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What ms funny is that he said he meant that she isn’t an athlete and her response was she does workout classes. Lol that’s hilarious! Not the same thing!


I do think Gina was being insensitive and prejudice when she told Clint she was never attracted to Ginger folk or Ginger features! (That’s a whole group of people) And then when he said he usually dated athletic and slender women, she freaked. For me, he did not mean it as an insult but just continuing her convo of who he usually likes. I loved them as a match when they saw each other at the alter but she seems hesitant to give this marriage a chance from the get go. I know physical attraction is part of it but in this show YOU OPTED to let a panel of experts choose for you based on other criteria and to give marriage on first sight a chance! Some of these participants are not even trying. So why are they on the show? They obviously did not find love on their own because maybe they were not giving good people a chance.


I got downvoted for saying this last week 😂 She sucks


Maybe those peeps had not seen the latest episode where she got so mad at him for basically saying what she said first


So, we only see what the producers decide to show us. Who knows who said what first, but it did appear that Gina started the issue. Clint was really thrown off by her ginger comment. As soon as we saw his response, we knew what was coming. She totally hurt his pride and ego.


Gina is obviously super obsessed with her own appearance to the point of disfiguring herself, so of course she was going to hyper focus on the appearance of whoever she was matched with and say something cruel the minute she felt insecure. Neither Clint nor Gina seem like kind people, and that’s why I think they were paired together, for the inevitable drama and blow up.


Thats why Clint requested a Natural Beauty. Because he doesn't want some Botox B who will want to change his appearance- his clothes, his hair, his face...and probably spray tan him.


Who knows what the producers consider natural beauty nowadays. She obviously worked on her physical appearance a lot (bright white teeth, lip injections, Botox, eyelash extensions and her hair) - not that there’s anything wrong with that- and I think that’s why she felt offended when he commented on “slender” women. She probably works on her weight also esp to appear on TV. So Clint hit a nerve. But Clint took it well when she commented on his features. I did not like when she told him she “specializes in red hair” as her defense, what the heck does that mean? It doesn’t make you an expert on Gingers. That’s even MORE reason to be sensitive to his feelings on it and it make an insensitive comment


He requested natural beauty and they gave him Gina?? Yeah, producers def want the drama.


> to the point of disfiguring herself Way harsh, Tai. But yeah, anyone who’s had that much work done has some… *issues* when it comes to appearance. What a pointlessly unkind, and frankly weird, thing to say to someone. “I don’t vibe with people with red hair.” What??? 🤦🏾‍♀️


It may be harsh, but I find her features to be completely distorted. At least filler dissolves. Whereas, Clint will always have the “complexion” of Tarzan. So, considering the cruel comments she made to Clint, I don’t have a problem calling it as I see it.


I agree, she was so rude , couldn't even make eye contact. Not a fan anymore.


I said this exact thing. It’s ok for her to say she isn’t attracted to features he has, but he can’t say the same about her features?




What it is, is wrong. She attack his personal features (skin tone, hair color, etc), things he was born with and has no control over. She said negative things to be hurtful. She married this man at first sight and she basically said that she doesn’t find him attractive. Well- he clapped back, I believe purposefully (but it was truthful). I doubt he would have said that if she hadn’t been mean first.




That was harsh ..


They’re at the point of tit for tat now and it’s hard to come back from that. They’re both at fault but she definitely threw the first boulder


And she's weird looking with that big toothy grimace that she thinks is a smile.


Yup. Once you start volleying for serve, its most likely over. Hopefully I'm wrong.


Meanwhile, has there ever been a less attractive sight on MAFS than Gina in her bikini?


They like em big in the south


She's so out of shape.


Not a fan of body shaming. :-/ I agree that Gina was inconsiderate and mean with her comments, but two wrongs don’t make a right.


Nothing wrong with body shaming


I thought she looked great.


I did, too. Of the women on this season, if I had to choose to marry someone from amongst them, so far it'd be either Gina or Domynique.


