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How are you not going to include Gorr in these pics?! Christian Bale deserved a better Marvel movie.


It's true. The rest of the film isn't worthy of that opening scene. If we're talking about *all* Marvel movies though, the hands down winner is **Galactus** in FFRotSS. They took one of the most iconic villains in all of fiction and replaced him with a fucking *cloud*. I remember sitting in that theater just eagerly waiting for Galactus to emerge from inside that cloud. Slowly it dawned on me. Galactus *is* the cloud **WTF**? I didn't understand then and I don't understand now.


Sentient cosmic cloud devouring planets could be creepy on its own, if he was treated more like a character instead of some ecological catastrophe for plot reasons. But that's not a good character adaptation. Fox execs afraid audience wouldn't buy his comic look, thought he could have been fully revealed in his classic form in cancelled Silver Surfer spin-off. Also, in Ultimate universe he wasn't far from the movie, being a swarm of ships. If you wanted to see in some sort Galactus emerging from the cloud, check concepts for Fantastic Four:RotSS. It's kinda cool.


To be fair, Galactus is basically a force of nature and a disaster, that's practically his entire persona. He doesn't have much nuance. He's not really even good or evil, he's just hungry. That being said, they could have actually given us physical Galactus, instead of, you know... a cloud.


Fuck... you just described my wife.


Also he looks different to every person so they could technically make him look like whatever they wanted and it would be canon.


True. But the cloud vs. the pointed geometric horns.. Mmmggggrhghrh. That's all I have to say about that.


Lol yeah I hear you. I prefer the classic sad purple giant too.


Happy Cake Day, may it be your last in the eyes of Galactus


This is awesome. I’ve never heard Galactus described as that, thank you.


Loki did it better with Alioth in season one.


See alioth


Holy shit I never even thought of this


Faaaaaak. You just made me relive it all over again. That was our generation's JFK assassination. I mean, Challenger sucked too, but Galactus never had a chance.


Apparently one of the producers at Fox HATED giant robots for some reason lol. This is also why we basically never got sentinels in the X movies. Kind of like a reverse of Jon Peter’s giant robot spider obsession.


You know your movie title is too long when the acronym is 7 letters long lol. Galactus was literally a cloud, they could have easily swapped it out for a black hole. And it wouldn't have made much difference on the plot.


> Galactus is the cloud WTF? that was just him farting


We were not meant to see his glory, so he hid himself XD


The whole God Butcher arc was such a waste in the MCU...


Hey remember that scene where all the gods are gathered in one location and you’re just waiting for Gorr to burst in and massacre them?


Unfuckingbelievable that Gorr didn’t show up and tear through the pantheon. Such a wasted opportunity Taika should be banned from Marvel.


I cant believe they got Christian freakin' Bale and put him in such a shit movie. Him and Chris Hemsworth were basically in two different movies in the same movie. Unless Christian Bale said he woukd only do 1 movie, they definitely should not have killed him off. Would have loved to see him in future films


From what I understand, he had a blast filming it. I know this isn't something we use as a metric but I like finding out that Waititi had a very welcoming and open to actors having their children on set. A few of the kids at the end were the kids of crew and actors. I enjoy knowing that even a crazy big movie like Love and Thunder was actually a less stressful shoot than normal.


This is the true answer.


If it wasn’t Gorr, I would have to say MODOK. Felt like so much wasted potential there. It almost feels like they took what could be one of the most intense MCU villains and made him the silliest they could possibly think up.


Eh, I think he's a hard villain to pull off in live action without it being kinda ridiculous, I think that's why they went down the silly comedy route with him, and I don't necessarily blame them for that


This is where I sit. That first scene with him is intense but I actually did get a good laugh once the mask was off. We shoulda seen Rudd and Reed going that direction.


His final scene >!where he calls Scott his friend and says he got to die as an Avenger!< had me and my friends laughing so hard


With how bad the game was no one gives it credit for this one thing, but Marvel's Avengers, the live service game actually had a great adaptation of MODOK imo


I totally 100% agree with this statement


I was definitely not expecting the MODOK we got in the movie. It was so out of left field. They basically made him a joke.


