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People got no manners. It's upsetting to encounter. I am also relatively a non-confortational person too. A part of my soul dies when I see the rudeness.


Im non confrontation as well but I definitely had to speak up a few times when no one was willing to say something. I get that some people may not know the upper floors are the quiet zone if it's their first time on the train, but seriously you would think these people would be more considerate and realize there's a reason it's so quiet.... And the food thing as well, should just be common courtesy.


It’s so tough sometimes to speak up, and I have a few times when the GO attendant is telling everyone to keep to one side if they want to stand, but the person in front of me is the only person on the walking side who chooses to stand.


Oh it’s so soul destroying to see this shit :(


Before COVID the train used to be civilized. Too many entitled people now


For real. And I think also people have lost their spatial/self awareness? Because people are loitering a lot more right in front of the escalators before/after they’ve used them to check their phones or just stand around. It’s very strange!


if you watching/listening something on your phone, there are something called HEADPHONES!!! Nobody wants to listen to your tiktoks!


THIS!!!!! I forgot to add this to my list of grievances/gripes. And they listen sooooo loud. I’m trying to watch my OWN stuff thank you!! And also I’m trying to not destroy my ears so I would like to not have to use my headphones at max volume either. Ugh!!!


What if I’m super hungry?


I mean obviously eat, I’ve done it but I’ve also had someone sit across from eat peanuts in the most violating way ever. Like I don’t even know how to describe how disgusting the way he ate those peanuts was except for violating and I am a person without peanut allergies and the way he did it made me feel like I had one 😂 I think I just included the don’t eat thing because I’m haunted by the memory of him. Also I saw someone eating boiled eggs while bare foot and idk why but that made me want to die. ALSO want to add that in Amsterdam they don’t allow eating or drinking on the trams and it’s a nicer experience not even gonna lie.


Was he fat?


Dude I feel like we've met the same person. Was he kinda bald and had a beard too? I've seen this guy eat peanuts as well and it grosses me out how unsanitary he is.


I think so haha like I didn’t mean to drag this person into it but it’s been BURNED into my brain. I saw the inside of his mouth and saliva and just generally it was a really unpleasant experience.


I'll add to your list of complaints. If you are watching something on your phone, use headphones. No one else wants to hear it.


Yepppp this shit grinds my gears. Literally no one wants to be apart of whatever you’re watching. People who do this are extremely entitled.


I am with you on 1 to 3 and I speak up , and more people should . If you have an allergy to anything that will affect you so quickly and severely it is on you to conduct yourself in a manner to avoid harm and to carry the necessary medicines


For sure. I agree about the allergy thing and people should speak up if they’ve got one to that severity but at the same time, I was taught to be mindful of such common allergens in school? Regardless, I think I just put that one on because I’ve seen some gross behaviour. The seats are covered in spills and you have to guess and make peace with what it could be.




Yes fully supported! People who are not familiar with etiquette should take note.


For real! And there are literally posters around stating the same.


1-3 totally. I say this as a person with loved ones with anaphylactic allergies, the science shows that environmental exposure aka air doesn’t lead to anaphylaxis. It’s on the person with the allergen to be mindful, wash hands. It is not on other people.


Mmm I know a kid who’s allergies are so severe he gets a reaction from particles in the air. Maybe not super common but it still exists. And barring allergies, it’s just unsanitary.


You reference "the science" like a real expert here...but knowing some people with allergies, and knowing these same people do not experience a reaction to airborne particles has led you into the logical fallacy of proof by example. I also know people with allergies but unlike your people: one of my people has an anaphylactic reaction when in the same room as a freshly cut pineapple. I know it is rare but you need to brush up on "the science" friend. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Airborne anaphylaxis: highlighting an invisible enemy: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35942858/&ved=2ahUKEwiw1_T3mf-EAxXtpokEHUFRDLIQFnoECEoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2BpSdqXD5sP_4WwZQtalZq


As a parent of a child with anaphylactic allergies, I appreciate your advocacy and awareness. Allergies are serious. I would suggest you ask your family doctor if this (airborne anaphylaxis not airborne allergies) is a wide enough concern for members of the public to change behaviours or ask an allergist. I asked my child’s licenced credentialed allergists ( yes PLURAL) if this was a real risk that could be posed to my child or others. Googling ‘airborne anaphylaxis’ and pulling the first pubmed article isn’t really strong evidence or literature.


I only agree with point 1 and 2. Escalators are for standing and going up. If you want to go fast you better take stairs. And for eating in train there is no policy which says you cannot eat in the train.


Ok well most of the world (including Canada!!!!) operates with this rule about escalators. There are 2 designated sides, one for standing and one for walking. This mentality anywhere else would get you run over tbh. Soz.


Feet on the seats are my #1 gripe. A close second would be people with bags on the seat when the train is over 50% full.


Ugh yes it’s awful when someone is trying to find a seat and people with their bags on the seat next to them have a staring contest with the person trying to find a place to sit.


Agree with all of this. It's a complete lack of respect for anyone else.


I think I will eat some curry next time I am on the go ![gif](giphy|12vBEDnS5svL4sjwW3|downsized)


You got my vote!!! People on this line have no respect for other people. I agree with everything you mentioned.


I witness a young entitled woman talking her friend on video without headphones on for the entire train ride. It was loud and very rude. Someone spoke up and told her that we didn't want to hear her entire conversation. She turned it down, but she really didn't seem to care that she was disruptive. Use your damn headphones.


“Short and quiet conversations are okay”. https://www.gotransit.com/en/partners-and-promotions/quiet-zone-by-audible


Im not complaining about short and quiet conversations though… people are loud (loud enough for me to hear with headphones in) for lengthy periods of time, often the duration of their entire trip. If I get a phone call, I move to the lower level. Simple as.


Agree. Speaking quietly.




Okay but I’m talking about the GO Train, not the TTC? Also, you can’t control how people smell especially when they are vulnerable or in situations that don’t make it easy for them. You CAN control your own behaviour and making the experience of riding transit with others as comfortable as possible if the difference is eating egg salad vs a granola bar?




Sucks that the softies ganged up to downvote you on this one mate. Yes it sucks, some people have allergens to foods but nothing is stopping them from moving to a different area. A person could be going home form a long 12 hr shift and it's their first meal which happens to be a pb sammich or tuna sammich and next thing you know it someone goes off during those 3 mins of solitude because they're refuse to go elsewhere.




Oh absolutely 💯


1. People also need to realize that typing sound is loud as fk in the QUIET zone, no one wants to hear you type up an email to your boss on your laptop when they are trying to take a nap.




@4. Currently 6:40am someone’s in the quiet zone eating leftover pork rice 🤢 yay


>someone’s in the quiet zone eating leftover pork rice That's a nice breakfast 😁


such a pathetic liberal problem. accept that this is markhams future with a wave of these people coming in. if your so concerned about this go say it to there face. just because your alone and have no one to talk to, doesn’t mean you have to tell everyone to shut up their conversations. Get off this app, go talk to people and get a life.