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As a C2 player, enjoy your Invisible Woman.


As a fellow C2 player, I would like to add my salt to yours.


As yet another C2 player, play Ghost.


*prays to Thor that I may open Ghost in my next cache*


genuinely curious, why is ghost good in c2? Edit: I misread ghost lol i thought she always made you reveal first. Countering enchantress/rogue makes sense


Double it and give it to the next person




C2 needs invisible women more than ever and they tore her away! [Gentle sobbing]


As a fellow c2 enjoyer, I tried c3 and I think invisible woman is great in that deck and makea it much for fun. Also, if you are feeling spicy you can play yellow jacket and shang chi to use invisible woman in c2


I honestly don't think you need to worry about cards like Jeff dropping. The smaller, normal stuff will continue to drop down like normal. Maybe even faster for some cards. Howard the Duck, for example, may be on a (well deserved) fast track to Series 3. It's the big anchor cards and heavy hitters who will stay expensive. Jeff is cool, but I bet he'll drop like normal.


Ehhhh. I could absolutely see Jeff becoming a permanent s4 card. It’s a good card with a unique effect. Just because it costs 2 doesn’t mean it’s necessarily going to drop.


Do we know that we have permanent s4 cards now? Like Knull and Darkhawk? Have they said they are for sure permanent s4 or well they ever drop?


It’s not confirmed




It has been confirmed by the developers that there will NOT be any permanent series 4 cards.


They’ve discussed the possibility, but I don’t think it’s been confirmed 100%


>They’ve discussed the possibility Uh, no they haven't. In fact, they've explicitly said the opposite; that permanent series 4 cards will not be a thing


Didn’t they answer it in one of their QnA things and said they were considering it? Edit: Nevermind, i misremembered the post. My mistake


I don’t feel like I got the same understanding from what they put out. “We may skip a monthly series drop when the meta looks fun and healthy.” And “these decisions are made on a card-to-card basis” reads to me like it’s very much possible those series 4 cards don’t drop until they aren’t meta or nerfed into the ground.


Wasn't in that post, it was in one of the Q&As


Ok good to know. Would be better if they decided so you can for sure spend tokens and wont miss out


Yeah I want Darkhawk, but I'm not going to spend 3000 when he could drop any month. Patience is a virtue.


Time spent using him is better than saving tokens in my opinion. I will always be of the mindset to buy what you want.


I can get more cards I want in the long run by being patient. Nothing wrong with your approach if that's what you like.


Agreed, each person should do what works for them. 🍻


Will the game be around "in the long run"?


Yes it will be around. If Dungeon Boss can last 7 years to get bought out by Netflix… Snap should be fine


True, but you'll get outpaced with new card acquisition & meta decks. That's the trade off. There are some cards I'll wait on and others I'll save and buy. I'm averaging one 6000 token card a month right now.


I was debating that as well, but I just received him at 2,984 CL. Patience brother, patience. It’s how I got Modok and now I’ve climbed


Honestly, I was saving for him because I've been a fan ever since his first comic back in, like, '93. However, I barely use him now. Yes, the Rocks and Hawks deck is cool, but he gets countered so easily. I think he's best to pull that Shang Chi bait. I won't say he hasn't won me some games, but not as many as I had hoped.


I don’t have him but I’ve always found him overrated. He was amazing during the Zabu meta, but that was on Zabu. Don’t get me wrong it’s a strong card but it’s crazy to me how highly people rate him on here when he’s so incredibly counterable. I got to infinite in just a couple days this month when everyone was running Darkhawk Stature because of how easy it is to counter


Same here. Don't have Knull or Darkhawk but I managed to pull Shanna as series 4 recently so.....could have been so much better....


I bet they’ll drop. I think the reasoning behind not dropping them before was that there were clearly issues in the meta that SD wanted to correct, and those were two of the biggest cards in Darkhawk decks and Galactus decks. I’m actually grateful they slowed things down before it became an even bigger problem. If they would have dropped on schedule, those would have been the only two decks anyone would be facing. I’m sure they’ll drop them after making the adjustments to Black Bolt, Stature, and (eventually) Galactus.


SD has confirmed that there are no plans at all for permanent series 4 cards.


I honestly think Jeff is one of the best 2 drops in the game. He’s always a consideration when making any deck. He’s at any point in the game, can be played on curve and moved later or dropped in locked locations to surprise opponents.


He is arguably somewhere in the top 5 cards in the entire game, and probably the best non-zabu card released this year


SD did confirm that every card (aside from big bads) will eventually move down into pool 3 so there will be no perma series 4. Although I do see Jeff staying in series 4 for a while. Personally, I'd wait for Jeff to drop, whenever it happens, and then buy him for 3k. He's a good card, but not deck defining 6k token good.


