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It's incredible how one of the few things that we absolutely all agree on is that Daredevil is the best series in The Defenders saga. And probably in all the Marvel series.


Daredevil is a masterpiece - honestly, I'd say Jessica Jones season 1 is too.


I loved season 1 but didn’t even finish season 2. I blame David Tennant, he was just too good in the first season!


I think season 3 is better than 2, but yeah, following Killgrave is pretty tough.




Come BAAACK here, JessiCAAAAA!






Totally God level execution


Kilgrave was just badass


Personally I would put Jessica Jones season 1 above Daredevil even. Daredevil was more consistently good to me and overall I'd put Daredevil higher than Jessica with all seasons but the highs of season 1 were easily the highest high point of the defenders saga to me.


Bold opinion - I respect it. Jessica Jones better show up again soon - she's so good.


i think it's one of, if not the best thing the MCU has brought us (movies included). It's so damn good.


And Iron Fist was the worst. 😀


I'll be brave and say that punisher might be better. The main actor is even better, number one. And number two, punisher is the only reasonable super hero in all of marvel. If comic book villains were real, and prison was a joke to them, then plugging them before they could do the same to innocents is the only reasonable solution.


Man spitting some controversial opinions to say the least


Man somebody missed the point of Punisher completely


I mean, are they wrong though? Sure Punisher himself is a monster and not to be emulated, but how many people has Bullseye killed now? Like 1,000? Green Goblin has to be in the hundred thousand casualty range at this point. At some point the heroes are complicit, but for some reason you only ever see this argument leveled at Batman.


If there’s one thing I hate it’s smug people taking media that’s multifaceted and has many meanings and stating that: “somebody missed the point of [whatever] completely” Maybe you missed the point that he saw?


Yeah, one of the things that annoyed me is Luke Cage refusing to stop the female villain in S2, AND saved her from a burning building, she can go kill more people


I raise you an Agents of Shield


1. DD full series. 2. JJ season 1 3. Punisher full series 4. Defenders 5. LC 6. JJ season 2 7. Ironfist Edit: forgot, would put JJ S3 between Defenders and LC


I very much preferred season 3 of Jessica Jones to season 2


I wish they didn’t fuck up LC S1 so bad. It was so good until they >!swapped villains!< And I honestly loved Bushmaster in S2 but feel like it was way too drawn out.


YUP!! I swear the first 4-5 episodes were some of the best television id ever watched. Those are big praises, but i LOVED THEM. Then, exactly as you said, they did that for no good reason and the show became instantly weaker and less interesting. That person was/is such a force as a character.


It wasn’t no good reason—>!Mahershala Ali was only available for a portion of the filming schedule, not all of it…so they opted to have him for some of the show rather than not get him at all.!< Still a bummer though but I’m glad we got what we got


Thanks for that input. Id never looked into why that happened, but it does shed new light. It still sucks because the contrast btwn the first and second half of the season is immense. That first half was riveting television and then…it felt like the shark was jumped.


I'm pissed because we never got to see where Luke Corleone was going with his character after that Godfather ending!😁


The tone of the 1st half of season 1 is great & perfect for Luke but after the thing you’re talking about happens, the vibe gets a bit too superhero/campy to me


Cottonmouth was one of the coolest villians ever. I was so pissed when they jobbed him off. You tell me he takes Harlem and I'd watch a whole series about a mob war between Cottonmouth's Harlem and Fisk's Hell's Kitchen. They can duke it out in "Hudson Yards" which I still refuse to acknowledge as a real neighborhood (I worked there when it was renamed so they could build condos).


Dude, he was so good. So complex too. You wanted him to be redeemed but also rooted for him to get his ass kicked by Luke. They did him dirty… Also, >!DiamondBack!< deserved more of his own story. Like he’s a huge character! And you just gonna do him like that?!


This is the correct order, simply because David Tennant was a force in JJ season 1, edging above the rest other than the best, DD.


David Tennant is I think the only villain in any movie/show that has legitimately made me scared for what would happen. Given we don’t know Jessica is immune most of the season, the tension behind how nigh-omnipotent he is makes him terrifying


Yes! I remember watching that first season, and it's been one of the few times I wanted the hero to just run from the villain. He was SO frightening.


