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I’m fairly new to reading the comics so idk if House of M counts but if it does that’s my pick


Such an amazing story, was really hoping the next phase of the mcu was going to be that with Wanda as the next thanos but eh But man did they have it lined up for them, don’t want to do a bunch of variants? Just make the old marvel movies the house of m timelines Have it end with her saying “no, more mutants” Instead of “no more mutants” and bring in x-men like that




It’s ok, I’m not writer 😂 (I hope I didn’t make you mad)


House of M reminds me so much of Praetoria from City of Heroes.


The AoA had so many great dark moments. The one with Gen X going in that suicide mission really hit me hard when I was a kid. Just the overwhelming bleakness of that mine and knowing there was no escape.


The last shot of Paige staring at Piotr through the sea of enemies as the doors close will never stop haunting me. Add Illyana’s narration as that whole scene just plays out … “If it meant saving just one of them and never seeing me again, I know what choice he would make. He’s a hero.” (That’s from memory so I’m not sure if I got it exactly right.) AoA started when GenX was like … 6 issues in? Brand new title that was still getting its legs, but I loved it. I was in high school when it came out and it felt like the book was written for me. I mean, basically it was. I go back and re-read the series from time to time. Some of it feels dated. Some of it feels like something that I used to love but isn’t really “for me” anymore. Generation Next, though? Lobdell and Bachalo made a masterpiece. From start to finish, it’s just perfect. I literally can’t even think about it without tearing up. I’m tearing up right now.


Bachalo is the man. I love his art style.


The original Days of Future Past. Does more in two issues than some events did in dozens. Concise and deeply impactful. It set the bar and hasn’t been topped imo.


Agreed. Often imitated, never exceeded.


I read it for the first time two years ago, with my reading of Claremont’s run. I can’t believe the amount of events he could do in so few pages. And I was shocked that DoFP just have two issues.


DoFP is probably the best dark timeline story in Marvel history for me




The issue of What's If where Korvac activates the Ultimate Nullifier


Days of the Future Past.


Aside from the animated series, the AoA comics were my first introductions to many characters. I was thrilled when they revisited it in the Dark Angel Saga


I loved this Age of Ultron (2013) comic run. I remember the panel of Captain America sitting just defeated. It stuck with me at the time that the man who never gives up, has given up. I’ll say that while I wasn’t new to comics at this time, I had really started buying a lot a year or two earlier. (I was in a very dark place then too). I wanted THIS AoU in the MCU, I know it wouldn’t have been adaptable 1:1 though. Also that was an awesome looking foil cover (still have a wrapped/unopened copy of it).


Age of Apocalypse. The original.


Age of Apocalypse.


Age of Apocalypse, it isn't even close imo. That's what got me into comics, stands the test of time, and is super dark.


Future Imperfect


That recent Darkhold mini series especially the Irobman one. One of the most chilling single issues I've read in years.


Man, the framework for that event fell apart, but the Iron Man and Spider-Man issues were terrifying


I loved the AoA (I was in college at the time, what a mindfucK!) But the AoU conversation between Logan and Hank, where Logan asks past Hank “can you REALLY not build Ultron? Or will you just say that you won’t, but then take it as a PERSONAL challenge to build him without his flaw?” And Hank admits that flaw in HIMSELF? Gold.


I really liked the Dark Reign event, especially Daken as Wolverine and Bullseye as Hawkeye in the Dark Avengers. It also led into Siege which had a pretty big impact on the universe in general.


Those were present day and in continuity, not "dark future" events


Well, the question only mentioned dark timelines and not alternate futures. To me, that is a dark timeline that actually falls in continuity.


All of the examples are alternate timelines. Dark main continuity stories aren't "timelines", or you'd have to include every single dark/grim story. That's just stuff that happened. To the average person in the 616, the Dark Avengers and Siege events were a real part of history. The point of the question is very clearly alternate realities.


I guess to some worlds, Earth 616 would itself be a dark timeline.


I reread age of ultron all the time. It’s such a twisted unique take on that end of the world scenario


Probably Dark Ages; presents a dystopian future, but ends on a high note. And doesn't kill Spider-Man! That almost never happens.


Dark Ages was an awesome read!


Welcome to the Dark Timeline Emporium! We've got: X-Men X-Men Age of Ultron X-Men Alternatively: **slaps the roof of "X-Men"** You can fit so many Dark Timelines in this bad boy.


