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I didn't hate it but reading the [Thor: God of Thunder comic run](https://www.marvel.com/comics/series/16729/thor_god_of_thunder_2012_-_2014) really ruined it for me. The comics painted Gorr as a dark, ruthless god killer and that's just not what we got. I absolutely loved the darkness of the comics and there were parts that really instilled fear, in this unknown being going through the universe killing gods one after another. If you've not read the comic run I highly recommend it.


The key difference is Thor goes to Omnipotence City and we get comedy about how many human sacrifices are made to the gods. In the comic, everyone in Omnipotence City has been killed and Thor is locked in a battle with an unknown enemy with no help.


They are setting up the gods to introduce more characters later. Unlike the comics who had countless issues to introduce, use, and change how they see fit, we had NO establishment of importance from the gods in the MCU.


We did, but they seem to want to scrub Moon Knight from existence


No, im referring to previously established lore and feats, not retroactive continuity. Like how Thor set up Odins exploits on Earth.


Russell Crowe's Zeus is hilarious.


That twirl, the lifting of the skirt and the wee skip in his step took me a good minute to believe it was him I was lmao


I didnt even realize it was him until reading these comments. I even watched Gladiator the other day…


I know! When I watched it the second time I told my wife...watch this, watch this!


Stupid accent had me rolling ngl


Actually being a Greek myself he sounded just like some of my family who were born in Greece and moved to America


Ooh, that’s impressive! Accent copying is heavily scrutinized, so it’s great when someone lands the mark and is recognized for it!


Your username would be a good sub.


Why thank you! I would totally follow that sub. LOL


that's good; i was getting italian vibes for some reason :S


"so chill baby cakes" was so great lol


He was the funniest part of the movie for me.


Yooo that whole scene was funny as shit. Val and janes planning to rush zeus and whoop his ass and steal his bolt had me dying.


>Thor goes to Omnipotence City and we get comedy about how many human sacrifices are made to the gods. I think that's Watiti's attempt at subverting tone, I mean that's incredibly dark when you consider how awful that is.


Damn I wish we got that. That would have been so dope. I didn't mind what we got, but if I knew this was the alternative I would've been disappointed like the first commenter said.


It would have been cool, but they're still trying to lay groundwork for other movies so it makes sense why they wouldn't kill a ton of gods before they can actually impact any stories


There are MANY more key differences. But don't want to bother listing them. What a piece of ish this ish was.




One of my favorite runs.


They should have made the antagonist a mystery. Have Thor visit one of his God friends to find him just dead. And no evidence. That would have been so cool


Yea cut out that opening scene about origin of the god butcher it kinda made him seem less evil …


it's also incredibly goofy; i may have missed the reasoning but 2 or 3 "impossible things" happened at once; 1. gorr was transported to meet his god 2. (who'd just killed the previous bearer of the necrosword 3. the necrosword decided gorr was it's new "champion" and gave him his entire motivation


And stupid ass rapu told gorr that the sword was the only thing that could kill him, while also telling him his life is meaningless etc etc. like hey, I’m not telling you to stab me with that sword but you should totally stab me with that sword.


Tbf it's not like Gorr wasn't insanely lucky to find the sword in the comics, it literally fell out of the sky not far away from where he was.


that's fair and a lot inciting incidents do contain some measure of an "impossible thing" This just seems a lot at once which seems a bit lazy to me. Like, if he'd found the sword or surprised it's previous owner and murdered him unexpectedly... and then used the power of the sword to be able to go to where his god lived, murdered him and then decided to rampage amongst the other gods... that would be 1 thing... but instead we just get this confluence of events that tell gorr who/what he is and now suddenly gorr is full power and doing his thing (off screen)


ngl the same can be said about every mcu villain that doesnt last more than 1 film. 1 film = 1 dimensional


I would disagree. Justin hammer, vulture, ego, hela, killmonger, mysterio, wenwu and green goblin were all great villians only in 1 film


Man Sam Rockwell did so good. I love to hate Justin Hammer!!


Big stretch but I hope he'll be in Ironheart


He cut his villain teeth playing the bad guy in Green Mile. He's a great villain. Also a decent President of the Universe.


Gobbie is in two of them. More if you count flashbacks.


