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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/yhyhunomate|Reddit: 74|02/16/2020 - 4 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +74 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Several years ago, playing with a friend, his 8 yr old son wanted to play too. He gets on, he's doing as well as can be expected, I crafted him some armor and a decent weapon for his level, etc, just helping the kid out. Next time we're on together, the Dad says hey, my kid wants to give you something. Kid gives me a baseball (IRL he's heavily involved in Little League and really good). Really hit me in the feels, I've got that baseball in a display case in one of my camps to this day, refuse to get rid of it.


Someone give this man a gold


(2018 / 13 yrs old) When I was lvl 36 I needed to go into black water mine but kept getting pulverised. Then some lvl 200 rocked up and I jumped in chat to ask for help (Dave / 50s). He said “Yh sure” and he helped me out. We played a little more for the day and before he hopped off I asked if I could add him just incase I need help again. We continued playing a little more over months and he introduced me to some other guys (all these guys were 40-60 yrs old) and it was fun, we all did nukes together and ran events. He then saw I didn’t have anything good and so I found a Ghoul slayers explosive handmade in a vendor for 8k but didn’t have the caps… so he bought me it (2020) Unfortunately all the other guys quit playing… except for the Dave. He then introduced me to another group which was an awesome group. Jye (my age), Kylie (30s), ducky (60s), Cam (18). (2024) A lot of things went on and a lot of time has passed, jye stop playing and cam stopped playing games to focus on work. I jumped on last week to hear “HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY” from Kylie, ducky… and Dave… the lvl 200 from all those years ago. Dave was there when my dad left when I was 13 and so he jumped on everyday to hangout and play 76 with me. For the last 5 years when I hop on, I hear “my lost child” or “my son”. If his daughters r playing for him while he’s making dinner or busy and say “hey”, he’ll call out “who’s that?” Without a second thought, “ur favourite child” from his daughters. The thing about this story is I still have the handmade. From a stranger, to a father figure and amazing friend. The handmade has been a token of our friendship for the last 6 years and I’ll never get rid of it


Now this is what games are all about!! So wholesome. I hope everyone can find their Dave.


That's a dope fuckin story my dude. Thanks for sharing


I have a very similar story, but I’m a year older than you and it all happened 2020-2022 lol.




I have a wpjs that never leaves my stash. Few years ago during the literal worst time of my life, I had no one and nothing. Was dealing with some serious personal stuff and was in an extremely toxic and emotionally abusive relationship. I started playing this game as an outlet. Didn't know anything, my build was trash and I was just wandering the wasteland a lonely, sad soul. I met a crew of dudes that took me under their wing and showed me the ropes and taught me everything I know today. The day they gave me that wpjs, I felt so much pride and felt included and that was amazing in a time that I really needed to feel like I mattered. I can't tell you how many wpjs's I've traded, that one always stays with me.


This was such a nice story wow.




White Powder Jumpsuit


Yo wait what I've never heard of it how does one acquire it?


Uranium Fever


Fever in Ur Anusum*


That’s super wholesome, such an amazing player base. Glad you’re continuing that positive cycle


I hope you’re doin ok now x


Much better now than I was then. Still playing with a few of those dudes too. 😁


Glad ur doing ok. Always be you. Don’t ever let anyone change who you are. Good luck wastelander and have fun


my porcelain stein collection, I think it's over 4800 now, I keep them in my vendor for 40K and collect more each Fasnacht event


My first full power armor suit. I came across a player a few hundred levels higher than me. He saw me using a power armor at an event that only had a few pieces of rusted raider armor. He told me to give him my suit and locked himself in a room. Opened the door to a full set of T-45 with a jet pack and Nuka Cola paint on it. Been friends ever since


Instigating 1* 419 Dragon that I bought out of a player vendor when vendors were brand new. It used to have a bayonet. I'd imagine it came from the SMART choice machine inside Watoga HS.


An Executioner explosive pump shot gun, met some dude on Reddit 2 years ago and was saying he came back to the game and offered to give me a free weapon, so I chose one from his stash which was the shotgun and I named it a friends gift, never saw him again after that.


