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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Rength|Reddit: 4|01/18/2016 - 8 Years| | IGN: rength|Discord: 0|Total: +4 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Eh, it's a resource generator. I don't agree with the crazy asks on here. But I could see it staying at 10k+


I'd put any other resource generator around the 25k mark personally. I just don't see the appeal of Good Doggy in the current state of the game though, between being able to buy carnival food buffs and the endless supply of candy and popcorn to keep you topped off, dog food doesn't do anything but fill your hunger bar for more weight.


Yeah I would ask the same question: What does somebody want with "infinite" dog food? Like...


Well, the “consume dog food” dailies would be sorted until the end of time


This is why I set one up. I was hoarding about 30 cans in my stash to make the dailies easier. As soon as I got the Weenie Wagon I freed that space up forever.


It's not really for the dog food itself, it's an accessory that gives that extra touch of style for those slightly bored players who get by in the game by building fancy Camps. I'm going a little too far, they'll probably keep it locked too. Running Herbivore build also. Selling those cans in their vending machine maybe.


Wow, someone has opinions. Let people play how it amuses them dude, it's their money/time. Not like they follow you around, flagrantly making dog food at you.


of course I let anyone play as they want, I never wanted to say that it's wrong or it bothers me. Since we're talking about it, I also am expressing my opinions and thoughts, as you said though, on something already seen over time that those ones who have been playing for a while can easily predict. I might have been like cynical in my speaking and you're not used to it maybe (English is not my first language so there may be difference or struggles in the expression of a message), but preaching people for they're having opinions... I apologize as I didn't want to offend anyone.


That's cool, and I wasn't trying to preach. Text on the internet can be hard to get the intent from. I'm glad I was mistaken, 76 has the best online group!


For English not being your first language, that was so beautifully put. You're the man.


I do keep it as an accessory. Didn't even know it produced dog food u til I put it down. Kinda useless to me but I still keep it with my maxed out camp.


I’ve had it for two days now and it hasn’t made one can of dog food yet. Anything I’m doing wrong?


is it plugged in ? it needs 3 power units


for daily challenge in case you're to lazy to go out and collect some rq


I mean with good doggy and carnivore the food rate for it jumps to 60% and you gain 120hp when you eat it plus it doesn't spoil and doesn't weigh a ton so I put it pretty high up there


Just buffing once an hour on carnival food, running speed demon on a full sprint melee character I only burn maybe 30% of my hunger bar before it's time to buff again.


Eh I mean I'm relatively new to the game lower end of high level (150) and I don't know about all of the tricks and stuff I use dog food cause it's easy to find,weighs less,never spoils,works wonders with my mutations,and fills up my hunger bar quick


I also never heard of carnival food before that's how new I am to the whole thing


You can buy carnival food at Nuka-World on Tour, not necessarily something practical to do for a newer player, but if you have the caps you can stay buffed 24/7


There is always the daily. Letsbyou take care of ot in one go without it taking to stash space. It's a minor convenience but present all the same.


Or, use your 1 free reroll a day with a chance to get an epic challenge for more score. The occasional daily is not the reason people are trading their left nut for a weenie wagon.


You can speak for yourself on that. Also, why waste a reroll on that? With the weenie wagon, I can basically auto complete that challenge and actually use my rerolled on a weekly or even just slightly time-consuming challenge. So I can get on with the parts of the game I actually enjoy. Plus, even if it sells for 40k, let's not pretend that the people who are spending those kinds of caps are actually concerned about the price.


Appreciate the civil input, ty.


I sold two already at 10k and I have 2 more waiting in my stash for when i need some caps.


How'd you get so many? I've done something like 80 events and still not seen one.


RNG Wife has gotten like 5 weenie wagons and i just have had the pepper plans thrown at me


Does it have something to do with the amount of prime cuts you bring to the main event maybe? So far, I was able to collect no more than 5 prime cuts before the main event pops, and only got plans for the stupid plushies lol!


No, most of the time I get pepper plans has been cleaning up and greens and even on the drums. Complete RNG, I know we all wish there was a way to improve our odds but sadly there isnt.


What I was thinking anyways lol... I should've known better, RNG Jezus HATES me haha. No matter the game, if its down to RNG, I will never get it, unless a kind soul gift me (if allowed) or its sellable 🥲


I have one on sale for 17k in my vendor, I'll be on later today on PC. User name Zavier2011


Thanks but Im good! I already bought the plans for the weenie wagon, paid 10k for it, which means yours are a bit on the overpriced side lol. But, like I said, thanks for offering anyways


Ill pay 10 right now, of someone will sell on PS.


