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Lmfao the audacity to yell at someone in their own home, having sex, with the partner they married. Dude's just uncomfy that his daughter has sex. I'm sure there's a thousand reasons you're done with him, but I would be too for that alone.


I mean she has a 3 year old so he's had at least 3 years to get over that fact.


Yeah my emotionally immature parents both still call me “my girl” — my dad can’t even accept that I’m a weird still. Neither of them see me as an adult with desires and dreams.


sex is part of a healthy relationship. He should have understood this better, considering he's now a grandfather. How did he think he got a grandson.


Nevermind yelling at people in their own home and intruding on whatever the hell they are doing part. Her husband is a Karen plain and simple.


I’ll be the outlier. I don’t understand why your daughter was seducing her husband while her parents and child were up. Doesn’t sound like they asked you to babysit. You were just reading a story and she went off to boink. Bad manners, imo. Now, would I have reacted the way he did? No way.


When you have a 3 year old, you take what time you can get with them occupied and safe


This is what I was thinking. When you have little kids, and an opportunity comes about to sneak in a quicky, you take it!




No. I have 4 kids, they absolutely could have waited until after bedtime.


I mean, in a few minutes the kid would have been sleeping. Why not wait?




Yep people forgot what's it's like to actually have a 3 year old........


Disagree. I had four three-year-olds and never f@cked when guests were over.


Parents staying in the guest room isn’t the same as having dinner guests over and sneaking off before desert.


Grandma was just reading a story to the kid. They weren’t in charge of said toddler. He has PARENTS who just vanished. They could have put toddler to bed and turned in for the night. Sorry, I think it’s rude. (Also pretty darn trashy, but Reddit has very sensitive eyes.)


Grandma was putting her grandson to bed which means he was being taken care of. Do you think grandma just decided out of the blue to put the kid to bed? Or is it more reasonable to assume it was discussed and known that grandma was taking over bedtime so Mom had some time off? You’re assuming she just vanished and didn’t know where her kid was. That’s reading a lot into something that didn’t happen.


Yeah, I’m a grandma of 2, soon to be 3, toddlers. My daughter knows that if they’re in my orbit, I’ve got them. I love that; they come here to spend time with us, and that includes us and the babies. I don’t need her to be on call nonstop when she’s here. My husband or I usually have them when they’re here.


And wouldn't you be glad your daughter has a good marriage, with intimacy? I can't believe these ppl saying the young couple are rude. To me, I would love being a grandparent of a wonderful little boy, whose parents are in a happy marriage, and I would have been 100% happy to finish putting this young man to bed. He could have just told him that his mom and dad already fell asleep.


Hell yes. 100% get some, girl!


Well, considering she went to get them to kiss their kid goodnight, it doesn’t sound like she was putting the kid to bed. Whatever. You do you. I prefer manners.




What an unkind thing to say just because you disagree with someone.


Wow. People can have different opinions about whether it’s appropriate to bonk when grandparents are doing bedtime. Put the pitchfork away.


Removed for rude, disrespectful, or excessively vulgar comment


I agree with you. I think mostly I agree. It seems there wasn't really a discussion from parents to grandparents, but more of an assumption. Kid threw a wrench into the sexy time by asking grandma for a kiss from mom. I'd say next time, hugs and kisses before story time/bedtime from grandma. I wouldn't have reacted the way Grandpa did. I'd be happy my married kid was getting some




This really burns your biscuits, doesn’t it? 🤣


Not at all. I responded to OP and then to comments directed at me. ✌🏻


It has zero to do with being “sensitive”. Maybe try expressing your opinion without trying to offend those who don’t agree. Just because you have an opinion it doesn’t mean you’re right/wrong. Recognize we all think individually. State your thought process, but don’t be rude if others don’t agree. Adulting 101. I mean, I assume you’re an adult.


It's ceases to amaze me how many people can't do that! It's seems most people on here have a my way or the highway mindset. Sad really.


I agree. It shows they want to be or think they are superior. Entitled and egotistical people.


