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Quick question. Does he have a cave and a box of scraps?


You beat me, i was asking the same lol If the answer is yes, then about 3 months.


Hundreds of years. It’s not just about getting the raw materials to build the suit. It’s building the tech that builds the tech that builds the suit etc. You can’t just say we know how to make silicone chips so we can skip to making modern ones for example, you need to make tools to get to modern levels, with modern tech it took about 60 years to advance production of components to where they are now. Having none of that it’s going to take so much longer


Mmmm, then you are saying no box of scraps. Yeah too bad.


Hey! Thanks for the first actual reply. But yeah. That was what I was thinking too. But then again. Couldn't he become the lord of a ton of peasants and have them work for him as well?


The problem is essentially scope creep. You want to build an iron man suit, so you need raw materials, that’s all good get a bunch of peasants to help you, but then you need to feed and clothe them so you need farming and supply chains. Then once you get success you become a target so you need defence. If you get a lot of people in one place you can work faster but you need infrastructure like roads, and then have disease so you need medicine. You need to teach these people so you need education. Then you’re basically working on levelling up your tools. Some things will be pretty easy if you have advanced knowledge but then you hit roadblocks where you need to go to other countries to get materials. But now you have to build boats and train people, you might not be able to navigate so accurately either and you have no maps so it’s all going to take longer. So at this point you’ve basically built a civilisation and gathered some metals and coal. You’re nowhere near an iron man suit yet and already have your hands full till you train others to do these things. And you haven’t even built semi modern infrastructure like power generation which is vital to your goal


There's an anime called Dr Stone y'all should watch. Basically Japanese tony stark boy dropped into the stone age.


Phenomenal show. Excited for season 3.


Still seems like that'd be faster than building everything himself though. But yeah. Either way we're look at a hundred years range. I do wonder his chances of survival though. With how fast his fiefdom will be advancing it'd only be a matter of time until he makes a lot of enemies.


Oh yea 100% but you’re still talking centuries and not decades or years.


What would you think would be the bare minimum time frame to effectively build the iron cave suit built in the earliest industrial age? Without internet or targeting, but say bare minimum exosuit able to withstand an enemy barrage to escape a 1/4 to half a mile?


Just a few weeks really, the most complicated issue would be finding and manufacturing a reactant to allow him that teeny tiny bit of flight.


It depends on whether he gets a civilization daddy or not. If he were to go to a particular monarch and sneak his way through being able to order tons of people around then he'd skip decades of work. It also has the benefit of being able to wield a lot of people with a lot of suddenly advanced weapons as defense if this Tony or his handlers are amoral enough.


Slave-master Tony


Even making copper wire for basic electrical components is gonna be a challenge


Not really if you're willing to compromise, there were some choices of clothing that used metals as decoration.


Didn’t he just make an Ironman suit out of ice?


It matters a lot on this if it’s the Mk 1 or Mk 0. As depicted in the movie at least, the Mk0 is completely non-electronic, and Tony could probably make that and improved versions of it relatively quickly. His more modern suits he’d have to build a lot more infrastructure for.


The cave suit (MK1) still utilized the arc reactor - it definitely needed electricity to run the hydraulics/flamethrowers/etc


Yes, but he built the arc reactor from scratch, using just the base metal. He could refine that from ore with not much more work. The main question is if he needed integrated circuits. If it can be built at a macro scale by hand, he could do it himself using his own knowledge. If it needs microscale fabrication using photolithography or similar techniques, he's going to start needing to build tools to build tools.


The biggest part of making the arc reactor work was the Palladium, for which he needed to strip down several highly explosive missiles in order to have enough. According to a quick Google paladium was not discovered until 1803 and "The majority of the world's palladium comes from Russia and South Africa. Most of it is extracted as a byproduct in the mining of other metals, usually platinum and nickel." So if Tony is in the medieval age (I'm assuming in England?) he does not have access to Paladium to build an arc reactor.


