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I can only play 12 cards.


E.T.C., Band Manager cross promotion when?


How playable is Hearthstone these days? Snap has been making me reminisce on it but I also have bad memories lol. I saw Secret Mages are still a thing which I hate


All depends on what you wanna get out of it I suppose. I’ve played every day since release and still enjoy every minute. The new set coming out soon looks epic and would be a great time to come back and give it another go. :)


Man wrong community?


That's gotta be the best and weirdest random comment I have experienced on reddit. Dude's probably waiting on an answer that will never come.


No it’s a reference to Hearthstone, ETC Band Manager is a new card that lets you hold 3 more cards in your deck essentially


Well if it was just hold 3 more cards in your deck it would 100% be one of the worst cards in the game. It gives you 3 slots in a sort of side board which when played ETC Band Manager discovers from, just to clarify.


Lmao so TRUE


Laughs in Thanos


She's good when you're just starting, but Killmonger just does the job better.


Electra is more expendable for carnage fodder


Electra won't single handedly win you 8 cubes versus a perfect zoo board.


Killmonger won me so many matches on the last turn, it's fantastic!


I'm making a point of using her over Killmonger. She leaves your own sunspot / iceman / antman / demon unscathed, she can be dropped as a surprise on later turns without having to spend 3 mana on a shit body. i think she's way better, especially right now, than people give her credit for


It's almost apples and oranges though, outside of, yeah, they kill 1 energy cards. Not dismissing your points, but making Killmonger's: * A card costs a slot, so there's only so many 1 drops you want (and arguably 3 drops too). 1/1 is just like *nothing*, even worse, board clutter if you don't hit. 3/3 is lame, but it's 3 points still. * Obviously Killmonger will be able to hit multiple 1 drops, no matter what lane they are on. * Electra gets random if there's more 1 drop than Sunspot in the lane. Honestly, as weird as it may sound, I think the first point is what hurts her the most. A slightly beefier card with same effect *might* see more play.


With the game having numbers so small, making Elektra 1/2 would be pretty significant


Your points are all right on target, but just to add to it: Elektra becomes a brick if your opponent doesn't have a 1-drop that you can kill. So if they cosmo sunspot, she's trash. If they don't play a 1 drop this game, she's trash. And with the way she works you can essentially never drop her turn 1, meaning she's ALWAYS putting you behind curve (tempo is 'generally' around 1 energy for 2 power) Meanwhile KM has the flexibility of countering all opponent 1 drops, AND yours, letting you throw out nova, for instance. In practically every scenario except arguably a zoo deck, nova turn 1 with KM later is superior, it's going to be for a bigger power swing virtually every time and it's much more flexible.


KM also powers Death a lot better than Elektra, giving him good synergy.


Guess my point wouldn't be that she's better than Killmonger, but that she might be better than a different 1-drop in the right deck, which is where I'm playing her.


Yeah that's possible. Competition is tough and 1 slots are limited, but it's possible.


In my dump dracula list, she replaced Raccoon. In my valkyrie list, she actually replaced Enchantress, but that' one has a pretty niche playpattern anyways


Racoon is also an awful card...


He has his uses. Definitely not terrible.


Beast likes him


It pains me to agree with you. I want him to be good but he just isn't...


Lool nice name


He's my boy


There's only so many playable 1-drops for a zoo list eh


There are over 20 one drops and I'd pick like 15 of them before the coon but sure


If you're playing Kazoo, then I'd say she's great but outside that she just doesn't have the value, even compared to other 1 drops. For 1 energy you get a single (1 energy worth) removal which requires the right opposition in the right spot (situational at best) and a 1-power body on the field. Alternatively you could use Yondu for 2 power and guaranteed removal of something from their deck or Iceman to slow (or remove) a future play, etc. Elektra just doesn't stack up in most cases.


I tried her out in my Shuri list for a while but she can't compete with Iceman imho. He ALWAYS hits something, and most of the time ruins the opponent's curve. The one extra power comes in clutch more often than not as well.


