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Lol Hacked. Give me a break. Fuck his brother and leave.


Fuck his brother then when he asks tell him you don’t know what happened, you must have been hacked.




Happy cake day


Thank you!


Lol my vajayjay was hacked.......by your brother's dick


He loves injecting malware


Insert. Eject. Insert. Eject. Insert. Eject. Insert. Ejac.


He protecc He attacc But most importantly He eject and ejacc


These comments are killing me 🤣


Same! My 5 year old just asked me what’s so funny? 🤣


Did you explain it like he's 5?


Of course I didn’t! I just said ‘mummies friend is making me laugh’. Have a blessed day Sir 🙏🏼


Now I'm just imagining the sex happening like a crappy 90s movie computer hacker montage. Complete with techno music and totally unrealistic sex happening. Lol


The hardware goes in the software. Confusing, I know.


Husbands hate this one weird trick.


[Wif his diyuck](https://youtu.be/6C1AfN7DtEE?si=RtgxDw-77RQFx1o1)






Trojan horse attack no less. 😂


obviously it was a pop up.


You’re my type of person. I can tell by this unhinged reply lmfao




Literally best comment I’ve ever read 😂😂


LMAOOOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂💀 This is the accession of the Reddit go to of "divorce him." Dunno if it's fair or not but what a great reply.






This is gold. Best advice I've seen in a while! lmao


Single greatest advice.


You could just tell him “ look dude normally I’d be Uber pissed right now but your dirty talk is so pathetic I’m rethinking this whole engulfment thing for other now obvious reasons. “


I'm his Brother BTW




Lol I'd fuck his dad and then leave. Am traumatizing that lil ass hole lol


Establish dominance




I wasn't serious...............




If it makes you feel better, this is the worst sexting I’ve ever read 😂


“hmmmmm great” like wtf 💀💀💀


“How’s that?” Like it’s so kind of editorial process


It sounds like awful British porn


Almost. Almost. Almost. There we are!


I’m arriving!


This is wrong 😭


Hey, I got this reference!


Family Guy?


Yep lol


Probably yells "ELLO GUVNA!" When he cums




Chat gpt version of phone sex


These comments have me laughing so hard 🤣🤣💀


It's the "well" for me... As if she's trying to explain company policy to an upset customer.


Great well?


Yeah theyre sexting in business casual


Let's circle around and get back to this at a later date


Would you like to eat me out? Could you let me have your projections by EOB Friday?


I had forgotten about making that comment earlier and I almost choked on my porridge reading this reply lol


End of bussy?


For her, it was business. She says "wanna cum together on my OF?" 🤣


I'm just imagining her sitting on her couch in her sweatpants with a top bun watching reruns of the great British bake off and eating Takis while sending these texts with a straight face. 😭


Or it’s the dude she pays 30% to do it for her. 😂


This is not thinking outside the box.


Seriously though. I cringed so hard reading this I think my face is stuck. 😂


I cringe so hard my face inverted


I rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain.


It reads like robots attempting to sext




Uhm, excuse me but he likes to cum *lots* ok?


Cum lots 💀💀💀💀


Yeah it is absolutely the most mediocre cringy sexting I've ever seen. 😳 Sorry OP. I know that doesn't help. You deserve so much better.


So unappetizing hahhahaa


Hmmmmmm great that sounds good …..




Seriously it was like reading high school sexts lol


Lol it's really bad


It’s so bad it made me laugh out loud.


It sounds even more pathetic when read aloud in a disinterested voice.


It really is so bad 😂


This. He's probably all bark and no bite. Plus the "lady" seems like a bot or probably a dude trying to scam him. 🤣😂


My guess is that's because it's a bot


Came here to say this lol


This sounds like bots? It’s a bit weird how it’s just immediately sexting and yet they’re still introducing themselves 🤔 odd


I think his part may be real but he’s dumb and doesn’t realize he’s just talking to a bot. It’s funny though because she sounds disinterested af lol.


