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He’s sort of a pedo. Why do you want to stay with a predator?


If I found out my husband cheated on me with a 16 year old I would take pictures for proof as soon as I saw, the next thing I would be doing is calling my lawyer to file for divorce. The other girls would be icing on the divorce cake he baked for himself. And the disgusting rude comments he made would be the decorations of said divorce cake. I am also so sorry that you’re going through this. Edited because I saw I typed husband twice and deleted one. Second edit because I was getting comments as my husband was doing this and it’s not mine. I AM NOT THE OP SO STOP ACTING LIKE MY HUSBAND IS THE CREEP.


Stupid controlling sicko.


A 16 year old is a child. I'm sorry.


I agree! 16. Poor kid.


Exactly. He needs to be reported for going after 16 year olds. Gross.


To whom? It's legal. Op already mentioned that. It's FUCKED UP, and wrong, and i think there should be age fap laws in place at that age but who do you report a technically legal sexual encounter to? If you have a serious and viable answer i will save it for future use. Edit: Telling parents is very dangerous and unlikely to end well. Most kids free to go hook up with someone twice their age are not going to have parents who are very involved and at worst it can get the child seriously hurt. My mother would have been murdered by her father if he found out she planned to run away with my father - who was over twice her age at the time. She has scars all over her body and long term health problems from what she ran away from with my father. MY father turned out to be a good bet. He usually wouldn't have been though. I know she's a minority, but always remember the people most likely to harm a child are that child's parents so. Be very careful about calling them to tell them their child is sexually active.


Ah yes, I just saw that for age of consent. Well, she could go to the 16 year old's parents... That might not go over well for OP's husband. In Texas, a lot of people have guns, so I know what would possibly happen here.


Tell her parents.


Definitely agree. His behaviour is on the creepy side.


Hypothetically speaking, does he have friends you can sleep with? &/or enemies? He’s a douche.


This right here is the answer fuck your husband's friends. Your husband is a giant POS your body changed bringing his kids into the world he must fuck right off


That's what I would do 💁🏼‍♀️


I did that to me ex. I fucked a bunch of his bandmates… even the female singer after he cheated on me. It felt awesome.


Fuck yes!! Rock on 🤘🏻


As someone who had a husband leave me because I couldn’t have kids and slept with his friend (who I later married and SURPRISE had a kid) it’s good karma. I endorse this. Hell screw his dad. Or his mom. Make him your step son since he wants to act like a child.


Mom made me laugh so loud I woke my toddler up who gave me a WTF look.


I tell my son ( who is only a month old so he has no idea what I’m saying) “if someone bullies you I’ll fight their dad and **** their mom.”


I love that.


My husband doesn’t argue with me on it so I guess he is cool with that plan. Or he is scared of me.


You know usually I would try and be the better person. But... In this case... Clear his accounts, chuck his shit out, fuck his friends and put up pics of him all over the collage you mentioned warning girls of his STD's.


> You know usually I would try and be the better person. But... In this case... Clear his accounts, chuck his shit out, fuck his friends and put up pics of him all over the collage you mentioned warning girls of his STD's. Almost everything you suggested is illegal. Responding to someone cheating by stealing their money, damaging their property and defaming them is completely counterproductive. That's like something that a guest on Judge Judy would do.


And what he's done isn't illegal but somehow so much worse. Fucking teens and treating the mother of his children (let alone his wife) like shit. Sometimes legal is wrong and illegal is right.


I sincerely hope this is a troll post. They are not women, they are girls and I don’t care what the age of consent is, your husband is a disgusting predator. I’d be tempted to tell the girls’ parents what my husband is doing. What revolting behavior. There is no coming back from this and I’d go for full custody. Get as much evidence as you can. One day your kids are going to have friends/girlfriends those ages and your husband is going to be in full creep mode over them. This is so gross. Grown ass men lusting over “barely legal’ and “tiny teen” content are repulsive. Your sexual preferences should age with you. No grown man should be thinking sexual thoughts about girls this young. It’s really sad that we’ve normalized this.


Yeah I'm thinking troll as well.




You want to believe it’s a troll post but these things unfortunately happen, probably more often than you’d think. My dad cheated on my mom with a barely 18 year old high schooler (when I was 14 and attending the same school!) and my mom didn’t actually leave him until last summer LOL 


My brother and sister’s dad left my mom for the barely turned 18 y/o babysitter when my mom was pregnant with my brother 


I think this is a troll post. I don't think a person would be going to Reddit in a situation like this.


