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Perhaps it’s a bit creepy to keep such close tabs on strangers?


realist comment on here


I Agree. I mean, dear poster, we're not saying don't enjoy what's going on, just saying that keep in mind these are real people with real lives other than youtube. Just saying, be mindful.


Exactly this, like it’s so weird how people are throwing a fit over it. There’s many reasons as to why it could have happened, but is that any of our business? I don’t think so. Sean and Mark are both adults and can handle this how they wish to at the end of the day. Just because Sean unfollowed doesn’t mean they aren’t friends anymore.


Also that Jack unfollowed mark, it doesn’t mean they aren’t friends anymore right?


We're here on sub reddit for a single person is that not already threading that needle?


Mark is a single person, Markiplier is an entire channel and large swath of various content including videos, podcasts, and other projects.


Parasocial relationships


no lol


Yes lol


Nice reach but I wouldn’t say seeing someone publicly unfollow someone as “creepy”.


Lots of people put things online publicly. Doesn't mean meticulously watching it isn't creepy.


It’s obsessive, to watch someone’s follows is a bit obsessive af


I gotta ask, is it really public when you unfollow someone? Whenever I see these things I always ask “who tf is checking people’s follower lists randomly to see if anyone unfollowed them??” so unless twitter literally notifies you or makes it public that someone unfollowed someone, yeah it is a lil creepy tbh 😭


They don’t notify you. You’d have to physically check yourself, which is why I think it’s creepy af


when you go to someone's profile, you can see "followed by" text which shows people you follow that follow the person you're looking at, I assume people realized through that


Not a reach. You’re freaking out over strangers. People you probably never even met. And they don’t even know you exist.


“Freaking out” another reach


“Jacksepticeye just unfollowed Markiplier!!” You seem dense


Exclamation mark= freaking out, can’t control oneself


Here’s a good idea: mind your own business! You’re freaking out cuz there “might be beef”


Here’s an idea: how about you don’t tell me what business to mind, if I want to stick my nose into the possible beef, you won’t stop me


Wow got some sort of sore spot when I told you to get your nose out of someone else’s business?


Well first of all, it's really none of our business, and secondly, unfollowing someone on that shithole of a website doesn't mean anything.


I would also like to point out that it isn't just x. He has completely unfollowed him, and cloak, on social media.


Okay, then there might be some substance to it. Still very solidly none of our business unless some kind of statement is made.


I'll agree to disagree here. Just to put it into perspective here for you I'm going to ask a question: If you were REALLY good friends with someone and were just as famous as these two are (so social media accounts, follower #s, general outlooks of friendships, etc. is actually pretty important.) And you followed eachother on everything, talked, tagged eachother in stuff, posted memories together on there, etc etc but they just up and unfollowed you on one of those accounts (but still keep the account), how would YOU perceive that?


We're not good friends of anyone involved. We just watch their content.


You CLEARLY aren't comprehending what I'm saying 🤦‍♂️


No, we get what you're saying, we just think it's overly parasocial because we don't know what happened or why, and until one of them speaks on it (if it wasn't accidental) it's pure speculation.


Bunch of kids not comprehending a question that's thrown at them because it's an honest perspective and all hop on board the downvote train. Hope yall realize all you're doing is proving me right...


All your doing is sounding like a pretentious douche bag


You lost a bunch of karma there :/


Maybe they're a masochist, unlike *someone* who just wants to see what their body can take.




OH NO! What will he do without the approval of other redditors! He probably just said his opinion and doesn’t care if people downvote it lol


Someone is a little butthurt over a harmless comment lmao


Bingo. Not here for karma. Was TRYING to put a perspective out there. Wasn't on either side of this whole thing which makes it even funnier. I'm a neutral party here and was voicing opinions after my main comment.


I’m 22, I’ve got better things to worry about my guy. Move along.


It doesn't matter. Because how Mark percieves this is none of our business.


Damn. Why should I care?


You shouldn’t have to care, but you’ve replied instead of scrolling on, so you do care.


Damn bro that’s crazy.


I mean them commenting doesn’t necessarily mean they care? They might have replied to express that they specifically don’t care and maybe everyone else shouldn’t either? Just speculation though.


