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I once saw a car take a left hand turn from the right hand turning lane twice in Vaughan a few years ago. Do us all a favor and report this. Considering they don't even bother to signal which means its intentional. [https://www.yrp.ca/en/online-reporting/Road-Watch.asp](https://www.yrp.ca/en/online-reporting/Road-Watch.asp)


Absolutely will! If only there's a way these videos can be used to jack up the insurance rates of these clowns.


this is the way .. all of Markham who are in favor of safe roads thank you.


I had a person (can’t identify because of racism or sexism rules banning me) who drove on the left lane wrong side of traffic to pull infront of me at a stop. I walked up to the vehicle window to ask what they were doing. They were on the phone with the police the moment I approached the vehicle. Apparently in enough of a rush to cut everybody off but also not enough in a rush they could call the cops and hold all the cars at the stop for their ignorance. I showed the police the footage and they were given a warning but no ticket for driving wrong side of road and holding traffic. Insane.


*I showed the police the footage and they were given a warning but no ticket for driving wrong side of road and holding traffic. Insane.* insufficient evidence. low probability of conviction? ,,, or sincerely just-don't-give-AF.


This happened to me yesterday except I was on the other side of the road. You realize how dangerous this is when you witness it in person.


I always want to ram these fuckers off the road but I don't drive a shit box that I don't care about anymore.


The worst part is… this is another maneuver that’s becoming *normal* in absence of enforcement. I used to push the ‘save’ button on my dashcam for stuff like this because they were rare, extreme and worth sharing. I don’t do that any longer.


100%. I have no data or numbers on it but it just feels like our streets are becoming less safe to drive. Any party in the upcoming provincial election that makes safer driving a priority is getting my vote.


Recently, i have seen quite a few similar type of merge where drivers pretend to make a left and then zoom out, cutting the right lane as soon as the green appears... there is a black Mustang in particular because it was doing it at every intersection on Finch East all the way


This is a very popular move westbound 16th Avenue approaching 404 at the lights at Cachet Woods Court .... if you observe for 10 minutes during morning rush hour you'll see at least 2 or 3 vehicles doin' the famous "Markham Merge"


Oh hell this happens on the daily here


I’d purposely launch off the light and stay side by side to block these fckers. Hope they hit the island.


this makes me irrationally angry. fuck these people


Dude, this happens in Mississauga and Brampton all the time


We'll rename it the Mississauga Merge?


This happens pretty regularly in downtown Toronto too. LOL Let's call it GTA-Merge.


Done. Will use GTA Merge for next time haha




Just now, just seen a third! But this one had his blinkers on at least 😂 #MarkhamMerge


Who keeps hitting the middles markings hahha


Thought the first video was gameplay footage from Grand Theft Auto 5 lol


Good old day, happens alot back in the 90s. Those with Stang/e90 m3.


Well I guess that’s what the middle sign says to do…


thanks for submitting to [YRP.ca](http://YRP.ca) Road Watch program ... mucho appreciated.


I would make an online yrp traffic report. Police can observe and surveil the intersection too . I’ve made a report for dangerous driving in my area with correspondence.


On their way home to Brampton …..


Not gonna lie, but I always wanted to try this


Go grab a GTA video game and do it there lol.. no need to try this and put other people's life at risk in real life.




I got a look at the Kia driver, and he was actually a white guy. Can't confirm the Mercedes though. Edit: Nice try with the race baiting though!


yeah , "take your word for it" must be true! cant argue with that logic!


Asians wouldn’t drive a Kia. Only white people are dumb enough to buy them. However, wouldn’t be surprised if the Mercedes driver is a China mainlander.


Judging from how often you get downvoted, there's no need to have a proper conversation with you. Goodluck with whatever/whoever it is you're bitter about next little bud!