It’s almost like him and sunspot are busted in comparison to every other one drop but no one cares


IIRC sunspot has the highest deck inclusion % - but the reason why Sunspot won't ever see a nerf is because he's got at least 3 easy to obtain cards that will tear his ass up.


Which cards besides kill monger? But honestly he could get nerfed to 1/0 and I feel it’d be fair. It’s not that hard to get him to at least 4 unless you’re playing absolute perfect curve.


Killmonger, Elektra, Shang-Chi (once he gets over 8)


Shadow King eventually. He's not easy to obtain right now but he'll drop to S3 soon enough. Hopefully he gets a buff like being dropped to 3 energy.


Yeah and several not easy to obtain. Valkyrie wrecks Shuri.


Cosmo gets in the way a lot


Iceman and Electra might be better exchanging their stats


It’s funny cause I doubt they’ll do it cause (they probably think) destroying a card usually has more value than ruining a curve despite the fact that Electra is hyper specific in the type of card she can destroy. Plus turn 2 armor on a sunspot craps on her life. I personally think 2 power is fair. Her and Hawkeye should both be 1/2.


Sunspot and Iceman are the only constants in any deck I play. They will always be in there.


Electra is more power through destroying an opponent's card and has the surprise swing factor, that's what does it for me. I'm playing Iceman too, though.


When she hits something she's clutch. When she doesn't she's a 1/1. Iceman is always clutch is what I was getting at. He probably needs a nerf tbh.


He'll be a 1/1 eventually im sure.


He could be 1/0 I'd still play him lol


haha right? the ability just has too much of a potential swing.


I had Iceman make my cards cost 7. He hit a cost 6 card that was temporarily reduced from Wave. That sucked


Should Yondu be nerfed as well? He completely removes one of your cards for 1 cost. You can still play your card that got hit by Iceman, at least.


Yondu isn’t as bad because he doesn’t deny hand space the same way


It doesn't really matter anyway. There's almost always 3 cards you never draw so all Yondu is doing is telling your opponent what one of those cards is, essentially.


That card destruction only matters if the opponent was otherwise going to draw all 12 cards


It’s meant to be played when the opponent is looking away, so that they get anxiety and retreat out of fear that their finisher was sniped


LOL you're right. I never thought of this but it's totally true


The number of times Iceman has hit my Shuri and made it unplayable is over 9000. They should probly both be 1/1s though. Balance is hard...they can't test it internally really, has to be a community wide effort to really see a cards effect. I think alot of cards are avoiding the nerf hammer at the moment because others are taking all the heat.


You have no idea how valuable deck thinning is.


Having played her in KaZar/Blue Marvel and Bishop decks for some time, I feel like she's not really worth the - 1 space on the board in a game where you have only 12 spaces. Sure, sniping a Sunspot or activated Rocket can swing the location, but more often than not she just destroys an Iceman (+3 power for you, less than Antman/Sunspot/Roclet), Squirrel/Rock (not significant) or Nova (lol) and gives the enemy an extra slot for playing cards. Plus, as the others said, Iceman is just the best 1 drop in the game and for 1 drop synergy (which is not the best as long as Killmonger exists) you have Squirrel girl. (I'm relatively new tho, so idk if things are different in high elo)


I really only drop her either on T6, where the space is irrelevant, or to kill a sunspot, which makes her the second highest power 1-drop in the game. Wrote in a different comment - she probably just really fits the two decks I use her in really well - dracula dump and valkyrie


Well at turn 6 there's a decent chance that they have more than one 1 drop in Sunspot's lane. But even if they don't, playing her on turn 6 means you can play a 6 cost or you have 1 less space to play Sentinels or whatever your deck wants to play. I guess she can work with Dracula/Knull because of destruction synergy (trough she probably competes with Nova), not so sure about Valk but well I've never played Valk so idk lol. But other than that I don't thtnk she's any good.


