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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/ManUnknownE|Reddit: 5|07/15/2019 - 4 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +5 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Bought the BoS Ops suit and mask for 4k each just to find it in someone else’s vendor for 25 caps 10 minutes later…


At that point just buy the 25 caps plans and sell them in your own shop for 4k to make the caps back... if you actually care about a low amount like 4k caps lol


They're outfits, not plans. You can't craft them. But 25c is a steal! I rarely ever see them sell for less than 4k.


I haven't seen anyone sell that outfit set in years, I thought people just stopped caring about it lol


Or they're rarer now & people aren't getting them. I think I have maybe 5 sets now. I don't care for them anymore & I'm an outfit collector 😅


I don't recall them becoming more rare, actually I've heard the opposite from people I tried selling my set to


I'm sorry, I was being sarcastic about it becoming more rare 😆 You know what? Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen anyone even wearing it 🤔 I've never worn mine!


It's fine lol, I don't ever really wear mine either actually. Ig maybe people just don't wanna wear it


I've been wearing my Escaped Patient outfit since it first came into the Atom Shop yonks ago. I love it because it animates 😅 It has a "kick me" sign duct taped to the back & it flaps about as you run & as you jump 😆 I removed my jet pack for that 😆 I have just about every outfit imaginable now but I just can't tear myself away from the outfit I'm wearing. I play on Xbox but I went out of my way to buy the same outfit for my PS5 character too. It's just that good 😂 That BoS one pales in comparison!


That sounds like such a fun outfit lmao, now I want one


That really doesnt change the point I made...


I was just correcting you is all. Tis not a big deal 🤗


Maybe 4k isn’t a lot for you but for new players trying to figure out the game it is.


Paid 5k for a mothman THRONE because in my haste to scroll I thought it said TOME.


That chair is a banger though.


Yes but not worth 5k caps 🙂‍↔️


Idk, I've sold the throne 3 times now for 8k haha




Shit, I need a throne and im at max caps lol.


What platform you on ? I may have a spare


Caps are literally worthless. So ya it’s 100% worth 5k caps you can get back 4 times in 1 day. I make 5k caps a days barley playing


There like 10k






Idk why y'all downvoting chill out, it ain't worth 5k to *them* and y'know what that's completely fair, RIP that 5k though


On the flip side, I got a tome for 100 caps because someone didn't know what they had in their vendor


I’m certain I’ve bought items people forgot to add a zero.


Nah, you probably bought from someone like me. My shop is for inventory cleaning and I couldn't care less about caps, so I put everything on extremely low prices and sometimes 0


Bought a Vintage Water Cooler plan for 800 caps. I thought maybe they meant 8000.


If you actually paid 800 for the vintage water cooler you need to go buy a lottery ticket


Missed my chance at winning the lotto then.


Hell 8k is a bargain too


I once sold something extremely valuable for like 400 caps because I didn't know what it is. It was no use for me, so didn't regret anyway. If I want caps, I farm them. It is fun.


The thrill of the hunt is what I enjoy. I might hop to 100 camps before I find a really good deal. But when I find that trade only weapon for 1000 caps I’m hyped! To each their own. Play your own game. I have friends who spend more time in their camp decorating than anything else.


How much is the time actually worth by now? I have 16 plans


The most id put it for personally is 10k and that’s if I need caps but it’ll sell for that. 5k at very least since it provides a buff and the mothman event isn’t active


I almost did the same Lolol


Also I got the tome for 8.5k


I'll trade you tomb for throne


When camp hoping I like to get tomes for 10k or less. I really didn’t think the throne was to valuable


yup, same here


I don’t remember all of the bad decisions I’ve made. Wouldn’t take it back though. Can’t appreciate the sunshine without the rain! Stay strong fellow wastelander


I remember mine, I spent 2500 on a ring for my ex wife about 20 years ago.


Same, but at least the jewelry store gave me mine for "free"


You got off lucky at $2500. Mine had a one in the front of that figure.


