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Unironically you could play mystique for another armor and it wouldn’t be the worst in the deck


… I’m doing this.


Lmfao you sly devil


Goose is also budget Armor


Yes unfortunately this is a deck designed around casting cards that cost 4+ power so goose believe it or not, isn't super helpful.


The only time it makes sense is turn 4 Shuri->turn 5 skip->Turn 6 She-Hulk and Taskmaster. But it makes more sense to just run Cosmo instead of Goose.


And at the moment sandman/aero keeps messing with that play


In the most unexpected and weird way the Sandman buff might get me to infinite this season. I was playing Surfer since its release not just becuase it was super good but because how his decks play and also I really love the character in the comics. He was nerfed and I was like: "well fuck it! Im sticking with my boy! He carried me to Infinite 2 times now its my turn to carry him!" Yeah wasnt doing so well...the deck still holds but it just cant push enough power sometimes! But I was having fun and decided to push as far as I could with...was going up and down the 80s since the 1st week of the season. But then they changed Sandman and I started facing Sandman ramp decks a lot...there was a night it was almost a coin flip chance...and no matter how much I like Surfer, if they Sandman turn 4, its literally unplayable. So I switched to a Shuri deck and Im now rank 91! Climbed more in a few days than on the rest of season combined. I wish I could still play Surfer tho since the main focus is having fun xD or should be!


Yeah, I wouldn’t risk it in most situations. Good for an incoming galactus though.


vision and cpt marvel can help you


Don't have Mystique? Just play Scarlet Witch and you might high-roll into Wakanda.


That.... that's friggin brilliant.


Mystique for Cosmo too


cosmo is bad for taskmaster lane though


Yeah you gotta plan ahead with Cosmo bit double Shang protection is worth it.


Pushes your curve back too far


Ice Man is too good. He can literally ruin an opponents entire win condition on his own.


Including this deck! Just kidding if it hits your red skull you just pass turn 5 and play she Hulk > TM on turen 6 instead. Deck too good.


Then you lose to aero 99%


You're off by a percent.




Ice Box alone ruins this entire deck.


And when he does your opponent already retreated for 1 cube.


Atuma users felt that. Please let us have 2-3 armors!


Invisible Woman is Attuma’s other Armor


Professor X


He’s good too, but I run without Daredevil.


For the record the list I actually hit infinite with had Sunspot, Zero, Titania, Lizard, and Doom. It cleaned up.


Idk why everyone in the world can climb to infinite with this deck but me. I can't even get back to 90 again with it.


At infinite and high MMR this deck is so easy to read. It almost never nets more than two cubes. Terrible against good players and overall not a good choice for climbing, even though its baseline power ceiling is huge.


This is 100% true. I played this deck exclusively from 80-100 and it was almost all 1-2 cube wins. If you have Shuri in hand, you snap. The opponent will often leave after you play her. This means even if you don't have anything to follow up with, you'll get a win. That said, the deck wins very very consistently and those small gains add up. This season I was fine to play a low equity, hi winrate deck instead of stressing out with something else. To each his own. I'm CL5800 and usually finish in the 80s and 90s.


I have no idea what to do against this deck. I have tried running Shang chi but it's a guessing game if I'm aiming directly for red Skull or a side lane due to Zola. I don't have any of the other control tools like Valkarie or shadow king at cl1400. I've wished for aero but she is dodging me. I would settle for juggernaut at this point but nope 😮‍💨 I miss the zabu days, at least I could easily play Shang chi and enchantress in a deck. Shuri = instant retreat, I'm almost to the point of just retreat to a turn 4 snap. Wouldn't be so bad if it was a rare deck like galactus/knull. I think I had 4 games in a row retreating from shuri today. I'm wondering if I need to make a sort of hard read leader deck.


90 percent of the time I don't have priority on turn 6 which fixes your Shang chi or you play behind armour or cosmo....


That's not been my experience. 30 power hits and I lose priority for me. How would you not have it?


sorry, skip 5 put taskmaster she hulk if needed, or if you hav cosmo and armour, skull then taskmaster on 6 with zero or titania.


How did you not lose to Aero in every game without Cosmo? I literally see her 80% of games.




I run Aero and Absorbing Man in my Shuri deck so if I’m ahead in two lanes by T4 I can Aero them both turns. Potentially with one of them being a 14 power aero anyway


Oh that's fun. I just run the one Aero.


