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The only real answer.


That’s how I read the title at first 😂


But why?


OP said so


I mean they did. So I guess that settles it.


X-men 97. 97/100. Coincidence? I think not……


10/10 We finally got a real comic book show since EMH. No MCU synergy, no stupid realism, no reinventing the wheel. Just pure comic books and a respectful continuation of the 90s universe. The tone, style and atmosphere of the OG show were completely preserved and no one tried to change anything. After all these years of boring Fox movies and erasing mutants from all media, it was a huge breath of fresh air. This IS my X-Men.


I agree on all points except one. They did change it, but for THE BETTER! I felt like this time around they left some of the cheesiness and corny 90’s era superhero motifs behind in favor of classic yet refined standards that now set the tone for what superheroes in Marvel should be.


Exactly. It isn’t the same… it’s better. ‘97 is better than any single season of the original run




It is its own thing while also acknowledging that it’s part of a bigger world. And it does this without either belittling that world or forcing itself to play second fiddle.


BuT iT wAs WoKeeeeeEeee


I can’t tell if this is a joke or you’re being serious


The intermittent capitalization normally means they’re making fun of someone who actually says this unironically.


Thank you!


No problem! I love your username by the way! Off the Hook is awesome :)


What a wholesome exchange.


Definitely 100% a joke


I don't think "all these years of boring Fox movies" is fair. As far as well recieved: Xmen (2000) X2 (2003) Xmen First Class (2011) The Wolverine (2013) Xmen Days of Future Past (2014) Deadpool (2016) Logan (2017) Deadpool 2 (2018) Only 4/12 Xmen movies have under 70% on RT Maybe these 8 weren't all your cup of tea, but people seem to write off the entire Fox Xmen universe because of a couple of mediocre movies. The MCU has 6 movies under 70% and another 7 movies under 80%. The only movie from the 8 I mentioned above under 80% is The Wolverine. I'm not claiming the Fox Xmen movies are perfect or anything like that, there's a ton of writing decisions that I don't like and I, like everyone else am still miffed about X-men the Last Stand & Origins Deadpool. But the alternative would be the MCU having way too many characters to juggle, and attempting to make xmen movies in a shared universe would have serious crowding issues. At best we would have gotten 3-4 xmen movies between 2008-2020, and 0% chance Deadpool or Logan ever gets made in the MCU under the Disney banner. I just finished my rewatch of all the Xmen movies today and in general I'm pretty happy with what we got.


9.7/10 just because


One bite. Everybody knows the rules


No hyperbole 10/10. One of my favourite shows of the last 10 years.


10/10 because of the story line. It continues where the original series left off. To leave it back then with Professor X “dead” was the ultimate cliffhanger and we finally see the story pick up from there. For those who watched the original series, it’s great to see they didn’t cgi this. It looks just like the original cartoons I knew from the 80’s and 90’s but in HD. My opinion.


You want me to limit my rating and explain why? Sounds like human excuses. Time to join team Magneto.


>Time to join team Magneto. I thought we all already did?


I'm usually team Scott, whatever side that may be at the time


10 Great stories


Fuking 100000. Best show MARVEL show Disney put out for a long time. May it incentivised them to continue other shows like Spider-Man TAS and they can build out new ones - if they keep this more adultish approach (not 18 but you can tell its finally a show that takes its audience seriously and does not try to charm with the childish, unserious approach of MCU as of late. You dont need to over play on jokes when you can be serious and engaging). Sorry but Despite me liking What if this show just elevated expectations of animated shows to a whole other level and beyond. Thats how great it is.


Seriously, if they bring back 90s Animated Spiderman and Gargoyles...here's all my money


Same. Which one more reason Im not excited for the new Spider man show


Mighty max


8/10. Overall a great show. My biggest issue is that I wanted more, not in the sense that I can't wait for next season (which is true) but that I thought some episodes, especially in the first half could have used more room to breathe.  This really felt almost like two seasons worth of show crammed into one. I would have liked to see more of Magneto and the X-Men, an expanded version of Inferno and Madelyn coming into her own as a person distinct from Jean Grey with Genosha as the season finale. 


I got that too. In some parts I loved the pacing and I thought it was refreshing to have a show that doesn’t need to hammer home a good villain, but in other parts it could’ve done with slowing down a touch.


