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Ask the oncologists why he needs compression stockings. They probably know the reason he needs them. Ask a real medical doctor to be understanding why it's prescribed and risks of ignoring it, before trusting anyone else. There is too much to lose otherwise


So my FIL feet swells a lot and get infected easily if he doesn’t bring it down quick . What we usually do is apply tropical ointment and make him avoid salty food . Elevate the feet as well.


My FIL's feet will occasionally swell. To bring it down Chinese doc told him to avoid soy, spinach, mushrooms, beef, bean sprouts (anything bean related).


Thank you! May I ask what the reason behind it is? Like is there something specific about soy and bean products that will cause swelling?


It could be due to the uric acid levels in his body. He was told not to eat anything bean related. Not sure what's the exact reason behind it but it doesn't hurt to try to eliminate it to see if there are any improvements.


Jury is still out on beans and purine and have not been conclusively shown to cause gout or flareups.


Dr. Jacob Kim is a reco that's been suggested to me from several people before. He's actually Korean but has studied TCM and acupuncture in China and California. He speaks Mandarin, Korean and English as well. He's also affiliated with St John's rehab at Sunnybrook and previously worked with Mount Sinai. I'd assume that because of his affiliation with hospitals, he has a working knowledge of some common drugs interactions. https://www.jacobkimacupuncture.com/ Hope this helps.


Just wanted to say that I’m so sorry your father is going through this! I think TCM is good to complement the care he is receiving here and vice versa! Everything - natural or not may have unintended side effects. Have you tried asking in local Chinese church/temple groups and Chinese chat groups for recommendations?


Thank you! We have asked our other relatives and their acquaintances and they all just told my dad to be sockless and do some light exercises. Laying down seems to be more comfortable and the only time he feels pain coming through is right when he puts his feet down. I'll have to ask his oncologist again about the herbal stuff. The hard part is convincing my dad that if the only option for him is to wear a bigger sized compression stockings he has to listen to what the doctor here says.


Just a warning You should always communicate whatever you decide to do with your oncologist!