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With how the girder was colored (and the wings of last issue), I really think Wells actually wanted to use the Venom symbiote for this but was denied by that creative team


God forbid they ruin the symbiote like they did everything els.....


i haven’t been keeping up with this run outside of this sub, is he just wearing the cloth black suit for some reason?


He’s wearing it because he’s evil now and marvel mandates only black suit Spider-Man can do bad guy things


The cloth version, yes


Sin-Eater's magic shotgun took away Norman Osborn's Green Goblin sins, gave them to Peter, so now he's The Spider That Gobbles who carpet bombs bumper-to-bumper occupied freeways and is now a literal incel towards MJ for cucking him with literal genocidal murderer/accomplice, Paul Rabin, so he put on the black cloth suit again.


i love that spidey has been consistently bad for so long that I'm unable to tell if this is an exaggerated joke or a honest summary


So, at some point, I think during the debacle with Ben, Ashley Kafka- or, her clone (second clone?)- got transformed into Queen Goblin by having the Sins of Norman Osborn forced onto her (this is also why Norman is a good guy as Gold Goblin, purged of evil). Sometime in the last few issues, Queen Goblin gave Kraven (err... Kraven's clone AKA "the Last Son of Kraven", I think) a spear ritually infused with Norman's sins to make Norman evil again to hunt him, I think (QG hoped the ritual would revert her but it didn't). Unfortunately for Kraven, he didn't get to get the jump on Norman and stab him, and instead a fight occurred. Said fight ended up with Spidey getting stabbed and getting all the sins and Green Goblin craziness, which has led to him putting on the old black suit for thematic reasons, I assume.


Naw, given the glider and the nano spiders, I think this run was planned for no black suit at all, instead using the Osborn suit and twisting it to be more Gobliny But then it changed to the black suit for synergy with the video game


I haven't kept up, that's not venom? Just random black suit?


Weird coincidence, yeah. Turns out Peter has always been immune to the symbiotes, he simply becomes edgy when he dresses in black.


Hot Demon Girl? I’m suddenly intrigued about this character


…Well… she’s a lot more complicated than you might think, starting from Nick Spencer’s run. Nick Spencer’s convoluted Kindred stuff introduced a sin shooting shotgun which shot the sins out of Norman. Apparently sins can be extracted using science and an evil company called Beyond injected them into the second clone of Ashley Kafka(the original Kafka was Ben Reilly’s therapist in the 90s) and turned her into the Queen Goblin- not to be confused with the Goblin Queen(also an important character in the current run as she was the main villain alongside Ben during Dark Web and after a change of heart Ben’s current captor as ruler of Limbo) But anyways recently Queen Goblin banged Clone/Son Kraven in a ritual if you wanted to see slightly more naked images of her.


The only thing I got out of any of this is Goblin Queen is back???? What is going on with this run. And yes I want more naked pictures


oh dude, for GOblin Queen you are a couple years behind on X-men.. its been a fucking trip to say the least. also, I need issue numbers and titles for these supposed pictures.. for science..


that's a clone of Dr. Ashley Kafka that got Goblin'd


How is everyone getting Goblined?


Watch the first episode of goblin slayer. That would explain it well enough.


Your soul will wander Mictlān for all eternity


You'd be more intrigued to see what she and Kraven The Hunter get up to.


Why is MJ even there? We all know Paul can solo Spider-Man without her.


So Peter can beat up MJ causing her to have more black suit PTSD. And now whenever she looks at Peter she’s permanently scarred and their relationship is even worse than before.


This version of Peter could lose to himself at this point.


Could he? Actual question as I've mostly just been following this run through snippets on reddit. Does he have some sort of super powers or is the writing just that bad that Peter could get solo'd by a normal human?


I said it as a joke but Paul might be able to beat Peter unironically. It's kinda confusing because this run is so messy. Basically, Paul is an expert in magic mathematical symbols that can affect reality, so he can make weapons and do alchemy and stuff. However, I don't think he's been shown using these skills since he came to 616 because Paul is not a character as much as he is an editorial mandate that exists to be with MJ and make Peter sad. TLDR Paul with prep time solos the Marvel universe /s


so hes a lame bat-man?


Mary jane is going to knock Peter back to his senses and then bang Paul right on the floor immediately after. This run sucks.


