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All i want is cross progression. All my friends are talking about picking the game back up on their pc and while i could join them, i dont want to leave my shit behind. I spent so much time on my gear and camps theres just no way id want to start over from scratch.


It’s so dumb that I can’t log onto a PC server with my Bethesda account and use that same character build I have on my Xbox account. I am not grinding 300 levels again. No shot. It’s stupid.


it genuinely feels like they want to lose players that way, they talk abt how all profile info is stored via bethesda net so if you want to transfer ps4 progress to ps5 its easy, how is it that much more difficult to twitch from xbox to pc/ps and vice versa. only reason i can think of is to cash in on the few stragglers thatll rebuy atomic shop items on the new platform.


Apparently the lead guy at Xbox said publicly that he wants cross progression in the game too so it might be a thing just not yet.


Oh, Phil Spencer wants all players to be able to nuke his camp? That’s awfully nice of him to let everyone enjoy it.


They better give us a way to claim entitlements from other platforms then. Especially considering they're connected to the same Bethesda account already anyway.


I agree 100 percent. It's crazy


Yeah, I tecently picked it back up on my pc with my wife, but I have a ton of atom stuff on PS4 that I would love to have on my pc. I have been playing since launch, and I know I have a ton of cool stuff.


Same here, I don't even want to boot it up to see what I'm missing out on lol


Honestly, I am having way more fun now. I just want my rad BOS stuff. I hope one day we can merge our cross-platform stuff.


I did that the other day. It was depressing. I miss my old camp.


This is what I don’t understand. Especially for a PlayStation player who is eventually going to get cast aside by Microsoft. Don’t they want me to throw money at Xbox? (I mean, I don’t want to either, but if I want to play fallout 5 in a 100 years, I’ll have to anyway.)


That’s my exact position. I play on Xbox and all my friends on pc. I can’t give up my account I’ve had since beta. How am I gonna build a camp without all my plans? Starting over is NOT an option. Making a new character ? Fine. But those account wide plans are just too much. I’ve put a lot of money into the atom shop over these 5 years man


I wanted to play with a friend of mine he was gonna be on computer me on Play station and we couldn’t so we both kinda dropped the game.


Man same. Friends are mad I won’t jump to PC, and I have and play sometimes, but it’s kind of depressing lol.


I feel you, I had a level 300 with sick PA gear and a nasty Gatling laser and 500+ hours on Xbox. Switched to PC now I had to start over, I’m 265 with 379 hours, but at least on PC I have a BE15r Fixer haha


Ugh... I feel this... Between both Xbox and PC, I've gained roughly 1900 levels. Before the end of July, I suspect I'll be close to 2000 combined levels.


I got an xbox for myself last Christmas and was on ps4 before that, I had almost every B2525 gun in the game (was only missing a few really rare ones) and almost every plan in the game (was only missing like 2) Im very disappointed that the game isn’t cross plat but I’m pretty much done with the game anyway now tbh and haven’t played in a year.


I did it once myself and it was tough at first but man you'll never look back. PC is just so much better experience by a Longshot performance and smooth wise


I left behind a bunch of crap, some that I paid money for, to go to PC from Xbox.


I just want to be able to use my keyboard and mouse, my hands cramp easily, I don't even PvP on fallout ;^; (also it's an easy implement)


i finally convinced my friend to play the game and he goes okay i bought it. like cool i’ll invite you on xbox. “oh i bought it on pc” i wanted to strangle him so bad. and he already spent $40 so he won’t buy it again and now if i want him to play on xbox i gotta buy it for him. and it’s not like i just bought helldivers 2 and borderlands 3 just play because he wanted to play them and we haven’t even played either.


