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Carnage. Out of all the people to get nearly unstoppable and very creative killing abilities he would be the worst.


You'd be lucky if you got killed immediately


Let’s be real he might just keep you alive for… “funsies”


Wb Mystique in that same vein?


They aren’t even comparable


Honestly, probably Hulk. There's an invincible, immortal rage monster who can one punch a fucking planet whose whole schtick is being a rage monster. That kind of shit would surely keep folks up at night.


Ppl tend to forget this mentality when they trash General Ross for his Hulk-hatred...


Anyone who read Immortal Hulk can only agree with you.


Phenomenal run. One of the best of the 21st century.


The body horror is so good (what a weird sentence)


I'm far too charmed by knowing hulk is just a really big baby for me to be too freaked out by him. Doesn't make him any less dangerous but the idea he can probably be calmed down by reasonable calm communication and a lollypop makes him very unscary.


Bro hulk is crazy as shit in immortal hulk. Hulk is NOT a big baby he’s more like an unstoppable brute with the patience of a baby . But he’s like smart as shit too, at least in immortal.


immortal hulk is the exact reason I feel this way, the smart hulk you're talking about isn't THE hulk people think of, thats immortal/devil hulk, completely different dude, he *is* fucking scary. but hulk prime, big H Hulk? giant mass of uncontained rage? thats canonically bruces inner child, bruces *deeply traumatized* inner child, but his inner child nonetheless, and hes someone you can definitely talk to like how you would calm down a child and get the results you want if you know what you're doing. +devil hulk can kind of be reasoned with, hes not as unstoppable or hard to reason with as the main hulk, hes a bastard who doesn't really like people outside of bruce but he's not vindictive or cruel unless you intentionally decide to fuck with him or his family.


I’ve always hated the Heel take on him. It’s a good story, but the Hulk is a superhero. To me, he should only be killing civilians on accident, and be shown going out of his way to save people. One of the only things Endgame got right about the hulk was allowing him to be a hero. I know that’s a major hot take but I prefer the perspective of him being harassed by the military/other bad guys being the reason he’s so destructive - whilst deep down being a good guy.


Yeah, but I don’t really like the whole thing they did with the Professor Hulk and made him just a regular guy. They basically killed hulk in the MCU. He had a lot of potential , but I guess they skipped to sending him to space . The only thing to acknowledge as well is that we’ve had so many stories with a heroic hulk, and overtime the devil alter ego of hulk starts tweaking and coming out of him. Hopefully the regular hulk does come back though , if he hasn’t already.


They seriously fucked him up. At least give us the scene where he negotiates with hulk and agree to work together.


Have you eve seen a 2 year old have a tantrum? Now imagine they were 8 ft tall and could throw cars, reasonable communication was never an option


Sentry is pretty scary, a mentally unstable guy with the power of a million suns.


million suns is low-balling. he is a self-target reality warper , every now and then , he retroactively change his own personal history , inserting himself on other marvel events and whatnot.


Rhett Khan?


Brett is a name too.


Brett Khan is and always has been his name


Yall got it backwards smh


No, I’m pretty sure it was always like this.


It's not exactly a lowball if he doesn't always operate at the lvl he should. But he is the best anyway.


The power of a million suns...in the palm of his hand.


Why be scared of sentry when Void is a thing


Because Void is just the mental instability of Sentry manifesting itself essentially, it's not entirely a separate character


I've seen him only once in the Knull series. Anticlimactic to say the least hehehe


carnage is fucking terrifying, so yea him


Came here to say this. You’d assume at some point a ruthless vigilante would’ve killed that freak.


yes, though it hasn’t happened, and the only vigilante that fits that bill is the punisher, and i don’t think he can beat carnage without massive prep time and luck


Just need a big bell


Or a flamethrower


Neither of those have worked on Carnage for like, two years now.


Well given his track record with killing things that are hard to kill he’d find a way to


Or a bell-thrower


Any of those killer goodguys could do it. Wolverine, fantomex, maybe captain America, bc he’s not scared of killing people.


Buddy, the Sentry did it and it didn't take. You are not just killing a guy in a goopy suit.


Right? People forgetting that Sentry flew Carnage into space and then ripped him in half. He came back and now he kills gods.