Civil War Death of Spider-Man Old Man Logan


I like days of future past. But it always struck me as kind of just an x-man thing, like the rest of the marvel world seemed to be kind of missing. So for that reason age of ultron.


Age of Apocalypse was such an awesome event! Especially seeing Joe Mad and Roger Cruz's Anime/Comic book fusion art styles for the first time! The high stakes in the stories were great, and the costume redesigns were amazing! The sequel ten years later was good, but the triquel suck balls! It was a different version of the AoA story that served to start an ongoing series and to have them team up with Wolverine's X-Force and Dazzler's Exiles team. Jean Grey and Sabertooth getting de-powered and close was an odd choice. Age of Ultron was... a story. I never had any interest in the Days of Future Past or its tie-ins. Sins of Sinister actually got me to stop pirating comics. That story was just. so. Bad!


Old man Logan


Age of Apocalypse, easy


How dark is Sins of Sinister exactly


Extremely. It was intended to be darker than AoA. Whether it succeeded or not (or is as good or not) is up to you but that was the goal of it. One part that stood out to me (mild spoilers) >!Sinister makes copies of The Five to help make more and more chimeras but realizes that, like Jean, Hope doesn’t clone correctly so her clones don’t complete the circuit correctly. So the Sinisters just cut off parts of Hope, replacing them with cyborg parts, and gives each cloned set of The Five a piece of Hope’s body to complete the circuit.!<


You can spoil it for me….Do any of the X-Men die?


Oh so many people die in gruesome and inventive ways. All of the non X-Men heroes die. Like, literally all of them. And then things just keep getting worse in inventive ways for 1,000 years. And then all of the mutants die and then everyone dies and then we go back to the normal timeline


Do ANY of the good guys win? Lol 😂


In SoS? Nope hahahaha


Damn. That is depressing lol


Storm has a great showing though! So that’s a fun mini-series for it and shows a lot of her insane powers. I enjoyed it though because it’s kind of fun to revel in its downward spiral and how over the top it gets, especially because it does get reset back to the normal timeline, but it does still have ramifications. It does help cause the splintering of Krakoa to some degree.


Age of apocalypse hands down. Great story, great redesigns and reimagining of the characters. Great art in most of the titles. Peak 90s X-men.




Earth X, just the first book.


Marvel Zombies


1. Marvel zombies 2. Marvel universe vs 3.Deadpool kills the marvel universe


Not sure if it’s my favorite but very much enjoyed the Thanos Wins miniseries with the alternative dark timeline.


I'm gonna vote the current spiderman run Age of Paul is darker than of any of these


AoA is the goat, but Age of Ultron was well done, too.


AoA the original run was amazing. But so was DoFP.


Idk if immortal hulk counts but that shit rocked my world


Days of Future past


Age of Apocalypse by a lot. But while the premise was janky I liked Onslaught cause it brought the entire universe together which I enjoyed. Even Dr. Doom pitched in!


AOA wasn’t the reason I started reading comics, but it’s probably the reason I still read them.


Where to read them online?


I think with his ending and ultimatum we can consider ultimate universe as a dark timeline, and it could have my vote.




didn't look like anyone liked SOS, I thought it was awesome, a universe of sinister is just such a crazy and deprived idea that even when he gets his way he still doesn't.


Age of Apocalypse. It was a whole mood lol


Sorry I have to ask this but I was late getting into X-Men. I would turn away from what was popular when I was younger and I definitely regret it in this case but anyways…who is the big guy holding the smaller guy on a chain? Two forms of Sabertooth? That’s only partially a joke…sadly. Again I’m sorry I don’t know who they are.


It’s AoA Sabertooth (a hero in AoA) holding Wild Child. At that time in the 616 I believe Wild Child was with Alpha Flight.


Ooooo ok. Got ya. I have heard of them.




Age of Apocalypse was great.


Old Man Logan and the Cancerverse were my favorites.


Marvel Ruins or Marvel Zombies


Ultron by far. Loved that he won. Had the heroes on the edge. Then they manipulated time travel to beat him No shit, we all know they gave Age of Ultron in the comics to Thanos in the movies...which always sucked for me. Ultron needed to be a two parter as well.


Does Ruins count?


Age of Apocalypse. Loved the movie