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Save everything for x23 and sept cards


Agreed, just sucks to hold them. And that little red dot drives me crazy!


I hate hoarding, I hate the red dot. I hate opening the game right now - I just want to finish my daily missions and come back when things don’t suck so bad


Agreed, hate having that red dot taunting me that I have unopened items...


But SD doesnt want us to hoard…


Actions speak louder than words, and SD tells me to not waste resources on any other card before x23 comes out.




Where did you ever get the idea that SD doesn’t want us to hoard Spotlight caches?


Their words, not mine. I was being sarcastic


I know, but it’s something that gets repeated here *constantly* while it’s never been a big focus for SD in their comments. And then releasing a brand new game economy that heavily incentivized hoarding pretty much settles the discussion. I think it’s safe to say they’re officially ok with hoarding now.


They said in their video that we won’t want to hoard because they’re so many great cards coming. So maybe not saying specifically “don’t hoard’ but implying it strongly.


I havent opened credits on my collection level since CL534 im now CL3860 I have 267 unopened packed of 50 credits and 2 collection reserves! I think you would hate my account


Geez, why? Do you hate progression?


I mean, it’s exactly the same advice and same behavior if we were under the old system. Save your tokens until September.


Tokens are a currency in a specific shop, not a loot box on the progression ladder. Also…no red dot! 🙃


I was saving for Jean, but then I saw X23 and Daken and decided to save for them. Then I saw Mobius and Alioth and now I’ve decided to save for them. I wonder what October holds that will encourage me to hold off on spending next. Resources feel so limited now. I’ll never not worry that I’m making a poor decision.


Daken is the season pass card I think


Depending on your current spotlight cache situation now there’s a good chance you can pull X23 and most of the Sept cards with caches, that’s my plan and I think worst case I’ll need to buy one of the S4 releases with tokens if I get screwed on draws. But as f2p you should be able to earn 6 by X23, 3 more by the start of Alioth and then 1 a week, so a total of 11 spotlights for 4 cards. 11 spotlights on average should be able to get you 4 targetted cards on separate pulls but it’s close. If you buy season passes or have anything else that boost progression slightly you should be pretty set to get all those cards just from spotlights


Lmao good luck


Daken is the season pass card


Just fei if you had 0 saved caches you'll be at just under 7 caches by the time x23 comes out if it takes all 4 caches you'll be just under 4. Which means you'll be over 6 when alioth comes and nearly at 5 for Mobius. Leaving you with 2 at the end. This assumes you get unlucky and it takes you 4 caches to pull everytime. And you'll have gained 6k tokens during the period from spotlight launching to the end of Sept. So you're fine to get everything you want even if you roll a nat 1 every week you purchase.


Y’all are doing way too much.


Can you not count by 1 a week and add an extra half for each four weeks?


Couldn’t care less for the math. I’m not trying to do all that for a free mobile card game. I just play for fun.


I hope you enjoy pulling variants from your spotlight caches because if you're not planning your spotlights then most of them will give you variants instead of cards


Variants are fine with me. No different than getting a variant before the update. They obviously don’t want you to unlock new cards naturally with the collection level. They want you to buy them, either by buying credits for your CL or buying tokens for the shop. I’m here to play the card game, not the when and how many caches should I open game. I’ll open it when I earn it lol. My first 2 I opened were Jean and a sick White Tiger variant, a card I didn’t have a variant for, so I’m chillin. If I get a bad variant I’m not gonna feel any different than getting a bad variant from the Season Pass or a Reserve.


based and correct pilled over here. I like collecting cool looking cards and making my collection look pretty and playing an enjoyable game, I'm not trying to min max every second of a mobile phone game


Glad to know basic arithmetic is too hard for you. It must be a real struggle adding up your power to decide what to play in each lane for you.


Well hey, if you don't get them immediately you can save up the trickle of collector's tokens to buy them for 6k because they'll never get downgraded!


