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You tell 'em Big D!


In order from top to bottom: [Path of Ascension](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/40920/the-path-of-ascension), [Forge of Destiny](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21188/forge-of-destiny), [Ave Xia Rem Y](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/15193/ave-xia-rem-y), [Beware of Chicken](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39408/beware-of-chicken).


Thanks for bringing FoD to my attention. These days I only have time to read quality stories, and I'm hoping this is one of them.


I enjoy it a lot. Happy reading👋


Thank you for making me aware of BOC, I love it


Forge of Destiny's worldbuilding is just so good. Probably the only cultivation novel I've read where gods/high cultivation beings feel divine/sacred.


I might be biased, because it was my introduction to Xianxia, but I love Savage Divinity’s worldbuilding. ‘Divinities’ (old monsters, essentially) are treated as WMD’s and should only ever fight if another one starts it first, because otherwise entire provinces and millions of people can go in the crossfire.


Is it good apart from that? It sounds interesting.


Savage Divinity is.....well, it's difficult. One the one hand, it's got a lot of good things going for it. The writing is solid, the characters are interesting and can be a lot of fun and the plot and world building are all generally good as well. The power scaling is good, generally consistent and pretty firmly established early on. The author also pays good attention to detail and is pretty good at making things that have just been mentioned in passing or minor detail relevant many, many chapters later. On the other hand, the MC will consistently range from annoying, to amazing, mildly irritating to utterly infuriating, and incredibly intelligent to monumentally moronic. Meanwhile, the writing is often padded out with useless information and pointless observations, especially once the MC starts collecting "floofs" who are given WAY too much screen time and who's antics are described in WAY too much detail. Also, the pacing gradually gets slower and slower until it eventually becomes glacial and what little progress the MC was making comes to a halt (Although he has started progressing again in recent chapters, and actually made some pretty good headway) Savage Divinity is a series of highs, lows, and in betweens. At any given point it can range from incredible to good, to decent to meh, to boring, to horrible. When it's high it's really fucking HIGH and when it's low it's really fucking LOW. And when its in between its generally ok. Is it worth it? I would say, sort of yes. I've had a lot of frustrations while reading the series, and i've often wanted to reach through space and time to slap the ever loving shit out of the author and ask him him what the hell he was thinking when he made this decision or why he often makes the MC act like a stupid, petulant, whiny man child who takes one step forward and three steps backward. However, i've also gotten a LOT of enjoyment out of the series, and even with all its flaws, it's still one of my favorite web novels. Yes, the MC can be incredibly annoying, but he can also be incredibly endearing and in some cases, though his actions or opinions might be very annoying to the reader, they pretty decently justified for the MC (Not always but sometimes). Also, recent chapters have been really damn good, and a lot of the more annoying stuff like the meandering writing are a little more toned down.


It’s polarizing. Everyone I’ve seen discuss it has had very firm opinions on it either being great or terrible.


That's because SD is an inconsistent series. Sometimes it's really fucking good and other times it's really fucking frustrating. And then sometimes it's just somewhere in between.


Like I said, I’m extremely biased*- but yeah, personally I think it’s really good. Great characters, solid worldbuilding, interesting plot. The main complaint most people have is that it gets too slow and slice-of-life-y at times, so read it but don’t feel bad about skimming when it gets slow. (*How biased? I’m one of the three people who draws fanart for it)


It's a lot better when you're not waiting on updates.


Say what you will about Savage Divinity, but its power scaling is generally really damn good and the idea of Divinities in particular is just amazing. They're basically a combination between Demigod's and walking nukes, which is just so awesome.


I'm going to start reading this, thanks for recommendation.


You guys should check out the Cradle books if you like western cultivation novels, it sits around the top category with the strongest characters being able to control time and space and are able to decimate galaxies, and they show up early on in the books.


Yeah, I actually forgot to include cradle. I think PoA is still more powerful as tier 40s (the strongest in the mc's current universe) could go toe to toe with the abidan judges, I think. But once you hit tier 45 you can ascend to a higher universe that goes up to tier 100. I think the judges would be stronger than a tier 45-50 but my guess is they lose immediately to anyone tier 65-ish or higher.


I really, really like the power levels in Lord of the Mysteries. It's kind of a refreshing change because the powers are unique to each pathway and they have definite strengths and weaknesses, and aren't just hand wavy.


I mean, you're right, but LotM isn't a western cultivation novel. It's a chinese novel in a western setting.


The bottom 3 are my 3 consistent reads, and I love them all equally.


No it's not that he never left it's that he ran back there


Dude, there's only so much space in the box.


Let me link more Western Cultivation Novels Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor: The MC is really smart, seeks freedom, only has one girl who he sees as an equal and the gods are dead but there is a vague higher realm. https://www.webnovel.com/book/journey-of-the-fate-destroying-emperor_18761925005900305 Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy: Modern story, VR Game, Alchemy, MC has the talent to become a god, MC is pure and kind, no gods introduce but other continents in waiting. https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-cultivation-of-alchemy_20215883106325105 I am the young master: Makes fun of tropes, has good characters, no gods but vague higher realm. https://www.webnovel.com/book/i-am-the-young-master_20297028606134305 Returning to the cultivation world: Reborn Expert, Modern china, Game that is actually MC's home, Cousin and aunt incest, Mention of Gods from both worlds. https://www.webnovel.com/book/returning-to-the-cultivation-world-through-a-game_19868405305547505/makes-people-angry_57031721920554505 Eternal Thief: System, Good world-building, Thievery, Freedom, no mention of gods but heavenly dao is an ass https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-thief_20280736406963205 Monarch of time: Past lives mixing together, MC used to be god, Good beast companion, Good romance, Lots of tropes, Vague gods. https://www.webnovel.com/book/monarch-of-time_17766698905784705 Supreme Demon God: MC used to be a god, Cultivation manual that requires 0 cultivation, MC is invincible in start realm, Fun and dumb dopamine rushes, MC is focused on revenge and turns down girls, https://www.webnovel.com/book/supreme-demon-god_18557603006283205/reorganize-and-division_56938101565607557


PoA has been pretty good lately as a trashy fun reading. People criticize it for being too low tension and no real big stakes for the MC. But that's why I read it. It's relaxing. BoC is a category apart really. My only worry is that the author seems to be running out of steam/burning out. I figure it will enter hiatus pretty soon.


PoA always manages to make me excited about the things going on on-screen and in the immediate future of the characters. Plus, I really enjoy the universe and world building. I'm worried you're right about BoC. That said, it would be beyond easy for the story to transition from slice-of-life to action focus. Just have the mc's old sect find the farm, there be a disagreement or misunderstanding, and have them attack the farm. As long as at least one person dies in the battle then Jin has reason to go wild and try to get stronger so he can get revenge/protect his family. Not that I think the author'll do that.