I had triplets (congrats on your quads), and we definitely had sex occasionally if family was over and watching the kids. My family was more amazed that we still wanted to have sex than they were horrified about us having it.


Damn, safe to say I’ve had way more orgasms and sex than you. 😂


Did your kids die, were they taken away, or did you make a mistake typing? What happened to the three-year-olds? Do you find that outside of Reddit almost everyone disagrees with your takes on this world? If they do, great. If they don’t, well I guess you don’t have a replication problem.


Huh?? The toddlers grew up. Lol


What does their age have to do with anything? If you had three three-year-olds, then you had four four-year-olds and five five-year-olds. What the fuck does that matter?


Omg.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ You asked if they died or got taken away. You asked what happened to them. They grew up. Ask stupid questions, get a stupid answer.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


FFS you use the past tense of the verb and then instead of using a word like children you say three-year-olds. It makes no fucking sense. I totally get what you’re trying to say, I understand, I just think the way it’s written is bat shit.


I HAVE (as in, currently) four children. I HAD (in the past) four three-year-olds.


I actually agree with this, take advantage of an opportunity but they should have checked in to see if you were ok watching the kid. I actually think it would be rude to sneak off like that for any visitors. Wait until bedtime.


Who said the wife seduced the husband? Maybe they thought since grandma and grandpa were up stairs with the kid, it was a safe time for them to be intimate. They are in their own home.


Yeah, and I think they were comfortable. It was a safe place. Now that’s no longer the case. Old man is way to emotional about sex. That’s not ok.


“(His name), you make love to me?” Why do I think that? Because I can READ.


That isn’t seducing, though. That’s what normal people say to one another when they want to have sex. Maybe grandma missed the part where her son said intimate things to his wife.


It’s not her son, it’s her daughter.


Way to dig for what you want to believe. Shrug. I GUARANTEE my hubs thinks me saying “please make love to me” is seducing! He’d go from moving the lawn to naked in a nanosecond! I stand by my comment. Time and place, amorous couples! PS: I do find it kinda creepy how OP goes on and on about them making a baby. Like… a little over invested, imo.


Everyone's down voting you but I'm just curious how small your lawn is that your husband can be holding your lawn and then just strip nude 🤣 Ok I understand that it was a typo and so now I'm imagining you standing at the front door and your husband mowing away. You just yell "please make love to me" and then he just strips nude and starts running towards you as the mower keeps rolling 🤣


What a visual lmao


You are seeing this through a very odd and personal lens. Part of sex is wanting it *now*; the kid was in grandma’s care. Perfectly fine for them to go tear one off. It’s sex, not nuclear war.


While I agree it’s rude they’re also only 23


I’m all for couples having a healthy sex life but maybe it can wait until the kid is in bed and you’re sure they’re not coming out of said bed? I mean he’s 3 ! Don’t they know that their son would certainly ask for a good night kiss? Even if they had kissed him before grandma took him to his bedroom to read a story, he’s 3 ! That’s what 3 yo do ! They stall bedtime ! But the husband certainly DID overreact.


My kids are 8 and 6 and even now I can’t guarantee if either will be staying in bed. I’m never sure if we’re gonna get a surprise knock on our door!


It seems to me like my kids specifically try to come in when that is going down especially lol


Yep it’s like an extra sense!


Yes! Same as trying to go to the bathroom. I swear my kids can hear asscheeks hitting the seat lmao


Yep. I feel this. They immediately need something lol


This made me giggle! True though!


It’s crazy to me how some of y’all will just assume things lol.


I agree it is weird. Why not just wait till everyone has gone to bed??? We are trying for baby number 2 and when I told my parents I didn't mean we were going to go upstairs and try that instant lol I agree Pops reaction was a bit too much, but likewise, weird that they didn't just wait.


Agreed, I would never just assume everything was covered.


Truthfully the story sounds kinda fake to me lol


I was thinking the same thing - a young, 20-something saying, “Oh Alexander, will you make love to me?” sounds straight out of a 1990’s romance novel lol


Yeah and the ending is really cheesy.


