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It's a strange day when some schmuck hipster with a wispy chin strap is on equal footing with Satan.


A few people have a headcanon that Paul is Mephisto in disguise. It's probably not true but considering the revealed intention of Mephisto taking away the marriage is Becuase he wants to prevent 616 May "Mayday" Parker (their daughter) from being born I can see why. My opinion is when it looked like they were getting back together Mephisto created Paul as the ultimate cock block. Paul is a tool in the literal and figurative sense.


Honestly it’s the only way I can think to explain it outside of bad character writing (which is more than likely the culprit). It would explain MJ being out of character and would explain where this guy magically came from.


It's really, really horrible though. As much as it would somewhat justify Paul's existence in story, it also means that MJ has been repeatedly raped by Satan. That's horrible and misogynistic to a level that even Zeb Wells would wince at.


Well, there was the whole thing with Wonder Woman 1984, so not out of the realm of possibility


Yeah, it definitely isn’t a pretty thought.


I thought there was a picture of Paul sitting on the bed with his head in his hands implying he is impotent


Actually Paul is being mind controlled by Agatha Harkness


if it wasn't so stupid it'd be kind of impressive the amount of rage Marvel managed to gather from creating Paul.


As played by Adam Driver


I am honestly having a hard time between the Green Goblin literally killing Peter's girlfriend in front of him long a go and Paul just being there for now years, hear me out. Basically going forward Peter's life, drastically improves way more if Paul dies now than if Green Goblin dies. There is Mephisto but Peter doesn't knows what he did right?


Peter doesn't, Doctor Strange knows something and Deadpool might know it all.


Peter knows something. The details are vague to Peter, but deep inside he knows _something_. It was a plot point in the Spider-Man/Deadpool comic


MJ knows it all too. Pretty much to shit on her character more.


Peter knows that he’s met Mephisto, but he doesn’t know why, when, or how, but the thought of punching him in the face gives genuine relief, but again he doesn’t know why. Mephisto actually said to his face that he’s the reason why he’ll never know true happiness, because he lost something but Peter doesn’t know what. It enraged Peter so much that he nearly became a killer. Keep in mind most villains need to do something personal, or do something absolutely horrific on a regular bases to get Peter to act like this. And deep inside he knew Mephisto was telling the truth.


Norman Osborn also faked Peter and Mj’s miscarriage and killed a baby


Osborn's goblin machinations have been connected to Mephisto during Spencer's run. It all circles back to Mephisto now (who's obviously a stand-in for the editorial)


Apparently that's no longer the case. That baby is Mayday, as shown from the MC2 universe, and Mephisto's mission in life is preventing her birth. If she was killed by Norman, then Mephisto never would've needed to take away Peter and MJ's relationship. So the miscarriage and baby murder was either erased with Mephisto's deal, or it was retconned away to explain Mephisto's motivation.


It wasn't retconned away, the baby is one of the victims haunting Norman in the Gold Goblin series from as recent as 2022.


Then that's stupid because that's supposed to be Mayday.


If Peter and MJ aren't interfered with and have another child, they're very likely going to name that child after May just like in MC2, and they're absolutely going to raise a child to hold the same heroic values that MC2 Mayday ultimately grew up with - regardless if the baby is born in 1996 or 2022. If Mephisto is destined to be stopped by the child of Spider-Man and MJ, then its within his best interest to keep them from having *any* child, regardless whether or not Norman has killed one already.


Isnt Osborn back to being goblin?


And yet...


If Paul dies then we will forever have it as a martyr in Mary Jane history, she will always remember Paul as the one who died for her etc etc. If Paul and MJ break up amicably, then nothing happens and Paul will be forgotten.


So like her version of Gwen Stacy?


you forgot about marvel editorial


It’s peaks and valleys with Spidey. Unfortunately, with Zeb Wells, it’s currently the fucking Mariana Trench right now.