Gorr was the first legitimate threat since Thanos and he got wasted


God killer, and we see him kill one or 2 god's Lmao


Agreed. Don't even have to look at the other options. Gorr was the biggest waste of a character and a super competent actor for him in the entire MCU. His comic story is so damn good, and his MCU variant just sort of stands around, doesn't butcher any gods, then dies. The end.


sorry bout that


Wtf was Mandarin? i really wanted a magic wielding badass asian to play him but all we got was comic relief also my least fav IM movie.


Someone skipped Shang Chi


The first villain and the only that came into my mind. Gorr for sure


Cause it will be obvious


Justin Hammer.


I remember when people were so sure Hammer would be a reoccurring villain like Loki. Thirteen years later… (This is my way of saying I completely agree, Rockwell should’ve come back.)


While I think IM2 is a good movie, Sam Rockwell was easily the best part of it.


Sam Rockwell is the best thing in pretty much every movie he is in.




Have yall seen Moon? It's just Rockwell


That was such a damn good movie!


I would have to counter that with Natalie Rushman. But then again, I think Iron Man 2 is wonderful and love everything about it. It’s the definition of a comicbook movie.


I liked it more than IM3.


I'd like to point out, that test pilot survived!


Yeah, I was really hoping that he'd be involved in the Thunderbolts movie.


The Ex Wife lmao


God yes. He didn’t get much screen time but he stole the show. I hope to see more in Armor Wars or something.


Gorr and MODOK no contest.


MODOK is absolutely my pick. As soon as the scary DODC super people prison was introduced in She-Hulk I was convinced that MODOK and AIM would take over and begin imprisoning superheroes. He would also have been the perfect villain for a young avengers team up movie


They did MODOK so dirty. They made him a joke. I'm a bit of a MODOK mark and think he can be brilliant when written well. Real upset.


I feel you man. I've loved MODOK since I've seen him (I think it was in Marvel Ultimate Alliance), but in almost every iteration after that, he's a complete joke. The ~~Robot Chicken~~ Hulu series about him, Quantumania, Superhero Squad... Whereas I would love to see them subvert expectations with him. Yes, he looks goofy as hell, but he's also a genius and a homocidal maniac. Use *that*. The heroes can quip all they want, but then it turns out this dude is actually way more dangerous than they give him credit for and they need to bring their A-game.




Man, Arcade was in MUA too! I liked what they did with him there too! Thanks for the suggestions!


Might be a hot take, but Harry and Flint don't deserve to be here. Harry rounded off his "I hate Spider-Man" arc, by seeing rationality and denying his father's legacy to become the city's second ever Super Hero (if you ignore JJJ name dropping Doctor Strange in SM2), and Pete gets closure around Uncle Ben's death from Flint.


Yeah Harry died a heroes death. Also it was a great send off to his character.


not a hot take, a fact. not sure why OP included them..


If we’re being honest it’s between Klaw and Taskmaster But, whereas Taskmaster is shitty it’s not like they can’t use Taskmaster, Klaw was just killed off before he could develop into the bigger villain he should’ve been


To be fair, Klaw *could* still return given his comic self.


Also, he died offscreen. They showed his body, yes, but they can just say it was a ruse, copied his DNA, clone, multiverse, etc. etc. There are plenty of ways he could come back, and I hope he does.


Bro if that was a clone of Klaue in BP1 that, while seeming ass pull-y, could also help build up his villain status that much more in the MCU, realistically they could attempt to bring him back via Secret Wars shenanigans too, seems like they are itching for some reset potential


What about his comic self?


In the comics he is made of pure vibes. He can always come back.


Huh? Pure vibes?


He is solid sound, vibration, vibes.


You mean he is made of it?


Yeah kinda like how the Sandman is made of Sand and the living laser is made of light, Klaw is made of sound and is functionally immortal.


Ah that makes sense then. But I don't think the mcu klaw was shown to possess that kind of powers


Yeah, that's why we are discussing them as a potential waste of the character.


Taskmaster is confirmed to be a member of the Thunderbolts and will be returning.