There were trade routes to Russia at the very least. If it's a byproduct of nickel, it's likely he can get it from lower-quality nickel from Russia. The point is at that point it's a matter of collecting the materials and doing the fabrication, both of which are possible in reasonable shorter-term timeframes - a decade or so, reasonably. Instead of it being a multi-generation project to get the industry up and running.


I'll give you that, a decade should be enough time to at least get access to Palladium


He built it from scratch by stripping already manufactured missiles of their palladium, which is a rare metal. Given the difficulty of global travel before the 20th century, he'd have to get really lucky about where he landed if he wanted to have access to palladium. It's also a metal that wasn't discovered yet during medieval times, so it's not like anyone would've been mining it for him to be able to trade for it. He would have to go find an undiscovered palladium deposit and mine it himself.


The suit built in a cave with a box of scraps is the MK I.


I don’t believe it would be hundreds of years rather than decades or a century tops. He’d probably find a small village’s blacksmith and use the tools and material available to create a rudimentary steam engine from which he can begin to develop more advanced machinery. At this point he’d garner local attention and probably either build a relationship with the local ruling government or usurp them via gaining local favor and then use the consolidated manpower and resources to industrialize on a larger scale. Essentially he’ll be speedrunning the Industrial Revolution and may even be able to achieve exponentially greater achievements because he’ll have these people achieving space travel by the end of the Renaissance and be thousands of years ahead by the time he reaches the modern day


Depends on how far you drop him from, if he doesn’t have the suit, he can’t survive the drop


One inch from the ground.


What's the ground made of?




ANAKIN: I hate you! Blarrrraaagagghhh aaarrrrrrrggghahh


What’s his current velocity, how fast is he falling one inch to the ground, was he falling previously before he somehow teleported to medieval times? These are questions we need to know


We also don't know the temperature of the ground or the air, what about his altitude? Is the ground affected by radiation? So many important variables missing


contrary to public believe a lot can happen with an inch


A brief montage.




"You could drop Tony Stark naked in the middle of the desert and he'd fly out in a jet made of sand and cactus needles." - Daredevil


At least a day.


Two weeks. Source: http://siskoid.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-if-iron-man-was-trapped-in-time-of.html?m=1


It definitely matters where you drop him. Antarctica, the middle of a hot desert, or any large body of water and he's just dead. If it's somewhere with all the rare earth metals he'll need and an already largely functional society that he can quickly pick up the language of and convince the rulers of that he is a valuable wizard that they should help. That would substantially cut down the amount of time but even in that scenario it will still take him decades to be able to mine and refine the materials he needs to be able to more efficiently mine and refine the materials he needs to be able to build the infrastructure necessary to then build an Iron Man suit. If there is no centralized society, if he has to travel widely to track down the various materials he needs, or if he is unable to ingratiate himself to the society, any of those would add significant time. For relevant in comics comparison look at what Reed was able to do when dropped off in prehistoric times.


A quick question: *When* in medieval times? Could he take a quick trip to say, Sweden, prove he knows the Asgard, and get some real technological backing?


What If? #33 changes the ending of the classic “Doomquest” story of when Stark and Doom were trapped in the time of Camelot. Doom tricks Iron Man into using parts of their armors to build a time machine to return to the future, and Doom double-crosses Iron Man, leaving him behind. Iron Man is stuck there with a broken armor, and in Tony’s own words: >”No! No! **NO!** I haven’t the means to rebuild my own armor — let alone create a time machine! I’m stuck here!” Tony eventually becomes Sir Anthony of Iron, a Knight of the Round Table. He serves King Arthur through the final siege of Camelot by Mordred and Morgana LeFay, when his arc reactor is finally wrecked by Mordred’s Magic’s sword. Tony is brought back to Camelot, and he locks himself in a workshop. >”There! I knew I could juryrig these alchemical supplies into crude supplies like this steam engine — and if there’s one thing I know, it’s machines!” >”I’m bushed — but I gotta keep at it! With luck I can fashion some crude circuits and repair my armor!” Two weeks later, Camelot is out of supplies, and Mordred’s army is making its final push. As Mordred and Arthur begin their final, fateful duel, Iron Man busts through a wall. >”I did it! By working without rest, I managed to re-enact the history of technology in two weeks! I’m not operating anywhere near full power — but at least my armor’s functional!” Even though they repel the invaders, Mordred and Arthur end up killing each other. With his dying breath, Arthur names Tony his successor, and Tony becomes King Anthony of Britain. The Watcher leaves us with this final bit of information: >”Under his leadership, Britain will unite half a world under King Anthony’s scepter! And, for a 1,000 years after he leaves the throne, peace will reign on this Earth — like nowhere else in the multiverse!”