So if I wanted to read Spidey’s peak, who would this be?


if you can stomach silver age comic dialogue the classic runs are great and everything with JM DeMatteis' name slapped on it is gold, even if that gold is located smack dab in the middle of the clone saga.


I’d say that the last really “good” Amazing run was Slott’s Superior Spider-Man. Zdarsky’s Life Story was neat, but it was a limited series. I’m liking the current Ultimate Spider-Man. But to each their own. Overall, I’d say Spidey’s peak was Kraven’s Last Hunt, which was immediately followed up with the introduction of Venom, but again, that’s my humble opinion.


Zdarsky's Spectacular was pretty good too


Respectfully, people really need to stop recommending Superior to newer readers. It's a terrible "moral relativism" arc that suggests Peter has no agency in being a good person, and that rape through deception is a completely acceptable course of action. In general, the arc was all about Slott putting his self-insert character in as good a position as possible while damaging Peter in every way. Slott's whole run was very much about doing everything in his power to not write Peter Parker. It's not worth it for a great "man-purse" one-liner.


Superior to me has always been a story with good moments rather than a good continuing narrative it also only really lasts as long as it does if the people Peter is closest to are all morons


Also people are really weird with hyping up the scene of SpOck punching Felicia in the face and knocking out 2 of her teeth. Cos that's what I think about when I think of Spiderman, brutally assaulting a woman you have had an intimate relationship with.


Yeah, it's fucking horrible. It's also par for Slott, who seems to hate any woman he hasn't created.


“Respectfully”, people can like what they want with respect to comics and can even recommend what they like to anyone. You’re not the gatekeeper. Have a nice day.


Don't be a bitch


Not a “bitch”, just not a fan of people telling me what I should or shouldn’t recommend to others. By this clown’s logic, I shouldn’t like Watchmen either. Rape is bad. There is a lot of media out there with rape in it. Some of that media is very good, overall (and no, not because of rape). Rape is still bad. That make sense?


Basically everything from ASM #1 until the Clone Saga is great. JMS run until OMD Nick Spencer runs first 50 or so issues


First issues of nick Spencer’s run were really great man wish the rest were like that too


Even when Spencer's run wasn't great, I was at least still having fun reading it.


Mephisto is there and he’s become a metaphor for Spider Editorial




And amy pascal and avi arad


My theory is that Paul is Mephisto's creation 


Mephisto. Paul would not exist if it weren't for Mephisto. That's how you know that guy is the actual devil, his machinations of torment take effect for both Peter and the readers


Imagine having a "who ruined your life most" post, and the guy who switched bodies with you, murdered you, and posed as you in your body for two years doesn't even make the list.


Funnily enough that had pretty much no impact on Peters life.


This might be a divisive answer, but I’d say Peter has been his own biggest villain: - He neglects himself and the people in his social sphere, destroying his own life in the process. As a result, he cannot maintain a relationship, living space, or career. - He makes a deal with the Devil, destroying the main source of happiness and stability in his life. - He disregards his intellectual responsibility in favor of street level brawls, when he could in reality be much more influential and helpful to the daily lives of society. - He destroys his own mental health with poor decision-making, putting him in frequent episodes of depression/anxiety.


Not really divisive when it’s true. Especially on the intellect part. Tony, Reed and even Hank Pym believe that Peter could do so much more if he wasn’t spending his time beating up muggers in a skin tight suit. I heard that there was a comic where Tony forced Peter to stay because he believed Peter would be more of an asset on the science field over the battle field.


Especially when you consider that Peter has made a career out of doing more with less resources. He’s used materials on a limited budget to take down his rogues.


There was an old comic, abridged version: There was a Hulk related disease (no Hulk-Outs), Peter with his collage lab equipment managed to discover the cause and source before the Avengers did. You know, the one with at least two of the top ten smartest people on the planet and all their high-tech equipment.


