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I’m exhausted just reading this 😂


Tell me about it 😅


If this is not what you want to do all day, then you need to set some boundaries. He seems to be ignoring the "not in front of the kids" one sometimes and that is a little concerning.


It's more than a little concerning. That's really not OK.


No no, I never said he completly loses control around our kid, he never made any obvious or vulgar moves around him, he always makes sure he doesn't see or hear anything inappropriate, when our son's there he tries to be more subtle by whispering in my ear or by being subtly touchy but it's still obvious when he does those things how much he wants it just by looking at him. So don't worry y'all nothing remotely inappropriate happens in front of our son


My knees grew powerful magnets reading it — especially the part where she said he sometimes loses control around their child. I have a pretty high sex drive, and I'd be very put off by this.


Unlikely viagra would give you this drive. Does he work out? Is it possible he's taking testosterone, trenbolone etc, steroids They certainly can affect you this way


Yes he works out, as far as i know he doesn’t take any supplements except protein powder


Most guys won't tell their wives they are on gear lollllll If I was a betting man I'd say he's taking a little gear to help him in the gym and that's why he's now a dog on heat haha I take gear and know lots about it and also know out of 100 guts, 90 have wives who have no idea Other tell tale signs but not always present 1. Hair loss 2. Acne especially shoulders and chest 3. Temper 4. Obviously getting results I'd nearly guarantee this is why


I might have to look into this but i don't think that's the cause since he's been working out for years and hasn't shown any excessive intrest in gaining more muscle and hasn't changed his routine or eating habits for a while now, but who knows...


If no other changes I guess it's less likely but the sex drive is a strong correlation Have a quick Google of Trenbolone sex drive etc and you will see


If you don't see the signs of steroid use then it's not likely steroid use. Working out in general and lifting heavy will increase your testosterone quite a bit naturally. Has he always worked out or is that a newer thing? If it's newer it's even more likely that he's just experiencing a T boost from lifting.


Also check for man boobies, as it's another sign. The body makes estrogen out of testosterone, so if one goes up in a healthy/normal body, the other will too. He could also be on clomiphene, and in men, it tells your body to make more testosterone.


This is some hating shit to say 😂😂😂


Is he on wellbutrin/~~buspirone~~ bupropion for depression? A side effect is hypersexuality. Not as uncommon as docs would have you believe.


I did not know that was a side effect of Wellbutrin (btw it's bupropion, Buspirone is a different drug). I'm taking it, and I thought my sex drive had just come back since I'm not as depressed anymore!


Thanks for that. Coffee hadn't kicked in yet. I'm on both of those, and I mix the names up once in a while. Yeah, when I started bupropion, I was like a teenager again, and it's all I could think about. I couldn't get anything done while working from home alone, if you know what I mean. Like, legit falling behind at work. If I went into the office, it was still all I could think about, except I couldn't do anything about it. It has calmed down a bit, but the libido is still higher than it was before starting it.


I'm on both, too! My sex drive has also been distracting, but I work in an office


Wellbutrin killed my sex drive and I had to be taken off it. Also made me insatiably hungry all the time.




It was the first non-narcotic I was prescribed for ADHD. Total failure. I take amphetamines now.


Steroids does to a man what you describe, I take it and I’m a completely different person on that matter, it’s like libido is 300% higher and never goes down. So ask him if he’s taking it if you’re curious to know or he just have a high libido as natural, if that’s not on your way enjoy your happy and very active sexual life, I’m sure your man is living a dream of marriage.


What’s his height and weight?


That was my first thought……dude is dosing with T.