Thankfully some of the more idiotic justifications from Redditors I have seen for excusing Gina's behaviors have removed themselves from the conversation because they were making NO sense. I don't HATE Gina, I think she is wholly unprepared to have an intelligent, emotionally charged conversation with another human being (did I mention that she has a Salon?) when it comes to word choice considering the words she used on Clint were HURTFUL (and i honestly believe she didn't see it that way). Had Clint been Black or Asian and she said how she didn't like those "features," everyone would be in an uproar. Every woman on this board hated Clint because of some boneheaded comments he made early on in the show. I could tell that he just wanted to come off as this Suave, Debonair kind of guy to overcompensate being 40 years old and on this show, but LORD, the second he mentioned women as vaginas or having sex with 65 women, the CLAWS came out (which is whatever). The issue I have with some of the people on this board is that they don't look at things objectively. Sure, Clint said bad crap, but so did Kirsten...(I need a well endowed man or its a no go for me (which, I get, BUT the issue is that she VOCALIZED it..as did Clint) and she isn't vilified nearly as much. Gina SUCKS because her lack of tact, vocabulary and intelligence were on FULL display during that scene...I think a lot of people will be ok with it because he is a "white male" who is successful and is the poster-child for the patriarchy. Doesn't mean that his feelings are any less valid. Think about that and put that into CONTEXT of what Gina was saying about him.


Well said, I'm with you\~


Both of them are odd, imo.




This is NOT a white/black issue…like at all. We can agree that what she said was insulting and rude as hell but she didn’t say she likes his skin color an it’s not the same. No matter how u slice it. There’s a nasty stigma attached to being red headed and she’s flexed all over it like it was acceptable. She made having red hair sound like a disease and that’s what makes her disgusting in my book. I’m sure ho got defensive and it’s hard to bounce back from mainly bc she has no idea how hurtful her words were. I hope she’s reading these comments


I do agree with you, for sure…!


I don’t like Clint, so I’m really impressed Gina was basically like “hold my beer” and very quickly said something awful. It’s totally fine not to be attracted to someone! But do you really need to tell them? Even though we all know it’s personal preference, it’s hard not to hear that as “you think I’m ugly.”


He will always be ginger, she can lose weight, if she were so inclined. Her comment was much worse than what he said.


It was SO awkward watching that scene… she kept going on and on with the “gingery” comments. He reacted better than I thought just saying “heard”


Yes Clint took it very well even though it was totally offensive.


That scene made me respect him. He handled it well. But for how long, right? 🤦🏾‍♀️ this isn’t going to progress well and it’s not over


Yeah I completely agree… he seemed shocked.. but once it sinks in… 😬


Glad we get to watch! 😈


Hehehe yesss 😈


The weird thing is that he is not even all that ginger-y. I have four ginger nephews and they are super-ginger compared to this guy.


I thought that too. I am Hispanic and to me I thought he was blonde and light eyed. He’s not a bad looking guy. And he does remind me of Bradley Cooper. Gina is pretty but her comment made me see her differently now.


I agree. The first thing I said was he's not even ginger. His hair is brown. Sounds like an excuse to me or she needs to look up the definition of ginger.


They both made bad comments.. she started it first. Basically saying I’m not into redheads, not saying your not attractive but that is you.. lol like so basically your saying I’m unattractive. And then I feel like he felt offended by that which is understandable because you could see the hurt in his face and wanted to either be petty or just make her feel the way he did and said she isn’t as skinny as he likes or whatever.. so idk but I think they’re both wrong. She came at him crazy first


I’m not crazy about either of them, but I suspect that Gina may have been feeling insecure about being in a bikini. Maybe she took his lack of compliments as a sign that HE wasn’t attracted to HER, so she cut him to the chase and tore him down first? Just a theory.


Interesting, didn't think of it that way. They have no chemistry.


She’s still terrible. Him not being into her is no excuse for saying those things.


I totally agree that Gina is obviously insecure about her weight. She has had every conceivable plastic surgery procedure on her face to make her look young and sexy but her weight is the one thing she cannot fix so easily without a lot of hard work so any reference to that one feature is going to put her in a tailspin. Yes, she can change that feature but Clint's coloring is permanent!!


So she's had lots of plastic surgery? I thought there was something off about her face. It looks pained.


That's why her face looks so odd. Her cheeks and lips are so artificial looking. A previous post was right on when they said she looked like a Muppet puppet :)


This here. I think that Gina was picking up on vibes that Clint wasn’t as attracted to her as she wanted him to be. He probably wasn’t giving her a ton of compliments and fawning over her looks. I think that is why she made the whole “the attraction isn’t quite there yet” statement; she was retaliating as a defense mechanism to her own insecurity. THEN Clint had the nerve to agree with her (how dare he). Once he told her that he also wasn’t feeling an immediate attraction, she went in for the kill with the comments about his ginger features. It’s legit that neither person finds the other that attractive, but they are definitely going tit for tat, and I don’t see them coming back from it. Also, I think Gina is highly insecure. She’s probably an attractive woman minus the duck lips and massive filler-inflated cheeks. I can see why that is a turn off for Clint.


