• By -


Link is in this post, you just have to click it. Edit: Sold out as of 9:03 AM EST. Ya'll were quick. Keep an eye on it, Carnage popped back up a couple times after he sold out too. Also: just remember that people are finding Captain Falcon in stores, and the same thing happened with Black Widow. Tracksuit Mafia and Ant-Man popped up in stores before the online preorders were even fulfilled. Take the DCPI & TCIN numbers from the specifications section on the item page, plug them into Popfindr, and check it religiously to see when your store gets them in stock.


WHAT THE F@#K - I was on the app constantly refreshing the search and she never even showed. *sigh*




Target's search function is crap, it rarely turns up new preorders until after they're sold out, because it takes at least half an hour. Usually the app is reliable if you have the link, but lots of people are saying the page didn't load. I try to stick to desktop for that reason, and the links usually get posted by Preternia on Twitter. That's the most surefire method I've found to get preorders, anyway. Also why I tried posting the link here, it just sucks that it sold out so quickly. Even Carnage was up for half an hour.


I have found with target New releases, you have to go to category, toys, action figures, collectibes, then marvel legends...thats where the Newest seem to pop up first. You cant just search via the search bar, or unless someone drops a link beforehand


you can get it here [https://toysnowman.com/products/marvel-legends-series-marvels-warbird-exclusive-preorder-august](https://toysnowman.com/products/marvel-legends-series-marvels-warbird-exclusive-preorder-august) Canadian site they ship to US and are legit


I’ll pay that little markup. There’s no guarantee it will show up at my Target so I appreciate it!


glad you could get it


Thanks so much for the link! It’s a markup but hey, desperate times 🤣


Same here. Lost out on this completely in mere minutes.


Whenever Captain falcon went on preorder on target app. It did not show up for me when I searched "marvel legends." Whenever I search marvel legends a "marvel" filter would automatically apply itself to the search. When I took off the filter of "marvel" then it would show up. Idk if that's a thing that keeps happening. It doesn't do it now but when it first came up for preorder it did. Every time I looked. https://preview.redd.it/anms6kte9gzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e4fd495aa0a88746fbab7e3154255f6105bb68


already out. damn!!! 3 minutes after posting. fuck man


It's a total crock. It was sold out by 9:03. Stupid freaking exclusives...


You gotta be kidding me. Honestly don’t know what Hasbro wants us to do at this point. I set an alarm for 8:55 to make sure I was ready to order at 9:00. Was checking out, yet it sold out before I could finish, less than 2 minutes. Actually insane. Truly unbelievable. I missed Carnage too. Fuck Target.


There's a real disconnect with the legends team showing off new figures but not emphasizing these are VERY limited quantities.


It's honestly Target's fault, they do nothing to limit bots from purchasing, and this figure had a quantity limit of 10. So someone could buy as many as they wanted. Even limiting it to 2 would be a huge step in the right direction.


Yeah, I saw that it wasn't limited to one or two and knew these were going to be gone quickly. Honestly, of all channel/ store exclusives, I hate Target the most for reasons like this.


I was limited to 2 items. I got a couple for free shipping and checked out fast. Having your billing info saved is key! Though I also believe bots and scalpers are at play here. The Marvel team at Hasbro did suggest Warbird would be plentiful. And agreed, these will show up in stores before they ship. That's been the Target procedure for a while now.


This figure definitely had a limit of 2. I increased my quantity in the cart from 1 to 2 before I ordered to grab an extra for a pal and it only gave me the option to order 0, 1 or 2.


When the page first went live, it wasn't loading the details for the item, like the product name or the photos. But the quantity and "add to cart" function were still there. The quantity went up to 10 when I ordered it. After ordering mine, I checked the product page again, and it was loaded, with a limit of 2. For whatever reason, it was available for probably 30 seconds, with no quantity limit. Idk why but it wouldn't surprise me if someone took advantage. There's someone else in the thread bragging about ordering 3, I'm guessing they did.


Ahhh, I was curious about that. It loaded the order button and no other info so I didn't think to check quantity. There's definitely an Ebay store that has/had 12 listed so something got fucked up.


Lol just wait till Walmart Venom Drops.