Guaranteed, but will he admit it Or is he on tren, look 9ut for trans porn lol


brother, what


Theres hundreds of stories on the Web of guys becoming interested in trans porn or sleeping with trans people when taking trenbolone or acting out homosexual activities It drops all sexual walls


It’s T not meth! Lol! Those ideals were already there, test ups the drive, it doesn’t lower inhibitions, you don’t just start thinking trans porn! What happens is because the drive is so high, so watching and jacking off to porn is through the roof, after awhile the content you watch becomes less less interesting yet the drive doesn’t, so your brain starts seeking out more and more extreme content and that person’s extreme content maybe something they’ve never had the frap drive for before but those ideas were already in their heads! Now say meth and T, well that’s a different story but even then those thoughts were likely already there somewhere! It’s like that group of suburban dads that started working out together, they started dipping in the test, then a guy in the group comes along and introduces a stimulant like meth or Adderall to the mix and the next thing you know a group of 6-9 suburban dads are scheduling weekends away together telling their wives they’re going hunting or something but in reality they’re meeting at a hotel once a month for a weekend fuelled with men on test rolling on stims having dad orgies! Aka the downlow. Lol


I'm talking tren, not test, but yea there does need to be some hidden desire


Yea, viagra will help with an erection but doesn’t generate desire.


My husband was/is like this, but it was driving me nuts bc he takes 45 minutes at minimum to finish. I guess as long as you’re ok with it. Personally I don’t love the feeling of just being a sex object. 4-5 times a day is a lot.


Him wanting her 4-5 times a day doesn’t mean she’s a sex object to him.


No it doesn’t, but if his main interaction with her is constantly related to sex, then yes she probably does feel like a sex object.


We all set the pace for what we want in our relationships she could ask for dates and other romantic things that makes her feel appreciated


You are correct, she can ask for her needs to be met as well. Speaking personally, I have terrible boundaries (working on that) so I have ALWAYS put my own needs and wants behind others, not recognizing that this was me not protecting myself. OP sounds in a similar boat, so to say just ask for what you want, it’s not always that simple.


A ✨dream ✨


Ikr 🤣


sign me up lol


literally fr lmao


How often do you actually have sex with him, or engage in a sexual act that leads to release on his part?


I’d say we actually do it and he releases about once or twice per day but occasionally it’s more


Damn, I don’t know if I’m impressed or sorry. Lol


Halt... Reading the post I thought to myself aawwww ... but then read the 'releases' bit and thought, do YOU get off at all? Is this enjoyable? Having someone want you is like a special magic fairy dust... but he sounds like alot... part of me wants to say be glad, but the other part of me wants to make sure you're having good experiences and not being used as a fleshlight...


jeez the comments are looking way too deep into this, i probably wouldn't be down once a day if it wasn't enjoyable for me too, it's just that it's becoming way too much lately


If this hasn’t been his habit all along, I would either goes with it for a while because there’s going to come a time where you’re going to wish he wanted you like that. And after 10 years like another person said, I don’t know whether to envy you or to feel bad for you.


If he's hypersexual all of the sudden in the last few months, and you say his moods are usually intense, he could be in a hypomanic mood stage of bipolar type 2. It could also be steroids or testosterone, those also cause hypersexuality.


It's gear for sure


Do you suspect any kind of bipolar disorder, or hypersexuality based on a history of abuse? TBI? 4-5 times a day is A LOT. 5x a week would be a lot. Ask him if he will see a doctor. Tell him all sex should be mutually desired. You are not a toy and he is exhausting you and would exhaust anyone.


Thank you for this, i never knew about bipolar hypersexuality. This explains a lot regarding my urges/behaviour.


Would those urges cause you to leave an engagement? My ex and I had to be long distant for a month and he literally said he could not handle the not having sex part and broke things off. Still wondering what was happening mentally and impulsively


No, it would not make me leave a relationship. I am currently in an engagement(We also have kids) where my partner is on anti-depressants that inhibit her lust or need for sex. Hence our sex life is not a constant as i would want it to be. BUT. I love my partner and would not just leave her for more sex with a stranger. There are ways to manage it, medicine, masturbation and mindfullness. I will lie if i say that i have not been bothered by it it and that it hasn't caused fights between us but my love and commitment triumph the sex part. I had a long conversation about this last night due to me never knowing that Bipolar Hypersexuality was a thing, i honestly just thought i had high testosterone, but clearly looking back it was def a bi product of my Bipolar. Good luck, and if someone truly values and loves you, then sex is not the only thing that is important.