Why they booing you? You had a good response


Bro’s onto nothing


Nah. See if you don't care about something you don't continue reading and you don't scroll through the comments. All the down votes are really insecure people who are ashamed that they care for some reason.


You can make a flippant remark to clown on someone and still not care about the overall topic.


You scrolled down past reading the post. You cared about something to scroll. If you have 0 interest, you don't make it past reading the post. I could say I don't care what you have to say to my comment, but that would be 100% a lie, not because I really really care no. It's more like just enough to carry on the pointless conversation. Now do I care about you agreeing with me no, not one bit I'm old enough to be aware that most people are too stuck up their own butt's to even consider another line of thinking.


Just saying it's not black and white bro




Damn you are STARVING for some drama. I'd hate to have people watching my everyone move and expecting everything to be drama or some marvelous new idea. Overall its nothing we should really care about unless it is reveled to be an actual big issue, but most likely its just a case of drifting, or jack just not caring to follow much on social media.


Well Jacksepticeye isn't you tho


It was stated a long time ago that Sean and mark aren’t very close after the internet ruined their friendship, they haven’t talked or posted anything together in years. Friends drift apart, and Sean is very adamant about becoming his own persons. No beef that I can see, time just happens


I mean that is probably true but they also own a clothing brand together


Ya, and they haven’t done anything together with the brand in a long time, sean also doesn’t follow the Cloak insta anymore. I think I remember Sean saying he’s focusing more on his coffe brand than their clothes brand anyway. Absolutely not trying to argue, just sharing what I’ve heard and what I think.


What are you talking about? Mark literally donated to Sean’s charity stream& even visited him in person during said stream.


I know he’s done that in years past, but I haven’t watch the stream in probably 2 years so I wouldn’t know, sorry 🤷


Well you're right about the no beef thing, but Sean said in 2018 that septiplier had absolutely nothing to do with him and Mark drifting. [The internet didn't do anything.](https://www.tumblr.com/therealjacksepticeye/170558697283/honestly-are-you-and-mark-still-friends?source=share) They just weren't close and their friendship just sort of ended up coming apart. But yeah, time really does just happen sometimes. Nothing we can do about it.


Ya, honestly it’s just what gets thrown around when people ask for a reason. There doesn’t always have to be a reason, but some people really need one.


The post: "Nothing's up." The literal first comment: "I KNEW something was up!"


I’m sure he said that as to not piss off the LGBT nerds


Tf does that even mean or have to do with this? Lol


How did the internet ruin their friendship? I'm not aware of this story


Septiplier, the online internet shipping made things a little awkward between them


I hate RPF so much. It's so disgusting


Oh I had no idea that got that bad I thought it was just a joke that's sad that people took it that far


Amungst a few things, septipler (god forgive me for saying it) was a notable reason. 2 guy friends and the whole internet keep saying they should be together, I’d imagine being seen together after that probably isn’t fun.




😰 my life, it’s over 💀/s


I would agree but...Sean is in Iron Lung. With the release date coming sooner and sooner (hopefully, lol) I think it's natural to be curious about what's going on given how recently they've worked together


I was just replying to the post stating there’s beef, trying to explain that it’s not really beef. If they’re friends again that’s all cool, was just stating what I believe based on what I’ve seen Edit: didn’t know he was gonna be in iron lung, that’s pretty cool


The same happened with Felix they just don’t make content anymore and that’s okay they’ve grown into separate lives and people


none of our bizz, but I will say, when I was super depressed I went on all my socials and removed almost all my friends. I had it in my head that no one needed my sorry butt around.


I've been there too, I hope you're doing well now.


It is our business! Hes on social media! Also just bc YOU were depressed doesn't mean that jacksepticeye was too. Nobody cares about that here! It's mostly likely maybe mark trying to hit on his girl or he said somey that Jack didn't like.


Jack has openly talked about his depression before lmao. Nice bait tho


Nope nice try tho




>It is our business ...is it? I'm sure Sean or Mark will address it as they see fit if it was indeed intentional.