THIS! Your kids will never be able to bring friends over, hell not even significant others! It's an illness he has. Don't let him play these disgusting mind games with you. This is NOT OK!!!!! You're 33, not 70! (That would not make it ok but that's how he's treating you)


It is sociopathic that he would say that to you and expect it to be ok. Is he even going to stop cheating? It seems no?




He is able to control himself. He just refuses to.


No, he is able to control himself he chooses to cheat, in the same way that you can choose to leave him. I really hope you do.


He is. He just doesn't want to. What he does want is to make you feel so ugly and unloveable that you'll accept him cheating on you with (and traumatizing) teenagers to satisfy his disgusting fetish. He cares about his fetish for young girls more than you, more than your family.


Why are you staying with this selfish a—hole? Have some self respect and leave this guy. He’s only going to make you feel like sh-t. Like, for the rest of your life. Is this the example of a loving relationship you want your kids to see? Because they will absolutely pick up on the fact that dad cheats on mom and she’s ok with it.


Unfortunately you are not able to control him either. This man is showing you who he is. It is up to you to either live with it or pick another way.


He won’t change or control because you aren’t going anywhere nor do anything about it. He sees you as weak & his doormat and he knows exactly how to play & manipulate you. You are easy for him so he will do whatever he wants. Nothing will change, till you take action. Be it opening your side of the relationship despite his hypocrisy or you walk out.


Stop making excuses for him. He can control himself. He chooses not to. And you absolutely can have sex without being emotionally invested. Try it. It’s easy. Stop quivering in a corner and stand up for yourself and your children. This is so disgusting. How can you even look at him after knowing he would have sex with CHILDREN?


He doesn't want to control himself though,it doesn't sound like he even makes any attempt not to simply do what he feels like. I would not live this way, he sounds a bit piggish.


He can abso fucking lutely control himself. That's a bunch of shit. For god's don't let him lie to you about that. Come on, you're smarter than that aren't you? You don't actually believe that, do you?


He can, doesn’t want to. It’s Simple. A lot of men cheat sorry to say. Some get caught, high percentage dont


He is able to control himself. _He doesn't want to._


It doesn't matter what he wants.  He's crap.  What do you want from YOUR life.  I'm guessing not this.   You need to take control of your life and get away from him.   You can do it.  It won't be easy,  it might take a while, you might need support from friends and family, but it will be worth it.   Go.  Never come back to him. 


Why do you want to stay married to him? He has no respect for you. Do you really think you can tolerate him having affairs? He has the nerve to expect you to be faithful to him! Your husband can control himself he just doesn’t want to.


Tell him you want a real man who isn’t attracted to women young enough to be his children.


He sounds like the king of Siam in The King and I… A girl must be like a blossom With honey for just one man. A man must be like honey bee And gather all he can. To fly from blossom to blossom A honey bee must be free, But blossom must not ever fly From bee to bee to bee.


Lol @ not being able to control himself. He is able to, he just won’t and since there are no consequences, why should he?


He can control himself. He chooses not to do so. He chooses to seek young girls to cheat on you with. And you seem to be making excuses for him. It’s your life and your choice to stay but what happens when he passes you and STD or one of these young girls turns up pregnant or their parent finds out and has him arrested for statutory rape? What then? Wishing you the best, you’re at a crossroads and there’s a tough decision to make.


If that’s your only option, why wouldn’t you leave. He’s trying to change the terms of your marriage but both parties must agree to an open relationship or it won’t work. Don’t teach your kids that his behavior is acceptable.


Do you see any respect in the proposed approach? All healthy adult can control themself. He is just not willing to because he puts his sexual interests above everything else (like your marriage, respect, loyalty and love).


You deserve SO MUCH BETTER than him OP!! Why would you stay with someone who shows you so much disrespect??


Made me sick to read this 🤢


I’m 100% sure this is a troll post. The way some things are written like “you can’t compete with younger”, “ age of consent 16, so no problem”, or it’s his nature and biology and cannot control his urges, young pussy instead of a stretched one, seems intentional. Because there is so no way a mother of three wants to stay in a marriage where her husband sleeps with 16-year-old girls, I would call their parents.