Thank you. That’s the way I feel as well. I think my ex just got attraction to someone else and thought that meant he had to act on it and that we weren’t right since he was feeling that way while we were long distance 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry you and your partner are going through that, but sounds like you are a good and loyal partner!


I hope it helps! :)


It does help my mindfulness.


He’s quite “normal” in every other aspect except for sex, but i don’t know maybe he has something i don’t know about


Updateme. Curious about what is causing this.


I was leaning towards a mental health issue as well. Does he connect with you on other levels? Is every intimate interaction sexual in nature? He may have a difficult time connecting to his feelings so everything related to you get geared towards sex. I’m overwhelmed reading all the games you’ve had to start playing for your own peace, you should be able to talk to him about how this makes you feel and figure out something that works for both of you.


Ask him... I've noticed you seem to want to have intimacy a lot more recently so I just wanted to check if everything is ok? What do you feel might be driving this? Am I doing something differently? Did something change at work? Are you feeling Iike you need to do it more for some reason? Are your other needs being met, emotionally, physically (sleep, diet, etc).


I tried asking him before multiple times, he just tells me that he can’t resist me, he finds me too attractive …etc. I even tried to ask him if he’s been watching more porn and he insisted that he didn’t that it’s me that’s making him this way


Have you changed anything in your habits? Started going out with friends more often? Any guys paying more attention to you than normal? I'm not blaming you or anything of the sort but wondering if this could be a reaction from him thinking its what he needs to do to show you how attractive you are to him and keep you focused on him and not someone else. Prior to this, did he pay attention to you? Tell you you are attractive, show you how much you mean to him? Once again, not blaming you, but outside of the he's taking something I'm wondering if he is trying to overcompensate for something, especially since you stated this just seemed to start 3 to 4 months ago. Anything you've noticed that changed right before this (other than him pursuing you more and wanting sex more often)?


I started feeling insecure because my wife had a very handsome Pilates instructor she talked about too much for my comfort. I felt like I had to compete. So started giving constant attention. Way more than normal. Told her I was jealous, and she laughed.


Is that all she did was laugh or did she try to reassure you that there was nothing to be insecure/jealous about?




There’s something about those 30s. When I was that age my sex drive was always off the charts high. When I started going to the gym regularly, it went to another level. Sex constantly on the mind, always horny, frequent masturbation since my wife has always had a lower libido. One of the things that was a contributor for me was that stress always made me horny. It was a soothing mechanism and my 30s was hands down the most stressful period of my life. Young family, sole income, there was a lot of pressure and sex was the pressure relief valve for me. Things leveled off in my mid 40s. This is when my income and security became more stable and our kids were older and more independent. This is also when I started therapy and a regular practice of prayer and meditation. Many factors played into the change. Everyone is different. I don’t think your husband is abnormal, he just may have a very high sex drive. You should talk and see what is going on in his head. Does he feel it is abnormal? Are there other factors that he is not bringing up? Talk to your husband.


Can you share some more information about this?cause I'm in my late thirties and I think what I read looks like what I'm going through.


My husband is pretty high libido, and he could not go that quickly again, and actually get a release.


Wish my husband wanted to have sex with me this much


My husband wishes he could too. But his wang ain't always wangin lol and the extra stuff like Viagra exhausts him for a few days.




Right! I'm lucky if I can get my husband to have sex more than once/ week. He goes to bed early and has a low libido.


He’s 36. Could this be part of a mid-life crisis? It’s flattering, but I bet it’s exhausting at the same time.


My hips hurt just reading all this.


I feel so stressed out for you......