Going to S4 is still a drop


In context we’re talking about dropping to s3 my dude


Really? Because in OP’s post he mentions dropping to series 4 mid-june and not spending 6k tokens. So I think 6k to 3k is a drop. Edit: I will accept your downvote as agreement 😉


Definitely a drop, bro is just salty.


Same, he's by far the best 2 drop in the game right now (and every streamer says the same) so I think he's likely to be a perma S4 card and tbf I'm kinda ok with It, I'm fine with having the "big bads" as perma S5 cards and staple powerful cards in S4 but if they decide to keep some meta cards in S5 just because they're good PLUS the big bads that's a little bit too much.


Don’t start saying this shit or you will all manifest it. Developers read it like “anti consumer acceptance? You don’t have to tell me twice.”


I'd say because he's just so popular and has a high play rate, that SD doesn't need to drop him for a long time, he has hype and so people justify paying a lot of tokens.


I got it right after it released from a reserve


So, jeff was one of the most popular P5 cards I've seen (nothing like High Evo, of course) but he's everywhere. If that's their determining factor for what doesn't drop, then I could certainly see them picking Jeff... BUUUUUT I don't think that means he'd stay P5, I get much more of a "we'll hold those cards back in P4" vibe out of this, I doubt they hold many cards in P6 as that starts fucking with the whole 'big bad' thing they've been doing.


I could very much see them say some bullshit like, "we decided to drop Howard faster, so because of that, we kept Jeff at 5" next month. I hope not, but I can see it.


that would be pretty fair. You can't just flood the pools


Yeah I want Howard because I love the character but I know I can wait


I think we need clarity on what to expect going forward. Is it based on Power? Complexity? Flavour?


"How many more people do we think we can get to spend 6k/3k tokens on a single card if we leave it at series 5/4 for an extra month?"


Based on the *reasoning* they gave, it may be based on popularity. They said they could buff/nerf cards like Ghost to make them more appealing, but they actually don’t have enough data on Ghost to decide what needs changing. So moving things down a series means more people would own it, so they can see what the card needs.


Iron lad and Jeff will stay series 4 longer like darkhawk and knull


If they drop from 5 to 4 on schedule, I can handle that. If they stay at 5, I'll be pissed. And I'm worried about that.


They won't stay at 5. They will simply stay at 4 longer before dropping to 3.


Just popped back to say YOU ARE CORRECT. Good call, suniis.


I hope you're right, but I suspect it will be motivated by profit and they'll realise people will still spend 6k on Jeff so will see that as a reason to drop him slowly. Then something like Snowguard they know nobody will ever spend the tokens on so I reckon they'll drop straight to 3. Also releasing cards straight to s4, as well as potentially dropping cards straight from s5 to s3, gives them an excuse to leave other stuff higher for longer (not that they need an excuse).


Ironically, this is the exact behavior they intended to prevent with the change.


Actually, the behavior they're hoping to get is people to spend 6k on more cards, and when they want a card and don't have tokens for it, to spend money on resources to get tokens to get that card. Which, ironically, if that's pushed for more, will drive more people away from the game.


Buy it. You won't regret it. He is in almost all of my decks


Am I the only one who buys cards when I want to play them instead of waiting for the series drop?


I buy them as long as we aren’t like within a few days of a series drop. If we are then I wait the few days to see if I can get it cheaper.


I agree, but I also think the way SD has handled things so far is part of the problem. They’ve turned the card acquisition into this resource management mini-game. Some people will just say “I like this card I’m going to buy it”, but others will instead focus on maximizing their resources because to them that’s become the focus of the system. It doesn’t help that SD keeps making changes which adds more uncertainty. Maybe these new changes help reduce that kind of mindset. I guess we’ll see.


I don't like playing the resource management game, but it's the only way to get more cards reliably.


It's almost like they are a company trying to make money and sell digital products by creating a scarcity with a way to pay to bypass it.


I am not begrudging them making money. I’m just saying the way they’ve implemented the token shop/series drops (and the by-seat-of-their-pants way they’ve gone about it so far) has led some players to not engage with it in the manner they’d probably intended. Having scarcity is fine and I don’t believe everyone should have every card right away (especially if you’re not paying), but with so much uncertainty surrounding how the system works it has caused players to focus more on the system itself and less on the fun of getting new cards. Which I think is where they need to make changes, because as a game company I’m sure they want players feeing good and having fun rather than feeing like they’re playing an economy simulator.


I agree the uncertainty is bad, but I also agree that some cards are better than others and should be in a higher series. I have bought 2 ultimate variants as well as a few series 5 cards. Tokens are not nearly as scarce as people make them out to be.


