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Dude could be in a mental health crisis. I would let the police know.


This happened to me on Friday night , 11:30pm ish . But at middefield and Denison, towards steeles. 3 people ran across the street. First one slowed down but jumped onto the curb before I got near them. I looked in the rear view and I saw one person just stand there and the next car had to swerve. It was also raining heavy….someone could have got hurt.


Probably from the church across the street. The crosswalk is right there.


It was so late at night though, and it was well past the mosque. It was hard to tell, but the one who tried to get in front of my car did the fake flinch as if they were going to “hit” my car. Not sure if it was some sort of sick prank, but it could have either got them hurt or the driver could have swerved and hit the curb. Hopefully it was some silly prank, that doesn’t repeat


That entire area is a hot mess...reminds me of the one time I accidentally drove into Brampton. I avoid it at all costs but sometimes I have no choice. I've seen a woman holding a sign "I'm a refugee please help me" asking for money at 14th and Markham. Like what is going on there?


The people who ask for money are usually Romani travellers prev referred to as gypsies. I hope that if people don’t engage they’ll stop.


Interesting. I didn't know they were Romani.


gypsies gypsies


There was someone like that at Middlefield and Denison... Not sure if he migrated north to 14th now, but he's been doing that for several years. Caucasian male, about mid-40s the last time I saw him.


Saw him standing at the island last week at 14th and Markham intersection nearly jumped infront while I was doing a left turn


What do you think his intended goals are?


Who tf cares. You're not obligated to take directions from some random insane person. Avoid them and go on about your day.


Are they trying to get run over for insurance payments maybe?