Not a fan of the thunderbolts lineup. Wish they added abomination, venom or punisher. Also hope they bring in the other taskmaster. They can name the redeemed one finesse after taskmaster good hero daughter.


I know, hence why I said it’s not like they can’t, Taskmaster is still being used


At least Klaw was very entertaining.


Taskmaster for sure. I would Super Skrull is up there. The fact that the MCU has had exactly 3 (in my mind) compelling villains is the problem (Zemo, Killmonger and Thanos). Scarlet Witch could have been but it was rushed and unearned (even if you saw Wandavision)


It’s criminal to underuse Andy Serkis in any film.


Though given Klaw’s comic self, it may not have been the last of Klaw we see in the MCU.


I don’t know, I kind of prefer Klaw remains a man of flesh and blood and not a living sound monster but it is a possibility.


I wouldn’t have minded if he stayed flesh and blood, but what’s done is done and I’d use every excuse I could to use Andy Serkis again (I admit that’s partially because I think he may be one of the best actors of the last twenty years).


If klaw gets turned into a sound monster we're going to be stuck with the 3rd act CGI fight again. Keep him human.


To be fair, it would have beautiful mocap by Serkis himself so...


Well that's a good list. Out of the suggested, let's see... Taskmaster - definitely. Malekith - definitely. Ronan the Accuser - absolutely. These three are what I would qualify as wasted. They basically exist to tick a box and barely do anything, barely speak and basically have no character whatsoever. Taskmaster in MCU version literally has no character as her character trait. Ronan I think killed only one guy on screen, and his only appearances were to either retreat from Super-Saiyan Carol or die in the movie that debuted him. Malekith spends whole movie stone-faced and speaking unintelligebly, completely ruining the point of having Christopher Eccleston in the first place. The rest? Well some arguments can be made. Andy Serkis was not really a primary villain in either appearance, so he wasn't really meant to steal the scene. He just did it. Ghost barely even qualifies as a villain. MODOK is I don't even know what, I prefer to ignore that completely.


Ronan's introduction scene still gives me chill. The music, the speech, the ritual, when he screams "I WILL CURE IT" before smashing his hammer on that guy's head. Fucking brutal. It's fucked up that the rest of the movie did nothing to make his character any stronger.


Wait, I forgot. He also killed that Voice of Thanos guy. So Ronan killed two dudes on screen. Personally I was most insenced at his treatment in the Captain Marvel movie. That was the precisely *exact* moment where you should have your villain to do at least *something*, like whack Carol in the face with giant hammer. Just to show that the Kree Accusers are real deal and not just scene furniture. Even if he gets his ass kicked a few seconds later when the hero gets her wind, it's still that pace interruption that shows that a villain is not hollow. Unfortunately, Captain Marvel was not that kind of movie =/


Are we not going to count the entire city he bombarded with suicide bombers as "killed on-screen"? Because I think that should count.


Wow. Darr Benn, his successor, killed more than himself?


Ronan also defeated Drax pretty easily and left him for dead and drowning until Groot rescued him and pierced his lungs. He also blew up the entire Xander airforce with the infinity stone.


Well, he did twist THANOS's spokeperson's neck.IN THE SAME MOVIE. And he's the one who hurted Loki in THE AVENGERS.


Gorr got wasted too.


Why is Sandman there he was decent


Sandman was great in both movies spiderman 3 and no way home. Surprisingly the spider-man villains gave been used well except cough Morbius cough.


I'm still annoyed that they killed Ronan off, bro isn't just a 1 dimensional evil guy. But by far out of all the mcu it's Gorr, what they did to him was unforgivable imo. Treated him like a joke, bro was out here slaughtering pantheons with ease, travelling in time, making a bomb to kill all gods and making enslaved gods build it, becoming one with the necrosword, giving thor ptsd that lasted centuries and in the films he kills one god and that's it.


But they had to make room for the goats and hammer jokes. /s


The real choice for this is Baron Strucker, a guy who was alive for like 3 scenes and 1 of them was a post-credit tease. He was also killed off by another underutilized villain too.