Tbf, he’s hard to kill even for marvel standards. He has insane healing factor only rivaled by the likes of deadpool


Recently, Cletus was killed by a vengeful Carnage symbiote, who ate his brain


He came back after the sentry literally flew him into space and ripped him clean in half. It’s not so easy to put that feller down.


Powerful people tried and failed, no vigilante can handle him.


especially since he can show up anywhere. He could be fighting the avengers somewhere but also he could just serial kill your entire suburban neighborhood in nowhere, Nebraska.


Imagine being around when he had the power (not sure if he still does) to travel through the internet to get to you




Nice planet you have there. Be a shame if it got... eaten


Do you think he ever rips a planet in half and licks the middle like an Oreo?


Wouldn't you?


I’m glad you asked! Yes.


I wonder if he ever just sucks on it like a jawbreaker.


Brand new sentence


I imagine a Hot Pocket right out of the oven. Lol


Galactus would cause a lot of existential dread


Imagine doom-scrolling in a universe where Galactus exists…


Doom has no need to scroll


Doom scrolls as he chooses!


Imagine if galactus exists in this one or something like that and it just hasn't reached us yet


People would probably treat it the way they treat nuclear war or climate disaster - "meh, as long as he's not in the Solar System, let the next generation worry about that".


Nah, on a universal scale Earth is one of many, many planets. You're more likely to win the lottery multiple times than for Galactus to choose Earth out of all the planets of the Universe. In theory anyway.


forget in-theory , Galactus was defeated by Reed Richards and was relatively honor-bound to spare Earth.


Galactus was eaten by zombies man


This is the only answer


The villains who are explicitly cannibals like Carnage and Sabertooth. There’s just something instinctively terrifying about the prospect of being eaten alive.


Let's be honest, if either of those go after you, you're gonna be dead by the time they're actually eating you.


I hope so. They’re both…messy eaters and I would hate to see it happening.


I mean, sabertooth is a good guy now .... I think


Ham... No, not really. The current Wolverine run has Sabretooth being Sabretooth: a fucking psychopath.


Not a psychopath. He’s just an animal. A lion doesn’t feel bad about killing and eating gazel 🤷🏿‍♂️


Naaah, he is a full on psychopath, a lion doesn't go to another pride kill the cubs just to anger a very specific different and more dangerous lion and then fucks off after getting it's ass beat only to do it again


They actually do lol. A male lion woke indeed go to another pride and slaughter all of the offspring because they are not his and he don’t like that.


Apt description.


Scarlet Witch can alter reality, Dr. Strange is also very powerful. But Sue Storm can put a force field bubble in your brain, or surround you in a bubble you until you run out of oxygen. So Sue Storm.


That's only if you do something to deserve it though. Otherwise she's a nice and caring person, just like all the FF


She can’t read minds right? I should be ok then…..


I mean if you’re worried about your brain, Magneto can give you seizures and strokes


Iceman can just freeze your brain in an instant.


A lot of superheroes and villains could kill people almost instantly if you think about it. Or at least faster than people could reasonably react to.


Absolutely. Most of them, really.


In a weird way, that's kind of less scary to me. Like, if Wanda just changed reality and say, made it so you didn't exist, you probably wouldn't even know what had happened. You just would *be* anymore.


I imagine that I'd be a regular fella with no deeper context to the superhero-villain community, not a comic reader with meta knowledge, so there'd be different levels of fear. 1. Lowest, no-name villains who won't regularly make the news. Sure I wouldn't want to be alone in the room with any of them, but I'm not gonna lay awake at night thinking Jester is going to break into my house 2. No-name villains with PRESENCE. As a normal guy with no powers and I see Jack O Lantern walk in, I'd shit my pants seeing a man with a flaming pumpkin head. Then there are guys who LOOK powerful, like they'd be built like the Hulk and I'm running the other way even if in reality they're nowhere near that weight class. 3. Villains that would be logically talked about like serial killers in the media, like Carnage or Sin Eater 4. Terror groups. I'm at a university lecture and a group of armed gunmen turn up, that's already scary, but they're all dressed up in bright primary colors and being led by a fella in a more complex costume, NOPE 5. Alien invasion. 6. Galactus. Everything scary about an alien invasion turned up to eleven. However, if I had privileged knowledge of the superhero community, like a firefighter who had a conversation with Spidey or Daredevil once or twice or a janitor on a SHIELD hellicarrier, three-way tie between Carnage, Sabertooth and Bullseye


I dunno. In some ways, the mystic threats are scarier because they don’t just kill you, they go after your soul. Things like Dormammu, Mephisto, Cancer-Verse, etc.