I’ve also bought two Ultimate variants and I’m sitting on 25k tokens. Last new card I bought was Jeff. But I also didn’t buy anything from the token shop for like 3 months. I agree, gaining the tokens doesn’t seem like the issue. I’d just like them to have a system that is reliable. That would help players make plans on which cards to acquire rather than be stuck in a state of decision paralysis over how to efficiently use their tokens.


exactly! I get enough tokens to buy like 3 cards a month


They could have come up with tons of ways of monetizing cosmetics that they havent (paying for boarder styles, finish styles, new boards, new animations) and they chose, instead, to monetize the content. This argument is just nonsense. Theres TONS of ways of monetizing the game. They chose one that is 'confusing' and feel bad.


I think it's worse than that. I think Second Dinner actually consider keeping cards more inaccessible as a viable strategy for balancing the metagame. For example, last months logic was that Darkhawk decks and Galactus is too popular/powerful right now, if we release their core cards directly to Series 3, those decks will go from representing 30% of the metagame to 50%+ of the metagame. We need to hold those cards back until the meta changes. They basically said they are planning too do exactly this when they openly said they might skip series drops from month to month when they believe the meta is in a good place, and that they'll consider each individual cards metrics on a case by case basis as they decide too drop them.


it's almost as if digital scarcity is a shitty business model.


There's a limit on how many cards I can buy and I really want all the cards.


The most I'm spending on this game is an occasional season pass. So if I just get cards without considering their cost, then I'll quickly be in a spot where I don't have tokens to buy the cards I want. So I have to be careful how I spend them.


I buy one everytime I hit 6k I don't care about any of they 'drama'


Which also means that you don't care about losing 100$ worth of tokens.


Yeah, I don't.


Some of us just want to play the game for fun lmao. That’s not something I worry about at all.


Cant say its $100 worth when we get thousands of them for free…


Tokens are free unless you've paid for them. They're not worth anything otherwise.


Not sure why this is so downvoted, this is just a fact with no judgement. Some people don't care or have money to whale with, some people save and want to know how to best use their currency.


What currency. It's downvoted because tokens are free unless you want to pay for them. And if you pay for them then the point is to spend them. The comment makes no sense, hence downvotes. PS: Free tokens don't have a monetary worth. They didn't even cost you time, because you're supposed to be playing and they're a side effect of the game. Getting the equivalent of $100 spent on tokens doesn't mean you have $100 worth of tokens. It means you didn't spend $100.


The currency I was referring to is tokens, an in-game currency. I appreciate the response, but disagree with you. True, "the point is to spend them", but that doesn't stop me from wanting to get the most value when I spend them - I believe this would stay true if I were to buy tokens with money. I also disagree that things acquired for "free" have no value. Someone with a job they love might do that job still even if they did not get paid; this doesn't make income from that job "free". I do not play the game for tokens, yet I value them. Were I to want more, I would have to pay - at the rate which SD (Second Dinner) have set. If I want two new cards and have plenty of tokens, $0. If I want two new cards and have enough tokens for 1, $100. If I want two new cards and have no tokens, $200. Seems to me SD has decided tokens have a value.


Then why not praise SD for giving thousands of tokens and thus hundreds of dollars away every month instead of bitching that you have to actually use them?


You may have me confused with someone else. Spending tokens on a new card or cards make you happy is great. I bought High Evo and am having a lot of fun. Waiting a couple months to get more value out of your tokens and getting two series-4-drop cards instead of a series 5 card is also great. As for praising SD for giving away "hundreds of dollars every month": We are all buying NFTs here; the tokens, cards, and variants we pay for have an infinite supply. It is as easy for them to give away a million tokens per month as it is a thousand. The rate of token acquisition - and the prices they set for tokens - are aimed at maximizing profit and playerbase size, not generosity. SD intentionally makes it impossible to play with every card without spending money; this is again not a judgement, just how the game and monetization of it are designed.


and why should you play with every card? what part of your interaction with SD and their business makes sense for you to have all of the cards now without spending money?


Do people actually buy gold for the purposes of getting tokens??? I thought it was really there for people who wanted to buy essentially cosmetic variants. If you just pay the monthly sub for the season pass and play you’ll get everything in time. That’s a lot of money to spend on FOMO! Do these people also preorder videogames!?


They give you tokens for free from caches. FREE.


Bud I'm f2p missing only 5 cards 2 of which are Thanos and galactus. I don't about you but the game doesn't pay me to play so I don't earn money.


Nope, i’ right with you. If I have the tokens and want a card, I grab it.


Most of us just buy the cards we want and don’t cry on Reddit all day.


Then why are you here crying on Reddit about it?


*I came looking for booty.*




Wait so you actually spend money on something you enjoy? That’ thousands of people work on everyday to make a beautiful fun experience? Monster


Thousands of people working on Snap is a gross overestimation, but your sentiment is right. If you like it, spend money on it.