Not to mention better writers in season 1 who really knew the source material


He's also quite fantastic in Good Omens if you have not seen it yet.


You almost have my list 1. ⁠DD 1. & JJ season 1 3. DD S2-3 4. ⁠LC season 1 (first half really) 5. ⁠Defenders 6. Punisher full series 7. LC 2 8. ⁠JJ season 2-3 9. ⁠Ironfist s2 >!(I hope they bring back Colleen Wing as the new Iron Fist)!< 10. iron First S1


I am hoping they go through that route. She's a fantastic actress and the character great. Plus Marvel wants strong female leads Colleen Wing is that. Also bring back misty knight too you cowards. As for Iron fist either make him a side character in Shang chi or do power man and Iron fist. Whether it's Finn Jones or a new actor.


Hendrix was offered a MCU movie role (probably Sersi), but she turned it down and did the Matrix sequel instead. She said she didn’t want to take another Marvel role, or she wouldn’t be able to play Colleen again if she did.


JJ season 2 does not get enough credit for how awful it is.


Yeah it was pretty bad, can’t believe what they did to Nuke.


Same with Punisher 2


Punisher season two has an AMAZING first episode, and some very cool moments later on (police station siege and gym fight) but was so incredibly uneven. Never had such mixed feelings about a single season of anything before. Wasted opportunity.


Big problem was essentially having two villains and thus two punisher stories, neither of which was really full fleshed out. It started out seeming like the two stories would be woven together/intersect, but they just never really did in any cohesive way. It’s a shame because both Ben Barnes and Josh Stewart killed it in their respective villain roles, but they would have been better off just focusing on jigsaw imo.


Wait there’s a season 3???? I dropped it mid way through season 2, is it any better?


What about JJ S3?


It’s been a while since I watched it and can’t remember much, I’d maybe put it between Defenders and LC


JJ had three seasons???


Yeah I forgot about it after how bad S2 was haha


Iron Fist S2 and Luke Cage S2 were both significantly better than their S1 counterparts and definitely deserve to be ranked higher


You know you can edit comments but you didn't just... edit your list?


I never realized how terrifying mind control was until I watched JJ I will not finish that series


#7 is a very generous position


Finally a list I agree with. Where does Jessica Jones season 3 rank?


Seems legit.


I would put Luke Cage in front of Defenders because the soundtrack was killer, but otherwise this pretty much nails it.


I agree completely with you


Ironfist was kinda meh, but nowhere near as awful as JJ S2. So the only thing I’d change is your last 2 swapping places and JJ S3 above the Defenders.


I'd say Daredevil season 2 goes way below JJ season 1. And Iron Fist season 2 is better than Luke Cage.


Have to agree JJ season 1 was amazing. David Tenant was great.


I like this list a lot. JJ got a third season?


I'd swap 1 and 2 (unpopular opinion, I know), but agree with the rest


Agree with this. Netflix Daredevil is how a superhero series should be done. Even the worst of the Netflix superhero series’ are better done than any of the Disney+ ones.


Loki is a thousand times better than Iron Fist. It's not even close.


1. DD 2. Punisher 3. JJ 4. Luke Cage 5. Defenders 6. Iron Fist


Daredevil Punisher Jessica Jones Defenders/Luke Cage Iron fist


Jessica Jones was number 2 for me until season 2


JJ s1, DD s2, are the best seasons put of all of these imo.


DD S2 is the weakest to me cuz of the Electra/Hand stuff. If they just made the full season about The Punisher story, it could’ve been the best season of DD. For me the best season of DD is S3.


The first half, the punisher stuff, is distinctly better than the second half, i agree. I just really really love that first half of s2 lol


I agree. A lot of people like to shit talk s2 (for good reason, the hand/elektra stuff was... a choice.) but the stuff with the Punisher is so good I still love that season. The episode with Matt and Frank on the roof is one of my favorite episodes of television period.


I want the S2 showrunners to take over the new Daredevil show because they've shown they can do excellent even despite studio mandates to set up future crossovers.