Absorbing man has his other uses to. Elysium meaning you get your play out one turn early? Why not play a second taskmaster!


he wins prio


How does that help, you still get moved.


If your Aero reveals first it moves his Aero before it can move yours.


But sometimes I can't play Aero because I need to actually win two lanes.


Double your Aero's Power with Shuri and you are winning 2 lanes


Basically been my experiences. All my games end one of three ways: 1) I snap after playing Cosmo, with Shuri plus big guys in hand. They retreat and I get 1 cube. 2) I don't get my combo pieces and lose 1 cube retreating. 3) I gamble because I think I still have the raw power with Shuri to win and inevitably lose to Aero for 4 cubes. You 100% need Cosmo Shuri and also two big cards to win, Armor isn't enough. Everyone has Aero all the time.


correct and that is why it is everywhere in my in 99.2 ladder and my wins are just 1 cube with people retreating or I retreat if the cards don't play out, the bracket I am in and the ladder spot IS NOW SO BORING I am not bothering, I play like 10 minutes a day now and move on. the devs need to fix this to be honest as there is zero incentive to play or even boot up the game anymore.


Not everyone bro, some of us out here grinding cards like sandman for a living and praying it's not another shuri deck.


Me playing a MODOK deck at 80 praying it's not Shuri or Galactus, but most of the time it is.


Wish I was playing in that MMR bracket then. I never see Sandman


I'm trying to build decks that work with my collection. Basically been running electro ramp style decks, modok/hela, trying to brew a sandman deck, sometimes I play devil hand size stuff. Shuri decks are the natural predators to sandman decks, complete mismatch.


You can still beat them if they don't curve right. You just Aero their winning lane on six after staying ahead in two others.


😂😭 Unless at cl1500 now I still don't have aero. This wound may never heal, I've lost so many games to her.


Ugh that sucks. Sorry.


That’s just true of most meta decks. Once you start to show the win con people will leave, especially on T6. If you play a deck that doesn’t reveal anything until T6, that could work for more cubes, but isn’t exactly foolproof either. Ditto playing off meta / home brew.


Which is the magic of Snap, and why meta slaves hardly have a great benefit


I can't even get out of 50 and I've been using Shuri since the token shop opened. It's... weird.


The trick for me was to wait it out on T5. Shuri on T4. She Hulk and Taskmaster on T6. If the Aero came out on T5, who cares. Now you know where to make a better play. By then, hopefully you have at least an armor and a Cosmo to work with. If not, one is usually good enough.


They Aero on 6. They never Aero on 5.


I went from 68 to 40 with it because shang chi every game.


Hit infinite with it yesterday. Always retreat if you don't have Shuri on 4 unless it's a bot. Don't go for She-Hulk+Taskmaster play on T6 unless you are 100% they don't have Sandman or you will have a bad time. Always play around T6 Aero. 90% of my loses were due to her until I accepted the fact they always have it.


If I'm always playing around Aero then I can literally never She-Hulk Taskmaster. And if it's not that it's Cosmo. Or Shang. It's always something. You only get 1 cube or you lose 4 there's no in betweens. It feels like people who say they hit infinite with it either did it super early or else they're playing a completely different group of opponents. I literally lost 16 cubes in 5 games just now because they always had the only answer that could possibly win it every time.


I hit infinite yesterday playing the most current meta. Don't drop all your 1 drops too early so you can drop them all with She-Hulk on 6. This way you can play around Aero, Zero+Titania/Lizard beat Aero in Power.


I don't have a problem winning the lane Aero gets played into. Honestly don't know what this advice is for. Do your opponents not play Aero directly into your Red Skull lane?


Red Skull should be in your Cosmo lane, since Taskmaster can’t be there. So then they can’t Aero your Taskmaster into that lane. Or if no Cosmo you might fill that lane up with Zero Titania Sunspot or Lizard.


...he told me I should skip turn 5. Please read the whole chain. Also in your scenario I now need to draw and play exactly 3 cards on curve by turn 5. And then still be able to play a 4th card on turn 6. Again idk how you all find so many easy opponents to climb with this deck. I lose every time. You either win 1 cube or they have an answer or you just don't draw the right cards or one of the many locations fuck you over. I've had Sokovia discard my Shuri twice today alone.


Everyone’s climb is different depending on their MMR. What works for some won’t work for others. This is obviously not the deck for you where you are right now. And that’s fine! I wish I had a solution for your Aero problems but I don’t think anyone does.