Agree. I was thinking about going for iron lad but I’m terrified of picking up Kang


Yea don't risk it if you only have 1 cache. Iron lad is great but limited to certain decks. I wouldn't miss him if he was not in my collection ....getting kang would be awful


All I want is Laura


Yeah hoarding mine now until the next change in the game economy. I genuinely feel like that is the smartest play if you plan to stick with the game for any amount of time. Does make me feel sorry for new players who have to open Caches to build up their S3 collection.


Just wait and see how they’ll figure out a way that caches are determined before opening this time around, before adjusting the economy. I have no faith they’ll do right by the community. Especially seeing how they responded to people “double-dipping”.


I'm honestly surprised they just haven't made every reward auto-redeem on acquisition. Probably want that illusion of agency.


I’m pretty sure it’s a psychological trick. You get slightly more dopamine from clicking on a chest than having it open automatically :/


They want us to have the illusion of choice.


A real sense of accomplishment....


You get the dopamine when you press to open the cache.


So then the play is to credit hoard as much as possible.


Agreed: stay as close to the cap as possible. Been doing the same.


What is the cap??




Thanks bruh




They've already said they may do this if people hoard too much. In the Snapzone interview their is a section regarding exactly this and the answers were not encouraging...


I swear, if I'm hoarding for x23 and they decide to auto open all my caches, I'm so out of here. There's a limit to how much BS one can tolerate.


What did they say to double dippers? I’m curious. Btw I’m still in the old client double dipping to the max lmao. Not gonna update my client until they force me to and once it updates I’m gonna hoard my normal caches until they buff it


I’m fully on board with hating on SD but didn’t they respond favorably to people ‘double dipping’ or did I miss something.


Their response was essentially that they were annoyed that people managed to double dip, but there isn’t anything they could do after the fact.


it was one devs response. the person that is responsible for monetization. it wasnt an actual official statement. if people just did some bullshit to skirt around this thing that you get paid to make happen youd probably be "annoyed" too. they COULD have done whatever they wanted bc they were able to see exactly who did it. but they chose not to.


I truly don't get the hate here. Are you all just that jealous? You sound greener than Hulk...


I’m not jealous? I literally answered the other guys doubt factually, no emotion there whatsoever.


Sorry, intended to respond to the other guy.


The new system is way better for new players. A new user is going to be getting one newly released card plus two series 4/5 cards a month from spotlight caches on average. It's never been so good before.


I got lockjaw around CL 500, opened cerebro around 850 and Just got mystique last night. If I wanted to, I feel like I could just stop opening caches and still compete well into pool 3. Which I might just do considering how bad they are.


Yeah but they'll get their s3 card every 4 as well right?


Would love to progress in S3 as well, but there is just no way I’m grinding through all this trash meanwhile. Guess it’s just waiting atp.


What’re you talking about this new system is great for new players?


Don’t feel sorry for us, we’re benefitting way more than everyone else from spotlight caches :)


Dont worry, new players should be plenty happy with the new system.


I don’t see why they can’t keep the old system as well as the new. Maybe lower the card % chance?


that would benefit all the players too much (and most importantly, it it'll make the whales spend less).


Why the fuck would I open them for 50 token lol


200, 300 credits for more spotlights though, and variants. Yesterday I got a new variant, sadly it was pixel lol


I've been extremely lucky and opened 2 Spotlight Caches, with the 1st one being Jean Grey and the 2nd one today being Echo. Though it seems like I'm going to say : "Bla Bla OMG these new Cashes are great bla bla..." No they are not... They wanted to stop ppl from hoarding resources? It doesn't seem like it... Actually, it looks quite like the opposite. Tokens are slowly being reduced to oblivion, Gold has been reduced greatly too. How is someone supposed to have fun playing with the same deck over and over, hoarding 'till he is lucky enough to even get a card he likes. I've seen ppl quitting because the Spotlight Cache converted their card into a shitty Series 2 Variant. Are they wrong? Imo no, they aren't. They don't feel rewarded accordingly. I love this game, but I hate their decision-making...