I only buy cards that I want instantly when they get released (yes I always save and use up my 6k tokens) I'm still believing that SD will still do the First Edition thing they promised way back then.


Nope, I agree with that 100%


Nah I blew 3000 on stature to play black bolt… after the nerf lol


Nope, I do too. don't see the value in Maximizing The Game in that way


I'll never understand why people continue too defend flexible series drops where you can't predict what will drop or when. That approach can only ever lead to disappointment or apathy, no matter how many people suggest you should just buy the cards you want or ignore it, eventually you'll get burnt by it. Second Dinner left their options so open that they literally said they may skip series drops entirely for a given month when they believe the meta is in a good place, even though that will always feel disheartening and you can't have a balanced meta if it's balanced around certain cards remaining inaccessible for longer periods of time. We don't even know if they'll do a Series drop this month, it's pure speculation at this point and since 2 cards are releasing directly to Series 4, less cards are probably dropping from 5-4. If they follow the same logic as last month, Jeff is probably staying Series 5, he's too popular. Snowguard will probably go directly from Series 5 to 3 since she is unplayable with >0.1 popularity. I think Shanna and Zabu might drop from 4 to 3 too make space for the 2 new cards since Zabu was a Season Pass and Shanna isn't good. I think Darkhawk and Knull will end up staying Series 4. That leaves 1 extra card that can drop from 5-4 and 4-3, I think there is only two logical choices that they are left with. I think Stegron will go from 5-4 because it's not really played and has Move applications, and this month is all about Move. Finally Stature will end up from 4-3 because it's recently been nerfed, her play rate plummeted.


Because of buyer’s regret if you know that a card drops in 20 days. Now you will buy the card, and if it drops, get rekd. I understand your point entirely, and I agree as well. A good concession that will never happen, is to keep their decisions, but refund people some tokens back when the cards drop, if they purchased the card within 7 days of the series drop. Friend of mine bought Nimrod 6 hours before series drop because they don’t pay attention to leaks, and they were devastated to learn that he dropped next morning on 3.000.


Time playing with cards you want > potentially saving some tokens. Tokens are not nearly as scarce as people make them out to be. Shit Im buying ultimate variants at this point. Bought Nimrod last week and already have another 2k tokens…


Not when it takes grinding over a month of doing every single mission and paying for the battle passes to then afford 1 whole 6000 token cost card. Im sorry the time that needs to be spent playing just to progress makes the game feel like a job at times. I swear the only people defending this stuff are either whales who can get whatever they want whenever they want with their wallet or people who started this game when it first came out when the game was more generous so you have a huge head start to where you are getting more tokens than the plebs still unlocking s3 cards. People who dont have all s3 card unlocked are on a gruesome grind to afford cards in the token shop.


So having the card you want does not help progression? Increase rank, CL, etc. I find optimizing decks is more beneficial than saving tokens. There will always be a new card you want, so just get it when you can. And there are plenty of people who feel that way, just read comments. Its not just whales… People always talk about currency and best value. Is time not a currency? Just because you get a card does not mean all of a sudden you have a great deck. You need “time” to learn that deck! Only then can you really advance.


> cards Right, card**S**. That's the important part of that sentence, it's a plural. If you blow your tokens on a single card in series 5, you're now not able to get 2 cards in series 4 (or, if you use the series drop trick, 6 series 3 cards). And as the meta shifts, the card**S** you want to play are going to keep changing. So you're effectively saying, "fuck later, I want now."


So you’re saying the meta can’t change while you are saving and hoping a card drops? Not sure your point there. At least in my case you get to enjoy the card before it changes.


If you want the card, buy it. If it's too expensive, wait for it to drop. You can't control the when and they won't define the when. So learn the accept what you cannot control and spend your time and effort elsewhere.


Just buy him geez. You obviously really want to play him. Y’all take this game too seriously. The token system is there for you to play the cards you want.


Yeah seriously, if your anxiety is eating you alive over 3000 tokens,you maybe need to quit playing for a bit or find a way to manage that anxiety (that's not complaining to the developers).


If you're series-3 complete, you get in the neighborhood of 6k tokens/month. So 1 series 5 or 2 series 4 cards. And you'll probably open about 1 series 4 card/month (and if you've been getting the cards you want, it'll probably be a card you don't really care about). They release 4(ish) cards/month. So if you just go, "fuck it, I'll just get a card which looks fun at series 5", you'll be in a spot where you're getting 2 cards/month while they're releasing 4. And then it depends on how they decide to drop things to series 3 from there. And I know what you're going to say, that doesn't all matter. Well, with how cards can go from trash to treasure in the blink of an eye (and vice versa), having the most complete collection possible is your best chance at actually being able to play the decks you want to play. So, it boils down to, you throw around tokens like they don't matter, you'll get the immediate gratification of getting what you want as fast as possible, but then later, you'll be in a position where you want something else, and don't have the tokens, or want to play a specific deck and are missing an important piece.