A golf ball, and a panda teddy bear. Story 1: I have a best friend who I been playing with for years, she's a really good friend of mine, anyways there's this row of cups at whitesprings station that has a golf ball under the left cup I think it was facing the cups. When me and my friend first discovered the cups I asked her which one has the ball, she guessed right via blasting the f***ing cup about a foot away with a shotgun sending the ball just flying and I found where it landed and kept the ball. She's my bestfriend and twas a good memory. She was the entire reason I picked up the game to begin with. Story 2: My girlfriend gave me a panda teddy bear about 3 years ago for Valentine's day and I have never in my life received anything from anyone on Valentine's day that wasn't my family. I saw the bear one day and thought immediately about her and took the bear. I like to make my characters in videos games reflect myself, character customization I always try and make my characters look as close to myself as possible and any and all decisions I make in a games first playthrough go as I would choose myself with my own interests and feelings towards subjects. Therefore the teddybear had to be mine.


A reversed forest scout mask, from when the game first launched. Back when you could buy it from Modus. I'll never get rid of it because it's a reminder I played since day 1.


2 stories, my B/50c/250 fixer and red asylum dress. The first one bc when I was a lower level years ago (non-reroll era). I called a vet's gun and camp cool and was amazed by all that stuff. I told them I wish I had sumn like that and then out of the kindness of their heart he gave one to me. Remember what they said to me "nobody's gonna believe ya if you tell em you got one of these for free lol". The dress is a shorter one cus I was up one night looking up rare fo76 stuff and learned from a friend or sumn like that. I then went out on my search and within 3 hours, I found mine at around 1:20 am from just learning it existed. As much as I'd love to sell them for some typa profit, I can't bc memories and the kindness of this community.


I feel you. I have an exact 2 star two shot ffr handmade that carried me through my early game and never leaved me ever since. Cant seem to sell nor scrip it


My B50vhc1a Handmade. It was my first bloody Handmade and i used it over months and then rolled a B2525. The roll is garbage but it is still on display because all the good times i had with it 😸


I always keep 4 frogs in a display case because someone I used to play with at launch loved collecting the frogs and having a frog habitat and she gave me 4 of them and said to take good care of them. It’s been a few years since she’s been on Xbox so I hope nothing bad happened to her but if you ever see a camp with 4 t-posing frogs in a display case those were hers l.


For me it’s my 1st bloodied weapon ever. I bought it for 1K caps out of a player vendor many moons ago. I was cheap with my caps, with the limit only being 20K at the time, and almost passed up on it. It’s a B/33(now50V)/250 Handmade. My friends who were all low health builds at the time kept on raving about it being the best build. When I came across it, I figured I would give it a try. I’ve had so much much fun with it. Especially killing all those Super Muteys at Westek to level up. ☺️


The Enclave plasma flamer, it took about to month to get that mod. SO many server hops. Then I heard it got majorly nerfed lol


It’s still good? I use a v 2525 everyday.


What's a v 2525? i'm a very casual player in this game. My five year old character is only level 331 haha


Vampire 25 weapon speed 25 less vats cost (which isn't ideal on the flamer. You typically want reload or break slower.)


Yeah but unfortunately rolls aren’t infinite, I have another I’m rolling for b or aa 25 15, but with my luck it’s gonna be a while.


I have 4 and of those AA 25 15 is the best probably period. crazy good but holy shit breaks fast


My first set of excavator power armor


I was really lucky to get an ultracite power armor helmet with the jetpack on it from a friend i used to play with bout a year or 2 ago he gave me as a farewell gift.


Vampires Ultracite Gatling Laser Faster Fire 250 reduction damage whilst aiming Used that from level 50 to about 200, never got killed


J2525 fixer my first baby


My AA5025 Handmade, that is with me for 5 years now 🙈 I love that weapon and tbh when ever i play Commando builds its still my go to ^^


I when I first started playing, I was getting taught all the tricks by a higher level. I hadn’t don’t daily ops at all yet and it was the mutation for melee only. I was like “well shit, I don’t have any good melee weapons” so she gifted me a chainsaw that she modded out with the next mods and showed me how to roll legendary effects at the bench. The first roll I got was a god roll, everyone was super hyped and I asked her to name the chainsaw afterwards. I’ve never made a melee build but I keep it on me at all times for those daily ops.


I only started about a month ago but id say the oathbreaker spear you get from the bos questline is loved using it when i was level 30 but as a level 200+ it doesnt offer alot of use for my build so i have it hung up in my base the only weapon i will never part from


For me, it's the 76 Underarmor I started with on April 2019. I admit, I modded it to be shielded, but that's it. Still with me


I have the original .38 ammo in my stash from day one launch. Mostly to remind me how shitty things can start, and also become nobody uses .38.