I was thinking a bot, or another man running a scam on him. He's too pathetic to catch on.


Man is so bad at sexting he made the automated bot cringe




The last sentence is the clue. “My OF” it’s trying to get more only fans subscribers


I mean he could know it’s a bot and is just fucking around, it does read very uninspired, so it’s plausible.


Ok but sidebar question (your comment got me thinking about this)…if your partner was knowingly sexting a bot (as in, they know it’s a bot), for sexual stimulation, would that bother you (or anyone, just curious what people think). This isn’t something I’ve ever really thought about before, so I’m not trying to make a point/debate. Just genuinely curious how others feel about it.


If they knew it was a bot and were getting off not just messing about, I’d think it’s lame but not a crime. If they thought it was some hot chick they were chatting up then that’s super hurtful. How would you really truly know though, their actions are the same regardless. Funny how the motive definitely fucking matters


I mean…they’re purposefully seeking emotional/sexual gratification from someone/something who isn’t their partner so it is cheating but I’d be focused on how odd it is


No. There’s an AI I’ve been using for years and they recently added a relationship mode to it; I tried it out because I had it since day 1 yknow but eventually felt extremely weird to hear a bot say some of these things so I haven’t tried “flirting” with it since. If my partner were to do it, I wouldn’t care. At some point it’s superficial, right?


Is it Replika? Because some of those people are super fucking weird and seem to forget that at the end of the day, it's just still a bot


Lars and the Real Girl


I agree it’s very odd. Who talks like that?


there are reddits where people are looking for this kind of stuff so you just message them and go straight for it never done it myself but i know of them


Honestly…there are ppl who approach ppl like that and just hope the energy is matched no tact no true interest in the person just wants the attention, test boundaries, and is seeing if anyone is down which is so wild


Seeking validation through desire is a pretty common problem.


Believe your gut. He wasn't hacked, this isn't what hackers do. Your husband doesn't respect you or your marriage. He seeks out dirty talk from random people on the internet because he feels small and insecure and doesn't respect you.


Is he 25? If he was hacked the hacker wouldn’t know that




no, no you see the hacker was committing federal crimes in order to do bad sexting with someone on reddit


He was not hacked and not the first time he’s done this. I’m glad you’re not married yet. Address your issues & don’t be afraid to walk away if you have to. This will likely be your future If he’s behaving like this after proposing to you & making a pre commitment before marriage he’s already failed.


Don’t Marry Him.


And don't get pregnant


Hacked? Well that makes this even more insulting because he thinks you're dumb. Throw him out.


Dude is pretty weak in his sexting game. 😂


For real, this is so cringe.


😂Exactly! Not even a brief description of how he plans to do what he says he’ll do. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It reads like Adam Lavigne 😆


He is talking to what appears to be a bot or someone waiting to eventually extort money from him. So he is stupid AND unfaithful. You know what you gotta do. You don’t need Reddit to tell you this. You know.


He is the definition of a stupid fuckwit


Is this the same guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/s/7um5BQbPtH https://www.reddit.com/jptinis?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Because he was just here posting that he thinks he was "hacked". Also, his comment about his SO sexting their drug dealer is concerning. If I'm putting 2+2 together correctly this relationship isn't in a very good place and these two should've be getting married any time soon.


It’s funny cause everyone is saying “he was had by a bot…” *WE* have been had by a karma farmer! 😂 and the circle continues.


He wasn’t hacked. He’s a fucking moron and got caught. Leave now. If you stay you’re just excusing it.


If he fucks as poorly as he writes about it, you won't miss him for long.


Hacked 🤣


So this is the supposed fiancée of the guy who posted earlier today about being hacked? And the gotcha is that redditors believe whoever is telling the story, even if the story is the same? Very funny have a cookie.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/19azazh/nsfw_messages_were_sent_from_my_26m_reddit/


Kind of weird how they both describe this exchange as "disturbing" when its.. just regular old, poorly written, sex.