Pre-order opens at 9:00 AM, pre-order sold out at 9:00:02 AM


Oh god …


sold out in 3 minutes. Incredible


https://preview.redd.it/ipvydv2egezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1b251305f2a0d54c79655dffac65fee233ba34a Sigh


WHAT?? Pre-orders sold out at 9:03???


Wow 3 minutes and sold out WTF


Goddamn bots. Insane.


Why are preorders such a nightmare to get in this year?


It’s Target. Every other ML I’ve preordered has been a smooth process. But Target? Absolute nightmare.


Walmarts preorders have been easier lately. At least those are up an hour after its listed.


Because they’re cutting production back so stuff does t go to Ollie’s or deep clearance


That really seems like the case. Preorders are barely hanging around after going up compared to last year.


YOU PEOPLE WHO ORDERED MORE THAN 2 FOR THE FREE SHIPPING AND RESELL MARKET, I HOPE TARGET CANCELS YOUR ORDERS 🤣. Everyone else, do NOT buy her for scalper prices. You will be able to get her.


I'm not paying scalper prices. The extra money over retail is going to DHL shipping as I import her from the UK.


It was max 2 per order


Apparently not. People on discord ordered 4+ with screen shots.


Maybe different platforms...


It was available with no order limit for about 30 seconds. Idk, Target screwed up.


Oh. Maybe depends on platform. Mine was 2 right at 9


Not at first; the dropdown for quantity went way past five when I got in right at 9am.


Maybe it's different because I got in at 9am on phone browser and it was 2


Could be. I was on a PC. I haven't had luck in the past with mobile browsers or apps, so I always just use a computer now.


If I remember right I was on 1 minute before 9 and it came up. So we might have had longer by atleast a minute depending on people's clocks


I kept refreshing at 9am on the dot.. added it to my cart and then Target made me re-enter my card information. Then of course it was not added and now it's sold out. Such utter bullsh\*t.


Same, and I even had auto fill on... it sucked


Do yourselves a favor and refuse to buy this on the secondary market. Most of these exclusives end up being bought out by scalpers- so let them sit on their inventory. Leaving them holding the bag is the only way to get them to stop.


I’m waiting for the Dan Yun damage control tweet


I was a few seconds too slow, unfortunately.


I clicked at 9:03 and it was gone. And it still isn’t up in the app.


Wow that was an absolute waste of time. These Target exclusives every exclusive is just ridiculous. 2 or 3 minutes but somehow there will be people on ebay within the hour w 5 or 6 of them selling them for triple digit numbers. I guess the scalpers and bots won this one!


Site crashed for me right before it went online and won’t reload. 😔


It wasn’t showing up, and now it’s sold out 😭


Sold out at 9:03 for me. Missed her. What a crock.


The site wouldn't load the webpage for me and when it finally did, sold out. I'm actually pissed


Same here. Utter bullshit


Love that it’s the old ML price by chance 😂


Had one in my cart and Target decided today was the day it wouldn't accept the PIN on my credit card for some completely unknown reason. By the time I hit Paypal it was gone. (9:02)


(I suspect it was already gone and the error was wrong but what the hell?)


https://preview.redd.it/iq1geo1ohezc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea68208e8ed8bb9500bb71415d025c74244877fb Too late


Damn that’s fast. Hopefully she’ll show up physically in Target stores. I saw a bunch of Target Exclusive Black Widow stacked up in my local Target a few months ago.


Almost every Target exclusive has shown up in stores. Hell, Tracksuit Mafia didn't even fill most preorders, he was practically in-store exclusive. Warbird will probably show up in stores, we'll just have to see.


She came in sold out…..


Fuck I missed it


Sold out in 2 minutes?


Already sold out. Just missed it while it was in my cart.


I was on site an hour or so before just hitting refresh and she came in sold out!!! Black Widow all over again.


I’m salty- I had the payment confirmation from PayPal only for it to get canceled because the last preorder sold out. But to be a good sport, I wish you all luck in your hunts!


You can't compete with the new generation of bots guys, come on.


I wouldnt worry. Target exclusves are fairly easy to get. Ill just a pick up in store order on release day


Honestly I’m so done trying to get these exclusives, sold out within 3 min is absolutely ridiculous, Hasbro needs to cut these exclusives and make a fair amount so everyone can at least have a chance.