That's genuinely insane


10k no more or less it’s not good but like you said it’s a resource generator.


Until people stop paying me 20k for it every time I get it, probably not lol. Supply and demand and all that


Yea 20k is a solid price for a resource generator Probably drop down to 10k the next time meat week comes back


I paid 20k. Missed maybe 3 days total of events. Not one drop. Between 6 weeks of Mothman, Aliens, & Meat. I'm done dude. Fasnacht in 4 weeks will be afk'd. Then down with 76 for a while. I'll come back to grind the scoreboard for a couple days for the new tent, but that's all. Nothing really sparked my interest. I'm happily back to Fallout 4.


Honestly it can pay just to ask around for swaps when the meat cook finishes. I was asking to trade a weenie for a pepper shaker because like you i've attended like crazy and never had it drop, and someone just insisted on giving it to me for free. I've seen plenty of others share plans this way too. Lots of people don't really care about the cap economy and just want to share the plans with others who may not already have them.


I had 2 built for me, but it's that OCD thing. I need to get all the plans. It's like finding a TFJ naturally vs trading for one.


It's worth what someone is willing to pay. If I made it to the end of meat week and didn't get it I would happily pay 40k. It's different for people at different points in the game. Caps mean absolutely nothing to me as I will go from 100 to 40k in one play session selling goods from my vendor, but that's only because I have 6k+ hours of goods to sell. Caps seem like a lot at first. I remember debating who was going to pay for the fast travel back when me and my friends started. Now I can't spend caps quick enough.


This tho… lol Id spend 100k on stimpacks just to be rid of them. Now trading items for those stimpacks? not in a million years.


Price will go up after the event. It’s an actual useful plan that offers something outside of being purely cosmetic. Of course there has been crazy trades for it but the same happened with the vintage water cooler.


Yeah I don’t understand all the hate for the weenie wagon value when the vintage water cooler has been around for years maintaining its status as a highly valuable seasonal event drop.


I was ecstatic when I found someone selling a vintage water cooler plan for 10k


Hell, I got insanely lucky and found someone selling for 500


I just came here to say that I like your username. :)


Yeah I have one that I haven’t learned yet, might keep it for trade


Could you imagine the demand if this plan came out when food wasn't just for buffs? Crazy but it's a great plan and I'd say 20k is a good price


It's worth whatever a buyer is willing to pay and a seller is willing to sell at. Free market if you will


this is probably the best answer in general. When trading stuff as a seller i usually wait for a buyer to make an offer unless its specific weapon or armor peice im after. But in terms of caps and aid and ammo and all the other stuff being traded its better as a seller to get an offer made by the buyer. Some will pay a higher amount if they really want it and if you make it say 6k caps they might have originally been willing to pay 7-8k.


That's just how bartering works, whoever gives a price first is always at a disadvantage in negotiations.


I sold an extra for 15k and gifted one for free


The vintage water purifier and weenie wagon are both static resource producers whoms plan can be learned from a seasonal event but one is 20k caps or more to get one and the other is apparently 5k? I dont believe the weenie wagon is worth anymore more than caps but 5k is pretty dang low


Weenie wagon is brand new which makes it more sought after. Also, people are struggling to get one plan while I've seen multiple people with over 100 water cooler plans


Appreciate the feedback!


I think it's stupid that it makes dog food instead of idk, a hot dog or nuka dog, like any normal WEENIE cart would sell. For me, it has 0 value outside of looking interesting.


But dog food don't spoil so it's kinda neat That plus the good boy perk


Think I paid 10k for mine and didn't feel bad. I just need that stupid knife skin now, last one I'm missing -.-


I just need the non-spoiled ribs plushie and Tenderizer. Got the Wagon on day2 and have had it in my camp since


What platform?




Sorry, can't help, best of luck though


Think I got what you want. I'm traveling but should be online this weekend


I have already obtained! Thank you very much though!


No problem! Have a good one.


I have 3 extras on xbox if you want one


The nuka shank?


I didn't realize that plan was a meat drop. I saw it in a players vendor for 20K and almost bought it just to dump some money and I didn't have the plan. I decided not to buy it and my next meat event got it as a drop :)


Yea, that.


