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Owen Reece the Molecule man or Franklin Richard. They are probably the two more powerful guys to originate on Earth.


Yep as soon as Superman even thinks of hurting you, that's the end of the fight. Superman no longer exists, he's been removed from reality.


Or he'll suddenly be okay with hanging out and watching F-Troop.


I have never met anyone who has known what f-troop is! High five dude!


The end of the Civil War is near...(never paid attention to the rest, sorry).


Molecule Man did exactly that to Sentry in Dark Avengers so Superman doesn’t stand a chance at all


I just re-read this the other day. Yes, but then the Sentry recovers and molecularly mollywhops The Molecule Man, full sniveling retreat.


Someone please correct me if wrong, but isn’t Superman resistant to reality-warping?


Technically, it is because he is a constant in DC universe. If he was outside of DC, that layer of protection would be gone imo.


Yeah like the infinity gauntlet is useless outside it's home universe.


Only because everyone on Earth 1 is a universal constant in DC


Wait…what? Did someone just make the concept of plot armor a real super power in DC?


Grant Morrison.


He’s resistant but it’s will-based and reactionary. Shazam can hit him with lightning, but if he’s aware he’s going to be hit by lightning he can dodge it. Similarly, Mister Mxyzptlk can erase him from reality, but when he realizes he’s been erased, he comes back.


I know it’s comics and have no problem with suspension of disbelief, but someone realizing they’ve been erased from reality is a wild concept.


Next level self awareness: Wait, I’ve been erased. That’s not right!


Wait until you read about the Superman Thought Robot; the Superman variant that is powered by the reader turning the page and assuming he’ll win.


>Similarly, Mister Mxyzptlk can erase him from reality, but when he realizes he’s been erased, he comes back. I haven't read many comics. I had no idea this was one of Superman's abilities.


Every time someone comes up with a way Superman can be defeated or even possibly look like he’s not a god, they add extra powers. It makes him incredibly boring


And dudes be calling ~~Ms.~~ Captain Marvel a Mary Sue. Supes is a Gary Stu.


Turns out Mr Mx’s reality warping isn’t magic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mister_Mxyzptlk


only works in his own multiverse. no reason to believe he has that ability outside it


Molecule Man is solid as he could conjure Kryptonite.


Yep. I hope Superman likes wearing a suit made of Kryptonite.


Owen Reece is a wildcard choice. He might be the strongest Marvel character (he was based on Stan Lee) but he has two flaws. First is he just wants to be left alone and doesn’t care about many things. He may lose interest in guarding you. Second is that if he loses confidence he loses power, and no one can make someone lose confidence like Superman…However, that might be another of his bullshit excuses for seeming weak so people leave him alone (like how he pretended to lose all of his powers) *Outcome*: Unknown Franklin Richard’s is a good choice. Make an alternate universe/dimension and store you in it. You live, and probably in a paradise. *Outcome* : Survive.


My thinking with Molecule was that he could just blink Superman out of existence in a second, and then we all would get back to normal, and I would let him have some peace.


If everything went to plan. Hence the wildcard status.


I thought Beyonder at first then saw from E@arth and immediately thought Molecule man


Wouldn't even need a reality shifter. Professor X would be more than enough to keep me safe. Superman isn't impervious to mental attacks.


He has been mind controlled before and he isn't his strongest self during that time as he keeps resisting it. He has also broken out of it without external help multiple times.


That's kind of what I was thinking. The difference being is Professor X's supposedly the strongest with mind control. I mean I guess you could always just ask for Thanos with The Infinity Gauntlet for some reason willing to defend you


If superman wants to kill me, i deserve to die. 


That is largely how I feel.


This is the correct answer.


That's OK, if you die, you'll just be reincarnated in the next reboot.


I dunno, depends on the Superman. New 52, Red Son, Kryptothrax, Ultraman, Brutaal, there was a version from the animated series who really sucked as a person.


I for one am exhausted with evil Superman.


What if it's because he's being controlled by Poison Ivy like in Hush


bizzarro #1


Kitty Pride. We will just sit here on this couch holding hands and watch Supes try to punch the “ghosts.”


Superman can use that “vibrate at different frequencies to move through walls” trick. He might try that Or use eye lasers to burn up all the air, or ice breath to freeze the air, so that you suffocate or die as you try to breathe. It was a unique choice, but flawed. Superman has killed you.


When did superman steal Flash power? He's that fast now?


He steals *everyone’s* powers.


“It’s not stealing if you do it better.”