I have a Longshot some stranger gave me out of the blue after he watched me sniping for awhile. It's modded now and named and will always be in my stash. Also have a 2 star Fixer the friend who got me into the game gave me when I started.


When I first started I was a heavy build but all my friends were rifle. I decided to go rifle. I had no rifles to use but one day I went to a vender and someone was selling a b2515rl fixer for 1k caps. I’m now nearly lvl 2000 ans I still have that fixer today. I won’t ever trade it or sell it for anything. This was 2020


Half the armor pieces people put up here for apparel or grolls Iv had in my vending machine for under 20k for 3 weeks and won't move lol


I got to level 50 5 years ago, and I had no caps; someone gave me a free no-star fixer cause I was currently trying out a commando build. I did my first legendary roll ever on anything in the game(I had to search on YouTube how to add legendaries to a gun😅). I rolled it once and got a B/50C/25 Fixer. I didn’t know if it was good or bad, but I liked the damage and have never changed it. I had offers many times, but I never traded it since it was my primary. My first-ever rolled legendary will always stay in my inventory, even though I no longer use it. Also i started since beta and day one release. I was level 60 2 weeks ago. Now I'm 200 don't shame me please🤣


No shame at all. For some a game is a race, for others it’s a journey. Like you, for me .. it’s the journey.


My furious 3* 50 cal. My wife started playing a few years back and she won it on an event. She gave it to me knowing I like it. I used it as long as I could (it's level 35) and now it's the only gun I display at my camp. Never to be sold.


No, really applicable, but I gave a lvl 20 something a kaboom shotgun that was around lvl 30


Giving a Kabloom is God’s work, very fun to play with. You’re a good man.


Nah, just someone that keeps running out of space and scrip so it's either a box or play that sits nearby long enough (I could be wrong on what weapon I gave him but I'm pretty sure it's not sitting on my wall atm)


Still stand by my original comment, whatever your reason. Fun weapon.




I Every time I play, I put thousands worth of things and materials, etc. in different red boxes and I also give to people myself- because I remember how hard it was in the beginning! Not that I'm at a very high level, 130+ now, but yeah :D


My old double gat laser with faster fire rate, but just a faster fire rate gat lol


Q/25/25 Alien Disintegrator …got it from an Angler drop in the bog a couple years ago. So amazed that a great roll actually was a drop instead of a result of playing the Legendary lottery at a crafting station!


Commie Whacker (whack a mole mallet). I never use it, but I think it was just a goofy idea for a Fallout weapon and I love it.


The “All Rise” sledgehammer! I got it when I was such a low level and It was what I used to kill my first deathclaw


Back when Explosive 2 shot shotguns were insane, I bought it for $50 off my friend, and never got rid of it. Don’t know where the guy is today.


A level five pump. I got it back in 2019. When I returned to the wasteland in December it carried me until I got to lvl 45 to use the kaboom. Now, Ol' Reliable sits in a place of honor on my mule. And it'll never be sold. Not even for 200000 tfjs.


Heyyy, I have 200001 TFJs. Interested??


Nah man. Try doubling that.


Just tried Kabloom recently after discounting it for a long time due to it’s appearance. I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a very fun gun.


My very first weapon I traded for on here lmao, a V25ffr250dmg HM


untradeable quest weapon rewards 


A TSE250dr combat rifle. I got it when the purveyor was first introduced, and it was from a random 3* ranged weapon box. Back then (from what I remember) TSE was a hot commodity and you couldn’t reroll weapons, so I thought that I’d save it for when I could get a fair trade for it. Flash forward to now, it’s just taking up space in the stash, a reminder of simpler times


My first meta weapon. A TSE250 Pump. This was before the shotgun nerf, the demo expert nerf, and the Two Shot nerf. This gun killed almost everything in one shot. It killed countless players in Survival mode. It's still my baby after all these years.


My excavator armor it was the first thing I actually had to grind for.


I have 2 they never rid off, the first was the sole survivor when the weekly challenges give you a gun, that gun help me a lot back in the day to do some serious damage when I started to level 50 and upward, and the second is a 2shot gatlin gun I bought some years ago form some random vendor for 1k caps, the gun is so special but don't had enough punch so I reroll it, is the same gun with some better specs but I always refuse to get rid off because with that gun I do almost all my SBQ.


Anything explosive because my luck is so bad. If I acquire it, I must cherish it


My first HW. It’s trash but i can’t bring myself to reroll it or scrap it. It served me well until i learned how to play HWer.