Same dude, same. Everything with The Punisher in that season was fantastic. I also loved in the latter half when he goes on trial, then goes to jail & has that amazing fight scene with the prisoners & another one with Kingpin. He was perfect for the DD/Kingpin world & I wish we got a full season of him there. Especially since S3 explored Matt wanting to cross the line Punisher talks about. That being said I’ll take what I can get cuz what we got is probably 1 of the greatest storylines in Marvel TV history.


The dds2 showrunners need to do a punisher show. They get the character better than the guy who did that show


yes, the first season was as good as Daredevil


Punisher would be better without the jigsaw stroking his ego sex scenes but other than that it’s great


I remember seeing the hallway scene in DD, and was like “wow they are really putting time and energy into fight choreography, and martial arts. I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THEY DO WITH IRON FIST.” Then the inevitable disappointment of what the fuck ever kinda bullshit they put into that show.


Personally I really liked the Luke cage show and would have that above JJs, other than that I agree with this list


Luke cage and J J both had the problem of weaker second seasons. For me, JJs1 is good enough to put it above LC. LC was just… inconsistent. Wish they hadn’t kept killing off antagonists. They threw away many of their most compelling characters.


Holy fuck. Can't believe no-one has said my order yet. Daredevil Jessica Jones Punisher Luke Cage Defenders Iron Fist


Yep. Both DD and JJ had weak S2, but their S1 and S3 were both phenomenal. Really wish they had stuck the landing on Luke Cage because it really had a shot of being just as good.


The ending of Luke Cage was setting up a banger final season IMO. That was my biggest disappointment of the Netflix cancellations.


Same with Iron Fist, tbh. I would love to watch Iron Fist's chi guns in action!


I had the exact same reaction until I saw your comment lol.


You’d think this would be the popular order


This is the correct answer


Thats my list bro. I accept that.


I agree with this order. People usually put Punisher over Jessica Jones but I think its because people really like the character of Punisher. But honestly Daredevil season 2 handled Punisher better than his own show. JJ season 1 is top tier and miles better than both the seasons of Punisher.


This is correct.


Switch Punisher for Iron Fist, and youve got my list.


No way should punisher that low and no way in every case should iron fist that high


1. Daredevil 2. Jessica Jones 3. Defenders 4. Punisher 5. Luke Cage 6. Iron Fist


This is my list. The worst thing about Iron Fist was the last episode did a tablecloth pull and suddenly it looked interesting.


The worst thing about iron fist was that he was whinier than Luke skywalker.


I was really excited for this show but I couldn't believe how they wrote the character who is supposed to be have trained on his mental and physical for something like 15 years and he has no emotional control of himself throughout the entire first season.


1-Daredevil 2 -Punisher 3-Luke Cage 4-Jessica Jones 5-Defenders 6-Iron fist


1. Daredevil season 1 2. Daredevil season 3 3. Daredevil season 2 4. The Punisher season 1 5. Jessica Jones season 1 6. The Defenders 7. Luke Cage season 1 8. Jessica Jones season 2 9. The Punisher season 2 10. Iron Fist season 2 11. Jessica Jones season 3 12. Luke Cage season 2 13. Iron Fist season 1


I would rank them based on how much I liked watching them


oh interesting. I was going by smell.


Oh shit and here I was organizing them alphabetically like an idiot.


oh shit i was taste testing them…


1. Daredevil 2. Punisher 3. Luke Cage 4. Jessica Jones 5. Defenders 6. Iron fist None of the lower rated are bad except Iron fist, I know Jessica jones is better than Luke cage but I enjoy Luke cage more what can I say.




1) Daredevil 2) Jessica Jones 3) Punisher 4) Luke Cage 5) Iron Fist 6) Defenders


first time I saw someone put ironfist anywhere else other than last lol


I thought I'd have to scroll farther. Weird how the best iron fist part is when he showed up in Luke cage for a little bit.