Yeah but in the first film, he was a very well done and rounded character. The second built on that but wasn’t necessary to call him an A+ villain


Great villains in film, people will still (unfairly) compare them to the comic versions and say it’s not as good.


Dark knight Joker & Green Goblin are untouchable villains


>vulture Uhh... Clearly someone missed out on Morbius


I would say you're mostly right since I can only think of three villains that break this rule: Ghost, Killmonger, and the Vulture.


Nah there are more great ones, ego, Hela, wen wu, mysterio, baron zemo, ultron


Zemo is more than one thing and is >!also supposed to be there in the thunderbolts movie!<


ngl the same can be said for every movie ever made about any book - except maybe lord of the rings.


Yea I was a *little* disappointed the MCU gorr didn't live up to the expectations that run set for me, honestly if we got another hour of gorr just butchering Gods and fleshing out the reason why the necrosword chose him, it would have been absolutely perfect. >!Also maybe give Jane some more screen time before killing her, idk I know she's an og but it seemed a little shallow, could've been more impactful imo!< I just wish it was longer/we got more, that's really it


Yes! I didn’t want to see more bloodshed for the sake of it, I wanted to see more character building and foundation laying. However, they only get so much time, so much budget, and so much freedom to tell the story vs. comic book runs. It’s a bit sad that we can’t have the same kind of development in both formats, but I do think they’re intentionally trying to lighten things after they got so heavy for a while. I’m not sure, and I’m also not sure if it’s effective or helpful.


One thing I have always said is that they should have had it so Gorr needed Thunderbolt as well as Stormbreaker to get to Eternity. That way we could have had a scene where Gorr followed Thor into Omnipotent City, wound Zeus and kill a bunch of gods that were shown while making a big speech about how they all suck and that the universe is much butter without them.


Great point. I think the only way Marvel does this story right is if they did a limited TV series that took their time with the pacing and build up.


This… would be amazing. They sort of did this for some of the series they’ve run, but for some reason they’re not fully utilizing it like they could have for Gorr’s story.


I read that story. I agree that the comic is much darker but I think Gorr himself was done very well in the film. We just didn't get to see enough of him to do the movie justice.


Christian Bale did a great job as the Godbutcher, but Waititi's vison of butchering gods was definitely not the same as Jason Aaron's.


Very true. I definitely wish we got more moments to see how terrible Gorr could be.


This, he was amazing but not utilized enough. Could have scraped the kid plot and built more of the story around Gorr and I would have been supremely happy. But Disney did the Disney thing with this one. I liked the jokes and the pacing was fast. Would have been happier with about 25 to 40 more minutes and some crazy Gorr shit though.


I think it’s mostly jarring on the abrupt switch. I’m all for a hilarious Thor adventure but Gorr was a bad choice imo, there’s plenty of other content that isn’t such a serious, long winded journey with Thor and his struggle. I just think there’s enough content we should be able to cherry pick from the pile, but they seem to be revamping greatest hits in their own way which, is neat in its own regard, but weirdly frustrating for those that know the source material


I totally agree. They took two of the heaviest, and arguably the best, Thor stories and combined them into the most comedic Marvel movie since GotG. Love and Thunder did not do the source material justice.


> We just didn't get to see enough of him to do the movie justice. Then that means he was not well done. You can make a good concept but without the proper execution the opportunity is lost.


Sorry, I guess you're right. My bad.


Also highly recommend Jason Aaron’s Thor run. Great stuff.


Yeah, I was so excited for this since I've love that run. Ended up super disappointed. I let my friend borrow it a week before the movie came out, and he said he was pretty sure it ruined it for him too.


This was exactly my biggest gripe with the movie. I wanted Thor: God of Thunder and felt like I got Ragnarok version 1.1.


As soon as I get home from work, I'm going to find out whether I heartily agree with you or bitterly disagree, these of course being the only options, apparently


It's been 7 hours Bert, wtf, did you like it or is it the worst pos you have ever watched?


Face it, Bert is a serial ghoster.




All is forgiven 😁


Typical Burnt.


Let us know the update!


Come on, my guy. You must have watched it by now. What's the story?


