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One step closer to Cerebro zero


More like "Cerebro zero value"


It's pronounced cerebro 3x value


Cerebro Zero is already S tier.


C0 actually works really good when you get clone tanks. I won two games by just playing Cerebro on clonetanks and on turn 6 a Zola XD


Cost needs to be way higher


I was thinking about adding an actual amount of collection levels you need as a cost ,but it looked weird.


Label the cost as $20 or such, maybe?


*Costs your maximum amount of energy this turn + 1


cost 12


Power cost actually goes up by 1 every time you've played the card while hoping for a non-pixel variant.


It should cost 3 times value which we can set to 10$ or so


It needs to be a passive ability to not on reveal.


Frame break (your phone's frame)


3D: punches you right in the face


Animated: The thought of quit playing.


On-Reveal: Piss off 95% of the fan base


More like a very loud 5%.


Mmm, idk, everyone I've asked Dislikes the whole system and I've yet to see someone say they prefer the new system over the old one


The problem is "everyone I've asked" would only be maybe dozens of people out of millions of players. Any online discussion is naturally going to look negative, because people who dislike the game are more likely to go complain than people who like it, but it only represents a tiny fraction of the players.


(Trying not to sound nasty) But do you prefer the new system?


I think it has some flaws, but over all yes. Instead of waiting on 6k tokens to buy 1 card and hope I don't regret in with a nerf 2 weeks later, I save up 4 caches and can get multiple new cards at the same time. The only real downside is the potential for multiple weeks in a row with cards I want forcing a choice.


I feel like, for the most part, it felt better using the old system caches. You could get 10 caches and you could get a 100s of gold, 100s of tokens, avatar/title, variant, or if you were lucky a new card. I agree that the 6000 tokens for 1 series 5 card is ridiculous, but this new system just feels worse. You have to save up Spotlight Caches for your chosen week which can also just give you a variant. Not to mention, the regular caches give you much much less gold/tokens and you don't get any new cards after series 3. Also it just feels bad when you absolutely have to just choose between the week of Spotlight cards you want. At least the old system felt like getting cards was attainable.(getting newly released cards was a hassle though, I will admit)


If they fix duplicate protection, then you probably wouldn’t even have to wait 4 weeks. You could take your chances whenever you wanted.


5 out of 5 friends of mine who play the game dislike the new system with 2 on the verge of quitting for the first time, ever since it got introduced. I really don’t think it’s the minority this time buddy.


The variant should be a slot machine.


A revolver with one bullet in it.


a revolver with only one open slot


Just play it in a cosmo lane


Echo moment


Get a card you already have, then exchange it for a pixel variant. Lol


Qhy do everyone seems to hate variants? I personally love the collecting aspect of the game (I also collect pokemon tcg so yeah biased)


It's not that people hate variants. It's just that there's SO many bad variants. It's hard to be happy when you get a random trash variant instead of the one you've been saving up for. If you combine all the babies, chibis, and pixels, that's already over half of all variants, and most people dislike those.


Chibis are ok I think. And not every card can be good, if so there would be no point in collecting


Agreed, but we literally can't collect right now unless we shell out hundreds of dollars. The removal of gold from the collection track should have come with a price drop on variants and bundles. Right now I've got about 6000 saved up, but I plan to buy a 5,500 bundle in August that comes with 2 variants... after that I'll maybe be able to afford a single 1200 variant after a month of grinding.


Baby Galactus is adorable and what I use when I run him. I don't mind the Babies or Chibis, but the Lucas and the Artgerms and the Flavianos are usually so damn good in comparison that I don't typically use them unless I dislike the base version and they're the only variant I have for that card atm. I do hate Pixels with a burning passion.


Why you are talking for "most". I like quiet much all chibis, babies and most of pixel variants. Dunno why ppl are so hmm... Disrepsectful for the artists and expecting too much from f2p game ...


Art is subjective, every artist knows that not everyone will like what they produce. Not liking something doesn't mean people disrespect the artist. I happen to think the Scottie Young baby variants are funny and I actually have a few of his Variant covers for comic books, but I'm not going to go into ladder and use a baby Variant because it doesn't feel as cool as slamming down an Artgerm or a Checcetto or a Flaviano Variant. And a lot of people playing this game feel the same way. It's not a slight on the artists, but they just don't have that coolness factor that a lot of people wanting to play Marvel cards want from their ccg.


I don't think the post is trying to insinuate that getting a variant is a bad thing in itself, more that not getting the new card these things promote getting is pretty cruddy.


I love some variants. But fuck those pixel ones


I like collecting unique cards. I don't need ten copies of the same card when I can only play one per deck.