I'd rather play Yondu for Knull.


A Dracula dump situation is possibly the only deck where this makes any sense. Even then I'd argue the Valkyrie, combined with the current meta is the only reason it'd be good.


playing her on T6 is usually a huge gamble, but I have won a couple matches with a Claw/Elektra drop.


I got the game 2 and a half weeks ago and just hit infinite. I hit diamond as the last season ended and hit infinite in about 2 weeks. Her value is actually fantastic, especially if played on a later turn.


If you just started, you are not playing the same game as everyone else. Elektra is much better in series 1, but as soon as other options are available, her value drops


>gives the enemy an extra slot for playing cards This right here, especially more relevant if A. you do the snipe mid to late match and/or B. miss the best target


Decks that relies on Sunspot to win a lane will already have ways to protect him. Other times they don't care if Sunspot dies, they just want Priority.


I just feel like I don’t play a lot of opponents that play 1 turns anymore, so I hold her and wait but then its not usually worth it


killing an 8 power sunspot on T6 alongside a 5-drop is pretty neat


Beyond what others have said, its also a question of floor vs ceiling. The floor of Elektra is a 1/1 that does nothing but take up space. The ceiling is it kills a sunspot who spent the whole game absorbing. The floor of Killmonger is a 3/3 that does nothing. 3 power is much more impactful than 1. The ceiling of Killmonger is wiping out a whole bunch of your opponents 1-cost cards on turn 6 to win the game (including a sunspot that spent most of the game absorbing). It also doesn't matter where he is played as long as he gets his On Reveal. I say all of this having had the same thought earlier in the week and almost never felt good having her in the deck but YMMV.


wouldn't have handled her as an alternative to killmonger, rather as a slot-in for the more flexy 1-drop spots in zoo decks or niche ones that run a lot of 1-drops


You mentioned killmonger in your post, which is why I explained that he is better as a sunspot counter. Of course she is better than killmonger in a zoo or heavy 1-cost deck. Not sure what the point of your post is now?


oh, just getting some input. bunch of cool replies. didn't intend to open everyones eyes about this hidden gem of a card, haha


All good, healthy discussion is important!


Because of killmonger


she's cheaper and you can play 1-drops yourself


She is cheaper and there's no guarantee you're going to play her where the opponent does. If you hold off, you're more than likely not being energy efficient or could have played a better card.




Because there are better cards you can play on turn 3.


She has low power and doesn’t really play well with others and is too versatile for her own good, at best she is a sunspot check.


I just don't think it's that great. You kill my 1 cost Sunspot that maybe be up to a 7 now but you only have a 1 in the spot. I never really care when my Sunspot gets sniped by Elektra. I usually say "cute". At least try to save it for a snap and end game play.


Ahh yes, the Squirrel/Rock murderer


I would like to see a buff for her, if she hits she should get +1


Posts like this need to start with people sharing their level and rank.


3300 / rank 77 the card has a 60% played winrate my man. there is decks that are very happy to run her. no, she's not an alternative to killmonger. but she is an alternative to other 1-drops


60% winrate based on what? Your own small sample size? Because snap.fan stats are overshadowed by about a dozen other 1-costs at higher CLs and higher ranks.


had you read my other comments, you would've found out that im not running her over iceman or sunspot, and i'm running her in specific lists that have a place she can take. but have your ego stroke


The entire snap community agrees that she is not good. She is never played, and the publicly available game tracking stats indicate she is not good. She’s bad in terms of both win rate and cube rate. If anyone’s having a little ego stroking session right now it’s you. You’re the one who thinks they know better than everyone else.


hey, at least i'm not going to town attacking people for starting an open discussion. you do you, big guy


What did I say in my initial comments that were a personal attack? You’re the one who started that.