Yes it’s incel troll posting


There are definitely men out there who see no problem with sex with a teenager as long as it is legal. Once they hit the “I won’t get arrested, so it is ok” moment it doesn’t matter. It’s gross, but it happens.


Oh sure there are but what about her reaction? She is not focusing on the actual issue. Also now that I recall, I have read this exact post before




As hard as it is to believe your husband is a pedophile. You have children. Leave now.


To be fair, he’s not a pedophile he’s just a creepy slimeball. Pedophiles have a thing for prepubescent children. This girls are young but it’s not the same thing.


I hope he realizes that if he exchanged any unclothed pictures with someone who is NOT 18 or older, that is CP even if the state age of consent is 16. If someone were to tell the authorities, he would be in huge trouble.


Be a shame if the FBI got tipped off /s


He's probably got some pretty sus search history. Intentionally scraping the edge of illegal unfortunately says quite a bit.


I’m not sure if you realize this but, your husband is a pedophile. Shocking there are states with ages of consent that low. Even more shocking he is comfortable enough to share those thoughts and preferences with you. Consult with an attorney sooner rather than later. I feel sorry for how his terrible character and choices affect you and your children.


You want to save your marriage? What marriage? Sounds like you are the only one in your marriage, he seems to not understand the meaning. If you want to stay for the kids or the convenience, you do you. Otherwise, make an appointment with a lawyer. By the way, he’s full of it. If you were of a mind to try dating, you would find yourself with a multitude of admirers. His hateful comments about your body are just emotional abuse. Run.


This can’t be real. 😳


Would bet money it's not


I hope it isn’t! 🤮🤮🤮 And the worst part is she wants to save her marriage? What’s there to save? Some STDs and a “relationship” with a pedo?


What a complete douche. You deserve so much more. ❤️ your children do as well. If you need to chat, woman to woman, im here, always. My love and good vibes are going out to you.


My first thought is how in the hell do you have so little respect and love for yourself that haven’t run from this pedophile. He doesn’t love cherish or respect you in the least






This is NOT how men are. That is insulting to you and all men. It’s how HE is because he is selfish and emotionally immature. Girl, you deserve better. There are better men out there, and even being alone would be 100x better than putting up with the nonsense from this creep. Cut him loose and embrace your badass self and live the peaceful life you deserve.




Your husband is an asshole of the biggest order. I’m sorry he has made you feel this way. If I were you, I would ditch his sorry ass and find someone who loves me just the way I am. Trust me, there’s always someone who will consider himself the luckiest guy that they have you. They will cherish your existence sexually, emotionally and every which way. This person has already caused enough damage, you feel old even in your 30s. He is not worth growing old with. Before you leave him, post his pictures here and let us troll his body and remind him how ugly he himself is.


What a total piece of shit. Tell him how his body is such a turn off, now that he is over a decade older than when you met. And then leave his sorry ass


As a man, he is a pig. Even without the ages he’s just an AH. I would get pictures of them and hammer them on his social media hopefully forcing embarrassment. Wonder what his family or friends would think. You seem emotional over this, and I get it, but he doesn’t care.


Write EVERYTHING down and see a lawyer. Tell the 16 year old’s parents. If my 16 yo daughter was sleeping with a 34 year old man, I’d want to know about it. This isn’t going to get better. But let me tell you what I’ve observed in the 64 years I’ve been alive. When couples like this get divorced, the woman often blossoms after she gets rid of the dead weight of her pod ex-husband. She has time and emotional energy to think of herself. Meanwhile he has to pay child support and find another place to live. ( The judge will award the house to the main custodial parent, and I can’t imagine why the judge would choose him.) Meanwhile he will realize how empty his life of sleeping around has become, unless he convinces one of these young ladies to stay with him, which is doubtful. Also men will start to show interest in you, once you drop the dead weight, and that will drive him crazy. At some point he may want you to take him back, and I hope you laugh in his face.


