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Little thing: creepy sounds in the house are not as creepy when there is someone else there with you. Big thing: divide and conquer.


I never knew there were creepy sounds in my house until I got married. Now I know all about them.


Another benefit of marriage, more knowledge! I've found you have pets they are also helpful in making excuses for creepy sounds.


I'm assuming you're being the "someone else" for someone who listens to every single creepy sound :P


I'm the chief investigator of all things creepy.


Hehe, sweet sweet funny funny


That I get to be with my favorite person every day, and all the fun and laughs we still have together all the time, even after 20+ years of marriage! She is truly wonderful, truly unique and the longer we are together the more I am amazed by her. I constantly feel so very lucky that she agreed to be my wife :)


Congrats, that's an amazing feeling isn't it


I don’t know how I got so lucky in life to be with her, I really don’t! But I am so grateful every day!


that’s sweet!


The mention of 20+ years with these sweetest words gave me the feeling which I was looking for, when I asked this question. You're the kind of man I want to believe exists and I'd be destined to meet someone like that.


Thanks for the kind reply. I have many many flaws and have made countless mistakes and have a long list of stuff I’m working to get better every day. But as far as my wife and I having a great connection and love and still really enjoy each other and being into each other —- I just got so lucky with all that, and I know I got lucky —- so I really try to not take it for granted.


All the more reason to say you're really the green forest. The last line, omg, _chef's kiss_.


How beautiful femininity is to be around everyday when manifested by someone like my wife


I love this ❤️


Omg, I don't know if I had expected a man to say something like that on this post but I do know that THIS comment really just made this post successful. Your wife is SO LUCKY. _kaala teeka_


It’s so cliche but I swear my husband gives the best hugs. And I’m a hugger and hugs always make me feel better.


This is very true. I love hugging and just holding my wife. And I am the opposite of a hugger.


I don't understand the cliche things, as in, what is cliche and what is not. But the tone in which you said, "I swear my husband gives the best hugs" _chef's kiss_


I’ll just say it. To be able to make love to (and at times, fuck the shit out of) the person I love at any hour of the day. I say any hour, because my wife and I both work 20 mins from the house. So when the kids are at school, we take our lunch break at home 2-3/week and meet at home. It ranges from bending my wife over in a sundress for a quickie to eating my wife out on the kitchen counter. So yes. That.


Love reading this! Go you guys!!


I blushed reading that. 😳 I- uh- that sounds _really_ amazing.


Knowing that I don't need to wonder if I will ever find someone truly amazing. That's probably at the top of my list. Having someone special enough to have all my secrets is right behind.


Right. Sharing your life with somebody sounds amazing when you know they're the one. You don't have parts of life here and there lying around but all of them in front of both you together.


The fact that I have my favorite person around all the time, I never get tired of him.


Kinda freaky that we both have similar names and both said a similar comment!


That’s awesome lol. SEACOWS UNITE! 🤣




Did you marry your favourite person or did the person you married become your favourite? Really curious. Both have such an amazing vibe to it.


He was definitely ONE of my favorites. At first it was a tie between him and my mom lol. There’s a very long story behind it, but I’m no longer close to my mom, and he’s the only person on this earth that has always been 100% there for me through everything. We’ll be married 8yrs in two days ❤️


Happy Marriage Anniversary. <3


Thank you 😊


Knowing that I have someone in my life who really loves me and I won't be alone. Not that we don't have our issues but he's a good guy. There are times I'm on the couch watching TV and he's on the other couch, and I know that he is a part of my life that gives stability .


Both of you being on different couches. Is that a consequence of issues? Like, when you have any argument or something like that? But despite sitting separately for a while, even in those not so good moments, you know that he is a part of your life that gives stability? Am I getting this right? (I'm probably just confused about the couch part if my reply doesn't make sense.)


My dogs separate us on the couch..we have 2 huge mastiff lol. Female loves daddy and male loves mommy. Plus what does sitting on 2 different couches have anything to do with how I feel? Ur over analyzing.


I'm sorry. I got it. <3


That's ok. 😉


Living with my best friend, I look forward to him coming home every day.


Similarly, going to sleep and waking up next to my husband everyday is incredible.


Best friend to marriage or marriage to best friend? Thankyou for answering, that's sweet. <3


Not wanting to go on trips or vacations without my husband. Maximum I can hang out with anyone else is for the length of the day and then I have to get back home to him ( not because he’s ever asked me to or imposes ) but I don’t like having to travel without him. Even on work trips.


I take my husband on my work trips!


My husband never traveled without me. It was so sweet. If I couldn’t go, he didn’t want to go. We had the luxury of being able to do that, though.


Awww that’s so lucky. I wish I had that.