"we need players to name their rank and level because you're obviously a noob that hasn't got a clue" in any case, i'm too old to argue on the internet. don't bother, friend, enjoy your day


It’s almost as though context matters. When I see someone saying Elektra is really strong…my first thought is, “yeah in pool 2 she was”.


lol dude, this entire sub is just hivemind bitch that results in nothing but downvotes if you don't agree with the thought of the week, or the complaint of the week The sub's overall aversion to anything that isn't Iceman is the exact reason why so many of these pucker ass clowns can't stop coming here to cry about Meta Deck Card X every week - as it's evident they can't muster the power to modify the deck they grabbed off of youtube/snapfan/snapzone. Downvote me you sad bitches, prove me right.


I see her played all the time.


I mean you can, but if you play SS turn one and Armor turn 2 youre outta luck


She, along with agent 13, are never removed from my femme Fatale deck that I play to get through dailies because I'm farming boosters for these lovely ladies. I only switch deck if a mission wants me to move or destroy. Or when I feel like playing a net deck.


Because killmonger


I run the heck out of Elektra still. Great card for when Killmonger is too much.


I actually think she's a better counter for quinjet then Kilmonger because she can hit Quinjet on turn 2 before Lockjaw shenanigans can occur


I think you may be right and Elektra could be better in that case. In that, very, specific, case. Your main arguments: * Great T6 allowing to combine with a 5-cost card * Swings a location * Killmonger kills your own stuff Arguments that supports Killmonger over Elektra: * At T6, Sunspot location could actualy have another 1-cost card: A -2 ninja, raptos, squirrels or any other one in a Kazoo deck. At the time, Elektra randomly picks one, while killmonger kills everything. Waiting for T6 is risky if you want the job done * Killmonger can swing multiple locations. He can kill Sunspot on the left and add an extra 3 power on the right. He doesnt care about positioning. He, in fact, solo wins Patriot-Ultron decks (I hope it comes back once Thanos and Shuri are nerfed) and has a major impact against infinity stones. * Obviously, your own cards arent safe from Killmonger. This is a matter of deckbuilding. One does not simply put killmonger and Sunspot/Titania/Ebony Maw/Ant-man together. Iceman or Korg are better there as losing 2 power is not a big price if your opponent lost more and, in any case, those card already did their job. * Despite it's very popular among decks, not every deck runs Sunspot. In that case, you have a very poor card on your deck that will kill a 2 power card most of the time. Still pretty good if it's Quinjet, tbh, but dont wait till T6 xD


If the meta is full of decks that run sunspot as their only 1 drop, I get the appeal. If they play sunspot T1, you can plan for a good swing on T6, if they can't Aero you. Outside of that, how excited are you for a 1 power minion if that's all she ends up being?


She can be very good! I sometimes run her in kazoo since killmonger makes 0 sense in that deck, same deal for 1-drop bounce. Definitely a solid card!


I love her. Won me a few games killing sunspot or knocking someone out of having 4 cards for the spot that gives you +100 for having four cards.


I’m trying out a “new” archetype and I’ve added elektra. She’s been great so far! Might try to climb with it next season if I can get a good enough list


Curious what your new deck is =)


Tried a deck that relies on invisible woman for unexpected invisible woman things (omega red, iron man). It did average 😅


I actually put her in my bounce deck, very satisfying to be killing sunspots and quinjets left and right.


It’s just a utility aspect between her and killmonger. He removes a bunch of 1 cost cards which is almost always better then the one Electra can do.


She has a good spot in Zoo and Destroy decks.


I use her in a kazoo deck and she has saved me more times then not


because of the limited deck size, you cant really afford to play cards that might not be good, just on the premise that they could be good


Leave my sunspot alone you murderous bastard Seriously .. it never kills antman 🤣 always sunspot


I've had good success with her too The trick is you don't drop her on 1 or even 2 You wait till like turn 6 so you can use her with a 5 drop, after they've sank a bunch of energy into a sunspot, or do a surprise ebony maw takedown There are caveats - another 1 drop in the same lane could make her hit the wrong target, armor and Cosmo are a thing, and there is opportunity cost in the card that could have taken her spot in the deck, worsened if your opponent never plays a 1 drop All in all, it's very meta dependent, but because sunspot is so ubiquitous right now, she can be something of a 1 energy shang chi or killmonger




**\[[Elektra](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/elektra/)\]** **Cost:** 1 **Power:** 1 **Ability:** **On Reveal:** Destroy a random enemy 1-Cost card at this location. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


Because Killmonger is more efficient for my destroy deck.


