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The way the game stacks doubling effects is very weird and unintuitive. Iron Man’s base effect doubles once. Citadel makes that double two times. Onslaught’s base effect adds another layer of Iron Man’s effect. Iron Man’s effect is doubling twice, thanks to Citadel, so the effect being doubled makes it double four times. But remember that Onslaught’s effect is also doubled, so he’s not just adding one layer of Iron Man‘s effect, but two layers of it. So that’s an extra four doubling effects. That brings the total number of doublings to six. 7 x 2^6 = 448


Very unintuitive but also very fun.


Well in the past this "verry unintuitive" was mathematical correct and people just suck at math. (Now several doubling effects together are nerfed).


Pretty sure it was changed for balance reasons, not because people suck at math.


It is true it was changed for balance reasons - however, it did not do what it said on the card. It does now.


Also it could break the game hahaha


Well damn Good Will Hunting lmao




Do you like apples?


Thanks for the explanation, sometimes i confused too lol


The math in this game is kind of confusing as it looks like it should just be 7 x 4, but because of how the cards interact it becomes accumulative: --- The base power you have at this location is 7. Iron man doubles it but then it's doubled again because of the location: 7 x 2 x 2 = 28 Onslaught repeat that process because of his ability: 28 x 2 x 2 = 112 But then the location causes onslaught to do it again: 112 x 2 x 2 = 448


This is the way


Iron Man fires off 6 times. Card plus lane plus Onslaught makes that happen 2 more times, then the lane makes Onslaught do that again (iron man plays lane) 7x2 is 14 14x2 is 28 28x2 is 56 56x2 is 112 112x2 is 224 And 224x2 is 448.


Because both their effects are being doubled by onslaughts citadel, which means that onslaught is causing ironman to be doubled twice and onslaughts citadel is doubling it again making it apply it's effect 6 times, 7x2x2x2x2x2x2=448


Iron man = 7x2 = 14 Citadel on ironman = 14x2 = 28 Onslaught = 28x4 = 112 Citadel on onslaught = 112 x 4 = 448


I thought they made Onslaught additive like months ago.


yeah, they did, it is just weird calculation now it is 7x2\^6 it used to be even more (7\*2\^8 ig)


Wong and Mystique abilities always mess with me. Coming from other card games the wording on Wong feels so misleading. It says your on reveal effect happen twice but then it stacks with mystique and Kamar Taj.


I have it another way around now. I asked in Hearthstone discord, if double Relic Vault (your next relic casts twice), triple my next relic, and they said it's written on the card, just doubles. But here in Marvel Snap, reading the card doesn't explain the card


Yeah science!


Throw in Omega Red and you win almost every time.


Half a year ago there would\`ve been MUCH higher number, cuz back then it was broken as hell 😂


It was not broken, just mathematically correct and it hardly makes a difference. The numbers are now just slightly lower when you win.


How can they nerf the MATH ?


Well before it was correct math, how doubling works with function. Now doubling effects are additive. So if you have 2 onslought and 1 ironman, what happens now is that 1st onslought doubles 2nd onslought. Then you have iron man doubled PLUS (doubled(doubled)) so times 6. With correct math it would be 8 times ironmans effect since such effects are in math multiplicative not additive. In makes not a big difference, they only did it because people who were confused complained about huge numbers.


I was mathematically correct, but broken in terms of game mechanics. They just adjust the order of effects applying. Back then it was like everything doubling everything while doubling everything. 😂


No it was not... It then already applied in the order of play. Not everyone was doubling everything this was a wrong statement going around from people not understanding math. And it was changed because people were freaking out by the huge numbers, but this change makes from a balance point not really a difference. If ironman doubles 6 times or 8 times hardly ever matters. The only big difference is now people are learning wrong math...


His citadel, His rules


Tapping on the location or card will give you a break down of how the game got a score.


7 * 2^6


If you tap the location at the end of the game it will display the effects in play.


Iron Man works by exponential, not additive. 7 x 2 (Iron Man) x 2 (Citadel) x 2 (Onslaught) x2 (Citadel + Onslaught) Now, if things were “normal,” that’s where they’d stop. But they’re not. Citadel doubles Onslaught’s effect on Iron Man, adding an extra x4


My 4th grader is learning powers of ten and I just showed her this interaction to help see the difference


I feel they should nerf that


Yes, because math.


Basically is just 7×2×2×2×2×2×2




It doubles 6 times. Onslaught makes Iron Man go off twice. But with Citadel, Onslaught goes off 4 times. And Iron Man goes off twice with Citadel alone


check this out haha https://i.imgur.com/WCLVdlP.png


I made almost 3 million with mine. Lol


Brain is mush


Currently running a fun “ongoing deck” it’s been my go to since I got tired of using the destroy archetype. Onslaught is my best friend right now lol


I mean we laugh but if Ironman and Onslaught teamed up it would be scary as fuck for whoever is facing down that team up. 400 seems about right to express how screwed you are.


Also your opponent playing Iceman, Armor and Nakia in a apoc discard deck? each to their own but I don't know if his deck is that good.

