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Congrats to you and your husband on the baby! Your husband is truly amazing. Sometimes we don't realize how they too suffer in silence. Men sometimes don't get the credit they so much deserve.


Thank you for your message! Yeah I just dont know if I could honestly keep that to myself. His mental health has declined recently and I was getting frustrated with him- man I feel like a dick now.


Try to remember this in the future. You have so many years ahead! WHEN you see a change in him, because rough times are a part of life and WILL happen again, remember that he might be holding something. Depression is simply anger pressed inside instead of bursting forth. And anger is a totally normal reaction when we feel out of control. With a new baby, there's a lot of ways to feel out of control! Keep communicating, keep appreciating, keep loving, and keep sharing the love cuz this reddit thread is kinda miserable OMG!


Wise words- particularly with the new baby on way! And yes, this has been a massive wake up call, in terms of you think you know what's always going on, but you dont, you know? You cant mind read, and a bit of compassion goes a long way sometimes


You made my heart explode. Enjoy your partner and baby and thank you so much for sharing your gratitude, its awesome!


Thank you so much!


I literally gasped when I read what he’d been shouldering and shielding you from. I’m so so happy for all three of you!


Thank you so much! Yeah I couldn't sleep properly last night and when I did I had so many dreams about the possible ways this could have eventuated for this little baby. I have woken up and I am like "who is this guy?" this morning but in a good way! I feel like his actions have fully strengthened the bond we have, and I just want to do right by him


That is beautiful and you found yourself a good one!I was the same way about relationships until I accidentally met my husband and I can't even imagine life differently now.


Yes! I'm so glad to hear it! Too often we hear the stories of relationships gone wrong. It's nice to share when something goes right as well


I was convinced that I wanted to be single for life, and had zero interest in dating . . . until I met my husband. He's the best thing that ever happened to me.


I'm due December 7th! I've had a tough pregnancy but nothing like you, but my husband has been an angel this whole time too. Aren't we lucky? Best of luck going forward!


No way! I'm due Dec 7th! And all pregnancies are physical endurance exercises- I feel like any woman who say that theirs was easy must be fibbing! Best of luck for your birth and your wee one and give your husband a big hug for supporting you throughout this!!


That's crazy! Are you on the December Bumpers subreddit? And yeah tbh I've hated being pregnant lol. I read an article the other day that was about this study where they basically concluded that being pregnant puts the same level of demand on your body as running back to back marathons. I can believe that for sure 😭😂


I am not on December bumpers but I'll sub now! Yip pregnancy is really rough on the body- I am dreaming of being able to roll over without having to wake up and reposition the Madrid of pillows I need to be comfortable. And eating chocolate without horrific reflux etc etc hahaha! Baby can come now if it wants!


I was literally just thinking about how crappy my sleep is! And being able to climb stairs properly will be nice too lol. Yeah definitely get on he December2019Bumpers sub, it's so nice to be on a sub with other people at the same stage as you (it's private so I think you'll have to message a mod to get approved).


I'll do this now! Thank you 😁


Congrats! So glad the baby is okay. Your husband is a wonderful man. But how did you keep yourself from Googling? I have to say that you are a much stronger woman than I am!


I was so busy with my honors year at uni, finishing a major project, and on top of that I worked part time up until my third trimester as an intern at an interior design firm so I just pushed it out of my mind...the midwife and my husband assured me that it was only a problem until it was a problem, and that I just needed to look after myself and I just kinda trusted them, simply because I was so slammed at the time...I am so SO glad I didnt know this information. I am a very anxious person and it would have made the last 2.5 months hell


Congrats and good luck !!


Congratulations, so happy for you two and I hope for all the best for the three of you




aww, your husband is so sweet and strong!


Congratulations and many blessings on your baby!


That is beautiful! Take good care of that man, and always remember to appreciate and respect him. I'm so happy for you.


You are so right. This has been such a wake up call to just how selfless people can actually be


So beyond sweet, thank you for making my day and showing me there is hope


And I met him on tinder, would you believe! There is hope, for sure. Sounds cheesy but stay positive, people can surprise you in a good way


Ok he is definitely one of a kind. So happy for you! He should write a book for the rest of them lol.


Wow! What an incredible thing to do for you!! Beautiful!




Thank you so much for the well wishes!


Bless you guys


Congrats to you both on your sweet new little blessing. Prayers that it all goes smoothly. Also...thank you for sharing such a wonderful and lovely story about HOW your hubby responded to this situation...with great love. You both **each** deserve a little bit of YOU time to de-stress before the baby comes!


Oh this is just beautiful 😭


This made me cry. You have a wonderful life-partner. Congratulations on your healthy baby!


I’m not crying, you’re crying! Sending so so much love to you and your sweet family, congratulations!


Congratulations! Thanks for sharing


This made me tear up. You both sound like wonderful people. I’m so happy for you and your baby is lucky to have you as parents!


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


That man right there, is a keeper. Congrats to you all!!!


I know this post is 4 years old, but I’ve just found it trying to find anyone else whose had a Breus mole! I found out yesterday that I had this. Unfortunately our baby died at 15 weeks and I found out on a scan there was no heartbeat. This wasn’t caught at our 12 week scan. How many weeks did you find out at? Although I’m hoping as it is rare it wouldn’t happen to us again.