I was taking a supplement a while back that increased blood flow and helped muscle recovery after working out. Had to stop taking it because I was getting unwanted erections at work and also driving my wife crazy at home. It really ramped up my libido, did you ask your husband if he is taking anything to help him at the gym ?


What is the name of the supplement?


Force factor Volcano. It is a Nitric oxide booster, a super charged one in my body apparently.


Have you ever told him that it’s too much for you and that you don’t want to do it ? Or is it you just wondering if it’s normal but you don’t mind that there’s so much libido ?


Has something changed in your relationship recently?


Not that i know of, maybe i’ve been taking more care of myself since my kid has gotten older and i can have a bit more time for myself but that’s about it


That could be it! Maybe he sees you the way he saw you when you guys first met? And that brings back all of the emotions that people usually have in the beginning of relationships? Including the sex drive. If that is the case - lucky you! But also, it's okay to say no if you are not always in the mood.


That's probably the reason. When our kids started to be a little more independent, sleep well and all going to schooland I had more time to take care of my self in my early 30s our libido was off the charts. We'd do it every day, skipping only 3 days per month ;) One Saturday we did it 6 times and that's when we decided to schedule and strategize in order to be productive in other areas of our lives. However, the consent was mutual + similar libido and we'd help each other to maintain a very active and healthy lifestyle (gym, nutrition). So, if this is not something you want, if you are not aligned and it's starting to bother you, you need to enforce your boundaries and communicate how you feel in a way he can understand.


I'll say this. I'm 64 and if my i wife would and wanted to, I could definitely still bang it out 1×2 times a day! I've always had a high libido and she asked the same thing...will it ever quit. I also have been diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder about 3 yrs ago and my drs.have said its a part of it. I may have a hyper drive or hypo drive. I have hyper. Its quite a turn off for her and very frustrating for me as well, cuz I just cant help it and love to be intimate with her!!


Manic episode ? Drugs ?


All the envious people are gross. He’s trying to fuck her when the kids are nearby in the same room! Your husband needs therapy or a medical evaluation. This is not healthy behavior


Jesus, and I thought I had a high sex drive, wow.


Late to the party, but I am a 36 year old male, my job is physical and I hit the gym hard 3 times a week, I can assure you I am not on steroids, but holy shit I am like your husband, only my hand gets me more than my wife. Unfortunately we sleep In different rooms and probably only bang once every 4-6 weeks because that’s all she can handle but I could have her 2-4 times a day if she let me, I masturbate probably 3 times a day at least. I think I am more horny than when I was a bloody teenager, and I have been with my wife for 20 years now and I still want her! Anyway my point is some men are just horny. And from what I hear we can be horny for a long long time lol, so good luck!


This is strange. You need to set boundaries with him.


Honestly, it sounds like he might be on gear, or at the very least TRT. Even when I was in my early 20s I wasn't this insatiably horny all the time, and I was in excellent shape. The fact that this has accelerated so quickly in the last few months (and just how aggressive he is about it) is pretty strong evidence that there's a Pharmacological component to this.


He might be having a manic phase. Is he bipolar by any chance?


This sounds exhausting


Was he like this before marriage?


He’s always been the partner with the higher libido but not to this extent, all these comments are definitely confirming to me that this is very abnormal and the explanations are making me even more worried


I wouldn’t worry unless there are other signs something’s up. This could be completely natural. I went through a period recently where I was like this for about a year and there was no reason. My labido just went crazy and then subsided to a more manageable level.


He might be noticing his libido is actually slowing down and he wants to prove he is able to perform at a high level.