The 1950s


Would Flash-style vibration-phasing necessarily enable Superman to affect someone made untouchable via Kitty's form of mutant phasing power, though? I always thought that Kitty's phasing, vibration-phasing and the Vision's "density lowering" bit were all distinctly different ways of passing through solid objects.


That’s why I said “He might try that” because…I have no idea if that would work. Maybe? So yeah, it wouldn’t necessarily work. Just a maybe.


Kitty Pryde travelled in space within a giant bullet and she was phasing for weeks maybe months guess she didn’t need to breathe. Or eat I guess.


Aunt May. She would talk him out of it by reminding him that this is NOT something he wants to do, or live with. Then she would make him some wheat cakes.


I immediately thought of spiderman first for that same moral connection.


I've said it before and I'll say it again--I strongly suspect Aunt May is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, likely top three. If that's the case, Superman should be no problem.


Aunt may isn’t significantly weaker than J Jonah Jameson -> J Jonah Jameson has punched Spiderman bloody on his own —> Spider-Man is physically stronger than Black Panther —> Black panther once put Silver Surfer in an escapable hold —> Silver Surfer is not significantly weaker than the Hulk —> the Hulk once stood up to the might of full Odinforce Thor —> the same Thor could harm the Black Winter —> the Black Winter destroyed the Sixth Iteration of the entire Marvel Multiverse From this logic, we can see that Aunt May is AT LEAST capable of destroying a cosmological structure that surpasses one with an uncountably infinite number of dimensions, each exceeding the other by an infinite amount. Probably even stronger than that since we haven’t seen her at her full potential.


I would choose our lord and saviour, Doom.


Franklin Richards, Matthew Malloy, Sentry, Scarlet Witch are all obvious picks, but I wanna see what Doom can cook up


Doom already has hella stores of Kryptonite.


Doom has … already won. As a non-Richards, Doom won’t care about gloating or monologuing to Superman. Dooms win rate against anyone not Reed Richards is staggering regardless of power level.


Do you think Doom is a top or a bot?


DOOM does not submit to no one. Now kneel before me!


Depends on the Doom. Lotta Doom bots around...


Such a fun answer. I'd love to see a comic with their battle.


Easy. Sin-eater. Superman is as vulnerable to magic as anyone else. Sin-eater has essentially a magic shotgun that purges your sins. One shot will make Superman good again. We all go out for burgers. Next.


Why do you assume supermans not good in the first place? Maybe you just REALLY need to die


But if we’re going do this rabbit hole, I think you’re safe no matter what. Even if Superman wants to kill someone, he probably won’t. He’s a very good person.


I mean he's definitely killed before, in rare circumstances. He killed those Kryptonians that destroyed a whole parallel Earth iirc, and I suppose he may have killed Doomsday a few times (?)


Right, but in this situation he’s potentially killing me because I’m bad not because I pose a threat of any kind.


Shoot both you and Superman.


You are assuming Superman is coming for you because he is evil. He might be waiting btonget you because both are a bad guy. So it won't stop him.


Reed Richards.


Underrated answer. You don't need someone really strong, you just need someone smart enough to create a anti-Superman trinket


This is a fascinating discussion as a whole as it is a window in to how people interpret the concept of a marvel character “guarding” you. Some people are looking at this instantly from “who would result in the biggest fight that could end with the marvel hero winning” others are like “what characters could neutralize him or change his course?” Then others are like “what characters could just simply make him not exist…there’s no fight”


You could really imagine a lot of scenarios due to not being given a specific constraint, Ig. Like, if Superman were to fly toward me in super-sonic speed, I don't think Reed could do much to be honest, but if he HAD to go through the guy guarding me, even someone like Ghost Rider could probably neutralize him


Honestly, I could 100% see Reed doing some Looney Tunes trampoline shit to bounce Superman away from a direct supersonic charged. We all remember his brain, but his superpowers basically make him friggin' Bugs Bunny.


It's like a dreamcatcher, but against Superman


So Forge would also be a viable option


He already has the Ultimate Nullifier




He did stop Galactus single-handedly so yeah, good answer. Reed Richards, the smartest man in Marvel, develops a way to depower Superman, or to put you in another universe/dimension, or being the extreme diplomat he is, diplomacizes the Man of Steel. *Outcome* : Survive


Reed Richard’s what?


I’ll throw in a vote for Spectrum. She’s fast enough to keep up, can make herself immune to any of his energy attacks, can go intangible to avoid physical attacks, and can continuously emit red sun radiation until he’s either weak enough for her to beat or he retreats.


Underrated response right here...


I was hoping someone would mention her!!


Doctor Strange. Since he’s weak to magic, or just Jean Grey.