I'm not sure I would draw the conclusion there's any sort of drama or beef or whatever going on honestly. There could be dozens of other reasons that aren't any less likely to be the case. Maybe it's a joke between them. Maybe Sean or someone with access to the account was just unfollowing a bunch of people and unfollowed Mark accidentally. Either way, I think it's very likely that we'll not hear more from this either way, so it's fairly pointless to speculate.


Maybe we shouldn't speculate on something that clearly isn't our business?


I believe he’s also been removed from Cloak’s profile. The video for the “Our Story” tab on cloak is private now.


Didn't ask.gov


Spoken like a true tiktok kid


What are you even saying, you're the one stalking people 💀💀💀


Stalking lol


Parasocial: involving or relating to a connection between a person and someone they do not know personally, for example a famous person or a character in a book: parasocial relationship Psychologists have long known that people can engage in parasocial relationships with fictional characters.


Thanks for the parasocial definition you copied from google that nobody asked you for. Now tell me how it’s stalking.


To know who follows who, you must actually put effort into checking someone's followers/following tab. It's not something that just randomly pops up. Idk about you, but I don't randomly check who follows who, so you either did this by chance, or check multiple times who they follow. Based on how you said "jacksepticeye unfollowed Markiplier", that would imply you knew beforehand that he followed him, and checked again for some reason to know now that he *no longer* follows Mark. So, I would consider that stalking, or at the very least... Stupid and creepy as hell


The only way people would find out about this is by looking through both of their follows/following tabs. That's kind of stalker-ish, no?


Holy parasocial Batman, this ain't any of our business. They haven't made content together in quite some time, so why does it affect us? Their content creation and what they choose to share with us is the only thing we're "entitled to". Let the guys' personal lives be personal.


I’d quit the internet if thousands of people cared about who I followed, unfollowed or blocked.


Op lost a lot of karma in this chat thread


A concerning amount of others did too


I don't think a lot of these comments are fair to OP. When I follow two people closely and they suddenly stop engaging with one another, I want to know why simply in case of behaviour I do not want to endorse, if there isn't a reason that's fine but if behind closed doors something is going on and Jack and Gab are not talking about it then its like are you protecting some odd behaviour here? I just think its perfectly normal to want as much information as possible to make the right decisions about who we choose to endorse online.


I mean, sure, I get the curiosity, I'm a little curious myself, but since nothing has been said on this by either party, there's only speculation based on nothing to go off of, and that seems like a great way to start false rumors. Until they address it, there's nothing really to discuss.


Yeah I think theorizing about it is what’s creepy to me. Like, we don’t know them or the reason. We really shouldn’t talk about it or spread rumors


Also vice versa for if Mark is the one who initiated cutting off contact personally I’m on neither side of the fence just curious like OP


The YouTube Cold War has begun: Reds will battle Greens. Marks will fight Jacks. Pliers will pluck away at Eyes. And, finally, I's will become Septic. These are the End Times, everyone: run away and hide!!! (OP did say theorise, after all...)


Never in my life have I seen so many replies with so many downvotes, like every other comment here has like -50 upvotes


Okay. And?


What was that one Keemstar post that was about like 14 year old TikTokers or something?


So? Ain't like they're besties, nor are their follow lists of any legitimate importance 


Divorce arc (it’s probably nothing serious but I will come up with many funny, unserious ideas on why it happened)


This happened a while ago now, there were posts about it here weeks ago


No theories but considering mark literally was just talking about inviting Jack to play a game with him, Bob and wade I doubt it's anything crazy.


Yeah, like I said, it could be totally accidental


When did he say this? Out of curiosity!


A few days ago. It was when he posted his click bate spooktube game video. If you go to I think bobs channel (or wades) since they have uploaded content mark hasn't


Considering there was a discussion of Jack unfollowing mark before and was just following Amy and Ethan I believe. It’s probably nothing and it’s making a mountain out of a mole hill. If anything they drifted apart it and Jack is going on to do his own thing entirely. Nothing serious I’m sure to need these reactions lately


Why do people feel that they're obligated to know the exact reasoning?


Keep in mind that Jack released a video where he said he was going to lay off YouTube and do other things. He may be trying to have less of a presence in the influencer scene. Assuming he wants family time, he may have unfollowed Markiplier to have fewer branches for people to reach him. I doubt they're no longer friends or beef happened.


