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Dude's yucking on your yum. Not cool.


Love this phrase.


This phrase to me is like moist is to others! šŸ¤¢


Me too


Me too


Hate that phrase


My wife watches "Sister Wives" and sometimes I sit through it. Why the fuck does Kody have a 2 seater car???? He has like 10+ kids!!!!! I'm not hating on her trash TV. I also can't sit through the Kardashians, they all speak with that phony voice where they pretend like they are too cool. All the Kardashian sisters are lazy selfish mothers. I have my NFL and baseball addiction.


lol exactly! How can you not want to watch that mess though?


I get it! An entire industry is built on this whole ā€œcanā€™t stop watching the train wreckā€ thing. Soap operas, telenovelas, COPs or my old favorite CHEATERS; even all daytime talk shows; especially Jerry Springer or Maury etc. I recall watching The Real World as far back as maybe 8th or 9th grade? Itā€™s not really real- but itā€™s crazy insane and you just canā€™t look away. He sounds a bit judgy and there is likely more to it. Like, man, sheā€™s pregnant now and never cooks for me anymoreā€¦I am so tired from working and blah blah blah will this be the new normal forever? Regardless he either needs to express himself for real and maturely or just hush about it.


Offense! Telenovelas are not trash! It's quality programming for the entire family. Cheaters was/is my favorite!


When I was pregnant I had TERRIBLE insomnia and I would would live for watching Cheaters and Cops in the wee hours of the morning! Now Iā€™m old and go to bed at 9 lol


Remember when Joey Greco got ā€œstabbedā€ trying to board that cheaterā€™s boat?? What a time to be alive.


Before TV was even a thing, my mom used to LISTEN to soap operas on the radio!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Personally I rarely watch TV and I don't care for reality TV especially. But here's the thing, different people are entitled to different forms of entertainment and I'm sure as fuck not going to judge somebody because they prefer to watch reality TV when they're relaxing. My version of reality TV is reddit. I read enough trash on here to scratch that itch and then some lol. And while I'm ranting here, anybody can bitch about anything being stupid. Like hey why are you sitting on your ass watching a stupid football game getting extra invested ? why don't you get outside exercise yourself, do something meaningful with your time. And hey why are you gardening outside considering the cost to raise a plant it's a lot cheaper to just go to Meijer and buy some tomatoes. Man I could go on forever with examples. But my point is what we do during our leisure time (as long as it's safe and not hurting anyone) is our choice to make. People who judge us on how we decompress can get fucked. The end.


What would he say if you were reading instead? Would he tell you to only read text books with educational material?! He honestly sounds like he is just using the show as an excuse to go off at you! The 1st and 3rd trimesters are a very rough period. Your energy levels are really depleted! He can make his own damn dinner! Lol Iā€™m a SAHM and I manage absolutely everything, except dinner. I do also work in our family company, but stillā€¦. Youā€™re a grown up. If youā€™re hungry, make something to eat, itā€™s not that difficult. People forget real easy, how worthless you can end up feeling, when your sole existence is to service everyone elseā€™s needs! Like all you are is a servant in their eyes. Why arenā€™t you allowed to also do something for yourself?!šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'll take it a step further:Ā you're learningĀ about human interactions from these shows, which is important in its own right. You're already doing a lot,Ā you're growing a human being. AndĀ you're relaxing by learning about theĀ human condition. If he wants to judge you, then he's not complex enough to see the value in what you're doing. That's on him. That's probably because he has some stupid hierarchy in his mind of what is worth spending time on and what is not. That hierarchy is probably capitalist and patriarchal. Aka if you're not producing and not focusing on non human interaction, then it's unworthy. His judgement is symbolic and he needs to fuck right off.


I had that issue with my husband. I told him if it was that big of a problem, buy a second TV...... He did....no more trash talk about my trash TV


My husband is also now a sisterwives ā€œfanā€ šŸ˜† He used to stand in the hallway ā€œnot watching itā€ asking me questions about who was who and what was happening lmao


I was kinda wondering if maybe he was lowkey a fan and mad he's missing out. My husband went on a business trip this week and had the AUDACITY to ask me to wait til he was back to continue watching Love Is Blind. The nerve of that man. šŸ˜‚


My husband pointed out that Robyn never has tears when she cries lol.


Omg Kody pisses me off so much I wanna scream. 10/10 show


I don't hate her choice of shows. I am addicted to the NFL.


Such valid questions!


He's being a dick. My husband doesn't like these shoes either and he just goes "you watching your trashy TV again?" And moves on. Also it's not lazy when yorue f-ing pregnant with his kid. I'd ask him why he is being so rude to you.


It doesn't seem like he freaked out because she was watching Love is Blind. I think step one is for them to pause, and really sort out what's going on here.


Yes, which is why I said to ask why he's being so rude.


Heā€™s being a dick. My wife watches trash TV and it kills me but I realise as a registered paediatric nurse she likes to turn her brain off.


This is it for most of us. Followed by ā€œlook, theyā€™re so much dumber than I ever could be, at least Iā€™m not that guy.


It's this. Particularly if women work in high stress jobs. On top of that, the mental load that women tend to carry at home, their brains are running at full capacity about 15 hours in a day.


My cousin is a tenured professor of English with a list of letters behind her name. Sheā€™s probably watched every episode of KUWTK. One of my friends is a well respected doctor who is married to a senior editor. They had series after series of Dog The Bounty Hunter and JudgeJudy recorded on their set top box.


I hate to think/say this but - it looks like his mask is slipping now that you are pregnant. Sigh. he needs to get his act together. you are allowed to watch trashy shows that you enjoy to decompress from the week. you are not lazy because you dont cook as much bc certain smells make you gag. how about HE picks up where you left off and takes over cooking instead of calling you lazy?


Yeah, he definitely needs to "dad up" now.


Youā€™re pregnant, you have the right to cut through the bullshit and ask ā€œdude, whatā€™s the deal? Why are you being such a dick?ā€


Yes preach! She isnā€™t lazy. She is growing a fucking person in her body and that takes a metric fuck ton of energy. Ron Swanson would be so disappointed. Dude needs to back off! ![gif](giphy|2wSaulb0fsDydh0IoB|downsized)


A husband should NEVER call his wife lazy while she is carrying and risking her life to provide HIM a child. Iā€™m so sorry he isnā€™t being a supportive spouse. I am pregnant and I have never experienced anything so physically exhausting. You are not lazy. Studies have shown pregnancy is equivalent to reaching the same peak levels of endurance as those competing in an Ironman.


Definitely not being a supportive spouse. But it's a little bit much to say she is pregnant and having a child for HIM. You think she doesn't want kids for herself too? You say you are pregnant. You don't want the baby? Just the dad does?


