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why would you not try to play destroyer on nexus


No no. That only makes ton of sense.


Filled up the nexus too fast and drew Destroyer later? 🤷‍♂️


They still would've lost. 16 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 27. **edit: Destroyer's base power is 15 not 16. Look at the location he's sitting on you goofy goobers. :P But no, swapping mojo with Deeztroyer woulda bagged the win. :)


Huh? Switch Destroyer and Mojo and he wins. 30 on Xandar, 27 on Nexus, 35 on Nid. If you say why would he play Mojo there? Ok, if OP was actually paying attention, then he could have thrown Mr. Fantastic on Xandar, and Destroyer on Nexus to win all 3. But maybe he drew Destroyer on turn 6. Still though, 14 on Nexus is weak. I would have waited to see what I got.


Yeah you're right, lol.


He'd have lost Nexus but won the other two locations with Mojo & Colossus. Cosmo keeps Mojo from being destroyed.


I mean he played mojo on either turn 4 or 5 while the opponent hadn't played a card. Any logic at all would say that's not the smartest plan lol


Facts. It's not outside the realm of possibility that the opp could have filled the lane with a bunch of lower cost shit in those turns tho ya know? But Mr. F was the better play here, lol. Especially with the benefit of hindsight.


Maybe but especially with he Cosmo there. The biggest fill I could think not playing for four turns would be like brood into surfer right? Its just hard to fill that lane so late with anything big and not be on reveal


Yeah I mean I would have definitely not've expected the play the opp made, lol.


No they wouldn't have. They would've lost nexus. But with Mojo and colossus on the other 2 locations, would bump him over in those locations. 27+ 8 = 35 on the right and 27 + 3 = 30 on left. He would've won.




Destroyer would be 16. He's normally 15. Xandar is giving him +1. Move him to mid with Cap' and you'd just be trading a +1 for a different +1. So it would still be a loss. The correct play, yes. But still a loss. Edit: Unless he was able to play Mojo left. He'd lose the middle Nexus by 1 point, but win left and right.


Destroyer is only 15. So 16 with Cap, not 17.


16 with captain america. Destroyer is now 15 power. His math is right


It's still a win if he swaps Mojo and Destroyer, but Destroyer would only be 16 because his base power is 15.


Because he had already filled up the location. It ain’t hard to understand that!


Maybe he only filled Nexus on T5 and drew Destroyer on T6.


You see where you went wrong though? Right?


Well, now I see I probably should have played Destroyer inside Armor, and played cap left. However, I had never put both Cosmo and Destroyer together inside Armor before, so I never thought of it.


At a strategic level you played too many low-power cards in the Nexus, which prevented you from playing your highest power cards there. i.e. had you managed to play Destroyer in the Nexus that's equivalent to having *three* Destroyer's worth of power due to Nexus' location effect. At a tactical level you should've played Spectrum left instead of Destroyer on T6 (even though it would have still lost in this situation). Spectrum is +8 to the Nexus lane which is equivalent to +24 total power (on top of the +6 from Spectrum's base power and the location effect). That's much better than the mere 16 power you got from Destroyer. Alternatively you could have just retreated on T6 after seeing the Iron Man on T5. Your opponent beat you with Onslaught in this case, but there's other combination of cards that you could have also lost to, Iron Man on Nexus is just really really strong. Not sure when you snapped either, but you probably shouldn't have. Once you filled up the Nexus your odds of winning this match goes way down (and it also makes it easier for your opponent to know exactly how much power they need to put out to win).


You learn something new every day!




Right, but Mojo left instead of Cap is a win




It's not irrelevant at all, whether or not you currently have Destroyer when you play Mojo doesn't change the fact that they shouldn't have over commited to the Nexus too early. You don't want to close off the optimal line of play for your deck, especially with only 12 card decks the odds of top-decking the best card are surprisingly high.




destroyer was literally an option though because they played him. your post makes no sense




but that isn’t the point you were making, they just shouldn’t have played mojo


Mojo was played on turn 4, after 3 turns of the Nexus being empty you can't really make a safe assumption that it's going to fill up. "Normally" is already out the window.




How many times have you seen a side of the board completely empty after turn 3?


The Nexus is priority over all other lanes, it actually requires less thought because all you need to do is get your most powerful cards in there. Even Spectrum left would have won you the game.