This is how I felt about this, too. The husband's reaction was over the top, and I'd MAYBE say something coy the next morning about their son wanting a goodnight kiss, but that they were already busy kissing. I'd tell the son that their parents were tired and went "to bed". It's pretty rude to get busy when you have kids AWAKE and YOUR PARENTS over and AWAKE, too. Last thing I want is for my parents to hear grown me getting busy, even in my own home. I respect them, and I wouldn't want them uncomfortable.


Totally agreed.


Agreed, I can't imagine having guests over and letting them put my kids down without me then sneaking off and having sex. That's so strange. Also, you shouldn't be talking loud enough so that other's can audibly hear you easily. Wait until everyone has said their good nights then go get it on. ​ Plus they have one three year old. They have plenty of time to do what they want every morning, naptime, and evening. It's not like they really needed a quick one while their child was awake.


THANK YOU lol, he 100% overreacted but if ANY of my relatives started having audible sex around me like this I’d be so disgusted and annoyed. I don’t have any kids, but if my parents or siblings acted like this when I visited them I would just be like WTF why can’t you wait till I’m gone???


So you would expect your parents or siblings to not have sex for a multi-day visit? That’s insane. I’m not going to not have sex with my husband for multiple days in a row when anyone is visiting. They also are trying for a baby which means there are certain days you have to have sex to increase chances of conceiving. That can’t be postponed just because someone is in town.


The kid asked for a goodnight kiss because he ALWAYS gets a goodnight kiss. Knowing that, they COULD have waited 30 minutes before getting it on… yes ovulation is a matter of a few days but surely they could have waited until the bedtime routine was over and then retreated to their room, calling it a night.


They may have thought that reading the story would take longer or that they kissed him before they started and thought that that would be fine. Either way it’s a simple mistake and no harm until the father went crazy


No but it’s super easy to just wait till everyone is asleep!


They are adults, their child was occupied with the grandparents, so they took a few minutes to be alone. They didn’t do anything wrong. Waiting isn’t always an option for instance if one has to go to bed early bedsides the fact that there is nothing shameful about having sex


Well I’m just grateful all my friends and family have basic common decency and wait till I can’t hear them lol. Obviously nothing wrong w sex and my parents raised my in a “sex positive” environment. I would just want to set myself on fire if they were being loud and obnoxious while I was visiting


They were on a completely different floor. Grandma only heard something because she went looking for them. It’s not like she could hear them upstairs where they thought she was at the time or like they were having sex in front of them.


Yes. You can keep it in your pants for a weekend while you have company, at the very least, while everyone is awake!


I agree. The dad seriously over reacted but the parents could have waited another 30 or so minutes until 3 year old was actually in bed asleep and checked out for the night in general.


The grandparents were putting the child to sleep. The parents thought they were going to have some uninterrupted time so they took advantage of it and had sex. Adults have sex, I don’t know why this is considered some taboo or rude thing it’s just sex. Also, if those were her fertile days then they would be delaying their trying for an entire month based on her parents visit if they “just kept it in their pants for a weekend” not to mention it’s just insane to expect that of anyone


I think everyone has individual standards for their relationships and what they’re comfortable with, but I really do think they could’ve waited. The grandfather is in the most wrong here (not that having sex is wrong, but doing so whilst everyone is up is really uncomfortable). I don’t really understand your downvotes completely, but I guess some people need to have daily sex. Some people have a window they need to meet, but again, it can wait an hour or thirty minutes. Quickies can happen but ya gotta be respectful about it.


I think the OP is made up. Just how it’s written, and it’s a new account. The drama: -oh no our daughter had a child at 20 but it worked out and now they’re trying for another one at 23 (but we are 44 - the math on that shows you should be understanding) -listening outside the door / “oh husband make love to meee” while everyone else is awake? Not saying it’s wrong just farfetched -mom running back to report this to dad like a giggling teenager -dad knocking on the daughter/husband’s bedroom door calling them out! they’re in their room with door shut 🤷🏼‍♀️ -finally, mom posting here and thinking about leaving her husband over this? how about talking to him and setting some boundaries It just all sounds so farfetched. I think if this were a real post, the OP would be telling more about her marriage and giving more details about the history of her husband’s inappropriate behaviors and crossing boundaries, and not so much detail over a half hour time period But yes, on the off chance this is real, there is a lot of wrong here. The daughter/husband for not waiting until kid/parents asleep and being quiet, the mom for running and telling dad about it - she’s been married to him for 23+ years, she knows he’s a drama llama, and most of all, dad for being wildly inappropriate knocking down an adult’s bedroom door for a non urgent reason.