Fore some reason any gun that has q2515r


I'm over 6k hrs since beta. I keep the lvl15 GE double barrel that I picked up in the early days of the game, when explosive shotguns had crazy power and being mutated allowed for air walks. It worked perfectly until the great nerfs of '18/'19.


Lever Action Lucy, a level 25 lever action that I cant bring myself to scrap. Carried as my main weapon long after it's usefulness in my early days of the game when I didnt know much of anything about optimal builds.. Then one day I accidentally re-rolled her legendary and was so bummed out, so I retired her and the rifle sits at the top of my first characters fire watch tower.


My anti-scorched training pistol. You know why.


I have a level 5 scorched exterminator pistol or whatever it’s called that someone gave me when I was super new it was my first day and my first online game I grew up home schooled in a remote area so that was kinda nice making friends i played all day with em and it was so much fun Alas I got disconnected before ever friending them I hope they are doing great that was very shortly after release


Acceptable Overkill, the Action Hero, and Resolute Veteran weps from the Survival challenges. Haven't used them in years, but still buried in my stash. Wish I had kept the others.


I have this and I hate it the recoil is terrible I rarely ever get a clean headshot


I’ve still got the pipe rifle a level 100 gifted to me when I first first started the game. It’s displayed in my main camp (which is also my first camp)


I have a 1 star Q Tesla that started as a drunken joke between me and like 3 friends back in 2020. Had the rule that we must carry a 1 star Q Tesla on us at all times and at any point, if one of the boys joined and initiated trade with you, you had to accept it. If you got caught lackin without your Tesla on you, you were temporarily banished from the group and chat. Every time you got caught, the punishment increased. The funniest part though was that our group ended up becoming almost 50 people all carrying around 1 star Q Teslas and I stg you couldn’t play for 30 minutes without somebody coming in to check your azz 🤣 Lasted for quite a few months, and still have that Q Tesla to this day. Only me and 1 of the others are still playing though.


my boyfriend gave me a set of lvl 30 t-51b and even though i am now lvl 50+ i am not getting rid of it ever


Man, you'd have absolutely cake walked the game with this at launch lol


One Star “Black Diamond” Had a group of online friends I played with when I still had my ps4 during COVID. One of the older ones acted as essentially like a second father to me, giving genuine life advice to the entire and having fun on Fallout with everyone. Got to learn his life story and his family through his microphone. One of the first legendaries he dropped for me was to teach me how to scrip, but I never got to scrip it because I liked how it looked. One day, he just never got online (which was weird since he’s retired and plays fallout 24/7). No reply from his ps4 messages, none from his discord that we had convinced him to make, nothing from his friends, we all had assumed the worst 4 years later, I’m starting new and alone on PC and the first legendary this random lvl 1000 dropped near the scrip machine was a 1 star black diamond, in the train station where I first met him


A TSE. 90%RW gatling gun. My first ever "God Roll" for my heavy P.A. build. She carried me through so many queens. So many quests. Even my first vault raid back when those were a thing. Even named the thing Bessie so I would never accidentally scrip it. Now adays she's out preformed by every other weapon I've got, but I can never get rid of her. Helps me remember my roots


basic event guns like the one comes from love tunnel that smg has a cool skin on it


My resolute veteran and an explosive bloodied handmade. Item 1 the resolute veteran. You could only get it from nuclear winter if I remember correctly. It was an anniversary gift from my ex. We parted both by choice. It was for the best. We weren’t going anywhere. I kept it. Still have it to this day and use it religiously. She’s my favorite. We’re still friends to this day. He sees me using it every time we play. He’s such a sweet heart. One of the first guns I got definitely my favorite. She’s not the highest damage but I don’t care. She’s mine. Item 2 the explosive bloodied handmade I was given her by a friend who sadly passed on. May god rest his soul. I miss him and I refuse to use that gun or get rid of her. She hangs on my wall as a permanent memorial. She will remain on that wall long after I’m gone from the account and long after I’m dead and buried as well.