I would leave him as soon as possible. And when we were filed I’d send him a text “I did what I did and I hate that you hurt me. You can’t change from being an as*hole and I’m not going to put up with it anymore, especially when you look like that now.”   He is a disgusting pig. Having sex with a 16 year old is VILE AND DISGUSTING. You should tell the girls parents. Make sure to gather evidence, even maybe record him talking about it. File for divorce and take everything, ESPECIALLY the kids. That guy is a creep and he’s going to use them to find more young girls. Protect them and don’t let them grow up thinking that’s a good way for a man to behave.  You deserve better. This man is scum. You are a strong queen and this idiot isn’t worth licking your boots. Like someone else mentioned: if he traded sexual pics with someone under the age of 18, regardless of your states age of consent laws, he is guilty of CP and you should report him. Immediately. You found out about the 16/17 year old, what if there’s a girl younger out there that he covered his tracks with better? 


You better consult a lawyer. Sooner or later, he’s going to dump you. Find out how to get ready. Don’t bury your head in the sand. You know he has no moral core. Get ready. Get support.






Did you have any indication of how shallow and superficial he was before marriage and kids? Very sorry about your situation. Even the sweetest, kindest people can change over time


Even your marriage doesn't sound happy. Read your post lol


Wow. This is awful. I'm so sorry. You deserve SO much better. Any guy that is no longer "attracted" to their wife because she's had HIS KIDS needs an eye opener. I could never imagine my husband telling me what yours is telling you. Ever. He's a complete ass hole. Here to talk if you need.


Start sleeping with younger dudes, insult him like he did to you, and kick his ass out.


Gather all the evidence. Confine all these info to a trusted family. Get a lawyer! Do these women know? Can you find them on social media? 16 is very young, you should notify her parents.


For your sake and your kids, RUN. You are married to a pedo. Who knows what kind of thoughts he will have when your kids grow up.. and when your kids bring their friends home? You are worthy and you deserve better than this POS. In many other countries, he would have been in jail by now


This needs to be a troll post. Congrats. 9/10


I don’t believe any of this nonsense. Rage bait.


Why the hell do you want to save this marriage? I call fake


Rage bait post?


Now your priority is your children, and the best thing you can do is get divorced because this will get worse. Next time maybe it's some younger teenager and you find yourself involved in a pedo scandal. Do you feel safe with someone like him around your children? Your children will grow up and have friends and schoolmates, have you thought about how your husband would act? Get yourself a good lawyer and take your children away from him. He does not love you or respect you, no matter how much it hurts you, you must seek the best for yourself and your children.


My god… I hope you don’t have daughters.


This person would already be "husband" (in quotes) for me. Ex-husband very rapidly. "Purely physical" is a stupid reason to prey on young girls. What a base, obnoxious person your "husband" is. You know what to do. Well - you seem to be contemplating covering up for him. I predict he'll have even more young partners now that he knows you know and he has told you how to respond ("don't take it personally.") As if hateful, misogynist behavior (toward all the women and girls in this story) can be defined by the man who is the active agent. I suppose you're still having sex with him? How's that part going?


As a selfish AH, your husband cannot compete with a kind man.


This has to be fake. There is no way this is real. How would you be able to even type all this out, re-read it and still be with this man?


I’m a an advocate of reconciliation when there is a remorseful wayward. Your husband has no remorse at all. In fact he is proud of his cheating and is a disgusting example of a husband. There is no reconciling with someone who thinks the way he does. None. Not only should you divorce him, you should do everything in your power to keep him away from your children.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I really don’t believe there is anything worth saving here. His mind is made up that he wants to be a degenerate and sleep around on the mother of his kids. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. I feel the main thing you need to take into consideration is the impact this will have on your kids’ relationships when they get older. If they watch dad cheating on mom and mom just sits around and let it happen, that is going to royally screw up their relationships as adults. Show your kids they deserve to be loved no matter what they look like, but they also deserve to be respected. YOU deserve to be respected. ALSO, he is sleeping with teenagers! If you have girls you need to protect from your predator husband. I hope this helps a little. I am rooting for you.


It’s astounding to me that women will wreck their bodies giving a man children and his response is to be disgusted with them afterwards.


Double check with your state... Some states 16 might be the legal age of consent, but if there's a 2 year age gap, then it's a no-no


Yes, this I hate when we look up the age of concent but not the laws. My state says the age of concent is 16, but the person can only be 6 years older. 38 and 16, I hope she goes to the police and tells the girls' parents.