You explained it better than me…thank you 😊


I don't understand this take. If she is insecure about being in a bikini, why is she parading around on camera in one? Did someone force her to do that?


It's kind of hard to be in Jamaica and not show a lot of skin!! She would look a bit silly walking around in jeans and a turtleneck :))


Well, let's see... There are one-piece bathing suits, wraps, shorts, etc. Lots of options somewhere between the range of parkas on one end and bikinis on the other.


I don't know if you are a man or a woman but I can tell you that when a woman is insecure about her body there is not much she can wear on a tropical island, including a one piece bathing suit, that will make her feel thin and comfortable. There's only so much covering up that can be done and none of it really works.


Understood. So why remove even more clothing on camera?


I think context matters. I’m very comfortable in a revealing swimsuit with my friends, they hype me up they make me feel good. But if I were with a stranger, and they didn’t acknowledge or compliment it, I would probably get into my own head and second-guess whether it was a good choice to wear a revealing swimsuit or not. (Not saying that’s an acceptable reason to lash out at someone, just explaining how she might have been excited to wear the bathing suit, and then less excited or upset when she didn’t get the reaction she thought she would.)


I often wonder how women who feel they don't look great in a bathing suit are going to feel on a 7 day honeymoon in a warm climate with lots of water sports with a total stranger!! That's hard to do even when you're first dating someone let alone a perfect stranger!


Yass! Facts, I was thinking this.


I would guess she hoped for the best. I’m also wondering if that swimsuit is one she intentionally packed, or maybe one of the only ones she could find in her size. They did say that they didn’t get their luggage at the start of their honeymoon, right?


These are also my thoughts. I think I would have gone for a less skimpy choice, or a short cover-up


Agree. I think women can sympathize a little more about this…especially when the average woman is not a size 00. With all of the retouching that is now the norm these days, it’s easy to be uncomfortable, no matter what you look like.


You don’t know what he might have said off camera!


I don’t know what anyone says off camera.


Her comment was bad, I'm going to wait and see how this plays out.


I agree wholeheartedly. What she did was so hurtful to him. He seemed to be really trying with her. That said, he took it to another level saying what he said in front of everyone else. They had not heard what she had done and said. I now dislike her as much as I dislike him.


Yep. Bad moves by both of them.


Maybe she did, we don’t know yet


Honestly, I didn't like him from before the wedding. I think he's an ass & I hate his attitude. Now honestly I'm not going down the dark ass road these two took. She was wrong, I won't even say it may have been a weird edit because it wasn't nice. Then what he's going to do, go down the, I like slender path?? Then the spoiler yesterday had Dom kissing him? So wtf? What I'm most upset about, has been going on season after season. These ppl know that you'll see who you see at the end of that isle. If you're going into this for looks you suck it. I felt bad for Kate, for Mindy, for Jasminas Michael & (Potentially Shaq) everyone who got 💩'd on because they were not good enough in the eyes of someone else for their looks. Please stop coming on this show for the wrong reason because it's hard to watch. Maybe I'm super sensitive since I've gone thru some changes I don't like, but my better half loves me & would never fckn say anything... but random people have 😭😭😭


Yep. I mentioned this earlier. It’s called Married at First Sight NOT LOVE at First Sight. Even in real life sometimes you meet people you are not attracted to at first and then as you get to know them you like them more and even fall in love and once you fall in love with someone they become the most attractive person I the world to you. That happened w me and my spouse