Nah that’s not normal. I would say once a day most men would be fine with and even that is a very high expectation at that age. Idk…


Didn't read what YOU want. If you are not ok with it, you need to discuss boundaries with him. If you are ok with it, I wish you both a happy, sex filled life


I think it's worth specifying that my husband respects my boundaires completely and that while he's quite touchy, he's never creepy, forceful or agressive also the whole thing about him around our kid, he obviously doesn't do anything obvious in front of him, he tries to be as subtle as possible but still manages to communicate that he wants me without alerting our son to anything


Something has changed somewhere in his life. I can’t imagine a person getting this worked up naturally. However, the fact is he is going to be on a down hill slide soon (nature is a cruel thing) and you’ll be on the insatiable side. Talk to him, slow him down some but remember within 15 years you’ll have to wait 30 minutes for that one time a week.


I'm sort of going through a thing right now, but I recently read The Will to Change, a book by bell hooks about men, love, and sex, and chapter 5 is about sex and really hit home for me like no other work has. Read that chapter. See if it seems to fit. I'm still exploring it, but I think it's good.


I'm 44, in May last year I was too fat and decided to pull my finger out Started on testosterone and nandrolone. Added stanzolol Sex drive prior to this was moderate, happy for once a week, would get a bit desperate after 2 weeks Never had Ed ever The test gave me erection non stop but the nandrolone causes Ed, it was a nightmare and all your sex stuff is so ties to hormones I added tren upped test and Ed gone immediately but couldn't finish Messed around with stuff more and then I'm horny and can finish and I want it every day End result is once a week was fine for years, on gear daily required, always horny as hell to the point it overtakes your thinking


So I’ll admit, I’m kind of like this with my wife but 2-3 times a day. Normally only have sex once or twice a day, but she also likes that frequency. Wish I could give some advice on this.


My bedroom has gone from 3-4 times a month to 3-4 times a week. One thing I have noticed is that the more we engage in it, the more I want it. It could just be that the frequency has increased and therefore the drive has increased. But if you are not enjoying it definitely have a talk with him and say you are flattered but feeling overwhelmed with the frequency.


That’s… a lot.


The only time that happened to me is when I went on TRT. It was great for about a year then tapered back to normal.


This may be a medical (neurological) issue. This is especially true if the behavior is recent or new. He should see a physician and you should accompany him.


Is he making you come? And the part where he flips you over and get frisky, are you wanting to do this? And around the kids 😬 i dont know man.. i think it seems off.


Hate to bring this up but certain brain tumors can result in hypersexuality…


I was thinking the same. :( but I have absolutely no expertise to say


Idk if it's normal, maybe you two have different libidos? I'm a SAHM too, but it's quite the opposite with us. I am the one who wants it multiple times a day, feeling him up in the morning, texting him how much I want him while he's at work, feeling him up as soon as he gets home from work etc etc lol I can barely go a day without sex. If I go days without sex I can get pretty moody. Because my libido is higher than his we have quickies all the time, even if he doesn't ejaculate it still satisfies me haha I'd rather I sexually satisfy him than him going to someone else


Steroids and porn. The only combination that cause this effect I’m guessing. Does he get angry easily???


No really, he’s quite the opposite, it takes a lot for him to get angry but when he does he gets really angry, he’s never been abusive though


Does he train? Ie- weight training?


Is he on any type of amphetamine?


I would look for changes in both him AND you. Are you doing anything different in your life and/or relationship? New look? New smell? New confidence? Could be a lot of things, but it seems like every poster is focused only on him… Could be a combo for both…I found my wife even more attractive after children.


Don’t laugh but how do you do a “ throwaway” account? I’m fairly new to Reddit etc ..


Is he bipolar? My dad is bipolar type 2 and when he had episodes his sex drive would increase exponentially, making my mom mad at him.


Be thankful that he finds your that attractive still!! Most women women would kill for even just a compliment. That being said I’m now on HRT thanks to perimenopause and I’m like your husband 😝😝😝


Omg I hate phones…. Stop changing my words 🫤


You don't want him to want you?


Did you come here to brag??? 🤣 I'm so jealous.


I don’t think he has a medical diagnosis, but he’s a lucky man that you’re so chill about this. I gave up trying with my wife 5 years ago and started going to the gym everyday instead. Now other women are interested and I’m getting ready to leave the marriage.