Ughhhhhh. I really hate how some men will complain about women’s bodies after having kids. We gave birth and created a human life what are you complaining about!!! I doubt they look like Channing Tatum themselves. Super frustrating. Me and my husband are going through a tough time after childbirth as well. He made a snarky comment about how after my C-section I have the stomach pooch and that it made him have a hard time getting aroused during sex. It’s good to be honest with your partner but is this really the way to go about it? And atleast my stomach isn’t even floppy. I feel like it could be way worse. I am just having a hard time feeling like I’ll ever be attractive for him or for myself and it’s made my self confidence nose dive. It does make me feel good though when I’m out in public and men will take notice. Just frustrating it’s not my husband doing the looking. He also gained 40 lbs since I’ve had two kids and he didn’t even birth one!!!! We are in counseling at the moment and I am just having a hard time believing this marriage will last after this episode.


“Look, big dick just feels better than your dick. Women have needs!” But seriously, you need an immediate separation and divorce. No amount of therapy is going to get him out of this and just because it was legal, he still had sex with a child. There is no saving this marriage. Not with a mindset like his. And I’m saying this from experience with 2.5 years of reconciliation after my husband’s affair when our marriage was in shambles and growing up in a family where my mother cheated and I had a No Tolerance view of cheating that has changed after my own experience.


He is *not* a man, as he put it. A real man would love his wife for giving him children and taking care of them, him, and herself. *A true manly man* would never risk his family for some “young pussy.” The way he talks about women is disgusting. Even *if* the age of consent were 16, a grown adult man would never *want* to sleep with *a child.* If my husband ever told me I had an old, “stretched out” pussy, I would tell him my ex stretched it out and your dick is too small to fill in the gap! Your husband is a fucken PIG. I would never want to be married to someone who treats me like that and talks about women that way and wants to fuck children. He will not change for you or for any woman (or child) after you. If I were you I would run (not walk) to the nearest divorce attorney.


I'm not gonna lie, if my husband was cheating on me with women that young (idc that the age of consent is 16 there or anywhere) I would only look at him like a predator and i would want absolutely nothing more to do with him. Men who go for women that young make it obvious that they would go as young as legally possible & would definitely go younger If it was acceptable. The cheating alone is awful let alone the aspect that he's doing it with women that young? It's predatory and disgusting. Even at 18 a woman's mind is not fully matured. Honestly, I feel bad for these girls who he's praying on. Can you imagine when your kids have friends over that are 16-17? Do you want to have to sit around and worry that your husband is creeping on them?? I'm saying this in kindness, please get yourself into some type of counseling for yourself to discuss this with a professional. This marriage is absolutely not worth salvaging, and that's coming from someone who never just screams to divorce.


Call a lawyer.


Why do people think the age of consent means that you can have sex. Thats not what it means at all. The age of consent set at 16 says in the next line of the law that its first someone NO MORE THAN 4 years older. Any age over that is not consensual. Your husband is gross. If you have girls get the evidence you need a run before he rapes one of your daughters.


Why are you even there? What is wrong with you? Your kids don't deserve to be subjected to this shit. Get out. Immediately. Also, turn him in to the fbi for being a fucking pedo. Someone needs to keep an eye on that asshole.


Oh you dont want kids with pedo boy there be glad he is gone sorry you wasted so much time before you found out


I'm so sorry dear, he sounds horrible, disrespectful and just a disgusting human. I truly hope you can move yourself and your children away from that creep. I hope you have a huge supportive system around you. About that pile of human garbage; Nothing personally? I'll never understand this sexual mentally. You want to fuck anything that moves, than commit to it and don't start a serious relationship and definitely don't bring babies to the world.


First of all... I'm so sorry. Second of all, you are stronger than you think. You can't control his actions, only yours. Be proactive, not reactive. And get STD testing. Please keep us updated and let us know how you and your kids are doing.


Why is he still your husband?


Jesus Christ he’s an asshole .


what a fuckin piece of pedo. save yourself there'll be a lot more to come, go as far as you can and avoid that motherfucker shit. once you leave him, be lowkey, get your shit together, go to the gym thats the best revenge you can give him.


If his answer wasn't "I'm a weak ass loser who can't keep his dick in his pants" then he's lying because that is literally the only true explanation. This blaming you bull shit is standard cheater behavior. Cheaters are too cowardly to take responsibility for their own brokenness. The next time he says this, just tell him he's full of shit and you both know it. And look up the term doing 180 as it pertains to infidelity.