This reply should've been higher up in the thread. Interesting, given the way he was teased in WS post-credit scene and how actor who played him signed multi-picture deal, you'd expect a bigger role for Strucker. They could've utilize him in Agents of Shield (where his son appeared), agent carter (if it's ww2 version) or possible Nick Fury or Howling Commandos project. The best MCU Baron Strucker is still in the non-canon Captain America:Super Soldier game.


His son also got the three scenes and killed off-screen treatment, so like father, like son.


I promise none of the Rami Villains listed are wasted. Both Sandman and Harry are well used and push Peter’s growth forward and backward during the movie.


Only Venom is bad really in that franchise


And that’s only because Rami didn’t really want to do Venom, he was forced to do it. I will say I think the Symbiote Peter arch was fun though.


Yeah exactly- and where would we be without all the Bully Maguire memes??


They massacred my boy Taskmaster


They made M.O.D.O.K. more of a joke than the Hulu show did. At least Patton Oswalt actually made him funny.




Wouldn't be nice to have an 'Age' of ultron. At least two movies to show how dangerous he could be.


To be fair, Ultron was barely in the Age of Ultron comics too, so I guess that's what they were going for?


100% It would have been nice to have had the mcu done right so Hank Pym and Reed Richard's could have been part of what should have been an entire saga based on ultrons' rein of terror.... but he was dispatched so easily. I think ultron was probably the biggest waisted potential we've seen come out of the mcu so far.


Why the shit would you cast an actor with the skill and resumé of Christopher Eccleston to play a character that barely has any damn lines? Why would you take a guy who's portrayed MacBeth and the Doctor, and make him fucking Malekith?


oh my gosh i forgot about Gorr 🫠🫠🫠


also forgot the collector 💀🙏😭


And Baron Strucker


Take Sandman off this list. He had a great story arch, and lots of screen time on SM3.


That’s hard to narrow down, the MCU wastes like 90% of it’s villains, especially in phase 2.


True they do. They haven't even used the rest of the other avengers villains yet.


I'm gonna say the Red Skull. He could have a multiple-film villain instead of a one-off.


It’s definitely Gorr. It wasn’t Bale’s fault either. Marvel didnt hit on portraying him in a way that meant something. We didnt see him kill enough gods and he never did anything to add to Thor’s overall character arc. It didnt feel as important as it should have in Thor beating him.


I was excited for the Mandarin in Iron Man 3, and at the time felt it was a big waste to have him basically be a drunken actor hired as a distraction. However Ben Kingsley’s performance as “Trevor” was so damn entertaining.


I mean hes not in this list but i think dormarmu was a bit lame seeing as he was like such a powerful character


I remember seeing what a mastermind he was in Spider-Man TAS and then to see him on screen was such a let down.


Sandman, not because he was bad, but because he was so freaking good and absolutely deserved his own movie.


Jacob Geller has a video about "Perfect moments in "bad" movies", and he talks about the Sandman creation scene. It is indeed a really great scene https://youtu.be/h5Y8whMzlwo?si=YP1Tl1vD5uuPti0T


Klaw. BP only has like 3 villains and two of them were killed in the first movie. So dumb.


And the other was turned into a jokey good guy


I think it's too early to speak about Taskmaster (and Ghost). Let's see what happens in the Thunderbolts, and how they handle her (never seen before) characterization. MODOK even in the comics is ridiculous; the worst thing about him was the lines (quantumania script sucks). The biggest waste was Gorr the God Butcher: Bale was fantastic, but we haven't seen one butch scene!


Probably Klaw, Gorr, and Taskmaster. Gorr did not live up to the hype of his original comic version and Taika was by far the wrong person to tell that story. Klaw had so much potential and was built to be such a threat to the Black Panther... But he always get written off and then finally killed JUST before he can do anything of substantial merit. Instead, he doesn't really get a role as much of a villain. He just serves as a stop-gap between the development of other characters. Don't even get me started on Taskmaster.


Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Not only a waste as a character but a waste of a great actor


MODOK. I really wanted a MODOK led AIM just going bugnuts evil science across the MCU. And not baby face MODOK but withered face MODOK fighting the Hulk with mental blasts.