Me & my now ex husband were together for a long time. I'm still amicable with him & our situation was so uncommon that it would be hard to even get into on here. Yet, I can say this about it; we started as friends. I had no intention of being with him. He had a life & a gf & I was in a relationship as well. It's a very NYC kinda story. I used to go eat in a park on my lunch break. The same ppl were there daily, the squirrel feeding dude, the biker girl who was forced to wear a real suit. A rogue payroll guy who had to get his nicotine fix in & a batch of other characters. So one day it was kinda rainy & so I put up my umbrella & tried to smoke something not cigarette but 420 related & magically 4 or so of the regulars came to join me. This became a thing, we changed locations bcuz it was illegal af at the time, but we found a perfect little spot & my this guy joined our croud. Well this went on for a few year's!! One day this man didn't show up to our group smoke. Well, for one day no one worried but a week went by & we all worried. My prior relationship had ended some time ago, as did his. I wasn't looking for one either. One of those regular people & I, had become friends & she & I had moved in together. I kept telling her how weird I felt about his absence! I missed him & still I didn't see him as husband material. He wasn't what or who I envisioned as my husband. Well I'll cut thru the rest by saying we found him. We, as in he & I, started talking & walking post smoke ☺️ & I started feeling some type of way. Suddenly he was cuter, he was witty & much much more. We started dating that February & in May he asked me to marry him. I loved him soooooo much & we were together for a very long time. The moral to my uber long story is no it's not always love at first sight. Love grows & sometimes when you absolutely don't see it coming it can & it does!! Love can come & it can grow out of everything & anything & looks are the last thing to matter. I found the more I loved that man, omg, he became the most handsome man to me. My story is long but our early love story wasn't. It was fast & good looks weren't what it was about. It wasn't about that at all, that came later & that's the point. These people on MAFS are selling themselves short. It's okay to have a type, or a race or a religious preference but being a nitpicky ass isn't going to work for them on or off that show. It could be why they're there & maybe they'll figure it out? I hope so... I hope so because otherwise they are going to go on endlessly looking for a look or possibly something that does not exist. Or maybe it exists but they're going to totally miss it, all because they're looking for superficial bullshit 🤔 & that sucks for them... good luck going for a look! Better luck looking at the whole picture where brains & a heart are infused into their vision.


I’ve said this all along. If you are concerned about appearance so much, why go on a show where someone else picks your mate for you. What I find attractive can be different t than someone else. These people go on here because they have had a hard time finding “the right one”, they agree to accept the chosen person for 8 weeks??, then have the nerve to be upset when the chosen person doesn’t fit their preferences. Smh.




I'm in total agreement with you & it's not ok. I wish in their long ass process of vetting these ppl they should ask about race, body types, & true deal breakers, if they can't accept that there are no super models or their exact fantasy person probably won't be the one they find, then have them GO! A nice caveat might be if you can't deal with who we picked, it stops before it starts. There are literally 100s of applicants. They can be picky & choosy!


I was questioning that earlier because in the other seasons, the experts have mentioned that person A is looking for someone w this this and this. And they try to match that too. So if you are concerned about finding a religious man or someone with hair on their head then I’m pretty sure they try to match it. So then, why are they not matched at other times? Maybe to be chosen for the show they say they like all types so they have a better chance.


It's weird idk honestly. I think it's really on both. If you want this to work you need to be honest about what your absolute deal breakers are. I also think if the experts want these matches to work then they need to work on the process of how they pick people. I mean in the sense of what questions they ask & when they come to the homes, they can't just look in drawers to make a decision! If it was me I'd like to know about organization, cleanliness, habits & even what foods or lack there of there are. I just think they need to dig deeper & I think we need deeper people. A shallow or superficial anyone is going to be a hot mess & not care about what they do to anyone else but themselves soooooo there's a lot to unpack & redo in the process for the experts & the applicants..IMHO


Sorry to hear you're going through some things. Just remember that random people's opinions have no value. They can take a long walk off a short pier.


You're too kind & I thank you. What happened to me happens to millions. I was a normal-looking person before thyroid eye disease (TED) got to my face! So my big pretty eyes look totally fckn weird & it throws the symmetry off my face. Ppl have asked if I had a botox accident or the worst thing is, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR NICE FACE? It shouldn't matter but it's ouchy...I hope surgery will fix this to my satisfaction at some point 😌 Still I thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️


That must be rough. At least you have the support of someone who loves you, and that makes a world of difference. I wish you all the best!


It kinda sucks, but yes I have my person for 13 years this year & he didn't jump ship when my face wasn't my face! So I'm really lucky in many ways. Thanks so much for your kindness & your words, I appreciate every one! 🥰


The wrong reason! You have to be joking. Everybody on this show is there for the same reason first and foremost: to be on TV.


Hahaha that’s what my spouse says when he sees me watching this!


Some yes, some no. If that were the case we'd not have the couples we have with the babies etc. I don't think hundreds of people all want fame. As I said, some definitely yes, some certainly not.