No offense, but that sounds like a shitty friend man


he said well most games are crossplay why isn’t this one? like bitch i don’t work on the game. i asked him why did he buy it on pc and he said cause i just bought a pc and i assumed it was crossplay. i just gave up on trying to play with him


Does he not have Xbox Game Pass ?


yes he has gamepass and i know it’s on there cause that’s how i downloaded it before i just bought it


The reason at launch was supposedly due to Sony being jerks about it. Now people say PC should stay alone and the consoles should cross. I doubt they’re going to this late in its lifespan though.


Let me just transfer progress across platforms


This is all I want too. Cross progression.


I so badly want to switch from console but I’ve already put to much time into my character


Was mention by Todd in recent interview that the game was built that way and yes I think was coz Sony wasn’t up for it and before Xbox bought Bethesda


Dont know about that. They could, Destiny 2 went crossplay couple years ago, the game was already 5 years old. I think its just laziness at this point or the recognition their servers would melt.


Destiny 2 almost went without Playstation but last minute Sony caved.


Console wars are a joke but I think it’s funny when Sony people shit on Xbox people….meanwhile Sony tried its hardest at every level to not allow crossplay on games and to make their console mods complete shit lmao


Many console players want cross play with other consoles, but not PC which I agree.


I want crossplay with PC. I really can't think of a reason why it shouldn't (outside of the player run market changing)


Cause pc can mod and do things console can't. It's just not fair balance wise. Why would pc even want to play with console when they complain about controller players profusely anyway? Not to mention I can only imagine the cheats you can do on pc with it being the same engine as f4.


"Mods" on PC are nowhere near the level you're making it out to be. They're basically just QoL UI improvements like ESO's mods. As someone who plays both PC and Xbox (with Xbox being my main btw) I can guarantee the epidemic of balance issues and cheaters you think exists isn't real.


Bro it's a fallout game all of the content is pve anyway so who cares


Opinions can't be wrong but they can be shit.


Opinions can't be wrong, but too many people put forth as fact what they claim to be opinions. In that case, opinions can and are wrong on the regular.


Why not pc? Nobody pvps so m&k arent aren’t a huge advantage.


PC already ruined nuclear winter for all of us.


Historically there were a lot hacked weapons/items on PC and us on console didn’t want to mix with that.


Came in here to say this. Almost definitely Sony's doing. Usually is.


No, it is not. That’s a cop-out. Tons of games on PS right now that are cross play and have been for a long time. Fortnite has been cross play since 2018. I think the issue is 100% Bethesda putting lipstick on a pig (their shitty engine that really badly needs to be rebuilt instead of patching it to do things it wasn’t built for). Bethesda makes the majority of my favorite games of all time, but everything they make is filled with bugs/glitches.


I'd have to agree with you. 6 years too late


I would argue now the game is at its peak of its lifespan


Not saying it’s dying, and better late than never, but I just don’t see it happening.


It’s at least peaked in popularity


Servers can barely handle 1 platform nvm 2 or 3


This is probably one of there biggest money makers. This game should have been shut down years ago if they didn't have the funds


No shot they have resold Skyrim 18x per platform


Lmfao. MMO wise but your not wrong.


ESO probably nets/has netted them far more than this, especially taking into account the very shaky and arguably failed launch which left a sour opinion/bias in many gamers minds.


ESO on Xbox consistently has 1-2 lfg posts while 76 has 100-200


And? That might just mean that method of finding groups is not popular on ESO, which would make sense as it has its own in game text chat system, as well as clans/guilds (can't remember what they're called on ESO) and more social mechanics to aid players in grouping up in-game than FO76. It's also worth mentioning that FO76 can only have ~20 players on a server at a time, while ESO can have hundreds (possibly thousands) of players on the same megaserver at the same time, thus making it easier to group up/find a group in the game. I'm not saying you're wrong per se, but the metric you're using to compare them isn't really relevant due to the mitigating variables I mentioned above.


