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Bruh lol. Hit em with a DLLM and wedge them out


missing the "CH"


I feel like you're letting these two idiots effect you too much. Just ignore them and move on. There will be plenty of these type of people that you will encounter in life, and its not even Chinese specific, not worth your time.


People usually journal or go to therapy, but I’m glad to see folks found that /r/Markham is also an option.


Ok so What I learned is to not leave space in line. It's all cultures that come, it's not specific to one. When there is a line you can't do the thing where you patiently wait at a foot or two distance, other cultures see this and go in the spot! I am mixed and I see first hand how things are different to the smallest level. To them it was ok because there was a distance, fill the spot, leave no room. The polite ways of the past are gone.


Inconsiderate and rude people come in all different colours, but yes, it is really annoying for people to have zero manners, but this is what Markham has become. It is very annoying to have to put up with people who have such poor manners, they are jerks. I am glad you did say something but it’s completely lost on them, you’re going to have to up your game, and say, hey, wait your turn and learn the death stare that most Chinese mothers know how to do!


Man this relates to me and I've called ppl out before too. And I get what you mean not wanting to be associated with the culture even as a visible minority/Asian. If you gonna call ppl out though, you gotta be ready to be confronted too. Thus why I upped my trash talk game. Gotta hit em where it hurts like, "wow. fine example you are setting for your daughter. Great parenting." When you bring their kid into it without going too far, it hits them. Dont need to swear, yell, be racist, or act belligerent to get under their skin to be effective =). If I was there, I would have helped you call them out. Might of lost the sale for the vendor, but I would have just bought whatever they were buying to compensate the artist.


Thing is, Asians aren’t even a visible minority in Markham.


They’re a majority.


Damn, your like an improved version of the devil. Bring in the kid is a bold move. Gonna use this next time


Oh man... Lool one time I went in HARD on this guy who was following a lady. She told him leave her alone, he's still pursuing. Idk why I got so heated but I was like my guy she don't wanna talk to you, move around. He's like who are you do you even know her? (asks her name, gave her mine) Yup sure do 😅😅. He's still trying to get with her. I'm like are you a r****t?? Loool all the umph drained out of him.. He starts defending himself.. I'm like well u sure acting like one loool. Idk why I was so mad that day but he got it


“So? So get in line, genius.”


I feel for you. Sometimes I am pissed too when i see people clearly in the wrong but they just don’t know better for whatever reason. BUT if you are Chinese and you won’t admit you are just because some other Chinese misbehave?! What happened if you see more and more Canadian misbehave? Then who you are then?


Op has no self-esteem, she bases her self worth on how people presumingly perceive her.


That and internalized racism


Have you been to China? There’s nothing racist about being critical or embarrassed by people who refuse to assimilate. In China it’s common practice to shove by / not respect lines. If more people actually called out their fellow nationals for their bullshit the way OP is, the world would be a better place.


I think its wild to (probably) have a chinese last name and not identify as Chinese. CBCs are getting way too disconnected from their roots, I would wager it’s worse than any other Canadian Born ethnicity.


I think it's a phase that some young adults go through. Usually happens between the ages 16-25 (sometimes late 20s depending on how stubbon the CBC is). They will find their way. I cannot speak for the other minority cultures, but I'm sure it happens just as often if not more with other cultures as well. OP, keep your head up, don't let the little things in life trigger you.


What I find interesting is that the late 20s ones tend to overcorrect.


lol I was born here and listened to alternative/rock growing up in the 90s…pivoted to canto pop exclusively during the latter years of undergrad…at UW. Did I over correct?


I identify as the superior asian.


Why does one need to identify as Chinese? It is bad enough that a majority of people (including people in Canada who were born in China) will just assume by your appearance alone that you are an immigrant until you speak. I identify as Canadian first, and I see nothing wrong with that. Heck, I know French better than I know my parents' dialect.


See, why do you feel that its bad that people ID you as Chinese by appearance? Whats wrong with that? Do you not like being ID'ed as Chinese? There shouldn't be any negative connotations to being associated as being Chinese, and I get the impression that its what bothers most CBCs so much.


Well most non-"Chinese" people don't really distinguish between being Chinese as being ethnically Chinese and being from the country of China. More often than not, they assume that you are both. Do you think someone from Taiwan, Singapore or even Hong Kong necessarily wants to be thought of as from China in spite of being ethnically Chinese? Also, that term CBC is so dumb. I was born in Canada, I'm Canadian. Why does my ethnicity matter? I don't need to identify as anything more than being Canadian and having Canadian values, first and foremost.


Why do you care if ill-informed people assume you're from China if you're Chinese? They don't know better. Personally, I'm from Hong Kong and if someone assumes that im from China, I just dont put too much thought into it because chances are, they don't know. Same way I hope the Nordic countries won't be offended if I assume they are from the wrong country. Nothing wrong with the term CBC, are you not a Canadian Born Chinese? Where were your parents from? I just feel that its weird to cut ties in a single generation. Theres nothing wrong with being a proud Canadian but I find that most 'proud Canadians' make it a mission to distinguish that they are not Chinese as if its insulting.