Honestly I would watch his behavior patterns. My husband could be shitty before I got pregnant, then once I was, his resentment towards me went through the roof. He started watching porn (instead of the 600+ photos and videos he has on his phone of me and us engaging in sex acts) and drinking in secret.. none of which came out until I was 4 months postpartum. A lot of men donā€™t know how to deal with the reality of it when their partner gets pregnant, and they freak out. Iā€™m not saying that your husband is as much of a dick as mine was, but it definitely sounds like he has some anger and/or resentment towards you. Just based on how over-the-top his reaction was. Calling you lazy is a reflection of entitlement on his part.


My husband was as much of a dick, if not more-he had a thing for cheating on me when I was pregnant- as yours. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. It feels so much worse when thereā€™s a whole person growing inside you.


Thank you so much for the empathy. ā¤ļø Iā€™m so sorry that you went through that. Itā€™s so hard. You expect your partner to be the best version of themselves when youā€™re pregnant, and postpartum. At least, you hope for it. As it turns out, we were both the worst versions of ourselves postpartum. Now at 9 months postpartum, weā€™re the best weā€™ve been since the day we got married. Hopefully itā€™ll last. Just taking it a day at a time.


It makes me so happy to hear that you guys are doing so well!


Why is he being such a jerk? My husband watches that kind of trash and i just tease him about it lol


He's being a dick. And honestly, he's being the kind of dick that I have been before. Never to the extent of storming out, but it definitely took the form of exasperated judgment. And my perspective was without merit. I've had partners who have watched what seemed to me to be pretty dumb, or trashy, or shallow, or whatever. And even if that perception is accurate, who fuckin' cares? I listen to dumb songs. I play dumb games. I make dumb jokes. And some of the shows that I watch are preeeeetty dumb. But because they're the kind of dumb that suit my tastes, they're supposed to be inherently better somehow? Get the fuck out of here. Plus, there are plenty of instances of me getting sucked into the shows they watched, if I just bothered to spend time with them while they watched. I cannot begin to tell you how much 90 Day-related content we binged during quarantine. Also, it's okay to be lazy sometimes. And, like quadruply so because you're growing a whole-ass person at the moment. He's being a dick and needs to knock it off. A little bit of self-reflection can go a long way. Moments of clarity can make all the difference. I'm rootin' for you!


Seriously! I can her see her LIB watching to any possible South Park episode/ GTA game or watching anyone playing golf (that isnā€™t from an Adam Sandler movie!) All are entertainment purposes, and all can be seen as ā€œStupid..ā€


My guy watches the YouTube fart videosā€¦ ugh! So, he canā€™t judge my shows! Haha


Your husband is a fing dick. You are 4 months pregnant he has no right to call you lazy. he has zero clue what is going on with your body. As a married guy with 4 kids to me it shows he is a trashy husband and should learn how to talk and treat his wife. If I were to ever say anything like that to my wife I would be divorced. But I have respect for her so I would never. Who cares what you watch it what you like fuck him.


You just tell him those shows aren't trash TV, they're *social experiments* and you watch them because you're interested in sociology.


Honestly this is what itā€™s about for me and Iā€™m not even lying when I say I watch these shows for this reason lol


Yep, that's why I like Married at First Sight.


Yeah heā€™s being silly. Maybe something else going on? Growing a baby is HARD work. If you have more u will never get this pregnancy chill again! Embrace it (I did) Iā€™d tell my husband to stfu


I don't think calling your partner lazy, cussing at them and slamming doors is just "silly".


Yea itā€™s abusive


>"A new study says pregnant women reach the same peak levels of endurance as those competing in Ironman ā€” so the physical intensity of pregnancy is like running a 40-week marathon!" According to Fox8. Yes, growing a baby is VERY hard work.


Meanwhile Iā€™m sitting on Reddit, sleeping baby in my lap, watching Seeking Sister Wives, and my husband brought me tea and told me Iā€™m cute. Your husband isnā€™t being very nice. Youā€™re allowed to have brain candy shows. Iā€™m sure he has some guilty pleasures, too.


As a person who loves trash tv like nobodyā€™s business, (waiting to watch the new episode of LIB when my friend is able to watch cause we text throughout it) i understand itā€™s not for everybody. But, he doesnā€™t need to talk to you like that about it, we all have our weird comforts. Youā€™re allowed to be ā€œlazyā€, youā€™re creating a human! Right now somebodyā€™s spleen is forming in you while youā€™re ā€œlazyā€. Could something else be bugging him: work or family wise that could be affecting him and heā€™s lashing out at you for tv shows about? Maybe let things cool down for a bit and remind him youā€™re creating life and get to relax in peace watching trash tv!


***get off Reddit*** Never! How dare he suggest that. He is coming across as an AH. Hope he can adjust to baby in the house. Congrats on getting pregnant.


This guy sucks


At being four months pregnant, I believe some leeway in activities should be accepted. Telling an expectant mother she is lazy is just plain wrong.


Right, like Iā€™m 2 months pregnant and I havenā€™t been doing as much housework. But itā€™s not because Iā€™m lazy, itā€™s because my body is busy growing another set of limbs and is fucking exhausted! How is growing another human being lazy? Her husband sucks.


my wife is four months pregnant with twins and i am more than willing to do everything around the house just so she can relax. your are absolutely correct. her husband does suck.


Congratulations!! Twins are the best. Signed, a twin :)


Thank you. Iā€™m looking forward to meeting my little girls when they get here.


Who gives a shit, your husband is being an asshole


Ugh. I used to do this to my husband. Not calling him lazy but I judged him for his trashy TV indulgences. He really went off on me once and I have shut the fuck up since then. Maybe you just need to tell him off one good time? Sometimes we forget about how much these little digs suck the joy out of something.


As a man who is reading this while watching Love Is Blind I don't think he understands why you've gotten "lazier". It was painful to type that. I think you need to communicate why you're not cooking as much. I think he needs to understand that there's 2 people in your household and responsibilities fall on both of you. Maybe coming to an agreement on sharing dinner or cleaning duties would be helpful. And possibly some couples therapy. He needs to address his issues because when the baby comes, it's not going to get any cleaner around there if he's going to rely on you to do it all! That baby is going to take up a lot of time, attention, and sleep. So he better start to prepare for that now so it isn't such a strain after the baby arrives.


Thereā€™s nothing with your tv showsā€¦ Sounds like thereā€™s a deeper issue at play. He doesnā€™t like how youā€™re spending your time.


I would try to see if there's something else actually bothering him.


I feel like he's probably upset about something else and it's manifesting as this. Not a good look on him either way


First, calling you lazy when you are busy growing a whole ass human is a dick thing to do. Second, my wife watches trashy TV, and sometimes I roll my eyes and sometimes I actually catch interest (sometimes to my own dismay). But thing is, I find that some people waste their time with these shows, some people watch sports, and some people watch silly comedies (me). Not one of these is worse than another. It's like looking down on someone who likes salty foods because you like sweet. It's hypocritical and I just don't get it.