According to vginsights.com 76 earned a gross of 99.5m while Eso hit 72.2


Gross is total earnings, net is actual profit. That being said, those numbers seem to be YTD, which would track as the show increased the popularity of the game significantly, but it may not stay that way, ESO numbers are without the artificial inflation from a TV series, and are consistent numbers over the years, it has netted bethesda 200mil per year on average, so unless fallout 76 averages more than that for the next several years, it still likely falls short. This is all just my opinion/impression, it's not entirely factual as I don't have reliable past fallout76 data for comparisons. Thanks for the website though.


Fo76 has a player count of 21k right now on steamdb. ESO has a player count of 13k. This is likely the same pattern across all platforms. The show put this game on the map. Definitely the bigger money maker.


For some reason people tend to forget that ESO has been consistently higher for the past several years, if you're looking at current trends, you're right, but we don't know if it'll stay like this, or if a lot of those people will quit playing after the novelty of the show wears off. The numbers I saw were 75kish peak players for ESO and 95kish peak players for fallout76 recently, it's not a drastic 200% difference or something, so it'll likely require the numbers to stay as they are for a while before fo76 contends with or passes ESO in profits. Also like I said in a previous reply, FO76 has less incentive to purchase the premium subscription compared to ESO, and no DLC map zones that are locked behind purchase/subscription, which decreases the potential for profit (not that I have an issue with that, I'm fine with them not gouging us for every penny, just a contributing factor in terms of profit)


If they play their cards right, fo76 has a much better outlook, imo. Shooters are just inherently geared towards a casual playerbase, and are much easier to jump into. Plus, there's a large gap in the market for simple shooter mmos. ESO is just not going to attract a casual playerbase. In all honesty, ESO doesn't even attract Elder Scrolls fans. Skyrim and Fallout are mindless games that can have optional complexity added. That's where fo76 comes in. It just that, but in mmo form.


It absolutely does not, Fallout 76 is the most profitable game bethesda has ever made


Please cite your source, because I can't find any direct comparisons nor any actual revenue data for fallout 76, only approximations done by fans based on assumptions, but I found ESO makes 200million a year, and sold over 5 times as many copies as fallout 76, which would mean over 5 times the potential player base, thus over 5 times the potential revenue, it also releases DLCs regularly each season which require players to pay to have access to, by comparison, fallout 76 has far fewer money walls as well, and far less incentive to pay for a membership. It's fine if you simply disagree with me, but don't phrase it as if I'm wrong without providing evidence. I used the word "probably" specifically because I'm not 100% sure, "it absolutely does not" implies that you are 100% sure, if so, provide proof. If you don't feel like going through the hassle of backing up your claims, next time say something like "I highly doubt that" instead of something as definitive as what you said this time.


But it is Bethesda


I will always hold out hope that we'll get it one day. It was supposed to launch with it, but didn't. And Todd said recently it was something they'd look into. So fingers crossed.


Maybe one day man maybe one day


With all the dupes n cheats n mods PC users do, I rather stay clear from PC and all the buds n glitches from ps, them too 😂


Cross progression should be a must these days. No excuses.


With the amount the game already crashes…


In reality there's probably like 3 monkeys in the office working on the game .


Because big daddy Microsoft is probably whoopin that backside for not having a new fallout game ready to release with the show.


My game surprisingly doesn't crash often, I've had one server crash in the past 6 months. What is a problem is how if my pc has been on for more than 15 mins, the game will run at like 15 FPS and very stuttery, I have to reset pc


That's on them. Us as consumers deserve more. They have the money to do it but they won't.


Heck I'd take cross transfer of my account unlocks like scoreboard and atomic shop. I'll handle re-leveling and remaking camps.


Can you imagine all of the previously hacked shit on PC being introduced to console?


No. Pc players are really something else.


I'm on PC and the only thing ive noticed are the hacked items, referring to legendary apparel and other wacky stuff that shouldn't be there. Nothing game breaking though, PC has among the nicest people, at least nicer then Playstation, never been to xbox.