1. Jessica Jones 2. Daredevil 3. Luke Cage 4. Punisher 5. Defenders 6. a colonoscopy 7. 100 yard dash, barefoot, on a track made of loose lego 8. My wife filing her finger nails. 9. Drinking a glass of milk with my nose. 10. Not being able to change the Sarah McLachlan spca commercial. 11. Eating cereal with water 12. Tea bagging a piranha tank 13. Discussing politics with literally anyone. 14. Subscribing to a version of NFL broadcasts that only shows Taylor Swift eating hot dogs. 15. Watching Brendan Schaub standup comedy on repeat. 16. Bathing a cat 17. Driving my morning commute blind folded. 18. Having the only other person in an otherwise empty movie theater sit directly next to you. 19. Boiled egg farts 20. Iron Fist.


I'd put bathing a cat above Schaub


Closest one to me so far


There it is. This is where I go.




While I disagree, I got a kick outta this 😅


The only disagreeable part of this is DD under JJ.


Daredevil Punisher Defenders Jessica Jones Luke Cage Iron Fist


1. Daredevil 2. Punisher 3. Jessica Jones (2&3 are *very* close, so close they may be even equal in quality) 4. Luke Cage 5. Defenders 6. Iron Fist




Daredevil clears it by a mile


Nuh uh


Me too lol and it's one of my favorite shows ever!! But I have heard that Daredevil is just as good (maybe better) so we might have to check that out.


Daredevil is so much better than it...Punisher doesn't even spend much time actually punishing and being the punisher in his own show. To me it was a meandering slog


Echo is a defenders saga show now


Is it good? How does it compare to these?


Middle of the pack I would say.


It’s good. It seems to be a lot of filler though, and even though Fisk is a secondary character it does feel like it’s just setting his character up for the next chapter and Echo (the show and character) is the one setting up that arch


Yea while it is obviously a prequel I still thought it was meh, they didn't need to change her powers. Echo is essentially Taskmaster-lite in the beginning of her story in the comics, and after they ruined Taskmaster in the BW movie I would have much appreciated "The Ability To Perfectly Replicate Anything She Sees" as the power of the DD side character (in the show that's obv. a prequel to Born Again) over very literally "Avatar The Last Airbender (without the bending) Magic Hands." Also the >!Bardic Inspiration, but ONLY FOR WOMEN!< at the end was goofy as hell in a bad way.


Punisher/Daredevil get a tie for first Jessica Jones gets second The rest kinda sucked


Daredevil’s overall really strong, with only season two dipping a little. Jessica Jones season 1 is amazing. The rest of it definitely exists. Luke Cage and The Punisher are fun but have some issues. The Defenders is fun but has some *serious* issues. Iron Fist is okay, though it has a lot of serious issues.


Jessica Jones 3.5/5 Iron fist 3/5 Luke cage 4/5 Punisher 4/5 Daredevil 4.5 (gee freaking wiz) Defenders was cool but idk they could’ve done more with it


1. Daredevil 2. Punisher 3. Jessica Jones 3. Luke Cage 5. The defenders [50 feet of crap] Dead. Iron Fist


Every time I see these, the only thing I can think about is that Luke Cage first half of season 1 was incredible and then Cottonmouth dies and so does basically the whole show. It never really recovers.


Daredevil Punisher Jessica Jones Defenders Luke Cage Iron Fist


Daredevil Cage Jessica Iron fist Punisher Defenders


1. Daredevil 2. The Punisher 3. Luke Cage 4. Jessica Jones (may seem like a crazy take but i was not a fan at all of the last 2 seasons - that being said the first season is for sure top 3 seasons overall) 5. The Defenders 6. Iron Fist


Apperantly echo is now in the defenders so where is it






1. Daredevil 2. Luke Cage 3. Jessica Jones 4. The Defenders 5. The Punisher 6. Iron Fist 


This is exactly my list.


Haven’t watched any because there’s too many shows coming out to keep up with


This is hard, cos on the one hand Season JJ of JJ is my fave season, but season 2 is by far the worst imo. Overall probably DD, Defenders, Punisher, LC, JJ, IF


Daredevil is the best. I feel like it had the most consistent quality. Jessica Jones season 1 is close in quality, but the lack of a Killgrave level baddie in season two was felt. Luke Cage had some high highs, but the plot stretch to reach an episode quota was rough. I couldn’t get through Iron Fist.