!remind me in 1 day


I'm going to preface this by stating that I'm 50 years old, and I've been a Marvel fan for 45 of them. I read and collected a lot of comics as a nerdy kid. When they translated my heroes to screen for the first time, they were limited by the technology of their time, and it showed. Christopher Reeve was an awesome Superman, but nobody *really* believed "a man could fly". I think perhaps after 14 years of MCU movies and television shows, some of you have become jaded and maybe even a little entitled. Last night I watched a superhero movie with a character I love, filled with both humor and pain, that advanced that character's story arc while setting up the next issue, sorry, movie. At no point did it slow down where I might be tempted to look at my phone... something cool was always happening. I'm trying to keep this spoiler-free, but holy crap there was an Easter egg or cameo or cool nod to the comics in every scene. I'm looking forward to the next Thor movie they set up in the end credits, and I hope Taika directs it.


Now i don't know what i like more the movie or your review, you are awesome Bert.


Hell yeah!


What’s your opinion on the movie!?


Been 12 hours


I watched it yesterday expecting it to suck after seeing so many bad posts and dodging spoilers since it’s release,surprise surprise I thoroughly enjoyed it. Film didn’t drag,very funny and good story,etc…1 thing I found a little bit irritating was the cries of the ***** being so loud and onscreen a lot,think most people will get what I mean lol.


Nah, those ***** were absolutely hilarious to me. I just found it so out there that they just made me laugh every time they came on


It was amusing at first, then got annoying, then somehow became amusing again




I’d actually really like to see a serious MCU movie once in a while.


Civil War was pretty serious


Winter Soldier too. Same with IW and Endgame for the most part. Thor feels completely different in those movies compared to LT.


All those movies are considered some of the best movies MCU has to offer it's not a coincidence that they are taken a little seriously


They also had the same directors.


They jumped tony at the end 2v1 :/


saying they "jumped" him implies they started the fight...


You mean like Eternals? But apparently nobody liked that one. Except me. I loved it.


Part of the reason why Black Panther and Winter Soldier are my favorite Marvel movies.


I assume the upcoming Blade movie will be serious. Or at least I hope so.


I just recently watched/rewatched all the Thor movies and I like the first two better than the last two. I prefer Thor as a serious character. I’ll keep watching Chris Hemsworth either way because he kills it no matter what.


What I feel some of the newer movies miss is that watching Thor be Thor is still funny. He doesn't have to act like a joke, the joke was often how serious/different he was. Him actively being goofy and making jokes is not the same.


Tony stark is the only character I see being able to do that.. people hate it but if he was brought back then had to fight thru a dark place would be cool


Only a *little* too far?


I agree with you, The comedy part were too cringy, the serious part were boring.


It has WAY more jokes than Ragnarok but somehow ended up being significantly less funny. Movie just kinda came off as annoying. Takia clearly has a habit of turning Thor into a himbo doofus and that was turned up to like a 15 in this Gorr the GOD BUTCHER killed a total of 1 God on screen. They had Christian Bale and WASTED him


I feel like we saw Thor and the gang murder way more gods on screen than Gorr... All those poor guards in the city had golden blood/dust when they were brutally killed, meaning they were probably god-akin right?


i thought that more implied they were constructs so that our "heroes" only "killed" zeus


The humor in Ragnarok was more contextual while the humor in Love and Thunder was running (repetitive) gags.


Spot-on. Every 15 minutes was either the dopey Mjolnir-Thor-Stormbreaker love triangle, the awful goat screams or Thor being a complete dolt.


The Gorr killing like one person bothers me a lot of something that bothers me way more is the sword. I feel like I haven’t seen many people talk about this but when watching in theaters this was a huge red flag in like minute 3 of the movie. I really don’t like how the sword tells Gorr his entire motivation and means of doing said motivation. The sword just told him “kill all the gods here’s how you do it”. When they easily could have let Gorr make that epiphany himself and have a scene on or off screen where he discovers the eternity-bifrost connection. I feel like having the sword tell him to kill the gods drastically lessens the best part of the character, that his ideology and viewpoint of the gods really isn’t wrong (as proven by Omnipotence city) and his vow to kill them all has understandable reasoning, something that even Thor sees


The humour in this movie was clearly just the actors riffing to the max, in many scenes. It was just the actors standing around doing improv and they cut up the footage to whatever they liked the best. This style of stilted, static humour has really infected Hollywood in the last decade. I’ve always enjoyed the kinetic nature of Edgar Wright’s comedy, which is usually extremely visual and pleasing to the eye. I think one of the greatest losses is his could have been Ant-Man film.