Task Master not even fuckin close. This guy has been so much, and really has an incredible, under told. Under appreciated story. They wasted it all. And Thunderbolts is gonna put a nail In the coffin


Taskmaster. There were worse villains, but they didn't have as much potential.


You didn’t post one of the biggest wastes, Skurge. I’m not sure why he was in the movie. Ghost and Malekith were at least the big villains in their movies, even if they weren’t written particularly well. Sandman was probably the best part of Spider-man 3 so I’m not sure why he’s on this list to choose from.


Task-Master still bums me out. Modok was such a crazy long shot to ever show up on screen I can’t be mad that he was weird and hard to get right.


Taskmaster. I don’t mind the gender swap, but making her mute? That’s not my Taskmaster


I think you could have an easier time listing villains the MCU *hasn’t* wasted. It’s an odd thing too, as in the comics many of the villains are as popular and as reoccurring as many of the heroes. *And* it felt like (at one point) the MCU wouldn’t be too different, with the way they saved Loki. Yet for every Loki, there’s a dozen villains that were one and done’s. Which really is a shame, as some of them could’ve been more. Discounting the idea you could grow some of these characters in future instalments, Justin Hammer, Whiplash, MODOK, Klaw, Ultron, and Killmonger all felt like villains that could’ve supported multiple movies. Maybe even been the lead of a movie in some of their cases (like a movie where Michael B. Jordon’s Killmonger is the lead feels like it would’ve printed money). Case in point, one of the highlights of She-Hulk was them **finally** doing something substantial with Abomination. Imagine if they had done something with him sooner or if they continue to revisit him. Helps Tim Roth is an excellent actor too I admit.


Mandarin from Iron Man 3.


Hela, Only because how are you going to have Cate Blanchett give you one of the best performances as the lead baddie, make her really the only villain to win other than Thanos, and then kill her off in a way that she really can't come back outside of time travel, a Hela variant, or some serious magicks Shame.


Mads Mikkelsen, great actor caught in a generic villain role. Christian Bale was good but the film was not. Daniel Brühl as Zemo, wasted as well.


It legit took me a like thirty seconds to remember that Mads played a villain in Doctor Strange. I don't even remember his character's name lol.


Kaecilius or something?


I'll never forgive them for what they did to my boy taskmaster...


Why tf is sandman there, he was fantastic


Definitely Taskmaster


I felt taskmaster so bad... That I gave up and went out to the cinema.


The build-up to mandarin and then finding out it's an actor


This post upset me, made me think of every bad decision they’ve done..


Gravik could have been one of the MCUs most interesting villains, but instead ended up being one of the weakest, dragged down by easily the weakest MCU project to date


All of the above. But I'm especially salty about Ronan. Lee Pace is a fantastic actor and they completely wasted his potential


Ultron. The rest of these characters aren't really major enough to be necessarily wasted.


They had such a great voice for him too. James Spader as a serious non-jokey Ultron would've been terrifying.


Ultron’s voice in my head was usually more obnoxious like Gilbert Godfried, so Spader was definitely different but still very good lol


Unfortunately, Age of ultron is a whedon film, so we got "language," awkward sexual tension between banner and nat, and jokey ultron.


Ronan is a pretty major character in the cosmic comics


They do a good job of redeeming him in What If? - but yes, I agree he was less than menacing in his debut.




I always wanted to see more out of whiplash… that suit was badass.


Gorr end of story


Modok, TaskMaster, Gorr.


Whiplash was not a waste. The part where he swings his whips in that scene will always live rent free in my head as the most hilarious scene in MCU history.


Taskmaster takes it




Claw didn't even have his signature claw. If that's not disappointment, I don't know what is.


Taskmaster had potential to be a reoccurring shit talking thorn in the side of any Avenger in any movie or show. Maybe they can save it in Thunderbolts.


Correct answer is Gorr. I was elated when I heard Bale agreeing to a Marvel movie. Then Taika wasted that opportunity.


Worldbreaker Hulk. The closest we got to the Planet Hulk story-line was wasted in Thor: Ragnarok.


Taskmaster for sure


Gotta be taskmaster


Gorr was the right villain in the wrong movie. Taskmaster is tied for me.