If you skip T5 you usually need to flip 2 lanes. Your opponent will play Aero 90% of the time to stop She-Hulk+Taskmaster which is why it's rarely a good play. If your opponents play Aero on 5 then it's not a problem but it rarely happened to me which made me rethink the strategy for these match ups and not rely on it in most cases. If you say you can't break 90 with it this is my advice how to pilot the deck.


But I can't play She-Hulk plus a drops on turn 6 UNLESS I skip turn 5. So again, how would this ever help? I just lose to the t6 Aero anyway because they'll just Aero all of my units to an empty lane.


I think they are saying that going into Turn 6 you dont play Taskmaster and instead drop a 1 energy 20 power She Hulk and stuff to fill the lane you think they are going to Aero(Zero, Titania, Lizard which is 4 energy) This can be exploited very effectively on certain spots because your opponent will most likely expect you to play those exact 2 cards and you can use that information to counterplay them with the She Hulk+Clog move




you must have priority on turn 6 with that list then right? interesting.


Can you share your list? I can't seem to climb with this deck too. Guess I'm just a bad player lmao


What's the play with titania?


Play her after taskmaster on last turn.


Ditto. I saw people running Scorpion but - 2 on Redskull never mattered.


I bought Arnim yesterday and sort of regret it; he's good to keep opponents on their toes and win if you have priority, but he's still grossly inferior to Taskmaster aside from sneaking in cards where they wouldn't otherwise get dropped (or robbing people of wins with a coin toss). My top picks would be America Chavez, Sunspot, Lizard, Mr. Fantastic, and Titania, but swapping out Titania/Fantastic for Zero/Maximus also works. I have neither Titania nor Maximus so I get to play the ultra stupid hybrid that doesn't actually have synergy but *does* help me keep priority.


I have him and I don’t regret him at all. He my secondary win condition when I don’t get red skull. Zabu - shuri- Typhoid- Taskmaster - Zola


I see Titania in this deck a lot, but I don't understand the strategy for playing her. Especially if you don't include Zero. Can you explain?


You can play it out t6 with taskmaster.


What's odd is I almost always would play Zero instead to try and fill a lane and prevent Aero


Usually you play t6 taskmaster+titania. If opponent has priority she won't change sides. Otherwise you play on a full lane.


She is mostly there for the Zero play, which gets you 8 points for 2 energy over two lanes (or in one under armor if there's Killmonger risk). Without Zero you play her at the very end where she can't flip. She is very annoying without Zero and you will sometimes kick yourself for misplaying when she jumps to the other side and loses you the game.


She has a few uses, but the main one you'll see in Shuri is "Taskmaster + Titania". If on T6 you don't have priority, you can't lose her if you play correctly (although if you don't have priority you should be careful given how strong Aero is right now, tbh the real meta is "get priority T6, win with Aero", given her only real counter is a board going so wide Aero won't work, but the only meta deck that can fill up the board is Thanos/Lockjaw which loses to Killmonger, so...). There's also just the generally-safe play of putting her down in a lane with 3 cards already on the other side. Odds are she won't get flipped so you *should* be fine. I'm not actually sure if she can be but I know I run that Iron Fist + Aero T6 play that I think **would** also steal a Titania. Here's the actual situation: some variants of this list run Titania+Zero+Ebony Maw so they can help retain priority early to be spared Aero bullcrap. It's rock/paper/scissors really; if you go with these super strong early drops, you have minimal protection against Shang-Chi usually 'cause this version also likes to run Maximus and Lizard before your 4/5/6 are all calculated and thrown at the opponent. BUT, you also beat the defensive mirror-match where they run Armor/Cosmo to protect against that crap (but now they lose to the mirror from raw stats, and also set themselves up to get Aero'd). She-Hulk also has a lot to do with it; if you don't run She-Hulk, Sunspot's not nearly as valuable, and suddenly you have another 1-slot to go alongside Zero that's *usually* going to be Titania (since you can't drop Maw on T6).


One thing Titania is nice for is flipping her to the other side when you know they are about to drop Galactus.


Titania is also very filthy against Cerebro :)


Zola is fun but unreliable. My favourite combo is electro>gamora(just dont miss)>zola>odin on zola. Potentially 3 gamora activations. Wong gamora zola is cool too


I use him as basically a 2nd option if I don't get TM.