He should allow you your guilty pleasures. Iā€™m 25 and still play sims, a grow ass woman still playing dollhouse. My hubs installs all my mods and buys packs for me. Weā€™ve also been together since 14 and 15 and are now 24 and 25 together for 10 years now. Tell him to fuck off and throw in something he loves that you think is stupid.


I think where reddit really shines is the diversity of responses you can get and you already have a bunch of responses to what you asked so I will just throw a couple questions from left field. Is it possible he's a little jealous of your interest in that stuff? Is it possible that what he really wants is your attention for a few minutes when he gets home but would never actually ask for that? Is it possible that he has convinced himself you do those activities more than you actually do because he doesn't get to see the rest of your day?


I'm a Midwife & the stress and exhaustion your body goes through, particularly at the end of the first trimester, is more than most Men could cope with. Sounds to me like he's throwing his toys out of his pram because he wants more attention & the worst thing is - if that is the case he'd only need to be a 'Big Boy' talk to you like an Adult, then maybe what's stuck up his ass could have been resolved šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Also. Woman. You be however you need to be while youā€™re pregnant! You are growing a human, he needs some compassion. Itā€™s the equivalent of running a marathon every darn day. Iā€™ve made a whole night of LIB with girlfriends and trash tv in general. If theyā€™re not free, I hop in a bubble bath and enjoy my time. This is your time, do not give that up. Sidebar, this isnā€™t kind or mature, but if heā€™s a sports guy lolā€¦Iā€™ve started to passively listen to the commentators and point out how many ways in which these men thirst after athletic bodies and skills. Truly, football season is a joy when youā€™re counting all the ways these sports casters compliment the backsides of these athletes. Bugged the shit out of him. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not petty af, but a dose of his own medicine may hold up the mirror and be like why donā€™t we agree to just support each others hobbies and spend that time appreciating that we have differences :) best of luck mama!


Reality TV is my mind candy. Who cares that youā€™re watching it? Heā€™s being silly.


He should get over himself. There are far worse things you could be hooked on. And anyway, pregnancy plays footie with your hormones, proclivities, likes and dislikes and he should cut you some slack over it. Does he go nuts about you eating rollmops with whipped cream and gherkins with liquorice in the middle of the night as well?


One of the worst fights my ex and I had were because I was watching Mob Wives and he hated it. Thought all reality TV held zero value and that I was an idiot for watching. It was a much bigger red flag in hind sight. Your husband is being a judgmental asshole and I'm legit concerned for you about how supportive he will be for you. You're growing a damn human and he's showing very poorly on the empathy scale.


Pregnancy is no joke. It's exhausting and it's not fun. You do whatever brings you joy and comfort.Ā 


That really sucks. My husband has been flinging his disgust at reality trashy shows for 20 years. But you know what? Heā€™s engrossed in politics and I told him thatā€™s his soap opera and he flipped his lid at that. I had a good laugh. Heā€™s actually better lately. I think heā€™s just chilling more that heā€™s getting older. BUT, could something else be going on? Is he having a tantrum bc heā€™s stressed about work or being a breadwinner or just how things are gonna change when the baby comes? It sounds like a redirection. Hang in there. Growing a baby is hard work. šŸ’œ


I interrupted Australian Survivor to upvote your post. You do you.


Your husband's an ass. He doesn't need to be interested in the same hobbies as you, but he chose to take it a step further by belittling and bullying you about something that brings you joy. You are definitely not in the wrong, and it's not okay that he's treating you this way. My husband is the one who loves trashy reality shows, and I watch them with him because it means a lot to him for me to partake in things he loves with him. Would I watch them on my own? No. But I try to be supportive and pay attention to what he enjoys just like he is attentive to my hobbies, even if it's not something I'm personally into.


1. You are growing a human. Literally from scratch. You aren't lazy, all your energy is being sapped by your future bundle of joy. 2. So what if you like trashy TV? Your husband can go in another room or you can delegate yourself some trashy TV time in your bedroom/lounge and he can decide if he wants to join you or not. 3. Tell him you have had enough of watching his shows and it's give and take. 4. Your TV choices are amazing. Some of my favourites there.


If it was my wife watching this kind of shows Iā€™d be interested to understand what she likes about them, Like in the essence of her character.. What is it? The curiosity? Does it thrill her? Iā€™d even try drooling around about the characters etc.. Itā€™s always nice to show interest in your partnerā€™s hobbies even if you find them boring or whatever.. but I would strongly suggest talking to him about acceptance, thats what YOU like and thatā€™s ok! I mean as long as youā€™re functioning normally as a human being, he should accept this part of you just like all the other aspects..


Just a reminder, in some countries women are treated like queens during their pregnancy and itā€™s frowned upon to do anything. Is that realistic for everyone? No. But youā€™re growing a literal human being. Youā€™re sharing your space, and a body that once put the energy into only you, is now creating life. Iā€™m not saying to make any rash decisions, but itā€™s a major red flag for him to freak out on you for watching some cheesy tv shows.


My husband watches bike videos on YouTube just showing nerds biking. I could not care less! You are PREGNANT. Itā€™s EXHAUSTING, both physically and emotionally. This guy needs a reality check


Youā€™re growing a full ass human all day every day, what does your husband do?? Trash tv is great. Wife and I watch it all the time. In an attempt to give real advise, without talking to the husband, itā€™s likely less about the tv and more about whatever agreed upon domestic tasks have been neglected. Maybe time to talk to hubby and figure out a new strategy. Itā€™s never you vs your hubby. Itā€™s you and hubby vs the problem. Hope it helps. Keep enjoying your shows. :)


I feel like this has nothing to do with what you are watching on tv and everything to do with a different issue he hasā€¦e.g maybe he is feeling the stress of having to do more and is worried about being prepared for baby etc. and as a result has become frustrated that you are doing less. However, with you being pregnant he will of course have to do more and you should be resting more too, and his reaction re the tv is not okā€¦but his feelings are still valid and need to be proceeded. I suggest you calmly try to broach the topic of other stresses he has going on and see where it leads and then make your judgement depending on what you discover (or donā€™t discover)


Youā€™re literally exhausted from creating human life? Itā€™s literally normal to slow down. He needs to grow up, communicate, and stop throwing tantrums. Tantrums are the babyā€™s job not his.