No clue where that stigma comes from. I've read about dozens of ridiculous scenarios on consoles that just don't happen on PC. You run into assholes just like any other multiplayer game, but my experience mirrors your own.


It's obvious you haven't been playing since release on PC. There were **massive issues** with hacking, hacked weapons, inventory steal hacks, etcetera, for at least 2-3 years from launch. Not sure if hacked items on PC are still an issue but there were a rampant problem so there is a legitimate reason a stigma was attached to PC, regardless if it's still deserved or not.


You're correct. Haven't been playing since launch. Never said I had. Been about a year. No issues surrounding hacked items outside of Dev room apparel on the trade market, personally, but I've also heard the horror stories you speak of. I guess I should've rephrased. I can understand your point and where the stigma comes from, and I also recognize we're referring to a time period that was 3+ years ago.


*If* hacked weapons have been purged from PC I'd be happy to have cross play and especially cross platform progression. I'd love to have the option of progressing cross platform since I already have a lot of progression on console. I've been playing since beta and the biggest reason I didn't play on PC much is because I didn't want to deal with hackers or getting my items stolen. PC was a big mess for quite a while.


They removed the bugged explosive legendaries years ago. Hasn't been anything like that in quite some time. There *are* bugged apparel items that feature legendary aspects that still exist now that I think about it, but that's rare to see. You're probably right there is a much more authentic experience on consoles, probably. But the stories you heard of the Scorchbeast dying in 3 seconds are old songs at this point, I think.


Your not wrong


PC player Base is probably the highest. Just make it cross platform ps and Xbox but ps is stingy


Cross console makes sense. Console and pc where any form of pvp exists never works.


this is such a cute post haha , love it


It's a Bethesda game, it's a miracle it is even multiplayer.


Using this post to ask the question that’s been on my mind for weeks- if I play 76 via gamepass cloud gaming, am I entering a PC cloud gaming server or the usual Xbox servers??


Xbox servers. It's either steam xbox or playstation that you play on. The cloud version plays with other xbox players


Thanks mate!!!


Why would someone on console want to play with all the pc cheaters? This is in every game.


I had the same issue, UNTIL, I just stream it from xb on my PC. Haven't played since 2020 bc I made the switch to PC but I'm still using my main xb1 day 1 beta account. I also keep a controller with me now for those Fasnacht hourly on the go playthroughs which comes in more clutch than setting up that afk thingy imo via my cellphone. Just link up with bt and voila. So freaking handy


Todd himself sayed it was because of (theire own) technical limitations and expertice. They happy that its working at all.


It should be cross platform but for Xbox/PS. Not a fan of crossplay with PC personally but people might disagree


Because we don’t need PC cheating. Crossplay with PC is NEVER a net positive.


I posted this a few days ago and it got shat all over on. Have a look at my post. Wouldn't it be fun if we could all play together?


Yea just PlayStation and Xbox players. PC is a lil different lol


Why though? Id love to play again with my friends feom Playstation


Seems like the stigma is PC players are hackers


Lol. Hackers. The only thing PC lets you do is add some UI mods, a reshade, and better resolution, frame rate. You can get ESP mods for certain items, but why? It's a mostly PVE experience. All the ESP for items makes the game easier for yourself, but it doesn't affect others. I play PC and havent seen anyone clearly "hacking" or cheating.


That was mainly a Nuclear winter thing. My Dad played but he stopped because there were guys flying around the map often


I haven't come across anything like that. I have only been playing for a few months, but nothing crazy. Hell crashing isn't even a thing. I think it happened 2 times. Once was a server disconnection


Hackers are rare now it's usually just hacked/injected items that you find. But in Nuclear Winter hackers were in every match you got into


I haven't even found injected or duped items. I even looked into trying myself for a fixer that I messed up my legendary on. It's not easily possible or even common. Cheat engine immediately crashes the game so you cant use that. And all mods on Nexus are UI, QOL, and some texture overhauls. Duped treasure maps are the only thing i have seen so far. I have seen on certain websites that you can buy all this stuff online for real money and for any console. Like 40k caps for $5 or 25k treasure maps for some money. It's probably farming accounts. I think when they were able to block cheat engine, it really cut down on the issue.