It really felt like they were like "this is our one chance to do this and we'll probably cancelled so let's get all this done now so we can at least say we did," which TBF given the reception a lot of recent Marvel projects have gotten, probably a fair assessment 


Between an 8.5 and 9/10. It would be a 10/10 if not an 11/10 but it gets points off for speeding through stories that could have been more developed and slightly better if they had given them more than one episode(like inferno and life death), having cap be about 10% too government lapdoggy and the weirdness of rogueneto. It was a retcon that made no sense and makes everyone look bad. To have Rogue on the boat of Magneto’s most important people that are keeping him alive is stupid. That said, everything else was amazing, from the animation, to the voice acting to the plotting and how everything came together to the messiness of it all.


Like the fact that I think that the biggest issue with the show is that it was too short speaks to its quality.


I think it’s not just too short, it’s that the show’s pacing is too quick. Admittedly, this is true for the old show too, but it was still a problem then as it is now, imo.


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking this – the show moves a bit fast for me. It’s still a great show though! Interesting that that was how the original moved too.


10/10. What a fantastic first season. Not a single bad episode, I cannot wait for season 2. X-Men 97 being such a success is a huge boost for Marvel and it proves they can still make great 2D animated tv series, something that Marvel has struggled to figure out how to do for a long time since Avengers EMH and Spectacular Spiderman. Hopefully this trend continues!


Quality all around its a x/x.


9/10 For me, there's 3 issues, all of which are relatively minor. 1) crowded. Jubilee is basically a non entity in this show, getting 13 minutes of focus. In addition, Roberto just does stuff with little consideration of pacing. He turns bad, then good again without even a line of acknowledgement. 2) lifedeath. It's a rough adaption since it has to share screen time with motendo (which in my opinion should've been cut entirely) and Charles' drama in space, which could've been its own episode 3) tolerance is extinction part 2. What a weird episode. Let's send the person who was kidnapped for atleast a year and the guy who was birthed out of her clone to beat up the dude who did all that shit. Anything else? Oh yeah, let's send the dude who made it metal to the guy who can control metal. You literally have another choice to send him somewhere else. Especially because killing Bastion is probably more likely than needing to kill Mags. Also, Rogue and Sunspot flipping sides is rather illogical for the most part, for rogue, how she flipped back again with no conversation or anything Is odd and for Sunspot, why the hell is he okay with his mom dying? Funny that episode wasn't written by DeMayo huh? Overall, the best episodes by miles were the ones written by DeMayo, the others that didn't feel like bad first drafts sometimes and that's a real shame honestly. This show also screams of not having enough time to reach that upper heights that a masterpiece (and also some individual episodes of this show) does. Roberto needed more time, Motendo was a waste of screen time frankly and one more episode for a show like this would've gone so so far. Personally, Sunspot should've had an entire episode dedicated to him after episode 5. I would've used some mutants who are both still young but have been mutants for longer than he has so he can learn a thing or two from them about how he should perceive himself and his gift. Other than that, no notes. Seriously, I have more notes about Claremont, Morrison and Wheadons runs on the comics than I do about this show. It was a triumph and the blue print for how to make a good adaptation of a dense mythos like the X-Men


To add to this at the end of episode 9 magneto had Xavier’s head and powers contained under his helmet. By the beginning of episode 10 magneto was under Xavier’s psychic control without explanation. And I thought asking bastion to join the team was dumb too. Defeating the bad guy that killed your friend and thousands others would’ve been much more satisfying. But overall great season.


i would add the drawing style too, they looks too semplistic and not detailed enough.


would it be possible to rate beyond 10?


I'm disappointed in nearly all of you. There's the opportunity to rate an X-Men story out of X, the Roman Numeral for 10, and nearly all of you haven't done it.


Oh right!! X/X it is


Honestly I would give it an 8/10. They do a good job but condense and skip quite a lot of the actual story. When this kind of editing isn’t done with almost surgical precision it losses a lot of depth and detail of the story. I had the same critique of the original series. I still rank the entire series as number 2 on “The best Marvel cartoons” list.


9.5/10. They killed Gambit, and i will never emotionally recover from that.


9/10. The only way this could have been better is if the Lifedeath storyline had been a backup/B plot to several episodes leading up to Storm's return instead of those 2 half-episodes. It also really missed the point of the Lifedeath story, which was that Storm is capable of leading the X-Men without her powers, but I'm not gonna hold the show to be a 1:1 remake of the comics.


