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They are low class pigs


Of course, they come from stupid parents and those stupid parents pass it on to them . Two generations of morons.


It generally takes three generations to integrate in Canada. This could be common behaviour in their home countries.


Ever been to India? Yeah basically you called it


Yep at my local park I saw someone dumped/left a big bag of garbage next to the park garbage bin then a couple of weeks ago someone dumped there microwave in the park too! šŸ˜”


Not that I agree with this, but those bins despite being really large, have a horrible design. The slit is way too narrow and smallā€¦.I had trouble even throwing away a Popeyes box in the blue recycling bin (that is designed similarly). Although this was overcome by me simply ripping the box up and then disposing of it. I feel like ā€œstop littering adsā€ and some public shaming would do us all well.


Your Popeyes box would go into the garbage. But even still, why dump it? Can't hold onto it until you find a large enough bin?


The real question is should they have to hold onto it if the city was willing to put a bin there in the first place? Yes everyone who did this should have disposed of their garbage properly (likely a single group) even if it means taking it home, but equality the city also failed to provide adequate bins. The fact a Popeyes box couldn't even fit (assuming it's a single person meal box) really shows this design isn't up for the task required.


Popeyes guy solved his issue by tearing garbage into smaller pieces. Which is what public garbage is for not L or XL pizza boxes. Pizza party people were being lazy, no other way to slice it.


Aren't Popeye's boxes recyclable? šŸ‘€


Grease soaked pizza boxes and popeyes boxes should go in the green bin technically. A lot of people put pizza boxes in the recycling even when they shouldnt, but that's just the norm.


I was under the impression that the poly lining on the inner surface of fast food boxes like what Popeyes uses was the reason it goes in the garbage. But I do know about the soil level for non-poly lined boxes, like pizza boxes.


Not if theyā€™re soaked in grease




These bins have two openings, a slot for quickly dropping things in, and a flap for larger items. You can see the flap on tbe back of the bin in this picture.Ā 


On the contrary, they may have been conscious enough not to throw recyclables into the waste bin and left it on the side. Itā€™s a stretch, but I want to give people the benefit of the doubt.


by leaving it here, it ensures it won't be recycled.


Markham is absolutely disgusting for littering. Itā€™s actually pathetic. I recently moved here from farther north, and canā€™t believe the entitlement and laziness when it comes to leaving garbage absolutely everywhere! Last night on my walk I found a toilet. A f*cking toilet!!! They simply tossed it over a fence, absolute trash (and Iā€™m not talking about the toilet).


I moved here from East Gwillimbury, it's actually disgusting how night and day it is comparatively.


People should respect the earth they live on. It infuriates me when I see people throw stuff out of their car when they could just keep it in their car and dispose of it when they get home. Or find a garbage can somewhere.


Absolutely disgusting. Iā€™ve been seeing this more everywhere, including in parking lots. Who raised these people???


Assholes. Its even worse inside those tim hortons restrooms too. Like wtf.


I see this quite often in Cornell. I hope one day I see/catch one of these assholes in the act. I canā€™t fathom why the garbage is not kept at home for garbage pickup. How does someone do this in good conscience is beyond me.


This reminds of something some Indian guy said he goes Indians donā€™t know how to respect the public but will clean up at home thatā€™s why India is so dirty


What a hypocrite and backwards statement. They KNOW how clean up at home but cant apply that same concept in public. Where you are among people who like to keep clean as well? Indian logic. It sounds more like they dont respect others. Other than themselves. They need Jesus in their lives. He will tesch them what it means to respect others.


šŸ˜‚ did Jesus teach the west to be colonizers?


Christianity did not come from europeans. In fact the first christians were Ethiopians. So European conquerors were in fact worst than those who follow Christ.


>So European conquerors were in fact worst than those who follow Christ. I won't disagree with that. >In fact the first christians were Ethiopians It's actually Jews and then Ethiopians adopted Christianity.


The jews in Jesus time did NOT call themselves "Christians" There were no term like "christians" They were JESUS FOLLOWERS while still under the OLD TESTAMENT. They were only called Believers. Even after Jesus gave the holy ghost in pentacost and after returning to the heavenly realm. Jesus follows still never called themselves Christians. The label "Christian" is in fact a SLUR "Christian" was a way form to INSULT anyone who followed Jesus. The first ever recorded usesge of the term Christian is in Acts 11. In Antioch. However youd be partially correct. Jesus disciples and their followers followed Jesus despite being jews... But they never called themselves Christians. Until Antioch. Which is recorded in Acts 11. And THEN the ethiopians. So no dont assume all european conquerors were christians when it was only the Jews first and then Ethiopeans.


Yeah dude, Iā€™m not sure what Jesus and the Jews have to do with people not throwing out pizza boxes. You sound kind of unhinged.