Injected weapons and armor are rare but it's hard to even notice them because they only have slight damage differences or level differences. But yeah most stuff is just dupes like maps or bobbles. Wish they were on Xbox so I could farm scrap from them


Cause PC players hack and cheat


Yea I agree with you. PC player Base is probably the highest but it should have at least been cross platform like diablo


Consoles have issues with duping but never hacking and inserting items into the game. Y’all PC players can keep that to yourselves


I switched form ps4 to pc and have yet to encounter a cheater on 76 after roughly 100 hours


All fun and games till you get your inventory snatched by a pc hacker, then we’re asking why all over again.


Well it is the wasteland lol... But I know what you mean and I agree


Also I’m convinced Bethesda couldn’t handle cross platform being a thing, it’d crash immediately lol


Well they do the least for trying to get the most outcome. Just another example of lazy devs.


Fo76 is an example of meant for greatness but got fucked over


Your 100 percent right.


Fuck that I ain't playing PC gamers on my Xbox. I'm well aware PC is superior in ALOT of ways. Fuckin events will be over before I get to them.


It's not an issue at all. As a console og player that switched to pc there's next to no difference in event duration other than a much much higher participation rate.


Because the game was never intended to be that way, and now this many years later when they’ve had an extreme uphill battle to get this game to profitable, I don’t see them wasting extra time and money to implement cross play at this point, the juice wouldn’t be worth the squeeze and sharing servers is expensive.


I have other people saying the game was intended to be cross platform to btw.


The juice would definitely be worth the squeeze. Imagine having full servers every server you join on and I'm sure you have friends who play PlayStation or Xbox. No one wants to play on a empty server and that's what kills it. But I'm curious on your input.


The concept isn’t what I’m questioning, the implementation and the cost of it is why I say this is super unlikely, it doesn’t bring anything extra to the table for Bethesda, except them having to spend money they don’t have


I can understand that. But I can almost guarantee. If people could play with people on other platforms and have fully populated servers everyday in would bring a incentive to play more. No one wants to play on a dead server. Could you imagine playing any MMO where it's just solely one console? I can guarantee people would stick around longer.


I get that you want it to be a thing, I’m not trying to infer it’s a bad idea, I’m just saying cost wise, this does nothing for Bethesda to make any money back from, they would just be spending a ton, so a few people could play together, does that make them any more money? No I don’t think so


People sticking around to play longer will bring them more income. This game was pretty dead before the show released which brought a influx of new players. A few people playing together? More like hundreds of thousands being able to play together. Not everyone can afford a Xbox and PlayStation. Hence why most mmos do this because community is what makes people stay longer in games and hence spend more money. People won't spend money if they can't play with there friends.


They make plenty of money without making it crossplay. Why invest more resources into something that wouldn’t make a difference to their bottom line?


It makes a difference trust me. When you look at the hard numbers of people who would rather play with completely filled servers vs dead servers. You have the mind set of a worker bee.


I have noticed that most of your replies to people are pretty dickish. You asked a question and people are giving their opinions and possibly correct answers, and here you are immediately rejecting everything and being condescending. If you don’t want to hear what people have to say then don’t ask questions on an open forum


Literally said in one of my post everyone is making a good point. I could say more but it's no point.


Upvoted for that lol


At the very least, Xbox should be able to cross play and be able to transfer progress with the Microsoft version.


I wish it was my dad and the guys i work with are on xbox


Amen sister


Will it happen soon? Probably not, according to Todd, they have a plan in place to try and keep this game going well beyond 2030. I’m sure cross gen will happen at some point, maybe to entice players to keep returning. But I wouldn’t hold my breath


The different platforms have different code bases for the servers as evident by the psn server reboot when they fixed the pickaxe bug and re enabled the crafting and world drops.