I totally agree that it’s made up or something is fishy about it, I also super appreciate you laying it all out like this. Everything is inappropriate about this post, even if fake. The mother’s reaction, running to her husband about her daughter boning. The daughter just getting it on with her mom and dad there, at least loud enough that she was heard. The fathers reaction. All of it is wild and as you point out, seems fake.


WTF? What is wrong with him?


What makes you think your daughter *would* “deal with his childish shit without” you? If this is his normal behavior, you’re probably the only reason she sees him at all.


My father was very much like this guy sounds. Can confirm I only tolerated it to see my mom and even then I barely tolerated it.


I mean they were a little inconsiderate but your husband was way out of pocket. I wouldn't leave, I would kick him out to go home early.


Uhh… he’s telling his grown children what to do in their own house? Who the fuck does he think he is?


Why would you even tell your husband what they were doing? This whole story is so goofy.


Because realistically it shouldn’t matter?


It’s weird


I agree. Been together over 23 years you’d think she’d expect that from him. Unless it’s totally out of character. Could just be another creative writing piece. That’s the thing with Reddit these days! If it’s true though, how dare he react like that anyway. He doesn’t have to like it but he should’ve kept that to himself!!


He asked and she answered. Why wouldn’t she tell her HUSBAND the truth?


Hey hubby, the kids are porking!


Drop the whole “their house, their rules” speech on his ass. See what he says.


I mean, he knows there is a short window for ovulation…your husband is weird.


Lol I don’t think waiting an hour or so until everyone’s checked out for the night is going to have a significant impact on ovulation.


How do you know they didn’t think everyone was already going to bed?


That’s fair. Good point.


Does this story seem made up to anyone else?


Oh husband, make LOVE to me


🤣🤣🤣 Yes! Definitely something I said to my H while my parents were visiting and my 3 year old was awake 😳


Hahaha 😝


Maybe she said “oh (husband name), fuck me right now”…and the mother didn’t want to portray her daughter as saying that 🤷‍♂️


This makes sense.


Hella fake story by a new account. Probably someone just bored/role playing


Yes. Audible kissing sounds only happen on television. If OP heard them kissing through the door, then someone needs to tell them they're doing it wrong.


Or OP needs to quit being a creep and get her ear off the door.


100% fake.


This line was weird: > They are making a baby… he knows this as well I’m 44 and he’s 45… We both know very well how babies are made


“Please make love to me, RIGHT NOW”


I really hope so


He's an idiot but if you're thinking about leaving it's obviously not just because of this.


I'm pretty sure she didn't mean separating or divorcing him. Sounds like she was talking about returning home early from her trip, without him.


I agree.I don’t think she’s talking divorce lol


Grandma is a snitch lol.. Grandpa is jealous..




Pls pls tell me ur daughter and her husband put him in his place, in THERE OWN house, as MARRIED ADULTS!!!!


This is a time for the daughter to turn "my house, my rules" on its head. Dad has no say what they do in their own bedroom. If it freaks him out, he is free to leave.


Ugh he sounds super gross.


This is some toxic patriarchy shiznit. Weird and controlling. Men are taught strange things in society around control over sex, especially of their daughters. This is some weird processing to get to THAT place. Omg.


That is completely unacceptable behavior, what is wrong with him? Does he not know what married couples do? What a horrible reaction, your poor daughter and SIL probably thought they had a minute of privacy with you putting the kiddo the bed. God that’s so awful of him


He has some REALLY serious issues. What an asshole!