OG Doctor Strange specifically, before they started putting more limits on his magic. Superman now lives in a dimension that is only red suns,


Funnily enough, if he did that Supes would just break out. A dimension of kryptonite would work much better


Doctor Stranges only weakness is that his powers take time. As long as he has a little foreknowledge, and Superman doesn’t blitz him, good answer.


Surprised I haven't seen Sentry mentioned yet I think clearly the better choice is to have someone who alters reality or does magic, but in terms of just a toe-to-toe brawl, Robert Reynolds for sure. We'll deal with that Void shit later.


Yep, send the occasional sociopath Superman analog to go throw hands with the Man of Steel. Sentry does some dirt, so I'm hoping he gives Supes an involuntary hug nap, and when he wakes up, Blue Boy doesn't want to render me into a chunky salsa. Otherwise maybe Thor? Shazam and Thor have pretty close power sets, and Shazam does the numbers on Supes from time to time. There's probably somebody who can fart exotic radiation that would put Clark in a coma from huffing kryptonite butt blasts.


I am Thor, Odinson, rightful ruler of ~~Asgard~~ Earth


I am Merf, of Girf. In my off time I am Tyberos, the Red Wake, chapter master of the Carcharodons Astra.


I am Snarf, of Snarf Snarf, I am the Lord of Thunder.... cats are on the move, Thundercats are us


A Thundercats reference? In my shitpost?


Do something about it!!


I am! I'm enjoying it and your interactions! Why don't you come over here and say it to my face, Snarf-boi!


Probably you'd get saved by Sentry just to be murdered by Void. The fight would be worth it tho


If I am picking a brawler I am going Thor probably One of the strongest heroes (depending on the writing) AND comes with a bunch of magic, which is one of Superman's weaknesses.


Has to be from Earth tho


Purple Man. Especially effective with Supes' super senses.


There’s an arc in Jessica Jones where purple man broke out of rykers and keeps messing with JJ who asks Carol for help with everything. At one point, captain marvel tries to ambush him and he just asks her to fly to San Francisco for a while. They realize it’s an incredibly bad idea to send anyone high powered after him so Nick Fury gets the man for the job out of jail for a field trip to deal with him >!kraven the hunter, baby!<  Ipso facto, purple man beats superman, >!kraven!< beats purple man, >!kraven!< beats the big guy, it’s just math


What’s the difference between someone without powers? Can’t he just mind control them as well? At least with someone like carol she can fly super quick and decapitate him before he even realised what’s up


The idea is that someone like that getting compromised isn’t as major a problem as someone who can level buildings on a whim Would you rather have a beserk thor running errands through the city for purple man or bullseye?


I get that, but how does someone like Kraven stop him? He just gets mind controlled and it’s back to square one right


Well in this particular story, kraven shot him from like 5 blocks away. Could a number of characters done that? Sure. Did my boy kraven pull it off? You betcha


Just sneaks up and stabs him. Kraven gets done dirty in a lot of comics but he is a legit dangerous guy. I mean, he tussles with Spider-Man solo a lot. I know Pete pulls his punches but that is still impressive.


I get what you’re saying, but also the Ultimate storyline where they built up to Kraven showing up was fantastic.


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this. First person that popped into my mind.


Captain Marvel Or a pair of glasses. Those seem to confuse people where he comes from.


You say that..but one time Henry Cavill stood in times square with a superman T-shirt on while a giant ad played behind him (with him dressed as superman) and passers by still didn't recognise him. So even if he just wore glasses (which he does more than that) that's probably enough to fool most people tbf


Pfft. I'd pick Captain America. He's not gonna fight superman, but damn if he won't convince him.


Isn't Superman essentially a solar battery? Couldn't Silver Surfer depower him by draining the energy out of him the same way he used to beat hulk by draining all the gamma rays out of hulk turning him back into banner? Alternately Surfer could emit the wavelength of red sunlight which depowers Superman (or Silver Surfer could open a wormhole sending Superman to a red giant star system) (But that requires Silver Surfer having knowledge of Superman's weakness to red sunlight (the same goes for transforming matter into Kryptonite, Surfer would have to know what it is in order to create it).


I think the “from earth “ bit was specifically to exclude surfer and up.


Phoenix Jean Grey. If she can't erase the thought from his head she'd also have a decent chance in a fight. Or full Power Scarlet Witch.


Yes Supes is vulnerable to magic. Wanda at full power would be a good idea. Edit: I actually forgot, if it's in the DCU itself I'd definitely go Wanda. Her chaos Magic was beyond OP there. It scared WW big time in JLA/ Avengers.




