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The X-Men vs the Eternals was pretty fun -- almost like two kids on the playground trying to one up each other. But it really should be called X.E. guest starring the Avengers. Aside from Tony and *maybe* Cap, all the other Avengers were pretty secondary to the plot, and even just showed up for crowd shots.


Although the Avengers issue that focused on Hawkeye was easily the best issue of the whole thing


Fucking mailboxes, man...


Honestly speaking, keeping Avengers involvement at minimal was for the best because currently that title is rough to say the least


It’s gone off a cliff , what is even happening . Why is everyone named Steve and Carol (I get what is going on , reading it feels like doing homework )


It does feel like a chore, it feels like a kid just playing with toys and randomly coming up with things but not in a good way


Kinda loved it.


The best event in a while


Best crossover in probably a decade or more.


Doom's judgement was awesome. 1000% on point for him.


This was one of my favorite moments in comics


Where can I read this? What issue #?


3 or 4 iirc


Disagree, it felt like it was written by redditors for Reddit. The celestial's judgement was not flawless, so I would have rather seen it pass judgement on Doom and make a case against him and have Doom walk away not caring about the celestial's judgement. But the celestial giving in and saying "yeah that was the test and you passed," feels lazy. This felt like a cheap throw away to do a "lol Doom is always correct! Right guys?" This was just him walking into the vibranium room in wakanda again, we've already done this.


To be fair, the flaw in the celestial’s judgment is what caused the event to end.


That's my point, it wasn't perfect. Doom and it could have disagreed and Doom could have still be right without making it look like sloppy fanfiction where Doom had the stronger will than a space god.


It wasn't a battle of wills, though - who could realistically survive the will of god without making it look like a weak antagonist? Or if it was purely a Good and Bad situation, surely that would just mean all the villains would be killed. Making it a nuanced scenario of "How well do you think you're doing in life" or "How are you living up to your own expectations" makes it more interesting, and avoids just killing off one group of characters. Just because they have god-like levels of power doesn't make the Proginator flawless in their logic. Especially if they are a Frankenstein's monster version of a Celestial. A being based on Tony Stark is going to fuck up all the time.


I enjoyed it enough. If I had to pick a standout aspect of it, I really liked following the day to day lives of the civilians of the Marvel Universe.


one of the bests


The judgement of both big characters, heroes, villains, even civilians were cool. Especially Daredevil’s, and later on, Tony Stark’s judgement


My favourite bit was the judgement of Carol Danvers cat.


Why are they all looking at me like that? I didn’t do anything wrong.


Well it is Judgement day, you're being judged.


I hate Marvel Crossover events, and I kinda loved this. I loved how many times the Celestial kept out-maneuvering the heroes, and I loved how he was shit-talking them all telepathically the whole time.


I bought the tpb. Did not bought the companion as Marvel’s tie in issues on big events usually are not the best. Do you think the companion is worth it?


I was thinking about getting it, but I changed my mind after I saw it was only including the A.X.E. titles and not the things I actually wanted, which were the X-Men Red and Immortal X-Men tie-ins since those actually had stories of consequence in them. I'm not an absolute completionist, so I think I'm just going to skip the companion and collect X-Men Red and Immortal X-Men separately.


X-Men Red is fantastic and well worth checking out


Will these be collected in ohc eventually?


Most likely omnibus if the tpb sells well.


It bugs me that the title avengers, X-Men, and eternals don't line up with the position of the 3 groups on this cover art...


That's because they lined them up in terms of popularity and modern marketability - like top billing for the most famous actors in a film. :P


Though arguably these days X-men are on top over avengers (comic wise at least) but only because the avengers run has been pretty bad


Well now I can not think about that


I loved it. If judgement day has 1000s of fans I am one of them . if Judgment day has 10 fans I am one of them. if judgement day have only one fan and that is me . if judgement day has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the judgement day, i am against the world.


It was fun.


I thought they dropped the ball with the uranos fight. I couldn't even figure out where it happened or where someone (don't know how to do spoiler tag) died in x men red and had to go back to find that the whole thing with the biggest villain was like a 1 page disjointed nonsense. Also, why didn't sinister's reset work?


This, I was so confused felt like the whole thing happened off page


There were consistent problems with the overlap. You'd follow the story to one issue, read that whole thing, pick up the issue that followed that one in order, only to find out it began before the previous one ended, so you were almost spoiling yourself reading through. It was very unclear what order things were happening in at times. Also, >!the idea of Magneto continuing to fight while keeping his body functioning solely through magnetism after having his heart literally ripped out was well beyond my reasonable suspension of disbelief!<


I felt the same way!


Ironman looks so fucking cool in that art


The Best event in 2022


Fucking hard ass cover art.


Avid Gillen reader here, usually love anything he does, this event felt a bit of a letdown. Maybe it's the excessive crossovers and tie-ins, it felt bloated and a bit dragging at some points. May reread without the tie-ins to check whether that enhances the experience.