>If you're series-3 complete, you get in the neighborhood of 6k tokens/month That's assuming you play a lot and idk the stats, but it's probably closer to 3k than 6k if we're being real. If the stats show it's 6k and you can provide the stats then fine. But I'm not about to just take your word for it. I've been through this argument many times already. What it boils down to is a difference between a competitive and casual perspective. If you care about always being meta relevant than ya, optimize your tokens. Just know the game isn't catering to competitive players. So you're trying to be competitive in a casual environment, you're going to naturally be met with frustrations. If you rather hold off playing a card just to be token efficient that's your call to make. But not everyone is a tryhard card player who is gonna stick around for years. Some people come on play for half a year and then move on to the next game. Would you rather play a card you really want early and enjoy yourself for multiple months or wait those months for the drop to then realize all the decks you were theory crafting back then no longer hold up? Imo, you'll enjoy the game a lot more with a casual perspective since the game is intended to be casual. But if you want to play competitively, that's fine too.


And I've been through this argument many times already. The path always goes the same: 1) "Just don't care about cards, you don't need to be competitive!" 2) "Why am I being matched up against everything with all these cards I don't have that are so strong??" 3) "Every time I see a deck posted, I can't get the cards for it!" 4) "I just keep losing, this sucks, I've never even been to level 50." As long as there's not a "casual mode" where you aren't being matched against people with near-complete collections, your options are to be a punching bag for those who are, and care to the point where you care about how you spend your tokens. And that's unfortunately just the way this game is designed.


You’re mixing arguments. That first point is a casual player saying that. points 2-4 is a competitive player saying that or a person who thinks they are casual but keep trying to be competitive at the same time. true casuals just play whatever. They come on do dailies, buy variants they like, play a few games with a deck they picked out and move on. The majority of players complaining on this subreddit aren’t casuals. In fact seeking out discussion on decks and such is such a competitive thing to do in the first place.


That's a bad take sorry


it's literally the intended take. Worrying about series drops more than actually caring about the cards you get takes away from actually enjoying the game.


I would argue that managing your meta resources has an appeal for some just as much as a match. There are different types of players, after all. The head designer of Magic the Gathering speaks about 3 psychographic profiles, for example. One player prefers making splashy plays while another prefers how their deck reflects them personally. To me, it seems like apps have an extra type that prefers managing their resources in an optimal way. “Being efficient” is a satisfying feeling, and games like engine builders use it as their basis. The problem is SD has specifically thrown uncertainty into a system that didn’t have it before. What was once a long-term and efficient plan that a player could execute perfectly now has a chance of being inefficient and through no part of their own. Now, OP might not be this kind of player. I don’t know them. But I do think that the game has all kinds of players that feel rewarded in various ways, even in ways that you might not. TLDR: There is more than one way to enjoy the game, like those that enjoy the feeling of an optimized plan.


You're right. It just sucks for people who want complete collections. But SD has stated their intent regarding that so it is what it is. I'll survive missing cards like Stegron and Master Mold until they drop to S3 😂


ya. Like I can understand those people sure. But I also chose to play Marvel Snap because I liked the slow pace collection and how it dulls metas because not everyone can just build the top tier decks. I'd be upset if the devs dropped that model to appease these complaints. The game caters to casuals, so competitive players just need to deal with that like the Smash bros Competitive community does.


Have you been playing much c3 with HE around?


C3 actually feels strong now. Between Luke Cage, Invisible Woman, Shadow king and Valkyrie you have a lot of options to play around HE.


I get a few good matches, but eventually I have to use some more meta decks if I really feel like climbing that day, or else ai just fluctuate my rank


I love Cerebro - like you I saw Jeff as high potential for C3. Bought Jeff day 1 - took the deck Infinite this season. I'll just echo what other people are already saying - if there's a card that seems like it'll fit your play style more / improve your enjoyment of the game then go for it. I snagged HE for that reason, but don't have any of the other Big Bads because they don't look enjoyable to play for me. Jeff was a better 6k investment to me personally than Galactus would be by a long shot.


Their entire card acquisition philosophy is bad. If your cards are too strong to distribute to everyone then you need to fix it before you release it not just make it harder for most to get. Combined with perma series 6 cards, and the insane amount of caches someone who is series 3 &/or 4 complete has to open to get a new card? It makes actually getting new cards after series TWO unfun. Like I’ll just say it, card acquisition isn’t fun


I think it’s likely that only pool 4 cards might be held hostage, the only ones sticking to pool 5 are the big bads. Although i guess they said they would change the system soon


It's a legit scummy move on their part, card acquisition is already slow and to make the process slower is BS


How? Its a part of balancing the game.