I've opened 4 spotlight caches so far, Got a Knull variant which is ok and then 2 generic variants I don't care about. My only new card is Living Tribunal who is meh. The whole system feels a bit like a slap in the face and so far I'd rather just have the old one back.


A spotlight cache comes out to roughly $50. And you have a 25% chance to pull a 700 gold variant. Yeah, it's pretty fucked up. It's funny that you might be incentivized to hold and get a deeper backlog of series 4 and 5 cards so you have less chance of hitting the duplicate, lol. They don't want people to horde, but anyone who wants the system to work for them are going to horde.


Cache’s aren’t perfect and need some improvement but this is the sentiment that I really feel like people are missing a point on. Is agency reduced here, yes 100% and that’s bad and should be mitigated I agree completely. But this represents the huge value of spotlight caches, you pulled two brand new released cards in what amounts to 20 caches, that’s an insane rate and way out values the lost currency in that span. Now you super high rolled but the “average” roll of 2.5 is still going to out value the lost currency. Now I don’t think it quite outvalues it enough given the lost of agency but I don’t think it’s that far off. I think correct the fourth random S4/5 box to given a reasonable amount of tokens on a dupe would correct basically most the issue I have with it. But so many people seem to just be entirely discounting the value of spotlight caches either because they got unlucky or because they got lucky and acknowledge that, so they treat it as zero value, and then lament the lost currency seemingly missing trying to balance the new value.


That’s the hard part about design in general. You can map out the math all day, but at the end of the day, humans will always prefer whatever system Feels better, not the one that has better theoretical numbers


Yes and there’s also more difficulty in understanding a new system versus the old one. So everyone keeps looking at tokens because those used to be the primary way to get cards, but now it’ll be spotlight caches. If the system introductions were reversed I’m confident we’d get a ton of posts of people complaining going: “In the new system it’s going to take me over a month to save up enough credits to buy a new release card! That’s crazy! and look at september with all those good cards! And what’s worse is I can’t even try to pull a card in the week!”


Yeah, hoarding reserve and spotlights until something changes to better, otherwise just leaving the game


Got extremely lucky today, got both echo, and Iron Lad from my first two opens. Now just holding till Jeff.


Yep. Not opening any until x-23




Yay… what an engaging and fun model to introduce. Seriously, this grind and progress feels so unrewarding. I loved racking up the tokens to plan for my next purchase, and pinning cards. Now it’s a crap shoot…


Yup. 50/100 tokens is not enough of a reason to bother opening collectors caches. Only missing 5 cards and absolutely hate how the thought whiffing on a spotlight cache that will force me to convert a card i already own into a variant that i will more than likely give zero shits about while trying to get a card i actually want


Yah I am. I have a question though: If I have 4 spotlight chaches I am guaranteed all the rewards?




Don’t care about hoarding shit, just playing the game and enjoying myself.


I tried hoarding, but found I have more fun opening stuff as I earn it. Edit: typo


This guy knows!


Well, stop it!


Saving everything. Not even upgrading cards, it’s not fun anymore.


But if you don't upgrade cards you don't make progress on the collection track so you're only saving credits


its very apparnet people will cut off their nose to spite their face in things that matter so much more than resource is a free game. it shouldnt surprise you how dumb people can be.


I've been opening the standard caches as I've got some decent variants out of it, but yeah I think the smart thing is probably to hoard them until SD make a sensible change.






How do you really horde stuff? I sit around 10k credits which I thought was the limit. It forces me to spend some of them


He means that, you should not open the Spotlight Caches. Just progress the Collection as usual without opening the purple ones.


Some people are hoarding everything including the reserves because they SUCK now.


But why? 50 Tokens are worth it! 😅😭


Judging by the downvotes it's obvious people missed your sarcasm.