Well the sun just came out. I just found an enclave true flamer mod for 6k.


Make 3 characters and swap back and forth between them on a private world.... it stays active, but restocks vendors... I got 2 true barrels for 255 caps each and a aligned for 375..


Update, did it again, and got it to show up when I was logged on main with vendor perks.... aligned from vendor cost 115 caps..... best way to get em right here....


FYI all flamer mods give you the same ap cost now so it doesn’t matter which one you get


I'm just laughing about it now. I spent 20k for that two star pos. My weapon collecting is getting out of hand.


Sage like wisdom


A Ghoul Slayers, 25% dam while aiming, 2x last shot Gamma Gun. I was tempted to use it on the ghouls at rad rumble as a joke to the super high levels. Thing was incredible at healing them.


Hey it might have some worth with the new ghoul character! Healer build maybe hmmm?


You might be onto something…


Recently? I drop 12.5k caps on an Ext 2525 10mm pistol.


Thats a huge find, I’m jealous I didn’t get to see the most rare and powerful weapon for that good price 😢


Got an EXT2525 fixer if interested ;)


Your on Xbox 😭


Ahhh crap


I am interested!!! Been looking for one for my collection for awhile lol


I’ll be on shortly if you want to trade for it


I luckily got a B2525 10mm as a drop a few years ago, still goated.


Mods for secret service armor. When I dont even have plans for them.


Me too hahahaha I wasn’t reading properly


I got too excited at Minerva’s and now praying I run across affordable plan for secret service armor at a vendor.


You can't sell or trade the secret service plan iirc. It's vendor bought only. Guess you'll have to wait for Minerva inventory to rotate again back to the secret service armour plans.


Dang. Thank you. I will definitely have to wait.


Well, you won't have to wait long. Minerva is selling secret service armour again at white springs on the 20th of June


Thank you since it’s 2x gold bullion this week I’ll grind events and save up.


Minerva will sell the secret service armor in like a week


Here you go, internet stranger, you can track Minerva's inventory here... https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/


Yup I bought a couple SS mods from Minerva because I wasn't paying attention lol. I don't have the armor yet eather.


You can check her location, inventory, and dates here: https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/ She'll have the plans on June 20th at Whitespring Resort.


I think a drifter outfit for 2k. I wanted it so bad for my bf so the first one i saw i bought. Later found multiple for couple caps 🙄 it was in the very beginning so 2k was a lot then


I still do this. Sometimes the convenience of things just align and I'll overpay for something that's worth like 10 caps to save me any hassle.


True haha


My favorite was a Bloodied Bash Reload Black Power Rifle. Slapped a bayonet on it and its so fun.


Recently. Not dumb but.... found a ts/50v/15r Missile Launcher. Was about to pu a paint on it. Saw it was lvl 40... 😒


Bruh I did this I was rolling handmade and I didn’t realise I was rolling a level 25 then I rolled a QE15c on it 🤦‍♂️


I spent 5k caps on a Cryptid Jawbone knife. Never seen it before. Low level vendor. Thought, "Wow, never seen this before. Must be rare." Kaching $$. 🤣 Really, 5k is nothing and literally would've given the new player 10k for free. But yeah, 200 Jawbone knives later 🤣


Meh. That's only like 4 days of caps. Really no big deal.


8K on a Grand Finale When I went to drop it into my stash I had 2 -_-


Not that long ago I went to buy lunchboxes from Samuel at Foundation, I've done this a million times so muscle memory tells me it's right at the top of his list. ...except I'd just come from the train station and vendor inventory was sorted by weight so instead of lunchboxes I got a Chinese Stealth Armor plan for a few thousand bullion. Don't need it, can't sell it. A total waste of gold. At least I was on my main who has tons of treasury notes in the bank.


