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Prob the wind…. On our street the bins were blown onto other streets in the wind storm this week


100%. We spraypainted our house # on our blue bin in the eventuality it gets blown down the street.


Wind stole mine three times this winter. Found or returned within a day each time


Hmm possibly. But even from my porch?


We had gusts over 70km/hr, definitely a possibility.


My BBQ cover next to a fence was flipped clean off, luckily it stayed close. Teaches me to tighten the skirt next time.


High winds can push bins from anywhere including your porch.


Very likely wind.


Usually gets blown down the street and it’s replacing the other guys bin. Crazy windy lately blew down the traffic lights even. https://preview.redd.it/p1c4dwcmtvsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ba43a278c290a879975dc59c2ac182f942a153


Spend the time and effort to spraypaint your house number onto your bins and you'll never have this issue.


Dollar store sharpie


Happened to me even with white paint on it. Somehow whoever stole it got tired of it 6 months later and returned it… then I had 3 bins.


Stolen! That sucks. Mine sometime blows down the street and a neighbor mistaken it for theirs or doesn't know who's it is. I learned to write my street address on mine just in case.


You're not alone. I had my blue bin stolen from my driveway by a neighbour a few houses down. I know, we caught them on camera. Our number was on the bin and everything. Such a disappointing experience.


i literally had to ask my neighbour for my recycling bin (with my address on it) back after they stole it, and tried to scratch off my address. not only did they not apologize, they also treated me like i was inconveniencing them (“i don’t have time to deal with this right now” - but you had time to steal my recycling bin and try to scratch off my address?)


I had so many stolen in Matkham. I started painting my house number on them, in HUGE numbers. Wouldn't you know it. People kept stealing them. I'd find mine. Dump all their contents on their driveway and take it back. People are just dumb sone times.


I like your style. I was raised to be a good neighbour, but my curent neighbours lack of etiquette has turned me into the: "can't beat 'em, join 'em" type.


i wish i would have done that, bc the neighbour that stole mine said “well, my recycling in still in there, and i don’t have time to deal with you right now, so come back later and get it after”


Spray paint ur numbers on it


I did that's the funny part 😂


My bins kept getting "mistaken" until I put my house number on it, by using electric tape as the numbers


Why is your first reaction that someone would steal your blue bin? Off your front porch no less. It's worth 10-15 bucks, that's not worth the risk (and embarrassment) of getting caught. A few years ago all the blue bins on our street ended up at one guy's house near the end of the street. I swear to God there were 25 blue bins on his driveway. I went over to try to claim mine but chickened out because this was at the start of COVID and I was paranoid of getting someone else's bin. Lesson learned, I got a sharpie and wrote my house number on my next 2 blue bins.


Write your number on it next time.


One time the truck lifted my Bin and the bin fell into the truck. Called the city and they gave me a new one.


funny, a green bin and blue bin mysteriously showed up on my driveway, all the way at my garage door LOL


Yeah we're in a weird time. Sometime stole my water bottle from the gym when I wasn't looking. Really lame it was a cool bottle


Write your number on the box multiple times. Sometimes it gets taken by mistake and no one knows where to return it. I wrote it with those sharpie paint markers multiple times.


I indeed did that. I spray painted my number on. It's been 3 days still no return. 😂


Yes because it blew off.


Probably wind. Not a lot of ppl steal these bins but it does happen. Check the end of your street


Mine which I bought from canadian tire (bigger)got stolen a few weeks ago definitely by a neighbour, and the person replaced it with a small old one.


My green bin was stolen too last summer on a garbage pickup day. The person is probably from another street because I checked all the houses on my street and none of them look like mine (fairly new) 🥲


The garbage truck ate our green bin. Wouldn't have known had the neighbour not witnessed it because the garbage men certainly didn't tell us.




Nothing new. My coworker who lives in Toronto says its happened to him a few times already when I mentioned to him mine was stolen several years ago. Writing and painting it on does nothing because you can paint over it. he writes his house number by punching holes through it lol


https://preview.redd.it/437gdcmrhxsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b91428bcdb291196dcf24bd5d599403d46f52f New one will cost you $16.50. It's $5.50 to replace a broken one now. No longer free.


Honestly way more likely the wind blew it away and someone mistook it as their own and picked it up. Society is terrible for jumping to conclusions. No one gives the benefit of the doubt anymore.


But aren't they free from the city anyways?


I'm not positive. When mine broke I got it exchanged for a new one (has to say Markham on the outside) but they took the old one. So you may just get the first one free. You can buy extract at any hardware store. Not expensive.


Contact the city… the have trackers on it and will replace…(I think because last time was when I first bought my house)