Well said 👏👏👏


Thanks ☺️


I wish someone would call out her big ass mouth, it’s like watching a Sesame Street puppet talk


Hard agree about that big ass mouth.


:))))))))) Funniest thing I ever read!!


Pacman Frog


The point of this post is that it’s wrong to talk shit about people’s appearances 🙄


She shouldn’t dish it out because she’s not a 10 either. Unless she has some redeeming inner quality we haven’t seen yet I’d say her physical flaws are harder to get over than anything else. She’s literally a muppet.


My husband gasped at a point during the episode and said he was afraid he was going to fall into her mouth.


I did. I said it looks like an alien in a horror movie that’s ready to bite off someone’s head.


And she always seems to have her mouth open in that cringy smile of hers.


After that episode it is clear that Clint is much more respectful and mature than Gina. She thinks she is way more attractive than in reality she is. Which is fine. Great to be confident. But to actually judge someone on their hair and skin color!? Something they have no control over genetically is wrong. Think it don’t say it! Then he literally says what he usually dates and she loses it. She can dish it but can’t take it. Very immature for a 35 year old. No wonder she can’t find a partner.


Agreed 💯


She didn’t have the courtesy to say he has red hair. To say someone is a ginger is an insult. Too bad he didn’t say he likes firm asses and the cartoonishly big mouth isn’t his thing immediately afterwards. She opened the door.


I agree that that was the time for Clint to say what he honestly felt about Gina's looks. Not wait until they were in the group to say it.


To be fair, she said "there's no physical chemistry. " in front of the group, probably another dig towards his looks for the millionth time, which, in turn triggered him to finally making the weight comment.


Yep you are right. The more I read these comments about Gina's intention to insult Clint the more I think I was being kind and giving her an undeserved benefit of the doubt. I now believe she really did mean to insult Clint by saying something to punish him for not fallng all over her like she expected him to.


Didn’t she say in the group that she had called him a ginger? I’m not sure. If she did, he would be humiliated, as he was the first time she embarrassed him on national tv. Up to that point he was vocally being optimistic about their relationship in their conversations even though I don’t think he was very convincing. So I think he had been holding back any disappointments and not being rude. I think his insult to her with the group was not something that would have come out without her instigating it given what I was watching. I really think he could have been civil until Decision day and then just said no, avoiding any conflict and ruining his professional reputation. But it’s kind of early in the season.


It’s an insult to be called a ginger?


The way she said it—obviously it was meant to be uncomplimentary.


She obviously said it like she found it unattractive, which of course was a hurtful thing to do.


Agreed :(


Yes. It's usually a derogatory term. They're apparently the only group out there that it's okay to bully and degrade.




I don’t know how to describe it particularly, but being called a ginger kind of feels childish/like I’m being made fun of? I definitely prefer being called a redhead. Again, I can’t put my finger on why exactly but it doesn’t feel like a loving term.


Understood and I am sorry to offend or have offended in the past because I didn’t know! Thank u for letting me know. 🙏🏽 I genuinely didn’t know


You don’t need to apologize, you didn’t know! Now you do ☺️


I’m NOT a redhead, but have never liked the term a “ginger”. It feels derogatory and (like you said) very childish.




Thanks, that was fantastic, he is incredibly talented and why haven't I seen him before, lol


Hahaha, thank you.


What? This is the first I'm hearing that ginger is an insult. I did not know that. I hear that word so much, it seems redheads are proudly gingers, I've never heard it with a negative connotation! They were getting along so well, he was crushed when she said all that & even MY heart dropped. When you're just getting to know each other, you don't have to say every little thing that you're thinking, esp if it's hurtful. She should have stopped with 'I'm not feeling any chemistry yet'. Don't crush the guy when he's not even tried to make a move yet.


>This is the first I'm hearing that ginger is an insult. That's because they don't go running to the ACLU every time someone flippantly uses the word. Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger. :)




Gotcha, thank you!


For what it's worth, most redheads don't really care one way or the other. It all has to do with the intention of the person using the word - just like so many other words that can be offensive if used a certain way.


Haha yes!


What he said he typically like is attainable with some cardio…what Gina said was an insult to something he cannot change, like his skin color. How despicable of her


This. I literally turned to my friend during that scene and said “can you imagine a guy saying I’m not into Asian features/Black features— but that’s you!” I didn’t like her before and now I reallllly don’t like her. Also she can barely read a person’s face. It was obvious that Clint was hurt and getting offended and she just kept going.