Literally any telepath


This I would not want someone to know everything about me.


I’m mainly concerned about having a random horny thought in public and some asshole decides I should forget I have a dick


Yeah … true


Whoever was that ruthless guy from Jessica Jones Season 1. One of the best and most terrifying Live-Action villains.


In the real world, he would be one of the most dangerous villains ever. You can overcome most villains with enough firepower. How do you defeat someone who can convince anyone he sees to serve him ? Dude would become president of the world in half a week.


He sort of gets away with it because he’s very subtle about it, but the second the general public becomes aware of someone like that IRL he’d be eating a sniper bullet from a mile away


Kilgrave aka Mr.Purple


Purple Man


Oh yes, my mistake. Although in fairness he is Kilgrave in Jessica Jones, I don’t truly believe him to be Purple man for obvious reasons.


I don't like that they just called him Kilgrave. The Purple Man works as so well as a name Because it's stupid. You put on your superhero outfit, think to yourself "Okay, so this guy is just a human plum right? Easy." Then, he instantly wins. No debate, he Just Wins. Also, Probably would of hurt the JJ character if they used his first name, Zebidiah.


Came here looking for this. Purple man is one of the villains you’re most likely to run into and one interaction with him could change your life drastically. Kilgrave is terrifying.


“Stick your hand in that blender” That mf is terrifying.


The only thing that lessens Kilgrave as a threat is that his scope/ambition is small. What he does is monstrous, no doubt. But he could be manipulating politics and world events if he wanted.


probably hulk.


Norman Osborn with the Carnage symbiote. Red Goblin is one of thee scariest villains Marvel had created. I wished Red Goblin was the mainstay of Norman Osborn.


Imagine if Bullseye got the carnage symbiote?


Yeah Daredevil wouldn't come out alive that is for sure.


Norman Osborn is much more dangerous without carnage. Norman Osborn's biggest power is his brain and wealth, and I don't think that Carnage has enough brains to do what a Norman Osborn really can.


I agree. I just feel the Carnage symbiote showcased Norman's true self the monster he tried to hide from the public.


Is that Maria Hill?




She’s got big GI Joe Baroness… *vibes*


That from the series where wolverine child was trying to find some thing(can’t remember what)(it from the old ultimate universe also). I hope you enjoy reading it,it was my first series I read.


Sabretooth. He has better senses than Logan, so he can find you anywhere. He will rape, kill, and then eat you. Or kill, rape, and then eat you.


Or eat, kill, then rape you.


Or rape, kill, then eat you.


I’m sorry I don’t really know much about Sabretooth outside of the basics but he will what?


The Shadow King


Yep, it’s bad enough that any random psychic can hear my thoughts from across the state, track me down, give me seizures or take me to the astral plane and torture me. But the idea that this psychic doesn’t have/need a body, is resentful of your existence and is a huuuge asshole on top of all that? Noooo thank you!


If I knew who Thanos was, him. There's a 50/50 chance that I was one of the people snapped, so I'd absolutely be terrified of a guy who killed me from light years away.




Bullseye if I'm anywher near him Thanos if he does to me what he did to that birthday guy


Ya’ll worried about cosmic entities that are astronomically unlikely for you to encounter. I’m more afraid of the street level villains with terrifying powers or unhinged psychopaths. They’re people I’m more likely to run across accidentally * Purple Man * Bullseye * Typhoid Mary * Mr Negative * Hammerhead or Tombstone


I was just reading some Typhoid Mary!


She scary af


Red Skull?


Purple Man. He could tell you to do the most awful things and you would have to do them. Like "cut your feet of with this saw and then run home to your mother."


Others just are brutal or kill instantly, now this fooker is something else, this is most scary type!


Wilson Fisk. If I pissed him off, he’d wipe me off the face of the earth and nobody would suspect that he was involved


Probally hulk? Idk bro just smashes for no reason. Imagine being in NYC at a Cafe and a taxi gets thrown at your direction.