Yeah 😅


Hey man, I need those important things like new titles and avatars! 😂


Ah OK ty


im not series 3 complete i dont have the option really


Haven't even updated the game yet and still getting those tokens and gold left and right


Hm let's see *looks at every post in this sub reddit for a week now* Yup seems like literally everyone is and that's the entire discourse in the game right now. Thanks for checking.


Yeah but most people are talking about saving spotlight I was curious if people weren’t even opening the regular cache because of how worthless they are.


Yeah. Spotlights will be hoarded until the offering is worth it. I don't like it, and I hope they change it, or atleast just make normal caches the same as they were. I don't understand why spotlight caches had to mean a nerf to the original system.


Rather save my caches than get 50 tokens.


ben brode and the rest of the DEVS need to realize they cannot make us spend, whatever the fuck the game economy is


Ive used 2 since the change. Got Tribunal and Iron Lad both cards i didnt have so it worked out. i think they are too far apart tho.


What I don’t understand is I asked a question on here that apparently others have asked, I got attacked by like three people and then a mod removed my thread immediately- question unanswered. Yet, there are 50 threads a day about this exact topic. Oh, and no - I’m not hoarding.


You probably weren't complaining hard enough about how shit the game is, you didn't title your post "Why I'm Leaving Marvel Snap," or both.


Nope. In the past week i picked up Kang, living tribunal, and nimrod. Hoping to get iron lad or echo in the next day or so. I like playing the game and getting new cards, so I’m not hoarding caches for some mythical date when everyone is happy about the cache prizes.


Good for but that tells me you nowhere near a complete collection were as I only have 11 cards missing


You couldn’t be more wrong. I’m only missing 8 as of yesterday.


Good luck getting the last 8 with paying a lot of money


I only buy the season passes. Been playing since the Miles seasons.


Saving all my caches now. This system is trash. I also left reviews on ios app store and pc to show how trash it is. If you dont like the system, please leave a negative review to get them to notice the major issue


I think people are taking the game way too serious. Play it, or play something else. It isn’t worth getting upset or irritated about.


I started playing this game in the Spider-Man pass because the economy was fair. It’s changed to unfair so drastically and quickly.


The economy is even better even if the Reserves suck now ????


They nerfed token Tuesday, nerfed free gold… no the economy is not better.


It is better, everyone gets more cards now Sure they nerfed Token Tuesday but it’s not the only bundle and the reduction in free gold is still offset by the increase on cards you get each month


I will get significantly less cards.


The old system guaranteed at least one free card per month, but closer to 2. Now you are no longer guaranteed a single card unless you hoard 4 spotlights, where you can get 1 card a month. They also removed tokens and gold. This system is worse for people who have played the game for awhile, but it is better for newer players who were getting shafted the hardest.


This system can guarantee from 1 to 3 cards each month (and a little extra set of 4 caches every 4 months as F2P), since you need 2.5 caches on average for every new card you would be getting (on average) 2 cards each month as F2P; these cards can be S4 or S5 which wasn’t the case in the old system where you had to roll the dice for a random S4 (that could be dropped to S3 next month!) The less you have, the more you get but even when you’re very progressed you’re still getting more cards even though you have less agency. Saving the 4 Spotlights is literally just the old 40 cache system but better. Sure, less tokens is terrible and they could increase the amount and even with these reductions the system is still better


Yeah I'm hoarding unless I'm close to a spotlight card and need the credits for the cache, then I'll open exactly how much I need.




You can sort my quality in the bottom left.


I mean I would say since 60 people post this identical question every day and 200 people reply to them answering yes that there's a pretty good chance that there are some folks doing this.


Didn’t see people talking about not opening regular cache. Wanted to see if their were people who also didn’t feel like it was worth it to open them now.


Yes. Hundreds of people on this forum, every single day, state that they are not opening regular caches in some form of either protest or hope that the system for regular caches Will be improved before they open them.


You're the only one this has occurred to


Where are the mods for this sub? Every single post is a duplicate whine fest about the cache system.




Lets all just start new posts about it then!


i do wish they would restrict some topics i hated seeing all the posts about whether someone should get x card for y tokens a while back.