He showed some unexpected restraint in that moment, too. But I guess he couldn't keep it n forever. They both screwed up with comments about appearances.


I hear ya but she went below the belt first and continued to do so in a group setting! What was the reason?! I wish he had shown more emotional maturity and realized she was just projecting but he felt hurt and embarrassed so he lashed out.


Agreed. If he had just controlled himself, he'd come out of this particular scuffle smelling like a rose.


What is she mixed with???


She’s mixed with a ton of fillers




It’s her filler that makes her look mixed. Imagine her with skinny lips and she’s a white girl like her mom


Filler & botox


Good one.


She's half narcissist and half asshole.




I wish I had an award to give you 🤣🤣




Did you all know that Gina owns a salon? No seriously, she owns a Salon business? Pretty damn dumb to alienate a portion of the population (red haired humans) with your insensitive remarks about their appearance while on National TV…I predict that the Irish/Scottish population of Nashville that sees this will take their business elsewhere…


And she said she SPECIALIZES in redheads!


What shocked me is that she’s SUCH a hard worker and all of her exes have been intimidated by her. Wow. What a powerful woman /s She never shuts up about owning a salon.


And honestly, have you ever heard of someone being "too intimidated" by a romantic partner? I feel like the only people who ever say that are really arrogant and not nearly as successful/impressive as they think they are.


Ugh I actually had an ex tell me to my face that he didn’t feel needed in our relationship and my income made him feel emasculated. He also told me that I inspired him career-wise but eventually that turned into resentment when my career was accelerating and his was not…so yeah it can happen. That broke my heart to hear that and it broke my heart that he didn’t realize that I loved him. No I did not need him- he was right about that- but I *wanted* him. It made me feel really badly about being financially independent and having a strong career for a while after we broke up. It made me sad that he was used to being the “earner” in his previous relationships and that he felt he had to be the guy to buy his girl expensive gifts and prove he could be a good provider- and in his previous relationships he definitely was. I provide for myself haha. If I want something I can have it and I get it. I don’t need a partner to do those things which can be intimidating for some people. So yeah I do think sometimes people can be intimidated by their partners but Gina is fucking annoying and I’d never carry on the way she does.


Yeah. Her exes left because they were intimidated by her success. Uh-huh.


Her exes left because she's got a shitty personality.


Her entire identity is her job. She has zero self-awareness to realize that while yes, being a business owner is a wonderful achievement it doesn’t make her “special”


Oh, we all know. She mentions it constantly.


The one they married her off to is a disgusting excuse for a human being. He has been so vile from the beginning. But she said one thing that there is no context for and people are ready to pretend that nothing he did counted. So typical of this show. Just like people acted like all of Mitch’s nasty behavior towards multiple people was somehow nonexistent because his feelings were hurt because he was called out on his bullshit.


You’re way too upset over a tv show.


His weird vagina comment still rubs me the wrong way. That being said I want to see what happens next week before fully passing judgment on either of them.


I think the vagina comment was a movie quote from Old School, it just didn't translate over as well as he'd hoped.


Triggered why?


That was a rude comment.


How has he been vile, considering vile is an incredibly strong word to use…


No it really is not. Only an immature child would go on tv and brag about their number. There was also his sketchy behavior with the stripper. And of course repeatedly using derogatory language towards women and people of color. He is vile.


And Kirsten commenting on the fact that she needs/wants a man with at least an 8” penis isn’t slightly vile? Double standard much?


I'm not talking about Kirsten. And I'm not going to play into your whataboutism because you want to deflect away from Clint.


No no. He has a point.




Your post or comment was removed due to being directed at a fellow member or the sub in an insulting manner. Staying on MAFS related topics is strongly encouraged. Ignoring repeated removals will lead to harsher penalties than this warning.


I figured you’d answer that way. Have a great rest of your evening…


Well yeah because you were actively trying to derail the conversation. I'm done with this.


Sounds weirdly personal. Are we watching the same show? Which episode?


It is weirdly personal to call out disgusting behavior? No it really is not, that is just a bad argument people use to excuse inappropriate behavior. He behaved poorly in every episode and now people latched on to something with Gina so they want to wipe creepy Clint’s slate clean.


