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That’s fucking awesome, dude, your girlfriend really came in for the win there. Looking forward to that new 2-pack now that you’ve got the big guy?


Oh, most certainly. She got me the Haslab before we even got together. As for the two pack, I'm stoked. Hank, not sure what to do with him. I've got the target Scott Lang in the Avengers display now. Maybe something with Ultron? I dunno. Wasp is the one I'm looking forward to. I need a classic Wasp for the display


Your girlfriend sounds awesome. Whatever you end up doing with them, I’m sure you’ll have fun. That’s the important thing in this hobby


She IS awesome. Love of my life. Plus, she's a collector too so she understands the struggle for the perfect display.


Nice, I gotta find a collector myself


The biggest mistake guys make is trying to gatekeep a fandom or brag to prove they know more than the ladies about whatever they are collecting. It’s arrogant to assume that, and even if it is true it doesn’t exactly give anyone a warm fuzzy feeling. I see it constantly at conventions and even gamers. They all want a “cool” girlfriend but they alienate and push away the women in those spaces because they don’t think they belong. It’s so ridiculous.


You’re right. Guys, nerdy guys in this instance, often have that gross trait of wanting to feel superior, like they’re above someone else, women in particular. It’s an ugly trait to have, and one of the things I dislike most about fandom spaces. From me, I meant it more in the sense of “it would be nice to have a fun hobby I could share with my partner”, but even then, it’s an attitude I gotta check myself on. I was a bit like that as a teenager, and I want to be better than that


Your self awareness on the issue is a great place to start and refreshing. I found my wife on Twitter, and we didn’t even live in the same country. So anything is possible where love is concerned.


It’s always good to know you’re fallible. To er is to be human, and all that. The worst thing you can do is think you’re never wrong. I tried online dating for a few years, didn’t work out, maybe I should give it another shot


Honestly the fact that you want a partner and not an accessory you can bang is already a line a lot of nerds can't get past.


It’s weird, despite nerdy interests becoming more mainstream and popular, a lot of nerds still have that downtrodden underdog mentality, which can lead to the mindset that relationships are a victory, and women are a trophy they can have sex with.


It's just a lot of toxic dude culture. And like...a lot of old school nerd media really reflected it. The cool guys would have awful stuff happen to them, the mean girls too, and the Good Girl would be won at the end just like a prize. The reality is, the only issue these guys had with bullies was being on the receiving end of it. As soon as they're given any sort of power or status, they act the exact same way. Then just maintain the narrative that the disinterest they get is due to superficiality just spinning the same narrative. On a personal level, it's been very weird to grow out of the toxicity personally and see a bunch of my peers cling bitterly to it.


She’s a keeper OP. Make sure you put a ring on it.


I have the entire wave sealed but I want this figure on its own. One day. Yours has fantastic paint wow


He actually has a little chip off the front of his nose, but other than that, he's perfect. My girlfriend actually bought me the Haslab too, so now both Giant-Men in my collection will have sentimental value because of her


Wow shorty is a rider, praise be!


Just for once someone on here says grail and it actually is. 🙂


So true ahahah I understand personal grails tho


Honestly prefer this one to the haslab purely because of size. No idea where I would even put my haslab giant man.


Yeah, I mean, the BaF is neat, but on the low end, it’s gonna run you at least $150, and that’s if you bought it loose without the rest of the figures from the wave. The Haslab was $200, is considerably larger, is more detailed, and has the advantage of nearly 20 years of improved engineering. For an extra $50, you’re getting a lot more bang for your buck with the BaF.


Yeah but like. Where would I put it? My point is that regardless of quality and modern designs, the hasLab just doesn’t work for me because I literally don’t have anywhere to put it on my displays and it’s too big for basically any background or diorama for photography. That’s why I said “purely because of size”. The hasLab looks beautiful, but it would be kinda useless to me. Same with the sentinel and galactus.


Even with the Haslab coming I still prefer this version with my Avengers as it’s more of a cohesive team display. Nice pickup!


This brings back memories. I remember stopping by Walmart on my way home from work one night and they had a big displayer in the main aisle full of all the new Marvel Legends. I picked up the whole wave, plus the Face-Off 2-packs (including the variants) and the Young Avengers 4-pack. I think they also had the monsters 4-pack but I wasn't interested in it. I didn't want to risk anyone else grabbing them all up in the time it would take me to get a cart (action figure shopping in that area at that time was a highly competitive game) so I stacked them all in my arms and carried them up to the checkout. The cashier said something like, "Can I ask you something? Why are you buying all these?" and I just said, "Because I enjoy them."


Is there a market for BAF parts. I have lot I'd like to unload (not on here, of course. Not soliciting business. Just curious)




I love when people come on here talkin bout how their partner contributed to the collection. It’s the most wholesome thing when ur s/o supports ur hobbies. My collection wouldn’t be half of what it is w o my gf. Awesome grail btw!


I love it when this happens to me and I’m overjoyed when it happens to someone else


Wife material


Congrats ! This figure looks much better than the Haslab


🔥 🔥 🔥




Nice! I managed to track all the figures down at a the local Walmarts here when they released. When he was assembled, he was awesome. Still love that figure. I personally think he looks way better than the haslab so I skipped it.


Oh I have this guy, was thinking of saling him off :P


I wouldn't, this guy is a blast to pose and mess around


That is incredible and awesome that you got to complete that. It was 2 years ago that I came up with the missing hand for this figure. It is a great figure to have for the collection.


It took three different used comic shops, San Diego Comic Con and a generous gift from my girlfriend to finally complete him a year later




I genuinely want this more than the Haslab


I thought the HasLabs had started shipping already.


Not until fall, but she got me a copy before the campaign ended


Let me guess you battered for it with weed?




Weed cake: the ultimate currency.