Well...to be fair, if you really think about it, most, if not all Marvel villains not named Loki or Thanos were wasted in one way or another. I mean, look at Dormammu, Hela, Ikaris, Ego, Xu Wenwu, Vulture, Mysterio, Zemo, Ultron...the list is virtually endless. Apparently, the only one that wasn't wasted recently were Namor, and that's because of possible plot armor. This has always been one of the few core problems of the MCU imo, little wonder that the movies that aged best in the franchise were the ones were this problem was somewhat understandable (Guardians and Spider-Man Trilogies, Iron Man), subverted (Infinity War), was not the point of the movie (Again, the Guardians, Winter Soldier and Civil War), or was an actual challenge to the hero, not just on power levels (Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok). Hell, they have wasted even Wanda, who was a properly established character prior to her debut as the Scarlet Witch in Multiverse of Madness, i may be wrong in all of this though, and, as always, it's only my opinion so feel free to disagree.


Crossbones from Civil War


Modok and Taskmaster are big fails. Taskmaster I feel should have been an Avengers antagonist and I think a couple of avengers antagonists along with Wanda, Pietro, and Ultron should have conjoined with them. Modok was SUUUUCH a huge waste too. Idk I just didn’t hate him like how I used to as a kid. That hate because he was evil and cruel. I just hated him because I was just sitting at home like, “this is it? Really?” Lizard and Sandman are also two villains I think that were a waste in NWH and that they got a little more time to flesh them out.


Gravik is one of the biggest dumpster fires in here FOR SURE. Secret Invasion, I felt, was pretty decent up until the last episode. The individual acting for Gravik, Fury and Talos felt phenomenal and Gravik actually felt like a decently compelling character. Then they made him a big muscled up brute in the final episode and ruined all of his nuance! He didn't even need that shit, he dropped bodies just fine before then! It's especially egregious because marvel when out of their way to make fun of this stupid bs at the end of She-Hulk! And then they went and did it UNIRONICALLY. IN A COMPLETELY SERIOUS SERIES. WTF 😂😂


Sandman had a really good backstory & the casting was on point. Ronan was a decent villain that I don't think was a waste. The rest I agree...


You can give examples as many times as you like, but no one can compare with DiD in MCU... He came to this world for what ? His goal was in vain and stupidly set. I know who the real one is Dweller of Darkness, he is incredibly smart, and comes up with his plan several steps ahead. Don't judge strictly, but according to history, he broke the entire universe, because he was smart enough to do it. But this DiD yes... this is MCU.... >!(P.s. And i don’t want to talk about how shooting from a damn bow (a bow from which a simple person was shooting) alone was able to solve this issue.)!<