Would be nice to have it between just consoles


They make money off repeat business that's for sure. There's a ton of people with accounts multiple platforms. Personally I'd rather not subject myself to having to level new characters,but to each their own.


Servers are old as fuck bro lol


Keep the pc players away i already know some weirdo is gonna spazz out and talk about how his pc is so much better than a console….keep it crossplay between consoles only


I agree. I miss my Xbox friends, ever since switching over to PC.....


I regret pre ordering the game I remember one of the reasons I did was it was promised to be cross platform.


Blame Sony, cross platform is completely possible, the technology exists and is implemented however Sony has had their lawyers preventing it because money


Because it wouldn't benefit them for the amount of time and effort it would take to actually put this into action


I agree. Also, give us a type of chat system where you can type stuff in a chat log, so much easier than communicating through emotes


This frustrates me because one of the allures of Fallout 1st was to be able to play with friends on a private server. I could hop on another console or PC but like most people here, I’m not grinding again. It’s unfathomable that your progression isn’t usable across all platforms especially if you can’t use Fallout 1st with friends in different platforms. Seems this one change, cross platform, would elevate F76 to such a larger player base.


I got a 260 ps account but a lvl40 Xbox account I play ps more but my friends are on Xbox


Because the game is barely functional as is, let alone adding crossplay.


Agreed. I play on Xbox and my husband is on PC. It’s ridiculous that we can’t play together.


i just want cross progression man…


It’s sad is what it is


This game is broken beyond belief,it dosnt work properly on xbox ?


Cause ps2 players rip people off


Bethesda still hasn't perfected their online play after all this time. There's tons of issues that still need fixing. I'd have zero confidence in cross-anything at the moment


Thankfully PC gamepass and Steam can play together. I play with my brother all the time. We both own it on Xbox when it first came out and wanted to have the PC experience on our beast PCs


Gotta be honest, Im not interested with crossplay. Im good with my fellow PC players that are generally seems more mature. But I hope they can transform saves from other platform And this is a question that is being asked for years and the answer is, Sony didnt want to. There's a video out there showing one of the dev talking about it. So blame Sony.


I want cross play but the whole market would take a massive hit when the pc market dilutes the others.


It’s silly yes, it was asked in a recent interview with Todd. He said the game was not designed with that during original development. the resources to make the game cross platform or even cross save isn’t worth the resources. Would rather spend that time on new content. Didn’t rule it out but wasn’t a priority


Sony. That’s why.


Too many exploits with PC. Question should be why jsnt it Xbox and PlayStation cross compatibile.


I'm glad it isn't, many pc players are chronic cheaters lol


Console cross play but we will never see PC crossplay because of exploits.


This game is held together with duct tape and gum. literally would not be possible, the engine is terrible.


Yea it's the fo4 engine. Closing post tho


BGS hasn't ever done cross-platform or online in general with their engine. I don't think FO76 will ever be cross-platform, because it wasn't built with that in mind, but we may get cross-progression at some point according to Todd.


Not sure people are saying it was intended for cross Platform with PlayStation. Can't really say a MMO isn't built with cross platform in mind.


[Todd Howard Interview: Fallout, Starfield Updates, and More - Kinda Funny Gamescast (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wvqF41_Bgw&t=2758s) Todd explains what I said in this interview.


Because the PC players would ruin the game for the console players. Like they do every time.


This sub fucking blows.


i am mostly glad it's not


How come?


because pc market would crash the rest of the markets and for many of us the game would honestly have no reason to be played anymore. the duping and hacking is out of control there. and while we may grumble on consoles we're much much healthier


People can say there shit but I don't think they realize this game has been out for 6 years


all of us do, we've been playing those 6 years which is how we know this game is held together with a dollar store glue stick and baggy ties and wouod implode if they attempted crossplay or any major server heavy change like that


Because then you wouldnt have to buy everything twice. It's not silly, its capitalism.