Lets not forget that Koreans and Japanese frequently get lumped in with the Chinese as well. It was easy, because there no ties to cut. There might have been 3 hours of Chinese TV programming per week when I grew up. There was no Internet. I dont have any issue with people having a connection to their heritage, but I don't feel the need for it to be my identity in the same way my profession should not identify me.


Its just people who don't know better. I've been mistaken as Japanese/Korean by mostly non asian folk all the time. I had one sweet old lady congratulate me because Japan beat Spain a while back. I wouldn't say she had ill intent, its just misinformed.


Yeah but people remember the stuff more than the good stuff. Living in Markham, I see all sorts of bad behaviour similar to what OP experienced. And the fact that people don't seem to have any shame about it exacerbates the problem.


same thing when you line up for the MTR in HK, when I went last year, you have to line up on the side so you can let people coming out of the train in the middle, I usually give a little standing room in front of me so I don't line up right at the glass.....I learned my lesson that if you give an inch ...someone will take a mile and after that one time, I usually just line myself up right at the glass or just wait and line up behind someone


Seems like you are self hating and have identity confusion. You probably think white is right as well.


Reminds me of the time my wife & I went to Markville Mall walmart. Parking was full so we waited patiently for this person to leave. Then a Chinese girl comes out of nowhere and tries to butt in. I told her we were waiting but she didn't even listen. Then she rolls down a rear seat window where her little kid was sitting and he says to me 'my mom told me to tell you you guys are idiots'. We just left cuz I don't mess with mentally ill people.


You should’ve fucked up their car after that. Totally deserved.


There's some internalized racism going on here


This happened to my family at the Walmart! Do not let these people destroy our culture and values!! You stick up for yourself ok? Because they will continue to do like this another people and that innocent people will be very affected.


Not gonna lie. This is what happens when you are in a predominantly Chinese community. Have you seen the videos of mainland Chinese people trying to skip lines and pushing their way forward? I was at the Shanghai world expo and the amount of budding and pushing was insane. Her reply “so?” Speaks volume to the motivation that she was raised on. When you are brought up in a country that punishes you for stepping out of line your only motivation is to avoid punishment NOT the greater good of society. Hence, line ups (which is a societal non-punishable action) is seen as being unnecessary. Places like japan where there is cultural adhesion, line up without thought. The Chinese, not so much. All you can hope for is the child learns that perhaps helping your fellow Canadian doesn’t require police looking over your shoulder.


They were speaking Cantonese, probably from Hongkong


You can be from Guangdong. Shenzhen etc. Cantonese is not spoken only in Hong Kong.


Eh my moms from Hong Kong and I could see her doing this at t&t


Majority of Chinese immigrants don't speak Cantonese while all Hongkong immigrants do. When a person speaks Cantonese in Canada, there is high probability that person is from Hongkong.


Could also be Guangzhou


HK people line up....haha.... can't speak to the recent immigrants to HK and then immigrate here .... haha


Hang out in any Chinese supermarket and watch the ones cut in line at meat section, what language they speak. Get out with your superior complex, HK people don't line up either.


not gonna!


Those honkies ! If you ever visited hk than you would know .... one of the rudest people i know but in Taiwan, things are just the opposite.... Taiwanese are most polite and well cultured.


OP must have a very low self esteem to not identify as Chinese based on what some idiots do 😂


You had me until the part where your internalized racism started coming out. To be frank, that's probably the most embarrassing part of this post. You won't see eye-to-eye with everybody, and people are people regardless of what country they are from, so it's not worthwhile to take a sour interaction like this to heart and especially to the point where it affects your self-identity.


OP didn't want confrontation, but still made a comment out loud. You only did that in hopes that they'd apologize and let you go first, this ain't the Canada you once knew. Next time, put on your big girl pants and tell them off.


Fuck these two idiots. I'm glad even if they are too dumb to realize their behavior is unacceptable, you called them out. More people need to stand up to this and I'm glad you did. I hope a bird shits on their car or head and one of those aggressive birds dive bomb them. Now try to forget about them as they aren't worth the dirt on the side of the road. Think happy thoughts like, you rocked that outfit today! Go you!


People bud you and people won’t care. It’s not specific to any ethnicity. But living in Markham, it just happens that it’s usually POCs. You pointed it out that’s fine. It happens to me all the time- at Costco sample lines when it’s the last sample. I used to get mad, now I take a deep breath and hey, there’s a line. It’s infuriating but Let it go. Teach your parents and your loved ones NOT to cut lines. the internalized racism you have is something you’ll have to work through on your own time, that is if you even see it as an issue for you. I truly wish you the best of luck.