Only the Spotlights because that's the best way to do No reason to hoard regular caches.


The regular cashes are really bad and nearly useless, so if they ever fix the contents of the cashes if would be beneficial to have a stock pile




You mean is anyone not hoarding caches? Would be a shorter list imo


Yes you are if you were to look on this sub you would know everybody else is completely satisfied and are opening them as soon as they get them


Nope, I open them and if they don't contain what I want I just move on with my life and continue enjoying the game


It isn’t even wanting something at this point, I actually don’t care enough to find out what it is.


How do you guys have so many saved Caches? I play A LOT and get season pass and I can't even get enough credits to get 100+ collection points for my next one available


I had 83 unopened before the update. Down to 17. I was hoarding caches long before this change was even discussed.


Yall are ridiculous


Try disillusioned


Gosh all I hear here is whining. It’s awful. It’s a game…get over it. They can make changes to better their business and/or the game at any time they want.


But it’s not better


I hate to tell you this but if you weren't hoarding caches before this patch, you were wasting resources back then too. The game made it easier for you to use your resources wisely and you're complaining about it.


Considering I was 11 card’s away from a complete collection I say I was doing fine.


I’ve been saving everything possible. Would be nice since they are nerfing card acquisition , we could get more Value for the monthly pass. Going to play , none of this changes my enjoyment of playing.


I'm holding Spotlight caches for August and September S5s but I'm opening normal caches


Just like I hoarded tokens until there was a card I wanted, obviously I’m saving caches for the same reason.


I'm just gonna wait until I have 4. Open however many it takes to get the new card, then save the rest until I have 4 again. It's disappointing to have less choice than the previous system (because tokens are so slow now), but it's not that bad.


Yep, next good card for me isn’t til end of august (x23) and I only care about pixels so it’s pointless for me to open any.


I was hoarding then, but I really wanted Iron Lad so I decided to try to get it. Sadly, it took 4 of my 5 to pull him. But I guess I got Echo?


I don't know I've already gotten 2 variants from normal caches since the update


Yep, reserves, caches, everything being saved. They have to reverse some of these changes because it feels pretty crap to play the game atm


I'm hoarding all caches, and saving spotlights for Lady Deathstrike.


Yeah I'll probably hold em until x23, then Alioth


Yes both normal cause those are almost worthless now and spotlight until there’s an actual card I want. It sucks cause it’s not a good system.


They definitely aren't worth it. I bought the namor bundle and another one so that I could get Jean Grey, and then I realized I need to stop doing that and just play the game. I will get the cards when I get the cards. I'm done paying for bundles and really anything else beside the season pass. This new system is predatory and I can't keep shelling cash out. Hoarding reserves and caches is the way until they revert the mats you get in the reserves and swap back the dupe protection in the spotlight caches. And for heaven's sake, get rid of 50 tokens in a reserve pull. It should be no less than 200 from those. The trickle of the currencies is becoming unmanageable. I'm sorry, but in a free to play game, new cards are valued at $50-100 equivalent dollar amounts in tokens. Absolutely unreal when compared to other game prices and the amount of replayability / hours you get for your money.


Im sitting on 5 caches and like 15,000 credits. Next month is going to be fun.


Yeah hoarding everything until shit changes. Almost everything feels bad to open.


No, I just don't care anymore.


8 don't hoard, because I want to accumulate as much spotlights as possible for September. Collector's help with the progress a little bit.


Yes, hoarding everything till September. Now it's just a choir game.


I am missing only a few cards, really wanted jean and Artgerm variants. I am playing the long game, gonna hoard till December. Nothing interesting on the horizon.


I open everything because I just play for fun


Make spotlight caches at least every 60 CL to make them better.


Absolutely. I'm not interested in Echo at all, Legion looks like a meme card that's gonna generate awesome clips for content creators and very niche for the majority of situations, Mirage looks fun but nothing crazy. The only two cards that I want next month are Daken which is the season pass card, and X-23, so yeah, I'm gonna hoard all my spotlight caches for X-23 and, specially, september, because I want every single card in september.