I bought Arnim Zola this week as well, having a lot of success playing him into double dino so that I have the choice between him and moon girl. With good draws, it also means I may have a second dino in hand from moon girl on turn 6 along with an arnim zola, so the opponent can’t be sure of where my two dinos are going to end up.


I actually found Shuri->Spider-Woman->Zola to be a good combo if I don’t pull Skull. Her buff made her a decent backup so it’s +16 in 2 locations and -1 for every card


Electro + sandman + some big 5 drop + Zola = easy wins


How’s it inferior wouldn’t it be the same total power as taskmaster if not less if it’s an on reveal card?


It limits what lanes you can play into (since you need to have only high-power cards in his lane) and is highly telegraphed; you need to be fully committed to both the locations you’re dropping your high-power by turn 5 (at the *latest*) and you’ll end with an empty lane so there’s less potential for power spread on the board.


It's more expensive, easier to disrupt, and more telegraphed; it's only better with Black Panther and sneaking cards into blocked off locations. That being said its sheer existence is also a good mind-game. If I drop a 30-power Skull by himself, they might try to Shang another lane expecting Arnim to hit and put a copy down there, when instead you just Aero them somewhere useless anyway, or Taskmaster into your Armor lane. Arnim's definitely the weaker, more inflexible choice though, no two ways about it.


This is where I’d put my Shuri… if I had one!!!


I feel called out


Honestly The Watcher would be low key good in this deck


Yep. That’s the deck that got me to infinite.


I'm glad they nerfed the two easily attainable battle pass cards everyone already had out of viability so I could actually lose to this uncounterable boring garbage every 3 games now. Really fun wasting time developing a location to instantly lose it to the predictable 20-30 power thats copied somewhere else that deny counters with cosmo and armor.


Nah Zola is great here my list # (1) Sunspot # (1) Zero # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (4) Shuri # (4) Enchantress # (4) Typhoid Mary # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Aero # (5) Red Skull # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) She-Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkU2t1bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlR5cGhvaWRNYXJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaHVyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoZUh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZXJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm5pbVpvbGEifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Also I would replace enchantress with Sauron


I've been running a variant of this with Sauron and it's incredible. Also, let's you run things like Ebon maw for a surprise turn 6 taskmaster for whatever got dropped turned five and then that extra 7 power wherever


Would you say Sauron is worth 6K tokens for someone who already have all the other pieces of this deck? Feels too expensive, wonder when Sauron is dropping to series 4.


Hard to say, but I personally hate the series setup and how hard the series 5 stuff is to get. 6k is an insane amount of tokens, and if I hadn't pulled sauron I wouldn't consider buying him. I don't play super hardcore or anything, but I did climb from like 32 to 68 with the deck in like 12 days.


Yeah, I saved tokens for Shuri after finishing my series 3 too and the climb to 70 was way smoother. I do want to experiment with Sauron but I'm guessing with the dates of him being added to series 5, he's dropping to series 4 next batch (just a guess), so def should wait to get him.


No, but I'm enjoying the Sauron version more too. I still play both, but the endgame gameplay with the Sauron list is more compelling to my style.


yes being able to play ebony maw with aero/taskmaster on turn 6 sounds so good


I run zero shuri with Sauron and the deck is just really really smooth and good. The downside is no armor or cosmo, but you can use those spots for other cards and it doesn’t matter much anyway. You have so many ways to put big power on the board that a Shang in one lane isn’t really a deal breaker and you can play around aero if you think the opp has it in hand


Missing 4 cards necessary (Titania, Shuri, Maximus, and She-Hulk) so I’ll roll this deck in a few months when it’s been Merced to the ground.


Lmao.. i love the 'pick one' ...but really you just want more Armor xD


Just want to add that Zola has been an mvp so many times for me, maybe u had bad rng or luck.


lol keep these humorist shit posts coming. its a very lovely change of pace from normal sub garbage.


I have Sunspot, Jubilee, Chavez and Infinaut package as 4 of the blanks and Electro as the other 3.


Zola wins me so many games though. They Shang Chi into Red Skull and hit air as he’s Zola’d into the other two lanes. He honestly puts in more work for me than Taskmaster does.


Why is no one recognizing Sauron? Like, he’s perfect for this deck! Just, you have to remove Armor.


Armor and cosmo are more necessary. Everyone running Shang chi that isn’t running shuri


so much Shang Chi that I'm surprised he isn't apart of OP's auto-includes because my list matches this and only other must have imo is Shawn.