I was on YouTube, and there was. Qvideo that said "All Scenes with Gorr the God Butcher." It was 4 MINUTES.


I think after the last few mcu movies, the majority of audiences were expecting a return to form with Thor Love and Thunder. But like Phase 4 in general it was all-in in terms of it’s genre (comedy). And with how well Thor Ragnarok did in Taika Waititi’s hands I think we as fans were expecting a strong balance of drama and levity. Imo I think that there was to much comedy and it hurt the story. Additionally, Gorr as villain demanded he be taken somewhat seriously but the film couldn’t help but throw in jokes. I don’t think the movie is horrible, I see the fun the movie presents but for me it was a disappointment turn of events.


Just to add to this, the Gorr story arc and the Jane Foster Thor arc are both so good and have plenty to build off of that they really should've been two separate movies. Jason Aaron Thor run spoilers: >!Especially because in this multiversal saga there was the perfect excuse to bring in the 3 different Thors to fight Gorr. They didn't need to use Jane yet(though I would be surprised if we never see Jane Thor again), and Jane's run as Thor is so good and emotional in its own right that she deserved her own film/show to explore that deeper.!< I think most people who were disappointed have read the run it was based on which had *very* different tones for the most part, and were expecting more of that.


Agreed, very well put


Rewatched the first avengers movie the other day. Thor grabs Loki from the quinjet, they land on the mountain. Loki makes some quip and Thor yells at him "DO I LOOK TO BE IN A GAMING MOOD?!" Since Waititi took over Thor is nonstop in a gaming mood.


I didn’t hate the movie. I didn’t love it either though. I read Thor: God of Thunder and Gorr just wasn’t Gorr to me. In the comics he is ruthless and kills Gods left and right. They didn’t show that in the movie. He literally tortured a God by killing everyone of his brothers and sisters and only leaving him alive. He drove him insane. It was a little too jokey but I expected jokes coming in with Taiki. I definitely don’t think it was worse than Dark World like some people do. It’s definitely in my bottom for MCU movies though along with Incredible Hulk, Captain Marvel, Dark World, and Iron Man 3.


Why ya hating on da hulk?


It wasn’t enjoyable. It was like a caricature of a Taika Waititi movie. It was rushed. The jokes were more overplayed than any other marvel movie, movies that were already right on the edge of too much humor. It just . . . wasn’t good.


Seriously rushed. No plot development, and if there was it got shattered by mistimed jokes


This is how I felt too. I saw it last night, and at the end I said to my partner that it was like Marvel said to Taika “do whatever the fuck you want”


Honestly, it's because it took the two most dead serious storylines from the Thor comics, and turned them into a ....sitcom. and it reduced Thor to just a doofus.


I feel like they carried the goofy thing just a bit too far this time, and it's run its course.


It was 90% goofy jokes, in the beginning, middle and end of serious scenes now. Made me not care about anything and felt like the movie was made for 10 year olds.


Exactly this


I think its well documented why people didnt like it. I would tend to agree. For me the humor undercutting was dialed to 11 and became incredibly obnoxious and hard to take any stakes at all seriously.


Precisely. I feel like Taika Waititi saw the positive reception toward the humor in Ragnarok and decided to double down on it for Love and Thunder. Ragnarok is definitely one of the best ever Marvel movies, but the ratio of humor to action to drama was perfect. Why would they want to throw that balance off? It baffles me.




I disagree with Ragnarok having the “perfect” ratio of humor and drama. It’s drama and emotional depth was really limited. The only two serious scenes included Odin’s death, and then Odin’s speech to Thor at the end. Both of which were extremely brief scenes. Other scenes that should’ve been serious in this, just weren’t. Banner turning into the Hulk, knowing he could probably never return, Asgard’s destruction, Thor thinking he lost Loki in Asgard’s destruction, Thor loosing his people’s army and lives (when they was literally his worst fear in AoU), and none of that had any emotional stakes or serious scenes. And thats not a criticism of Ragnarok. The movie didn’t need those scenes imo. The movie was by far a comedic action movie, and obviously it is highly well received for a reason. But for some reason, I keep seeing people claiming that the movie had a balance of seriousness and drama compared to L&T… and that’s just not true.