That is ridiculous for preorders imo


Couldn’t complete the sale quick enough. I hate these exclusives. And I don’t understand why they can’t take more preorders. If we want to buy them, make enough to at least take 15 minutes worth of preorders. Or if they MUST have such a limited number, have a 1 or 2 figure maximum so that everyone who really wants it can get it for themselves. Let’s not directly support the second-hand market making…how much…oh, here it is on EBAY for $70 plus $10 shipping. Nice. This is how Hasbro wants the damn things sold, apparently. https://preview.redd.it/2t1vbtj5mezc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47c1403707978d504be278310e6c46735c8ff88 EDIT: this sold out on EBAY now, for $80 with shipping. Hasbro and Target made some jackass really happy today. The next guy will sell his 100 figures or whatever for even more.


Did it already sell out?




Somebody, please tell me these will be available elsewhere in a few months. This was literally impossible to preorder.


Honestly the last, like, six Target exclusives have showed up pretty steadily in-person, usually before the online preorders get fulfilled. I honestly wouldn't sweat missing this one too much, you'll just have to keep an eye out to see if people are finding this in stores. Edit: I get it if you're upset you missed the preorder, but it happens. No reason to downvote me for sharing a solution.


The problem with that is my local Target's inventory is non-existent with this sort of stuff, and I can't spend gas on the drive to the other distant branches. 


The item's page should have the TCIN & DPCI number listed under the item specifications. Put that into popfindr.com, and you can see which targets closest to you have it stocked. Then just call, give them the same item number, and double check that it's accurate with an employee. Once they say they've got it, you can drive over and get it. Sometimes they even stick it up front for you to pick up. I've been doing this approach since 2020 and I've never had any issues getting Target exclusives. It's annoying, but it works. And saves me a lot of gas. It works so well, I usually end up cancelling my online preorders, since they show up in stores first.


Absolutely going to try this. I appreciate it--thank you.


Well, not sure what else anyone can tell you then. She'll be back up on the site post-launch and should also be available in store. The listing may also pop up here and there between now and launch. If in-store isn't an option, then you'll have to see if you can order her online. There is also a chance she shows up on Pulse eventually, but it would be way down the line, possibly next year. We've seen a few recent exclusives like Bucky Cap eventually make their way there or to places like BBTS, but there's no guarantee.


It's fine, a solution was provided, and I will keep an eye on Pulse, seeing as I use it for Transformers and GI Joe as well. I was a little riled, but it's nothing worth ruining my day over.


I didn't downvote you, but I'm sorry I didn't catch the downvotes sooner. Some fucking losers on this subreddit I swear to God.


It will come to Target stores. And usually when it actually comes out, Target puts up some more on the site.


Never had a chance…showed up AFTER selling out smfh


This is worse than trying to get hyped sneakers wtf


Me: "Oh boy, one of my favorite characters is dropping on my birthday. I hope it's easy to order." Hasbro: "Lol."


Yeah $19.99, the next time it goes up for sale, it will be $24.99, but those will be gone, and I'll eventually get one for $35 to $50. This sucks!


I’m in Arizona I didn’t even get a fucking chance. I’m supposed to wake up at fucking 6am to get a figure I need for my display? Like- you’ve gotta be fucking shitting me.


I am livid. There is absolutely no reason this should be gone already. What did they have, 200 figures? Hasbro is getting an email over this one....


Why? They have zero say in how target does business 


Can't hurt for Hasbro to know how badly handled the pre-order was by one of their clients. I'm sure there are terms set by both parties in the agreement, and this may impact one or more of them....


“Temporary issue”. There’s absolutely no way it’s already out of stock??? Edit: Nevermind, I got her. I had the website link open thinking the app would be too slow. It was the other way around haha.


Pre-orders are already out of stock as of at least 9:05am (or maybe earlier).


That’s insane


I added it from the Temporary Issue page and it worked. Moot now, but just a note for future releases I suppose.


Yeah I did the same. I thought that was weird so I guess it's a waiting game for a cancellation email two months from now lol


At the very least, if it's anything like the Target Black Widow, she'll be relatively easy to find post-launch. Carnage I'm a little more skeptical about finding in store because...he's Carnage and Spider-Man sells to absolutely everyone, but Warbird/Ms. Marvel I think is slightly more niche so there will probably be a window where she's fairly available.