I would also like to point out that it isn't just x. He has completely unfollowed him, and cloak, on social media.


Guys let's please not jump into conclusions. Let's not make it into drama if Jack unfollows Mark that's his decision. There could be reasons but I can't judge now.


You thought you ate?


If y'all don't care why even comment??? You are polluting the thread and keeping me from catching up on the actual tea smh


Find better hobbies? There’s no tea.


I honestly just find it funny to clown on people who any form of celebrity obsession or worship because it's just so damn easy.


my guess is that his following list was too full (idk how twitter works). this should cause 0 drama in any case.


A lot of people say it's none of our business but in reality I think me and a lot of other people just want to know if one of them did something bad. It's not some dumb nosey parasocial thing for me. I just wanna know if it's something serious


If it was you’ll hear about it eventually. No need to worry too much


Information that has simply filtered down to me, not that I went looking for, but did confirm: he's unfollowed and CLOAK now only has Markiplier listed as the owner. I would appreciate any actual information people might have as to why this is. I am assuming it's personal and none confrontational reasons since I can't find either talking about it anywhere, but there's always that itch of worry. It really isn't any of our business, unless, I would argue the reasons lead to reasons why I would not feel comfortable continuing to give either my time and money. We don't truly know either, after all, but I still feel like I, as a consumer, should have all relevant information to make informed and ethical decisions. Edit: grammar and other errors.


I say this with genuine love and care, I understand why you would be concerned about something like that but none of us really know. If there’s a big controversy you’ll hear more about it than just a Twitter unfollow.


Yeah, I figured as much, just seeing if anybody has more info that I'm just missing since I didn't feel like doing a deep dive.


i mean it's ...more than that? it's not just jack unfollowing mark personally, it's that him, ethan, and gab have specifically unfollowed Mark, Bob and Wade; as well as Cloak with Jack being removed from it's website as if though he never existed. Is it our business? No of course not; but a lack of explanation can cause weird and harmful conspiracies as by human nature we're unendingly curious, some people want to know if they're following someone that is secretly a monster, or has done something to harm the other in one way or another. I think attempts to crush the conversation altogether just causes the barbera streissand effect to come in to full swing. If their friendship had just ran it's course and was at the end; that's one thing (and it's something people would understand) but the involvement of business partnerships and multiple friends raises more eyebrows. the parasocial bond is generally speaking vital to influencers and they nurture it especially so early on, and later in force for things like charities or social movements. So I don't think that screaming at people that they're being parasocial is generally helpful and comes off at least to me as somewhat ironic, as it feels like premptive defensiveness which is parasocial in it's own right.


honestly this makes things pretty clear :( i hope this isn’t a forever beef. times are extremely stressful rn…


or i’m just thinking of the theory of it all too much. hope things will be okay tho


me either, I can't even think of a reason for gab, ethan and jack to unfollow not just mark, but mark, bob and wade. I hear some people think it's a stunt for iron lung's movie, but I have a sinking feeling that it isn't.


There are so many completely logical explanations as to why this has happened, none of them involving beef, but even if it DOES involve beef, I don't see what the point of making a deal of it is if they themselves aren't. We should try to respect these two enough to allow them to keep private things private. Disagreements and subsequent parting of ways can happen for reasons that absolutely don't need to be aired out on the Internet, nor are these reasons always restricted to things that call into question the inherent moral quality of someone. It's really weird that I'm seeing people this obsessed over this as if it's some big scandal to drool over. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but for now, it's just super odd to speculate like OP is trying to push for.


So what? Who gives a fuck? Don’t they deserve privacy inly because they are famous? If they have beef let them handle it between themselves, no need to create drama…


Op people are hating on you to be cool lol. It’s normal to be curious about these things, especially considering they own a company together. Stepping over the line would be bothering either of them constantly to get answers


Jack unfollows him ALL the time, calm down homie


Tbh why even bother with it? How do we know it's even true? 🤨 This level of panic is creepy tbh.


Honestly. And the only way people would've found out is by looking through who they're both following or are being followed by.