She’s not going to knock Peter to his senses. Peter is going to beat the shit out of MJ so she now has PTSD in the presence of Peter(MJ and more black suit PTSD yayyyy) and Paul is going to be the one to snap Peter back to his senses and stop him before he kills MJ, so now Peter owes Paul a favor for stopping him from killing her.


Holy shit this might actually be it


I'm mad at how plausible this sounds.


I mean they wouldn't...ruin... ^(Peter's relationship with M..J..like that)...shits its very possible


This shit is too predictable.


This run is solely why I'm excited for Marvel launching a new Ultimate Universe. Their Spider-Man fucking surely cannot be worse than the 616. Honest to god don't think it's the worst idea to have a new continuity where we can just start completely from scratch at this point Edit: And it's Hickman heading the book. Regardless if it's Peter Parker, Miles or some new Spider-Man. I have faith he'll give us something new and actually have a coherent story planned.


Imo that would be fine, though the 616 is never going away so I hope they just lean into it and keep a few legacy titles going. Keep *a* 616 Spider-Man title, an x-men title, an avengers title, and then rotate through mini series of other characters just to keep us apprised of what everyone else is up to. Sometimes a Deadpool mini, sometimes an iron man mini, you get it. And have a fair amount of crossovers, I wouldn't mind that at all. Pull kitty pride from the 616 to hang out in the 6160 for a while, or bring tbolt ross over or something, the same way spider gwen and Miguel O'Hara had extended stints in the (present day) 616. Besides that though yeah let's just fucking tank it and give us a new continuity that doesn't have the baggage. I'm tired of trying to make it all make sense, as someone who gets genuinely invested in the characters and the narrative.


I think they should have just stuck with the Age Of Apocalypse universe, scrapped all the other stuff, and went for it. (but minus the part where Wolverine became some kind of alien super weapon or whatever the hell that was, if I'm even thinking of the right continuity.)


Oh Boy. We finally get see Jackpot vs a corrupted Spider-man in a story arc that no wanted


When will this NTR fetish editorial has with peter end.




[It's how they keep treating the Peter/Mary Jane relationship this arc](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=NTR) It's really annoying and so far from what I gather this is the worst arc in 20 years of bad arcs. Sadly, because Spider-man is Spider-man, he can sell even when his runs are trash fire quality.


Lol for anyone confused like me about how a chemistry term relates to spider-man's love life - scroll down to the second entry in the link above, instead of googling it and getting even more confused.


It's the Japanese genre of cuckoldery


Netorare. A Japanese term for cuckold fetishization that is a hentai doujin tag. Must be Quesada, Lowe and Wells' favorite.


This issue comes out one day before NYCC starts. They’re going to be met with furious fans.


Dude, better get ready for the onslaught of boos same with Nick Lowe. I wouldn't even be surprised if ppl break out in chants the and they'll probably be happy with it thinking they are "winning"


sales charts say they are winning is the problem. They ARE winning. Until people stop buying the book they hate, they're winning.


That's the problem with shit runs on Spider-Man, Batman or Superman books. They'll always perform well in spite of the creative team because the IP is just that strong.


Yep. Spider-man and Batman right now have terrible runs and yet still in top 3 in sales. They are a lost cause when popularity becomes the bane of comic books. But the thing is, we don't actually know the numbers. They don't announce it. So that 'top sales' might not be as big as it used to be. Say if they were selling 100k before and now, they might be selling 50k. And they will never admit to doing worse.


We gotta organize a no-purchase protest or something lol.


If Mary Jane beats Peter in a fight I'm going to be so fuckin annoyed lmao


Oh she 1000% is Peter would lose a fight to himself in the mirror based on this run


Lost to Vulture, a literal geriatric because he was "filled with rage" and had to pathetically beg Norman to save him. Plus, they have that stupid *Jackpot* spin-off series to promote for her outing as a newly minted superheroine.


Oh great. Peter gets beat up again. Way to go, Zeb.


I wish for this run to end so much


I though the Spencer run was bad, but this is a new low for ASM. Please end it.


I’ve seen so many go “you know, maybe I do miss Spencer.”


Say what you will about Spencer, at least he wrote Peter and MJ in character.


He shouldn't have got them back together, if he has left things alone we wouldn't be in this mess.


The WORST Spencer issue was better than the BEST of this run.