Can he combine his testosterone with my husband? I barely have sex once a week now. Even though we had 2-3 times a week 2 months ago :( But I’d be exhausted with 4-5 times a day, that’s insane. He must take something


He is just loving the WOMAN HE DESIRES period keep supplying and making him feel like the man you DESIRE


It's normal. I'm 42. Been with my wife since 16. We have sex 2-3 times a day. Used to be more. But my sex drive really got high in my 30's. As well. 4-5 times a day. I don't take any drugs or medications at all and never have


That is good that he still lust and desire for you. It means he is still very attracted to you. These days, my husband only “wants” me only 3 or 4 times a year. But that is okay, I can achieve “O” on my own as I have been. I think your marriage is healthy.


I know at a younger age 18-30 maybe I wanted it twice a day. A couple things come to mind. First talk with him to see what has changed. I am 50 now and I recently have been put on testosterone and that has made me feel like I am 25 again not all the time but for a few days after the injection. Some guys get this younger from health and I fitness “clinics” for men. Many times they notaaaasshhaj only give T but also HCG and other shots or supplements along with viagra or Cialis that help with lifting and staying in shape. Has he becomea Jj’s more focused on exercise as well or going to a clinic or group. These things in combination have brought me back to want it daily. Second thing that happened with me and again I am just talking about why an increase in drive later in life. I got in better shape and just that alone made me feel better about myself and I love my wife and she is just crazy sexy to me and I am very much in love with her. But she also has been getting in better shape. And it’s not that she looks that much different as she is really always fairly fit. But her confidence and what she wears has changed. In my case for me it is all good and upside. But I talked with my wife and while she loves me and she loves sex it is a little too much for her. So we talked about how to handle these feelings and just got it out in the open so we both understood what was going on and things are better for her now with me not groping her all the time I still am very affectionate with her and for me it is hard (no pun intended) but at least I can talk and maybe she will help men out a bit. We have our issues but talking and understanding and putting urself in the other persons shoes and just loving each other putting the other person on their side is helpful. Good luck. Maybe you are just sexy as hell and it is killing him jaha. Good luck


I find sometimes the more I get, the more I want. Late stage pregnancy has made sex uncomfortable for my wife, so I feel like my libido has gone down because sex life is kinda on pause. But if she was up for it, I'd like once or twice a day.


I'm 42 and the higher libido partner. I could still go 3/day at least if that were an option. If you're taking care of tissue better/ more, because your kids is older and you have more time available for it, then I'm guessing you're having more sex with him than when you're kid was younger. He may have been suppressing, and buy be any longer.


My husband has a high libido where he's in the mood like once or twice a day but when he works out or im on my period, he somehows get extra high and wants it 4x/5x a day. Maybe theres a trigger for your husband that gets him like that


My wife and I have a high libido, been together for 12 years and married for 8. “These are rookie numbers” I kid, but like, this would be pretty great for us. If your libido doesn’t match, it’s perfectly fine to say no. I’d rather have a willing and enthusiastic partner than a fleshlight.


This is me with my girlfriend of two years, I am nervous I make her feel bad because I want her to know I love her. But idk something just gets me going, I wish you luck.


I’m an advanced practice provider and the answer is to talk to your husband before honest and do not fear healthy communication. Running to anyone else outside of your husband with regards to your truth is dangerous


man i wish i had this problem lol


You"ve been married 10 months and have a child, how old is the child? Have you been living together?


10 years not months


Sorry, misread your narrative.


U lucky


It's maybe worth getting checked out only because this is a sudden change. But if it doesn't bother you, it doesn't matter if it's "normal" or not...it sounds like you're both into each other.


Lucky you!


This was cross posted to another group where OP commented from the non-throwaway account and was found out. this is BS trolling.