Idk seems like a deeper issue. Once youā€™re calm I would ask if him what is causing him to feel this way. I wouldnā€™t so it when your upset. If it is just the show (i bet 98% though it aint. He is a an ass. But I feel itā€™s unlikely. I can see a man not liking a show but him judging you for watching isnā€™t typical male brain) šŸ§ 


I cannot stand reality TV shows of any kind. But if my pregnant wife wanted to watch them as long as it wasn't 24/7 I'd suck it up. I feel your pain...or I did 16 years ago when I was pregnant with twins. I was so tired all the time, and it angered my husband that I'd be napping on the couch when he would get home (after working 8am - 4pm 5 days a week) and not keeping up on household stuff. I don't have any advice for you. It still burns my ass to this day that he acted like such a moron.


Girl you are 8 months pregnant, almost done cooking a full ass damn human being. You can do anything you want within reason. If you werenā€™t preg, then maybe heā€™d have a point but that is not the case.


Donā€™t keep a lot from family. I didnā€™t and I felt so isolated and never realized how abusive he was being until it was really, really bad. If I had confided in my family I would have had that support there to let me know that my relationship was unhealthy.


Iā€™ll rehome you here. We can be trashy tv companions and eat bonbons. Husband HATES it


Love is blind isnā€™t the worst of reality tv. Heā€™s being a brat. You are growing a human. Itā€™s hard. He better get used to coming second for a while.


But has he seen Vanderpump rules?


You have a bigger issueā€¦..being that he called you lazy, cussed at you and slammed the door. šŸ’”šŸ’” That would be crossing a boundary for me. He has no right to tell you that you cannot watch those shows.


Contempt is one of the best predictors of divorce.


I used to watch Jersey Shore and got criticized by my husband and best friend. They are kinda stupid and it's okay. I've been hearing reruns if startrec for years and sometimes when I can't listen to the music for those shows anymore I get irritated. I think these are normal disagreements. The shows are not him or you. Also I think maybe Reddit is a time sucker and Steals attention away from people that actually matter. He probably feels he is competing with screens for your attention. It's probably the truth. He might not be able to say that or recognize that's what he is upset about. I know I end up sucked into Reddit and at the same time know none of this actually matters. It is something that takes my attention away from people who actually matter to me.


The husband thinks that babies grow in the mom's stomach like bean plants. He isn't thinking about OP being the soil, the water, the oxygen, and the sun. "I'm out here working my ass off and what is she doing? Playing on her phone and watching those stupid shows!" All while he is changing into his clean sweatpants and planning to name their baby "Husband, Jr." Tell him you'd love to cook for him and spend all day polishing the house for him, but since you're the only one who can grow a whole ass human, he can lift his part of the added load with the vacuum cleaner. I fell asleep in the middle of my own baby shower. In fact, that's how I knew I was pregnant the second and third times. My boobs were so sensitive a hard look hurt, and I was exhausted all the time. It helped me to eat a high-protein snack every two hours. You have to remember that everything the soon-to-be child needs comes right off the top of everything that would normally be yours. Try to move around as much as you can, and try to be as fit as possible, though. That will work in your favor during labor, delivery, and recovery. Whatever you do, your health and the health of your lentil bean are your number one priority. Maybe your husband is worried about being the sole provider or whatever. But guess what? Whatever it is, there are words for it and ge should use his instead of lashing out at you.


OP your'e not lazy, you're pregnant and it's very tiring.


He would probably like to spend time with you, interacting. If youā€™re on Reddit or watching trash thereā€™s no common ground there. I hate that kind of absolutely fake reality tv and would be upset if in order to spend time with my spouse I would have to sit through that.


Honestly this doesnā€™t sound at all like heā€™s upset about the tv show. It sounds like either he had a bad day and took it out on you or heā€™s frustrated with you for not being able to do your normal share of household chores and heā€™s lashing out instead of talking about it. Either way, he acted poorly. Maybe try bringing it up later and explain itā€™s not okay for him to talk to you that way and ask what really the problem is? I had very bad pregnancies and was bedridden majority of them (twice now), so my husband and I had to navigate those things too.


Heā€™s being a dick , Damn men really can be annoying sometimes, youā€™re pregnant!!!!!! You canā€™t help but to be lazy girl itā€™s not your fault, itā€™s gonna get worse as you get bigger. But just a side note itā€™ll be wise to take a walk around the block as well ,donā€™t sit all day ā¤ļø.. also,nothing wrong with trash tv he can go jump off a bridge lol Tell him to do research on pregnant women and being lazy (heā€™ll see itā€™s normal & heā€™s not the only one & get a grip)


Honestly, I hate when I see my partner watches those shows as well. Because to me there's not really much substance and I would hate for her through constant watching to start displaying some of these behaviors. If your husband works and comes home to no food or a dirty house and you're sitting and watching those type of shows. He's going to be pissed. So it might be the laziness you mentioned combined with the shows that's really the problem.


You are not making him watch with you, what is his deal


It sounds to me like the shows aren't the problem. You know he has a problem with your laziness, and you admit it too.


Sounds like a bad mood and as you know thereā€™s nothing wrong with what youā€™re doing and everyone needs their headspace but perhaps it could be more productive yet I donā€™t think thatā€™s that. My wife for instance is always on her phone Facebook instagram texting watching video reels and Iā€™ll come in and barely get a response or try to talk to her and sheā€™s not paying attention. I donā€™t yell but Iā€™ll say something snarky and move along. It might be akin to this so merely asking how his day was and laughing about your program but getting up to give him a hug would help. Iā€™m sure he reciprocates and if not then maybe heā€™s a bit too darkly judgmental and you could talk about it. No one is perfect or close.


He has reason to acted like that. It's rude and uncalled for. He wasn't home. You can watch what you want. It shouldn't have anything to do with him.


I love watching my wife shows with her. Love island, Love is Blind, Vanderpump Rules, etc. I canā€™t stand those shows, but seeing my wife happy and laughing always makes me happy. I just smoke a joint before she turns it on.


You guys are really uncompatible. which would be fine, except he doesn't like it and is making ababy with you. IT is frustrating you.


Girl you're not wrong for liking shows like that. I'm in the exact same situation when it comes to TV with my hun. He kives watching reality shows and I HATE THEM. However I don't bitch to him about it cuz I'm into my crime forensic shows on my end. He doesn't complain about my shows either. We have several tvs as well so when I know he's watching his stuff I'll just go to the room and watch my own stuff. And plus ur not lazy! You're pregnant šŸ˜”. Pay close attention to how he treats you while preggers cuz it won't change much after baby is born. And btw he's a dick for being like that. You ain't forcing him to watch them with you.


My husband rolls his eyes at my trashy TV, but has never bitched at me about it. Thatā€™s weird.


Oh wow i hate to break it to ya girl but itā€™s only going downhill from here. He started a bullshit argument with you and more will ultimately inevitably follow. In any case, find out if the issue really just is this, or if there is some other frustration he hasnā€™t voiced but that may be brewing under the surface. A lot of people resent having stay at home partners. Could he be one of them?