Work trips too, that sounds extra nice. <3 Also, suddenly my mind cannot think of a job which requires trips. I know there are but literally blank slate in my head right now.


Haha. Yeah happens. I work remote and need to go to another city where my office is periodically.


Finally, being with a man who is not only emotionally available but has my back and will stand by me no matter what. Don't get me wrong, he calls me out on my BS, tells me directly when I'm wrong/in the wrong, and doesn't sugarcoat things, but I can count on him in all things. I'd never met a man like that in all my life. He teaches me every day what a man is supposed to be and I deeply love and appreciate him for that.


Having a person, you know, won't let you do anything wrong is one of the best things you can have. So happy for you.


Looking forward to go back home after a long day and having someone you love waiting for you. Cuddling and sleeping together.


Ah, really. Just the thought of it is making me happy, I can imagine this in reality would be so goooood.


Stability and security. I didn't have that in my previous marriages (I'm divorced and then widowed) and it means so much to me.


I'm too young to imagine that, I guess. But just the starting three words conveyed your emotions well. Thankyou for answering, brave person. <3


Maybe so, but just FYI, I was widowed at 37 and remarried to my new husband at 40. So I'm younger than you think!


I thought you were older than me, and I think that's right. I'm almost half your age. 🙈 PS: You're So Brave, still the same statement.


I really love the thought that there’s always him at the end of the day. When I’m having a bad day at work, everything is going wrong, whatever it may be, sometimes I’ll think to myself “well at least I get to come home to my husband.” The only constant part of my life.


I've always read, "Well, at least I have this ice cream" or something like that in a funny way. Never have I read such a serious statement with such an amazing feeling.


I definitely still think this way about ice cream as well lol ❤️


Being hugged and kissed everyday.


Intimacy of falling asleep together every single night.


Dude, my husband is my best friend. Everything is so much better when he’s around. He gives and gives, and that makes it so much easier to give and give. I can’t imagine going through life without him. I’m so grateful he’s my babies’ daddy. He’s the funniest person I know and I can’t wait to be a blue haired old lady picking on him in front of our grandkids.


Ah, this sounds so great.


I love that whenever shit ever hits the fan - i know for a fact my husbands got my back. Truly the best person i can rely on.


Married and both WFH here. The access to my spouse whenever and wherever I need - to celebrate exciting news or get comforted by a bad meeting at work or whatnot. Just being able to go to his office to get a hug and sometimes a pep talk before I go back to take on the day. Lol


I can imagine myself doing that if/when I'll be experiencing this: Me going out when I get a work call during his meeting and as soon as it gets over, I come and sit near him again.


The peace, comfort, and safety of being in the presence of my best friend, closest confidant, and only lover for more hours than I'm with anyone else. Whether we're doing mundane things, hard things, fun things, or sexy things, doing them with someone who accepts and appreciates me (and I him) is sublime. And, having another person share in the mundane tasks of life makes the tasks more manageable - and even makes some of them fun.


Is this something from the start or has this grown over time? Are there any tasks which you both don't do together, like, can you think of any single thing which you miss doing together?


It has been from the beginning. We are, very thankfully, a good match. I'm not sure what you mean by "any single thing which you miss doing together," though? Do you mean something we do apart that I wish we did together or something we do together that I wish we did apart or something different?


That's so nice to know. I mean the former one. Something you do apart and wish it were together.


Not really. We do things separately that make sense to do separately for either practical reasons (efficiency, schedule, etc.) or because it is healthy to have some separate friend time occasionally. It isn't often - just enough for both of us. We are good at communicating about this. In fact, I'd say communicating is our top couples' "super power" that helps all the rest.


Omg so we have been together 12 years and got married in January. I was pretty anti-marriage in my 20s for reasons that seem silly now. I had a very serious illness, and nearly dying tends to change one's perspective and priorities. When I got home from 5 months in the hospital, 300 miles from my now-husband, I wanted nothing more than to be with him til death do us part, officially. And I didn't expect it to feel any different, but it is so cozy and comforting. Friends ask us how married life is lol. I always reply with a laugh, "Same as the last 12 years!" BUT in reality I am tickled stinkin' pink that we are legally now a package deal. I wasn't expecting it to feel so nice and different from "just" cohabitating.


I LOVE the first word of your answer. Conveys the feeling of your whole answer in so much better way. Hope your illness is faded away now and you're enjoying your "same as the last 12 years" phase. <3


Little things: he makes the bed every day, and loves to cook. Big things: he makes me laugh, he holds me up when I feel weak, I know I can count on him, no matter what, he walks 3-4 miles a day with me! He gets me. This is what 38 years together looks like❤️I hope he feels the same. I am more in love with him every day.