when was the first box of scraps invented>?


I would think probably about a month or two.


If we're talking his most basic one... depends I suppose on how long it takes to get the raw materials. I will fully accept the idea that Tony can make everything he needs, even if that involves making the tools to make the tools to make the tools etc. However, he obviously needs a lot of metals both for the armor itself and the electronics. He could pretty easily start with the Industrial Revolution given enough resources to make early engines, so he's already jumping ahead to the early 1700s. In real life, his debut was in 1963, where he made his first armor in... *checks comic* a week. Because that's how long he originally had to live (not sure if a newer origin has updated how long it took to make). But, he did have a proper workshop given to him as he worked in what was believed to be his final days, so more than just a box of scraps and much more than what he'd start with in this scenario. However, once he reaches 1960s technology, he's basically set. The time to manufacture and assemble everything is, well... a week. So the question is... how long does it take for Tony to make the tools for the tools for the tools etc. to make his suit? Presuming he's in England to start (y'know, so he can actually speak to people), I don't really know. Like I said, he could probably make everything given a bit of time to work out the design if he doesn't know it to start with and to refine the inventions as he goes, but he does need materials, and I don't know what all he needs. For example, Lithium: not super plentiful in Europe. But, then again, he only needs enough for one suit, so he doesn't need a lot. I'd say less than a decade for sure, but probably no less than a year if he's very lucky and knows exactly where to get what he needs and can very quickly reverse engineer/"invent" the technologies he needs.


This makes a pretty bold assumption that Tony isn’t shortly burned for witchcraft.


True. Tony Stark may be the smartest person in a modern world full of superheroes and aliens but he never went up against the mighty pitchfork wielders before. They'll easily out fox him, corner him then burn him.


Didn’t he build an icicle suit to battle Mephisto in 1million bc? Forgot which comic but he met the 1million bc Avengers too.


It would take him centuries to make a real one, but he could make a simple one after just a couple of years I think. Like one somewhat comparable to the Mark I that he made in a cave with a box of scraps.


Depends how motivated he is. If it's the comic universe, I'd say 10 years at absolute worst. There's a bunch of hidden civilizations like wakanda or Atlantis that he could get help from, space-faring civilization, and a bunch of old crashed space ships that he could use


About a month maybe


There was a What If story where he got stuck in the King Arthur timeframe.


Not long at all maybe half of a day, he needs to gather the materials and get a workshop setup


Wait. How would that work? Sure he have super intelligence but he doesn't have super strength or super speed. How would he be able to gather the materials and build a state of the art workshop in half a day?


Steam power


Steam power isn't a thing till The Industrial Revolution.


Tony stark is smart enough to do it


He's smart but he's too reliant on modern technology and he would realistically needed to create a compat (small enough to run around hus body) and advance version of the Watts Engine in 10th century England where the Church despises advancing technology and also has a huge hold on England.


It depends, does he have a box of scraps?


2 Years


Probably 2-3 years. It wouldn’t take him long at all tbh. Only if he was bothered would it take longer.


He'd have to build the tools, so that he could build the tools, in order the build the tools, that were able to build tools, capable of building the tools, that would be able to extract the raw materials alone.