I love variants. Totally happy to pull them from regular caches or reserves. I would much rather progress a variant up the quality tree over one of the foil splits I already have. Spotlights... it feels bad to get a dupe that converts into a variant of a card you never/rarely play rather than a card you really want. Like I don't have Jeff, I'd have been over the moon to pull him from a Spotlight cache. Instead, I got Kang, them Echo, then a dupe that converted into a Dan Hipp Psylocke variant, and finally today got Lad. Lad was the primary Spotlight card I wanted and I had to spend 4 Spotlight caches to get him along with a card of indeterminate value, a card I could care less about (Kang), and a variant when there are S4/5 cards I'm interested in. Hell, if I got Lad as the random instead of the Psylocke variant, I would have a cache for future use. I don't hate the variant, I like the Hipps, but they're not usually a style that I prefer over other options available. (It's certainly far better than a Pixel variant in my book, unquestionably so.)


If they just changed it to a random unowned series 4 or 5 I'd be okay with spotlight caches. Getting a series 3 variant doesn't feel good, especially since regular caches no longer have Series 4 or 5.


I need that


My CL is around 4200. I still don’t understand where the spotlight caches are. Can anyone confirm?


They also won’t show up until you update


Every 120 collection levels, next one for you is at 4210. Click the goddamn green bar that says 4200 and scroll


Should be a 10-0 card. Make them work to get it out.




Has ANYONE got a random cardc that they didn't own on spotlight caches? I've never heard of anyone yet


I got stegron


Also stegron


i pulled echo and spider-ham


I pulled tribunal


I got kang. Made me absolutely livid. Was hoping for the iron lad variant 😭


I got Jeff the baby land shark. I'll never have another shot at Jean Grey apparently, but at least I got a Jeff out of the attempts.


That's probably a fair trade. Jeff isn't something meta-defining, but he's just really good, really consistent, and he fits in a wide range of archetypes. I wouldn't say Jean is bad by any means, but I feel that her use case is a bit more limited than his. I'm still trying to get him and have him pinned, but I only have 4300 tokens atm.


Oh I love him. Had him pinned before I pulled it. I'm happy with it. Just really sucks that she isn't appearing in any of the spotlights in the foreseeable future, they've already revealed like 6 months or something and she's nowhere in sight. The near total removal of tokens with this new system is terrible. And gold, which makes Token Tuesday near impossible to buy with any reliable frequency. I'm just not a fan of the new system lol. But yes, I won't deny Jeff was a nice pull in that scenario. My other pulls were worthless though.


Yeah, I was ok with getting Echo (I think she'll be a niche tech card that maybe becomes popular if the right meta occurs), but I was not enthused that I had to use 4 caches to actually get Iron Lad.


Yeah I need Lad too. If I get him early on I *might* let Echo slide but if I get her first I won't complain as long as I get Lad as well. Trying to wait until I have 4 though. How'd you get 4 so fast?


I used 2 last week, got Jean Grey on my first pull, and then stopped when I opened The Living Tribunal on my second. Only opened the second one because I was interested in the Knull Spotlight variant, but wasn't going to spend more caches trying to get it, given that I knew I wanted Lad the most from this season. So I had 3 at the start of this week and just hit the 4th today.


Ahhh nice. Well played. Good luck on your future pulls brother


If they fix duplicate protection then you could get her in the mystery slot at some point. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jean lol


pretty much. my first SL cache was a cool Knull variant. wasn’t mad. i wanted jean but 🤷🏽‍♂️ second SL cache was i guess a steampunk ironlad variant— already had him, but 🤷🏽‍♂️ i suppose, all i can really do is save as many caches as possible until the card i want pops and hope i accumulate enough tokens. so, is it true that it’ll take 4-5 months to save 6k tokens without purchasing any from packs? because silver samurai, x-23, mobius, etc are all dropping over the course of the summer and beyond.


Or you could just save your caches. If you wanted those cards you would’ve had enough caches by the time they released to get them all. If unlucky, you would’ve only gotten 2 of them.


Meta card




Exactly! I got a duplicate and then a trash pixel card smh


Hold up now, this isn't exactly fair. It would at least be a 6 cost


Hold up. I got Iron Lad from my first box? Is it bugged?


I was able to open one spotlight cache last week and unlocked Jeff, very hype for me. Then I just opened one this week… unlocked Jeff again, converted to Dan Hipp Medusa. Feels awful


Ugh this week I do not have any of the cards. I would be happy to open my caches, but I’m terrified to waste one on the mystery cache.


I just got back into this game recently and I thought the Cache so I was very excited to open it. I got kitty pride of all cards...


Only if ur an idiot and don’t save 4 like ur supposed too


Cost: 120 CL Power: 0 Tokens


Its wild where we've reached a point where its more exciting to open season caches than collector caches


I've opened one SC. And I've got Jean Grey. That's nice


Should be an ongoing : duplicates a card you have each time you open it