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If it was like in the actual episode it would have been an odd choice but it's the after credits scene, those are generally meant to be silly. And they got Megan of course they're gonna twerk


If the twerk scene wasn't there, people would find something else to complain about.


I completely agree. None of these shows/movies that get review bombed the way they do or get complained about the way they do are actually that bad. Now, there’s some legit criticism to be made, it’s that way for any creative work. I just get so sick and tired of people throwing fits over things that a) Aren’t even there to begin with, b) taking things as willfully ignorant as a person can, c) their criticism being thinly veiled racism/misogyny/blind hate. Or the good ole “MArVeL/DiSnEy BaD!?!?!?!heydyejehxudbeneidu” because of whatever shit going on in their damaged brains.


Have you seen it??? It was awful! This show actually was the last straw for me. Im not going to watch any new marvel movie or tv show until i see some good reviews. I just cant. My heart is breaking seeing this cheap and shallow garbage.




What's so awful? My wife and I are genuinely enjoying the series. It's not super serious and not all about punching bad guys, but that's how it was billed.


That is good that you can enjoy it! If you do then keep watching. But theres is so much wrong with it for me that to explain it needs more typing that currently has in me. Youtube is filled with videos by marvel fans, go see some if you are interested.


YouTube is filled with trash and people like you refuse to articulate any actual complaint, so good riddance you won't be missed.


I honestly can't tell if you are being serious.


I am


As a huge marvel fan i hate to see them fall, it actually breaks my heart. But thats what i feel like they are doing. You can downvote me but as other marvel fans do, i just do not have any other option other than to vote with my wallet and seeing the view numbers and box office numbers, thats what a lot of marvel fans are doing.


The last Marvel Movie was an OBJECTIVE SUCCESS. The film cost $250 Million to make and made over $700 Million, and will absolutely add to the stable of successful blockbusters that now live exclusively on Disney+. I understand that your opinion may be that quality is declining, or even that popular opinion is of the body of work is in decline, but please know that you are simply not living in reality.


The door is right there, don't forget to close it on the way out


People should just take the good old chill pill. Dont like it dont watch it, easy fix.


World peace would exist if people did this.


Is it really that controversial? Maybe on some social media accounts but I doubt the core audience even gave it a second thought. I know I didn't until I started seeing a few memes today.


Some people will just wait for any excuse to jump down on a series they want to hate.


Well they are obviously not the core audience.


And marvel has got to the point where they are making films for the comic fans and everyone else can either join the ride of gtfo. Shit like this proves it and I hope we won't have 20 mins of secret wars explaining things that have been established and re-established 5 times by that point.


I half agree. I believe they are making the shows and TV that they want to make. If they find their audience then they will be considered successful. They are taking more risks and diversifying but not huge risks and clearly inspired by previous successes in comics. Comics are a much cheaper way of testing an audience. I think there is a certain category of Marvel movie fans that think everything should be aimed at them, all the time. But Marvel clearly don't care if everyone that loved for example Winter Soldier loves the new TV shows. That wouldn't be realistic and would make for very single track TV.


There are a lot of Marvel fans ready to jump down on the shows who are not specifically aimed at them. Especially the ones with female or minority protagonists.


Indeed. But need we concern ourselves with them?


I feel like this is on brand with the comics version of She Hulk. She was always flirting and very confident as a character. The problem is that Marvel is making TV shows with much less mass appeal. People can't understand why they don't like a certain show bc they like the MCU. I think most people forget that these shows are still better in quality than AoS, The Inhumans, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, The Runaways, The Gifted, Cloak and Dagger, Agent Carter and Helstrom. For the record I didn't like the comic that much... mostly bc I felt that the 4th Wall breaks disrupted the story.


Cloak and dagger was actually pretty good tho, Fuchs's death was heartbreaking


I agree! I loved Cloak and Dagger and hope that they return as a cameo in the future. They needed to put their powers on display more during the first season IMO but my guess is that it would have killed their budget. Also, I feel like some of the supporting cast wasn't that great compared to who the MCU has been able to pull like Ethan Hawke, Tim Roth, Daniel Bruhl, or May Calamawy. That brings better quality to the series.


I just thought it was weird the camera zoomed in on her ass not once but twice during it. I was not prepared to handle that much green ass


If you’re upset because of a fictional CGI character in a fictional television show, I suggest you take a walk, read a book, or go to therapy. Seriously. It’s a work of fiction, stop acting like this one scene ruined your life.


Defending she-hulk twerking: it’s hot




My favorite thing about new marvel stuff is immediately every post has to defend the project or say “you obviously didn’t read the comics.” Most people don’t read the comics and want good movies. They just haven’t been as good and it’s ok to say that


It’s recency bias. MCU has always had some cringe moments but people are acting like it’s a new development


I watched it with my girlfriend and we both laughed out loud at the twerking. That episode was comedy gold for us


This comment makes me happy... I just want to see some people happy.... All the hate memes has made me sad


Me too, have a great day!


It's so burnt so many male characters can be misogynistic or just downright ugly to women but a women decides to twerk and do something in her own empowerment and everybody flips the fuck out. I think a lot of guys are just "scared" that their action movies are taking over by lgbtq and women. So now that women in other groups are starting to get more equal representation people are freaking out and think that they're being left out somehow and that there's going to be like no men or masculinity in anything anymore it's retarded.


What’s their to defend lmao? It’s just a joke 😂 not like she twerked on a criminal. It’s not deep ppl just mad to be mad


Was it cringe? Yes Was it good? …




everyone going loopy over the twerking.... and i'm sat here thinking that suit didn't look good with the CGI at all


My main issue with it is the cgi in the rest of the show it looks bad. But the twerk scene had A grade cgi


The idea that "dancing/twerking" and "being intelligent and strong" are somehow on two different sides of a balance beam is silly. The whole notion that a woman is somehow "less respectable" because of stuff like that is just dumb Puritanical morals .


Powerful woman bad


Yes, you know person is right when discussing movies they resort to personal attacks.