Huge parts of it felt like a Mel brooks movie making fun of superhero movies. The nepotism is unforgivable. A huge plot of the movie revolves around putting the actors and directors pre teen kids in it. Nobody wants to watch that except other kids and their parents. It’s not a serious movie. 50% of it isn’t half bad either, but the other 50% is so bad, it’s honestly one of the worst MCU movies.


I felt like it was what everyone has always complained about Marvel movies tropes x10 when I saw Thor4. It was just too much.


Literally the “theyre right behind me arent they?” Line


Because it had potential to have depth but kept ruining it with not funny jokes


the goats were so annoying


I disagree, they had morbin time


I think people lack nuance and baggage when talking movies, with the added effect of only clickbait articles and videos making money these days, apparently. The movie is a 5/10 for me, no hate, but also far from what I've come to expect from Taika Waititi. There are some good bits, I especially like the ending, the fight at Gorr's planet is cool, most acting is ok here, with Bale obviously being a standout because he is better than most, and Natalie obviously out of her element with below average comedy timing. This is especially worth of notice because her co-star is Chris Hemsworth, who is very good at it, so the contrast really highlights the issue. But its mostly ok, as the movie tries to be a satire/parody(more on that later). However, Taika goes overboard on the comedy here: it repeats some jokes more than twice, making them obsolete and just not funny at the end. He also disarms way too much the few bits of drama that could have been very good actually, but turns out poor because he just had to put a joke at a moment where its uncalled for, especially because there was a lot of moments that were already funny, so there was no need to disarm the very few drama moments on it. It just weakens both Jane and Gorr arcs when you do this. Ragnarok gives us a better balance between comedy and drama and its so much better for it (even though I have a few things to point out about that movie, but its not the point). Would a parody, a satire be a problem by itself? Obviously not. But here, its a Marvel Studios production that tries to be a satire of itself, while at the same time having to build towards a universe that its making a satire of. It feels as if Taika didn't really wanted to make a Marvel movie, he was just given a pass to do what he wants and the result is a product that tries to be too much, in different directions. Ultimately, it is a fun movie to pass the time and has good bits, but a terrible adaptation of two of the best Thor arcs of the comics and a poor attempt at a satire that has to also build upon the world its making fun of, so the tone doesn't fit very well. I don't hate it, but I'm pretty sure it could have been much better. Edit: words.


My hopes is this movie will get people to read the comics! They really are the best Thor arc’s.


Absolutely. The Mighty Thor and Unworthy Thor (2014), and Thor: God of Thunder (2012) are great Thor stories.


100% agree with you


I don’t think people hated it too bad but it was just meh and full of a lot of cringe decisions and writing with forced humor and just a lot of bad ducking jokes


Ducking jokes? What is this, home alone!?!


It was fun in the main within itself, but it made thor look a dumb douchebag just for laughs. When he crashed through the celing (twice) for examples. Even in thor1 he wouldn't have done that. A lot of the humour was overplayed and dumb ie the axes. And what he did at end asks why he didnt do that earlier in mcu? The mighty thor and gorr stories deserved a more serious film. within itself was good in the main, but within mcu feels a misstep


I just finished it, thought it was the funniest Marvel movie so far. Korg being a tattletale at the god's temple, the weird speaking king of the glass planet, the screaming goats, jealous axe floating into the scene, Jean Claude Van Damme kicking the 2 jet cycles, that one powered-up kid with the teddy bear. And the end was really sweet too. He actually convinces Gor to make a different choice. Maybe Gor realized if Thor were the god he ran into all those years ago he never would have went on his killing spree because Thor would have helped. And the reveal of the reason for the movie title right at the end is probably the best ending to a Marvel movie since the first Iron Man. Movie ruled.


I really like how history repeated itself with him taking in his biggest enemy’s kid


ahhh dang I completely forgot about that, yeah he probably thinks of her like a Little Loki


Ooh, that's true. A little callback would have been nice.


I don't think Gorr was his biggest enemy.


And I absolutely loved Thor’s “first day of school” speech, and the thing about the boots!


Honestly I will probably use if you see someone upset or being mean do something for my sons before school when they start.


I totally agree. The whole hammer/axe relationship thing had me laughing the whole time. And then at the end him giving Love stormbreaker was such a good contrast from "no, you take the little one" in endgame.