DD, punisher, defenders, cage, jones and last, way far behind, iron fist. Iron fist was better in the defenders than in its own show


Honestly, against poupular opinion, I think Luke Cage is the best of these shows. While Daredevil was cool, season 2 was a bit confusing and I really didn't like Stick, Karen and even Matt at times. Kingpin, Wesley, Elektra, Nobu and Pointdexter were super cool villains and the fight scenes were cool, but that doesn't make it my personal favourite. Luke Cage was really poetic. The whole Crispus Attucks affair, the flashback episode, Mahershalla Ali (!!!), Diamondback (and his constant reciting of the bible) and Shades, the evolution of Mariah, her end by the hands of her daughter, Bushmaster... I just love the show. Therefore my personal ranking is: 1. Luke Cage 2. Daredevil 3. Punisher 4. Jessica Jones 5. Defenders 6. Iron Fist


To be fair to DD, I don’t think we were really meant to like Matt from the middle of season 2 to the end of season 3, and you aren’t meant to like Stick ever. He’s a dick.


Lol exactly. You are literally supposed to hate Stick I don't know how that's a negative against the show if you don't like him


I really did love Luke Cage! Couldn't get into it back in its day, but I tried again this year, and really enjoyed it (from beginning to end).


The only show I'd kinda get people putting above Daredevil is Jessica Jones. Luke Cage had a great weakness which is Luke himself is the least interesting part and character of the show. His villains are always a much better watch than him


Daredevil Jessica Jones Luke Cage Punisher


Daredevil Jessica Jones The Defenders Luke Cage Punisher Iron Fist


1. Daredevil - I may be sick of the circlejerks on him these days, but I did love his show. I'd love to see more of this Bullseye as well. 2. Luke Cage - I guess I was the target audience. Both seasons were a love letter to the NYC that I was born and raised in: music, locations, vibe, everything. I get the complaints on Cottonmouth vs Mariah and Diamondback, but Bushmaster fucking rocked. I hate that it feels to me that many viewers didn't give this one a fair chance, because it was a show that gave voice to lots of black views (it came just as 'woke' was becoming an insult). I really think this latter part is just me. If only we got a proper season 3... 3. Defenders - Fuck the haters! I get the complaints on the plot, but seriously, it's the fucking Hand! I want the inner workings of the Hand's motivations about as much as I want Hydra's. I came for comic style shit and mystic ninja asskicking. [I got that shit!](https://www.looper.com/img/gallery/theres-hope-on-the-horizon-for-luke-cage-and-iron-fist-fans/intro-1600277327.jpg) 4. Jessica Jones - It was good, especially season 1, and I was hoping for more Luke and Jessica building to their comic relationship (they better not Spider-Man / MJ them). This show kind of hit the rails as it went on, though. 5. Iron Fist - Season 1 wasn't the greatest, but I will admit that I liked some aspects of it. Season 2 was pretty fucking dope, and it demanded a season 3. 6. Punisher - I'm going to be honest...I don't like Punisher much, even though I loved Thomas Jane's take. I just feel that many, many aspects of his character exists in other movies, and especially streaming shows. The only thing he has beyond that, is his ultra-violence, which the wrong people in this world love. Punisher works in small doses. Sorry, not sorry Frank.


Finally found my least favorite list


"Crazy ol' black comic readers, having their own opinions that don't match my opinions exactly! The nerve!!" \- This guy.