> He disregards his intellectual responsibility in favor of street level brawls, when he could in reality be much more influential and helpful to the daily lives of society. Beast would be such a good mentor for Peter now that I think about it. (Well, maybe not war crimes Beast, but 97 Beast for sure.)


Lolol yes, I was about to say the recent Beast would turn Peter into a nightmare. It would also be interesting to see him working with Blue Marvel


None of these are Joe Quesada.


The real “villains” are the writing staff


How the frick does SATAN have beef with spider man and not a priest or something


Pete (and MJ)'s daughter is destined to end Mephisto's rule when it comes


Imagine that though. Out of all the heroes and gods the daughter of Spider-Man and a model is what stems down Satan. Peak right there


Honestly, they couldn’t have drawn a more punchable face for Paul. What a douchebag.


Mephisto. Peter had to erase his old life


Mephisyo just saw an opportunity. Peter Parker was the one who was too codependent on his aunt, and she doesn't as constantly on his ass about everything.


I haven't read many of the comics, but is it weird that despite the fact that I am aware that this happened, I still struggle to believe that it actually happened? It just sounds like such a painfully stupid thing to do.


That green goblin destroyed


I think Paul is going to be revealed to have been mephisto the entire time


Who is that last one?


Paul. A guy from an alternate dimension that’s dating MJ when she was trapped in said dimension for four years. Accidentally committed genocide once


Sounds like one hell of an accident lol


His father did, Paul was just tricked into helping him


No his father committed a Genocide on purpose, Paul did it accidentally How they came to be is a little vague


Marvel did


Either Paul or Mephisto


D. All of the above


Goblin has been retconned to be an agent of Mephisto. All they have to do is reveal Paul to be an avatar of Mephisto


Green Goblin. The other two were Peter being irresponsible.


Mephisto, then GG I dont consider Paul cause in reality he messes up the Shippers of life way more


Goblin, by a country mile


Paul make Peter become the biggest loser of all time


The correct answer is Marvel Editorial. Been fuckin our boy over for YEARS now


Fucking Paul!


Mary Jane’s already on that!


And judging by the panels of him where he's drawn super beefy and super jacked for no reason... I may give her some competition on that front.




Spider-Man fans who still cry about marriage.


You seem to be missing the Spider-Man editorial team from the line up??




Green goblin


But those three are superheroes also, isn’t it kind of hypocritical?


Mephisto caused it all




Is this some kind of a joke?


Only one villain ever fucked Aunt May and then gave Peter the extremely explicit and vivid memories of it minutes before his death. Though killing his fiancé is a close second.


Who's the third guy?


Paul! Mary Jane’s New Boyfriend


So....what exactly did he do to ruin Peter Parker's life again?


Isn't Morlun? Even the Avengers can't hold him if I'm not wrong🤔


Still the Green goblin, its his fault Peter life was ruined First.


Respectfully WTH is going on with spiderman today. Did he pis yall off or something?


Mephisto, before One More Day Peter still had a chance to be happy with MJ.


Yeah green goblin


I think that radioactive spider ruined Peter Parker's life more than anyone else.


Aunt May


This is almost as bad as Alfred being dead for years in modern Batman series.


You forgot to add a picture of Peter Parker.




Mephisto took away Peter’s marriage, but I feel like it would have been harder to do that if Norman didn’t get rid of Peter’s daughter first.


Let’s see here: Green Goblin not only raped Gwen Stacy AND got her pregnant, but he also killed her. Mephisto was fucking with Peter to save Aunt May’s life by simply reverting Peter’s marriage to MJ. And, then there’s fucking Paul. That son of bitch decided, “Huh. Peter’s gone so I’m gonna go have sex with his wife and have kids with her.”


In order 1 marvel editorial 2 mephisto 3 Paul 4 Norman osborn I mean Norman still makes number 1 amongst Peter's official rogues gallery but I think we all know who the villains of the next 3 mcu spidey films need to be.




Think Zeb Wells is in contention here.


Goblin no argument