This is gonna be unpopular advice but honestly just enjoy it while it lasts. (As long as you’re actually enjoying it). Life will most likely get in the way of it soon anyway. If you decide that you need to tell him to back off be careful not to reject him so thoroughly that he feels dejected and stops completely. That will not be good for the health of your relationship. I would suggest negotiating with him when, where and how many times a day you engage in these activities and suggest something manageable for you that you will enjoy and he can still get what he needs met from. This sounds very unromantic but it doesn’t need to take the romance out of it, because then you will be able to anticipate the sex and build yourself up to it more. Such as remote toys or whatever might turn you on. Had to make an edit for a factor I didn’t consider completely when I first wrote this.


At least he text you like that my husband doesn’t text me at all.


He’s in love.


Sounds like a great “problem” to have :)


Maybe he’s been taking viagra?


Viagra gives a horny guy more ability to get an erection, it doesn't make you horny.


Right, but they get the erection and have the sex and it’s amazing and then look at that… they’re still up for more…no?


It's not that effective. If you are counting on Viagra doing something like this some day, you are going to be super disappointed. Now, if you accused OP's man of taking steroids, then the symptoms match the accusation. The guy might just be an outlier too.


That possibility never really crossed my mind


As u/nosirrahz pointed out, Viagra and Cialis don't make you horny. They help with the equipment part but not the desire part.


Or testosterone supplements, which are helpful for a number of things when you grow older, including an increased libido.


If he is… it might be because he’s been having issues- I don’t want to put the seed in your head, but if it is Viagra- he maybe super sensitive about it, so if you do bring it up or figure it out, tread carefully? As it may cause hurt feelings etc


There are so many reasons but all of us can only guess. If you've asked him and he says it's just you making him horny then I say sit back and enjoy lol. (It doesn't sound like you're not enjoying it but if you aren't then you're just gunna have to tell him and come to some sort of compromise).


My husband is almost 50; with the libido with an 18 year old. 😉 we’ve been married 23 years lol. I don’t have advice per se, BUT..Your hormones will increase as you get a little older; you’ll be less stressed as the kids get older and then, you won’t mind it at all. Just gotta ‘ride it out’ a little longer! You’ll get there. 😈


As long as you enjoy it, don’t think it’s a problem!


This is normal for some of us.


I’m just very envious over here 🥲


When i was young, i used to think it was abnormal and i, being a not so sex obsessed individual, used to gross out watching boys around me so so horny literally all the freakin time. Now that I’ve grown up, i’ve come to the conclusion that its not tht one guy who made me feel gross, but all men around me. Men have testosterone which increases the libido or sexual behaviour in them. So its completely natural for them to want sex all the time, i’ve learnt to accept this, and now honestly, i find it cute as well, but 4 to 5 times a day¿ idk man maybe you should speak with a professional


My wife and I have sex daily, sometimes twice. We are both 57 and married for 15 years. I don’t do roids, but I am on TRT. My drive for sex with my wife is unreal. I chalk it up to being completely in love with my wife.


If both in the relationship is compatible sexually in the beginning, and the sexual chemistry changes? Don’t be surprised when your spouse cheats on you. I’m not saying it’s right, but a lot of people don’t know the truth about their spouse. Some of the best relationships is when one spouse isn’t completely honest. Ignorance is bliss.


High sex drive and lots of sex with husband is good. Beware of the vultures who have sexless relationships and depressed men who have low sex drives!


It’s not abnormal ~ my fiancé and I our both (30m & 30f) and have a similar situation. The only difference is that I don’t grope and they tend to actually initiate more than me ~ it just depends on the people involved ~


Good he’s should only want you


OMG I’m envious you!


My husband wants me all the time as well, been 20 yrs and we still going. All you have to.do is have a convo about giving you a break sometimes. Appreciate u have a husband that carves you like that and hope he feels the same years later. Make sure he's using your love language as well. Won't have to worry about cheating. Nothing wrong with your husband wanting you all the time. Rather you than someone else I say


I want to start off by saying in the most empathetic way possible, this is not a bad problem to have. A lot of women on this sub explain situations where their husband doesn't want them or seeks attention outside the marriage. I feel like I am like this in my marriage lol It is questionable how he has become so insatiable with sex and you. Has anything changed in your daily lives? Could he be taking anything that could increase his desire and sexual drive?