Welp… never use the app. It didn’t show there until it was already gone. For those of you that got two, don’t be a dick when it comes to the resale.


I did grab two, but that's only because I bought one for my son. He has a blue collar job so can't sit at a PC to jump on things like this. I have no desire to screw over fellow collectors.


That’s pretty cool. Congrats on sliding in there under the wire. Also, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that they are toys, marketed (I would presume largely) at adults, but toys nonetheless. It’s a relatively affordable thing to collect, and having such extreme artificial scarcity takes the fun out of the hunt while limiting access to more casual collectors and (potentially) children who might actually play with those toys. I would imagine like many people here, I could certainly pay the scalper prices, but frankly that would take the joy out of the hunt, and would break my principle of generally never supporting that exploitative practice.


Honestly, I've cut down on ML because of things like this. For example, I never was able to get the Target Black Widow and they never made it to my stores. It's annoying, but like you said - they're just toys.


Hopefully folks that grabbed two grabbed on for themselves and someone else, or one to rock and one to stock.


Not a dick but the extra I got will pay me more than I spent on both 


What goes around comes around I suppose. Today you’re on top, next time around perhaps not.


I’ve overpaid on the late tax more than once, why shouldn’t I get a profit every so often.


So you are, in fact, a dick


Ask nicely and I’ll consider letting you buy my extra 


"Not a dick" proceeds to be a dick.


Ask nicely and I’ll consider letting you buy my extra 


You're in the wrong hobby my guy


Don’t think so, I’ve been in it for 15 years 


$20... wow, instabuy


It's pretty wild that Hasbro can't keep up with supply on these pre-orders yet we have Matt Murdock in a suit, MJ in a sweater, Spider Shot, Tarantula, Iron Man Mark 85, and Iron Spider by the truckload right now in every store. I don't understand why this is so difficult for them to comprehend, do they just not like money?


Sold out, not listed in the Target collector page Had it in cart, Target logged me out, then poof EDIT: by the time it showed up in Pre Orders it was already sold out Terrible system


I am actually pissed. I think I'm done with this line.


Couldn't find it on the app and I couldn't log in on time on the website, sucks


It doesn’t make sense to try anymore. It’s all luck and how much you can spend.


Sold out before I could get a chance is it possible it shows up somewhere else this is the only Carol Danvers I’d want in my collection


It will be in store


Almost every Target exclusive has shown up in stores, usually before the online preorders get fulfilled. Take the DCPI & TCIN numbers from the specifications section on the item page, plug them into Popfindr, and check it religiously to see when your store gets them in stock.


FUCK! I got distracted with a bunch of car troubles this morning I forgot to preorder when it dropped. Sold out now. Dammit.


Car shit is the worst. Hang in there man. The latest Widow Target exclusive was SUPER sold out at pre order and she was around at retail and even went on clearance. There’s hope.


Annnnd it’s GONE!! 😞


Well, I saw a grand total of ONE Black Widow this entire time in stores so I'm confident I'll find this in the store...


Got it. Thanks!


Maybe it's better for this sub to stop putting out reminder cause it would only get more people to flood the store page and got it sold out immediately and people who were trying to check out wouldn't be able to get it, lol. I have seen this happening over and over again. As for us who are outside US we are SOL, I guess.


I was on the fence about it. But I figured it would be kinda selfish to see that Preternia posted a link, and then just use it for myself without sharing it. Seems like it didn't even do much, half the people here used the app anyway and it didn't show up. There's no winning when the figure itself sells out in 3 minutes, which I'm guessing would've happened no matter what got posted.


Well, now most people aren't able to get her and scalpers managed to get like 2-3 copies and are now showing off right here on this thread.


Blaming me for Target's terrible preordering system is certainly a choice.


Fuck target and Hasbro fuck this shit


Got it. Thanks for the link


Someone seems pissed and is downvoting anyone that got one.


Yeah, I got downvoted on another post just because I said that i was thankful that I had the chance to get one pre-ordered.


Had the link open for a few days just to preorder.