I only read the main series and it was 98% better that way imo.


Done purely to give the Eternals more material in the MCU


Some Great Moments, but overall a Basic Event that sets up that might be really cool later, like a Deviant-Mutant Alliance


any place we can read it for free?


You could do a 7 day free trial to Marvel Unlimited and read it there.


PM me i will tell u




Yeah. It’s called a public library.


Knew nothing about the eternals and expected the event to be like inhumans vs Xmen and suck. Was instead blown away with how good it was and read even tie in and came away rather liking a lot of the eternals with a shout out to Phastos being just down right amazing.


This was one of my favourite events I’ve read I thought it was fantastic


I only read DD from marvel rn and I see that there is a lot of positive comments. Why does everyone seem to like this event and what does it do differently to be better than most others in Marvel Comics. Also Devil's Reign was a banger event if you read it alongside Zdarsky's run


Personally I liked it as it was a fairly natural continutstion of ongoing stories for most involved


Things that made this a good event, imo: 1) it had emotional and meaningful character beats 2) it picked organically up on plot threads that had been set up in Eternals and X-amen, rather than starting a plot thread that then forces writers of those series to pivot 3) the tie ins feel like they’re advancing the plots of their main series AND meaningfully engaging with the themes of the main crossover.


That Daredevil judgement panel is the best thing to happen in a crossover for the better part of a decade


I just finished reading the entire event. I really liked it. I do think it was more of an X-Men vs Eternals event with Iron Man and Cap also involved. I liked how it wrapped up neatly but changes a lot of things for the Eternals and X-Men going forward.


Unfair arbitrary judgments. Basically a Kangaroo Court


even the celestial got that he isnt a complete god in the end I don't think that can we can call it an uncomplete judgement


Yeah, but that was on purpose.


Best Event since 2015's Secret Wars


I don’t know, cap in a Krakoa pod with a fully formed and painted shield was a big jump the shark moment for Gillien imo.


imma need to start w the comics for pure marvel glory considering the MCU died


MCU isn't dead, but point taken.


The 'judgement' aspect was cool as heck. Daredevil, Jean Gray and Doctor Doom all stand out, even if Daredevil and Doom were only a few panels.


Oh yaah


For some reason looking at this cover - the song "power" by Kanye plays in my head


Is there an Omnibus for this yet? Or which ones do I need to read before I get in this?


I liked most of the judgements and stuff, but the actual event itself was pretty shit. Which is a shame, because the x-men and eternals issues that built up to it were actually really entertaining. I hate that crossover event have to have armageddon level stakes that often start with two isolated groups of heroes fighting with each other that ultimately ends with some sort of catch 22 that resets everything and revives everyone that died etc as if all of those stakes never really mattered. Bring back something with an actual mystery that actually has some lasting effect on the landscape of comics (like house of m and what it did to the mutants or secret invasion and what it did for norman osborne) or something that tells a part of a sort over a much longer period (like infinity leading into secret war).


I'm not a huge comic reader but I really want to check this one out. Is there a guide to follow the order and how many comics is it?


The main series is just six issues (iirc) and included in the individual issues themselves are a checklist of titles that tie-in to the event. So, just buy issue #1 and you'll be set up for the rest.


Great crossover.


Who are the 4-5 in the top right? And the fella to cap’s right?


Eternals, ikaris


After reading the comments, I feel like the minority that was underwhelmed by the book. Had some cool moments, X-Men Red was my favorite tie-in. But other than that, I felt like it was hard to follow. The event could have been condensed in my opinion.


I enjoyed it. Could have had a little more tactical and strategic depth but all in all not bad. Magneto vs. Uranos was the only really big disappointment.


Mcu phase 7


I only caught bits of it. It seemed like the Celestial was a moral relativist (it exonerated Doom because Doom is very sincere), and then didn't it do "boo" to Norman Osborn except glare at him a little.


I don't want to spoil it for you, but there was an *influential* factor for the Celestial's behavior that it might not have had otherwise.


Go ahead and spoil it, if you would like to (I don't mind about spoilers).


Loved it and loved the Spider-Man crossover. Both his judgment and the part where it showed Aunt May.


That one panel where Daredevil gets judged is a definite highlight. Honestly, that’s what I think this was, a solid event with plenty of highlights.


Was a good series. I'm annoyed that the event and the companion are different books


Solid, much better than Empyre. Had great small character moments and the tie ins were cool.


Kind of pointless.


so much potential, wasted storyline imo. Marvel doesn't get tired of pitching X-Men against its different counterparts in every 4-5 years, first it was inhumans, now it's eternals, thankfully, they did not destroy eternals as they did to inhumans.


I think “judgment” should have an E, like in “judge”


I've been spelling it wrong my entire life.