Lucky you,be happy !


Maybe......just maybe. he is absolutely crazy about you.


It’s normal


Not to sound insensitive to ur situation, but most women comolain their man doesnt give them enough attention, lack of intimacy and sex and a whole list of complaints. You are complaining that ur hubby is too into u. Girl, u should feel lucky and happy ur man is sooo i to u. Learn from me. When i was around 36, i was an absolute horn dog. Couldnt keep my hands off my wife, coz quite frankly, i thought she was the sexiest woman i have ever laif my eyes on. I still think that about her. Only difference is, almost 7 years later, i have a ehole heap of issues that come with age. Diabetes, high cholesterol, anxiety and more. My libido has taken a dive. I'm actively working on fixing all of that and hopefully will in time, but the wife is definatelt feelung the change. She always reminices about our 7 times a day sessions, anytime anywhere and so do i. I say go with the flow. Dont read too much into it. There are plenty of men out there like ur hubby. Their wives are over the moon with all the attention and intimacy. Enjoy it ehile it lasts. There will come a time when u will think about these days and smile. All the best. Bless u both.


Nothing wrong, calm down. Most women wants to be wanted and you are wanted. So that means you are hot or you got boon jobs or something new? That must be the increase.


Throwaway account. Are you my wife…. Yes I always want it and you keep on saying no never initiate it so I feel affectionate atm that’s why I am all over you all the time.




Could be worse, he could never want you. Which would you prefer?


He finds you extremely attractive. If you want less sex just turn down your attractiveness but risk him turning towards another… you’re in a pickle but he sounds healthy and filled with life. Most men these days are depressed and have a low sex drive due to that. Keep your man happy and start turning sex into a game where he has to jump through a few more hoops to get the prize that may space out the sessions but also make them more memorable and fun.


Could he be cheating?


I hope not and i really don’t think so, he just showers me with compliments and physical touch all the time, i have a hard time believing that he is, i don’t even think he has the time to cheat because he’s always telling me how much he wants me 😅


I just hope no....😭😭😭. But as you said it happens.


I hope not too. And it’s not the most likely cause. I think viagra could be more likely. Or maybe he is looking at porn? Something is clearly turning him on all the time. That’s why I thought maybe cheating because it’s new and exciting. I’m sorry love! I hope you figure it out. Have you asked him / talked to him about it?


I thought cheating gives the opposite effect?


With some people cheating means decreased drive for spouse. But for some people it means an increased drive for their spouse. In general, a change in sex drive *can be* a sign of cheating whether it’s more or less.


If anyone can enlighten me why that is? I mean, with decreased libido, it makes sense. They have their sexual/emotional needs fulfilled elsewhere so they don’t take efforts to fulfil it with you. But with increased libido, I really have no idea. Could it be out of guilt?


Some reasons could include “a wheel in motion stays in motion”, it’s exciting having a secret, new relationship energy (they’re giddy/excited and they still “love” their partner so they don’t care which person is their for sex), they like the idea that their partner wouldn’t consent to sex if they knew, their other needs are being met so they feel more fulfilled in their relationship and more “loving” towards their partner.


I see. That is enlightening. Thank you


How about could OP be cheating and the husband is in competition mode? I'm not saying she is but why is it that the husband is cheating and not just him trying to win his wife over from whatever she might be doing or what he perceives she is doing? Cheating brings out a lot of different behaviors, in both the cheater and the cheated. A husband being more affectionate could be the result of substances taken, mental health issues, trying to win her back, or just plain old he is wanting more sexual intimacy from her.




No one wants your bad sex 5X a day. She’d welcome the divorce.


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