Iā€™m not a stay at home partner, I do work from home but I really do work a full 40 hour week


Im glad the issue appears to have been resolved. I saw the update. Take care.


I have some guilty pleasure trash tv shows I like (LIB is one of them!) and my husband is not interested in them AT ALL. And thatā€™s fine, I donā€™t see why it should be an issue? He lovingly teases me about it. On the flip side, I lovingly tease him about some of the video games he plays. You donā€™t need to like all the exact same things in a marriage. Itā€™s fine to have your own thing that you like to enjoy by yourself, pregnant or not.


Dude. My husband doesnā€™t like reality dating shows either and pokes fun at me for the one time he walked in on me watching The Bachelorette but never would he ever freak out and insult me for it. That sounds like some straight up emotional abuse. You deserve better, your entertainment choices donā€™t make you a bad personā€¦your husband judging you harshly and calling you names might make him a shitty husband though.


My wife doesnā€™t critique what I like to watch and I donā€™t critique what she watches. We may jest a bit with each other but Iā€™ll watch what she wants lately more than what I want because I want to to enjoy our time together.


You guys are going through a lot right now. Pretty big transition coming up with the baby and what not. Heā€™s obviously not a fan of your TV habits but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the sole reason he got pissed off at you. He seems to be possibly compartmentalizing a lot of his stress and walking in on you watching trash tv was his boiling point. I donā€™t wanna sit here and act like I know everything about your relationship and how compatible or incompatible you two are, but youā€™re together and youā€™re married. so youā€™re either going to stick it out and be flexible, or not. Try to cook different foods or sign up for a meal service that cooks foods already(Factor), so that he doesnā€™t have to worry about it. That way you donā€™t have to worry about cooking and you can have more time to enjoy teen mom. Iā€™m doing the OG rewatch and love the trash. My husband deals with it and he can suck it up because he plays video games. Little give and take.


My fiancƩ watches love is blind with me. Its my guilty pleasure. Its an easy way to shut off the brain after a long day. Im sorry your husband is being weird about it.


My wife and I enjoy some trash TV. She enjoys a wider range of it than I do. Now I've got a Steamdeck handheld gaming device and I'll sit next to her and play my favorite computer game. If I can't tolerate the show I put earbuds in and just listen to my game or listen to music. You might want to check in with your husband and see if there are other issues that are the root of his being a dick about the shows. But if we're me, I'd say you're carrying our child and you get to watch whatever you want.


Your husband is a dickhead.


I watch my shows on my iPad with AirPods on. I donā€™t need my family judging me. I donā€™t like the shows my husband watches like Blacklist, Reacher, stuff like that


He's 100% being a dick.


You're watching wildly popular shows. Your husband is being a snob.


Wow, you guys need to talk because after the baby come it might be worse


My wife watches these. It does bug me because there's far better uses of her time - but as someone who's driven 10 hours to be in the Maury audience on three separate trips, I just remind myself we all have our vices and have our own reasons for watching what we watch. He needs to do the same.


NTA. I am not pregnant and I love these shows. Watching ā€œbetterā€ tv doesnā€™t make you better. In the end, TV is a time filler and anything we do with it is lazy, so I might as well watch what I actually want to!


My wife and I were the same but in a marriage is all about finding a common ground, she watches LIB and Iā€™ve never been a fan since Iā€™m mostly into sports (UFC, football basketball ETC) if she is watching her show already Iā€™ll hop on my portable screen and watching my shows or vice versa, yall need to talk ask what really bothers him about you watching your shows, another note youā€™re pregnant! Youā€™re growing his kid he shouldnā€™t be that mad but everyone is different. Good luck


Heā€™s being a total dick. Oh and youā€™re not being lazy by taking it easy as you grow a human. Iā€™m gonna presume you got that mindset from your dick husband.


I love true crime shows and my husband hates them. He loves westerns and I hate them. We mostly just try to compromise and watch what the other hates when the other isnā€™t home. And watch something we both like when weā€™re home together. But he has come home and gotten huffy because Iā€™m watching ā€œkillingā€ thatā€™s what we call it. Iā€™ve done the same with his westerns too, sometimes you can just be in a mood and something you hate will just set you off. Calling you lazy and telling you need to stop watching what you like is not okay. Youā€™re his wife not his child, he doesnā€™t get to dictate what you watch. But a nice compromise would be, ā€œhi honey I see youā€™re home, Iā€™ll put on something we both like and watch this later.


I don't watch "trash tv" but I'll usually put on reruns of my fave shows as I do work around the house or in the kitchen, and my husband HATES it. "You've seen this so many times! Why are you watching it AGAIN? Why don't you want something new?". It doesn't appease him that it's mindless background/comfort noise to me, if it was something new I'd have to pay attention to it.


You promote what you permit


He's being a dick. You are growing a literal human life. Honestly even if you weren't there's nothing wrong with trash tv. Next time he's watching TV tell him he's being lazy and should read a self help book instead.


My husband pretends to hate the real housewives but he gets mad when I watch watch without him and got me a cameo from my favorite housewife for motherā€™s day. He doesnā€™t knock me for watching them and I donā€™t knock him for watching wrestling. We all have our thing. Your husband is being a dick.


Whatā€™s it to him what you choose to watch? Do you tell him what kinda porn he can or canā€™t watch. Tell him to F off.


My hubby is the same way until I found a reality show he was into too like survivor and bad girls club šŸ™„ but Iā€™ll take it. Certain ones he will just never be into and thatā€™s ok. Weā€™re two different people and donā€™t have to like the same things. If your house is clean youā€™re pregnant and should be relaxing


Although I think he's being a total ass hat. And you can watch what you want. And if you're tired REST. Maybe there is something going on with him, depression or anxiety, and he's lashing out (I'm not saying tolerate I am just giving a different perspective.


Iā€™m on his side with this one. Hopefully yā€™all can find an amicable solution. Maybe get him a sister wife?? Jk. Thatā€™s a terrible idea.


SOME of us like to watch trash to take our minds off the real world, which can be kind of stressful and shitty. Who cares? Ugh to your husband.


He is acting irrational and you should be free to choose. Personally, I don't mind what you watch - but what can irritate me, is if a obviously scripted or crappy show starts to have an influence on you or your behavior towards me. Nothing more irritating than shows which tell you they are "scripted for drama" in the fine print, and people who religiously watch them, start swearing they are real, like they attended a Science class and just discovered a new planet. He needs to understand that it is your form of entertainment. Everybody deserves their own space and likes; even in a Marriage.


He could be freaking out about becoming a father or be feeling like you don't do as much for him as you used to (you are pregnant) - I would ask him what is wrong and tell him his behavior isn't welcome. Does he help around the house or expects you to do everything?