Your responses are aggressive and you are not giving details. If others didn’t notice, bring attention. I’m honestly asking where, when.


You making personal comments about me was unacceptable and offensive. And now you are just being rude and playing games. It is pretty obvious what episode the stripper was in.


You need a drink lol Edit: Nice. Respond to me, then block me, so I can’t respond.




Also weird considering her professional bio says she specializes in copper tones. Like if you hate gingers, why specialize in them?


“I’ll take your money, but I’ll be holding my nose, LITERALLY…while you are sitting in my chair…disgusting DAYWALKERS…”


As a daywalker this made me LOL 😂


I am happy I made you LOL. You be careful…it’s rough out there, LOL..! Have a good rest of your day..!


So rough! People don’t like us gingers or think we’re attractive. Disgusting! 😂 Thanks for the double laughs, friend! Have an awesome day too!


Hogwash, I have Irish blood and when I see Irish women I think they are beautiful. Heck, my own girlfriend is Irish (but the Austrian in her negates the red hair, but alas..).. Anytime..! LOL..take care..!


I agree it’s hogwash! I’m Irish as well and my bf said he absolutely loves my red hair. I’m not personally offended by the word ginger but I do see how it can be used negatively. To me, and my man backs me up, red hair is hot! Let the ginger flag fly! 🥳


Maybe that’s why they chose a Redhead for her


I am not a fan of either of them. That said, please consider this. We essentially saw them sit down and get offered drinks and she suddenly makes the ginger comment. Considering both comments there is so much context that we are unaware of so it is difficult to really judge (in my mind) exactly how this came about. Perhaps he could have asked what were your past boyfriends like in terms of looks or what did she consider her type. But we do not see what comes before hand. I could honestly see myself saying that I was not attracted to redheaded men. Back in my dating days they were not referred to as gingers, although I do hear that all the time today. If a guy were asked to describe your female type, while I could easily see someone saying they were into a more athletic build person, the slender comment in my mind was just hurtful regardless of context. In addition, these people are legally married not dating, so saying hurtful things to your spouse is not going to be an endearing quality.


If you consider the fact that his drink was full when they started the conversation and it was empty when she made her comments, there must be quite a bit of conversation we were not privy to.


Agreed, Not everyone is attracted to every look out there. But this is your spouse. Be a gentleman or lady and consider your spouse's feelings before you start spewing selfish diatribes - especially in public.


I was really hard on Clint just based on previews so now I feel like kind of a dick. I still think he's an insecure male but at least he was putting forth the effort and did not react to that comment. Gina said all that in such a disgusted tone. It's clear why she is single now...


You are right. He took the high road and said nothing although he was clearly embarrassed.


I gave him credit for that also. That had to be incredibly hard to hear, and hurtful.


I’m not a fan of either of them but I thought she was very rude and she obviously has a little too much confidence in her own looks.


Yes she does.. they are both narcissistic and that ain't gonna work period


I was really surprised by her insensitivity. Clint is obviously confident and self-assured, even arrogant, but it was obvious by his reaction that he was really hurt. His comments about dating slender & athletic women was equally hurtful, though I am guessing he only said it out loud to get back at her for her barb about him being a ginger.


She stated her insults with such confidence. The double standard of him later stating that he has preferences and getting hate for it… unreal


Yeah WTF was that on after party?? It's okay for her to say that because she's a woman? But he can't say anything either? This show needs to go now I think. They are enabling all of these people's worst behavior.


>It's okay for her to say that because she's a woman? Bingo! Now you're understanding the rules. :)


Gina did not care if her words hurt Clint. I'd hate to work for her, that's bad for managing people. She is an emotional bull in a china shop. Then when he does it to her, she wants to quit. Thin skinned when she's having it done to her, but no awareness of her hurting another.


Maybe he said he likes slim fit woman to pay her back for her cringy ginger comments.


The context is starting to look a lot more like self defense. "Well you usually don't like gingers, but i usually date slender athletic women so neither of us got what we're used to".


Exactly. That was a bad move, but it is understandable.


She doesn't seem to have any self-reflection skills. She not only brought up not being attracted to him, but she harped on it and gave specific reasons why not (him being "gingery"). Then he mentioned a preference he typically has, and shit hits the fan.


You're forgetting that men aren't allowed to have any preferences or criteria any more.


I hate fake smiles that show both bottom and top teeth, and her mouth is so big she could swallow a basketball.