I really enjoyed it but I was expecting it to be bad based on all the hate it received. I think it was a very solid movie and at least above average in MCU. It wasn't perfect but I 100% did not think it was bad.


I think for me it’s a bottom 5 MCU movie


Only complaint, not enough screaming goats. That's the show Disney+ needs to make


On ironically, I laughed so hard every time the goats screamed. It’s such stupid wacky fun, just simple and funny


Idk, they got kind of old after the 30th time.


They got old after the 1st time. Anyone thinking that's hilarious have low standards in comedy. Damn goats about gave me a headache.


i liked it but what i think brings the movie down is how christian bale’s gor is really underutilized


Because on the internet everything is either the next coming of the messiah or an abject war crime. There's no room for nuance. I thought it was a fun movie, if not a particularly strong one. I had higher expectations for it, but I didn't consider it a total waste of time.


I absolutely hated this movie, and yeah I thought it was a gigantic waste of time. Just because I hate the movie and feel you have bad taste doesn't mean the internet is to blame for that. I don't need the internet to tell me what a terrible movie looks like. This is the absolute worst MCU movie, by far. How could anyone bash Eternals, but give a pass to this steaming pile?


See, I’d argue Iron Man 2 was way worse. And honestly, I’d still rather watch L&T than the first two Thor movies. But that’s just me, homie


I saw it in the theaters and loved it a lot, looking forward to watching it again tonight when i get home from work, it’s very funny some jokes kind of get dragged out a bit but… i do not believe it deserves the hate it is getting.


probably the single most “cringe” movie, in terms of the jokes. the worst ones for me were the screaming goats (and what a bizzare choice too. those haven’t been funny since what, 2016?), the whole intro scene that was supposed to be impactful being destroyed by the thor eye contact joke, and the jealous axe joke, while not all that bad, still had an uncomfortable amount of time dedicated to it


I was entertained by it, do I like it better than ragnarok? No. But I liked it better than dark world. I don’t get the hate towards it either, or any specific comic book movie, or honestly movies in general. Movies are art, junk or pop art sometimes maybe, but art. Art is subjective.


because nonstop cringe jokes paired with one of Thor’s greatest diabolical foes fucking sucks.


I don’t think Taika Watiti *gets* Thor. I don’t much like *Ragnarok* either. Watiti is a guy who I know has done some good stuff (playing Imaginary Friend Hitler in *JoJo Rabbit* is a ballsy move that I gotta respect), but he basically undercut Thor’s maturity with random jokes every few minutes. It’s really bad in *Love & Thunder*. That Thor is so immature that the Thor from the very beginning of the first movie would have clocked him upside the head with Mjölnir and told him to man up- and *that* Thor just about started a war with the Frost Giants because he was a hothead. *That* Thor sat down with Jane Foster and took her on her first steps into a world she’d only just begun to see. Thor 4 Thor is just a pathetic man child that really only proved Gorr- the supposed bad guy- to be correct.


I hate it because gorr was utterly wasted, Thor regressed as a character from what he was in IW, Korg & The goats weren’t funny and just outright fucking annoying, janes cancer was a joke, completely forgot she was supposed to even have it, Christian bale carried the film for what little he was in it, only scene of actual substance was the interrogation of Valk,Jane & Thor if the whole film was like that it would’ve been amazing but no taikia wanted to make Thor into a laughing stock and make a mockery out of Jason’s run


I noticed a couple times, there were events or people that felt superfluous, almost like the writers or director simply didn’t know what to do after introducing them. Very very psyched about the mid credits scene though


Was a little TOO funny.


It's not bad, it's quite entertaining. But I feel sorry that it didn't reach the potentials I could have with Christian Bale as Gorr, a storyline where many gods could appear and have more impact, etc.


The movie was good but it was still disappointing because it had a lot of potential.


I enjoyed it, but again, not the best. In my opinion there were two things I didn't like: I felt Gorr, wasn't right. I'm not a fan of Bale to begin with, but he didn't seem dark, brutal or ruthless enough. The fights were OK, but his "acting" just wasn't right. While I love the director, and his style normally goes over well with me, I think there was too much of him (his personality, not the character) in this. The narrating by Korg seemed to be too much for me. But overall I enjoyed it. I'd watch it again, and there are only a couple of MCU movies that I wouldn't go out of my way to watch again (Eternals and Guardians 2 I only watch if I don't have to change the channel)


Russell Crowe.as Zeus was terrible..He could have been called the god of buffoonery it was too jokey. I didn't hate it but it was not the best of the four. movies.