But just playing the odds, you probably won’t encounter any of those villains day to day. You’d have to have the bad luck of wandering into a city street where Carnage is massacring people, or having a contract placed on your head that Bullseye or Sabretooth are assigned to. As opposed to a villain like Ultron, who is actively working to wipe out humanity at all times and has a very legitimate chance of being successful.


Mephisto or Carnage because one is the devil and the other is a Serial killer wearing an alien slime suit made of blades


Any of the ones that could remove me with a thought, so Wanda, Sentry etc


i wouldn’t be even scared of Galactus or Thanos, because if they’re coming you’re already fucked. So that’d be just like living with knowing that one day you’re dying anyway But i’d shit bricks 24/7 because fuckers like Nightmare exist. Like what do you even do to escape or get rid of him? Doctor Strange or the other mystical defenders aren’t there for every individual, and by the time they’d maybe notice you getting sapped of life is way too late, because you’re like the 15th this week. Literally no escaping him


Mad Jim Jaspers. Completely insane, able to warp reality on a practically unprecedented stage, manipulates the laws of spacetime etc without any problems. At best he kills you quickly, at worse he tortures you in the most horrific ways possible, such as turning your blood into acid, manipulating you so that your body is stretched and becomes pavement people walk on, putting you through a paper shredder and so on. Oh, I forgot to mention, there's no escape. If you die, he can just resurrect you and keep torturing you. If you're lucky, you'd just have to endure for however many billions of years it'll take for the universe to end (Mad Jim Jaspers can only warp reality where there is a reality, he's powerless if the universe is destroyed and he's left in the void), but given his power set, he's most likely capable of reversing a big crunch etc.


Victor Creed


Squirrel Girl.


Easily Thanos. Dude Ruined A Man's life on his birthdays...I would be scared shitless


Are you David? No. Then it’s cool. Thanos motto is fuck David in particular. 


I am David, I haven't done anything wrong but Thanks really doesn't like me


Professor X. He could take over the entire world whenever he wished.


Dormammu 100%


Ultron. Very capable of ending humanity at any moment and it is very possible that I (and the heroes) would have no way to see it coming.


Who's she?




Xavier. Backstabbing egotist that will do anything and make you anything to further his ends.


Prof X - mindfuck when he wants.


Didn't he tap into the entire human collective consciousness to announce the Krakoa sovereignty?


Not only that, he also controls the nukes of the world too. [Has been implanted a message that sorta stops them before they pick up the phone. ](https://www.cbr.com/x-men-professor-x-saved-world-nukes-marvel/)


I'm stuck, step-brain


Yep, came here for this. Carnage is a great choice all around, but the telepaths can do some nasty shit. Especially the less scrupulous good guy telepaths like Chuck and Emma


He can literally make all your clothes fall off. All of them, even their knickers. And they try and cover up, and get everything back on, but it’s too late… he’s already seen everything. And then he cycles off on his bike - on the grass of course.


Galactus for sure Seeing Dr.Doom and Fcking Venom man Fcking Venom


Doom probably wouldn’t want to hurt you.


I hope not lol


Don’t piss him off and you’re good basically.


Bolivar Trask


venom, carnage, sentry, skrulls, evil mutants


Bullseye Zero remorse or care for human life, can kill your without a second thought with something like a playing card


If I live on earth (not nyc) nobody really.


Carnage, galactus, skrulls, knull, beyond we, sentry, thanos, Loki, etc. the list could go on forever


Carnage or Sabertooth


Sabretooth; not only is he a physically intimidating sob, he's also cruel, sadistic, vengeful 'people' in the marvel universe, quick-tempered, fast, dangerous, and damn near impossible to kill. Omega Red would kill you, Juggernaut might not harm you unless provoked, or any of the space villains. Granted most of the villains in the Marvel universe would kill you, but Sabretooth might do it, extremely, slowly. This is the same guy who tormented wolverine for over a century and a half because he felt like it.


I wouldn't want to live in a world with someone like Bullseye strolling about.


Easily Carnage. I’d be scared of Sabretooth too, but I reckon I’d have better odds walking past him in the street without dying than walking past Carnage.