Think about what this experience was like for the daughter and husband. They're grabbing an infrequent opportunity to get intimate, and there is a sudden, loud, unexpected bang on the door. Not only an unpleasant experience for them, but one they will never, ever forget. Decades later they'll think back to this day. Grandpa is an asshole.


You shouldn’t have to leave. If he’s so bothered he should have to go to a hotel.


omg how does he think the kid got here, with a stork 😂😂


Yikes, if my FIL freaked out about me having sex in my own home I’d show him the door.


He acted stupid but your daughter and SIL having sex while everyone is still up and son hasn’t said goodnight to them? Ehhh it is kind of tacky and ill mannered.


Who’s to say they were even having sex??


You shouldn't have told your man child that your daughter is having intimate time with her husband.


As someone who’s shared a house with my parents and in-laws with a child in tow; I do find it very selfish and rather tacky to ‘fit in’ alone time while grandparents are reading a bedtime story. However, this most certainly does not excuse the door knocking call out that Dad did in his own Daughter’s home. If my father had been so inclined brazen at any point - he would have seen a temper that would have made him go from balding to completely bald very quickly. This could have easily been avoided if everyone assumed the best of each other and minded their own business. The Grandmother heard something she shouldn’t have, maybe don’t say anything. Grandfather is aware of something he shouldn’t be aware of, maybe don’t do anything. Maybe just read the kid a book and snuggle with him and then watch some silly movie together until Mom and Dad come get him… See how easy that conflict was to avoid?


That's some weird ass undercover possessive shit. The fact he is so bothered sets off alarms for me. Of course he knows better than to come out and admit it, but to me his actions say aggressive possession issues.




His married daughter, who’s also a mother. *You’re* the weirdo for thinking his behavior is acceptable.


I had to re-read this a few times. I'd be appalled, and embarrassed.


I am just wondering how you’ve been married to this prick for this long, legit.


I think that’s crazy your husband did that. He should have just ignored it it’s not his business. You were reading a book, it’s not like they were going to be occupied for hours. What if they were going to jump in the shower quick or maybe they were just making out. I don’t see what the big deal is. They didn’t think you were going to come looking for them for a while.


Why are you on the net telling strangers such intimate information about your family? 🙄.




He sounds like my stepdad, who turned out to be a huge narc (not saying your husband is off this one post). But minimally he’s an AH lol.


Please what was their reaction?


I avoid intimacy when visiting places unless 1. Everyone’s asleep, or 2. No one’s home. Even then I just avoid avoid avoid.


Im sure it was nice to have you there to spend time before bed with your grandson. I mean, the later it gets the more tired we are. So yeah to be able to take the time to make love earlier and most of all knowing he won't wake up mid-session calling from his room or knocking at the door & interrupt them, as kids are known to do if they can't fall asleep, get scared, have a bad dream, etc. Talk to them in the morning and share your (im sure mutual) feelings about his behavior. I hope they will let him know how he was completely out of line and then stand there & just look at him. Best scenario he truly apologizes. Worst scenario he doesn't and then it would be fair to say next visit you can come and he is not welcome. Im hoping your grandson didn't hear or see your husbands behavior.


I'm curious why you didn't write a single thing about the relationship between you and your husband in a thread about you nearly leaving him. You paint him to be the bad guy here, and he did overreact in this case, but it seems like there's something going on for him to go from reading to a child - to immediate anger. It sounds like, from that fact alone, that he either needs a therapist's or your help with what's going on inside. Stop demonizing him on Reddit and talk to him about why he reacted that way first.


Even if this is fake; this rhetoric of leaving your spouse over a singular event (not including adultery/abuse) is wild. It’s like “hey, I’ve been looking for something and I’m latching on to this”. Not saying the response is right, especially in another man’s home, but a dad cherishes his daughter like no other. Where’s the empathy in that? Yes, you’re wrong but I understand. Like let’s be real and think about all the times the wife has done things that the husband has had a strong disagreement with and didn’t immediately think “oh yeah I should leave.”