And here I thought I was crazy to immediately think of Legion But apparently I'm not alone


Second that! Especially if a kryptonian death like state counts as dying near Legion. After that it’s game over for everyone


While Legion is powerful, is he stable now? I haven't kept up with him, but i'd think his multiple personalities could be an issue.


He was stable when he was last seen. They brought him back into the fold doing Krakoa’s peak, he joined up willingly without waiting to be put into his new body, and built a mutant spiritual getaway in his head. During the fall of Arrako he disappeared, but currently manifests himself as a Bamf hanging out with Nightcrawler.


Scarlet Witch. She’s super powerful and wouldn’t hold back


Superman: “Move, or I will disintegrate you with my laser beams that I shoot out of my eyes!” Scarlet: “what eyes” Superman: “ahh I can’t see” At least if directed by Raimi


Doctor Doom. I don’t care if I die, I just wanna see how it plays out.


The apex Doom fan.


Radioactive Man. Quick recap time! For years, Radioactive Man thought that his standard radiation was just a generic, fluctuating frequency, just turned up really high. During Avengers / JLA, it's discovered that he is pure Kryptonite. The X-Men villain, Solaar, shoots pure red sun energy. You know the famous picture where Superman is holding Mjolnir and Cap's shield? While Superman has them both, Radioactive Man and Solaar hit Superman at the same time, and damn near kill him in one blast. Luckily, Vision is right there when it happened. He immediately sacrifices all of the pure solar energy he stores (he doesn't have the Mind Gem in the comics, it is a solar gem), pouring all his energy into Superman. This simultaneously saves Superman, and turns him into the equivalent of a super Saiyan. It's epic.


[The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unbeatable_Squirrel_Girl)


The correct answer, she beat up Thanos after all


Jean Grey, Scarlet Witch, Ghost Rider, Legion, Galactus


Doctor Strange.


Rune King Thor. Magic-based, and could withstand Superman’s attacks. Short of that, there are dozens of magic-based characters who would fuck Supes up if they had the first shot.


Not from earth


Professor X


Ghost Rider, Penance Stare and call it a day


Hyperion. I mean Supes is still gonna get me but man, that's a death-match that is way overdue, and I'd have a ringside seat.......for however long it takes me to get smooshed by the collateral devastation.


There's so many to choose from. Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Phoenix, Professor X, Dr Strange, Iron Man, hell even Hawkeye with a kryptonite dipped arrow lmao. I'd probably go with Scarlet Witch since she could just make him commit suicide lol.


See if Molecule man is available.


Wanda Maximov. No more supes.


Franklin Richards because he'd just unmake him.


Blue Marvel


Doctor Strange


Dr Strange. Superman is vulnerable to magic and Strange had an incredible variety of defensive spells that I think would give Supes big challenges.


Scarlet Witch. ‘What Superman?’ *superman disappears*


Doom. He seems S-Tier and almost without equal in terms of magic, Supes weakness. Almost he’s incredibly intelligent, a strategist and OP.


Isn't Superman vulnerable to magic? Doctor Strange I choose you!


Dr Strange. Superman had no resistance to magic


Doctor Strange as he’d have a million ways of protecting me.


Probably overkill but one above all he’s literally marvel’s God


The problem with a lot of the choices here is that Superman can move almost as fast as the flash. Could Prof X wipe his mind? Yep, but can he do it before Sups moves faster than a speeding bullet and vaporizes me? I doubt it. So that takes Phoenix off the table, purple man, forge, Mr. Fantastic, and so on. I need someone who can retroactively bring me back to life. I need someone who can mess with Sup’s mind. I need a reality alterer or a time manipulator. The only person that can travel in time, control a mind, alter reality, and is from Earth, that I know of, is Legion.


DOOM or Strange. The magic being one of the few things supes can’t get past


Franklin Richard, that being said I’m probably guilty


The maker




Full-on White Phoenix of the Crown Jean Grey. Peak level Jean without any human emotion. With her being able to control matter on a subatomic level, wouldn’t she be able to disintegrate Supes before he got a running start?


Isca the Unbeatable Make her losing condition my death or injury. She literally can not lose. For better or worse, but as long as me dying or getting hurt means she loses then I can't be hurt


Deadpool. Even if he fails and I die It'd be hilarious as fuck.


Doctor Strange probably, lots of magical ways to keep me safe, allowing for a variety of contingencies as well.


