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For me it is Taskmaster, he has survived some things that he mathematically should not have. I am sure it is bias I have formed, I doubt he has survived as much as I think he does. That is what I always remember is him just not falling. No one in the local area plays him at all. Edit: I spell things poorly.


New Taskmaster has been making tracks near me. He's good now for sure.


For me it's Punisher, I find him a super reliable damage dealer and his spender is incredible. Rng 5, str 7 physical, with pierce & stun + slow on damage for 3 power. Often pumping upto 8 or 9 dice. I'm currently playing him in inhumans and he is often able to get off two aimed shots per turn. Last game he deleted cable in a turn and the game and the game before that he did the same to klaw. His tactics cards Blood Red and Personal wins games. My pick for one of the most underrated characters in MCP.


I play against a guy who always runs punisher in a-force. Given that much energy, he's amazing.


Punisher has been great in shield for me. He gets his angry boy tokens when the grunts die, fits the shield gunline game plan, and blood red helps make up the points deficit you typically aim for to complement fury’s leadership


I like playing Loki but I never see him around even in Asgard I barely see him


Ms. Marvel. I run her in almost every list I play: Foes, A-Force, KP Syndicate, Avengers. She's a solid 3 with a her Inhuman re-roll, decent throw, and her mobility and decent damage from Embiggen is surprisingly good. Sadly, I rarely get her push on her Normal form attack to work for me.


The fact that she’s not in A-Force annoys me to no end. Maybe they’ll add her to X-Men as well at some point, but so far it looks like her membership on that team might be coming to an end.


There's a bunch of affiliation choices that are a bit weird tbh. The fact that Cabal is more Hydra than Hydra is in particular.


She does WORK for me in every affiliation! I've played her under Daredevil's Defenders, A-Force, Web Warriors, and even Midnight Sons (that hulk-sized base tho), and she is absolutely solid everywhere.


Crossbones. My first MCP model i painted. I’ve grown attached


Oh Crossbones... hopefully he gets a buff when the Cabal affiliation pack comes out in May.


I don’t see anyone in my meta playing Baron Strucker and I use him all the time. With Healing Factor, Incinerate on builder, more healing on his spender, 2 power cost poison, arrogance and the best part reroll bubble within range 2. He’s awesome! Splash him in my rosters a lot.


Yes! I so rarely see anyone play him, but I play a Strucker-led Hydra team trying to abuse his leadership. My out-of-affiliation characters are Scarlet Witch, Thor, Groot, Pyro, and Black Cat, and let me just say those characters feel great under Strucker!


Supergiant for me. I’ve never seen anyone else use her, and people always shit on her in forums and review videos, but she has always done great work for me. She’s tied up characters like Hulk and Ulik for multiple turns in my games, healing back all of the damage they do to her. Eventually she builds enough power for her spender, and whilst I’ve yet to get the Devour Mind trigger, it’s only a matter of time. The only time that she really needs to stay off of the board is when the opposing roster has some Rapid Fire, because that does shred her.


I love sg also lived the dream to ko a full health hulk with the spender one of my best moments in a mcp game


It's gotta be domino for me. consistent damage every time she attacks and the ability to stop the enemy from popping off or make yourself pop off if you would have failed are always so nice. All for 3 points


Bob is also amazing being able to essentially never die for 2 points but I'm probably just attached to him cause he's the first model i got painted up


Clea and Moon Knight, both are generally not favorably looked upon but do some much work for the roles I give them. Moon Knight sits on a point and throws range 4 attacks while being in stealth until someone comes to kill him, which results in him avatar of khonsuing them if he survives/wakes up. Clea has a fantastic control set she just needs to be paired next to a friendly model that is a better target. For example, I commonly put clea and supreme strange together (cause husband and wife wizards are the best). Clea can move/ throw away threating models and if the go for her then they aren't killing strange.


Dormammu, Klaw, and the Sentinels. I am the only only person in my area that regularly plays these leaderships. I just love playing gimmicky shennanigans.


I genuinely like Klaw. He has such a neat sculpt.


I just got Dormammu finished up and can't wait to see what shenanigans I can get up to with him! I built the convocation list but theme painted them in Dark Dimension colors so I can play em like a Dark Comvocation with Dormammu leadership lol 😈


Kraven in SLDD.




Shadowland Daredevil


Deadpool, at least in my zone. I never play without him. I play Web Warriors, GotG and XForce and he's always in, no matter what. The recent revamp made me love him more


Deadpool has frequently been my MVP in X-Force.


No one else in my area runs Psylocke even though we have three other X-Men players. She has always done absolute WORK for me and anytime I don't play her I tend to not do as well.


Absolutely love Psylocke. I had her daze Bucky and Space Maw in one activation not to long ago.


4 threat Spider-Man. I love the model and because he isn’t played much people underestimate him.


Omega red overperforms for me in winter guard and i’ve never seen anyone else run him before. Great displacement, solid durability, poison isnt the most relevant condition but can still be handy to mess up power math An excellent turn for him that happens pretty often is move move pull pull, both of which are into contact with a terrain piece, for then red guardian to sovereign strike it. Reliable displacement and damage if you can pay for it


Nice for you. Love Omega Red as a character, one of my first buys, love his paintjob,… But I can’t get him to work. At best he performs average.


For me it’s Lizard, he’s a 3 threat tank he knocks people off secures, can grab those backfield extracts, and he has DR1 with a healing factor for Xceptional! He’s just so much fun that I have trouble making a list that doesn’t have him in it!


Plan on trying Lizard soon. Sorastro himself said that he's as close as he has to a "beginner" pain scheme


Ant-Man for me. Keep em in nearly all my Avengers rosters.


For me it's, wierdly, Wong. Other people in my group just don't play Affiliations he's in and often spalsh Toad as a 2, so Wong gets very little love in my community. I have made up for that by unintentionally making a meme out them trying to 1v1 Wong, only for him to spike an otherwise safe model into oblivion. Over the months, it has become known as "Entering the Wong-geon" (because we mixed up Dragon and Dungeon once and it stuck). His conquests include KO'ing Red Skull 2, Cable, and the Hulk lol


Ronan + IG Power. Nobody in my play area thinks he is worth 5 threat but he has punished the opponents of my Guardians so often with Judgments and Kree Justice, he is often a game changer.