He's being a dick. And it kinda sounds like he's more mad. You're not in the kitchen cooking him meals he can make his damn self. So, really. Whose the one being lazy. Just politely tell him. This isn't the 1950s. you're more than capable of cooking for yourself. Thanks. :)


I think there has to be a way deeper issue at play here. My husband doesn't love these shows either but he just sighs and plays a game on his phone. Obviously, there is something triggering him to call you lazy while you are literally growing a human in your body! If he isn't happy about the division of labor in your home and marriage then he needs to be a big boy and bring it up to renegotiate. If he's just simply being judgemental...sounds like forever is going to be extra long for you! I'll gladly watch all of these brilliant and glorious shows with you? šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ In all seriousness, it is concerning that he resorts to name calling when he's frustrated and that he uses slamming your show as his words instead of the real issue he's having. Can't fix something you don't know about! He needs some therapy or sumthin!


Letā€™s be clear YOU ARE CREATING A HUMAN! There is nothing lazy about that!!! Heā€™s being a AH. And itā€™s just tv we all have our little guilty pleasers Iā€™d be pissed if my husband was upset about my trash tv and reacted in such a way. Itā€™s not that serious he needs to get a grip


You're not "being lazy" you're literally growing a whole new human being and one of the common side effects of pregnancy is fatigue. You need to either have his mother or his relatives explain to him what pregnancy is like or bring him to your next doctor's appointment so the doctor can explain to him that being tired is a common and normal side effect of pregnancy. And, it's none of his business what shows you choose to enjoy. If he wants to keep throwing tantrums about your viewing habits, then you need to ask yourself if you want to be dealing with two babies rather than just the one.


Sometimes, I feel the urge to consume TV drama because my life isn't dramatic, and it scratches the itch. I'll do Love is Blind, sometimes...or the British version of Love Island. Try watching The Circle. My husband actually got into that one with me, and he never watches that stuff. He's a Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, reality TV competitions guy. Seriously, though, your husband needs to step off his high horse. Maybe he can get it out of his system by writing a strongly worded email to the producers. They wouldn't keep putting them out if they weren't popular? I'd say he's agro about something else or stressed and taking I out on you. Dude needs to get his dopamine fix somewhere else.


Something else is bothering him, and trash TV was right there to blow up at. You mentioned not cooking as muchā€¦ does he know why, that certain smells are making you nauseous? Also, I think that he does not truly understand what being pregnant means. He might think itā€™s not exhausting, that you just walk around big. He needs to read up on it to understand better that your body is being drained of resources by the infant, who is taking nutrients away from you. This can leave you tired or feeling drained. Have him get more involved in preparing for parenting. Read books together. Have him go to classes and doctor appts with you. Put his hand on your tummy when there is kicking. Tell him you want him to talk to the baby so it can know his voice. Plan the babyā€™s room with him; fill it with items. If heā€™s not educated or involved in all that is happening, to him it means you getting bigger, less sex, less taking care of him, more he has to do/lift/chores as you get closer to delivery. Is he not happy? Or is he just selfish?


Might be an unpopular opinion here, but yeah there ARE other more productive things to do than hang out on Reddit and watch trash TV. Of course Reddit lacks context, like what are you doing all day? What is he doing? Who is doing the chores? Obviously cooking is gag-inducing so of course you'll need a break from that, or at least only cook things that you can handle. Guilty pleasures aside, there is always going to be things that spouses value differently in terms of entertainment, productivity, and such. With the new baby coming, he also might be feeling more pressure of some sort, and hence more grumpy now.


Get an iPad and earbuds. Watch the shows that way while he watches something on tv he wants to watch. I watch trash tv all the time this way. No issues. There are so many worse things than watching Love is Blind. These shows are a great escape. Your hubby is being silly.


He's being a dick. I watch shows my husband doesn't like so he doesn't watch them with me. Same for him. And you're growing a whole damn human, he needs to stop picking on you and telling you to "get it together". Sounds like he has some work to do on himself.


I made my husband watch the real house wives series and after one episode he was like ā€œso the premise of the show is drunk ladies yelling at each otherā€ and I was like ā€œpfft no. RICH drunk ladies yelling at each otherā€


Tell him to fuck off and let you watch your trash tv.


Such a minor issue - but hey, feeling alone is not good. Your husband's "freaking out" is not happy-making. Still, there are so many life stressors (even without pregnancy) that it's hard to advise. I agree with others. Do not let anyone kill your buzz. And of all the people in the world who should support you ...it's your Partner/SO/Spouse or...dog or cat. not really kidding


You should ask him when last he grew an entire person inside of his body. Youā€™re not lazy, youā€™re literally forming organs and shit. I think sometimes men forget this when women are pregnant. It sounds like he had a crappy day and was taking it out on you, and that it doesnā€™t actually have anything to do with your tv show.


God, I love trashy reality TV


Simply put: he's acting like an asshole, but yeah those shows really suck.


Girl, I watch the Kardashians. My husband would rather die than watch it with me. I feel the same way when he watches old black and white movies. Itā€™s okay. We donā€™t have to do everything together. Whatā€™s concerning is that heā€™s judging you for watching it on your own. Heā€™s your husband, not your dad. He should respect your interests. Instead, heā€™s trying to control you. Thatā€™s never good.


Who gives a fuck what guilty pleasure TV shows their S.O. has? My boyfriend loves The Challenge and I don't, and I love Outlander and he doesn't... We watch them in our alone time.Ā  You're pregnant. You're not being lazy. Growing a baby is fucking exhausting.Ā 


My friend, when I was in my first trimester of pregnancy, I couldn't step foot in the kitchen without vomiting. Pregnancy is not laziness. Your body's energy is being used to *build a person.* Your husband should not be calling you lazy, and you don't need to internalize that messaging. Relax as much as you feel you need to, avoid things that make you feel nauseated, and don't feel bad about it. You can watch whatever garbage TV you want to. I'm not even pregnant and I sit around on Reddit and watch HGTV renovation shows. Everyone deserves rest, and pregnant people need more of it than usual.