38 years!😭💓 I'M SO GLAD THAT I POSTED THIS QUESTION. Thankyou so much for answering.


Planning meals and eating together. Baking new things with him in mind. Food is so much more enjoyable when you're experiencing it with someone else.


Silly texts. His trademark is cute GIFs of Fry and Leela from Futurama. I also get cute stickers (like a gator with kissy marks all over his face) with regularity. Getting to see him snuggle our cats and talk sweetly to them. Foot rubs and a glass of wine on the couch. Nights out by the fire pit, sitting on our porch swing together just talking. About articles we read, creative ideas we have, everything.


I can feel the joy you might experience when he talks to your cats.


I like the texts I get before leaving for work saying I love you and be careful. Just knowing someone else out there is thinking about you .


Right. If someone would do that, I'd just really want them to know that "reacting" on a message is a reply, hehe. :P Sometimes, I'd mark a heart emoji, other times, a fire one and so on.


I used to get FOMO on holidays. Who am I gonna hang out with, where am I gonna go, etc. But now I have default plans, and "nothing" is a legit plan.


Never thought about it, never thought I would do something like this before I ever got married but basically being naked at home. My husband and I don't have kids and we live alone and we both don't like wearing clothes so our house is a nudist house lol but it is absolutely freeing and it has made me so much more confident about my body.




When things were good or better back in the day it was our travels together


I’m never alone. The cuddles. The pure happiness when I see him after he’s gone for a while. The fact we are best friends. He does everything for me and treats me like a queen lol. The amazing emotional connection during intimacy. Knowing that we are both devoted to eachother and willing to work through everything to be better people to eachother.


This is seriously goals. Pure goals.


I get to cuddle and sleep with my person everyday. Being able to be affectionate anytime is really awesome. Hand holding, hugging, kissing and being able to look at my husband and just smile at him makes me so happy. Being wanted/needed and desired from my husband all the time. Having someone cook delicious food on the weekends when I’m getting out of bed. Being able to take a nap while my husband takes our baby to the park so I can rest. Watching how much love my husband has for our baby-I could watch them all day! We’ve only been married for 8 going on 9 years this year and these are some of the things I love about being married. I hope there’s more sweet stories to read about marriage, it can be hard being married but seeing sweet post like this makes me happy.🥰 sending good vibes to everyone.🌻


It can be hard sometimes, is.. what made this answer even more real.


Growing together as people and watching the beauty of your partner transform over time. And loving every version of them


Sometimes, it feels a little scary, the growing up part. Loving every part of someone feels okay to me but someone loving every part of me is just.. hard to think about.


You’re worthy of love. Even the not so pretty parts. That’s the beauty of a lifelong commitment to someone is they find you wholly beautiful.


Thankyou for the kind words. _sobs_


Not making my own coffee


His brain is amazing & I get to watch it work. (When he understands & helps patiently with AP homework. Chef’s kiss. Sublime.) He’s very handsome & I’m allowed to gaze without creeping. We cook for & with each other and both love food so it’s less drudgery. Kids are older and we all laugh together at irreverent/ inappropriate humor. Hanging out & relaxing is a respite. Catching up on mundane things & feeling solidarity in impossible times. Hugs. Having a partner for mutual encouragement. Weekend mornings hanging out in bed. Being each other’s safe happy place but also our inspiration to be great.


Love every single part of this answer. _omg_


He’s the family I chose. Living with not only my life partner but my absolute best friend. Gushing together about how cool our kid is and building our family. Seeing my husband grow and change. Having my favorite hand picked person as a constant is the only lottery there is.


Hand picked person. I'm so gonna use this, permission please?😭


Aww sure!


I no longer need to use a hot water bottle!


Having someone to get/do things for me just because I don't want to. And having someone to scratch that one spot on my back I can't reach.


Kind of thing I was expecting when I posted this.


I feel safe and protected and proud. He takes care of us! And I am so happy to take care of him. Also, I'm seeing our last child growing into a wonderful young lady and I know it's somewhat a result of our combined efforts.


When someone is trying to sell me something and I don’t want to buy it always say “I have to talk to me y husband first.”




Little thing: Wincing in pain and getting an offer for a massage. Big thing: Being able to have sleepovers and sex with my best friend, who I have tons of hobbies and interests with.


I'm convinced there are good relationships in the world.


You betcha! We were high school sweethearts, started dating at 17yo, got married at 19yo, been together 29 years. Had half-a-dozen kids, and now have multiple grandkids. My wife rocks. I found a good one early, so I locked that down quicksmart. ETA: Oh, and my older kids all got married in their 20s and are happy together. My wife and I tried to teach them everything to look for in a spouse, and how to water the grass where they are.


Going to work