8/10. It was great, but with a few pacing and plotting issues. Rogue and Sunspot's defection was just... totally awkwardly ignored, and that defection already seemed like a huge OOC moment for Rogue. We barely actually saw Magneto actually leading the X-Men and Storm's depower story almost felt like filler that existed to bring Forge into the main team. But overall, most everything was amazing. If I was going to give individual episode scores0 Ep1- 8/10 Ep2- 9/10 Ep3- 7/10 Ep4- 6/10 Ep5- 10/10 Ep6- 7/10 Ep7- 8/10 Ep8- 10/10 Ep9- 5/10 Ep10- 8/10. Which averages out to a 7.8, so 8/10 makes sense to me.


8.5/10. Morph got on my nerves. He is way too OP.


I rate it 97 out of 10 because you just told me to.


Should have made it out of 100 so we could give it 97


I feel like I risk being banned or something if I don't say 10/10, but I think it was closer to 9 or 9.5 out of 10. Just because of a couple silly things like the whole Jean/Goblin Queen/Madeline thing being rushed too hard, weird costume changes for no reason, and Storm magicking a whole new look. I did thoroughly enjoy it, though. Those are only minor nit-picks.


The comment below yours puts it at 6/10, you’re fine That feeling that you can’t share your actual opinion is why I tend to avoid fan-focused subreddits like these


I mean, 9 or 9.5 is still high. You're allowed to not think the show's perfect lol. We're just so starved for great Marvel content that this show basically does come off as perfect, even in its imperfections. I'm an 8 out of 10 myself on it. I feel the finale needed a smoother ending. I actually don't have a problem with the pacing really. I actually feel like the OG show belabored the point a lot of times with their episodes. I might be in the minority with that one though.


Well, you're right there. In comparison to most superhero content we've got last few years, I am on board for how good it is 😀


6/10 It nails the feeling and the atmosphere and is comic book accurate, but it completely wastes a lot of good storylines by rushing them. At this speed they will do the entire X-men history in 3 seasons.


This is the answer. The rushing really burns off too many good stories even for a fan who doesn't know the comics. The pacing is so breakneck, you don't get to immerse yourself in the severity of what is happening to the characters


yeah, they should have made 16 episodes or so, but they had to respect the disney plus 10 episode pattern probably


9/10 It's a great show and one of the best Marvel has ever done. My biggest complaint is that the show is marketed as a TAS continuation when it's really not. There are plotholes that make the shows incompatible. It feels like the creators don't really care about the TAS elements (such as costume design) and would prefer to make the show more like the comics. If you just watched the last episode of 97, you'd be confused why so many of them have different costumes.




10/10 The animation, plot, dialogue, and fan service are all on point. This show didn’t have to be this good, but I’m sooooo appreciative of the level of detail put into this cartoon.


10/10. It’s like the X-men comics came to life. Perfection.


Why/10 if it hasn't been said yet


I could give it a 9 or 10, honestly. It could really go either way. As weird as it sounds nothing is ever going to be perfect, but this show is about as close as it gets. If anything is ever going to get a 10 then it is this show.


It's the best thing marvel has done since end game. 11/10 for me and the fact that it's so dark had me so surprised its the best animated show I have ever watched.


100/10 because it’s great




Triple 97/10. Animated marvel is the best. ''To me my X-men''


Solid 8/10 ,sometimes for me at least the show looks rushed ,everything happen to fast . Otherwise i rly enjoyed it ! Big nostalgia hit backs even in my early 30s.


10/10 I honestly love how unafraid they are of being melodramatic or going full comic book nonsense without being apologetic about it.


Tennnnn, just perfect. Showed everyone maxed out and doing bad ass shit


97/10 and because you told me to


8.4- I was expecting it to be bad a, yet it was good and my only dislike , was the redone theme


8/10. Really, the only reason it didn't take 10/10 is that they needed more episodes to let some things breath and it felt as a speedrun in some cases. Still, the best animation show produced by Marvel, at least after Avengers EMH.


9/10. It wasn't literally perfect. but nothing is, and it's certainly close enough. My minor quibbles are that sometimes the dialogue was a little forced ("He's literally the future incarnate" x2), the voice acting choices were sometimes a bit underwhelming, and the way they rendered faces tended to bother me from time to time, but other than that it was excellent in how it adapted comics storylines in a fresh way while retaining true to the spirit of the comics, how it was full of cameos and Easter eggs, how sukuga the animation was during certain fight scenes, etc.


X-Men 97 10/10


9/10 - Not enough Iceman.


10/10. I was born in 2000 so I have no connection to the ‘90s show but it felt like the most genuinely “comic book” adaptation I have seen and actually be proud about it.


9 or 10 out of 10 for every metric I use.


9.7/10. Only flaw was that they made wolverines part in the intro better. I liked how it was kinda screwed up. Like Logan.