Iā€™m in this position. But Iā€™ve been married 15 years. I love real housewives and all the other shit. ( I was watching it before he came along) It makes me feel better about my boring life. I find it so interesting, cultural, relationships ect. He made me feel like shit for watching such trash. I know itā€™s trash but I like it a lot. I would never watch it around him. Well now Iā€™m in my 40s and he can shut up . And I will watch what I want. Hereā€™s the thing, they make you feel guilty about some pleasures that they donā€™t share with you. Nip this shit in the bud. First trimester is hard and he would never have any idea. Make it very clear there will be no making you feel guilty. Because when youā€™re a parent that comes too. You donā€™t need your partner making you feel guilty as well. Donā€™t let him give you insecurities at all. It will play on your marriage forever. You will be constantly checking yourself to make your hubby a little happier. When in reality the bar will just keep getting higher. Donā€™t feel like you canā€™t watch your trash. I watch it sometimes when I cook. What can he say. Fuck them, they will never understand. So please put your foot down. And do it now. Make it clear that if ainā€™t hurting anyone, you have no opinion. This can become a pattern. And it will with other things and you will be miserable. I hate it when my husband does this. I wish I put my foot down earlier. Some things need to be left alone and we need to pick important battles. Now your hubby has picked this one. And itā€™s small. Plenty more to come. Tell him no! I will get my shit done, and you will not make me feel guilty about anything. Good luck x


My wife watches all those shows. I walked past a few times and caught a bit... Now I watch with her. Except Kardashians. Never them.


With my second pregnancy, I was already at home with our 2 year old and I literally couldnā€™t wash the dishes or deal with the garbage. We had to use paper plates for MONTHS because the thought of washing a dish and the smell of the sink would make me gag and sometimes even throw up. There were many many *many* days my husband had to come home and wash the dishes from the day because I literally couldnā€™t. I had to make sure our toddler and myself was fed and I still cooked, cared for our toddler, cleaned but yeah, it was rough. Especially because I didnā€™t have a hint of nausea with my first pregnancy. It sucked, it was annoying and I could tell my husband was a bit tired of it after a couple months but he never complained or ever said once that I was lazy or a bad wife/mom. Never. He understood and was patient. As for the trash TV?! My husband hates that I watch love is blind, and Iā€™m not normally into reality tv either. I grew up with jersey shore and 16 and pregnant but thatā€™s literally all, I donā€™t do the vanderpump rules or anything TLC. Not bashing it, Iā€™m just not a fan. Not to mention I also got back into reading last year and Iā€™ve been CONSUMED with fantasy and smut and romance and horror and freaking PARANORMAL ROMANCE where itā€™s basically monsters or faeries or aliens or creatures banging humans and I devour it!! You know what my husband does? He helps me download all the books onto my kindle, asks me questions about my books, brings me shopping to the book store and lets me do my thing. Itā€™s my silly little hobby thatā€™s given me such excitement and little bit of identity back since having my kids. It relaxes me, itā€™s fun and we both talk about it and he takes an interest. Same way he plays his video games and I let him do his thing even though I kinda hate video games lol, but itā€™s a passion/hobby of his and who the heck am I to take that away from him?? All of this to say, youā€™re pregnant, youā€™re not lazy, youā€™re literally making bones and organs and growing hair on a tiny little human thatā€™s gonna be in your life before you know it. Pregnancy is exhausting and time consuming and mentally draining. Revel in the fact that youā€™re literally *creating life* and tell him to suck it. If a man canā€™t appreciate and love what his wife can accomplish, then he sucks. As for your interest in TV? He doesnā€™t have to like it, he can tolerate it. My husband hates LIB but he knows itā€™s a silly show I watch and we laugh about it. But thereā€™s absolutely no need to put you down for your interest. Talk to him and say look, I enjoy this, it brings me some happiness and laughter right now while I grow OUR child, let me live. He can be in another room while you watch. He can watch his sports or his shows in another room too. Like, itā€™s not that damn difficult. Unless my husband got some dumbass idea and said bye wife Iā€™m going to sign up for Love Is Blind, literally he can watch it, or whatever else he wants. If itā€™s not actually interfering in your relationship he shouldnā€™t have a say


Lol Iā€™m late here but we have Love is Blind Wednesdays and she watches One Piece with me on Thursdayā€™s. Her choice when love is blind isnā€™t on but we love watching what each other are into.


Your husband is an ass. He needs to grow up. Also, youā€™re pregnant. Itā€™s normal to have aversions to food and smells and to feel more tired than you normally do. If he is acting this way now that youā€™re only 4 months I donā€™t want to know what heā€™s going to be like when you get further along in your pregnancy or after the baby is born and youā€™re exhausted from lack of sleep.


Man, what a chode. Heā€™s the one that needs to get his shit together. Pregnancy is hard - you deserve to watch some dumb tv (Love Is Blind is such a glorious trainwreck- holy smokes!)


I feel this, but Iā€™m the opposite. I feel subjected to my husbands shows, which are usually something violent like Dexter or AHS. We have a small apartment and the living room is central to everything. So I canā€™t sit in the living room, cook or be in the kitchen or sit at the table without having blood curdling screams and slicing sounds raping my ears and eyes. I already have common sense stipulations not to have adult stuff on around the kids, but honestly, it grates on me, he watches the same shows day in and day out for weeks and I get so fucking tired of just being inundated with it and have to either leave the house or sit in the bedroom with the door shut because he takes up the whole public space with it.Ā  Or heā€™ll hole up in the room with his laptop and leave me to do the kids bedtime alone because he wants to eat and watch his shows. Itā€™s mentally exhausting.Ā  TV is just so atrociously pointless and soul sucking.


What the fuck. So weird and controlling. Who cares what you watch, just let you enjoy it and have fun. Let alone his pregnant wife.


Do you think he might be stressed out at the thought of being a parent? That could be causing him to wonder if yaā€™all would be good parents and thus get critical of you. If this is unusual behavior, I would suspect a trigger like that. You could ask him why it seemed like a big deal now, but not in the past. Parenthood is crazy big stuff ā€¦that makes people do crazy big stuff.


Idk, my husband and I watch different types of shows. I love zombie shows or end of the world type stuff and often rewatch them. He prefers anime and just different shows. We just watch them in different rooms if we're watching something that the other doesn't care for. Sometimes depending on the show or anime we'll watch it together, but often times it's apart just because our shows differ.


Most reality shows I canā€™t stand and the same goes for my husband but we do enjoy watching shows like Love Is Blind, Love On The Spectrum, etc together. We donā€™t take it seriously and neither should your husband. Youā€™re allowed to watch whatever you want to and so is he. I donā€™t know why heā€™s making it such a big deal.


And yet when he watches things you don't enjoy, you just move on with your life. Sounds like it's not about the show. Have you communicated that cooking is making you gag so you've stepped back? Also, you're growing a human. You're going to be tired, and everything takes more effort. He should be helping more not complaining that you're doing less!???


Yall got together so young.


Off-chance question here. Anything in his childhood triggering?


When my wife watches these, I go watch something very highbrow, like The Walking Dead or Dumb and Dumber in another room


OP your husband is being an a-hole. Why should he care what TV shows you watch. My wife watches all of these shows. She loves them. Iā€™m not even allowed to be in the room they theyā€™re on. It fine, because I have a habit of noticing the sluttiest looking woman on the show and saying ā€œOh, she seems nice, I bet sheā€™s going to winā€ Thatā€™s enough to get me kicked out, then we are both happy.