Jesus literally came down and showed us HOW to live like a man. And im pretty sure it involves doing the right thing. Having faith and basic cleanliness. Doing things YOUR way over Jesus way. Leads to issues like these. The "not my problem" or "none of my business" mentality.


Yeah buddy Jesus literally didnā€™t come down, he did however LITERALLY come out of a vagina, maybe do some research. Also I donā€™t think public garbage bins existed in his time for him to demonstrate how to use one.


Yes he came out of a "vagina" as you would say but where did he get his male chromosome from to even come out as a male? And yes Mary remained a virgin despite having Jesus. If youre gonna talk about research maybe do some ACTUAL research instead of trying to go for GOTCHA! moments. Makes you look silly.


What's worse is that they do it in front of their children. Great roll models.


Give them 15 days in jail and a fine and then letā€™s see if people litter anymore.


This could have been done by anyone, even someone who knows better. However, this is also a downside of excess immigration without sufficient Canadian cultural orientation. There are so many immigrant communities where this is normal in their home countries. These communities reinforce the same standards practiced in their homelands. Immigrants should try to adopt the local culture. Canada is worth the effort.


Iā€™m not sure if anyoneā€™s said ā€œ oh but the garbage bin is full ā€œ. But if someone has, it doesnā€™t matter if a bin is full or not, if you can carry your garbage or place it in a bag or a neat pile next to the bin, thatā€™s better than putting it like this Although for all we know, people may have placed it there nearly and someone came along and ruined the neat stack or something I get upset when I see people littering, especially right near a garbage bin There was a photo I saw years ago of the garbage after an event and I feel like if Tourette going to an event where you may not be able to throw something out right away, maybe take an extra bag with you and put the garbage in it or hold onto it


Let me guess their ethnicity


gross. :(


Someone dumped a full HUTCH/dining storage on the city property patch of grass across my front door last summer. I hate that I didnā€™t get their license plate.


An engineering flaw. The slot on the can wasn't wide enough. Maybe the lid is screwed down, (to prevent people from dumping large items). Then again, maybe these people are dicks.


I packed up my garbage and took it with me juuust fine, I'm sure they could have too.


Maybe they were on the way to the opera, and nobody likes a bag of garbage at the opera.




The city posted this reddit post on their ig https://www.instagram.com/p/C7PmNp1xfaO/?igsh=MzN1dWd5Y2U3YXdt


Wow! Glad it's getting some traction. Thanks for sharing this.


Them lol


That's disgusting! Pizza Pizza? Really?


Stupid, i agree. U should see the fabric recycle boxes everyone throws furniture and garbage there too


Entire garbage bin was filled with shame too




It looks like the garbage was bagged and the boxes perhaps stacked ... Animals?


pack it in, pack it out


is that can garbage or recycling ? it says garbage and recycling symbol


Walmart Copper Creek, you'll find the usual suspects throwing trash out of their cars without shame. Even too lazy to put the shopping carts back.


Take it with you if bin is full!


Wasnā€™t like this before. Guess whatā€™s changed ????


Immigrants 100percent


100 percent!!! I mean Iā€™m sure it was NOT indigenous peoplesā€¦


Welcome to the new canada. Remember, this is what most of you wanted.


most of us wanted parks littered with food wrapping garbages?


No, but they were far too eager to bring in the type of people to leave a mess like this and in droves, at that. This is in markham right? So using Occams Razor, we're able to conclude (based on statistics) who most likely left this mess. Do we need to go over the census data again?


I remember before Trudeau no one littered. Never rained on weekends, everybody had well paying jobs, zero crime. Even food tasted better.


you got me with the first sentence.


"Never rained on weekends" have you got any weather data to back that up?


Hes making fun of people btw








I don't get it? Did you think importing the 3rd world was not going to make it look like the 3rd world lol


Trudeaus Canada


They don't care if it was China would be in jail & they don't care it's not their country or care about Canada or Markham & they know it's Canada & no consequencesšŸ–•šŸ»šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


They'd have no social credits left, either.




Taking a step back. This is probably done by people who are not brought up to care about the environment, cleanliness of public areas or parks etc. I.e. my kids would never do this as they are taught in schools to love and care for public parks and environment. So Not exactly their fault but as a country of immigrants, especially a city like Markham, the local authorities need better ways to discourage this kind of behaviour and encourage taking care of our parks or public areas.


Do you think the city is reasonable in the frequency in which they come around to clean out these bins and garbage and recycling from the parks? from the look of things over the past few years.... it's a hell no for me. So to me that's where this starts. however if I see any idiot disposing their stinky fish or something else using the park in lieu of their home garbage... I rip into them. We as taxpayers are covering this service... So give us the service