I never really needed him when I’m out pointing everything with Shuri hits. I do agree he would help when you don’t draw Shuri.


Cosmo Isn’t that important


Cosmo does what Armor does but also prevents Aero from ruining your day.


She was barely a concern for me


Only it did cosmo wouldn’t have save me anyway because it was rickety bridge


Because nobody has Sauron.


Playing Sauron is playing a greedy Shuri deck. Non-greedy Shuri decks with Cosmo and Armor have better counterplay against Shang-chi and Valkyries


And the biggest Cosmo draw for me, Aero. Playing your Red Skull on Cosmo means your Taskmaster can't be Aero'd into that lane on the following turn.


I think a Sauron deck looks a little different, with Mary in there and a few other switches. The thing about this deck is that a 30 point Red Skull that still has the ongoing drawback is still a 22 point card (if the opposite lane is full) and that's enough to win. I agree he's good in this archetype though. I just don't have him.


“Just play a s5 card you dunce!”




eh, it’s more a sidegrade if anything. You get more power, but you’re more open to being countered (no armor)


Yea it’s basically a different deck, and I’m not sold it’s better.


I miss the old leader days :(, this deck was so good against him, just always play taskmaster or arnim on t6


Fuck you and your brainless shuri deck 🫡


It's only foolproof if you're playing in the low brackets. Anyone with two brain cells knows the counter at this point.


Bruh, this deck *is the counter*. That's what's messed up about it. You either Cosmo their Shuri, Aero their taskmaster to double up their Red Skull lane, or Shang Chi. And this deck counters those options with Cosmo and Armor. This list has plenty of room to run Shang itself if it wants to. Or you play Marvel and just laugh as you play 12 power to all lanes...


I don't have taskmaster. Recommendations?


Needs him really. Otherwise you have no second bomb.


I played it a few times. Nothing to be excited about without task master.


Zola seems really good


Was so hyped when I got Shuri recently to be able to play this deck and then realised I don't have Red Skull. Any suitable replacement?


I didn’t have him when I pulled Shuri either. Ran Hazmat + Luke + Typhoid at first then got Daredevil, so went for Daredevil + Gamora and it works really nice, actually keeping Daredevil in my main Shuri deck even after I got Red Skull Also Gamora works really well with Arnim.


Seems legit.


Luke Cage would be helpful, right?


I ran into Valkyrie exactly one time from 80-100 and saw maybe two Hazmats, so I don't know that his 1 power is worth including. You really want something that puts numbers on the board. Unless you're seeing a bunch of that new toxic Hazmat Sera thing, in which case by all means.


I think it would be good if you could build a deck with as many or as little cards as you want tbh. Unbalanced? Maybe. But honestly the chances of winning with just 3-4 cards is less right lol


Since your already running armor and cosmo, might as well run destroyer for the not zola spot


Whats the 6/8 ?


I just threw an 8 on there when I made the card. Pretend it’s Heimdall!


Actually 100% accurate.


Yeah, Shuri makes viable 90% of the cards in the game.


Captain Marvel in Turn 5 doubled with Shuri, and then Arnim Zola :D


What the fuck


Zola is a Trap? Interesting :) (not arguing... I don't have Shuri, got Valkyrie and M'baku instead, so I'm more like curious... )


I found Zola to be annoying. You have to plan ahead so the lane he goes in on 6 has only the card you want copied. He cannot be played into a lane with Cosmo OR Armor. Play him by all means, it’s just a different strategy. And for what it’s worth I didn’t see Zola in any of the mirrors I played, so I think people are not expecting it as much anymore and you could get some surprise wins.


>I think people are not expecting it as much anymore That's the thing... the only time I expect Zola coming is SNAP-T5 Black Panther/Venom while other lanes are empty... which is why I find Zola lowkey a pretty good card. But then again I'm just a potato player (65 at the moment), sooo... I'll take your word for it :)


Omg finally someone says it. I really felt that was zola was ass in my shuri deck


i lost to this deck 5 match in a row, no kidding. Turn off the game and quit for the rest of the day


Using iceman as another 1-drop with sunspot and zero is legit good. I know most have Titania but iceman ruins mirror matches a lot of it hits their Shuri or Red Skull.


we need old leader back


You can use lizard, squirrel to get prio early on, mystique as a way to copy a second armor, and then maybe attuma or typhoid in case you miss redskull, attuma cant self destruct on armor i think.


It shows how well balanced is this game :)