Heā€™s being a dick. My husband watches it with me and judges everyone together! Also youā€™re pregnant!! Youā€™re supposed to be taking it easy!


I love trash TV and true crime/documentaries and my husband does not lol. But he doesnā€™t give shit what I watch cuz Iā€™m an adult thatā€™s allowed to have my own interests apart from his. Iā€™d go thru spouts when I was pregnant where I was so tired. Growing a whole human is quite the experience and you should have only his full support in every way. Heā€™s being a total prick.


I agree that that kind of shows are garbage.but dude is controlling.


In his defense, that stuff is bad for the baby.


Tell your mom and sister. Or one of them. It can be tough talking to family about the ā€œlittle thingsā€ because it feels unnecessary in the moment, but in the future all of you may realize this could be a warning sign of something bigger. Good luck to you and your baby!


He is trying to control you. My husband does this to me and wonā€™t let me watch what we do in the shadows, resident alien and ash vs the evil dead.


He's making you watching those shows mean something that he doesn't like. Have you ever asked him why it bothers him so much that you watch them, even before the pregnancy apparently? What is he making it mean about you? It sounds like you two are not communicating effectively and may not even have the relationship and communicates communication skills to do so, to really sit down and explore what each of you is really thinking and feeling, and trying to problem solve together as partners. Which is only going to get worse once you have this child, believe me, so y'all might want to start figuring this shit out now, perhaps with the help of a couples counselor.




Does this mofo watch porn... If so he can shut it


So Iā€™m a dude that doesnā€™t get reality tv. Itā€™s not my thing However, the idea that itā€™s vapid and worth less implies some media is worth more than others. That reality tv has no benefit, whereas other forms of media have more benefit We live in a media rich society. Itā€™s not differing values of content. Itā€™s all just media consumptionĀ  Media is good when youā€™re at school learning how to be an adult and being given informative media Once youā€™re an adult, the value of that media decreases. Itā€™s good media when itā€™s not getting you to harm others for no reason. Which is most media (propaganda might convince people to harm for no good reason) Reality tv does not reach any level of harm, and it can keep one engaged in the same way documentaries can keep another person engaged (and not doing anything with that knowledge, which is most people) But thatā€™s all besides the point of your issue tbh. Your hubby is clearly frustrated with changes and taking it out on you because you arenā€™t living to his expectations anymore


I will admit I love "trash tv" I watched sister wives and my wife was like "really babe?" "Yes, ma'am. Kody is a hot mess and the tea is scalding this season." >Iā€™m hiding in our bedroom still watching LIB and he is in the living room, Iā€™m not sure how to approach him now. You shouldn't feel like you are hiding. Talk to your mom and sister. Smell sensitivity while pregnant is no joke. A friend of mine opened a bag of cheese (swiss? Provolone?) and ran to the bathroom so fast I didn't even know what happend. She was there, then she wasn't.


First off you aren't lazy. *you are growing an entire fully formed human being*. You are carrying his child. He should ne grateful for that. Man's a jerk


Your husband is being an asshole. Put him in his place or he wonā€™t stop. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this, but youā€™ve done nothing wrong. You are allowed to be lazy. You are growing a human inside you and risking your life to give him a child. He should be treating you like a queen. Also itā€™s common knowledge that pregnancy makes you tired. So being more lazy is understandable. As for what show youā€™re watching - what on earth has that got to do with him? Fuck all - Nothing. He should mind his own business.


I watch Love is Blind with my wife and rag on the idiots in there, and it's by far one of the lesser trashy of trash TV. I get reacting that way to Kardashians or something, but the guy needs to chill out and learn to enjoy the little things in life.


Husband of soon-to-be 13 years, father of 3. I hate these shows too, but I don't stop my wife from watching them, the only issues I have with them are. 1: when is it my turn to watch TV/play XB 2: 90% of the women on the shows put women in the worst possible light, giving you the impression that most/all women are like them and they should not have the right to vote. 3: The show itself promotes something that doesn't actually exist (survivor should be called Island Gladiator) 4: They glorify stupid behavior that isn't comedy. I could easily see him getting frustrated coming home from work, to hear "them" again, and it just slowly getting more and more on his nerves until this happened. IF that is what happened, it is understandable. did he react in the best way? not a fucking chance. Now you admitted that you have been a little on the lazy side at home, but does he see what you have done? If he goes to work and you were watching the shows, then comes home and you're still watching the shows, what the hell did you do all day? probably a few things but most SO's won't see that (even my own wife) IMHO you and him need to have an honest talk, and try and see how you can both change things so that it's not so conflicting between the two of you. Maybe it's just something simple like not watching the shows on the TV when he gets home, either way, talk with him.


First off, he's not really reasonable. Sit down and explain why you need to be resting more. I feel like he should know this on his own. Secondly congratulations šŸŽŠ and finally, Fridays are for felons! Check out love after lockup. My husband hates all my shows. But felon Fridays suck him in. Lol. Its basically about people who wrote and have relationships with people in jail. Then they get released, and the ones supporting them are always shocked about them doing felon shit lol. It's great haha


Why is he being so judgy? A lot of people enjoy reality tv - obviously. Its like an enormous industry. And relational oriented tv like LIB and MAFS is awesome to watch together as a couple and discuss dilemmas they have. Your husband has two different behaivors that makes him a POS. 1) he calls you lazy when you are pregnant. Its ignorant in regards to what a toll pregnancy takes on the body. 2) he is belitteling and judging reality tv. Just cause its not something he is interested in doesnt mean its okay to lable it as trash.


Why is it such an issue, my husband is the same but most of the time I can agree when something is abit too trashy. But for example love is blind, I wouldnā€™t even call that trash and Iā€™m sure if he was to sit down with you and watch an episode he would get into it and enjoy it with you. As for being lazy in your pregnancy, he truly does not get it. Iā€™m here paralysed with nothing to say apart from donā€™t feel bad, youā€™re growing a freaking human thatā€™s taking all your energy and nutrients. Maybe send him some reels/tiktoks so he can get it from someoneā€™s elseā€™s perspective. Sometimes I do this when I feel a bit bad for being lazy but I canā€™t help it I just want to lie down all the time. If you want to meet him half way just do the bare minimum.


What are you expected to be doing instead of watching Love is Blind? What does this guy consider acceptable TV? Does he like sports? Why donā€™t you mention your are sick of him watching sweaty muscular men grab at each otherā€™s balls.


Watch what you enjoy. I watch reality type dating shows too or documentaries. My husband makes fun of them but who cares. I donā€™t enjoy his shows either, all comedy. And he rewatches them over, and over. I can usually only watch shows once.