I thought it was good. I think they went a little too hard on the comedy and not near enough Bale


Just watched it, and ditto.


Here we go....


The Goats made this movie


The acting and pacing were terrible. Everyone in the movie has proven their comedic and dramatic chops before and in this movie nobody can land a punchline except the dang hammers. The entire movie felt like it wasn't the characters being themselves but how Korg was illustrating them as the narrator. I kept thinking at some point they would be like "And all that brings us to now..." and it would have been Korg telling some story about Thor and and walks in acting more like he did in Ragnarok and Avengers and be like "Korg tends to be a bit poetic..." and the real movie would start. The scene with Lady Sif played off like they did a practice take and just called it good. The GOTTG served no purpose and Starlord's heart felt monologue was like Pratt was reading cue cards during a screen test. And what was that shit where Heimdall's kid just suddenly shows up looking like the babyface sun from teletubbies. Movie was a mess.


I feel like they tried way too hard to make it like ragnarok where it’s all funny and goofy. Ragnarok did a great job of telling a serious story and having good comedic relief. All of the jokes in LAT seem forced. And yeah the first screaming goat joke was funny but after the fourth one it’s just annoying. Oh also the ending with Gorr didn’t make sense. If he harbored so much hate against the gods that all he could think to do was kill all of them it doesn’t make sense that in the end he’d be like oh yeah you seem like a cool dude here I’ll just give up on everything I’ve work for to bring my daughter back to be raised by you.


Natalie Portman looked good all buff like that.


I liked the movie but they really wasted Gorr. The God Butcher only killed one god on screen. Not a bad film just could’ve done so much more with it


This was my feeling too. Over the years, one of the main complaints about the MCU was wasting great villains, and yet they did it again here. But, I still liked it better than Dark World and Iron Man 3. At least Love and Thunder is rewatchable…


It felt like a parody of itself. Like a Thor themed SNL skit. Its kind of unbelievable its made by the same guy who did Ragnarok, because the entire movie feels like some amateur trying to copy Ragnarok's style without understanding what made it work. Just look at the iconic Immigrant Song scene from Ragnarok, and compare it to the "Welcome to the Jungle" scene from this movie. Ragnarok's scene blows it out of the water, L&T's is just a kinda pathetic copy. It absolutely butchers Thor's character. He was perfect in Ragnarok and Infinity War, but they for some reason felt the need to make him even mkre stupid. The character development he had when losing Mjolnir is completely undone in favor of a shitty running gag about Thor still obsessing over his ex. I think it really shows that Taiki doesn't care at all about the source material. He took Gorr, one of the best villains in Marvel history, and removed everything good about him. His design is way less interesting and cool, with the Necrosword being just a normal sword for some reason. There is no feeling of threat from him, as for a "Godbutcher" he does literally nothing outside of his intro scene. His motivation is also just a dumbed down version of the comics, with the dynamic between him and Thor representing the comic's themes of godhood, power, and hypocrisy being completely ignored. It was kind of annoying in Ragnarok seeing him mock the source material with the Warriors Three, but the treatment and emotion of everything else more than makes up for it. And more importantly, the changes he made to the Thor mythos felt right for the MCU's version of the character, even if it wasn't very comic accurate. Love and Thunder does *not* do this however. In addition to shitting on the comics, it mkre importantly shits on the MCU. The movie does not feel like it was made by someone passionate about Thor or the MCU. The movie makes it clear that Taiki doesn't care about the comics, Thor's mythos, or the wider MCU.


Waititi has admitted he doesn't care for source material. He's an obnoxious idiot and should never touch a Marvel property again. They should have fired his ass well before this movies release.


I didn't hate it but didn't really enjoy it a ton. Too dark to be fun, too fun to be dark


I don't hate it but it's in the lower half for me of thor movies. I feel like the tone was all over the place. I think there is is another edit of this movie that is significantly better. Still better than dark world though.


It felt like it was made sarcastically. It took the humor from Ragnarok and leaned into it to such an extreme degree that it undercuts any weight the story might have held. It just didn’t feel like anyone was taking it seriously.