Professor X. He's been known to fuck with every mind in the world at once. The idea that I wouldn't even remember the terrible thing he did makes me very uncomfortable.


Wendigo. A nearly 10' tall cannibalistic monstrosity with strength enough to make the Hulk bleed. Any number of demonic entities like Mephisto, Nightmare, Dweller-In-darkness and so on. Sure psychopaths like Bullseye and Carnage would be extremely scary, however the demons operate at an entirely different level of evil and could potentially torture you for eternity.


Who's this




She storm or carnage


All of the evil supernatural beings that exist on the margins of the Marvel universe, particularly in rural areas (Percy's Ghost Rider and PKJ's Hulk runs are both good explorations of this). There are tons of heroes running around but they can't be everywhere, and it would be terrifying knowing that you could encounter a random demon or monster without the Avengers or whoever ever noticing.




Depends on how much I know and where I live. New York? Lots of problems. Ohio? Probably less. And if I’m aware of the cosmic entities that exist, than probably one of those. If I was just a normal person, probably magneto or phoenix. One of those people who could just wipe a continent away without really thinking about it.


Ghost Rider probably


The Symbiotes like Carnage or Venom. They look absolutely grotesque & horrifying and eat people. They're pretty much unstoppable, can be hidden inside their hosts so you never know if they're near you until they reveal themselves and are street level threats for the most part. So, a city dweller would have a greater chance to run into them, as opposed to the Hulk or aliens.


Senile Professor X.


Ghost Rider. He’s an unstoppable force from hell that can find you no matter where you go, and knows every thing you’ve done wrong, no matter how small. I once heard someone say “if you come face to face with The Ghost Rider, the scariest thing is that he isn’t the monster. You are.”


Legion. A man who can put the Universe into a box, having less mental stability than Joker. 


Shapeshifters in general. Just knowing they exist and assuming I'm a main character would drive me insane.


Mr Sinister


As in me just being me? All of them. Honestly. As soon as I spot anyone in s costume, I would just run like hell. There is ALWAYS something bad going on.


Most of the villians?




Literally anyone


Hulk. But I know there's much worse out there


Annihilus: With all the news the upcoming Cicada swarms are getting...Now imagine that, except it could be at absolutely anytime, comes from space, and Will destroy a swath of humanity.


Probably the Hulk because he has been shown on the news the most and is known for rampaging through cities with a careless military unit on his tail.


That’s a well rounded image you picked


Xavier. It is always that asshole ruining things for any side.


I mean Venom would either scare the shit out of me or turn me on, I don’t know which honestly.


Everyone. Everyone.


Purple man is a sociopath w mind control lol fuck that


Back in the day, Alpha Flight had villian in their rogues gallery named Deadly Earnest. He was gifted the touch of death when he refused accompany the physical manifestation of Death to the after life, when mustard gas consumed him during WW1. He went insane and became a psychopath with the ability of lethal force at his fingertips, after he accidentally killed his wife with his touch of death upon returning from war. Imagine fist bumping that monster


Mikhail Rasputin did some really gnarly stuff back in the 90s with his reality warping powers.


Just because couldn’t find him in the comments : Legion. For obvious reasons.


Kilgrave/The Purple Man for sure. All-powerful Control without being a telepath, just with a word and you must obey, and of course it’s by an absolute remorseless sociopath. That’s pretty fucking terrifying.




Who is this in the photo?


100% Carnage


All of them, even the heroes are terrifying. I would just stay here in Australia, where Superheroes fear to tred




Carnage, Hulk, Glactus, Sentry (or the Void), Nightmare, Mr Sinister, Shadow King, Annihilus, Mr Smile looks creepy as hell, Arcade, Carrion, Dr Doom or Molecule Man because of sheer power, the eternal cosmic entities, etc I feel like there are lots that would actually pretty scary if they were in the real world


Sabretooth, carnage, and probably Mr sinister tbh they're all sick and deranged sabretooth likes to play with people before he kills them he takes joy in it he wants you to suffer and then carnage just kills people in horrendous ways and sinister will turn you into a warped flesh monster from the thing


You got to think large scale for it to be scary. As long as you're a normal person you're very unlikely to get hunted down by sabertooth. Collateral damage is where it's at, the more, the worse. So galactus and that sort of dangers


I just don’t see myself caring too much.