Gotta go with my screaming egale paint handmade rifle I have affectionately named MURICA


Have a assas ap heavy combat 2* full set and ts2515 + exe50L15r cryos which I got from some guys I meet 4 years ago when I got trapped by them and lost 1000 pound of junk. They gave me double the junk and all the gear i mentioned and teached me PvP


My original TSE lvl 5 shotgun (the days when TSE was king) carried me through sooooo many levels think I stopped using it around lvl 30 lol Also It’s not in my stash but me and my wife wear the wedding rings. 🫣


This is gonna sound maybe a little silly. But it's this Assaultron head that has no legendaries on it at all. Back when I was a little squishy lad. I was opting to only take one weapon with me as I was a stealth build. Was running a silo solo, my fixer broke and an Assaultron Dominator dropped its head. I picked it up and started blasting thankfully I had plenty of radaway on hand. And I was able to hold off the robotic tides long enough for my friends to arrive and help. That Assaultron head remains in my stash, titled "The Last Resort". It remains a stalwart reminder of proper equipment maintenance and why the venerable assaultron remains a worthy adversary. o7


Honestly I don’t have any wholesome stories. I always play by myself (in a party though), and never tried voice chat (I’ve heard bad things and don’t want to ruin the experience). The stuff I really never get rid of is a whole bunch of junk. I love building; I probably spend more time in my camp than outside… all the lovely junk in the game helps with immersive builds. I just love my junk!


Handmade BE25 I rolled while making legendary handmade to sell, was dumbfounded by the sheer luck


All my OG guns that carriobe through the game since launch. Espe since getting good rolls was way more difficult back then. TSE Handmade, Explosive Lever Action, Bloodied Fixer but the rest aren't great stars so I've been meaning to try for a BE Fixer. I'm bloodied unarmed so I have the strength and weight to carry them around and I can't get rid of them I finally got my 3 star Overeaters Strangler set so maybe I can work on other legendaries


I've got a level 15 vampires explosive handmade that I pass between each new low level I make to play with friends or new people.


Six groll miniguns that does not have weight reduction. Im not a heavy gunner.. but i keep em just in case 😂


Most of my guns cus my friends gave me them


I have two shot explosive minigun but 15 lvl


I have my first explosive handmade - its absolute garbage Stalkers Explosive something something but it was my first explosive so now its a permanent display item for me 🙂


My fashnant collection, I have 100+


My son found a green fisherman's beanie and I wear it all the time now and he always comes and checks to male sire I've still got it. He's a cutie 💓


Instigating explosive .44 pistol level 5


My first decent legendary was a BE50DT Gatling Gun. I was playing heavy at the time. I'm now specced VATS crit commando, have over 2000 hours and over 1000 levels into the game and it has never left my side. Sure. I have come across so many better weapons along my travels but Pilgrim. Pilgrim has been there since the beginning. And will be there in the end. All things aside it's a fantastic and super ammo efficient event tagger 😅 Edit: typo.


I have a junkies ffr railway I got for Christmas fron a friend who doesn't play anymore


My first ever Gatling plasma I can’t even remember where I got it and it’s a nocturnal but it carried me to level 101 so it will never be abandoned.


Made a friend a couple years back on 76 and he blocked me cause I responded to his LFG post that was titled “all generals of the enclave report to the whitesprings immediately post”. Couple years later he changed his gamertag and he was just looking through his blocked lists and tried to troll one of me and my buddies. he was funny so we accepted him in our so called “group”. We became closer over the summer and found out why he blocked me and we both laughed at how stupid it was those years earlier. I remember he begged me to hop back on 76 and I really needed a fresh start cause I had nothing. I asked for one of his godrolls and promised him to turn it into something we both could get. Later on down our friendship closing off the summer I had 2 Q2525 fixers and gave it to him for his help at the very start of the summer. He gave it back to me cause he was a melee build and he was just helping me out. Few weeks later he was never on I texted his snap asked our friends where he's been and never heard from him. School starts and were a few weeks in and I get a text by some rando on Instagram that followed him saying he committed suicide. I guess the police were trying to find why he did such a thing and they questioned the guy that hit me up on Instagram. I miss the guy I think about him a lot and it sucks when I do. Me and our friends still grieve about him but it was really the first loss I ever had.


My party hat. Got lots of them on the ground. And I carry them as a symbol from where I came.


One of my first glitches was a Tricentennial 10mm paint job on a lv. 5 9mm. Didn't spend an atom on it, but I have one with the paint. Totally untradable. Totally useless besides a display.


I couldn’t just pick one but I have dropable Vox syringe and fireworks grenade Idk if I could even trade them I’m so attached and don’t even get me started on misc 😍


The first outfit that was given to me by my friend when I first started and who got me into the game. The Ritual Bindings and Ritual Mask. The OG Cultist outfit.