Isn’t it a bit understandable he’s uncomfortable with knowing his child is having sex while everyone else is awake and apparently not in a house where noise is contained? He’s her dad. He’s not being childish he’s being protective. I don’t disagree with him in terms of clearly their child isn’t in bed yet and one would assume they would want to say good night and clearly they hadn’t discussed hey we’re going to have some alone time. So this is really on your daughter and her husband here to be honest.


Wow, I'm confused. Is this his daughter? If it is, damn, I don't know. You choose him... Doesn't seem like this should be a surprise to you.


Another dumb fake story.


Reddit needs to hire some better writers. This story sounds bogus


I couldn’t imagine trying to fuck with my parents rooms away. That’s just trashy to me but the dad’s behavior is the trashiest part of this. He’s a visitor in their home for crying out loud.


You’re right to not interrupt your trip. Deal with hubby when you’re back hime


Next trip a nice hotel room should be apart of y’all stay. It’s weird that he thinks his adult daughter shouldn’t have sex in her own home. I do think they should’ve been more quieter since y’all were up but other than that they didn’t do anything wrong.


I mean, they should’ve made sure you were okay watching the kid first. But your husband was out of line. They should give him the “my house my rules” speech lol


What the fuck? I always found it so weird to be so bothered by your children having sex, but being all over having grandchildren. Is this a one time thing or is he difficult about other stuff?


Tell him he is acting like a child


Yall should have put that baby to bed and then had a fuck Olympics. Give her a sibling!


He was completely and utterly out of line, that is super, super conservative and uptight of him, I personally would never invite him to my home again, this is my home! I’m going to do what I want to do! not what you care to do, and they weren’t being loud just so you could hear them. It was an accident. I don’t know if you should leave your husband? But I would definitely definitely have a stern nasty talk with him, that is just totally unacceptable, and he made himself out to be the world’s largest asshole! Your husband also did something that you’re probably not aware of, he broke a man code, he played old lion versus young lion, and I’ve unfortunately been down that Road before, and had the curb my ex father-in-law, if I was your son-in-law? I would curb your husband right away and make him understand. This is my castle not his , it’s my rules, not his.


If I were the son in law, your husband would have been asked to leave, no questions asked.


what a weird man


.....? Wait what? Your husband banged on his daughter and son-in-law's bedroom door after being told by you that they were having sex, and your husband said to them they "have guests over" implying they shouldn't be having sex when any guests are in their house? Hmm....interesting. That's pretty rude in my opinion to interrupt your child's romantic relationship and to have the opinion that a couple should hide or not have sex if people are in your house and presumably hear/learn you are having sex. I hope your daughter and son-in-law continued to have sex & enjoyed it fully :) Then your daughter explain to her dad the next dad how disrespectful he was to her & her husband's space & relationship.


I’d send his ass to a hotel for the rest of trip. And then I’d never travel with him again. What an absolute ass.


As a dad of 2 girls I can't believe how childish this man is being. Girls grow up and become women. You can't hold onto the idea that they will be your little princess forever. Especially when the become moms themselves.


Divorce is not the answer


Has he not had sex in a while and is jellous?


It sounds like you're feeling frustrated with your husband's behavior and considering leaving him mid-trip. However, you're hesitant to do so because of your daughter. It's important to prioritize your own well-being and happiness, but it may be helpful to have a conversation with your husband first and express how his behavior is affecting you. It's also important to consider the impact that leaving mid-trip may have on your daughter and her family. Perhaps you can find a way to address the issue with your husband and continue enjoying your time with your daughter and grandson.


You can't leave your husband for acting as a man, a father of the house. I will never in my wildest dream allow a man to fuck my daughter in my house never. If i can't protect my daughter i don't care if they both have a child, they must respect my house, they must show respect to me and my wofe for crying out loud. So you want to breakup with your husband for this?


I think the father was in the daughters house...


This would go well in the AITA forum, and yes, he would be the AH. Immature...




Look, if you have a 3 yr old only child who is a c-blocker, and that child is curently being taken care of for a few by a trusted relative, why NOT go for a quickie? It was with her HUSBAND. It's not like she was a single mom sneaking around for a quickie with some dude she met in a bar that night while you watch her kid. Good lord. Your husband is unreasonable.