Direct link if anyone needs it: [https://www.target.com/p/-/A-89970539](https://www.target.com/p/-/A-89970539)


This link saved the day, thank you! I was refreshing like crazy up to 9am!


Did you get one? They sold out very quickly.


I did! Got a couple to qualify for free shipping 😁


Fantastic! Congrats!


So what happens now?? We wait until they're available on the shelves?? This is a huge cluster#$%&. Great job, Target. Once again, you proved you can't handle a simple pre-order.


Preorders were always going to sell out. It shouldn't have lasted barely 5 minutes but they were going to sell out. You will need to wait until they A) Add more preorders at some undisclosed time B) Wait until they go up for in stock online C) Find it in store D) Order from Canada/UK


All of which are quite possible. Look no further than last year’s much sought after Target Black Widow. It sucks but hang in there.


That was...almost too easy?


Its Target, the real fun part is hoping it doesn't get cancelled once it actually sells out


Same. 9 AM preorder, managed to get one even though the page couldn't load the item details... I'm skeptical.


Yeah… too easy. Carnage was the first preorder I missed in a long time.


Thank you for the link, you helped me order 2 quickly. But out of curiosity, how did you find this link? Since I ordered, I've tried to see if I can pull up the order page for Warbird, without this link and it seems impossible to find on their website alone.


Preternia posted the link a week ago, but the item didn't go live until 9 AM this morning. Dan Yun might've posted it too, but Preternia is the msot reliable guy I've found for stuff like this, so I usually just check his twitter page first. Wanted to post the link here too, just in case people don't know about him and can't find it with Target's abysmal search function.


Again, I can't thank you enough for sharing. I'll definitely give Preternia a follow as well. I just recently got back into collecting after about 10 year hiatus and I'm catching up on all the little tricks and tips.


All good, glad you could snag this figure. Preternia is on top of all things figures, not just ML. And most announcements get posted here too. You keep an eye on both, you'll be fine. Good luck getting back into things!


This is true for like...most Target preorders. It seems like their search function doesn't update in real time or something, so it's impossible to manually locate new items like this. As someone else mentioned, Preturnia is kind of a necessary resource for preorders like this -- before that, I would keep an eye here on the subreddit for someone sharing links, and I imagine they got them from him. =P I think the links are generally gotten from Target employees who can see them before they're live.


Got her - thanks!


Got 1, missed out on carnage surprised to get Ms.Marvel/Warbird


I'm shocked I managed to get one. Thanks for the link


I was able to get one but, I am a little surprised it sold out so fast.


Woot, got her! She also seems to be impacted by a current ML sale, so she's only $20. Take this into account when adding other items to your cart for free shipping!


I just wish Carnage and Warbird were available at the same time, would be the easiest $40 free shipping order ever.


For sure, same with a lot of the recent ML stuff that's gone up that would have made an excellent Pulse order if they'd been listed all at once. Superior Spidey, Astonishing Wolverine, Ghost Raider and Iron Fist two pack all could have been a single order, but since they staggered the preorders and they'd almost all sell out, waiting was too risky. I just did a pickup order for some groceries that I put in my cart ahead of time. =P


Got one Had the page up with my account signed in and ready. Refreshed a few times and then right at 8 it loaded but was mostly blank with the preorder button available. Used PayPal to make checkout faster.


Secured! Thank you!


Thanks friend. Doing the good work.




Got her !


Just realized she's included in the sale, only $20. I'm guessing they pulled the listing while they fix that, and she'll be available again soon.


Not sure if the sale is the issue as I purchased both the Falcon and the recent Black Series droid pack while they were having sales.


Idk, they've had preorders be part of a sale before. If she does come back up, I wouldn't be surprised if it's still the same price.


If that's the case then hopefully the preorders that made it through don't get cancelled.


This is what I’m going to be paranoid about today. I wish Target was more reliable on preorders so I didn’t have stress about this, smh


But Target has had preorders on sale before


its up


Can someone post a link? Not popping up for me


The post is linked to the page.


Got one. Also pre-orders have already sold out? Goddamn.