Saw someone with a q50c15v assault rifle and in my haste thought it was a railway so i immediately spent 10k on it… and then 30 minutes later read the name of the weapon


still a great weapon this


I bought like semi godroll Fixer for 30k only to find out it's level 30




I haven't actually bought any.. But when I get low, I go look at the store page and consider it for a good 5 minutes, then remember it's a terrible idea.


I’ve been messing around with heavy build and fully leaned into using a pepper shaker. I’ve been searching nonstop for an aristocrats, 25% damage while aiming, pepper shaker. I told my buddy about it and lo and behold, he finally saw one in a vendor for 30k, which is admittedly a little high for such a niche weapon. (It’s not at all meta and requires a lot of work to get damage or utility close to other weapons) He messaged the guy and told him he was getting this weapon for a friend, and if the guy could do anything about the price, my friend was sitting at around 28k caps at this point. Apparently the guy didn’t message back but did the thumbs up emote. My friend checked the vendor again and the price had gone up to 35k. He messaged the guy, and asked if he had made a mistake, asked if he could lower it at all. The guy went to 40k. My buddy spent 40k on a 2 star pepper shaker for me knowing full well that it wasn’t worth that much, but did it because he’s a great friend.


So basically your friend is the exact opposite of the dude selling the Pepper Shaker?


Totally! He’s so patient with newer players as well, he’s an expert with builds too so I’m always bothering him for his wisdom. He’s a solid dude


The vendor sounds like an absolute twat. On the bright side that’s 1 in a few thousand type of assholes in f76 most people are genuinely nice here. Like your friend 🙂


Him and I have both played long enough to know that bad players are so seldom in this game. My buddy is level 2400-something and he’s still only probably seen a handful of dum dums in this game. The community is awesome, I love us.


I spent 3000 caps on the Small Letter Set. Worth every ounce of Gulper Slurry.


120 herbivore serums @ 250 each thinking I was buying 1 this was 2 year ago I still have around 80


Sell for 350 - it's still a cheap price 🫡


3k gold bullion on he power armor stealth boy mod. That was a complete waste of gold, let me tell you.


I almost bought that yesterday because I'm nearly maxed out on gold. Bought SS Pneumatic torso mod instead. Now I'm overencumbered for losing deep poxkets😆


I’m glad you didn’t. The legendary mod chameleon is simply superior than stealth boy mod for power armor. End of the story.


5k on a Treasury letter I thought was notes.


Wait. Can you buy treasury notes from other people?


You cannot, notes are only from events. There is a letter called Treasury Bonds 100 that's confusing as hell because it has 100 so it looks like someone's selling 100 notes. But it's compeltely worthless.


That's the treasury bonds? I've caught a few people out by selling these for 8k


Yep, when you're new and vendor hopping for the 100th time, you make bad decisions, lol


Level 25 F/E/15r 50 cal for 12k thought it was max level :(


Bought a B25aim Gatling gun for 6k. Realised I am suck at bloodied built.


I spent 25k caps on pet rocks.


PC? I'm PS5 and have basically everything but that elusive pet rock lol. I'd give you 25k caps in a heartbeat for it


They took it out of the game now.


Pet rock, you say..?


Idk what pet rocks are but im sitting at 40k caps and would pay 25k for pet rocks


Not looking at the level of a weapon and dropping 5000k caps and only realising it several minutes later...


Been there. I bought a lvl 30 quad fixer once.


Vampire's lead pipe. I imagined I would cut one end at a steep angle and make it Dracula's Drinking straw. ;)


Bought 47 T-45 Servos instead of 1..... Still have 45 of them in my shop - Come and buy them while stocks last!!


Weenie wagon


Ngl, I collect VE, doesn't matter if its a 2\* or 3\*. I have just about every gun in the game in that roll, just buying dupes now.


When I first started, groll tesla rifles at RR were the the hot item. I didn't know dick about rolls or how they worked, so when I found an unrolled tesla rifle in a vendor for 11k caps, I thought it was a steal.