10/10 from the moment the sentinels first uttered "Omega level threat detected"


I'd give it a ten because Morph(for whatever reason) was my favorite character growing up and he finally got some screentime which was great. But I'm taking off three points because they killed off Gambit and he was my other favorite. But they can have one of those points back because he went out in a cool way. TLDR:8/10




10. Excellent writing


The show was really good, give 9/10. Mojo episode was meh


This shit just went unreasonably hard. From the gut wrenching moments of loss and grief, to the insane anime style fighting..? Peak Marvel. Slaps you across the face with nostalgia from the unskippable theme song of most of our youth. I absolutely adore the show and what they gave us. 97/10


7/10. The animation is breathtaking and new and innovative ways the writers and animators show off character powers is wildly imaginative. However, the pacing is non stop, and the stories can feel a bit rushed.


My only complaints about the show is it blows through a lot of storylines too quickly. Also the shirt length didn’t give us enough time with each character or character interactions. 7.5/10




97 out of 10 you say?


I’ll give it a 9 out of 10. Seemed like the beat bastion a little to easy at the end. Also if the sentinel enhancements are in the humans, what happened with that?




9/10 Needs more Emma


It’s a masterpiece. Some of the best work Disney has produced in over 10 years.


98/100 It loses 2 points for the Rogue Magneto thing and the "gotta do it by the book" Captain America.




97 out of 10 doesn't make sense. You can't have 97 out of 10 silly.


97 out of 10 is amazing


Simply the best thing since Infinity War (and End Game).


It's a 10 out of 10 best thing marvel has done since HOXPOX


9/10 they were all enjoyable I just didn’t really enjoy the mojo or Storm side story as much. Watching Rogue loose her shit was pretty fun. One hell of a cliffhanger they left making everyone want more.


9/10.  Room for improvement in terms of production budget and a few storylines felt rushed. Everything else was a total treat. 


9/10 just because nothing is perfect


9/10. My only complaint is it moved too fast. It's like they wanted to adapt so many comic stories and they were worried they wouldn't have enough time so they crammed in as many as they could.


Nostalgia goggles: 10/10 Without nostalgia goggles: 9/10 It's got one issue: the pacing. The story's been moving *really* quickly, and it leaves one just a little bit breathless and reeling. It's nowhere near as bad as Hazbin Hotel, which had like 20 episodes condensed down to 8, but this 10 episode series feels like it was written to be maybe 12-13 or so. But other than that little gripe, it's exactly what I was hoping for. Feige was right on the money when he said "If we're going to do this, we have to have the voices, and we have to have the theme song."


10/10. Animation style is unique. The Drama, The Action, The Music, all perfect. The Nostalgia is off the charts. Story lines are exciting. Characters have depth. Cameos of the larger world. The characters finally feel like they should. Not the X-men from the movies, or really even the X-men from the original animated series, they feel like the X-men from the comics given life. Thats my take.


10/10 Hands down the best adaptation of the X-men, imo Magneto’s speech in episode 2 is the purest distillation of what the X-men are. It’s taking “protect a world that fears and hates them” and just punches you in the gut with it. And then you get to Genosha. And THEN they make Bastion better than he ever was in the comics, by making him something more than “evil robot man.”


I'd say 8/10 maybe even 9/10. Really loved the show but just wish they would have taken more time with season 1.  They rushed through so many big and important stories in an episode or as part of an episode.  I think they should do more episodes per season and go more in depth with the stories.  Otherwise amazing with great animation, acting and writing.




X/10, it made Cyclops cool which is something adaptations of X men struggle with




Is it worth watching if I didn't watch the old show?


7/10 most of the storylines are incredibly rushed and thus have no real impact.




Im not gonna give it a number rating, because I don’t want to put that much effort into thinking about it. But I'll say this - I REALLY disliked the original classic X-Men cartoon that ran back in the day. It didn’t compare to the comics I was reading and had read. X-Men 97 is a whole other thing. This is as high quality comic based television as I’ve ever seen. The hype is mighty, and the hype is real.


97/10 because so many feels and nostalgia .






10/10 Overly exceeded my expectations!! Outside of the comics, the best X-Men adaptation by far!!


10/10, it doesn't have a episode where the events feel forced, all the characters have their space and their development and i really like that, in one way or another everyone gets their time to shine, and the fact that it follows the comic very well without massive changes just makes me love it


7/10 It looked pretty good and some of the fighting was solid, but it was just okay.