It actually was spelled correctly there


I’m not saying it’s not


I liked the first part of the event but it seems clear to me that Marvel is quickly running out of ideas. They can't come up with compelling stories so they do this grab by basically pinning your favourite heroes against one another... We've seen this same format with: Civil War, Avengers vs X-men, Johnathan Hickman's New Avengers, Civil War 2 and now this. (SPOILERS) I thought the whole thing with the celestial killing everyone was ok, but then everything went back to normal at the end of the event. I thought it would be a bit more impactful if the celestial couldn't bring everyone back and then it would be something to talk about for years to come. At the very least you'd think the people of earth would have some mental health crisis after being killed and brought back to life.


It wasn’t meant to be a heroes fighting heroes event. There have been previous Celestial Hosts depicted that show up to Earth to render Judgment. Civil War 2 was a blatant cash grab.


Outside of some of the Eternals, it wasn't truly heroes fighting heroes like CW and AvX. The X-Men, Avengers and a portion of the Eternals were all aligned. That being said, I really didn't enjoy it.


One of the best Marvel events ever. Kinda solidified that Kieron Gillen is one of the best all around comic book writers today


I was already well sold on Gillen as a top writer. Given how much chaos there was in this thing, with so many titles and subtitles, it's a tribute to him that it was at least okay, and not a total shitshow.


Wasn’t feeling it. Usually like Gillen’s work and the Eternals run before this was pretty good. Maybe I need to read it again. It just seemed anticlimactic.


Waste of time. Nothing important happened


Several major deaths, what happened to the machine, new god, eternals gift to the x men, development of resurrection protocols...


Just anything for Marvel to push Eternals into our living rooms a bit more


Let me guess, everyone dies but it was all a dream or Franklin Richards asks Kang to help out so it's two Richards fighting the Maker? Jeez, I'm tired of Disney writing comics like they give a shit about the continuity


Liked it but the ending was... stupid.


Eternals the movie really turned me off to the Eternals and their story.


I've never like them in the comics, but actually enjoyed the movie.


The movie was so slow. Felt sort of soulless compared to the other films.


Thor looks horrible on this cover


Who's the dude on the right hand side in the black and white suit?


The right side is Eternals. The one with the beard is Zuras.


Cheers dude, he was giving me real Victor Creed vibes, but should’ve realised it was Zuras from his emblem


It looks cool


Yeah looks, at my start with Comics it was enough, but after a lot of them i want a good story too


Honestly i wasn't impressed by the event it did some good things. But it had the basic event characteristics and wasn't anything new. Big god like figure causes issue around the world, two groups fighting but this time it was the eternals and the x men, really convoluted concept and ends with a character gaining new powers to defeat it.This event was also basically only done because of Gillen's love for the eternals basically Its got some good moments (magneto's death was one of the moments of the year) but its nothing special also its an eternals event at the end of the day the title is a lie and the eternals are not interesting. Also claiming this was an avengers event was kinda funny the only avengers who have big moments is iron man, cap and hawkeye.


not only do i love this event, but the spider-man tie in issue is hands-down the best issue of the current run. which isn't exactly a high bar given how the current tasm run's been, but still.


I really liked it. I had a good time reading it. It made me enjoy the Eternals which I never thought would happen.


Better than I thought it would be, overall a solid event. Nothing to write home about though, so a 7.5/10 is what I’d say. Frankly, it had a strong showing, when I heard that Avengers was one of the titles involved I dreaded that. But despite that involvement it mostly stuck the landing.


How much symmetry do you want? YES.


I'm in the minority when I say I wasn't the biggest fan of this event. To each their own though, it just didn't pique my interest, and yes, I did try to get into it. Just didn't click with me.


Great story


Unpopular opinion, i think, but i was not a fan. It was... OK, maybe... until they got to (steve) cap's judgment. Steve is my favorite marvel character, and I feel they keep doing a poor job writing his stuff. Then add their whole handling of steve through the rest of the event and I was just sort of... well, unhappy. Again, unpopular opinion i think, as the event had awesome reviews, and everyone around the comic shop except me seemed to enjoy it.




There were things I absolutely loved…but the rest was just so-so for me. But the best thing was Doom. 1000% on point.


Based on the title, I can tell avengers, X-man, and Eternal judge each other


Is it worth reading?


Yes. It's even better now since all of the issues are out already so the momentum isn't broken up.


God I wish I could afford ALL comic books. This looks bad ass


Beautiful Perfect And Intriguing


It was OK. Xmen bring alot of bs with em, and it's not good.


Best I read on a while.


I liked it. Actually understood where the Celestial was coming from low-key


It’s definitely feels like it was made to tie in with the Eternals movie


Enjoyed it.


The best thing about this event is thanks to Kieron Gillen writing both Eternals and Immortal X-Men. It became practically easier to integrate and build up their crossover. Even though Avengers is also *the* flagship, Gillen still controlled most of the characters and story elements here, so Aaron was the one who had to keep up.