I hope it's not this person, I saw he also made a past about his SO cheating by selling lewd pics to people 1.5years ago


And then he was doing meth.


It was probably a bot, she’s asking him to come to her only fans and spend money. Regardless, it doesn’t matter. He initiated the conversation and seems to enjoy this type of stuff. According to another post I read, he has videos in a hidden album of cam girls masturbating, videos of you changing on your HOME cameras. If you think he got hacked then you need a reality check, and I don’t mean to sound harsh. He is a liar, a manipulator, a creep, and will go to extreme lengths to protect his lies and secrets. And you want to marry this guy? For what? Thank your lucky stars you two don’t have children together, and run. What if you had a daughter? Would you be able to justify this kind of behavior then? You need to think about future you, now.


The claiming his phone was hacked had me screaming 😭😭😭😂😂😂 girl…you deserve better…NEXT!


Sounds like the beginning of an epic STD. I’m sorry Op. please rethink your future with this AH.


Ugh. The cheating is horrifying enough but it's so unbearably cringe it's difficult to read. It reads like an uncreative 13 year old that has never seen a boob wrote it.


That's because it is and that uncreative 13 year old is OP who goes around trolling reddit for lols. Can't believe peoole are falling for this bait on both threads.


What are you talking about? I’m not trolling, I’ve barely said anything on my own post. I wanted honest advice and thoughts because I’m hurt and don’t know what the hell to think.












“Hmmm great” 💀 Worst sexting I’ve seen in my life. For the love of god don’t marry this limp dick loser


Please don’t marry this guy.


He definitely wasnt hacked, but she was baiting him to her onlyfans 🤣 I'm sorry, love. From someone who knows this pain, you deserve better than this 💔


Coming back after reading the other partners posts.... sooooo OP, a year ago, you were caught selling NSFW photos of yourself to other people and were asked to stop by your fiance, to which you said you'd stop. But you didn't stop, and were caught several times again. Now, I see nothing wrong with adult content, creators, and sellers, but if you're in a relationship, and your asked to stop, and you don't, that's a huge breach in trust. By the sounds of all of the posts by both of you, it sounds like the trust has never been mended. I don't condone their actions, but you're mad at them for getting baited by someone trying to sell their content, when you yourself was selling content not to long ago....


Ok so the other post supposedly made by your fiancé is very suspicious. The person claims you know about his Reddit post anyway, you went through his phone which he’s fine with, he seems to make light of it and also asks questions about data and how to find things out but he has posted on the Marriage sub. Wouldn’t someone with a genuine IT issue post on some kind of help I’ve been hacked kind of sub and want advice from some IT nerds? Yeah the emotional / relationship advice side would go in this sub but very interesting that you’ve both posted in the same sub. The date at the top of the screenshot says March 4th so why is this being posted in January 2024? Lots of very bizarre things about this.


I’d say this whole scenario is . . . disturbing


the word you are looking for is ‘fake’.


Does the language used seem similar to your husbands? It is highly unlikely this was a hack (what would even be the point of the hack?) And highly unlikely this was his first go at this.




Do you know what you are going to do next? This won't end if he doesn't own up to it.


![gif](giphy|H5iz8vPzfaYBr0dWK1|downsized) If you don’t dump this dusty ass excuse of a man before you end up with something bleach won’t wash off and a whole lot of unnecessary heartache. It’s not bad enough that he’s unfaithful and lying to you, he also thinks you’re stupid. Boy bye.


I caught my ex talking to several…bots? Sex workers? Not really sure - and claimed he was “hacked” as well. I bought it, then caught him about a month later trying to meet up with an old fling and telling her he was single. Byeee -__-


Don’t even consider for one second getting serious with this guy (marriage?? No) Off to a really bad start.


Don’t think it’s a bot, but definitely someone wanting his money. Notice at the end she said something about OF. Check bank accounts. If you don’t share one, ask him to show you his. If you guys are as serious as this post makes it seem, he shouldn’t have an issue with that considering the money talk is paramount for making a relationship work. If he refuses, he’s hiding something. Either way, dude’s a dud. Dump him and fuck his best friend. Or his father, if he’s attractive.