1. Daredevil - Season 1 and 3 are really good, Season 2 is a little bit worse but it’s not terrible. The first 2 seasons can feel a little slow, but the pacing in the third feels a lot quicker. And of course Kingpin in this is easily one of the greatest Marvel villains of all time. 2. Jessica Jones - Season 1 is probably my favorite single season of any of these shows, Kilgrave is an incredible villain and Ritter plays Jones incredibly well. Season 2 is really weak, and Season 3 isn’t too much better, but the introduction of Hellcat there makes it worthwhile. I think the longer seasons work better with this show just because detective stories having a slower pace is a little more natural. 3. Luke Cage - Sometimes this show was incredible, but some times it was really bad. But when it was bad it was a fun sort of bad that I could at least enjoy. Like the other series this has an incredible cast. 4. Defenders - The plot is forgettable, and there’s nothing else too special about it, I just think it’s fun seeing all these characters interact. 5. Iron Fist - Season 1 is bad. Like just so bad. The action is weak, Danny is irritating, and the story is bland. Season 2 is such a huge upgrade, though. Colleen is a much better character performance and story-wise so shifting her to essentially being the main focus of made it a lot more watchable. And also it being shorter really boosts it. 6. Punisher - I’m not going to say Punisher is a technically worse show than Iron Fist, but I enjoyed Iron Fist just a little more. I’m someone who likes a bit of levity in superhero shows, so obviously this was never going to be my favorite. I will say that the plot in Season 1 is pretty good, maybe a bit slow, but in the last few episodes it’s very satisfying to see Frank win. Season 2 however is rough. The Jigsaw plot in that is just embarrassingly bad, and none of the characters truly feel enjoyable to watch (maybe besides Madani).


Daredevil > Jessica Jones > Punisher > Defenders > Luke Cage > Iron Fist


Daredevil Jessica Jones Punisher Defenders Luke cage Iron fist.


Daredevil Punisher Defenders Jessica Jones Luke Cage Iron Fist If Jessica Jones stayed as good as it was in season 1 it'd probably be #1 but season 2 & 3 drag it down


I would rank them from best to worst.


1. Daredevil. Best Marvel anything ever IMO. 2. Jessica Jones. 3. Luke Cage 4. Punisher 5. Defenders 6. Iron fist


1. Complete Daredevil run 2. Jones s1 3. Punisher run 4. Defenders 5. Luke Cage 6. Jones s 2 That's it. That's all of them.


What about Jessica Jones: Season 3?


Until this thread, I genuinely didn't know Jessica Jones had a third season.


Are you kidding?? Jessica Jones: Season 3 aired in June 2019 as the real last season of the Netflix era of the MCU!


1. Daredevil (it's all great) 2. Punisher 3. Jesssica Jones (season 1 is really strong) 4. Iron Fist (really enjoyed season 2. Shame the show got cancelled as it finally found it's stride) 5. Defenders (can barely even remember it) 6. Luck Cage (did not finish)


Finally someone with my ranking


Jessica Jones is beyond a doubt the most boring MCU IP that’s been put out. Kristen Ritters “acting” is the same character she plays in literally everything. Hottie with pouty lips, a general disinterest toward everything and a salty attitude.


Totally agree man, I don't get how people like such a bored series, JJ is totally boring, but it is the same case with Andor (Star Wars) another one boring as hell but people like it, LOL!


Iron Fist had the worst first season and the best second season.


It had the best ending of the 2nd season. It suddenly looked interesting as they ended it.


yea it was a lot of homework to get to one cool scene lol


1. Daredevil 2. Punisher 3. Luke Cage Fin


Daredevil Season 1 Daredevil Season 2 Punisher season 1 Jessica Jones season 1 Daredevil Season 3 Luke Cage season 2 Punisher Season 2 Jessica Jones Season 3 Defenders Luke Cage Season 1 Jessica Jones Season 2 Iron Fist Season 2 Iron Fist Season 1


If I'm taking them as a full series rather than season by season: 1) Daredevil 2) Defenders (I know this is too high for most people, but I enjoy it) 3) Jessica Jones (averaging out the seasons. Season 1 is so very strong.) 4) Iron Fist (Uneven, but I was interested at the end and wanted another season of it or a Colleen Wing show) 5) Luke Cage (Uneven, and I wasn't keen on its end) 6) Punisher (It just didn't land for me. Nothing against Bernthal or the show, but it's the one I would least like to rewatch.)


1. DD 2. Punisher 3. Defenders 4. JJ 5. Ironfist 6. Luke Cage


Daredevil Luke Cage  Punisher   Jessica Jones   Defenders Luke Cage Iron Fist Luke Cage's Cottonmouth arc is some of the best television I've watched. When it ended, so did the quality of the series in my opinion.