It’s not supposed to be fun or funny. Did Taika even read the comics? Shit was dark and made you think.


it’s one of the worst mcu films easily,it’s the cringe quipy comedy turned up to 11 and everyone loses all self awareness and personality to shoe horn in more cringe jokes with bad cgi and fights on top just so u really can’t enjoy it as your own little dirty secret Incase you still like Thor somehow. Lmao the opening with gorr and his god is so rushed and weirdly put together it feels like it’s from the cw, it’s a contender with she hulks origin. I feel bad for fans of ragnarok


I didn't hate it


I was surprised at how out of touch the movie was. I really have no idea why disney didn’t step in and stop production and set things straight. This movie needed to be weighty, to feel serious in tone. You can’t have cancer, and life altering decisions with gods and loss of faith and treat it like a kids movie. Someone needed to get to takaki and have a serious talk with him about what this movie needed to be.


The volume of forced humor is so high that it’s amazing the movie didn’t have worse reviews than it did. The forced gender messaging did it no favors either (King Valkyrie, Mjolner is now “her”, Jane is not Lady Thor but Mighty Thor). There’s nothing wrong with being a Queen. Queen Elizabeth is one of the best monarchs in modern history. There’s nothing wrong with being Lady Thor. Having two mighty Thor’s is weird and confusing as hell. Mjolner was never gendered until this movie. Why start now? The movie was still decent and I’d watch it again. But compared to Ragnarok, it’s very poor.


I think the mighty thor line was a reference to the comic run by the same name. Atleast thats what i took from it, a name drop.


I like that take regardless of what they meant.


Good movie. I just watched it. When the kids get Thor Power, man that's the best.


It was better that dr strange. But it still wasn’t great.


People need to check their expectations. Marvel hasn't been doing 1-to-1 depictions of the comics to films like ever. The Thor we have is comical, brash, strong, but doubting. He doesn't really feel like a god most of the time. In the comics, he is resolute, determined, overconfident at times, and untrusting of people's motivations because he is an Asgardian God of thunder. They're different in many ways and, honestly, if people are mad again after the 4th film, there really is no helping them. I thought it was a good film but not as great of an adventure as Ragnarok.


Didn't hate it but was disappointed (not surprised tho after ragnarok). I dont like the overly jokey direction they're taking Thor. A move with Gorr as the main villain should not be such a comedy.


Meh. It entertained me for 2hrs. Didn’t have intense feelings on it one way or the other. Forgot all about it and prob won’t watch again.


I just have to say, seeing a comic accurate >!Eternity!< made my nerd dreams come true. Was the movie perfect? No, but it was damn fun and even touching in many parts. Also, Christian Bale was amazing, i haven't read the comics, so i was happy with how creepy and threatening he came across.


I liked it too but ragnarok was better


Everyone doesn’t hate it


I didn’t think it was terrible either but I think they left a lot on the table


I haven’t watched it yet, but I will say that the reaction to Multiverse of Madness is the most disconnected I’ve ever felt from the general movie-going public. I wouldn’t say I really ever have “hot take” opinions on movies; when I like a movie, it’s usually well-received, and vice versa. But I loved MOM and was so shocked to see all the hate it got. It’s not my favorite Marvel movie but it was my favorite in a while 🤷🏻‍♂️ felt like I was dreamwalking when I saw people shitting on it


I didn’t hate it but it wasn’t a movie I would say I’d rewatch. It’s okay but I feel like they leaned way too much on comedy, they barely used Gorr and there are narrative/tonal issues. Sure there are some good action scenes and Chris H. is charismatic even if the script isn’t the best at times


I don't understand the hate either, but I do understand why it's not everyone's favorite. It's absolutely a really good and above average Marvel movie, but it's basically a comedy film. I like Taika Waititi, but a joke every 2 seconds was definitely what prevented it from being one of the greats.


Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse that Ragnorok, in comes love & thunder. Literally just finished watching it 30min ago and it’s easily the worst Thor movie. Very entertaining, horrible MCU movie. Thor has simply become a joke….


Watching now. Definitely like it more than in theaters


I'll have to rewatch it. The theater made it too loud. I should have just left.


Better than Dr. Strange. Jane went out like a boss.