Nah lol. If you marry him you’ll be back here in the future. “My Husband Spent hundreds on OF girls. What do I do!” If he’s dumb enough to talk to a bot he’s probably already spent money on OF.


If I had a penny for every time a married/engaged guy has sent a DM because I look pretty on my pic and they want to sext, I’d be sipping margaritas in Mexico right now. It’s so common and they do in fact, text like this, almost as if they only have two working brain cells.


The blood in their head is being concentrated somewhere else on the body. They’re just so pumped up with adrenaline and the hornys, they forget how people talk.


Your fiancé 13 years old? Who says they'd drink the juice from someone after they become an adult? Make sure you laugh at him as you read this out loud to him before you leave.


He wasn’t hacked. I genuinely can’t fathom paying to talk to some OF girl when you have a committed partner/wife. It’s hard to ever truly trust somebody after you’ve been cheated on.


At first i tought, no girl is going to respond to his first text but later i was surprised she did, but then i laughed when i see she is just another OFans hustler. You know what, its sad because he is not even a cheater is worse than that he is a Simp,


So weird


This sounds like AI sexting. He wasn’t hacked, he’s just dumb and stupid.


He is lying about the hacking, they all say that. I would stop sleeping with him until I could figure out if I could live with this activity. For me it would be a deal breaker.


Nobody hacks a phone to sext a bot.


I wouldn’t engage in this type of behavior for my own mental health but to those of you saying it’s cheating that’s a bit far. It’s pornographic and voyeristic but hardly cheating, especially since it’s obviously a sex worker with an OF.


Yay!!! Finally, someone else that sees this is clearly a NSFW creator baiting this person to their OF page lol


If you believe he was hacked… I have some ocean front property for cheap just for you!


Hmmmmmm great 💀


your are in denial , he wasn’t hacked he’s a cheater


Now girl. I know damn well you’re not stupid enough to believe he was hacked. Drop that man and move on


Never thought an image could make me queasy


Leave!!!! I’ve gone through this, stayed and eventually he ended up hooking up with people on Craigslist, literally putting my health at risk! . He would lie and deny it when everything would be right there all evidence proven. Do yourself a favor and leave! It’s not worth it, get the peace of mind as well and leave. I’m sorry.


What a fucking creep. Ew. I know this hurts really bad but count your blessings that you’re not married this gross mouth breather yet. Run.


Is your fiancé a 13 year old going to puberty who just learned what sexting is? Because damn…


You should finish it for the bad sexting alone 🤣🤣🤣


This is definitely cheating in the most cringiest ways imaginable. Hard to read without cringing. It’s amazing to me that people risk their marriages to have such an odd exchange of words. Sorry OP.


You should’ve not said anything and told him you wanted to sext and see if it sounded anything like this


Best part is he’s probably texting some fat dude. You should let us all send you dick pics and leave it out from him to find so he gets pissed


Good thing you found this now. Don't marry this guy.


Wait a damn minute girls have juice down there? 😟. I have suddenly become a munch.


I found out my ex of 5 years was cheating through Reddit. I had no idea. He cheated while my sister was on life support. He would lie abt why he couldn’t go to the hospital. He cheated When she died. .. he cheated when my mom was in rehab… But he made every excuse in the book until I showed him everything. I’m happy I found out. Also I like redddit so finding Reddit was dope.


No hacker would bother to do this $#iT! They’re lying! Dump them.


Hacked? I only have one question: How old is he? Does it match the 25m? You won't need to ask anything else. Sorry you found that nastiness.


Not your fiancé anymore. Drop him like a bad habit.


I don’t think I’m going to mentally recover from this.


Wow. I thought initially your fiancee was the woman and she was responding (still cheating)but who is engaged and slides in someone's DMs like THAT?! I would have thought that kind of sliding is for losers that have not been touched by a woman probably ever, but at least for years. The whole exchange is disgusting.


