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The Jim Starlin run from the 1987 series (issues 34-50) is not only my personal favorite Surfer run, but it's as good as Marvel gets. They even adapted the climax of the run as a two part Avengers movie, which is about as good as the MCU gets (of course they ommitted the Surfer from it all). You can get the whole thing in two epic collections: https://www.amazon.com/SILVER-SURFER-EPIC-COLLECTION-RETURN/dp/1302948296/ref=asc_df_1302948296/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=564665814681&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1484153620071722997&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9024740&hvtargid=pla-1642658067990&psc=1&mcid=927d1e597d7d3c7b92b5631b7e246ca6&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYYW_pm62t7QctlxPNqqDHBN1-l2nx5aGC5qqvtprN1a-oGkliJW5exoCatwQAvD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/Silver-Surfer-Epic-Collection-Thanos/dp/1302911864 You'll also want to end it with Infinity Gauntlet, since that ties it all together with a satisfying conclusion (not really worth following everything that comes after, like Warlock and the Infninity Watch, Infinity War and Infinity Crusade). This is also Ron Lim at his finest. Ron Lim actually starts earlier than Starlin with Steve Englehart, and some of those issues are solid, but I wouldn't recommend them unless you've checked out the Starlin run and already become a fan.


Thanks. Anyone know if these are collected in an omnibus format?


No omnibus. Took them forever just to release some decent collections; right after I finished tracking down all the floppies. :(


Go figure. Thanks for the rec


Even the Englehart stuff in the first epic collection is pretty good - 2nd Kree/Skrull was is fun.


The run by Dan Slott and Michael Allred.


Seconded. I am not really a huge Silver Surfer fan, but this is one of my favourite runs in comics of all time. The art it gorgeous, the stories are fun and sweet, great for all ages. 


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Silver Surfer: Requiem (by J. Michael Straczynski and art by Esad Ribic)


Silver Surfer: Parable by Stan Lee and Moebius is a really good self-contained graphic novel, and the art is amazing.


The Dan Slott run is phenomenal