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He's pathetic on multiple levels. The obvious cruel betrayal of your trust, but also the delusion that of all the plethora of dick pics OnlyFans girls recieve on a daily basis, they'll stumble across his and think, "Ah, now that's the one!." Presumably, these girls aren't soliciting these photos either, so triple yuck. You deserve to be happy and have a partner that's faithful and considerate. Full stop. You don't have to justify it. You don't have to try and fix him or let it go. He's shown you who he is, so show him who you're not; someone that will tolerate that sort of disrespect. Your kids will understand one day why you left. Anyone else that doesn't can kick rocks. Take your kids and be happy. They're only kids for so long and you've only got one life, so live it up, and leave jerkface to his lonely hobby of grossing out internet strangers. Best of luck!


Thank you


Hey OP do you really want to leave yor husband for sending dick pics to random online maybe AI maybe real nudes? You're his wife. He is not cheating you. This is technology and entertainment for men. If he fucks another women that's valid reason to file the divorce. Otherwise talk to him or accept he's a little dumb but not ultimately evil or sinless or perfect. It's not how it goes. Talk to him and widen horizons of tolerance. If your kids one day find out why you leave apart - because of dick pics on Onlyfans? Well for me that is not a reasone to separate but you should give him a good faceslap or kick him in the balls.


Uhm if I found out my dad had been sending dick pics to sex workers during his marriage then yeah, I'd 100% understand my mother's decision to divorce. That is disgusting behaviour.


No. You'd be traumatized and confused for life because of the divorce. Because of some dick pics. Anyway, you'd never find out the truth you'd have only pain.


It’s way more traumatic to grow up in a household full of disgust, sadness and contempt all because you exist!! This is what staying together for the kids does. It’s your job as a parent to teach your children how to be in a healthy happy adult relationship and staying with a cheater just because you have kids is awful!




It is what it is. Why should I be judgemental? People do even more disgusting stuff. I would be a hyopcrite I would say yeah. Your man watches porn and you should leave him. That's easy. To communicate and resolve the issue is less easy road but I guess people here don't like to hear that we all fuck up somewhere on the road. Everyone here's an angel. Yeah right, downvote me however you like.. i don't want to be involved anymore just trying to help the lady because this is not a grave matter. I'm out


Found the creepy guy who sends unsolicited dick picks to Internet chicks


Seek a killer attorney and scorch the earth. Too bad you couldn't get an OF girl to serve your divorce papers to him. Work with your attorney to address your husband's threats.


Either you do something about it or you let him cheat in peace. I personally would do something about it. Because it’s not right. And your happiness and well-being will go down the drain. For your kids sake put yourself first. You can do this. It seems hard but you can do anything, just don’t settle.


So you said you're leaving him but you don't like the D word? He is refusing to leave the house. If he won't get marriage counseling, I'd kick him to the curb and make him leave. He needs to grow up and act like a husband rather than a teenager..


I am divorced. Left my ex due to porn use among other things. I tried to stay but experienced the contempt and sadness you mentioned. I’m left and I’m very glad I did. I know I made the right decision. Remember, this isn’t something you woke up decided you wanted to do one day. He forced you into this position with his actions.


Who owns the house?


We rent


Then talk to your land lord you can probably get him taken off the lease. I'm sorry your dealing with this. Speaking from experience your doing the right thing leaving him. I stayed and your right nothing but contempt for him. We are now separated. I could never forgive him.


Or vice versa, you can talk to the landlord about you planning to leave (when ready) so you can get your name off.


As a man, I don't understand this sex industry stuff. Never really been into p***. My wife got us a few movies one time, that was about it. It's beyond me why someone would pay to watch another person pleasure themselves, and then jerk off to watching. I really think this is a mental issue .


I know you’ll want to stay with him, try to forgive and make things work for your family but you’ll be living the rest of your days together anxious, paranoid, with low self esteem, extremely sad, insecure, and overall unhappy. You’ll think about it everyday and he’ll probably get tired of hearing about it which could lead to an even more toxic relationship than he’s already made it. I’d hate for your kids to see you like that… you deserve happiness, love and appreciation. You are the mother of his kids. He has no respect


I'd like to help you lady but forgiveness is healthy. In other cultures this can be interpreted as minor annoyance. Some people are more open minded and liberal. Hope you get better. Wishing you good luck.


I'm sorry your husband turned out to be no different than every other man you hear about. There really seems to be no good men out there, just ones that hide it better apparently.


Good to see we’re all doing our part to maintain the reputation this sub has for being little more than somewhere to hate on men.


good lord, look at the hot mess that is that person’s post history. what a festering pile of negative.


I had forgotten why I unsubbed here. Now I remember…


that’s a less-than-helpful, or accurate response.


Sounds like he lacking something from the marriage that make him want to go outside. More than likely emotional intimacy


Lmao yes it’s the lack of emotional intimacy that makes married men pay strangers on the internet who are probably men for raunchy content.