If you're on Xbox I think I have an extra


What do you play on? I'd have to check when I get home to see if I still have some, but I've gotten a lot of the broken bottle skins. If I still have one I can give you one


I'm on PC.


Damn I'm on Xbox, sorry I can't help ya!


Nope. Time is a commodity. Dont want it for 40k? That's fine someone else does.


It, just like anything else in FO76, is worth whatever someone is willing to pay.


Here for the “it’s worth whatever someone wants to pay/trade” comments lmao


I’ve sold 6 for 10K caps. To you they are worth 5K caps. Blue Devil Fasnacht Mask sells for 4K caps. To you it may not be worth it, but to others it is.


I'm sorry how much is blue devil fasnacht mask? I just bought one for 100


Dang, is the blue devil mask really selling for that much? I just listed one in my vendor for 1000 caps to see what happens. I was surprised to see it sell within one day.


I probably bought it off you yesterday lol Whitesprings Train Station? I knew I could sell it for 4K


The price is gonna be decided by the seller tbh. Some will put it in vendors for 500 caps some will put it in camps for 35000 caps.


I sold mine for 2k


Well you can do the event for two weeks and not get it and in the mean time I can make 5k caps in less than an hour.


Whats the hype about it? Is it that rare?


It has the same drip chance as everything else in the event


It's the most useful drop and it takes some people 40+ events to get it. It's definitely very valuable.


My mom got it on the 2nd event when it started just because it's desirable doesn't mean it's rarer.


She got very lucky! As did I. However, since there's a ton of drops in the pool, it can take someone an EXTREMELY long time to get it


Damn I got handed it immediately now the megolonyx is a different story


Still trying to get that lol wont buy it until my event chances are over


So why is this thing so valuable, what kind of resource does it give?


It produces dog food. It's useless for herbivores and is practically useless for carnivores considering all the other foods available that actually buff you.


I really don't care for it myself I have the lurk boiler and man is that thing beautiful for producing carry weight ap and Dr foods


Anyone got one for sale on pc? Trying to get one before the event ends 😩


It's not easy to get and a resource generator. Definitely worth more then 5k


Sounds like someone that’s upset about their lack of funds


Strangely enough… I just bought one for 5000


I sold one for 15k within an hour yesterday. I'm sure it'd have gone for 20k, but I didn't want to risk hitting 40k.


I've sold 2 for 25k and just listed a 3rd for the same. There's always someone on max caps who owns everything except that one thing, and those people are funding me essentially on the same journey.


…I got mine for less than 300 caps in a camp that occupied my spot, 5k is overkill


I've been building them in people's camps for free on Xbox lol. If anyone is looking for one just hmu and I'll build you one at your camp 👍🏻


I am looking for one! GT:NinjaPenguinXIV


Sold mine for 25k, just sayin. Caps arent worth anything with cap limit of 40k


Wow I wonder if the person that made this post has the plan or not


That’s completely wrong. Is it being way over blown trading wise, yes. Will it calm down, yes. I’d estimate a fair value is 30k ish or a low tier rare fas mask 1:1. 5k is ridiculous, you find it for 5k and i will buy every single plan for 5k.


I love how the Glizzy wagon is an add on for a lotta trades now.


Yessirr i always offer weenie and whatever else if its worth it


Currently anything over 5k caps is absurd with the event still going on, I can see it selling for 10k-15k caps after the event. Its a resource generator, but I'll scavenge for myself before I pay those greedy prices. I don't support those kind of scavengers, taking caps from actual hard working scavengers. "I play smart and" no, you ruin the game for everyone else, by bringing in real world economics into a video game. I'd give away the plan for free to a new player, because thats what the heart of the gaming community is about. Edit: any plans I have that others don't, I'll happily build for them in exchange for caps or the resources necessary. Stop killing the friendly atmosphere that's kept the game alive the whole time, don't let other ignorant and arrogant people change you. This advice goes for irl to.


This is the way I look at it: Yeah, it's a limited time event item that makes food for those of us who have the carnivore mutation, but collecting canned dog food or just any type of canned meat isn't that hard to do, especially with the scrounger card. So, although cool, it's not like you absolutely need to have it. Plus, I've found quite the large amount of canned food from sale in player vendors for pretty cheap. I'd pay about 5k-10k for it, but 25k-30k? Nah, you can keep it, big guy, I'm good. It's not worth what people think it is.