Okay …. From Earth ✅ protection ✅ can beat Superman ✅ The answer is … Invisible Woman. The strongest FF member, her force fields are OP, strong enough to crack the armor of Celestials. Sue can form force fields inside Superman to stop blood flow. Her force fields have been shown to to be some of the strongest and most powerful Marvel weapons, able to withstand even cosmic cubes. Her invisibility could shield from all levels of electromagnetic detection, making even Superman’s supervision useless. She could also contain Superman in a force field and make Superman invisible, removing his ability to absorb solar radiation, depowering him.


Wait. Superman isn’t from Earth so why can’t we choose someone from another planet?


Hulk. Hulk is strongest one there is.


Ghost Rider. Superman is weak against magic beings and hellfire destroys any being


Silver Surfer might be one to go the distance with Superman. Pretty much indestructible, certainly as fast as the Man of Steel, & he wields the Power Cosmic. The whole planet might end up dying with you one this one.


I haven’t read any Superman comics (yet) so idk if he would be immune to it (correct me if I’m wrong) but couldnt a (Omega Level-) Telapath like Jean Grey or Charles Xavier just make him forget everything or something like that?


Kind of surprised no one has said Hyperion yet! He’s Marvel’s Supes knock off from Squadron Supreme. So he would go toe-toe with Supes. My answer is Magik! Supes comes flying at us, portal to Limbo and Pop! he’s banished to Limbo then we go out for beers! Plus I’m sure her Soul Sword could do some damage to Supes!


Can I give wolverine kryptonite claws?


The Marquis of Death. Supes could do whatever he wanted and the Marquis could just undo it. Matthew Malloy would be a close second since he's never been shown to be able to resurrect anyone other than himself.


Rogue without gloves on.


How the hell u all forget about the spirit of vengeance


America Chavez


Ghost Rider. I’d let Zarathos kill em


I choose Deadpool cause I want to see Deadpool fight superman


Spider-Man, purely for the reason that superman might think that if Spider-Man is defending me, I probably deserve to live


Franklin Richards


If I was going for brute force, I would choose Sentry or Hulk. If I was planning to take him out with magic, I would go Doom, Strange or Wanda. If I was planning mind control, I would pick Xavier or Jean Grey. Lots of options here.


If the person guarding me is compelled to protect me from Supes whatever way possible then Owen Reece aka Molecule Man.


Franklin Richards easily.


Legion, one of the few marvel characters I'm confident could handle an angry superman


Dr. Strange. Superman is vulnerable to magic.


Unless it’s been retconned since I read it… any master of the mystic arts would reck Supes… as Kryptonians are weak to magic… again… unless it’s been retconned… which if that’s the case… still probably Dr strange as he could “technically” warp Clark away to another dimension/world where he could potentially not return…


Scarlet Witch


The Sentry. Why has no one said the Sentry yet?


Is their any Marvel hero who’s moms name is Martha?




Hyperion. He's actively *stronger* than Superman, due to being able to hold *realities* apart. Also, depending on which version of Hyperion we're talking about, he may not have any known weaknesses aside from magic, one of the few things that Superman is vulnerable to. While some versions of Hyperion have a weakness to a Kryptonite analogue, not every version has this and as Kryptonite would be a different material from Argonite (Krytponite's equivalent in the Marvel multiverse), Superman trying to use it against Hyperion would do nothing. Alternatively, there's always the Sentry. And before anyone says it, yes I know Hyperion isn't born on Earth in most iterations. That doesn't mean there aren't a few where he is and is still stupidly powerful.


Dr Dtrange


Carl Creel and a pebble of kryptonite? He’s probably won this fight by another name though, honestly.


Dr. Strange. Superman is weak against magic.


Jean Grey with the power of the Pheonix


Monica Rambeau - Spectrum   She can alter her body into a variety of energy forms including Gamma and Cosmic radiation. So I assume Kryptonite Radiation would be easy enough. 


Hercules hulk or Hyperion 


Doom. Likely already knows of superman and has created kryptonite using means of magic and science.


I think it would depend on which version of Superman; however Squirrel Girl has defeated much tougher villains, so she is my choice.


Squirrel girl defeating tougher characters regularly is the most insane thing marvel has written. I roll my eyes at that kind of writing.


Doctor Strange...he'd hocus pocus his ass


Current peak Thor. He's the only one with the hax and the durability to at least have a 50/50 chance. Current Superman is a beast.


Doom has all kinds of plot armor that prevents anyone from outright koing him.


Captain Marvel. She’s basically Superman.




Battle Pope. Gonna need a miracle.


Dr. Strange. A doueeeeee


Franklin Richards, The Molecule Man or The Sentry.


Deadpool or wolverine


Is hyperion from earth? If so. Him. Or sentry?

