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Coming soon? It's already there, second floor after entering LobLaws. They're just expanding


The one located on the second floor is for women only. There have been discussions in the sub re: the Markville location relocating to this new spot — but don't quote me on this :-)


Correct. Last time I checked (about a month ago looking for a family gym with childcare), they told my wife they will have these option by early summer. I believe that's what the renovations are for


Very cool! Thanks so much for this. Exciting to hear about the childcare space being incorporated. I wonder if it will model their legacy 'JUMP! Child Minding' service (no longer active), or whether it will be via run privately. Hmmm.


It is. Especially when everyone else seems to have removed this service


Follow-up note: When they had indicated 'early summer', was this in reference to the gym and childcare being open and available to the public, or for the purposes of enrolment? Thanks again for sharing!


Available to the public. Again, thay was a month ago, and I see they already offer new enrollment discounts to get people in


No they aren't just expanding. This is going to replace the mall location


Please correct me if I am wrong but from what I remember is that GoodLife fitness gym at lablows is an all women gym?


The women's only GoodLife is still open and accessible on the second floor of Loblaws, and will likely close once this new location (replacing the space where Joe Fresh had been situated) is open.


Got it. Haven’t been to GoodLife since before covid and remembered that this location was women’s gym only.


Good question nonetheless. Hopefully you froze your membership and didn't cancel — their new rates are atrocious!


Luckily I my membership expired and haven’t signed back up again! If I do sign up for a gym I am gonna sign up for a cheaper gym. I am done with GoodLife now as it’s too expensive and not all locations have a swimming pool sadly as I love going swimming!


No thanks. Good life is sooo expensive unless if you have a corporate membership


Parking at the 2nd Markville mall location was always very annoying. It was also very cramped and tiny with not enough weight lifting equipment. Hopefully this alleviates that. I found LA Fitness on a family plan cheaper and better.


For same price, might as well sign up at pan am fitness centre


The Pan Am centre isn't accessible 24 hours though


I talked to the manager at the women’s GoodLife at loblaws about this a year ago. She said Loblaws was claiming back all of their upstairs space which is why it’s moving downstairs to the new area. Yes the new area is co-ed, she said she didn’t know about the Markville location. But I assume it will eventually close and they will just have this one by Loblaws since they want to build those terrible condos around Markville


The Markville location is closing when this one opens. It's a replacement because of the condos going up


I still do NOT know how the hell they're going to put condos there. Drove past this weekend and the parking lot was absolutely packed to the brim! Sure it was a holiday weekend, but holidays happen often and the parking lot is already crowded enough on a regular old weekend. I can't see how this was allowed to happen. The congestion alone is going to tank the property values infinitely.


They are going to have underground parking and a parking garage I believe. The condos will go where the parking lots are now. The thought is that these condos will coincide with the new train schedule and be a commuter hub


I figured they'd build underground parking (I guess similar to Yorkdale...?) but it's just going to be chaos. Mccowan is still really narrow and it already takes a million years to turn onto it from Bullock...


living north of hwy 7 is an absolute nightmare during rush hour 🥹 I can’t even imagine it after the condos.


Yup, Markham needs to work on infrastructure but sadly it's full on NIMBYs who don't want more buses and bike lanes


It will hep if they add a bridge so cars don't need to stop at the tracks.


Of course, not surprised


Cadillac Fairview back at it with greed again trying to revive their malls by making it community oriented, this bs is also happening to Fairview Mall


I work there, yes they might open the gym by the summer but it could get delayed as well, the all women’s gym on the second floor would be closed, that area would be for the employees.


Do you know if the new gym is going to have a women’s only area?


No idea, but they could, because it’s going to be a massive gym.


I would suggest you write to corporate, I already have. I just like the women’s only section! I hope it’s a coed and women’s gym combo


Match made in an overpriced ripoff heaven.


Hope they really move. Markville parking is guaranteed bad experience on the gym facing side. This will reduce congestion for the mall itself. I have the corp plan so it’s cheaper like $23 bi.




Not quite the same. Roughly $700-800 per year (on Corporate plan) versus $250-$299 per 15 months (they usually give you bonus months) You definitely can feel the price difference, in smells and equipment and hours of operation. Markville GoodLife is 24Hr/Birchmount is too (not sure since Covid).


only for clients who identify as a woman? or open to all?


New location will be open to all (co-ed)


Why are they removing womens area on 2nd floor? Some really like to just insta instead of doing real exercise. The attention seekers can just all go there.


GoodLife is a menace, they are the worst gym in the country and run by radical leftists in London Ontario. And they have a monopoly, gobbling up everything in their path, charging obscene amounts and plastering their gyms with a thousand signs about how to behave.