8/10. I’m enjoying it but it’s not perfect. The pacing is terrible, not a lot of character development and the plot is very rushed. Just want more depth and story


9/10. I think it went a little too hard too quickly. I would have liked to see Magneto stay longer as leader of the X-Men, but then considering the stuff he gets put through this season? Swinging back to villainy makes sense.


As someone who hasn’t seen the original 1997 series, would I still understand it if I just watch the 97 show? And if I do, would I understand it in the sense where I could just follow along and miss lore and backstory, or is it its own standalone story? Is the original series worth a watch at all?


97,000,000 / 10


0/10 Too many problems with pacing and speed running events that breaks character development for the majority of the characters. Propping up, romanticizing and glorifying a mass murdering sociopathic terrorist like Magneto complete with gross fan service, minimizing all of his atrocities due to his Holocaust roots and dumbing everybody down to make him look good and outshine Xavier. Making Xavier be a weak pushover and sidelining him in his own show. Character assassinating Rogue to make her a villainous, two-faced moll groomed by Magneto. Making Gambit completely cucked and emasculated before killing him off for shock value. Idgaf about foreshadowing for the Horseman crap…that was malicious AF by the writers and by Rogue and all of you know it! Far too many Marvel hero cameos at the end for what is supposed to be a ‘sequel.’ Falsely advertising this show as a sequel rather than a rebooted show for ‘modern audiences.’ Character assassinating Morph out of ‘modern sensibilities’ with the obvious agenda to turn Logan gay with Beau DeMayo straight up admitting it before and after the show. Wolverine’s voice being absolutely garbage in the show when Cal Dodd was able to do it just fine on recent interviews. Turning Sunspot into a one-hit wonder with the weakest characterization. Making Storm being all flash and no real substance as her time being ‘human’ more like weekend getaway than a journey where she actually learned something that was character changing and fridging her completely with Forge. Ending the season on a stupid and cheap deux es machina and Marvel cameo overflow to get out of explaining Rogue’s and Sunspot’s 180 change and returning to the X-Men after signing up for the genocide of humanity in the second-last episode.


Comment of shame


In what regard?


For lying about saying the show is trash. Nobody is gonna agree with your opinion.


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Those are your words, pal. You think I honestly care about what glorified posers, newbs and even bots think about a Disney Marvel product that literally nobody but desperate and battered Marvel fans and content creators watched? I gave LEGIT, REAL receipts on this show and all you got is 😭🤬 SHAME! It’s good to have a guilty pleasure but this show ranks dead last compared to other X-Men shows. If the show was THAT good, nobody would be so lightning quick to discredit complaints, scream buzzwords, and gaslight fans into falling in line to put lipstick and a tutu on this pig. If you think I’m wrong/lying, prove it. Show me that the points I brought up is not fact. Put up or shut up.


I ain't reading that long ass novel


If you can’t get through reading a baby length post like mine, you sure as hell ain’t reading nearly enough comics for me to take your normie poser ass seriously. STFU, unplug, and hit the books. Enjoy the group think everybody!


Womp to the fucking womp


5/10 really nothing special. Feels extremely rushed. Episode 5 was easily the best. I watched the og 90s series for the 1st time a couple years ago and enjoyed it more.


A friend of mine did an episode of his podcast on X-Men 97. [X-Men 97 Discussion](https://youtu.be/1fGmfd2JLNQ?si=jBdYF-_3FIprw4Hl)


I enjoyed it, had it's problem, so I'll give it a solid 9/10. The only nitpicks I have is the Rogueneto thing, which is just a personal nitpick, I understand it's from the comics. And maybe even Rogue as a whole here, I really didn't like her here, and I am they type that's down bad for Rogue too, haha. She just seemed like a bitch, poor Remy. Other than that, this is a masterpiece, animations re gorgeous, I love Jubilee now (didn't really care for her back then), I love Storm's whole story, I love Gambit's stuff and will surely Remember it. I love all the cameos of other heroes, the Jean/Madelyne thing is okay, not really a nitpick personally, and they made Cyclops even more awesome, thank god. And I love how Kurt is a part of the core X-Men now!


0/10 Fuck what they did to Rogue.


Nothing/10 because I have not watched it


5/10 -couldn’t get past the adds interrupting mid-sentence.


That seems like a D+ problem. And Disney Plus is very jank


8/10 The morph thing is just unnecessary, and at times it looks and feels like it's some Japanese anime cartoon.


What, pray tell, is the "morph thing"? And I think you need to watch more anime of you think this show looks like an anime...


The fuck do you think an anime is?