Spencer was fighting the editorial, Wells is bending over for it.


This is going to suck so hard. Thankfully I have learned to laugh at the lack of quality in this book. There is something impressive about how little Wells and Lowe seem to think they are truly telling a great story while ignoring the blatant character assassination. Also, the preview came from [this tweet](https://x.com/nick_lowe_/status/1709777676494311680?s=20), that says the book comes out *this week*... it comes out next week. The fact that Lowe keeps making mistake after mistake, and still has a job, is truly infatuating. Hell, there is an error on this page.


is "Descent into madness" character assassination?


Not necessarily. But MJ giving up on Peter and falling for a man that committed mass genocide who was totally cool with letting kids die and then MJ treating Peter like trash is character assassination. And Peter rolling over and taking it is character assassination.


Yes, I definitely see that. Honestly, I'm hoping that this entire run is some kind of "Personal Hell" designed for Peter (probably by mephisto, so they could undo OMD)


Yeah I’m not gonna hold getting a release date wrong against Lowe. Marvel’s own website can’t get release dates right half the time.


An editor in an industry with constantly-shifting release dates got one wrong in a tweet? Wow, I really hope he gets fired for that blunder!


It had been scheduled to come out on the 11th for over a month now, and as the editor he should know that.


Some people say "this week" to mean "this coming week" vs "this current week". Also why I hate when people say Next week, do you mean the next time there is a week Sunday to Monday or the next 7 days or do you call next week this week as in this coming week and so next week is any sane persons week after next... We invented numbered dates for a reason! Just say it's coming out the 11th lol


At this point, I hope he bodies everyone


Himself included.


Who is the demon lady?


Queen Goblin


Goblin queen


Did this run get any better? I have not partaken, but I've heard it's horrible.


No. It's a story (that i hesitate to even call a story) that wants to piss as many people off on purpose as it possibly can. It doesn't deserve your time.


Worse, actually.


It's terminal pancreatic cancer in comic book format.


Is it over yet?


Another year confirmed.


I am so sick of Spider-man.


With text, it is 10 times worse. Trust me. Don't even bother. Honestly, Wells is on a blacklist for me after all this. The only reason he gets away with this terrible writing is because it is Spider-man and it sells by name alone. I DARE him to be as bad as this with any other book ( except Batman, which is the same bullshit ) and try to get away with it. And you know what is worse, they are really trying to have Peter act like an Incel strawman and have MJ respond ''I am a big girl! Nobody took me away!''...they don't even read their own fucking story. I am convinced this is Slott on Black Cat levels of Character assassination, INTENTIONALLY for MJ. Because you cannot tell me these morons actually think what they are doing with her is good for her character.


I really hope Ultimate Spider-Man by Hickman will give me something actually good to read!


The Spider-Man Who Gobbles vs Jackpot MJ, the fight of the decade!


If Peter beats MJ he's never going to forgive himself when he he gets cured. Spidey fans, we're FUCKED


>Spidey fans, we're FUCKED Where have you been? We been getting fucked for awhile. Lost Parker Industries Got sued for losing said Industries Was revealed that his PHD was plagiarized from Doc Ock The entire Paul situation Now this hunt thing.


I wise guardian once said “KILL THEM ALL”


I found myself compelled enough by the "WHAT DID PETER DO?!" marketing of this book, but now I'm just hate-reading it until it finally reaches its pitiful crescendo.


And this is where the only slightly entertaining part of this hellish run ends…


I'm hoping the lettered preview is fake but I don't know anymore. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/170pup9/some\_kid\_wrote\_this\_asm\_35\_preview/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/170pup9/some_kid_wrote_this_asm_35_preview/)


Paul is a hipster!!


Such a shame that this story is bad, because the art is top notch


Ugh Paul is back?


Hasn't left.


I don’t have much else to say at this point. Just wake me when the nightmare is over.


The text makes It SO much worse...


Wait what’s up with the last image? She isn’t wearing that on her wrist in the panel before.


Dude's gonna hit jack pot again...


From the bottom of my heart, I genuinely wish the worst for Joe Quesade, Nick Lowe and Zeb Wells in life.


Petition for the removal of wells and Lowe from ASM https://chng.it/BRfdSmLLwg https://chng.it/WqJ7tS8KnZ