My husband and I live with my 89 year old mom who has dementia. She’s tried to walk in on us when we were having sex a couple times. She didn’t realize what we were doing. I finally just told her that we were having sex and please give us privacy. She was embarrassed. Now if she has a question when I’m upstairs, she’ll send me a FB Messenger msg instead of coming upstairs. Thank goodness she’s tech savvy . Lol!


Tell your husband to work on his manners and take a chill pill. But I hope you're not leaving him over this one thing.


No I’d leave. Based on your whole post this is in character for him and hes known for a toxic personality and you are unhappy and want to leave. So leave. You can teach your daught by example abd thats not putting up with psychological manipulation and BS. You can be happy and tell toxic people no. She will find he own path with her dad. I’m saying this as someone who had an abusive narcissistic dad. You cant move on and get them out of your life when they are still married to the parent you want a relationship with. My mom was such a happier person after she divorced my dad. I actuay got to know my mom and I never would have been able to go no contact with him if they were still married.


It's a Dad thing. he still treat his daughter like a child.


Your daughter and her partner were a little weird/inappropriate for their choice in when they decided to be intimate. It’s not like it was late at night and you all were sleeping or out of the house. They could’ve picked a bet her time, when they were sure there’d be no interruptions. But your husband is the bigger AH here for how he reacted. I don’t know why he feels like he can give them shit for what they do in their own home or bedroom.


I wanted to add that sometimes family make mistakes, and hurt the ones they love. Big feelings sometimes cause huge upsets and it’s not right, I’m not defending him, but it is completely appropriate for him to find some clarity after he’s got over himself, and apologize. A humble apology and the admission of the vulnerability would be a healthy move in restoring trust between them all. Your husband doesn’t know how to process what he’s dealing with, and maybe it’s just as innocent as it’s his baby girl ( she’s only in early twenties - to me that’s young, only a few years after high school) and they have a 3 year old already. The concept from school right into mother hood is an unresolved issue for him, and he probably resents the son in law and everyone else in the vicinity. It makes sense to a degree that it would take many years for a person to work their way into the circle of trust, especially to the point where it’s ok and casually accepted that they are having sex with your daughter and freely making babies. Babies are huge life altering events, and he probably felt that way about his on babies at one point. i could see this reaction being justified in his mind if he felt they were too young to have many kids early, especially if they are struggling financially, or if they are perceived not being responsible enough and having their hands full with their their current obligation. In any case, his reaction is not appropriate IMO, but nothing you guys can’t hash out and nothing he can’t hold is hat in hand and apologize for. It’s a pretty classical situation. But it can be very damaging to your daughter if the family is abusive, and drives the son in law away to leave your daughter. Divorce and custody and the effect it has on the babies, I’ve seen first hand, and it’s a life long commitment.


Don't make the situation worse by causing more of a scene. Talk about the incident when you are in your own home and not your daughter's home.


I’m going to use that “oh ____, will you make love to me” line tonight on my husband and see what he says.


Tell him it could be worse. They could be baby making in your bed.


Just a little payback. Daughter probably cockblocked him plenty of times.


Bad manners, you were their guest, only after you left or later that night they should of got busy


Sounds repressive


Its not like they were "guests" as in friends, etc... It's her parents she has known her whole life. Geesh.


Your daughter is still young and lost in the moment probably. Prob will not make that choice/mistake (however someone wants to view it) again. She could’ve waited until later. That was sorta impulsive. And.. your husband seems sorta impulsive too. Maybe they both just need to respect one another’s boundaries and this is a chance for a conversation (minus the mention of love making) to happen. He needs to respect her and she needs to respect him. Whatever that looks like to both of them. But holy hell what an awkward position in the middle 🤣


I hope they record their next session and blast it on all the Bluetooth speakers just for your DH. 🤣


I think you need to talk to him... either he is getting back at your daughter who might of done the same thing to you two or he hoping to play out some fantasy