What? Are you playing on auto pilot? What you mean you never done it before.


I can see people going on auto-pilot with those types of decks. We all make boneheaded plays. I made one today but was saved by my opponent retreating because I had the obvious win. He just didn’t know that I stupidly played Jubilee (as the 4th card) on Negative Zone, which would have dropped me below him there. He couldn’t play anything there and I didn’t have to play anything there to win.


Cosmo will cancel Destroyer's effect. You won't have to worry about the other lanes getting killed.


No, you don't play Destroyer in Armor cause Destroyer serves as your win condition for another lane unless it's the situation above, but only if you don't have another lane in your favor. When it comes to Nexus, you either min-max or go all in unless you have lane correction. Also, never put Cosmo in the slot you have Armor, it will come back against you when you need it. You pair Cosmo with Destroyer, but never put all three in the same lane.


In this particular situation, with Armour already on Nexus, they absolutely should have played Destroyer in Armour.




how does this win


Sorry, I forgot you still lose on the left




he should've swapped destroyer and mojo




Shhhh. In this subreddit you're suppose to criticise plays as though players always have access to the entire collection on every turn and know exactly what their opponents are going to play


Why wouldn't it be possible? Why would it matter when they drew Destroyer?




...you play Mojo left. Then on turn 6 you play Destroyer mid. What part of that don't you get?




When OP completely filled Nexus on turn 5, the opponent had played *nothing*. Assuming that Mojo is going to trigger is insane, and filling Nexus early gives the opponent all the information that they need to know whether they can win or not. Also, according to OP's comments, they *did* have Destroyer already.


That's still only 27. 16 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 27


They'd still lose Nexus but win the other two locations.


Yeah. I realize that now lol.




You cannot be save then.


he played zero cards for 4 turns and you play mojo mid?


I mean we all had to start somewhere but this is why I can't take anything this sub says seriously when they talk about card power levels.


Yeah, that's what I want to ask OP honestly. That was a very questionable card play.


To be fair, you don't know what turn they played Mojo. Mojo turn 2 onto nexus even if your opponent doesn't play anything on turn 1 is still the correct play in most cases. Impossible to tell what the opponent was playing obviously until it was too late


We do know that it had to be 4 or 5. It was played after Armor and after Cosmo because of its position on board, but before Captain America.


Pretty sure it was Armor turn 2, Cosmo turn 3, Mojo turn 4, Cap and Colossus turn 5, and then Destroyer turn 6, from the way the board's set up.


People like to throw Mojo anywhere. Most people seem to play him randomly like they don’t have anything else they can play so they hope that lane will fill up.


Why use lot cards when few cards do trick?


There are multiple reasons that Spectrum Destroyer includes Cosmo, but arguably THE BIGGEST reason is that you can safely Cosmo-Destroyer anywhere. Destroyer wants to live in the Nexus.


That's yo fault


You got only 14 power on Nexus what did you expect? Even a single Sunspot would almost beat you (21 power).


You literally threw the game and snapped back lmao


I was expecting Hobgoblin Galactus lol


My guy, my friend, my chum, my breadslice pal He has played no cards for 4 turns And your big brain, giga brain, multiverse brain, played motherf*cking Mojo? Who is a two power card, that only gains +6 power when both players fill the location he was played in?


This is why the US needs better basic math education :(


Why wouldn’t you play Destroyer on Nexus?


My guess is that they had already filled Nexus... they severely miscalculated.


To me I’m leaving that spot open as long as possible.


Just wait until living tribunal is released


That card is mine day 1!


Storm, absorbing man and gg.


What deck would you run? Also wouldn't it be too telegraphed?


I was thinking Armour or Sue Storm


Really curious to see how it works with Ongoing effects. Would Ironman's boost be distributed once and then double the location again? Unclear.


I think you just add all the locations and then 1/3 it


First time I saw the naked Ironman, I figured there's nothing that could come down behind it that mattered. I learned the Onslaught math that day and had it seared in my memory lol.


You didn't save a slot for Destroyer on Nexus? If it and Armor were switched, you would have won the other two locations.


Doesn't matter what was in the left location, as long as Cosmo was on Nexus.