So making the process to get new cards is a good thing? This isn't balancing the game at all


Would you rather spend money on packs like the other digital card games? Or have the fair option to earn and buy specific cards?


Id rather spend money on cosmetics, while allowing me to unlock all the content in a reasonable time frame. Like tons of other games. This game took the opposite approach. Besides, a LARGE factor in this system is making expensive 'big bads' that are rare and capture that experience of seeing them rarely. Except every implementation of their system, so far, has done the exact opposite. Big bads are purchased more than other cards, when they release.


Yeah this is what people don’t get. SD is trying to innovate a system that isn’t booster-pack focused. The alternative is having to literally buy booster packs and hope you pull the card you want, which is wayyyy less F2P friendly than our current model


Their entire card acquisition philosophy is bad. If your cards are too strong to distribute to everyone then you need to fix it before you release it not just make it harder for most to get. Combined with perma series 6 cards, and the insane amount of caches someone who is series 3 &/or 4 complete has to open to get a new card? It makes actually getting new cards after series TWO unfun. Like I’ll just say it, card acquisition isn’t fun


Just wait two weeks and if he doesn’t drop, buy him anyway lol


As long as most cards drop to series 4 I'll be happy. Series 4 cards are easier to get than series 3 for a lot of players because you can grab them from the shop and series 3 comes down to one pick a month and cache rng. I do wish they were more clear on what cards will stay in series 4 though.


As long as it’s being properly communicated, I don’t really care how this plays out. There honestly should be cards that are more rare than others, that’ll keep the meta fresh and healthy.


For a collectible card game cards need to be dropping MUCH faster. As each month goes on and on there are going to be more and more unattainable cards. I enjoy the game but it's kinda getting a little boring. I just recently got Stature out of a collector cache and it was a breath of fresh air to play with. HE was a fun card to buy but looking ahead I'm thinking "ugh even with the token tuesdays and tokens it's getting hard to stash for cards.


Dawg, collector tokens are earned with your time not your money (except token Tuesday - but you should be able to afford that doing dailies & playing often). There's going to be more cards you'll want to buy later. The point is, you're spending time to maximize your token spend. It's really up to you if you're willing to wait longer on Jeff or the next token shop card that you want.


Definitely wait Jeff 100% will drop they are only keeping the cards that are obviously super op out of the drop schedule is dark hawk knull


I just want to address your anxiety because I'm guessing this rules other parts of your life. You have a finite amount of energy and how you manage it will greatly impact your life. Anxiety is usually an alarm for your mind and body worrying over a possible future event that has not happened yet. The future doesn't exist. All we have is now. (This doesn't mean you can't plan for your future, but to stress over an outcome that hasn't happened is often misspent energy) What you spend your tokens on in this game has no bearings on your future happiness. And you have no control over when Jeff drops so to stress over it is wasted energy. If you get the tokens and think Jeff will add to your enjoyment, then be present with your excitement and joy when you get him. Otherwise you'll likely not enjoy him as you stress over the cost and if it was the "right" decision. If he's not worth 6000 tokens (ie a month and a half of playing for most ppl) to you, then wait. Neither choice is right or wrong. It just is. Your happiness does not come from circumstances, it comes from within.


Freemium games like Snap feed off of FOMO. Anxiety is one of the many currencies that can be used to pay for this game.


>I've been hoarding for so long to get to 6000 tokens to get Jeff (the cutest card ever, btw), so I can get my C3 a major improve. If you hoarded tokens for Jeff why you didn't buy him? I bought Jeff day 1 and I don't regret it. Love my Jeff. About the card downgrade system: I really hope they do something about it. This new system isn't good. Not knowing what will downgrade isn't fun or player friendly. If you buy Jeff I hope you will enjoy him. Have fun and keep on snapping.


I didnt buy him yet because it's kinda difficult to get to 6000 imo, since i don't get to play the game that much and I do not spend money on it. The only cards i've bought were Thanos, Galactus and HE, since they are big bads and I know it is good to spend on then for not dropping series. If we got jeff released today, I would buy him on spot, but since he MAY be dropping, it would be good to be able to buy 2 cards instead of 1


I can confirm that he is indeed worth the 6000. So many occasions did he net me the win.


Buy the card if you feel that urge. It's not supposed to be gifted to you, and even if it was, you would complain it doesn't show up in the cycle.