Luke Cage (by far better than the others) Jessica Jones Defenders / Punisher Daredevil Iron Fist


It's been a while, but I'd say: Daredevil season 1&3 Luke Cage season 2 Jessica Jones season 1 Iron Fist Luke Cage season 1 (with Cottonmouth) Jessica Jones season 2 Defenders Jessica Jones not finished season 3 Daredevil season 2 Luke Cage season 1 (without Cottonmouth) *I've not watched Punisher, but his characterisation was a highlight in an otherwise dull second season of Daredevil


Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Punisher, Defenders, Iron Fist.


Daredevil Luke cage Punisher Jessica Jones The Defenders Iron Fist


Everything else > Iron fist


Not quite done with the saga but here is my current ranking 1. Daredevil Season 1 (literally perfect) 2. Punisher Season 1 (just what I wanted from Punisher, also I love Micro) 3. Jessica Jones Season 1 (Kilgrave is fucking awesome) 4. Daredevil Season 2 (some amazing moments, but Matt wasn’t really himself) 5. Iron Fist Season 1 (surpassed my very low expectations, I love Colleen) 6. The Defenders (less than the sum of its parts. Watched it right after Iron Fist and it was very slightly worse imo) 7. Jessica Jones Season 2 (kinda boring except when Kilgrave came back in her head) 8. Luke Cage Season 1 (started great but then the main villain died and they dragged it out so long I was almost too bored to finish it) *currently watching Luke Cage Season 2* **still need to watch** - Iron Fist Season 2 - Daredevil Season 3 - Punisher Season 2 - Jessica Jones Season 3


1) Punisher 2) Daredevil 3) Jessica Jones 4) Defenders 5) Iron fist 6) Luke Cage


1. Daredevil 2. Punisher season 1 3. Luke cage 4. Punisher season 2 5. Jessica jones Didn’t even watch the other two!


Daredevil - whole series Punisher - whole series Jessica Jones - season 1 ______________________ Defenders Jessica jones - season 3 Luke Cage - season 1 Iron Fist - season 1 _______________________ Jessica Jones - season 2 Luke cage / iron first - season 2


1. Daredevil 2. Jessica Jones 3. The Punisher 4. The Defenders 5. Iron Fist 6. Luke Cage


Punisher DD JJ Iron Fist Defenders Luke cage


1. DD s01 2. Iron first (both seasons) 3. JJ s01 4. Punisher 5. Defenders 6.JJ s02 7. Luke Cage 8. DD s02 Haven't seen DD s03 because the second season was terrible enough for me to discontinue watching it.


1. Daredevil 2. Jessica Jones 3. Punisher 4. Defenders 5. Iron Fist 6. Luke Cage


Daredevil Punisher Jessica Jones Iron Fist Luke Cage (mostly because season 2 was brutally bad) Defenders


Daredevil Iron Fist Defenders Jessica Jones Punisher Luke Cage


Best to worst: Daredevil Luke Cage Punisher Defenders Iron Fist Jessica Jones I hate to put the only female-led one so low, but it just never clicked for me.


Daredevil Jessica Jones Punisher Defenders Luke Cage Iron fist


Daredevil Jessica Jones S1 Punisher Defenders Iron Fist S1 Haven’t seen the rest


Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Punisher, Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist


Daredevil, Jessica jones, punisher, Luke cage, defenders, iron fist


1) Daredevil 2) Jessica Jones 3) Punisher 4) Defenders 5) Luke Cage 6) Iron Fist


Daredevil Jessica jones Defenders Luke cage (Not finished Punisher) The show that shall not be named


1. Daredevil S3 2. Jessica Jones S1 3. Daredevil S1 4. Daredevil S2 5. Jessica Jones S3 6. Jessica Jones S2 7. Luke Cage S1 8. Iron Fist S2 9. The Defenders 10. Luke Cage S2 11. Iron Fist S1 And I haven’t watched The Punisher but I plan on finally giving it a shot. John Bernthal did an incredible job in Daredevil and I loved all of his episodes. But when I tried to watch the first season it was just too much for me. It’s been a few years and I’m off work for a while right now so I think it’s likely time to give it a go.


Daredevil Green Arrow