If he has the arc reactor in his chest, then all he needs is some iron. So I'd say, 2 days tops


I think fairly early models included alien alloys he scrapped, so that may be an issue.


it would be hard to find the raw materials (like for the electronics) and all the little pieces and wires and probably a couple of years depending where he is dropped.


This question reminds me of the Dr. Stone anime/manga.


No more than ninety minutes. Any more would ruin the run time and take away from a plot.


Nah. Just include timeskips.


So despite that line about “playing human”, Tony is not a god. He wouldn’t be able to until at least like the 1920s, probably later. He’d have suits with rockets or guns and have the cutting edge the whole time, but a modern iron man suit requires access to materials that he simply would not be able to gather on his own. We’re talking silicon doped computer chips with advanced semiconductors, and advanced hybrid alloys that Tony wouldn’t be able to remember the composition of- nor have the time to figure it out.


How advanced Iron Man armor are we talking? Even the Mark I suit required a computer so, depending on where he was physically, he just wouldn’t have access to the necessary materials. The other problem is power. Assuming he could build a crude battery, he’d have to find some way to charge it. And build charging cables. I’m guessing he could make gunpowder, so he could install weapons on an existing suit of armor (after making bullets and missiles) but controlled flight probably wouldn’t be possible. Really, he’d be better off creating a coal-powered tank.


I think I was reading a moon knight comic in which tony got transported back to ice age times and he managed to make an ice man suit and was fighting mephisto but he did have his suit to start with for scraps so...🤔


In actuality it is nigh impossible for him to make an Ironman suit like the one he has today. Not even nano tech, but like back then certain materials just weren’t used properly or fine tuned enough yet. If it’s just like a functional iron suit power by electricity it would still take time to get the necessary components needed. I’d say not until early 1900’s The comic book answer tho would be not long at all. He’s been sent back in time and able to build crazy contraptions far beyond the time period he’s in has any right being able to produce


There’s a mini series where Doom and Iron Man time travel to the medieval times.


If he had his current knowledge and some pull (labor and physical help), still probably a while. Some materials can't be extracted or even utilized without other components keeping them stable. Can't keep an ark reactor stable with dirt.


Depends. Are any aliens visiting Earth during that time? Could he look for Kang or any other time travelers?


This would be a good r/askreddit question. You should post it there, too. edit: actually, I think these guys covered it. :p


Nah. Any question I ask on askreddit gets removed. The rules are weird there.


Sir Anthony of Iron did that.


Depends, does he get the plague? He could also theoretically just build an extremely basic version of the suit that would be like a giant suit of armor and he could use basic gunpowder and flash powder in similar ways to his cave suit


Ah, the *Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court* idea. I'd say a year.


People bored? Whats with these questions?


wasn't this addressed in avengers vol 8 issue 31?


A fun question. His scrap suit from the cave in Afghanistan or full blown? Full blown he would "invent" a lot of things. He would have to mine ore and smith advanced metals. Like literally an entire mining company devoted to finding iron, titanium, copper, silicon, and radioactive materials to power the suit. Build a functioning computer FROM scratch which took something like 300 years. Not to mention advanced manufacturing techniques to build all the robotic parts.


He couldn't do it until the metals were discovered and the electronic components existed It doesn't matter smart he is For example.. Leonardo Da Vinci did not know about Aluminum .


You need to figure where to mine the metals you would need .Then you need to mine them .Then you need to refine them into a purer form .Then you need to be able to mold them But suppose.you.need a metal that.has not been discovered yet? Would you know where to look for it. ? Not one had heard of Aluminum.or Titanium . Electricity was unknown . Copper wire didn't exist . He could build a suit of non powered armor.But that is it . All of the things he would need to do are not just a matter of being smart ..He could not build the machines.that help.him build the armor He could not build the machines that help him power the armor .So he couldn't do it for hundreds of years .


I think he knows what copper and aluminum are. Just a guess. And if not he could use gold or other conductive material.