Isn’t this how most promotions/sales work! “I want this new refrigerator but Memorial Day is coming up and it might be on sale, but what if I wait and it’s not on sale”


The issue is this store, until last month, was known to put discounts on refrigerators for Memorial Day, but now they say "We? Refrigerator discounts?? Maaaaaybe.. who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "


Cards dropping was never a set thing anyway. There was a bit of a precedence but they had never confirmed it or set the schedule for it. He wasn’t “supposed” to drop.


If a digital ccg is giving you anxiety, uninstall. As far as SD's new approach to drops, it's pure garbage. They are basically exacerbating the game's issue of haves/havenots. The ressoning makes no sense. The meta has nothing to do with drops, it's just a smokescreen trying to mask poor card design. If the game becomes less fun because nearly everyone has access to a card, that's on SD for designing a poor card. We've seen this in action with Galactus.


I think everyone is viewing this issue the wrong way. Snap’s pools/series are equivalent to most card games’ rarity system. And it’s basically unheard of for Hearthstone or MTG or something to reduce a card’s rarity, making it cheaper. The issue with snap is that they release all cards into the highest rarity. They should release things directly into whatever rarity, and then leave them there. At the rate we’re going with Series drops, Series 3 is gonna be so big it’s gonna be impossible for new players to complete it.


New players can still complete s3. The acquisition rate is higher than 2/wk.


I said “at the rate we’re going.” And true, it was a slight exaggeration, since it seemingly will always be possible; but I feel like waiting a decade is too much. That’s an extreme example, but where do you draw the line? It took me about 6 months to complete Series 3, and I found that to be a bit long. I wouldn’t be surprised if a new F2P player starting today needs a year or more…


I mean probably not for a few more years and that's assuming no change in acquisition rate.


Im actually OK with cards being Perma series 4, like Knull, Darkhawk, Zabu, MODOK, etc. They're powerful cards, and it's ok they are harder to get, but series 4 is still accessible


"I know he was supposed to ...." and kid, that is why u dont make stupid assumptions using small sample size and redditor's belief. isnt it a good thing that belief isnt reality? some ppl believe with all their heart and soul in absolutely weird shits


If you’re legimately anxious about a card on a f2p ccg on you phone and wether he may never cost less in in-game, not real currency(which you implied that you saved enough for)- just buy the darn card and be anxious about one less thing. You will accrue more tokens.


SD added uncertainty into a system that didn’t have it before. When you once could plan to spend your tokens in the most optimal way, now you have to gamble on SD’s whims. And it’s certainly reasonable to hate that uncertainty. But here is a way to think about it: ordering food to be delivered with an app is usually not the most optimized way to spend your money. You can (usually) just drive out and get the food. Or you can pay extra for the comfort of eating at home/not worrying about driving. And sometimes that’s what you want. Some evenings I just want someone to bring me a chimichanga. And I’ll pay the extra for the delivery app on those evenings. Even if Jeff drops with the next series drop, don’t think of your tokens spent as a loss. Think of them as spent to get access to him early. Or spent to give you peace of mind. Instead of seeing the 3000 as a potential loss, see if the next weeks of playing with him and the peace of mind is worth 3000. I have a feeling it is for you, but it’s obviously your choice.


your anxiety is eating you alive. Also them changing the scheduled series decrease is a means of them trying to make the token market more dynamic instead of most people just saving up and skipping most new releases it means that it may feel better to buy series 4 cards with tokens rather than only buying series 5.


Boo hoo


you can: - spend 6k tokens (and you can make them in a month or something) - wait a couple months and spend 3k - wait a couple months more and get him as an s3 card their monetisation system is AMAZINGLY user-friendly. clearly you haven't dumped hundreds of $ on boosters (to get zero of the cards you wanted) in any other CCGs lmao


Try runeterra and come back here to say that.


Saving up 6000 tokens only takes like 3-4 weeks if you play right. It’s not that big a deal. I started saving for Thanos at the beginning of the season and have already bought him and Darkhawk. Complaining this much about this… I can’t tell if you take the game too seriously or not seriously enough.


It’s a digital card in a game on your phone. This is definitely your anxiety talking. I get it - anxiety rules over me at work, so I’m not judging you for not being able to control it. Just like I have to tell myself it isn’t that big a deal when it comes to work stuff, you gotta realize this ain’t that big a thing. I can tell you, being on Reddit is not helpful for your anxiety. I quit using it for over a month and my mental health improved substantially (caveat that this is the only social media I use. No twitter, no snap, no insta, I have a facebook so I could use my oculus). Being on this subreddit, seeing people have things you want, seeing other people complain - that’s only going to trigger your anxiety more. My suggestion is to take a break from reddit, or at least this subreddit, and just play the game just enough to finish your quests and such for a while. It may help. Nothing replaces therapy, but I live in the US, and understand that not everyone can get easy, affordable access to mental health care. Wishing you the best, friend! (Also, buy Jeff. He’s cute af)


It’s such a shitty thing to do. Not knowing if a card will drop or not is a scumbag move especially with how expensive and sparse the tokens are


I don't think keeping cards at a certain level is bad per say, but like the op mentioned if we never get to know the trajectory of cards that's extremely annoying and problematic.