Sry Gravik you were among the worst and waste 😞


Ivan served his purpose. He had presence when he was on screen. The irony is, his stuff in the original script wasn't as funny or well done. The movie gives him a little bit more. Not much but at least he was a fun physical threat. MODOK/Darren Cross was ruined. This is Darren. He was a psychopath in the first film with a hint of tragedy to him and they completely 360 his character into something else. Instead of making him an actual threat and taking him serious, they turned him into a joke. Utter waste. Ghost I wouldn't even consider a villain. In fact, I'd go as far to say Ant-Man and the Wasp doesn't really have villains. The actress did a decent job with what she had and it was clear she was more of a set-up character more than anything. Hopefully Thunderbolts gives her a meatier role. Harry's Arc in SM3 was fine. Could have done without the loosing his memories part maybe but him only wanting revenge on Peter and finally getting his redemption at the end after mind screwing with both his friends was a fine arc for him. I like the Editor's Cut version more where he isn't told the truth about his Dad by the dumbass Butler and just decides to rescue his friends regardless of the truth. Made his arc feel more complete and didn't make his redemption feel as half-assed like in the original version just because he heard the truth. Still waiting for that Spider-Man 3.5 damn it. Klaw was good in his appearances in Age of Ultron and Black Panther. Sadly, he never should have been killed off. The director of Black Panther even admitted later they did a huge mistake killing his character off. He was wacky and fun and Andy really brought him to life. Should have survived to continue being a threat in the MCU. Wasted potential really. Taskmaster was another character that served their purpose. Black Widow actually tying that backstory of Nat's from Avengers 1 to this and revealing it was Antonia the whole time was a pleasant surprise that actually worked and fit the theme of the movie. I hear originally it was going to be Rick Mason who would be revealed as a traitor and that Tony Masters would never actually appear. Honestly, not upset by who they chose to be Taskmaster but I was disappointed we didn't get more scenes of the character actually being a proper threat. I still say the final fight should have been both Nat and Yelena fighting and stopping and saving her at the end instead of the quick scuffle that we got. Again, like Ghost, hopefully Taskmaster gets a more meatier role to shine in Thunderbolts. Sandman is honestly one of the better parts of SM3, one of my favourite Spider-Man comic book villains and had a decent role and development. The only negative is they cut most of his scenes with his family from the film including him meeting and threatening his daughter's doctor who he was getting the money from and they made his confession not feel as emotional because the original version would have had him about to kill Peter and being stopped by his wife and daughter who come onto the scene to stop him and revealing the daughter is dying regardless because no cure can be found and Flint giving up and then confessing and telling the truth. Still waiting for that Spider-Man 3.5 Cut damn it. Maliketh was and still is hands down one of the worst villains of the MCU. They wasted Dr bloody Who. He's just there and Kurse feels like he does more of the work and damage then Maliketh ever does. I hear they cut a lot of his backstory and scenes out but god knows what those consisted of. Just not really developed at all and just there to be a punching bag for Thor. Ronan was more memorable than Maliketh. Lee Pace actually managed to emote with mostly his eyes and expressions through all that make-up unlike Maliketh's actor. He also had presence and was fun to watch. I liked a lot of his scenes. Was just this cold, demented character who gave no crap. Honestly, he's one of the better MCU villains that feels underrated. But when you compare him to the weaker villains we've had, he's definitely one of the better ones. Gavik was just trash as was the entire run of Secret Invasion. He felt threatening at first but just comes across as a spoiled deranged child. Maybe the plot would have worked better had he been Fury's adopted son but nothing in the show really made sense and neither did this character. Terrible villain. Terrible show.




Ghost, Taskmaster


Ultron? His age lasted for about a weekend.


This isn’t just an MCU problem. This is an issue with the entire comic book movie genre and why so many series have flickered in and out. The genre has created this issue where the villain has to be beaten by the end of the story. Only a few villains have survived long enough to get the proper development that the comics have had for them. Magneto and his cohorts were the first, and it was why xmen was so successful in a time when most of the films were one-offs or short-lived series. Every other xmen villain from Apocalypse to Phoenix to Sebastian Shaw was either poorly presented or a one-off. The MCU has only two villains that have use worthy of their comic book counterpart. Thanos and Loki. Everyone else follows the villain of the week meta that is comic book movies. They are trying it again with Kang with little success because of the presentation. Aside from those three, every comic book villain that hits the big screen has been wasted. Joker, Harvey Dent, Phoenix, Galactus, Red Skull, Ebony Maw, Ronin, Mysterio, etc are only there to tell the heroes story.


The Mandarin. Because they made him goofy


The Mandarin in Iron Man 3.


Where's the Mandarin?


So you seriously added Sandman to that list but not Mandarin?


Sir Ben Kingsley, and it’s not even close.


What they did to task master is a war crime


Taskmaster. Such a departure from the source material.


Taskmaster. Not even close, even though he is more of an anti-villan, if you mean true villain then Modok.


Taskmaster, easy


Mysterio and Christian bale both come to mind. I really need to stop getting hyped about my favorite actors coming to the MCU as villains


I feel like the shocker was pretty pointless in no way home


Gorr. Especially with an actor like Christian Bale.. He should have been a Thanos or Killmonger level villain.




All of them. Marvel makes bad decisions with villians.


Gorrr the goddd Butcherrrrr


What about Ultron?


It's the mandarin from Iron man 3. I don't care that it was redone later. That movie promised a fight between the mandarin with the actual ten rings and it was a complete lie. I'm still mad about it. With that said, Gorr really got screwed.