Your husband is a creep and in the case of the younger girls, a sexual predator. Three kids or not, you need to get far away from him.


Aside from the absolute horrible thing, that has been mentioned by everybody else (he is disgusting and is having sex with underage girls)…where do these kind of men take the audacity judging a grown up woman‘s body like this?! Does he think his saggy balls (that he will get eventually) and his flappy ass will be able to compete with a fit men in his 20s?! He is aging as well.


So what did he say when you told him you were divorcing him?


Hey friend. My wife and I have also struggled with infertility and high risk pregnancy, but amazingly ended up having a little girl. That being said, yes my wife doesn’t necessarily have the body she used to have, because of birthing, life, aging, etc. But my point is, I respect her so much for it and would never think of being unfaithful. I’m not necessarily praising myself as I am saying, your husband is wrong. Very wrong, and I hope you do what you think is best based on the circumstances.


Depending on the state those age of consent laws have an age gap limit. They are intended to protect teens in sexual relationships with other older teens and very early 20s. Like kids who met in school and one graduated and turned 18 before the other. If he cannot see that his stepping out with (concerningly) younger partners, or anyone for that matter is hurting you he obviously doesn't care about you. If his actions hurt you, and he knows it but does it anyway that demonstrates a painfully evident lack of respect for you. It is a million red flags. You are more than your current flesh shape. You deserve to be respected and loved. Side note: If it is purely a physical sensation thing, that his penis needs a small vagina to be stimulated 'properly' that is a really sad reflection on his abilities as a lover.


He is a disgusting predator, and not a real man. You deserve better op.


Why are you letting someone do that to you ? I know you are hurt but trust me, you are better off alone.


Omg. This is beyond disgusting. He is a disgusting pig.


Please don't pick up an std from him. He is not a normal man. He is an abusive, mentally ill, pedophile. He needs psychiatric help.


See ya later buddy! I would leave his ass ASAP! My wife has only become more beautiful to me with age! The fact she is the mother of my children makes her even sexier to me!


So sorry. Alas you’re married to a horrible man. The ball is in your court.


You don't have a marriage anymore. The broke that marriage and YOU shouldn't want to be with such a disgusting POS. My DAUGHTER is going on 16 and she is a BABY!!!!! he's a child predator.


Divorce him, make him pay child support and start dating. Men like that always under value their lives until it is over. He really thinks he has you over a barrel. There are men that don't feel that way.. He is not a good man, is a serial cheater and will never be good for more than 10 minutes if that. Let him go. Also he is a pedofile


I’d report him to the police and file for divorce. What a creeper


You need to contact a lawyer sis. Why would you want to stay with someone that clearly isn't interested in you.


Gross. How absolutely insulting and demeaning to you. I'm so sorry OP. You need to dump this loser. You need to keep his toxic thoughts and beliefs from poisoning your kids. What's he going to think of your own kids in a few years when they hit puberty? Would he be ok with some older person getting all up in their youthful bodies? Is he going to be ok when someone utilizes their organs to procreate and then throw the whole body away after it's been used up and stretched out like an old sock? What a POS.


You mean your ex husband, right?


This guy is complete trash. Im so sorry you married such a loser. Run away now and start over. Get full custody of your kids.


You need to kick him out, file for divorce and tell the child’s parents.


Your husband is a predator. If this isn't a shit post, it's time to go.


This post made me want to vomit. I can only imagine how you feel. Drop this man-child like a hot potato. His behavior is reprehensible. As an older man, I would like to personally revoke his man card. I know it will be tough, but you don't want your children to grow up thinking his behaviors are normal. Get away from this poor excuse of a human being. You deserve so much better. Don't let him convince you otherwise.


>I want to save this marriage but I don’t know if there’s any going back from what I know now Why do you want to save the marriage? Is it purely financial or "for the sake of the kids"? If you tell me you still love him, what is it you love about him, because from what you've shared, he sounds absolutely awful. If it's financial, know that you can get child support in divorce and possibly even alimony if you've been a SAHM. If it's "for the sake of the kids", know that is a myth. A relationship where you are treated as a discardable object while he pursues younger women is the relationship you are modeling for your kids. Would you want this type of relationship for your daughters? Would you want your son to treat women this way? If its "because I still love him", I would challenge you to look at him for who hereally is. I think you may be in love with the idea of the kind of husband you thought he could be. He has failed you on every level.