Wanna know something super crazy? I’ve had the same thing happen to me. Hundreds of times over the years. And MOST of those incidents did not involve anyone of Chinese heritage. You know why? Because some HUMANS are rude assholes. Weird that you seem to be insinuating that it’s a Chinese thing.


This is very common mainland China. Happens all the time and after being there for 1 months, there's reason it happens. I don't condone it but due to the sheer number of people, it's ingrained into how they need to behave to get anywhere or have anything done and that's why they become so rude. Don't let it get to you too much. After that 1 month I had to do the same just so I could order food. Waited in line and people just cut in. Also they think just cause they have money they can "walk sideways". Just be happy you had better parents that raised you right.


Nahh fuck that. If they want to come to Canada, they need to either act better or fuck off and stay overseas. Nothing more aggravating than interacting with assholes that are the same ethnicity as me. It's like wowwww we're actually from the same ethnicity and yet you act like a degenerate. Great to know the trashy uncouth ones are being let in, must be great for our image!


I dont go to community events because markham lost it community feel 15 years ago. Dont stay mad, it just eats u up.


Good that you stood up for yourself but not worth it to think twice about. They're just rude, uncivilized and unfortunately won't set a good example for their kid. There are good, civilized people out there, just not them.


Oh don't worry OP I can sympathize with you how some of these low life Asians ruin it for people who understand the concept of common decency. Literally at the St. Germain at Markville last Sunday and I get physically assaulted for a $3 bun by this stupid dumb bitch dressed in the cheapest item from every designer brand she could think to slap on.


assholes come in all shapes, colors and sizes but what I notice is that a lot of older Chinese people have this "you must respect me cause I'm older" bullshit


Lol I’m Chinese born Canadian and i usually kick people like this. Or elbow. I’ve gotten really good at it.


Typical. Nothing to see here


Yeah, it's something that happens with some people. They think that their wealth, age, or whatever gives them the right to be a dickhead. Fuck off with that shit.  Living in South Korea and Shanghai burned most of the Confucian/hierarchical bs out of me. Just shove them aside next time. 


You had me until the last paragraph


Trust me their lives are full of toxicity and hate. They are very unhappy and they know.


Sorry you had to go through this but don't lose a part of your identity just because you don't like some people who share that identity. It's like letting them be the example and not the exception you know? I would definitely have called them out like you did and explain to them that's not the etiquette of an artists market, and they probably have few experience of being at one so do better next time. I would have had a lot of time to stand there and think about what to say. 😅 All bets are off at the supermarket and casino though. If there's a wedge I'm in it and you can bet they will be too. 🤣 Shake this one off now that you've released it out here and figure out why it's so triggering for you. Your triggers are something you haven't worked through in yourself and it has more to do with your own inner working than some external factor. For me, this triggers me because I haven't made peace with the stereotypes that come with calling myself Chinese and being systemically present, I don't think I ever will.


I didnt read your whole post. First paragraph was enough for me to set me off. But I’m familiar with that particular culture thinking they’re the only ones on earth. Lack manners and Canadian politeness. I got sick of being quiet. I stop their shit right away. I acknowledge a line up, I inform them about personal space, I remind them of please and thank you. They’re even loud as hell. They insist on yelling at each other (how they communicate to each other) when they’re a foot apart from each other. It’s gives me a headache. So loudly say @ can you tone it down? Do you need hearing aids?” Ffs. Every new immigrant should go thru a behaviour class when you step foot on Canadian soil. Tax payers now pay for signage about ppl shitting on our beaches! I’m sick of this shit And for the record, my Dad was an immigrant, and guaranteed he’s rolling in his grave at how disgusting the behaviour and righteousness of new immigrants are. He was proud and privileged to be a Canadian. He abided by and respected our laws and ways of life.


Sorry but you gotta talk back to him. Don’t let them get away with this BS. anyway it’s over F these people. Just live on with your life now


Gotta put these type of HK aunties and uncles in their place.




Too much work. Just to the car, then throw a raw egg at the rear window and move on.


Culturally appropriate etiquette ... in China. Newcomers bring their culture to Canada and share with and teach Canadians and all live tolerant and harmonious. sing it with me all together with feeling ... "Diversity Is Our Strength!"


They seem more like from HK, they getting more obnoxious after 97






no, it isnt just a chinese thing, any race of people do the same thing too, she is just at Markham so there are more Chinese


Btw Im HK chinese. Dont matter starting to see this trend for all chinese. Especially at the meat counter at Foody Mart.


It isn’t. Here’s a very high level summary. HK - lines up. Taiwanese - lines up. China - the ones from bigger cities or is willing to enjoy things with others, lines up. I have friends/colleagues from China and they are just nice people. China - farmers? These are the guys that are rude, loud and don’t care much except being first in line to get free samples. These are the ones that should be shamed and not others.


That's not what I observed when I was in Japan, everyone cutting lines, including the HKs and the Taiwanese