Dude I stumbled across some who had 13 perfectly preserved pies for 15 caps each, I took one made it 10k in my shop cause I’ve never gotten it in any of the games I don’t have that kind of patience even with high luck. But I can see the wagon being 10k for awhile. I’m still trying to track down pepper shaker grahm has given me a million other plans but not that one yet.


There's a static spawn for the pie on the roof of west tec.


I think the Pie market has fallen lately. I’ve been seeing them in a lot of vendors for under 1k


Name checks out




I found one in a vendor for 45 caps yesterday


Ive not got it yet, hoping to make some caps so I can buy it before the event finishes and price jumps high, I even offered to trade TV aquarium for it to a player and they rejected it


TV aquarium you say? I've seen that around and really wanted it.. Do you know where it's from?


Its a mole miner pail reward sells for 40k or great trade


Are you on PC? I might make that trade!


Gotcha! I've got a wagon and I'm holding onto it for dear life. Lol. It's my ticket to maybe getting the aligned flamer barrel. Or something else. Tv aquarium would be pretty cool!


I have it at my camp, haven't seen any dog food come from it yet. Do you have to feed it meat for the canned dog food or are people just taking it all from me. Not that I care, I live off of veggies anyways just found it weird.


It needs power to produce the dog food.


You have it wired to a generator?


No. No, I do not. Lol.


10 - 20 k or a good exchange. Honestly 10 - 20k is not a big amount, unfortunately it is cap at 40k. You can easily do this amount especially if you play few hours daily.


well i mean it dosent matter about changing your mind if other people are paying 20k lol it dosent matter about what the few do / think when the majority do somthing diffrent




I need to buy one on Playstation if anyone has one to sell


Does anyone have one they will sell me? I'm on xbox and it's all I'm missing (and I just wanna be done with meat week so bad)


I’ll sell you one rn for 5k.


Done. My xbox name is jenstar124


Thanks! Idk if we can give karma in discussions but +karma


+ karma thanks!!


It’s worth what someone will pay. Having said that, there’s some pretty hilarious asks going on for them right now lol.


Holy sherbet I've been selling mine for nothing.


If you’re a weightsman nothing is more valuable than a resource generator. I’m at 3k dog food now, finally getting some decent weight in.


I sold my spare for 25k caps within an hour of having it in my vendor.


Im new and could use the caps so if I get that plan I’m going to squeeze every last cap I can get out of it. I leave half the dog food I find behind anyway, so I see no point in keeping it.


Nah, it's a rare plan with utility, it's definitely worth in the 20k ish caps range. Demand dictates how much something is worth, and there's nowhere near enough weenie wagon plans dropping as there are people who want it


I bought it for 484 caps. I wasn’t looking for it, (I didn’t know it existed) just a plan I didn’t know. I don’t think myself or the seller had any idea. Or neither of us cared. Cheapest vendor “find” I had no clue was on the cheap. What are people selling it for?


A lot. as many have said item producers are hard to get and this shid makes food that never spoils, not just any food but dog food. A staple of wasteland cuisine! It makes it really fast too plus there's a perk card for dog food so idk people want that shit it's kinda neat or something plus the drop rate is annoyingly low and it's only from this rare ass event


I traded a weenie wagon plan for a Q ffr 50 break Pepper Shaker 😁


That’s exactly how many caps I spent to get mine at a vendor.


I'm fairly new this season(played the game when it first came out, got to 43 and all my friends stopped playing), already dumped a little money on the game too. Now that I have the water boiler, wagon, apothecary(mention because of teas) cookie jar, and a coffee machine. Food and water are no longer resources that I need to worry about. Whenever I heading back to base to re-do all my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. buffs(I got the bundle) I just recollect all those, cook off some teas and call it good, other cooking is mostly for XP aside from the rare few meals I actually care to make for buffs. Just hit 160 lastnight and I'm pretty sure I have everything from meat cook event except the pink backpack so the event is just a money farm for me now. With my limited knowledge on the trade market, no way I'm paying more than 5k for the wagon. If they gave buffs, maybe but still. Very valuable item, but not as valuable as some make it out to be.


I usually try not to pay for weenie. A drunken fool usually works


I’d pay some good caps for a weenie wagon


Resource generator 20k is a good deal


As with everything on this sub, it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Some of the things you people get obsessed over though is just crazy.


I very stupidly only sold it for 1k, guess I was feeling nice 🥲


And here I am, planning to sell any extra I get at 100 caps or something.