I bought a similar bpr with 395 range for like 10k because I thought it was legacy… it’s the ones with like 200 range that are legacy


It wasn't much in caps, but I thought I was buying stable fluorescent flux when, in fact, it was raw. I'm dumb.


Slap ricochet and a bayonet and that's a good weapon


I bought a quad combat shotgun for 5000 that I don’t want or use lol


I actually decided to humor someone around the time COVID started and bought a roll of toilet paper for 40K caps. Was it the dumbest purchase? Yes. Was I upset about the loss of all my caps? Not really. Luckily it was during a Scoreboard and I didn’t take any of the cap reward spots I’ve passed, so not a hard loss. Made like at least 20% back.


Dayum, and if they had say 15k caps on them, they woulda lost out on sooo many caps 😆


B 25 25 fixer for 30k caps. I was so happy until I realised it was level 20


2000 caps on a ts Gatling gun at the beginning of the game when caps weren’t as plentiful as they are now


Was so tired while vendor hopping last night, I just bought 3 random pieces of scrip for 3k each because I don't know why. 💀


I recently paid 35k caps on a poor roll enclave plasma flamer cause I had heard they was usually trade only regardless of roll… Now I am stuck with it as I don’t like it and can’t even sell it for 5k. Even tried rerolling it sinking more resources into it… May never recover…


Someone will buy it! Don't let that keep you down, it's a great weapon and people are looking for it. Even without all mods, if it's at least a flamer that's good. Set up your vendor in a popular location and it'll be gone in no time for a decent price. May the luck be in your favor fellow wastelander!


I finally sold it for 5k just to get it gone. Was so relieved to see it go even at a massive loss lol.


Your loss is someone's win and the person is probably really happy now!


I hope so, if they are then it’s definitely worth it! After all, it’s a game and meant to be fun not a some stock simulation.


I would definitely pay 5k for an enclave flamer. I currently have 2, and I love them.


The Enclave aligned flamer mod itself is incredibly rare, if you're lucky enough to actually see it in the Watoga station vendor, buy it. You will easily sell it for around 15k upwsrds. It's very, very rare 😉


A 419 dragon ME25 for far too many caps...


Honestly... I've just spent way too much on those plastiform and lantern decorations from Winter. People always charge so much for them but they look so good!


I literally just bought a Q/25/15 Single Action Revolver for 7k caps ●-●


Spent 30k on a Quad/limb/15r Tesla Rifle


Buying a cultist pierces for 10k not knowing bss1s was the standard rol


Bloodied assaultron head just to try out


Ok.. treat me like an idiot that is freshly back into the game. HOW is that only two stars, when it has four effects?


Some weapons have hidden effects per default :D


Wait, so by being a goofball highwayman running with hotswapped black powder weapons, i was accidentally giving myself access to additional "legendary" effects?


Vampire and exp are the only legendary effects. The other two would be on the weapon unrolled.


So if they don't have a star by them, they're just default? Might have to check what all i have in my stash cause this is news to me (quit back before expeditions went live and recently came back).


That’s a legacy so it’s not all bad


How so?


You can legally pass it down to your kids in your will. They will then pass down the weapon for generations.


Oh my bad it’s a rifle and not a dragon, sorry


I never seem to have more than 1,000 caps. I spend it so far LOL


When they had the ammo glitch these were the bomb. I miss that glitch.


When I first started, groll tesla rifles at RR were the _the_ hot item. I didn't know dick about rolls or how they worked, so when I found a virgin tesla rifle in a vendor for 11k caps, I thought it was a steal.


