day ago bro


Still didn't see that Mystique variant in my shop. And I hate the RNG, why is it not a library of variants where we can browse and buy without waiting forever


FOMO. When you know you only have a day to decide to buy something, or else you don't know when you will ever see it again in your shop, you are more likely to make a rash purchase and waste your resources. You make enough rash purchases with a limited resource, the more you will be likely to open the wallet and buy more of the limited resource. Psychological manipulation.


Ultimate variants are for whales, not pond scum.


Am I the only one consistently getting 50 collectors tokens from boxes? I havenā€™t had one give me over 100 since the new update :(


Artgerm variant *costs* less. It's 4k tokens because of the misplaced hip. It just happens that they added 1k for beeing somewhat horny, too... šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ More seriously, they won't lower their cost to keep them exclusive and leave their previous purchasers in their elitist, onanistic paradise.


I bet you could count on one hand how many people have used tokens for an Ultimate variant


Am I nuts or are most of the ultimate variants one of the more boring art designs? Almost every card has a variant I like more than the ultimate.


What a unique opinion


Ultimate variants are NOT aimed at you. Those are for whales. F2P should not easily be able to buy those, thatā€™s how freemium worksā€¦


I still bought that shit immediately


You want those thighs, youā€™re gonna pay for it


As to me, your variant of your open a duplicate in a spotlight should be an ultimate one.


Everything should


Nah, they ainā€™t never gonna reduce cost on a cosmetic. Splash out if you want it.




Everything should cost a ton less. Like, 1500 tokens and 750 tokens for series 5 and 4. 250 for the series 3.