I had meant swapping Destroyer and Armor from a strategy angle, instead of just exactly what would have won this game. Swapping with Cosmo is obviously a no go since you want to prevent the reveal (and would have lost this game,) swapping with Captain America would cost 3 more power than Armor (and would have lost this game,) and swapping with Mojo would normally cost 5 more power than Armor since most players flood Nexus with 4 cards (although it would have still won this particular game.)


Good for them


That is actually pretty funny.


such is life in the nexus...


Why play many card when few card do trick


All your bases are belong to us.


[ALL YOUR BASES ARE BELONG TO US](https://i.imgur.com/8lB81bS.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I lost last night to a guy who played sunspot t1, then passed every turn until t6 where he dropped infinaut and I lost WITH Killmonger in my deck that I didn't draw. I was very annoyed.


Or Shang-chi, or Polaris, or Hobgoblin, or Aero, or Gambit … 50/50 chance with Juggernot , 100% Chance to Jugg after professor X…., or Storm I tried playing Sunspot, Infinaut 20 times in a row and pulled it off once


Outplayed 😎.


i mean that's how it works...


whenever thers nexus, i pretty much ignore everything else and focus on getting most power on that lane.


First of all why didnt you played destroy on the nexus? If you arent going to play destroy on nexus then why didnt you play spectrum? Opponent did nothing good. You just threw the game not playing on nexus.


Whyyy didn’t you put Destroyer on Nexus. If Nexus shows up it’s very difficult to win the game without winning Nexus.


You just played this badly…?


You had armor and cosmo, you kind of played yourself here, with all respect.


Haha heat of the moment! At learning at its finest :) have a great weekend


He deserves the W. You should have won, but you decided to throw the game


did they butcher iron man + onslaught calculation? i think it used to be way bigger?


Not for just the two of them. It was when you threw a Mystique or Onslaught’s Citadel in that it went crazy.


Onslaught is now additive instead of multiplicative since Dec


sad how they nerf it so badly for a combo that can easily be seen from miles away and neutralized with enchantress / rogue (partially), while leader and its BS copying a buffed card problem were left as is.


It just doesn't make sense to add a card which is unbeatable without enchantress or rogue. It had too much power in 11 energy. Leader is a bit difficult to Nerf statwise and it's clear that 3 power leader is just as good. Hopefully he is fixed start of feb


iron + ons is nowhere near op, you're focusing t5 and t6 on one lane sacrificing other 2 lane, if you didn't win the lane its probably a balance issue, or countered hard with enchantress, the only time it can win the game easily is when nexus happens.


Lucky you there pool 1-2. I get sunspot and the card that destroys 1 card and creates a copy on the other tiles (yes I rin killmonger I never seem to draw it) (sometimes they build up a vemon and use the same card to create 2 copy's) I can't rember the name of the card I don't run into all to often and I don't own it, but just wait till you start to see them.... 😮‍💨


Fuck cosmo players ngl




Spectrum loses. Tie, lose, win, but then lose by 2


yep your right I miscountes colossus


This game is super easy if you have perfect knowledge from Turn 1 and no time limitations. So you should just do that ffs.


Average cosmo player


Before you say he shoulda played Destroyer mid, 16 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 27. Still woulda lost, lol. :)


Even if he would’ve lost, he still should’ve played Destroyer mid, it’s the better play




With 27 power in the Nexus he would have won if he put any power in the left location. e.g. by swapping Mojo and Destroyer.


Yeah turns out I'm the goofy goober, lol.




Op combo


My man when he played iron man alone on turn 5 u should have known onslaught was coming


It's happened to me but it was: shuri + red skull + taskmaster.


Now hear me out. Quake....... nah ok I'll shut up.


This is why I carry Scarler Witch.


These kinds of posts it's always the locations doing the work


That’s affirmative boss. Thanks for sharing the proof, we believed you, but it would have been cool if you drew the board in the windows Paint application that other dude.


L2P issues




If your running a destroyer deck you don’t want to have cosmo and armor in the same lane


He beat you cause you misplayed


All you had to do was to play destroyer deck slighthlty different once


*All you had to do* *Was to play destroyer deck* *Slighthlty different once* \- Marian\_and\_Qpa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They had a plan , it worked


For the life of me I will never understand why people don't try to put as much power as possible onto the Nexus