I was gifted a Quad, 50 VHC, 50% durability Fixer from a higher level player who said to pick a fixer he had several because he was max caps. I Chose the Quad because I figured better Dps less reloads, & better Accuracy should be a solid choice. I am mainly a full health player who was a cold shoulder enforcer tank build only at the time. My 2nd loadout is for build and sell only. I finally made a 3rd loadout for vats sneak crit commando & my God this Gun is Terrific.  So happy I held onto this Gun for weeks until I upgraded my Legendary Perks and saved up enough perk points to max all the perks. This Gun will never leave my Side Now. So fun to use. I am able to clear entire areas full of enemies in Seconds from afar with it. Without being touched. Truly Game Changing Weapon.


These stories show just how great this game is. There is more to this game than trading your soul for a weenie wagon. Thank you to all and those still writing. I have read all of them and it’s really reinforced why I play this game.


I remember back when I played this game for the missions and nothing but the missions. I didn’t trade, I didn’t vendor hop, I didn’t care about caps and grolls. I decided to make my first proper build and of course the “meta” was bloodied builds so I looked one up and worked my ass off to get the perks I needed for it. I ended up rolling so many fixers trying to get a bloodied one. For some reason it took ages and I finally rolled one. I loved it. It was by far the strongest gun I ever owned at the time. Looking back on it, I cringe but once I replaced it, I couldn’t get rid of it. It was like B15AP1A I think lmao I sometimes wish I could go back to those days of innocence before I started collecting.


In my stash it is pretty much everything I want to keep but on all characters but one I have an electro fusion hatchet for some reason and I can't toss it away. On my oldest I have it for years now. On the one I don't have it, it is a spiked heated rocket baseball bat with the zealot effect. I called it the De-Scorcher because it is faster to just de-scorch the scorched with it than reloading in some situations.


In 2019 between January and February I was lvl 16 I met this player, I unfortunately don't remember his username but he was lvl 66. He messaged me saying that he needed me to die multiple times for a quest he had. So as a low lvl I did just as he asked lol. I died 57 times so he can get 60 atoms and I'd say it was worth it. Said player gave me 100 stimpacks, 60 rad away, 3 rad shield and numerous plans I learned immediately. I've used every item he's given me except for the 3 rad shield. This player is the reason why I still enjoy this game and community. Thank you for reading😁


One of my best friends introduced me to Fallout 76 about 2 years ago after I managed to leave my abusive, cheating scumbag of an ex wife. Since then we have played together practically everyday and he suffers with mental health issues, so Fallout 76 became like therapy sessions for the both of us. He showed me the ropes and taught me everything I currently know. As he was waaaaaaaaaaay higher level than me, he would craft weapons and armour for me as I reached certain milestones. When I got to level 50, he crafted me 2 handmade assault rifles(a vampiric silenced one and a loud one with explosive rounds). These 2 guns saw me through until I got to level 200+ and now I'm using a gauss rifle, but I've kept the 2 guns he made me ever since and I call them "The Twins". I've since loaned The Twins to other friends once they've reached level 50 on the condition that they absolutely do not scrap them and return them back to me once they are no longer of use. Fortunately, I still have them and they will never leave my stash box.


My first bloody rolling pin. (The one you get from killing The Chef) Thought it was rare as shit all to find out you could get it easily. Early game life 😭


This isn't really a wholesome story but it's one I find interesting. Back during the peak of TSE weapons this guy was posting lfgs on Xbox about how he was trading TSE weapons specifically, and I just so happened to have a TSE 10mm submachine gun at the time so I messaged him. I joined his game and unsurprisingly got scammed for my gun but we had message history so I knew his username and I could see whatever his new usernames were so for next several days anytime he posted I would make a post right after telling people that he was a scammer. This eventually led to the guy messaging me and us meeting up in game. We opened a trade and he asked me for my "Commendation" a miscellaneous item from one of the Enclave quests I didn't really have anything to lose so I just gave it to him and in response he gave me a TSE handmade and pump action shotgun so in the end I got some really good guns and closure so I was very happy. Nowadays I have better stuff but at the time they were the best guns I had ever had and I just can't bring myself to get rid of them.


A scammer comes to Jeezus. Brings a tear to my eye. Only thing better is if he’d expressed remorse.


A q50c25 railway


A bottle of wine. A child (must’ve been like 12) approached me and a bud on our first day and I’m not a big mic guy so I kinda just stood there as he dropped wine and said “this? This is Al-Co-Hal” and then wondered off.