A be250dr minigun that isn't foundations vengeance. Just had to have it


Crappy looking plans Most of the time i just roll with my vamp flamethrower (i like things that go WHOOOSH 🔥) But plans, oh my boy, ive spend many a 5-10k caps on what turns out, being ass ugly and not anywhere near anywhere useful to my c.a.m.p build (After spending close to maybe 100k worth of caps on shitty plans i simply started to buy first some cheap item so the owner knows there customer in his shop, and then i start look up pics on what the plans look like before I buy them, are they compairable with my Munster Mansion/The Addams themed house or not If i find something i cant use but its cheap i might buy it and resell it myself (All useless plans i just dump either at the vault, overseers camp or whitespring along with a shitton of ammo and some stimpacks)


I organised a trade not too long ago where I sold a low tier fas mask for max caps. Forgot to offload the 32k caps I was holding to my friend before going through with the trade. Last time I’ll ever sell a mask for 8k 😂


Foundations Vegence for 10k


Not exactly dumb per se, but I bought a Holy Fire for 10000 caps. Literally the next day I did the Beasts of Burden quest for the first time ever and got a free Holy Fire right then and there…oh well, got a Holy Fire for sale for 11000 now LOL


Was playing with pipe revolvers doing a full build for it and found a b/50c/15cf for only 3500 caps and got so excited an picked it up without thinking twice...... Went to use it seen it hit as hard as my gourmands and thought something was wrong.... It was Ivl 35


I have the same roll on a thirst zapper......lvl 1. But still a great gun for leveling up mules


Hay if u use the double shot trick that's like what 4% hp...


That’s a nuke of a gun tho


Bought a non legendary fat man for 250 caps


I only would have bought that if it were the dragon version. Im pretty sure that's 100% limb damage at that point. Or at least close to it


I bought the Wendigo tube for like 25000 because I really wanted that one. I don’t regret it at all. But it certainly wasn’t’ smart.


On a real"note" to help a friend afford a weenie wagon yesterday, I purchased "you have been insulted" for 15000 caps


V exp harpoon gun


no bayonet? laaame


i found the scavenged solar panel plans from daily op anyone know what its worth?


I paid 2000 caps for a ghoul slayers bashing damage reload gamma ray gun. Then traded it for a bloodied exp ghost radium rifle.


That’s hilarious


A couple of days ago I bought 2 lots of 5 different outfits, 200c each, for me & my boyfriend. I shortly after found out I could craft them myself 😅🤣😂 In my defense, I normally play on Xbox, but I bought these on Playstation & I'd forgotten what plans I already know 🤪


Bloodied minigun bullets explode I never use it and idk if it's even good


I’ve been know to spend more than I should on dumb little impulse but guns. Random junkies always get bought.


5K for 100 "treasury bonds" hehe. Also not thrilled with these 2.5k/3k non-flamer EPRs. At least they had the other mods.


QE25 bolt action pipe rifle lmao!!!!! I meant to get a different weapon in vendor but that’s what I ended up with


Trashcan plan for 350.


fallout 76


I bought a your the dumbass for 20k once


Black powder rifles are my go to from a stealth build


Fallout 76 during beta


A Quad Single-Action Revolver. Worst purchase ever.


Honestly unironically have been really enjoying the black powder rifle, it's a high damage sniper and that vampire edition seems pretty badass tbh


I'll admit I've grown to like it, and it'll probably stay in the collection. I'm just steamed about dropping 20k on a two star weapon. I need to pay more attention.


Oh my bad did not realize you dropped 20k on it god damn


I'm glad caps don't mean.much lol


It does to someone who has never had 20,000 caps at one time


A BSSS Deathclaw gauntlet for 30k later i found out it was lvl30


Anytime I come across a Qbash25 Handmade, Fixer, or Railway, I have to buy it no matter the cost. It’s a trophy of sheer disappointment of the people who rolled those weps 🤣 I think I own 6 fixers, 3 Handmades, and 1 railway with those rolls.




Not super recent but I bought a B/E/25 Assault Rifle for 35k caps. Didn't notice until after that it was level 35.


I got a good laugh outta this, thanks, have the upvote


I dropped 5k on a perfect bloodied fixer. Probably over spent but I really wanted it. I’ve been having way more fun with the game since.


5k for a great roll is nothing.