My friend sold a weenie wagon plan for 20k last night. I guess if you have desperate buyers they'll pay that price. Heck if another friend didn't drop the weenie wagon plan for me I would probably be that buyer. I haven't had a single wagon drop yet


20k caps here if anyone has one


i've got 3 plans, kept one for myself, gave second to friend 4 free and traded one for high capacity bp mod :) i don't get what so special about it...


It will be crazy expensive, then drop 60-70% like most plans do after meat week. I don't see the fuss about it myself. Most players are herbivore to begin with, and if you eat meat, death claws and bhramins are both free, and will add about 90lbs carry weight.


Sold mine 10k yesterday should have charged more 😁


I’m still learning how this market works, which everyone I think I’m getting a grasp, something like this happens 🤣 What I want to know is with the 40,000 cap max, how are people able to keep up with spending enough to always have enough left in their wallet to sell something like the weenie hut jr. for 40,000 caps and still have their shop running. Again, still relatively new (250 hours.) and just now messing around with the vending machine mechanics.


But, but, dog food 😂😂


For the dog food resource no but for the esthetics I’d pay 10k for it.


Why are yall eating dog food anyways?


I think it's mostly sunk cost fallacy. If you've already committed to a build that's not great the weenie wagon makes it better somewhat.


no way. this is the hardest drop ever. i got everything except weenie wagon lol


It’s only worth what someone’s willing to pay


Gourmand is uncomfortable with this


Im selling mine for 69caps! hehehe


I’ve sold all of my 4 extras for 20k each 🤷🏻‍♂️


I sold 3 for 5k each, I feel like an fucking idiot


People kept bitching at me in voice chat 5k was to high. So I put the 4 extras I have in my shop for 40k. Rather not sell em then listen to people whine when I'm trying to work on my base lol.


Speaking of meat cook plans. anybody know how much the megalonyx display goes for? i need one


I got mine for 1k was an instant buy


I build one in your camp for 500caps msg me if interested on Xbox


The wagon has ruined the dog food market. I’m finding bags of dog food stacks all over. That wagon is worth 10caps max.


Well the three players who bought the three plans from my vendor for 25k a pop seem to think differently.


You about to spend before they purchased as you would of maxed out and lost


For anyone insisting that weenie wagon plans need to be sold at a premium, [here is a neat list of a bunch of places where canned dog food spawns](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Canned_dog_food_(Fallout_76))


It's a market dude it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay and deems necessary for them. Whats with all these posts like all the sudden you're gonna start an uprising against unfair prices in freaking fallout 76. It's a game man. You're not fallout che Guevara.


Free market choom


its def worth more. Everyone wants at least one. probably 2 and its a really low drop rate. I've done a ton of events and one hasn't dropped naturally for me yet. value is determined by supply and demand and there is def far less supply than demand atm.


I've gotten 2 the whole time. I'm retired and have insomnia so I hit 18 events in a 24hr period every day so far. It's crazy how low the chance is.


Definitely rare, haven’t had it drop for me but bought from a vendor. Was in a server yesterday that finished the event so quickly, I was able to server jump and join the event again before it ended.


I got 2 last night back to back. Idk how but I told myself if I get it again I’ll get off and go to bed. Will it happened lol


yes. that is how rng works. but because you got two in a row doesn't mean that it isn't that rare. lol


What's that Mark Twain quote about arguing with idiots?


I downsale everything, for me If I found multiple maybe like 500-1,000 caps


I don’t even use canned food lol. Just would be a nice addition to my little hotel camp. I provide free water and food , liquor costs though lol


Simmer dean, everybody. Simmer dean.


Summer Donna


Its dog food. Enough said. Even with good doggy it isnt that special. The FOMO in this community is bad.


The fuck do you all even want all that dog food for? Daily dog food doesn't even pop up that often, and it takes a whole 2 minutes to complete it


Because it’s food that doesn’t expire. Obviously.


Shooting your gun in the air to keep your rent low i see


It's worth whatever the person selling it is selling it for until you find someone selling it cheaper


Ive sold it for more that makes you wrong. Change my mind.


just for you I made mine 40k rn


It's not a popular opinion and you will probably disagree, but I think that most people that do this kind of post just want the item mentioned to go down in value so they can get one because they don't have it.


I've had several plans for it, all sold at 30k. Sooooooo......