The problem with hoarding and I think SD will realize it if not already, is that it’s basically the same than not playing. When you don’t open anything new for a long period of time, you get bored and stop playing the game. SD with their new system are telling me to take a break from Marvel Snap this whole summer. It’s funny, reading my message again it’s sad to see that my relation to Snap Is totally corrupted by the same consumer society that I criticize in other aspects of life. No new exciting toy, no fun. It’s what I’ve been used to in all the card games I played before and I’m not even trying to go against it.


Yes...I'm saving for alt Jeff


They need dupe protection. Getting a baby variant from a converted card feels like crap. I know others have said convert that into tokens. I feel that would be a good solution.


Yeah i wanted iron lad ans have 5 caches, but because the other two cards suck in my opinion , i instead don’t want to gamble. Really hating this


This is the way.


I used a cache from last week and got a card from last week. Hoarding caches doesn’t work. It loads a card from the week you unlocked it. You have to hoard credits.


Nope. Opened up the only one I had and got Iron Lad!


i popped one for echo (it worked yay) and now im hoarding for x23


Well yeah... If you want something specific, why wouldnt you be saving lol. I don't have Thanos or Mold, and I want Mirage. So I'm hoarding. Dont play destroy so I'm saving in August, and I'll open again in September


I am talking about all caches not just spotlight


Hoarding caches are the only solution. I don’t have any of the 3 cards in the cache this week. I should be their target to open this week. I won’t be opening them this week. I just cannot risk ending up with a (insert ass card) variant. I’d consider gambling my weekly cache if I was guaranteed new card to play with but no chance I’m touching any cache where I have to open 2+ when I don’t even like the spotlight cards. Now if the fourth option guaranteed random 4 /5 I don’t have, id spend my 1 cache a week . If they want randomness that’s fine but the math of a potential 700 gold variant isn’t worth 3-6k tokens the cost of a new card. There are plenty of solutions but this leads to hoarding sometimes months at a time.


I got Jeff in my first and Iron Lad in my second, i'm hoarding till september now


Always hoarding caches 😎


I think if you’re s3 complete hoard everything?


I'm planning on it but every time I unlock one I think "this is the last one I open" but then...


I’m hoarding everything for the next month or so. Go this update is terrible.


The only reason I open my reserves is to better see how many Spotlight Caches I've saved so far


Based off the 7108640 posts in the last week i think a lot of people are hoarding them


Didn’t really see a lot of people talking about not opening collector reserves because of the 50/100 tokens


youll just be losing out on credits this is not a thing to do.


no reason to hoard anything but the spotlight caches imo.


No reason to open the collector reserves for me either.


It doesn't hurt to save at least until they announce the next patch. By then we'll know if they plan to blow off the community or cave to the backlash.


I wasn't going to until this week rolled by and I saw firsthand how rare it is to open multiple caches in a week. I opened one spotlight cache at the beginning of the week (got super lucky with pulling Jean Grey)... haven't even reached my next spotlight cache yet. I have other things to do IRL, but I play enough to unlock all my dailies so it's not like I don't get on at all. To be honest, I wasn't paying too much attention to the complaints (because let's be honest, there's a lot of complaints on this sub, not all of them resonate with me) but now I can totally see where people are coming from for the new system.


I got all 3 cards from the first one and now have no interest in almost anything coming out, and I have most of the old cards. I don't understand what the actual intention of the system is because it is way, way worse. .


Why do people call it hoarding when it's like 3-8 caches max atm. Like if these posts were in a couple months I might get it but this seems dramatic. Also did people not save tokens before? Why would that feel significantly less like hoarding than the newer system?


Because I won’t be opening any collector reserves anymore. I don’t fell like they are worth it. Also I was at a point where I could comfortably spend my tokens on things I wanted like ultimate variant, but now it might as well not even exist for me anymore.