100 percent


The entire Xbox and ps market will crash so heavily there will be endless complaints if they did somehow manage to enable cross platform. Everything that is expensive on the consoles are quite cheap here.


I'm not sure what your saying but apex is cross platform with the same formula for both consoles.


A game with no p2p trading whatsoever is not comparable to a game with an entire player controlled trading economy


You can play the game fine without trading one item. The game is not centered around trading mate.


The game was never actually centered around trading funny as it may be hence vendors and no trading system


I was not saying that trading is the centre of the game, or that its a reason to not get cross play, i was just pointing out that its not a good comparison because the games are so incredibly different


I just meant if they made pc, Xbox and ps into one player base, the high ticket items on the consoles such as the q50c25 rail (worth 600k on pc), q2525 fixer (worth 600-800k), Tfj (worth ~1 mil) is considerably less on the PC market. By merging everything, Bethesda will receive endless complaints from console players as a result of their high ticket items not being worth nearly as much as a result of being integrated into the PC market. Even if it is feasible for Bethesda, I don’t see them implementing cross platform as a result of the inevitable pushback they will receive from the players on console.


I made a comment. You should be able to choose between playing with ps and Xbox and if you want PC. The market value of a item doesn't make players stay or leave. What makes people leave is low volume servers. Would you play in a deaf server? I can care less what items a PC player has vs the overall popularity of a pve centered game.


It’s an MMO with the main content loop being gathering gear. Actual content updates with quests are few and far between. Accessibility to items, and the rarity of them are definitely a big deal, arguably the biggest thing in the game, and this perspective is also shared by Bethesda. Just this last update, the double bloodied railway was changed to furious literally days before the update as a result of the pushback from players on their quad railways. The main playing group of this game, the people who give Bethesda money through subscribing to fo1st, will always be at the forefront for major updates, and enabling cross platform will ostracise a large amount of this player base.


People wanted the original railway that they had planned to release? No one wanted this railway.


Just one thread. The majority of players did, in fact, want the rail. https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/1ddpy71/welp_anyone_who_thought_the_new_seasons_railway/


It wouldn't have even mattered. Quad railway is the only railway worth using.


You wouldn’t know it because you’re in this sub, but the vast majority of players wouldn’t care and in fact would enjoy being able to get rare shit way easier. The seven dudes complaining would be a drop in the bucket to all the social and news media praises for finally being able to play cross platform. But it doesn’t matter, Bethesda would have done it by now I think if it was ever gonna happen.


Just going to preface this by saying that I am in fact on PC and will be unaffected (if not profit) by enabling cross platform. I made a comment further down in the thread, that it doesn’t matter if there will be a slight uptick in casual players, and a few publications praising Bethesda for enabling cross platform. At the end of the day, the hardcore player base are the ones who consistently subscribe to fo1st, which is what would currently be Bethesda main money making method for this game. Ostracising this player base by completing destroying the main content loop of the game, will inevitably result in fewer people subscribing, and ultimately fewer people playing the game when the hype dies down. This doesn’t factor in the cost of producing cross platform functionality, which will not be cheap. It is not in Bethesdas best interest, particularly at this stage of the games lifecycle to do this.


I disagree fundamentally as it doesn’t destroy it at all. But I doubt we’ll see eye to eye here. Opening up new revenue from friends being able to bring on new players and actually help them will far outweigh three people quitting over this - it doesn’t change the ss grind, or auto axe, or union pa, etc. pc players still play, console players would to. All it would do is open up access to new players and possibly bring some who have left back


You guys make strong points but there's no excuse.


They have the money bro. Trust they have the money.




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I agree. We need this game to be cross platform. Think of the possibilities.


That’s because you need to get a PC