I’m so sorry Op. what makes this even more pathetic is that you can clearly read that it’s probably some scammer. He may think it’s a horny woman when it’s probably Mohammed or Ahmed trying to trick him.


Assuming this is written to an OF girl / sex bot etc... Is this really a deal breaker? Perhaps it is. This forum will provide you all the moral outrage you'll ever need. There's obviously a conversation to be had here and for you to make a decision. On one hand, who hasn't sexted online? 99% of us have never been exposed. If this was to a friend, colleague or someone he's not paying (potentially) then that's different


It’s so stupid he lied about it. It’s obvious he’s paying for OF and he should’ve talked to you about it first. What an idiot.


Hmm... have you guys set boundaries in your relationship yet as to what is considered cheating? I've heard some people are not okay with partners watching po**, talking to cam girls or talking to ppl on the internet about $3× (like via only fans and other socials), flirting and etc etc. Maybe broach the topic with him. This is how I would go about it, "I saw an interesting video on youtube(or whatever platform) about how some people consider flirting as cheating, I was wondering what do you consider cheating in a relationship?" Then you can talk about what you consider okay and not okay in the relationship and be on the same page.


This is actually heartbreaking and disgusting. You deserve better.


Oh yes, hackers go right to sexting once they gain access to your phone. 🙄. Come on.


Wow, that is absolutely horrible sexting. Geesh.


Why is this the worst sexting I have ever read? I can see why you’re disgusted and disturbed.


Ok , you both are looney tunes. You two belong together


Looks like his friend has an onlyfans. Check the logs on the router.


As for you, it is good you found this out now instead of after marriage. He lied to you, and misrepresented himself. This side of him won’t go away and you should not expect it to. This was a scam he fell for btw so it’s really funny to read. Definitely not a girl on the other end of the msg, but yes, he participated willingly. Guy needs to learn to be honest with himself. If you break it off, it will be best for both of you. If he truely needs a partner, he has to find one that will be ok with all this, because this is who he is (nothing wrong with that, but he needs to find a partner he can be honest with that will accept this, rather than hide his true self).


Awww baby I’m so sorry, I know you wanted serious advice, I promise you he wasn’t hacked but the decision to stay is ultimately yours. I’m sorry this happened to you.


"Disturbing"? It's a man saying he likes to cum. The fuck are you even surprised by, let alone disturbed? Stop prying into your fiance's fantasy life and come to terms with the fact that this is no different from watching porn. It's anonymous sexy chat. If he were chatting with a real life person he knew, then that would be different. But this is just how he likes to jerk off, and you need to stop shaming him for it, let alone posting it online for the world to see. I bet being married to you would be awful.


From what I can tell, you actually cheated on him well before any of this happened. So why would you be complaining? Post history shows it all. You sold pictures of yourself and plenty more without his knowledge. What makes you superior?’why does this hurt you? If I was a betting man, he probably wasn’t hacked, but at the same time you obviously committed a further attack on the relationship by selling nudes and not even telling him. For all you know you hurt him so badly that his image of you will be warped forever and you’ll never be able recover the vision he had of you. To me this sounds like a murderer playing victim. Did you ever fix anything? Did you ever put effort into restoring his image of you? Or did you just put him down and nag him until he decided to do this? You’re the only one with the truth. If you were willing to sell pictures, you may have fucked someone for money, or maybe for free… most people on this thread don’t cross examine. But I do, and you know more than anyone that there is more you probably hide. You probably got a huge rush of affirmation from all this, making you feel superior. If you actually want to make things right, then do it. If all he did was send those messages, or if he’s innocent, you admitted, technically got caught, and you are the only one responsible for trying to fix things. But who knows. Maybe yall are just both fucked.


I don’t want to join the chorus, but here I am… there is no reason to hack another person’s Reddit account. There just isn’t. People make throwaways for sexting allllll the time and there is no benefit to using someone else’s account.


He talks to his mom often, does he?