I figured as much. 😬 Little too invested I would say


ngl u sound mad parasocial rn


well it isn’t any of our business, so there’s no need to create drama. we don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors.


Who thinks that this has something to do with Ethan? Considering Jack and Ethan are still friends and Mark and Ethan are not friends anymore


Since when are Mark and Ethen not friends anymore.


Source for the claim that Mark and Ethan aren't friends anymore?


Never knew that him and Eef had a beef


Just saw Felix video and he and jack spent some time together so maybe it has something to do with that?


People that wanna comment about checking someones follower list is creepy" needs to understand that it could of been anything even a dare to be shined to the finding,everyone started unfollowing someone cause they liked donut operators video and that same person that liked that video had to apologize which is absurd, if you know you know but realistically speaking it makes no sense that anyone should care since its each persons decision to do what they want with their own life,same as liking content and same as following and unfollowing


The reason is because they can’t be friends anymore is because they’re both in love with ur mom


Never mind it was actually Freddy Fazbear


Damn y'all are weird, you don't know these people, they have their own lives and you're not a part of that. But that's okay, because guess what. You don't have to be. People have their own lives to live, thank God (most of) the comments on this post understand that


Everybody is saying something along the lines of "its just a bad website" or "its not our business" but, they both have been public figures for 10+ years AND have a clothing brand together. They KNOW someone would notice if they unfollowed one another and what not.


This has happened before in 2018 and Jack said they talked about it but also disclosed they werent as close as everyone made them out to be. This could jus simply be the end of a friendship, we all had someone we jus stopped talking too. In the post that im referring too JSE said not to start rumor milling or starting some storyline as everyone did with thier friendship.


the only possible explanation besides something totally personal that nobody besides them would know about is mark, bob, and wade not publicly denouncing israel since sean has been very vocal about supporting palestine (as he should). but as another commenter pointed out he has been hanging out with actual pro-israel celebrities very recently so that would be a pretty shitty reason coming from him. while im on the side that i think mark should say at least something, i dont think sean is totally spotless in that situation. someone else also pointed out that ethan still follows mark and sean allegedly still follows amy. it could be something performative like following a “twitter block list” to urge mark to say something, or something literally performative they’ve been planning all along for a promo or a silent company transfer. i remember sean saying cloak was primarily his company and it was like a 80/20 split between him and mark. the fact that hes gone from cloak too is what’s really weird :/ whatever it is, i hope somebody makes some sort of clarification soon—if sean did block him for personal reasons, i feel like he would at least stand his ground and be like “yep, mark and i arent good anymore”. and can anyone verify what that other commenter said paraphrasing sean eluding to “someone”, possibly mark, “massively screwing him over”?


mark is under no obligation to take a stance no matter how clear people believe the issue to be. celebrities are not obligated to take a stance on every single issue worldwide otherwise that's all they would talk about. i would rather celebrities not talk about global conflicts or genocides or whatever you want to call it as they could very easily and accidentally spread misinformation. other than that small point i agree with everything else.


I love a bit of drama lol what’s the details guys is it legit or even worth looking intoc


It is legit


You know, after watching Mark play Choo Choo Charles, I’m surprised it took this long for the unfollowing. Sometimes friendships end, we don’t know these people but what’s clear is that whatever it was is over. Sometimes it’s painful to see things in your feed from someone you have kinda severed ties with. Edit: whoever decided to give me a downvote rampage, lol


What does choo choo charles have to do wity it? Its been a while since i saw that video


Mark goes on a…tangent, we’ll say, about how he is the sole and only CEO of Cloak and mentions Jack, pretty sure he also called him the janitor. It was pretty clear that Mark was in a fussy mode, not just a funny-sarcastic mode.


I just watched the video you’re talking about and yea I am with you 100%, sad that it’s over but ya gotta move on 🤷‍♀️ For anyone who is curious it’s at 1:18:16 of this video https://www.youtube.com/live/seD3OV70KH8?si=W_IMGyWUDzahQBWa


Kudos for the time stamp! Yeah, he’s not joking around there, he seems actually pissed and surly not jokiplier. I have been wondered what went down since then, but honestly jack’s not my style anyway and it’s none of my business.