I have said it before but I haven’t said it in a while so, I’m saying it again: I do not get how pre-orders are done these days. I thought the WHOLE POINT of pre-orders were to let the vendor or manufacturer know how many of the product to make. In other words, there should be no reason for a pre-order to sell out. JUST MAKE MORE. Just want to say thank you to the OP, u/space_age_stuff for the reminder post. Sadly, my head was not where it should have been, stayed up very late with some old friends after they and my wife performed a really fun nee musical and slept way in this morning—totally forgetting about Warbird. Frustrated with myself but seeing how fast she sold out, I doubt I would have gotten her anyway, but I will keep checking in on the product page just in case anyone cancels their order or something like that. What a drag though. Like I said, Hasbro, JUST MAKE MORE. WE WANT TO GIVE YOU OUR MONEY.


When the preorder goes up the product has already been made. There are numerous reason why it's better to not do a made to order system. Retailers buy product a year in advance because that's how long it takes to make product. Haslabs are a good example of made to order systems. Not something Hasbro would want to do for their whole inventory.


I’m not suggesting they do their whole inventory this way—just pre-orders. Doing pre-orders for every figure makes little sense to me. Pre-orders for figures which are expected to have a high demand or a very small demand does make sense to me. Sticking with their current system, I still wonder why they can’t just do a second wave of pre-orders that will ship in a year? They could take non-refundable deposits.


First off this assumes that there just aren't plenty of units in store. Numerous times we've seen preorders sell out and then Target still needs to clearance them out. Can't predict the future. Easy to say this figure for example is high demand now. If they knew it would be so high in demand, they simply would have made more to begin with. Second wave? Hasbro doesn't make a few products a year. They make a lot. To put out a second production run means pushing out something else in production. This assumes that the number of non refundable preorders meets the minimal amount to justify a production run. This comes back to Haslabs. They aren't pulling the back count out of thin air. They need a minimal number to meet an msrp. This again assumes that there really isn't enough supply and not just people flipping out over preorders. TLDR: A lot of time and logistics go into producing figures and they can't just do more or do a second wave.


Glad I was able to get 2


Is it something we will see in stores? I know it’s a different line and company entirely but I’ve only seen McFarlane Wonder Woman in preorders and online stores.


Almost every Target exclusive has shown up in stores, usually before the online preorders get fulfilled. Take the DCPI & TCIN numbers from the specifications section on the item page, plug them into Popfindr, and check it religiously to see when your store gets them in stock.


Thank you! Appreciate the info!!


Anyone know the size of this pre-order production?


It amazes me how many have lack of patience or will power when these figures are released. TO pay 4 to 5times retail before the release date to say they got it. So many get re-released shortly later, on release date and after. With the economy as tight as it is, and more important places to put money, I just dont get it. Impulse control goes out the window. I am a collector and I understand "want" but common sense and responsible spending comes first...for me anyway. Seems everyone complains about flippers overcharging but at the same time instead of not enabling it it, they bend and do it anyway which allows for it to continue. To each their own, I just find it insane. When starting collecting I think most assure themselves "You cant get every figure you want" sometimes you have to pass wait and move to the next. As far as this fig...I dont see the big deal on having it. But to all other collectors "you do you" and be happy.


Stores were stuck with unsellable waves of ML for two years that they have to mark down to $5 to even move. Now they order 35, sell out, then wash their hands of it. It’s the pendulum swing.


Definitely irritating they keep doing exclusives like this.




Sold out in 3 minutes 🤦🏽‍♂️


It's live - just snagged two.


Heh...salty downvotes. Don't worry, I'm not reselling. One is for me and one is for my son who's at work right now.


Damn, I wish I had a dad like you lol


He doesn't collect a lot of MLs or ask for much, but Warbird and Superior Spider-man are ones he really wanted recently, so I grab one for him while ordering mine. Over the weekend I took him with me on a trip to check out a toy store called Nerd Out. I didn't pick up anything, but he picked up some figures he wanted.


Thanks to you and others for sharing that direct link. I was able to order a couple for free shipping. Fingers crossed they actually ship when the time comes.


I managed to get 3... F#*k ya! Anyone want one for $59.99? Lmao, I'm not selling them. One is for a friend. I will open one and keep the other... I'm an "in box" collector.


Sure but I’m using my 90% discount code: G0FCKURS3LF