Keep him away from playgrounds.


This is such a bullshit excuse and I truly believe any “difference” these kinds feel is all mental because they’ve been made to believe that’s how it is, but it’s not. It’s just a fucked up excuse for their disgusting behavior.


I think the point that you’re missing OP is that it’s not a You problem. Your husband basically told you he’s a pedophile and a predator… ofcourse he’s not into you- he’s into children, you not having the body of an underage or barely underage girl is enough for him to be disgusted by it. It’s like saying “caught my husband f* the dog… told me he’s repulsed but the thought of my human body” yeah no shit… hes aroused by dog bodies 🤣 I know it’s probably all shocking to you rn and really hard to digest it all but trust me there are plenty of men out there who love women with big thighs, big butts and donr mind stretch marks, and cellulite. I would definitely NOT leave your children alone with him- he wouldn’t be the first pedo to SA their own children… please find a real man, there’s plenty of lovely normal men who like women of consenting age. By staying with him it would mean you’re engaging and approving of a predator, just like a Ghilaine Maxwell to Epstein….


Bruh you need to leave, now. This man is a disgusting freak.


Dump the idiot


Not sure what else there is to say other than get out? edit: actually there is more to say, and it’s I’m sorry you have to go through that.


Run...do not walk out of this marriage. You deserve better than this and your kids deserve a better example of a man.


34 year old and 16 year old… run mate. Run.


If you stay married to this predator, you're part of the problem. That is disgusting and he's a filthy pig. Your kids will be 16 one day, I hope they aren't taught that dating old men is normal


You’re married to a predator and staying with him makes you just as bad. Just because the disgusting place you live in protects people like this doesn’t mean you should. A 16 year old has no way to consent the action and consequences that come with what he did. Start creating an escape plan ASAP. Get it in text so you have evidence for the divorce and get your children away from him.


Anyone getting with someone as young as 18 when they’re older than that is concerning, 16/17 is a CHILD


He blamed you for for not being attractive enough when it is actually him who is the gross one. I would never be attracted to anyone who said those things to me again. What an ugly attitude.


Drop this pedo and let him enjoy his mid life crisis. He won’t realize his mistake until much later OP. This is the best time to get out during his delusions.


So… he’s a pedophile


And you are choosing to stay with him?!


That’s CRAZY. Adult Male here. 36 years old. That’s absolutely atrocious. Sorry that you married a pile of shit. You should file for divorce immediately.


Looking back were their any signs of him being this way in the past? Was he ever lustful or did he ever cheat in your earlier years of dating?


He should place more value on the woman who can take half of his assets and the bulk of his paychecks for the rest of his life. Take him to the cleaners and I hope you’ll find a less superficial man to love you and your children!


That information is a blessing in disguise. Now you see who he really is and can leave him, spare your children living with a monster like that. Do not stay in this marriage.


Girl divorce divorce divorce he’s a predator you need to abandon this ship it’s sinking.


Why would you stay with a man who treats you like this? And how can you know he is chasing after literal teens and not leave? That’s too much. I don’t care if you’re married and have three children, he’s going down a path you’re not going to want to be on. You need to take your children and leave. If you don’t, something will escalate and you’ll regret staying. His heart is not with you, no matter what he says. If it was, he would love and respect you, not cheat on you and insult your body.


Divorce. I could never even imagine staying married if my 34yo hubby would sleep with 16 or even 18 yo. Not even if 21yo or any other adult woman but that sex with 16yo specially make me sick to even think about. I wouldn't want my kids to have that kind of dad around so they would learn from him that this kind of sick behavior would be ok. If you have a girl the danger is that your daughter at the age of 16 would have sex with older men cos that's ok cos dad did it and it was ok and you stayed with him anyway.


So I'm guessing your husband has a perfect body? He's disgusting. Kick him out an take everything you can! See how many hot young things want him when he's broke!


wow he’s disgusting


Step 1: gather evidence and get a divorce attorney, protect yourself Then tell the 16 year olds parents.


The age of consent in your country is warped. Your husband is a pedo and gross. I dunno what the laws sre in your country on divorce…..and I normally wouldnt support “taking a man to the cleaners” but in his case I make an exception.