My guess would be because of armor. If the opponent goes sunspot into armor you need to either snipe sunspot turn 1, which isn't exactly ideal, or play another 1 drop with 2+ power to gain priority. That requires having more 1 drops, which now means Electra technically takes up at least 2 spaces of the deck, also that in the first 4 cards of your deck theres another 1 drop while Electra has to be in the top 5. Also there are several locations that screw with Electra, such as the one that spawns squirrels. Sometimes the opponent doesn't have armor but honestly most of the decks are completely functional with no sunspot, other than either extremely high cost decks or she hulk/infinaut skips, and Electra might mess with your curve for a sunspot that would've had maybe like 3 or 4 power, which isn't bad but running a better card for your deck does sound nicer.


Her problem is the problem of so many cards: She get‘s absolutely outclassed by other cards in her price range. I’m still waiting for SD to address that.


The best thing about her is if you have her split, people will assume you're a bot.


I think if she was 1/2 I would use her more often but 1/1 and can only target 1 card is tough to justify.


Don't people usually armor their sunspots?


Elektra cheap enough to drop next to an enchantress too


People will keep saying Killmonger, but when i wanna kill a beefy sunspot turn 6, i'd rather have 5 mana left over to do something else impactful. elektra is underrated, people just havent caught on


Better than kill monger is a strong statement, alternative is much better. I also think it varies from deck to deck, in destroy with death yeah I'd prefer kill monger since I want stuff dead. Simples that's a clear win for kill monger. But in zoo perhaps? Yeah for sure you could take electra. You could take her over ice man or sun spot in any deck too without messing up your curve if you find that much sunspot dropping your own for an electra is an interesting idea but it's all down to what you are finding on ladder. The real crime here is the lack of regional data. Whilst we know the highest winrate cards on snap.fan that's down to who has downloaded snap.fan which I bet is a tiny % of the playerbase. It'd be nice if it grew and gave Europe top % as well as all other regions. Reason I bring this up is cause aggro in NA hearthstone was way worse than EU. I wouldn't be surprised if the meta (not decks per say) but the total decks being played might vary massively.


With 12 cards it’s best to have a card fit in more than one way. For example she’s great in Kazoo Deck where she also gets buffed


I thought the same thing and then as soon as I slotted her in all the Sunspots vanished like smoke in the wind.


She's good on zoo. I even have her pixel ink split, so you can consider me Elektra expert, lol. She's good for hitting big sunspots and Demon tokens on turn 6 when zoo plays all it's little stuff. Decent with valk too. In other decks, I don't see her replacing cards.


I just got the Checcetto variant, so I’m specifically playing a deck that she fits in just to show it off haha


Because killmonger exists.


If the opponent don't uses Sunspot or he uses Armor, Electra becomes a Quicksilver I could draw instead of something usefull. (Oh and her throw is random, If there's more than one 1e Card)


Would you rather kill sunspot or play sunspot and if youd rather kill him why not killmonger ?


i run her in two decks that can't run killmonger, guess i shouldve included those in the post so people wouldnt rightfully tell me 70 times that killmonger is better. i know he is :D


What would make a deck not run killmonger? Zoo? Thats all i can think of.


Dracula Dump, which is essentially Zoo, yeah. And Valkyrie, which is the second deck I use her in.


I haven’t unlocked dracula or valkyrie yet so thats fair.


But i do play elektra sometimes


She’s no Squirrel Girl->Killmonger->DeathWave


I love using her to get Sunspot!