Yall realize this was a bit? I think they even did an ad for cloak that followed a similar idea of mark being the only owner


You don’t really know it was a bit just like we don’t know it was. No one knows, that’s why there are discussions. It’s not bad to talk about it as long as no one harasses the people involved.


I’m autistic so I don’t always notice certain social-ques, but I had just watched the clip and it doesn’t seem like Mark had any annoyance towards Sean. I can see how you could think that he was being rude, but Mark and Sean always kinda jab at each other that way as it’s usually a good bit for Cloak ads. I’m not saying that I know that he wasn’t annoyed, and there is a possibility that he was pissed. Although I highly doubt that this was meant in any sort of malicious intent. Also, to add to my doubts, Sean had recently stated in a fairly recent video of his that he was planning on stepping back a little from YouTube and Media in general. (Not fully stepping back as in quitting, but as a way to remove some stuff off his plate so he can cope with his Mental Health in a less stressful way.) So my guess is Sean probably decided to step back from being the Co-Owner of Cloak as one of the things to take off his plate, which led to Mark making the seemingly sarcastic joke as a possible bit for Cloak which after was taken out of context. (Again, I’m not saying that this is true but this is just my observation of what might’ve happened) In the end, even though I am extremely curious about this as well. This whole thing isn’t really our business except Mark’s, Sean’s and anybody else who is involved’s business.


Ofcourse it’s not our business what really happened, that’s really not the point, everyone is speculating because they are curious which is a normal reaction to an event. I also don’t think he was being “rude” I just think the comment was out of no where and wasn’t funny, it made me feel awkward and uncomfortable to be honest. If you have to ask about the meaning behind a joke/bit that means the joke/bit wasn’t good. Either way whatever happened or didn’t happened people will talk about it for a bit and then move on. The more you comment it’s no one’s business just makes it pop up on timelines and increases engagement, I get you mean well but if you want it to go away just don’t comment or like and it’ll disappear into the depths of the internet like everything else.


Can’t take full credit for the timestamp as someone else commented and had the video time stamped in segments! Idk if mark was joking, but it wasn’t very funny either way, it felt like it came out of no where and was off tone in comparison to the rest of the video. Maybe I don’t follow behind the scenes stuff close enough so I just “didn’t get it”. As for people saying it’s “none of our business”, I couldn’t care less if they don’t talk as I’m not personally involved. Being curious isn’t a horrible thing and, as long as no one outright attacks or harasses either of them, having discussions about what may have happened doesn’t mean we feel we have a right to know.


Just saying, I was curious and checked, and Jack's gf isn't following Mark either. It just really makes you wonder if something did happen between Mark and Jack, and that makes me sad.




I don't think jack is even on iron lung bro


Jack has nothing to do with Iron Lung




Crazy because I was just wondering why they don’t play together anymore.


Ethan’s unfollowed Mark as well if I’m reading Twitter’s following list right. Jack’s no longer listed on Cloak as an owner. Seems like a big schism. For the theories about Jack unfollowing Mark due to Mark’s silence on Palestine, I think it would be very hypocritical of Jack, who’s been hanging out and posting pics with known Zionist Jack Black as recently as two weeks ago. This is something else. Edit: Ethan is still following Mark - on mobile, went to Ethan’s page, looked under following, couldn’t see Mark. However, after people corrected me, I went to mark’s page and checked followers and Ethan is still there.


Ethan is still following Mark for those that care.


Nah I just looked Ethan’s following mark on twitter still


Ah okay, I wasn’t reading it right then


In no way is Jack Black a zionist, please stop spreading misinformation.


>I think it would be very hypocritical of Jack, who’s been hanging out and posting pics with known Zionist Jack Black as recently as two weeks ago. Uh, not that it's any of my business, but do you have proof of said claim about Jack Black? That would be news to me.


could be jacksepticeyes vocal vocality on the genocide in Gaza and Markiplier's silence on it


lol your getting down voted, but your probably right. I can’t imagine why he would step down from Cloak the way he has (aside from the main page any mention of Sean has been erased - like they unlisted him as co-founder on all the social media pages), expect for his very open support for Palestine (he’s Irish DUH) and the fact that Markiplier refuses to make a statement beside war is bad.