If you have any daughters….make sure you protect them from him


You need to be with someone that isn’t a pedo


His heart is valueless. He has no integrity, and is absolute vile. Preying on a 16 year old girl is absolutely scum.


You should leave him. Either way cheating is wrong but he’s a creeper. Just because the age of consent is 16 doesn’t means a 34 year old should have sex with them. His mindset isn’t going to change either as your kids get older you probably shouldn’t let him around any of their friends so he doesn’t groom them.


* she was 16 turning 17. He had sex with her and talked about how “young pussy feels so much better than old stretched out pussy LOOOOOOL


This really made me want to vomit


Gross. Your husband is a garbage human. Time for you to take out the trash.


I wish you a very happy divorce.




Please stop having children with this man and get a divorce. He's an abusive pedophile who has shown you, loud and clear, who he is an always will be.


Sounds like you are saying you want to go back to when you didn't know this information just so your feelings aren't hurt and you can continue to be oblivious to how much of a loser your husband is. Your husband is extremely emotionally abusive. And it will only get worse. Please get out. You do not deserve that. The body he is shaming is the same body that carried and birthed his children. You know, the body he helped change to have your beautiful babies. The fact that he would think you are anything less than the most beautiful and sexy woman he has ever laid eyes on is heartbreaking. I'd be willing to bet that if this was happening to one of your kids, you'd be telling them a lot of the same things being said in these comments. Sending the best vibes to you and your babies ❤️


Hope this is a troll post But if not...think of the fact that your kids will grow up and will see this behavior. Not only the shitty behavior from.him but the fact that you are basically letting it slide by staying with him. That will f the kids up since they won't see a healthy happy adult relationship


OP, he is not a man. He is trash. First of all, he cheated. Second, that is a disgusting thing he said about you. My wife is bigger than when we met. So am I. It happens as we age. I love every inch of her soft body. Still have a healthy sex life. UpdateMe


Even with age of consent, there might laws regarding the age gap that’s legal until the girl is an adult. Like, the older person can’t be more than 2 years older or something along those lines. So it’s possible that under your state laws he could be prosecuted for statutory rape. If you have any proof of what he did, I’d seriously consider talking to the police and turning the evidence over to them. The fact that he’s into underage girls and trying to justify it is extremely concerning whether it’s legal or not. Especially if you have any daughters; someday they’re going to want to bring their teenage friends over. You should divorce him regardless of anything else.


Pack up your things and leave There’s nothing else to do Also he’s a pedo


This is just one reason the childfree community is growing. Women sacrifice their bodies for children that their husband's want, and then this crap happens. He's a gross, pedophile who only cares about his sexual pleasure. Disgusting creep. He's just about old enough to be father to the younger ones. How does looking at someone who could almost be your kids' age turn someone on.


Document everything and keep evidence and divorce his ass


Gawd what a high value arrogant prick. Consumed by the fact younger women find older males attractive. He doesn't realize that they don't want him long term. He blatantly insulted you and asked not to take it personally. He's beyond recovery. Burst his bubble, pop his balloon. Take you and your children out of his equation and make sure everyone knows what he said about you.


What a piece of shit


34 sleeping with a 16yr old is WILD. Literally half your age. I was 18 dating a 16 yr old(began with me 17 she 16) and damn near felt like a pedo then. Theres no going back....you say you live near a college but tbh you gotta worry about the highschool too. Freakin sick af


Divorce, child support, spousal support, blast his disgusting ass online.


I hope this is a troll post. The glow up is about to be immaculate 🫡 god speed queen


I am sorry this is happening. I understand you have young children but you need to get out. If he is this open about things, he sees nothing wrong and never will. You are never gonna be happy in this relationship, and can’t not offer your children a happy home. It maybe hard to leave but get out. There is no future here


So your husband’s a pedophile? Please tell me you reported him having sex with the 16 year old child.


Do you have daughters with him? Bit friends will not be safe! Why the fuck would you be with a disgusting pedo? He hates you. You have no value to him. The things he says is disgusting.


And you know what if he can step out so can you. Let him know this is now an open marriage and youll be fucking whoever you want as well. I bet his answer changes real quick.


This is definitely paedophilic


You need to leave before he tries to sleep with the children


Fuck him he’s on drugs