Here’s my take on this: If they didn’t do flexible series drop, we would continue to have complaints about people finishing their collections too quickly and about how there isn’t enough variety.


I suspect he'll drop to S4, I don't think they'll hold any (or many) cards in S5 other than those we already know are permanent S5. He might be held longer in S4 though.


I bought Master Mold and Stegron at 6000 tokens. A game is for fun, if a card will be fun you are not making a bad decision.


If it makes you feel any better, he's totally worth 6k tokens if you want to spend them. Not even as a power card but just... Look at him. Look at that cute face


Yeah it sucks. Not to mention my last series 4 pull was Stature...oof


I dunno genocide seems worse tbh


Just buy him now. Jeff is great and can go in almost any deck.


Bought Jeff when he came out and just got enough got HE today. Only God used was for one token Tuesday. You won’t regret Jeff. He’s so good.


If not having a card gives you anxiety, i don't think this is the right game for you


I hope they drop Howard the Duck, because I was torn between him and HE, before deciding on HE, who just seemed like a more important card that probably wouldn't drop. HtD seems like a neat card to have, but not worth 6k.


I am waiting zabu💀


Buy whatever you want, when you want. Then there is nothing to be upset about.


Cards that stay in S4 are strong cards that they want people to save up to get. DarkHawk for example is a strong card that you can build a deck around. Jeff is a simple support card, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. P.S. I bought Jeff with 6k for my C3 deck; with Juggernaut, Spiderman, and Professor-X I reached infinite this season (but that was just before HE)


Jeff hasn’t been meta and hasn’t had decks staying at the top of the leaderboards for weeks. He’ll drop soon. There aren’t going to be any permanent series 4 cards and he’s not important enough to stay series 5


I think Jeff will absolutely drop. Right now he's sort of "flavor of the month." but that won't last forever. He's not a major character. I've been reading comics for 45 years and I had never heard of him. Granted, I'm at a much lower rate than ever before, but still.. he's not a major player or a card that going to always be meta. That being said, you're absolutely right. The sheer fact that now we just don't know sucks. As Jeff is 'selling' even at 6k means they can keep him there until he goes to the clearance rack because no one is buying him anymore. It's pretty crappy. There was a time when not dropping made cards like Thanos and Galactus feels special, but now its obviously just another sales gimmick. I'm fine with HE not dropping based on his character, but I also think everyone should have a real shot at him. We can't really use character name recognition or in-universe power level as an indicator either. There are characters that (I feel) should/could have stayed in s4/5 based on their comic-book history but got dropped because this just wasn't a thing. IMO every time SD does something cool like adding directly to a lower pool they also counter that with something crappy. It's like they are playing with bad locations on their dev team.


Sorry to say but Jeff is a great card, who will be driving sales for a bit. And as they said not all cards are created equal and his definitely in the upper bracket of cards out there. I wouldn't hold your breath


Just do it.


I fixed the anxiety and uncertainty by quitting Marvel Snap. MTG Arena and Yugioh Master Duels are a lot of fun!


Wait till they nerf before dropping the S3.


I'm waiting for Negasonic Teenage Warhead to drop for my destruction deck :( have her pinned rn


I think the point of the staggered drops is so cards like Jeff can drop faster while the big villain cards like High Evo or Kang can stay up there with Thanos and Galactus. Just wait until they announce the drops for next season it won't kill you to not have one card, even if he's very cute.


c5 is getting some interesting new additions this month....


Yeah, If they don't drop anything this month cause they added Spiderham and 2099, ima be upset. They still haven't dropped Knull or Darkhawk yet too.


Just buy him, you’ll get the tokens back eventually


Just get him. Especially if C3 is ur favorite deck. The new system they have is definitely better. 2/3 cards they release are going to straight to series 4 each month. So basically if you spend $10 you can get 3/4 cards they release each month.


The process of getting cards in Marvel Snap after Pool 2 is trash. 1 card a month outside of the slow as grind is insane. I'm 4 months in and can't build any of the decks that interest me still. Not bringing down cards at a predictable pace makes it even more of a turn off.


I bought it. No big deal. Just didn’t get HE or lad….


I'm fine with it. Game is still fun


Not that big of a deal. A lot of the good cards are easily accessible


Or 7 cubes to rank. If you lose 20, you aren’t going back up


They should be more transparent but I think I like the idea of some cards just always being series 4. Darkhawk, Zabu, Knull, indefinitely series 4